Easter: history, traditions, artistic images. Easter - customs and traditions

There is only a week left until the bright holiday of Easter. Many housewives at this time will have to worry about preparing Easter cakes and other holiday treats and preparing the house. And although going to church is considered to be the most abstract custom from the bustle of the world, on such a solemn holiday everyone wants to look good.

The main rules when choosing clothes for going to church: it should be modest, neat, without shocking or vulgarity. You should not choose tight-fitting or short models, with a deep neckline or open shoulders. Both men and women should not overuse perfume.

For a teenage girl

A good outfit is a sweatshirt and a fitted midi-length skirt, which is popular today. Avoid bright prints and sporty shoes. Replace slip-ons, sneakers or sneakers with boots or low-heeled shoes. Teenage girls do not have to cover their heads with a headscarf.

Skirt Zara 319 UAH
Coveri&Co shoes — 979 UAH

For a young woman

Traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirt has always been fashionable and relevant, but over the last few seasons it can rightfully be called a trend. A dress in the national style is one of the most good options for Easter Sunday. Complete your look with simple shoes in a neutral palette and ethnic-style jewelry.

Dress KRAYKA — 1599 UAH
Coveri&Co shoes — 1229 UAH
Sunstones beads – 77 UAH

For the modern lady

In the wardrobe of every older woman there is a modest, but at the same time stylish outfit. For example, a suit with a skirt length up to or below the knee. To prevent the look from being boring, add a scarf or scarf with an interesting, but not flashy, print.

Rebecca Tatti suit – 819 UAH
Giorgio Fabiani shoes — 3249 UAH
Almira scarf — 169 UAH

For the baby

It is much easier to choose clothes for a child. Children can afford bright outfits. However, it is better to avoid sportswear and shoes.

Garatti shoes — 1189 UAH
Dress Sofia Shelest — 296 UAH

For the head of the family

For men, the main rule is neatness. Excessive daily routine is not encouraged. This doesn't mean you have to wear a suit and tie, but still opt for trousers over jeans. If you still choose jeans, then choose plain ones, without scuffs, prints or grunge elements.

Promod Man jeans 459 UAH
Shirt Promod Man 379 UAH
Shoes GANZ 819 UAH

Also on the site you will find an article about

Passover is a Hebrew word, it is translated as “transition”. For Christians, Easter is a transition from death to life, from a sinful, vicious existence to a pious life, full of harmony and love. .

Easter is the purification of people, the union with God. Physical cleansing by fasting and spiritual deeds, understanding and awareness that you can awaken internally regardless of age and physical condition, just as nature awakens in the spring!

Easter - greatest love God to people. Love knocks on the tormented heart of every hero: in the heart from relatives “Why do they all torment me with their love!”, receives it through care, from the meek. Do our heroes accept this Love?

May the hand of the giver never fail! The hearts of patient, trembling Marie and Lisa are overflowing with love...
In the story by N.A. Teffi “The Miracle of Spring” ... “Easter was early” ... “And this brightly colored sky, and the pink flowers promising life, and the fact that she ran out so youthfully, frivolously, in one dress, “All of this suddenly hit Lisa like spring wine right in the heart.” It is no coincidence that the author emphasizes the color pink: it has an aura of innocence and love, it is also the color of sensitivity, renewal, rebirth and spring. After all, Easter falls in the spring.

The symbol of “spring wine” is not accidental. At the Last Supper (the Teacher was with his disciples for the last time in earthly life)... “And while they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it, broke it and, giving it to the disciples, said: Take, eat: this is My Body. And , taking the cup and blessing, he handed it to him and said: drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins "... (Matthew 26:26-28)

On “ bright holiday“It is customary to give a painted egg, which reminds of the resurrection from the dead. If you take the egg in your hands, it looks like a pebble, as if lifeless, and in it there is life, a living chicken that will hatch from the egg...” Lisa looked at the pink hare carrying in its paws a blue egg with the golden letters “H.V.”... .

