A place where children's talents are developed. How to reveal your child's talents

How to identify and develop talent.

Dear parents, I am very glad to meet you and have the opportunity to talk about one of the most interesting topics. I want to put a small bowl of walnuts in the middle of the table.

    What do you think it symbolizes? walnut? (Wisdom, and this is no coincidence, because the kernel of this nut resembles the human brain).

    Walnuts are very healthy. But what happens if you don’t split it in time? (The kernel will dry out and become inedible).

    And until we open it, we will not know what is hidden behind this strong shell.

Every childtalented in my own way. If a child’s abilities and talents are identified in time, then subsequently, the discovered abilities can become the key to the successful development of his career. Parents will just need to help the baby develop his abilities.

Capable child - not only a reason for pride, but also a serious task for parents. We will show you how to properly develop your child’s talents.

How not to waste talent and make sure that adult life could the child use it? Watch your child carefully. Spend time with him, pay attention to what brings him joy and what he is really strong at.

A talented child needs a patient “guide” , which will direct his interest in the right direction. Of course, you can register your child for additional classes- musical, artistic or sports. This will surely bear fruit. But nothing motivates a child to be creative more than playing with his parents, because thanks to this he feels needed, gains self-confidence, and courage in his endeavors.


What to do when your child is very energetic and active? Don't be angry with him. He just needs to be sent to the sports section. It is possible that the child will developsporting talent. Study his behavior and draw appropriate conclusions about choosing a particular sport for him. As a rule, children with pronounced athletic talent are brave and courageous. Bruises, contusions and bumps do not scare them. They are perfectly physically developed. They love various competitions and sports. Sometimes it seems like they never get tired. Introduce your child to various sports disciplines. Let him choose what interests him. Buy the roller skates or bike your child dreams of. On weekends, go to the pool or ride a bike together. Watch sports programs on TV. Go to competitions with your child and talk to the athletes. And during a family picnic, organize your own match, for example, throw a ball into a basket (this does not have to be professional equipment). It’s also worth playing bowling: fill plastic bottles with sand, aim the ball at them to knock down as many as possible. This game not only trains dexterity, but also improves hand-eye coordination.

Guys withmusical talent will always strive to where the music is. They have a great sense of rhythm and hum a melody. When they sing, they put their own emotions and feelings into the musical works. Typically, a child with well-developed musical abilities either learns to play a musical instrument on his own or insists that his parents buy him an instrument and take him to music school. Introduce your child to different music, take him to concerts. Have family karaoke. You can find music with lyrics for children, for example, on the website www.kindermusic.ru. Play the game “Guess the Melody” - let your child listen to his favorite tunes from the middle. Let him not only recognize the name, but also sing the beginning of the song. Make tools together from scrap materials - cans, bottles, boxes. Fill them with rice, peas, etc. If everyone at home joins in this game, you will get a whole orchestra!

Together, write accompaniment to the poems. With older children you can play composer. Download one of the simple computer programs for creating music.

How to identifytalent in a childto drawing ? Artistic abilities are manifested in the child’s desire to constantly draw, sculpt, or sketch something. Pay attention to your child's drawings. If he has artistic abilities, then instead of talking about any incident or event, he will try to depict it on paper. He will thoughtfully combine the different paints and materials he works with. Show your child how ordinary objects can be turned into works of art. Make a sculpture out of crumpled newspapers, and plastic bottle- a vase, pasting it with multi-colored ropes or plasticine. Interesting pictures can be made from crushed eggshells on paper coated with glue (the dried picture then needs to be fixed with hairspray).

Show that different artistic techniques can be connected. You can not only draw: the girl will enjoy making jewelry with her own hands - beads, rings or princess tiaras.

Save all your child’s works and organize an exhibition of his artistic achievements. If you decide to renovate a young artist's room, involve him in this activity.

Actor or writer. How to recognize?

