Literary works in the direction of fidelity and betrayal. Materials on "Loyalty and Betrayal"

We often hear these antonyms in life: fidelity and betrayal. And everyone understands these words in their own way. People most often associate fidelity with constancy in feelings, affections, and beliefs. But rarely does anyone think about the meaning of the root word – faith. Faith is a belief in something that is unshakable in your ideas and understanding. But betrayal is a violation of fidelity to someone or something. Treason can concern anything, for example, there is adultery, betrayal of the Motherland, betrayal of beliefs.

I want to touch on the topic of adultery and fidelity. First of all, I remember A.N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm,” where this global problem is raised. The main character of the drama, Katerina Kabanova, cheated on her husband with a young man who arrived from the capital. Unusual, unlike the residents of the city of Kalinov, Boris in his particular dress seemed special, bright and unique to Katerina. She fell in love with him literally immediately. With his delicacy and tact, the young man differed from the local residents, for whom lack of education, rudeness and rudeness are commonplace. Katerina fell in love with Boris at first sight and decided that he was her destiny. Cheating on her husband, in her understanding, is not cheating at all. But the girl was worried about the fact of the oath during the wedding ceremony. However, Tikhon did not accept Katerina’s betrayal; she is his beloved wife, the main thing is that no one knows anything. He beats his wife at the insistence of his mother. So Katerina’s betrayal became a symbol of her faith in God and his blessing. She decided to commit suicide only so as not to change her convictions, her faith.

In N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” Matryona Korchagina remains faithful to her husband even in the most difficult life situations. When her husband Philip is recruited, and she remains pregnant and expecting a child, without a husband, the heroine goes to the governor’s wife for help, trying to find protection. She was lucky: labor began, and the governor’s wife became godmother to her child. She helped in releasing her husband from conscription duty.

Nowadays, few people attach special deep meaning to the concept of fidelity. Life has changed not for the better, but still, even now there are couples who have been living together for fifty or even more years. There are also people who are faithful to their work, their profession, their faith.

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Loyalty and betrayal - arguments

* Loyalty to a friend:

** Fyodor Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” (Dmitry Razumikhin supports his friend, Rodion Raskolnikov, no matter what)

** Vladimir Korolenko “In Bad Society” (Children from the underground: Valek and Marusya became friends with a boy from the “upper” class Vasya. The guys are so loyal to each other that they are ready not to betray under torture. Vasya even committed an unseemly act: he stole from his own home for sick Marusya a doll to brighten up the last days of her life)

* Cheating on a friend:

** Alexander Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” (Petr Grinev and Shvabrin. Once friendly heroes turn out to be enemies because of different views on such concepts as honor, loyalty, nobility. Shvabrin eventually betrays Grinev, and because of his love for the same the same girl, Masha Mironova, is doing everything possible to destroy Grinev, with whom he was once friends)

** Mikhail Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” (Grushnitsky, out of envy and jealousy, betrays Pechorin, since he turned out to be happier than him in love. Princess Mary Ligovskaya, who previously sympathized with Grushnitsky, who had his own plans for the girl, falls in love with Pechorin. generosity, Grushnitsky cannot forgive Pechorin for his defeat and decides to take a vile step - a dishonest duel. He slanderes Pechorin, accusing him of having a close relationship with Princess Mary, and during the duel he offers his former friend a pistol loaded with blank cartridges.)

** Haruki Murakami “The Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and the Years of His Wanderings” (“We don’t want to see you anymore” - and no explanation. His four best friends overnight cut him off from themselves - and from his old life. 16 years later, the already grown-up Tsukuru I’ll have to meet my friends again to find out what really happened. It turned out that Belaya accused him of rape and his friends believed it)

* Loyalty to the profession/your work:

** Boris Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man” (about the events that happened in the life of the Soviet pilot Alexei Meresyev during the Great Patriotic War. During the battle, the plane was shot down by the Germans. He escaped, but his toes were crushed. Meresyev spent eighteen days making his way through the forest. In the hospital, he underwent amputation. As a result of persistent training and enormous willpower, Alexei achieved the opportunity to fly as before. In incredibly difficult living conditions, he remained devoted to his chosen profession, his chosen business.)

** Andrei Platonov “The Sand Teacher” (Maria Nikifirovna Naryshkina chose the difficult profession of teacher. When she was assigned to the village of Khoshutovo, where sand “reigned” and there was no vegetation, she did not refuse. In this small settlement people were dying of hunger , there was poverty and devastation everywhere, but Maria did not give up, but decided to use her teaching gift for good: to teach residents to fight the sands. Thanks to her work, vegetation appeared in the village, and on.