The tradition of giving eggs originates in Ancient Rome, when Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius after the Resurrection of the Lord. Since she had nothing with her except the egg, it was this that she presented to the emperor with the words: “Christ is Risen!” Doubting what was said, the emperor replied that he couldn’t chicken egg turn red, so a person cannot be resurrected. Before Tiberius could say this, the egg began to change color.
According to another version, seven Jews sat at a table after the death of Jesus. The meal consisted of boiled eggs and fried chicken. Remembering the crucified Christ, one of those present said that Jesus must rise again on the third day. However, the owner of this house, not believing it, objected: “Only if the cooked chicken comes to life and the eggs change color.” And, lo and behold, the chicken came to life, and the white eggs turned red. So Easter Egg became a sign of the Resurrection of the Lord and a symbol of Easter.

It is known that the Easter egg and the Easter bunny were popular before the advent of Christianity. Easter - in German "Ostern" - goes back to the name of the goddess of spring Ostara, symbolizing the birth of a new life, the beginning of a new cycle. And the hare, as an unusually prolific animal, is suitable for this holiday. The legend of the Easter Bunny was first documented in the 17th century. In 1680, the first story was published about a hare laying eggs and hiding them in a garden. The Osterhase holiday was considered one of the “greatest joys of childhood.” Lisa in the story, like a child, rejoices at this day.
It is not for nothing that in the story the egg depicted on the postcard is blue - it represents purity and love of God. The blue color symbolizes submission to God's will and humility, expresses the idea of ​​self-sacrifice. This color is associated with kindness, hope, love for one's neighbor.
One day a disciple asked Jesus Christ: “What is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus answered: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind: this is the first and greatest commandment; the second is similar to it: love your neighbor as yourself; On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matt.22:36-40)

N.A. Teffi believes that a miracle will happen: not only nature will be transformed, but people will also begin to fulfill God’s commandment: to live in peace, harmony, love.
Nature rejoices in the risen Christ, and with her, Lisa, whose heart was “struck with spring wine,” receives a postcard with a hare carrying in its paws a blue egg with the golden letters “H.V.”

From time immemorial, it has been customary on the bright Resurrection of Christ to invite everyone to the set table, to welcome the poor, the wretched, and the sick. A special feature of the holiday was the sincere performance of good deeds, family and friends who had not seen each other for a long time gathered, and postcards were sent to distant relatives and acquaintances. And this was probably a salvation for everyone.


What do we remember first when we hear the word “Easter”? Easter cakes, painted eggs, red vestments of priests... And what other symbols are there associated with the triumph of the Light Christ's Resurrection?

One warm spring morning in a small provincial town, a little girl was sitting on a bench near the house and happily ate a piece of sweet Easter cake covered with icing and raisins. This happened in the mid-60s, and a teacher passing by began to shame the child: “Aren’t you ashamed?!” How can you, a Soviet person, the granddaughter of October, eat Easter cake? After all, Easter is not ours, it’s church holiday! “No,” the girl answered, “Easter is ours, a very good, bright and... (the girl took a long time to find the word) delicious holiday”¹.

A child's heart, not familiar with the peculiarities of the political system, felt the light and spiritual joy of the Resurrection of Christ. Since ancient times, all Orthodox people knew the heartfelt words of John Chrysostom, spoken on the holiday of Easter: “Whoever is pious and God-loving, now enjoy this wonderful and joyful celebration!.. All enter into the joy of your Lord!.. Rich and poor, with each other rejoice; fasting and non-fasting, rejoice now!.. All enjoy the feast of faith, all accept the wealth of goodness!.. Christ has risen, and life triumphs!”²

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the basis of Christian doctrine. According to the words of the Apostle Paul: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, and our faith is also vain.”³ Easter is the oldest Christian holiday; it has many traditions and symbols. Liturgy is the center church life, and therefore the holiday begins with a solemn night service. Divine service is a joyful “feast of faith,” when the soul of every Christian rejoices incomparably with any earthly feast. It has already become a tradition in Russia to bring the Holy Fire from Jerusalem. The priests solemnly carry it around the temples of the city and light candles and lamps from it. By this miracle, which occurs every year at the Holy Sepulcher, people are convinced that Christ is the True Life. Fire symbolizes the Light of God, enlightening all nations after Christ's Resurrection.