Already in kindergarten a child writer enjoys leafing through and listening to books and even reads fluently! He quickly memorizes poems, recites them boldly, he has a rich imagination, he composes fairy tales himself. His vocabulary great, he is interested in the meaning of new words. The child is able to express his emotions, speaks a lot and brightly, loves to be listened to. Willingly imitates the heroes of fairy tales and films. How to develop?

Enroll your child in the library. Go there together. Let the child choose the books himself. Talk about them. Invite your child to come up with his own idea of ​​what happened next to the characters in the story. You can read books aloud with the whole family: fragment - mother, fragment - child, father, sister... If the child especially liked a certain book, organize a home theater. Together with your child, write poems and play with words. Invent rhymes for one word or come up with a story together: you say the first line, the child says the next, etc. Write down the resulting rhyme on paper, or even better, on audio or video. Take your child to the theater and to meetings with book authors. Let these visits together become a ritual.

Technical ability , unlike all the previous ones, appear much later. The fact that your young talent has these abilities can be guessed by his desire to disassemble and assemble structures and objects. They love to find on their own the cause of malfunctions of various mechanisms. They can easily fix broken toys, crafts, and appliances. And, of course, they are interested in adult technical literature.

Or maybe you have a future scientist growing up. How to recognize?

The child is interested in numbers, counts everything, pays attention to signs, money, concentrates easily, loves to play board games, solves puzzles, takes new toys apart to check how they work. He knows how to navigate time and knows how to use a watch. How to develop?

Involve your child in homework, during which he will count. Let him help count out the ingredients for the pie, monitor the cooking time, help set the table for a certain number of people, check the amount of food in the refrigerator.

Solve puzzles together. Play board games. Checkers, games with cubes and chips, or puzzles develop logical thinking. After finishing a game or puzzle, try to figure out together how you arrived at the solution or why the pieces fit. Create math fun. Draw on colored paper geometric shapes, for example 10 circles, squares, triangles. Cut them out together. Ask your child to make a house, a car, etc. out of them, and then ask him to count how many figures they consist of. If your child loves the computer, solve puzzles on the Internet. You can download free programs with tasks, for example “ Math games for children".

We should also not forget that children talents and abilities may not appear in childhood, but in adolescence. The main thing in the question “how to develop a child’s talent” is timely support from parents and teachers. First of all, parents, because they are the ones who spend more time with their children. They know their habits, tastes, preferences, behavior patterns, which in the presence of other people often manifest themselves in a different form.

Parents' tasks:

    Do not impose your own goals and desires on the child, but identify his own talents and purposefully develop them.

    Encourage such interests and facilitate their manifestation in every possible way.

    To reveal the child’s talent and create conditions for his maximum development.

    Create a trusting relationship between a child and adults that will help identify and further develop talent.

Thus, talent is a delicate matter, and in order for gifted children to turn into brilliant adults, a natural gift is necessary, asdiamond, at firstget among a thousand stones, and thengive it to an experienced jeweler to be cut so that he could turn it into a fabulous diamond.

Happy are those people who recognize their talent, live in it, and develop. The life of such people is filled with joy, gratitude, and confidence.

In general, our goals are clear, the tasks are defined - let's get to work, dear parents!

Each of us has a special gift. For some, it is buried somewhere inside and does not develop, while others, on the contrary, actively use it, thereby realizing themselves. The combination of labor and talent brings laurels to its owner. How to direct a child exactly on that path? How to help and support him?

It often seems to us, parents, that our baby is not aware of anything and does not understand that we know better than him what to do. This is especially true for creative specializations. How many times has it been said, for example, that dancing is not a profession. But in fact, this may be the calling of the baby. And, by insisting on his own, the child may lose his dream. Most often, a child’s abilities manifest themselves at 2-3 years old, when he begins to explore the world.