More peasants began to come to lessons. After the work was done, she was sent to help the nomadic people. She could have refused, but, remembering the hopeless fate of this people, she decided to put public interests above her own. With her actions and fortitude, she proved that loyalty to her profession is not limited to the walls of the office. Maria Nikiforovna became an excellent example of selfless professionalism, kindness and responsiveness and showed how difficult and important the path of a teacher is.)

* Loyalty to your loved one

** William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet” (children of militant clans meet each other against the orders of their parents. Juliet decides to pretend to be dead and avoid marrying another. Not knowing that his beloved is sleeping, Romeo takes poison. Waking up, Juliet sees the dead Romeo and kills himself with a dagger)

** Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” (Margarita loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to look for him all over the world and beyond. She remained faithful to him, even when there was no hope of finding the Master.)

** Alexander Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” (Loyalty to love pushes a person to heroic deeds, but it can also be destructive. In A.I. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet” unrequited love becomes the meaning of life for the petty official Zheltkov, who remains faithful to his high feelings for a married woman who will never be able to reciprocate his feelings. He does not defile his beloved with the demands of reciprocal feelings. Tormenting and suffering, he blesses Vera for a happy future, does not allow vulgarity and everyday life to penetrate the fragile world of love. In his fidelity there is a tragic doom.)

* Infidelity (betrayal) to a loved one

** Alexander Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” (the main character Katerina fell in love with Boris, cheating on her husband (Tikhon Kabanov), and then commits suicide)

** Nikolai Karamzin “Poor Liza” (the rich nobleman Erast seduces Liza, and then, having received what he wants, abandons her, leaving “for the army”, but then they meet 2 months later and he announces to her that he is engaged (he had to marry a rich widow, because he lost his fortune at cards). In the finale, the heroine commits suicide)

** Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace” (Natasha Rostova spiritually cheated on Andrei Bolkonsky with Anatoly Kuragin) / note: + reasons for betrayal + when betrayal is justified - Rostova, due to her age and inexperience, was unable to think about the consequences of her choice)

*True to your word

** Leonid Panteleev “My word of honor” (it is about a boy of seven or eight years old, who, during a game, the older boys entrusted to guard an imaginary gunpowder warehouse and took his word of honor that he would not leave his post. Having played and forgotten about the sentry, the boys fled long ago went home, but our hero stayed. It was already getting dark in the park when the narrator saw a little guard who never wanted to leave the post entrusted to him, because he was afraid to break his promise. And only the permission of the major, whom the narrator accidentally finds at a tram stop, frees him. the boy from his word and allows him to go home. The narrator says that he does not know the name, surname, or parents of this boy.

but he knows one thing for sure: he will grow into a real person with a strong will and a sense of loyalty to his word.)

** Alexander Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (Tatiana Larina was the embodiment of moral strength and sincerity. Therefore, she rejected Onegin’s love and remained faithful to her marital vows, despite the fact that she loved him.)

*True to yourself

** Ivan Bunin “Dark Alleys” (the heroine managed to remain faithful in her soul to her first and only love in her life - to Nikolai. Years pass, Nadezhda becomes an independent woman standing firmly on her feet, but she remains lonely. Loyalty to her beloved warms the heroine’s heart, although upon meeting she accuses him, not forgiving him for betrayal.) /note: loyalty to one’s principles + loyalty to love + forgiveness of betrayal/

** Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” (The Master believed so much in what he was doing that he could not betray the work of his whole life. He could not leave it to be torn apart by envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.)

* Loyalty/betrayal to the Motherland

** Alexander Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” (Peter Grinev is faithful to his duty and his state, despite the mortal danger when Shvabrin betrays his Motherland, the honor of an officer, his friends, saving his life) /note: + reasons for betrayal/

** Nikolai Gogol “Taras Bulba” (Taras’s youngest son, Andriy, fell in love with the lady and betrayed his homeland) / note: + unforgiveness of betrayal on the part of Taras)

** Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” (The main character Andrei Sokolov showed patriotism, dedication and courage not only during military service, but also in captivity. The hero, being very hungry and tired, refuses to drink and eat in honor of the German victory. After all, Andrei he is faithful to his Von duty to the end, he is not afraid of being shot for his refusal to the fascist. Andrei Sokolov is a man with a capital M. It is precisely such people, devoted to the Motherland, who saved the country and defended it.)

True friendship remains strong and unbreakable despite time and trials. Friendly relationships are based on trust and mutual assistance, therefore they exclude selfish motives and betrayal. However, life often confronts a person with a difficult choice, in which only a few choose the right path, while the rest become victims of mistakes and can commit treason, betraying the best feelings, including comradely affection. Many writers have argued that the problem of fidelity and betrayal in friendship is a very serious and pressing issue. Therefore, they touched on it in their books, but we will list their most famous examples.