The color red, which is present in abundance in the temple, is also symbolic: red vestments of priests, red candles, red flowers, red ribbons, red scarves on the heads of women. Easter is red because red is the color of resurrection, the color of life and victory. The color red means that the world was saved at the cost of the blood of Christ.

The royal doors and deacon doors of the holy altar are not closed throughout Bright Week as a sign that the Lord, by His Resurrection, opened the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven for everyone. A lectern with an artos is placed near the Royal Doors. Artos is a tall bread on which a cross with a crown of thorns is depicted, but without the Savior. This symbolizes Christ's victory over death, His resurrection. Artos represents the bread that the Savior ate before the disciples as evidence of His Resurrection. Tradition also tells us that after the Ascension of Christ, the apostles left part of the bread at the meal, symbolically depicting His presence at the meal. During the procession of the cross, which takes place every day of this week, the artos is carried around the temple. On Bright Saturday after the liturgy, it is broken up and distributed to the believers.

On Easter, the Easter bell rings - the bell - sounds especially solemnly. Throughout Bright Week, anyone can climb the bell tower and ring in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. The ringing marks the triumph of the Church, glorifying the Conqueror of hell and death.

The celebration after the service continues at the festive meal. In church tradition, a rich Easter table is a symbol of joy. It is no coincidence that the Lord himself compared the Kingdom of God to a feast. A snow-white tablecloth is laid out on the festive table and beautiful dishes are placed. Fresh flowers, lit candles, and Easter compositions. Every housewife strives to make her table unique.

To further emphasize symbolic meaning Easter meal, Christians traditionally prepare special dishes. The oldest of them is Easter cake. It is prepared in every family; in form and meaning it is similar to artos. Kulich is a rich, tall round bread with raisins and candied fruits, topped with powdered sugar or glaze. The significance of Easter cake, which is always made from yeast dough, also lies in the fact that for Christians it replaces the Old Testament, unleavened bread. Symbolically, this means the transition from the Old Testament to the New, especially since Christ Himself in one of the parables compared the Kingdom of God to leaven.

Another Christian Easter dish is Paskha - a sweet cottage cheese dish with sour cream, butter, vanilla and raisins. To prepare it, a beaker is used, which is usually made of wood by master carvers. It consists of four parts and, when assembled, resembles a truncated pyramid. Most often, the Orthodox cross, the letters “ХВ” - “Christ is Risen”, a dove as an image of the Holy Spirit, floral ornaments, bunches of grapes. These patterns stood out clearly at Easter when it was taken out of the mold and placed on a plate. Cottage cheese Easter is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher. Easter is also considered a symbol of Easter fun and the sweetness of heavenly life, a prototype of the Kingdom of Heaven and those same milk rivers on the banks of the jelly banks that have always been the dream of the Russian peasant.

The third attribute of the Easter table is colored eggs. Church tradition tells that after the resurrection of Christ, His disciples spread the news everywhere that Christ had conquered death. Mary Magdalene came with this news to the Roman Emperor Tiberius himself and presented him with a chicken egg as a gift as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. It was impossible to come to the emperor's court without gifts. Rich people usually brought precious things, but Mary had nothing, so she took one chicken egg with her as a gift. The emperor said that just as an egg does not turn from white to red, so the dead do not rise again. But after these words, the chicken egg he was holding turned red. The egg symbolizes the Resurrection of Christ, life and the general resurrection of the dead. Just as a chick is born from an egg and begins to live a full life after being released from the shell, so people, by the power of Christ’s Resurrection, will be resurrected to a higher, immortal life. When we pick up a red egg, we proclaim our salvation.