Here it is important to pay attention to what is closer to him, what he is more drawn to. And in order to understand this, you need to work with your child in different directions: drawing, sports, music, dancing. You can send your baby to children's centers, where there are classes in absolutely all areas. This will make it easier for you to determine what your child does better and what doesn’t work at all. This is the very first step in order to move on and develop his skills. And the most important one. The more your child can learn and embrace, the easier it will be for him to then choose that very path and follow it.

  1. After you have seen what your child’s soul is about, try to encourage and encourage his endeavors. If you see that your son runs a lot, loves the ball, likes to communicate with his peers and is not shy at all, feel free to send him to the football section. Or, for example, on the contrary, he is interested in numbers and counting, then it is worth sending him to the “Entertaining Mathematics” lessons.
  2. Don't impose your point of view. Don't try to transfer your unfulfilled ambitions and dreams onto your child. Always take into account the interests and desires of the child.
  3. If your child loves to draw, then provide him with everything for this: paper, paints, brushes. If he likes to make something, then let him always have paper, scissors, and glue on hand. Just give the baby the opportunity to do what he really likes.
  4. You should not criticize if the baby has not yet met your expectations. Encourage and praise him for his efforts, desires and aspirations.
  5. Don't compare your champion to anyone else. Only with his personal successes and achievements. In case of failure, only support matters. Otherwise, he may lose interest in the matter.
  6. Explain why he needs to listen to the coach, what will ultimately happen in tandem and what can be achieved by preparing well for the lessons.
  7. Show interest in activities. Study together the biography of people who have achieved success in this field, the features of the chosen direction and interesting facts related to this hobby.

Types of Talents

There are 7 types of intelligence by which children are classified. Having determined the dominant type, it is easier to navigate when choosing occupations and areas.

  • Verbal-linguistic - children of this type write without errors, read well, and are sociable. The field of activity can be: jurisprudence, journalism, teaching, writing.
  • Digital - quickly calculate, decide logic problems with a bang, they are passionate about computer technology. Field of activity: programmer, mathematician, engineer.
  • Spatial - they draw, fantasize, sculpt, have a vivid imagination and flair. The activities of a designer, painter, artist are suitable.
  • Physical – sports, construction professions.
  • Personal - they think with emotions, intuition is very developed. Field: acting.
  • Interpersonal - able to establish contact with people different areas and ages. They will perform well in politics, trade, and sales.
  • Environmental talent - study the surrounding nature, plants, animals. The profession of biologist, gardener, botanist, trainer is suitable for them.

Whatever direction your child chooses, accept him for who he is.

There is a point of view that absolutely all children are talented. Alas, experts are sure that true giftedness does not occur as often as we would like loving parents. Nevertheless, it is possible to try to find talent in a child, and then try to develop it.

Where do talents grow?

Scientists have long been interested in what real talent is and where it comes from. However, there is still no consensus on this matter.

One of the most common theories states that abilities are inherited .

This opinion was first expressed by the English researcher Francis Galton in the middle of the 19th century (by the way, cousin Charles Darwin). He purposefully studied the pedigrees of famous contemporaries and came to the conclusion that genetic predisposition largely influences talent.

The assumption he made seemed credible to many. In order to confirm or refute Galton's concept, representatives of various sciences studied the biographies of members of the families that gave the world such geniuses as composers Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and artist Raphael Santi. It turned out that there were indeed many gifted people in these clans.

However, many scientists are not convinced by this and other similar studies. They believe that it is still impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the genetic determination of abilities. In their opinion, a favorable environment influences the development of a gift . Indeed, often in families of musicians, artists or athletes, children from the first days grow up in a special atmosphere that promotes the formation and further nurturing of a certain talent. That is why, and not at all because of heredity, children from the same family more often choose the same direction for further development, for example, painting or cinema, rather than different ones (although this happens, of course).