  1. In V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow,” Lena Bessoltseva knows how to love and empathize with her neighbor like no one else. She knows the value of friendship and is equally ready to share joys and sorrows with a friend. She believes in the sincerity and honesty of the one to whom she once believed and gave warmth. Her choice fell on Dima Somov, who comes to Lena’s aid in a quarrel with her classmates. He seems strong and correct to her, but only until he himself finds himself in trouble. When the guys accuse Lena of telling the teacher about the missed lesson, Dima remains silent and allows others to mock her, although he did it himself. Fear of condemnation and punishment makes him deliberately hide the truth. He is afraid to admit his own wrongdoing and leaves Lena alone at a time when she especially needed his help. He realizes that he has committed betrayal, but cannot do otherwise, because the opinion of others turns out to be more important to him than camaraderie, which he is not able to appreciate and share fully.
  2. The bonds of friendship bind people who are completely different, dissimilar to each other, sometimes completely opposite in their views and aspirations. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" friendship between Onegin and Lensky is presented as a mutual struggle of characters and interests. Onegin is a cynic disappointed in life, Lensky is a sentimental and touching romantic in his naive aspirations, seeing beauty where Onegin sees only boredom and vulgarity. The heroes get closer to each other, but the dissimilarity of their characters gives rise to a contradiction, which turns out to be a turning point in the life of each of them. An irritated Onegin decides to teach his sensitive friend a lesson by showing attention to his fiancee, who, by the way, is not the least bit interested in Eugene. As a result, friends suddenly become enemies, and Lensky dies in a duel at the hands of Onegin. Eugene is afraid of other people's opinions and accusations of cowardice, thereby betraying friendship due to momentary weakness and selfishness.
  3. Friendship is a sure cure for loneliness, based on complete spiritual interpenetration and acceptance of another person with all his advantages and disadvantages. Patience, help, understanding, trust are the main components of this deep feeling.
    In the fairy tale “The Little Prince” by A. Saint-Exupery, the theme of friendship is central. To comprehend the depth of these relationships, to give them the best emotional impulses, to learn to be responsible for the one to whom you promised to be close - this is the greatest art that the Little Prince learns. On his journey, he discovers many important truths, one of which the Fox shares with him. “We are responsible for those we have tamed,” he says to the hero and gives him the most valuable thing he has - selfless friendship that connects hearts and makes them necessary to each other. The fox is true to himself and his comrade, so he patiently teaches how to be friends, and does not get annoyed at the sight of the boy’s ignorance.
  4. In the novel by V.A. Kaverin's "Two Captains" the theme of friendship is revealed through the example of the relationship between two central characters - Sanya and Romashka. They are connected by a long-term friendship, which turns out to be woven from contradictions. Each of them goes through important stages of growing up, as a result of which they form their own ideas about responsibility, which is understood and interpreted by the characters differently. Chamomile decides to sacrifice friendship in the name of his own interests, which remain in first place for him. Sanya remains direct and honest, rejecting betrayal as a way to achieve personal happiness. Friendship ties are severed by one of the heroes due to moral limitations, which dominates the nobility of the soul and becomes the cause of betrayal.
  5. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" the author creates two deep and contradictory images - Stolz and Oblomov, who are connected by selfless friendship. Both heroes are very similar in character, which makes them close and important to each other, but the difference in aspirations, goals and upbringing in general becomes the cause of contradictions that ultimately separate them. These contradictions are largely external in nature, because both heroes are bright personalities who are in constant search of happiness. Stolz is active, active, he is trying with all his might to instill a thirst for life in Oblomov, who is prone to contemplation, regularity and laziness. However, as soon as their friendship fades due to marriage, both the active Stolz and the passive Oblomov ultimately lose themselves and do not find harmony in life: Ilya Ilyich dies, and Stolz remains confused and confused in the face of the future.

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Thematic area 1. “Loyalty and betrayal” Official commentary from FIPI: The topic of fidelity is closely related to choice. Having determined for himself a standard of behavior, an ideal, values, a person follows them in his life. In other words, fidelity is a person’s line of behavior in accordance with his choice, it is a person’s willingness to defend what is dear to him, what is valuable in his life.

Thematic direction 1. “Loyalty and betrayal” Within the framework of the direction, one can talk about fidelity and betrayal as opposite manifestations of the human personality, considering them from philosophical, ethical, psychological points of view and referring to life and literary examples. The concepts of “loyalty” and “betrayal” are at the center of the plots of many works of different eras and characterize the actions of heroes in situations of moral choice, both in personal relationships and in a social context.