For Easter, Christians paint eggs different colors, Although traditional color It is considered red. Various colors are used to color eggs. natural dyes: turmeric for yellow, beets for pink, nettle leaves for green, onion peel for light brown. There is a tradition of christening with Easter eggs, breaking their different ends in turn.

Easter eggs also had “practical” uses - they were rolled on the ground to make it fertile, the egg was placed in the right hand of someone who died on Easter. There is a tradition of keeping several Easter eggs throughout the year.

Easter cake, Easter cottage cheese and painted eggs are placed at the head of the table. They are often placed on dishes with high pedestal legs so that they rise above the rest of the treat. The meal mainly includes meat snacks, hot dishes of meat and poultry, and a variety of baked goods.

It is customary to celebrate the first day with your family. The feast begins with the consumption of dishes consecrated in the church. Since ancient times, it was believed that the blessed Easter egg should be the first meal after a 40-day fast. Then they eat a piece of Easter cake and a spoonful of Easter cottage cheese. On a real Easter table there must be a lamb made of butter dough, which symbolizes the Lamb of God slain for the sins of people, that is, Christ. In the Old Testament, according to Jewish custom, a lamb was slaughtered on Passover, but Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice, so there was no need for bloody sacrifices.

They try to finish preparing Easter dishes on Maundy Thursday, so that nothing distracts from the services of Good Friday - the day of the removal of the Holy Shroud. For the biggest holiday of the year, the house, of course, should be cleaned. Or rather, not just for Easter, but for Maundy Thursday; it is not without reason that people also call it Maundy Thursday. In the old days, on this day, juniper branches were collected and burned, and all rooms, including the barn and barn, were fumigated with smoke. It was believed that the healing juniper smoke protected humans and livestock from diseases. It is on this day that eggs are also supposed to be painted, cottage cheese Easter, knead the dough for Easter cakes. Clean Thursday for housewives is one of the most troublesome days of the year.

On Holy Saturday everyone goes to church to bless Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs. To do this, they usually put all the food in a basket decorated with flowers. This day is already filled with a pre-holiday mood; churches are gradually beginning to be transformed for the holiday. A little more and Easter Matins will begin.

On Easter, Orthodox people go to visit each other and give each other small gifts. Usually this is some kind of treat: a small cake, an egg or sweets. Thus, believers share a piece of their joy, in the exchange of treats they symbolically unite in a large invisible meal. It is a good tradition to give an Easter egg when exchanging Easter greetings. It can be a painted boiled egg, or it can be artificial - made of wood, porcelain, papier-mâché or polystyrene foam. They are embroidered with beads, decorated with drawings, fabric, and embroidery. This egg is the most common gift. Some of them resemble works of art - they are decorated precious stones, gold and silver. Particularly beautiful ones - real precious masterpieces - are kept in various museums.

Easter bouquets play an important role. These are bouquets for gifts and bouquets for decorating Easter cakes. They are made up of flowers, feathers, ribbons, shells, willows, figurines of lambs, images of various birds and butterflies. In recent years, nest bouquets have become very popular. They are assembled on a frame of branches that resembles a bird's nest. A bouquet for an Easter cake is usually small in size; it is assembled on a wooden pin, with the help of which it is then attached to the Easter cake. You can also do easter wreath– tabletop, wall or hanging. It can be placed around the Easter cake on festive table or make it an interior decoration, and, if desired, use it as an Easter gift. Wreaths are made from the same elements as bouquets. They symbolize infinity and eternal life given by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Since the last third of the 19th century in Russia, it has become traditional to send open letters with colorful drawings on Easter to those relatives and friends with whom you cannot share Christ, the main theme of which is Easter eggs, Easter cakes, Orthodox churches, people sharing Christ, Russians spring landscapes, flowers. You can make Easter cards yourself, fortunately, there are many opportunities for this now. This option will always be nicer and warmer for the recipient.

On Easter, mass celebrations are held almost everywhere with singing, round dances, fairs, games and other entertainment. Previously, Easter festivities lasted up to two weeks and were called Red Hill. A favorite Easter pastime was rolling Easter eggs. They simply rolled eggs from some hillock or made special trays for this. When a rolling egg hits an egg on the ground, the player takes the egg for himself. These funs sometimes turned into real competitions.