Nowadays, more and more scientists adhere to the point of view that giftedness is influenced not by one thing, but by a combination of factors. In their opinion, the most accurate formula for talent is:

Looking for talent

Many parents are afraid not to see, to overlook the child’s talent. Experts reassure: a real gift is difficult to miss. He always declares himself loudly, and what’s more, he literally “screams” about himself, and often even in the most unfavorable conditions. Famous actors, musicians, and athletes serve as an excellent illustration of this. In them you can often find stories about how a mother, for example, wanted a boy to study music, and he secretly ran to the stadium, impressing the coaches with his determination and athletic abilities. This is a manifestation of true talent.

However, even if the abilities are not clearly expressed, it is quite possible that they still exist. But how to detect them in this case?

Any giftedness is based on the interaction of several mental functions. Knowing this, psychologists have developed methods that make it possible to assess the extent to which the mental functions responsible for one or another are developed. creativity for a specific child. These methods are best used with children aged three to five years and older.

  • It is not difficult to recognize the presence of musical abilities by tapping out some rhythmic pattern and asking the child to repeat it. Those who have studied at music schools or sent their children there know that teachers use this method, among others, during entrance examinations. Of course than older child, the more complex the rhythmic pattern should be. If a child immediately and accurately repeats what is “tapped out” by an adult, then we can assume that he has the gift of a musician.
  • The Torrance Creativity Test will help identify artistic talent. The test itself and its transcript are easy to find on the Internet. If you decide to try this method, be sure to pay attention to the following points: the tasks are intended for children aged five years and older; It is possible to explain tasks, but to give examples is not.
  • Intellectual abilities will help identify such developments as Raven's progressive matrices, Kauffman's assessment battery, McCarthy's childhood ability scale and others. For objectivity, it is better to use not one, but several different methods. Keep in mind that almost all of them are designed for older preschoolers.

Developing talent

Even if a child is truly talented, there is no point in hoping that he will “make his way” on his own, while doing absolutely nothing and living the life of an ordinary child. This happens, of course, but extremely rarely. The well-known saying “talents must be helped, mediocrity will find its way on its own” is very true in its essence. Therefore, if a gifted child grows up in a family, then there is a lot of work ahead not only for the child himself, but also for his parents and other loved ones. After all, now is not the time when a preschooler or junior school student let one go, even if the sports school or dance club is in the next house. Parents will have to look for teachers, take them to classes, and help organize work, at least until the child is old enough to do everything or almost everything himself.

Teachers, coaches and psychologists give the following advice to mothers and fathers who want to help their child develop his abilities:

  • Do not impose on your child your ideas about how to develop his abilities.

This means that it is important to give the little talent the opportunity to do what he wants, to allow him to splash out creative energy in the forms that seem right to him. In life, this may look like this: parents provide the child with all the necessary materials, necessary literature, look for an art school, for example, or a sports club, but at the same time do not put pressure, do not impose, against the child’s wishes, the most suitable, in their opinion, manner of performance or role or sport. Let the child choose what is closer to him, classical or modern music, the role of a goalkeeper or a striker, etc.

  • Do not reproach your child for laziness, do not demand that you conquer new heights, etc.

Remember that children have the right to make mistakes. At first, being passionate about the process and enjoying the activity is much more important than the results. Otherwise, there is a risk of raising a craftsman rather than a creator. Of course, singing or playing hockey at an amateur level is also good. But if a child has real talent, then it’s a pity to ruin it with rash actions.

  • Protect your child from excessive stress.

This is especially true for those children whose talent, which requires an outlet, pushes them into literally hard labor (and there are such children, and there are not so few of them) or who began to purposefully develop it very early. Unfortunately, among talented children there is a high percentage of chronic diseases that have developed due to an improperly organized life. Therefore, remember that although you have a gifted child, you still have a child. He needs to play, including outdoor games, get enough sleep, eat well, walk a lot - in general, live a happy, rich life, and not be chained to the piano or skis.

  • Avoid kinks or one-sidedness.