Synonyms: Constancy, endurance, immutability, firmness, steadfastness, honesty, accuracy, serviceability, conscientiousness, accuracy Betrayal, perfidy, infidelity, inconstancy, instability, fickleness, deception Aphorisms and sayings of famous people: “Consistency is the basis of virtue” O. Balzac “ Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person.” E. Thelma “Traitors betray themselves first of all” Plutarch “Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to other people will follow.” “Shakespeare “True love helps to endure all hardships” F. Schiller “Trust is a sign of courage, and fidelity is evidence of strength” Maria Ebner Eschenbach “Betrayal begins in the heart before it manifests itself in action” J. Swift

Main aspects of the topic 1. TO WHOM or WHAT should one be faithful? WHO or WHAT should I change? Loyalty is treason to the Fatherland, big and small homeland. Loyalty is betrayal in friendship and love. Loyalty is betrayal of the ideal, goals, principles, values. Loyalty is betrayal of your inner self. Loyalty to duty, profession (talent).

Sample topics What is fidelity? What is betrayal? What is loyalty to duty? What does it mean to be true to yourself? How are the concepts of “loyalty” and “love” related? "loyalty" and "friendship"? What pushes a person to cheat? What helps a person make a choice between fidelity and betrayal? Why is it important to be true to your word? What is the price of betrayal? Is it possible to forgive betrayal? Does modern man need loyalty?

Sample topics Do you agree with the statement “Betrayals are most often committed not by deliberate intention, but by weakness of character” (La Rochefoucauld)? Do you agree with the statement of Lucius Seneca: “The loyalty of a friend is needed even in happiness, but in trouble it is absolutely necessary”? How do you understand the words of N. G. Chernyshevsky: “Betrayal of the Motherland requires extreme baseness of the soul”? Do you agree with Plutarch’s statement: “Traitors betray themselves first of all”? Is it true that A.P. Chekhov said: “Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained”?

Fiction: Loyalty and betrayal in friendship and love. N. M. Karamzin “Poor Liza”. A. S. Pushkin “Gypsies”, “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain's Daughter”, “Eugene Onegin”. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”. L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”. A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm” I. A. Bunin “Dark Alleys”, “Mitya’s Love”. A. I. Kuprin “Lilac Bush”, “Garnet Bracelet”. M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” V. A. Kaverin “Two Captains”. V. K. Zheleznikov “Scarecrow”. S. L. Lvov “My Childhood Friend”. V.V. Bykov “Sotnikov”. W. Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet” A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”, “The Three Musketeers”

Works of fiction Loyalty is treason to the Fatherland, big and small homeland. M. Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”. A. T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”. N. S. Leskov “Lefty”. V. G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”. A. I. Solzhenitsyn “The Incident at Kochetovka Station”, “In the First Circle” A. A. Akhmatova “I am not with those who abandoned the earth...”, “Requiem”. M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”. V.V. Bykov “Sotnikov”. B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the lists”, “And the dawns here are quiet...”, “Don’t shoot at white swans”. V. G. Rasputin “Live and Remember”.

Fictional works Loyalty is betrayal of one’s inner “I” (ideals, values). N. V. Gogol “Portrait” F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

Loyalty is a character trait that attracts people, because a faithful person is reliable, he is always a support in any life situation, you can rely on such a person, you can trust him. Loyalty is always associated with patience, dedication, a faithful person does not require anything in return, he is selfless. The basis of people's loyalty is always trust in a friend. Loyalty is consistency. A faithful person always knows exactly what he wants, what he strives for, therefore he achieves high results and carries out his plans. A person can be faithful in friendship and love. Loyalty is the basis of patriotism. A person who is loyal to his people, his Motherland, will never become a traitor. This is the core on which perseverance, courage, courage, inflexibility, and patriotism rest.

Treason is an act, the result of the choice of an individual who is capable of breaking his obligations, betraying ideals, people, and the Motherland. This is a person’s inability to be faithful to his choice, choice of professional path, goals, ideals or moral guidelines. Betrayal in love is inflicting a deep emotional wound on the lover, betrayal. Betrayal of ideals is a person’s departure from the principles and guidelines that he once chose for himself. This can deprive him of his vital support and make him unhappy. Treason to the Motherland and people is the desire to choose the easy path for oneself, to survive at any cost during a difficult period for the country, to betray everything that forms the basis of a person’s life, this is one of the negative moral qualities of a person, which has always been despised in society.

Roman by A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” An ordinary young man - Pyotr Grinev - turns out to be a witness and an involuntary participant in complex historical events. His father, a seasoned officer, understands loyalty in a limited sense - as loyalty to the one to whom he took the oath. But Peter, growing up from the events he experienced, trying to fulfill his father’s instructions, expands the concept of fidelity to a universal one. He did not betray his oath, but in Pugachev - his enemy - he sees human traits, the same loyalty and courage. It is Pugachev who turns to Grinev for help when Masha is in trouble.