The essence Happy Resurrection, its importance for the Orthodox faith helps to understand and reveal the attributes of Easter. They symbolize the light of God's faith, victory over death, rebirth to a new life. The celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord has its own customs and traditions. For the Orthodox, their fulfillment reminds us of blessed Eternity, the constant presence of God on earth and in human existence.

Great importance is attached to the symbol of God's Light, the Easter fire, which enlightens all nations. In order to light Easter candles in honor of the holiday, Orthodox churches try to use lamps with a particle of the Holy Fire received from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The Easter candle lit from it has deep symbolism: it is believed that Christ remains invisibly on earth from Christian Easter until the Ascension, and a particle of the Blessed Fire should not go out for forty days. During the service in the temple, it is customary to hold a lit candle in your hands; you need to bring it to the house without extinguishing the flame, reading prayers, walk around the entire home, as if blessing it, and place it in front of the image of the Savior.

The integral, most famous, and revered by all Orthodox symbols of Christ’s Day:

  • colored eggs;
  • Easter cakes;
  • Easter.

The traditions of the holiday endow the revered symbols with important semantic meaning.

Easter egg as a reflection of rebirth

The custom of painting eggs for the Resurrection of Christ is various colors among the Orthodox arose at the end of the 10th century along with the introduction of the Easter celebration. The most ancient rituals, in which the egg personified life, have now undergone consecration by the Light of Christ. Orthodox traditions endow the colors in which Easter eggs are painted with symbolic meanings:

Although the canons do not prohibit the use of all these tones, as well as painting eggs and decorating them, for example, with beads, lace, red is considered the predominant color. It is associated with the blood of Christ shed on the crucifixion, with his dignity as the King of Heaven, and God's love for the human race. It is associated with an ancient legend that tells how the shell of an egg brought to the Roman tyrant by Mary Magdalene turned red, signifying the truth of the Christian faith.

According to centuries-old tradition, it is accepted that eggs consecrated in the temple, as symbols of Easter, should be the first food eaten after a 40-day fast. On the day of Bright Resurrection, they are given to each other by loved ones and acquaintances, just as they bring alms to the temple and distribute them to the poor. It is believed that the consecrated egg has miraculous, healing powers. Magical properties They also gave it shells and crumbs from breaking the fast: they were collected, added to the “Thursday” salt left over from cooking on Maundy Thursday, and stored next to the grain for future sowing.

Thanks to the custom of decorating Easter eggs, trends in folk crafts appeared, and even artistic traditions arose of making these symbols from jewelry metals and precious stones.

Kulich - Easter bread

Easter cakes are identified with artos: religious and ritual food, which is a round tall bread baked from yeast dough, with images of a cross and a crown of thorns. It symbolizes eating the bread of the risen Christ with the apostles. For Easter, artos is baked on Maundy Thursday in order to be blessed in the temple on the night from Saturday to Sunday. It is prepared from butter dough, decorated with glaze, candied fruits, almonds, nuts, chocolate chips, small dragees - there is no limit to imagination. And this is not surprising: it is believed that after blessing and consecration, Easter cakes become a symbol of spiritual unity and family well-being for believers.

Prepared according to ancient recipes, Easter cakes remain fresh for 40 days, until the Ascension Day. In former times, a particle of consecrated Easter cake was endowed with healing properties. During the entire Bright Week in churches, Easter cake is placed in the most prominent place next to the image of the Resurrection of the Lord.

In monasteries during Bright Week, artos is brought to the refectory every day, leaving it on a special table. On all days after the service, a solemn religious procession with Easter cake is held around the temple. At the end of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, it is distributed to parishioners.

Cottage cheese Easter - a symbol of the Resurrection

Another of the attributes of Bright Resurrection is Easter (paska). This is cottage cheese with sour cream, formed in the form of a tetrahedral truncated pyramid. Previously, sour milk was called cottage cheese in Rus'. In anticipation of the holiday, without eating fast food, it was collected throughout Lent. During this time, the curdled milk stood and compacted without exposure to temperature. The resulting cottage cheese made paska especially tender and airy.