Allow your child to have many hobbies. This will not only make his life more interesting, but will also help him feel more comfortable in society. After all, it’s unlikely that you dream of your child becoming a “crank” scientist or a reclusive artist. Therefore, it is important to remember that everything is good in moderation.

What if there is no talent?

What to do if you couldn’t find any talent in your beloved child, even with a great desire?

  • Firstly, do not be nervous and do not bully the child. Among the tens of thousands of students in children's art schools, sports clubs, and intellectual circles, not all are real talents. Many people simply love what they do, although they do not expect significant success. The amateur level is quite enough for them. The main thing is to soberly assess the child’s abilities and your willingness to help him.
  • Secondly, understand that even small abilities with proper organization educational process can be developed to a quite decent level. This is confirmed by entire dynasties on our stage.
  • Thirdly, remember that, for example, intelligence is highly trainable. Few people will immediately perform the same tests that test IQ at their maximum level. But with due diligence, the results will soon be much better. It is possible and necessary to “pump” the brain. Moreover, this approach produces excellent results.

Photo - photobank Lori

The formation of certain inclinations is closely related to general development child. Psychologists distinguish five age periods:

1-2 years - children show their first creative inclinations;
. 3-4 years - time comprehensive development, the peak of ability formation. During this period, sympathies for a certain type of activity appear;
. 5-6 years - development of thinking. You are encouraged to attend sections and hobby groups and develop your talent;
. 7-8 years - manifestation of children’s persistent interest in creativity, a period of attending regular classes, achieving first successes;
. 9-14 years old - formation of independence, abilities for analysis and synthesis, responsible attitude to classes, determination of further development path.

This classification is not a panacea for parents. It is important to remember that children's abilities can awaken in at different ages. If your baby is not yet singing or drawing at four years old, do not try to force him to do the activity. His talent can only reveal itself by the age of seven.

How to identify talent in a child?

Identifying inclinations and abilities is the primary task in developing talent. This is easy to do by observing the baby. There is a group of talents that are easy to detect by the behavior of children. These include: musical talent, artistic talent, artistry and a predisposition to sports.

To recognize artistic inclinations, it is not necessary for a child to draw or color pictures from morning to evening. Other behavioral features also indicate increased visual perception of the world.

. Artistic talent— loves to draw, put together puzzles, assemble construction sets, build visual images, paint and dress up. Such children perceive the world through their eyes: when describing objects they use the words “beautiful”, “bright”, “light”, and quickly learn to recognize colors.
. Musical ability- child with early years pays attention to the music, repeats the melody and rhythm, copies the intonation and pronunciation of words, listens to surrounding sounds. Children with well-developed hearing easily master foreign languages, as well as dancing.
. Artistic abilities- loves to be in public, repeats the behavior of adults, loves to dress up, imitates poses, copies animals.
. Sports inclinations— active, runs a lot, plays with the ball. He is interested in watching sports programs and loves watching other people play. Purposeful and persistent.
. Mathematical ability— loves puzzles, tasks, likes to play chess and checkers, enthusiastically counts, remembers numbers well. IN early age looks at the numbers for a long time.

What if there are several talents?

It happens that a child shows interest in several activities at once. To the question “What do you like best?”, the baby answers “I don’t know.” At the age of three to five years, psychological consultations and the use of special techniques help identify predominant abilities. For example, diagnostics of imaginative thinking and intelligence using the “Six Circles” method by Alice Paul Torrance. Parents are also advised to play more with their children, because during play, abilities are most often revealed.

Introductory lessons and visiting thematic events help you make your choice at an older age. For example, if your child draws a lot, go to an art gallery or see artists. If your child loves to sing, attend a performance of children's ensembles together.

Clinical psychologist Igor Lobachevsky told how to guide a child to develop talent.