Officer Shvabrin appears completely different to us. His loyalty is ostentatious, he uses it to achieve his own goals. Shvabrin joined Pugachev only to save his life and, perhaps, even benefit. This is a low, vile person, as evidenced by the fact that he uses his position to forcibly take possession of Masha.

Captain Mironov, Masha's father, is the image of a real Russian officer, devoted to the Motherland, fearless and fair. Savelich is a serf who selflessly serves his masters: for their sake he is ready to sacrifice even his life.

The image of Pugachev is contradictory. On the one hand, the authorities recognize him as a criminal. On the other hand, he also shows human qualities and can fairly assess the feelings of duty and loyalty in other people. That is why he likes Grinev, and Pugachev gives him life, and also helps to rescue Masha from the hands of Shvabrin.

Conclusion It is important not only to “preserve honor from a young age,” but also not to lose it in the vicissitudes of life. Loyalty to oneself and one's moral principles makes a person free. Betrayal, which is based on fear for oneself, turns a person into a “slave.”

Drama by A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” Katerina, having fallen in love with Boris, cheats on her husband and immediately calls her feeling sinful. Kabanova gives her assessment of her daughter-in-law’s actions. After Katerina’s repentance, she says to her son: “This is where the will leads!”

Violation of the patriarchal law, “exit” from the will of the elders is thought of as a crime for which punishment must follow. But no one judges Katerina more mercilessly than herself: hence the tragic ending. Having betrayed the familiar world, the heroine cannot imagine another outcome. Running away won't solve anything. The “law” is inside her. She remains true to herself, her fanatical faith.

Conclusion Having cheated on another, a person is often tormented and in his torment goes to the extreme - he punishes himself in the most terrible way, taking his life. He does this because he cannot change, he does not see a “way out” of the current situation. There is no freedom where there is the “will” of passion and there is no choice.

The story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov The writer shows the transformation of yesterday’s like-minded people, comrades in the fight against a common enemy, into irreconcilable antagonists, the ascent of one to the feat of self-sacrifice and the plunge of the other into the abyss of betrayal. Bykov solves the question: why did the partisans Sotnikov and Rybak, who voluntarily volunteered to carry out the task and, by the will of cruel circumstances, fall into the hands of the enemy, diverge so irreconcilably?

The easiest way would be to explain this by the cowardice of one and the courage of the other. But the author does not give just such an explanation. Sotnikov’s nerves are also not made of steel, and “before the end, he really wanted to let go of all the brakes and cry.” And Rybak is not a coward at all: “how many opportunities were presented to him to run over to the police, and there were plenty of occasions to become a coward, but he always behaved with dignity, at least no worse than others” (this is how Sotnikov himself evaluates his former comrade-in-arms after Rybak agreed to become a policeman).

The plot consists of two stages. In the first, both heroes pass the test with dignity: the farm they were heading to was burned down, in the pre-dawn twilight they caught the eye of a police patrol, and in a shootout Sotnikov was wounded in the leg. . . The fisherman is in no way inferior to Sotnikov. Where dexterity and strength are required, where standard solutions are suitable, where instinct can help out, the Fisherman is good. He has a sense of comradeship, gratitude, and compassion. Let us recall the episode with the elder Peter, whom Rybak (having earned, by the way, a reproach from Sotnikov) spared only because “this Peter seemed very peaceful, like a peasant, to him.” And my instincts did not disappoint.

But is everyday common sense always saving? At the second stage of testing, the situation of choice and its “price” become more acute. At the first stage, a person’s life depended on a stray bullet, on a random coincidence of circumstances, but now on his own, fully conscious decision: to betray or not to betray. The confrontation with the machine of total suppression - fascism - begins. What can a fragile person oppose to this brute force?

The fisherman hates the police, he wants to escape from their clutches so that he can be with his own people again. But in the fight against fascism, everyday common sense is no longer enough. “Indeed, fascism is a machine that has crushed half the world under its wheels; is it really possible to run towards it and wave your bare arms? Maybe it would be much more reasonable to try to put some kind of spear between her wheels from the outside. Let it gain momentum and stall, giving them the opportunity to slowly escape to their own people.” Here is an example of Rybak's logic. Guided by the best intentions, he begins to play his “game” with investigator Portnov. In order to outwit the enemy, “you need to play a little giveaway”, so as not to tease, not to irritate the beast, you need to give up a little. . . And while playing this “game,” Rybak, unnoticed by himself, retreats further and further, sacrificing Peter, Demchikha, and Sotnikov to the “machine.”