At the same time, it symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher and His Resurrection: a cross and the letters “ХВ” are depicted on its sides. At the same time, it replaces the lamb during the festive meal, recalling that today's traditions differ from the Old Testament, pre-apostolic ones. Elegantly decorated with candied fruits, nuts, berries, coconut shavings and other decorative elements, it occupies no less honorable place on the festive table than Easter cake.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine the traditions of Easter celebrations without flowers: after all, just like the Resurrection of Christ, they signify the rebirth of a new life. Hanging, wall or table wreaths, framing Easter cakes and Easter cakes, represent infinity eternal life, given by the Savior’s sacrifice.

Don’t know how to dress for church in order to look stylish, beautiful, fashionable, appropriate, and respect traditions? Take an example from the first lady of Ukraine Marina Poroshenko, who has already demonstrated several looks that are ideal for visiting church on Easter. However, let us remind you about how not to dress for church: younger sister Kim Kardashian celebrated Easter 2015 with a bare midriff.

Kim Kardashian - luxury woman, but, let's be honest, her style is often far from perfect. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the star gained noticeable weight, so we have put together a selection of photographs of Kim to show how girls with disabilities should never dress. curvaceous.

Since Petro Poroshenko's wife Maria Poroshenko became the first lady, we never tire of rejoicing at her modest, simple, elegant and feminine outfits. After Marina Poroshenko appeared on the cover of Elle wearing a Vita Kin embroidered shirt, the first lady of Ukraine deservedly received the title of the living embodiment of the country’s image and aesthetics. The other day, the media circulated photographs of Marina Poroshenko, in which she bakes Easter eggs in a chaste white outfit and headscarf.

Read also: Easter 2015. How to cook Easter cake in a bread machine


Marina Poroshenko with her son PHOTO: vogue.ua

Last year, Marina Poroshenko showed wonderful, modest, restrained, dignified and appropriate images even for the bright holiday of Easter 2015. You can take an example from the first lady and copy the image for visiting church. So, at the presidential inauguration, Lady Poroshenko appeared in two outfits: a lavender dress with a light coat, and in the evening at the banquet, Marina Poroshenko wore a long sky blue dress with light yellow inserts.

At the ceremony of raising the national flag on Sofiyivska Square, Marina Poroshenko appeared in a pale yellow jacquard dress Must Have in lady like style and classic nude pumps with low heels. During the prayer service, she covered her head with a yellow and blue scarf.

A light dress knee-length or below the knee or an embroidered shirt with a midi skirt, low-heeled pumps and a thin scarf to match - this is the best look for visiting church for Easter 2015.

Read also: Easter 2015. How to make unusual paints in 15 minutes


The Kardashian family regularly provides examples of how not to dress. This time, Kim's younger sister, 19-year-old Kendall Jenner, distinguished herself. The girl wore light-colored tight jeans and a top that exposed her belly. The outfit caused a wave of condemnation online.

Kim Kardashian herself looked rather modest this time: to attend church, she chose a long white dress, which, however, did not hide all the curves of her feminine form and left her arms open.

Read also: How Western celebrities celebrated Easter 2015

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How to dress for church on Easter | Kharkov Online - kharkov-online.com

Therefore, you need to dress correctly when going to church, and the issue of clothing is a matter of taste and tact, says Father Oleg. On Easter, some people visit the cemetery, but Father Oleg emphasizes that in the Orthodox Church there is no tradition of commemorating

Are you a woman, or are they greeted by your clothes | Orthodoxy and peace - www.pravmir.ru

NEVER necessary. Tie a scarf around your jeans. Aesthetics in the Church, according to Metropolitan Kirill, is of great importance. Orthodoxy does not force us to dress in gloomy gray-black-brown colors,” the representative of the Moscow Patriarchate emphasized.