Lack of ability

How to determine a child’s abilities if he does not draw, sing or dance? Don't rush to think that he is mediocre. It is likely that a mathematical genius or a scientist in the natural sciences is growing up. Abilities for science appear in children only with the development of the skills of analysis and synthesis.
Among the possible talents, it is worth noting leadership abilities. Agree that not all children can gather crowds of interested people around them, come up with new games, and cope with any difficulties. In the future, such a child will successfully prove himself in entrepreneurial activity or in working with a team.

In the 1980s, American psychologist Howard Gardner identified seven types of intelligence. The development of one type or another affects the manifestation of talents in a child.

Types of intelligence according to Howard Gardner

. verbal-linguistic- good ability to write and speak, interest in literature;
. logical-mathematical- interest in numbers, mathematical operations, good math, analytical skills;
. visual-spatial- developed imagination, comes up with stories and characters, draws well;
. kinestatic - developed motor skills and gestures, expresses his emotions, loves to speak in front of the public;
. musical- explores the world through sounds and music, has a good sense of rhythm, and is interested in musical instruments;
. interpersonal- public speaking skills, loves communicating with people, can hold people's attention;
. existential- emotionally stable, theoretician, generator of ideas, understands his emotions and feelings;
. naturalistic- interest in all living things, in nature, loves communication with animals and plants.

1. Develop your child's personal interests. Adults are left with many unfulfilled expectations of their own. Some parents try to realize themselves in their children. This usually ends in dissatisfaction, both for parents and children. A child is a person with his own views, interests and abilities.
2. Provide the necessary equipment. Before sending your children to a club or studio, evaluate your financial capabilities. It is very bad if a child starts painting, but you cannot buy him the necessary paints.
3. Encourage in all endeavors. While learning, children face challenges and failures. Praise and encourage the desire to move on, even if something doesn't work out.
4. Show interest in your child's activities. Mom and dad are the first spectators and the first judges. Take the time to rejoice at your children’s first successes.
5. Don't go through trial and error. You should not try to develop several talents and abilities at once: at 5 years old, a child attends art school, at 8 years old, he goes to a music studio, at 12 years old, he signs up for dancing. Such diversity will only lead to the fact that he will not achieve success in any of the areas.
6. Don't be fooled by refusal. A child who loved to draw and dreamed of becoming an artist refuses to attend an art studio. The reason for this behavior is conflicts in the group, inability to be in society, fear, etc. Try to understand the situation rather than immediately bury your talent in the ground.
7. Choose a good teacher, trainer. Often success in activities depends on the teacher. For example, a child may have musical abilities, but he will like the coach so much sports section that he would quit music and play hockey. Before selecting a circle or section, talk to the group leader and evaluate him as a person.
8. Don't compare your child to other children. If someone draws better, don't use them as an example. Not everyone likes Van Gogh's paintings either.
9. Prepare children to attend the section and to become independent. Explain to your child why he needs to listen to the teacher or coach, attend all classes, and follow the recommendations.
10. Don’t put all your expectations on your child’s talent, like a business.. Have you spent 7 years paying to attend a music school, buying expensive instruments, enduring endless symphonies at home, but your son or daughter did not become a great musician? It’s okay, because this is the child’s experience and skills. They were certainly useful and interesting to him if he chose his hobby himself.

Teachers are confident that all children are born talented. But not everyone becomes champions, primas and professionals. A child’s ability to be creative does not promise him success. It is important to identify your passion in time...

Pedagogical article

On the development of talent in children preschool age

Smirnova Tatyana Vladimirovna,

teacher of the first qualification category

GBDOU kindergarten No. 39

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Every child undoubtedly has talent. But the problem is that children's abilities are not always on the surface. Most talents are hidden and need to be developed. And to do this, you need to notice the child’s talent, help him choose the right direction, and provide support. Pedagogical observation is the main method of identifying children's talents.

Not so long ago it was believed that all children are equal both intellectually and emotionally. You just need to teach them to think, empathize, and solve complex logical problems. However, experience modern education shows that there are differences between children, children with more developed intellect than their peers with creative abilities.