And Sotnikov, unlike Rybak, knows from the very beginning that it is impossible to play cat and mouse with the machine of total enslavement. And he immediately refuses to compromise. He chooses death. What supports Sotnikov in his determination? As Bykov writes, he is “burdened with many responsibilities to people and the country,” which pose a lot of moral prohibitions. Moreover, they make a person acutely feel his duty to others and feel guilty for other people’s misfortunes. Sotnikov “was painfully worried that he had let down Rybak and Demchikha in such a way,” he was oppressed by “the feeling of some kind of absurd oversight in relation to this Peter.” Sotnikov goes to execution, and a sense of duty to people gives him the strength to smile with his eyes alone at a boy from the crowd - “nothing, brother.”

Conclusion: the heavier the burden of responsibilities to people and the country, the stronger and firmer the soul stands, the more freely and confidently a person makes his final choice - the choice between life and death. Sotnikov has someone to protect, he has something to die for. And Sotnikov used the opportunity of freedom in a fatal, hopeless situation - to make the last choice himself: he preferred to “leave this world” in good conscience than to remain in it at the cost of abandoning his conscience; he preferred to die a man than to survive as a bastard.

Conclusion Any betrayal turns life into existence, leaving an emptiness in the soul, but fidelity reveals the best in a person, makes him spiritually stronger.

Working with the texts of finished essays “Is it important to be true to your word? » Essay text Is it important to be true to your word? And what about the expert's comment? Many general and correct words are said, but such truth is not said? First of all, loyalty is an indicator of courage, it is responsibility for one’s main things. Namely, that words. Very often a person throws out words to be true to the word only then it is a sign of the wind and completely forgets what consequences of self-sufficiency, courage this can lead to, and therefore forgets to take the strength of the individual when a person is responsible for these words. Not to be faithful remains true to one’s word, even to one’s own word; this is, first of all, to be a traitor when it leads to oneself. After all, by betraying our words and not taking unfavorable (that’s right - not taking) responsibility for them, we have consequences that cause suffering and even ruin lives. We betray our moral qualities, any foundations, upbringing and much more. And on the contrary, they are described in the given examples, if we are completely true to our word. an indicator of self-respect, an indicator that we are self-sufficient and strong individuals.

Text of the essay So in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Dubrovsky” the image of Masha Troekurova appears before us. A seventeen-year-old, beautiful and slender girl who falls in love with her teacher Deforge, not at all suspecting that this is Dubrovsky. But Masha’s father decides to marry her to the old Prince Vereisky, whom she does not love so much. On the wedding day, the girl played for time as best she could, hoping that Dubrovsky would come and save her. But after the words she gave to the priest, Masha no longer hopes for anything and waits for no one. She is unable to break the oath she made to her husband. And subsequently Masha rejects Dubrovsky and remains true to her words. Let's consider another literary work by A.S. Pushkin, “Eugene Onegin.” The main character is Tatyana Larina. A dreamy girl who lived in her own world. Tatyana falls in love with Onegin and writes him a letter in which she talks about her feelings. But Onegin does not accept them and rejects Tatyana. The heroine did not lose heart, but on the contrary, she began to expand her horizons, read more, and approach life more simply. She gets married, but not out of love, but at the request of her mother. Time passes, and fate brings the main characters together again.

Text of the essay Expert commentary And then Onegin falls in love with Tatyana without memory, she completely charmed him. But now it’s Tatyana’s turn not to accept Onegin’s feelings. Yes, she admitted that she never stopped loving him, that she was unhappy, but she ends her speech with the words: “I was given to another; And I will be faithful to him forever!” . And here everything falls into place. Loyalty to her word is a principle for Tatyana, which she retained while being a society lady. Masha refuses to run away with Dubrovsky - and is now doomed to live with an unloved person. Tatyana loves Onegin, but also refuses to respond to his feelings and remains with the general, whom she did not marry for love. Why did they do this? To maintain personal integrity and self-respect? Far from a fact. They did this because such was their upbringing, such were the ideas they had learned from childhood about noble honor and the honor of women. If they followed their feelings, they would be rejected by the world, they would be despised by their circle. Well, what kind of masculinity and personal integrity are there?

Essay text Expert commentary Coming to the conclusion, I want to say how important it is to be true to your word. If Masha or Tatyana were not so responsible, what would happen next? By their actions they showed all the strength of their will and masculinity of character. They did not betray their foundations, principles, and, of course, their upbringing. At the end you yourself ask: “If Masha or Tatyana were not so responsible, what would have happened next?” But you don’t answer this question, but that’s the whole point. Instead, you simply repeat the same theses that were in the introduction - that the heroines showed strength and masculinity, did not betray their principles, etc. It is wrong to do this: the conclusion should not just repeat the original theses, but be their development. It didn't work out for you. Try to seriously answer the question you asked and try again.

Essay on the topic: “Loyalty and betrayal”

There are a huge number of different works in the world: stories, poems, ballads, tragedies, plays. Despite progress, the change of eras, morals and customs, problems associated with fidelity and betrayal still concern humanity and are reflected in literature.

Writers and poets are looking for answers to a variety of questions: “When and why can you forgive betrayal? Is it possible to refuse fidelity? Is it necessary to remain faithful and why? One of the most famous works of Russian classics, “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, touches on almost all aspects of human life.

Many readers fell in love with the image: a kind, cheerful, sincere and well-read girl cannot but arouse sympathy. However, Natasha is not without sin: when Prince Bolkonsky decides, at the insistence of his father, to postpone the wedding for a year and engage in military service, Natasha becomes interested in an affair with the famous reveler Anatoly Kuragin.

Rostova’s betrayal can be justified: very young and naive, she easily succumbs to the charm of the seductive Anatole, for whom this novel is nothing more than an empty game. But, despite this, Prince Bolkonsky cannot forgive Natasha’s betrayal - for him this is a serious insult. Natasha's betrayal is an unforgivable mistake that ruined her relationship with Andrei Bolkonsky.

In the great epic novel, in addition to the bright and pure image of Natasha, there is an equally remarkable female character - Helen Kuragina. She is a worthy daughter of her selfish father, Prince Vasily Kuragin, who openly declared that his children are his burden and a difficult lot. Helen is a beautiful young girl, a real socialite, who knows how to present herself in high society, so much so that no one knows about her stupidity and greedy nature.

She only cares about profit; she marries Pierre, guided only by his financial situation. The former Kuragina, and now Countess Bezukhova, the girl calmly continues to start relationships with other men. Beautiful on the outside and empty on the inside, Hélène later converts to Catholicism and divorces Pierre. Her numerous infidelities and affairs are explained only by her low and vulgar nature; Helen is unable to give pure and true love (unlike Natasha Rostova).

Another work, no less famous to the world - "" by A.S. Pushkin - gave the world the image of an ideal Russian woman - Tatyana Larina. A young girl, brought up on book novels, far from the noise of social balls and gossip of court ladies, falls in love with the sophisticated Onegin. Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeniy, in which she confesses her feelings and receives a refusal from him. His confession upsets Tatyana, but she does not forget her feelings.

After several years they meet again, but Tatyana is no longer a free girl: two years ago she married a general, now she is a famous noble princess. Seeing another “new” Tatiana, Onegin realizes that he has fallen in love. He writes passionate letters to her, but she does not answer; In desperation, the man decides to meet: she is alone in the room and crying, she still loves Eugene, but she would prefer to remain faithful to her husband.

Tatiana's loyalty and fortitude amazed readers and critics; Despite her unabated love for Onegin, the girl remains faithful to her unloved husband, which cannot but delight. People are fickle, they change with every moment, day, year - perhaps these changes will lead to serious betrayal, or, on the contrary, will strengthen their faith and devotion. Therefore, the problem of fidelity and betrayal will appear in the works of future writers for an infinitely long time.

Arguments for the topic: “Loyalty and betrayal”

The issue of fidelity and betrayal is touched upon by many great writers in their works, but each does it in his own way: Destructive fidelity is described in the work “”. The petty official Zheltkov, unrequitedly in love with Princess Vera, has no chance for reciprocal feelings. For seven long years, the man remains faithful to his only love, occasionally sending letters to his beloved woman. Princess Vera remains faithful to her husband, despite the fact that the passion in their relationship has long given way to mutual tenderness and respect for each other. A woman knows about her secret admirer, but she is not overwhelmed by feelings of curiosity or sympathy for the unknown, she does not look for her admirer, coldly answering letters. However, at the end of the story, after Zheltkov’s suicide, Vera, standing at the coffin, realizes that she missed the very true love that her grandfather told her about.

In the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin, the problems of fidelity and betrayal with honor and dishonor are closely intertwined. The main character - Pyotr Grinev - refuses to swear allegiance to the rebel Emelyan Pugachev, remaining faithful to the empress. But Alexey Shvabrin, a former friend and comrade, without being tormented by pangs of conscience, goes over to the side of the impostor in order to save his life. In addition to loyalty to the Motherland, the work also sanctifies loyalty in love. Grinev, in love with Masha Mironova, does not give up his intentions to marry her, despite his parents’ refusal to bless him. Shvabrin, who captured the fortress together with the Pugachevites, forcibly persuades the girl to marry. The coward Masha, flinching from shots during exercises in the fortress, shows unexpected fortitude and refuses Shvabrin, remaining faithful to her beloved.