There is an opinion that talented children do not need the help of adults, special attention and leadership. However, due to their personal characteristics, such children are the most sensitive to assessment of their activities, behavior and thinking; they are more receptive to sensory stimuli. All this determines the relevance of this problem.

But, no matter how gifted the child is, he needs to be taught. It is important to teach perseverance, to teach to work, to make decisions independently. The child does not tolerate pressure, oppression, or shouting. From preschool age, a child should be involved in creative work and an environment for creativity should be created. And if you correctly develop a child’s inclinations, abilities will certainly appear. The main task in identifying talent is to create favorable conditions for self-expression and self-realization of children.

When solving pedagogical problems, it is important not only what the child does, but also why he does it, what makes him act, that is, motivation is necessary to demonstrate his abilities. It is the presence of giftedness, combined with motivation and hard work, that makes it possible to talk about talent. Without motivation, a gifted child may never demonstrate his or her abilities. Talent and giftedness are revealed only in activity. You cannot talk about a child’s giftedness, for example, in drawing, if he has not yet been taught this. Only through special training can it be determined whether a child has talent.

You cannot impose on a child the desire to be creative, force him to think, but you can offer him different ways achieve the goal and help him achieve it.

In order not to limit the children’s ability to express impressions of the world around them, a traditional set of visual means and materials is not enough. It is necessary to create conditions for creative self-expression, organize work with children using experimentation with various art materials, tools, and visual techniques. Unusual technique unconventional drawing is that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. Experience shows that mastery unconventional technology images bring true joy to children. Children boldly take on art materials; they are not afraid of their diversity and independent choice. They take great pleasure in the process of doing it. There are so many unnecessary interesting things at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, spools of thread, candles, etc.). Go out for a walk, take a closer look and see how many interesting things there are: sticks, cones, leaves, plant seeds. You can draw with whatever you want, and however you want, you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children discover their unique abilities, they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their lives. It is better to instill in children that in creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own path.

By using unconventional techniques Drawing can teach children to think outside the box and stimulate creativity. According to psychologist Olga Novikova, “drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words.”

All teachers working with children must work in close cooperation with each other, taking into account that the child’s learning process occurs in an emotional and practical way. The plan is constructed in such a way that all types of children’s activities are also closely interconnected and in their unity awaken creative activity, stimulate the imagination, and the desire to engage in creative activities.

As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

Successful solution of problems in developing children's talents is facilitated by joint work with parents. It is necessary to interest and involve parents in this work: conduct individual conversations, consultations, open events, meetings. For example, a mandatory point in conducting parent meeting are open drawing events. Parents see the dynamics in their children, how they show initiative in the creative process and always listen to advice on how to help their child develop their abilities at home. The closer the relationship between the teacher, parents and child, the more success the child has.

A variety of drawing methods gives children original ideas, develops fantasy and imagination. Drawing is one of the most important means of cognition, as it is associated with independent practical and creative activity child. They help to form a creative personality, teach them to think boldly and freely.

Each child is a separate world with its own rules of behavior, its own feelings. And the richer and more varied the child’s life experiences, the brighter and more extraordinary his imagination, the more likely it is that the intuitive craving for art will become more meaningful over time. Therefore, early identification, training and education of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems in improving the education system.

List of used literature:

1. Education and training program in kindergarten, edited by
M.A. Vasilyeva.

2. Yu.V. Ruzanova “Development of hand motor skills in non-traditional visual arts”
noi activity", St. Petersburg, 2009.

3. K.K.Utrobina, G.F.Utrobin “Fascinating drawing using the poking method
with children 3-7 years old,” M., 2005.

4. G. P. Esafyeva “Learning to Draw”, Yaroslavl, 2006.

5. O.A. Belobrykina “Little wizards or paths to creativity”,
Novosibirsk, 1993.

6. A.A. Fateeva “Drawing without a brush”, Yaroslavl, 2006.