The work “Fairy Tale” from the collection of stories by A.I. Kuprin's "Russian Soul" begins with a good fairy tale, which Ivan Timofeevich tells his son at night. On the dacha terrace, in addition to the artist and his little son, there are Kholshchevnikov’s beautiful wife, Lydia, and the artist’s beloved student, young Grigory Bakhanin. Ivan Timofeevich tells his son about a wonderful fairy (meaning his wife) who saved the lost prince and led him to the palace, past terrible monsters whose names were Envy, Poverty and Doubt. Ivan Timofeevich leaves the fallen child in the nursery and returns to the terrace: there he finds Lydia and Grigory kissing, who have not yet noticed him. The story ends with the words: “The fairy tale is over...”

Another story by A.I. ends no less sadly. Kuprina - “Allez”. Young circus performer Nora falls in love with the famous clown Menotti, who managed to seduce an innocent girl in just a week. For a whole year, Nora accompanied the man on his tour; she saw in him a kind of god, and he graciously allowed her to adore him. But a year later the circus performer got bored with her and he kicked Nora out. The short story ends with Nora's suicide - the girl throws herself out of the window when she sees Merotti's betrayal.

In A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” the conflict of the work is love betrayal. Katerina, a cheerful and dreamy girl, suffers from unfair attacks from her arrogant mother-in-law and the soft-heartedness of her husband, unable to fight back against his mother. She is literally suffocating in the insipid, stupid town of Kalinov, which is why she falls in love with Boris so easily. Chance meetings, furtive kisses - Katerina's love for Boris becomes stronger every day, despite the fact that she is a married girl. However, pious Katerina understands that betrayal is a sin, so she throws herself into the Volga.

The most famous tragedy dedicated to love is Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare's work describes an extraordinary love affair that ends in an infamous ending. Lovers from the warring clans of Montague and Capulet, despite all prohibitions, meet secretly. During the tragedy, Juliet had to marry Paris, but she could not cheat on her beloved Romeo. She drinks a “special potion” - the girl falls into sleep, which everyone takes for death; Not knowing that her beloved is only sleeping, Romeo drinks poison, Juliet, waking up, sees Romeo dead and stabs herself.

The sacrificial loyalty of Maria Troekurova in the novel “” by A.S. Pushkin cannot leave anyone indifferent. During the course of the work, the girl falls in love with her French teacher, in fact, the robber Dubrovsky. Her father decides to marry his daughter to the old rich Prince Vereisky. Maria begs her father not to do this - “marriage scared her like a scaffold, like a grave.” The girl hopes that Dubrovsky will save her from an unwanted marriage, but her beloved does not make it in time: when the robbers attack the carriage, the young couple have already been married. Maria refuses Dubrovsky, she will not leave her legal husband for him.

The hero of the work “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov committed treason to his homeland and his comrade. Rybak and Sotnikov, who were captured by the Germans, behaved radically differently: Sotnikov was silent and endured all the torture, while Rybak, fearing for his life and health, dodged direct answers, and “said, as it seemed to him, very cunningly” . The fisherman was asked to join the German police; Later, everyone was taken to liquidation - the gallows. Trying to save his comrade, Sotnikov takes all the blame upon himself, shouts that Rybak ended up with him by accident, at the same time Rybak agrees to become a German “policeman”. It is he who knocks the block out from under Sotnikov’s feet, passing the German test. After the liquidation, Rybak is looking for a way to escape: he sees a horse nearby, and suddenly notices a man in a sleigh - his look, full of hatred, makes it clear to Rybak that there is now nowhere to run.

The story of Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear” describes the sad story of a sincerely devoted dog - White Bim. A “defective” setter, Bim was supposed to die as a puppy, but he was taken in by the lonely writer Ivan Ivanovich. A few years later, the old fragment in Ivan Ivanovich’s chest moved, and the writer was taken away in an ambulance. The devoted dog waited for his owner, refused to eat, and the old woman who was looking after him let him go to look for something. Bim went in search of the owner. Many misfortunes happened to Ivan Ivanovich’s faithful friend: the dog was kidnapped, resold, beaten and starved to death, but White Bim was still waiting for his owner. The incredible devotion of the “wrong setter” once again confirms that a dog is man’s best friend.

In the story “The Station Agent”, readers learn about the sad fate of the old station agent. His daughter, the beautiful young Dunya, ran away from him with a young hussar. Three years spent alone have aged the once cheerful caretaker, now he is a decrepit old man. Dunya most likely married a hussar, but her father was worried about his only daughter and went on foot to St. Petersburg; the caretaker was able to get into the house: as soon as he saw him, the girl fainted, and Minsky drove the old man away. Until the caretaker’s death, Dunya did not visit him; at the end of the work, the boy Vanka describes a beautiful lady crying at the grave of a drunken caretaker.