Summer solstice - Vedism - history - catalog of articles - unconditional love. Summer solstice: traditions, signs and origins of the holiday Celebrations in other countries

Today is the 172nd day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar - there are 193 days left until the end of the year. Birthday boys - Vasily, Efrem, Konstantin, Fedor. Solstice Day is the longest day of the year, International Skateboarding Day, National Day is celebrated in Greenland, writes the website “Today”.

Old beliefs say that only on the day of the summer solstice do people have a chance to change their lives. They say that the summer solstice has extraordinary magical powers, because it is not for nothing that the solstice was so revered by the pagans. They believed that on the night before the solstice, all four elements unite - fire, water, earth and air.

It is believed that on this day you need to make your deepest wishes, guess about love and changes in life. By the end of the year everything should be fulfilled.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation towards the Sun is at its lowest. The day of the solstice is also called the solstice. In 2018 in Ukraine it will take place on June 21 at 13.07 Kyiv time. Duration itself have a long day is 17 hours and 33 minutes.

The Slavs knew how to use the “day of the entry of the Sun god into full power” to control their destiny, to subjugate the forces of nature and fulfill desires.

In many cultures, the summer solstice is considered a successful time for concluding any unions and agreements, including marriage. As our ancestors believed, on this day the Sun splashed out a lot of positive energy, which provided protection and prosperity to all people.

To attract money and success to your family, place coins under the door. And very soon you will notice how money will begin to appear to you on its own and in sufficient quantities.

Summer Solstice Day 2018: What not to do

— On the Summer Solstice Day, it is better to avoid negative emotions, not to quarrel or scream, and not to give in to despondency.
— The summer solstice was considered a good day for a wedding. However, now weddings are not celebrated on this day, because June 21 falls during Lent.

- Dress in a sunny thing - any yellow wardrobe item, gold jewelry, or bright accessory will do.
— The summer solstice is a great time to get creative for the sake of satisfaction. This way you can get inspiration for a long time. The main thing is not the result, but enjoying the process.
- Allow yourself to plunge into your feelings and accept them.
— Summer Solstice Day is great for releasing negativity and letting go negative attitudes.
“It is believed that on this day the doors between worlds are open, and trees and plants can speak. Therefore, it will be great to go out into nature.

The calendar we know indicates that the year begins on January 1 and is divided into 12 months. However, nature has other laws, which, alas, are poorly coordinated with the modern calendar. However, our ancestors always respected the laws of nature. Significant event in annual cycle is the day of the summer solstice - what date will it be in 2020 and what rituals need to be performed? Read the details in this article.

What happens on this day?

First of all, let's figure out what the summer solstice is. On this day we can observe the most short night and the longest daylight hours of the year. Magical time, isn't it? Our ancestors had no doubt about this.

Holiday dates:

  • June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere (these are all countries above the equator);
  • December 21 or 22 – in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, most Latin American countries, etc.).

The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

What date will it be in 2020?

In 2020, the summer solstice will occur on June 21 at 00:44 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow time.

On this day the Sun reaches its highest position. Then at the end of June and July it will begin to descend lower above the horizon, making daylight hours shorter.

In astrology, on June 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Gemini to the sign Cancer, and astrological summer begins (the period of Cancer, Leo and Virgo).

The zodiac sign Cancer is associated with kin and family. On this day, astrologers advise spending time with your family, going out into nature to receive new strength from Mother Earth.

On the first day of astrological summer, it is worth thinking about your lifestyle, changing it better side. Go to use healthy products and clean water. All this will help maintain internal energy for many years.

Our ancestors viewed the summer solstice as a time of mysticism and magic.

They guessed: for love, and for prosperity, and for the harvest. They certainly performed various rituals, which will be discussed below.

Some call the holiday the summer equinox. However, this is not true. The equinox occurs in spring and autumn, March and September, when day equals night. And in winter and summer there are solstices. There is also a second name - summer solstice.

Table of summer solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2019 June 21 at 18:54
2020 June 21 at 00:44
2021 June 21 at 06:32
2022 June 21 at 12:13
2023 June 21 at 17:57
2024 June 20 at 23:50
2025 June 21 at 05:42

Rituals, rituals and signs

There are many amazing rituals and ceremonies for the summer solstice that will help make life a little better, happier and more enjoyable. They will be discussed in this section.

Ritual of replenishing the energy of the Sun

On this day, the energy from the Sun is especially powerful, because today is the peak of its influence. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of this great opportunity that comes only once a year.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Early in the morning, go to nature: to the forest, to the park or to the country house. It is advisable to be there at dawn.
  2. When the disk of the Sun appears completely above the horizon, you can begin. Stand on the ground with your bare feet, facing the Sun.
  3. Relax and close your eyes.
  4. Feel how a warm flow of energy rises from the ground along your feet, it completely fills you.
  5. If you have not worked with energies before, then it is quite possible that you will not feel anything. In such a situation, just imagine how a wave of heat goes through you to the top of your head.
  6. Stand like this for about 30 minutes until you feel a “buzzing” in your body or a slight dizziness and swaying. This is fine. Such manifestations are a sign of filling your aura with energy.
  7. Raise your arms up, spread your palms out to the sides. Ask the Sun to give you strength. Look towards the Sun, but not directly at it (this is dangerous). Receive solar energy with gratitude.

As a result of performing the ritual, you will become a stronger and more charismatic person and gain self-confidence. The sun also removes negativity from your aura.

Ritual of rejuvenation with morning dew

Morning dew collected from June 20 to June 22 has extraordinary rejuvenating properties. I’ll tell you in more detail how to collect dew correctly.

  1. Prepare gauze measuring one and a half meters.
  2. Early in the morning at dawn, go to a forest clearing, to a park or to your summer cottage.
  3. Carefully place the gauze over the grass and other plants.
  4. After half an hour, you can remove the gauze; it will already be saturated with dew.

To give youth, freshness and beauty to your face, make compresses from this gauze, rolling it in 4-5 layers. Mentally imagine how all the wrinkles smooth out and disappear age spots. After the procedure, do not wash your face or wipe your face with anything for 3 hours.

Rite of unity with nature

On the day of the summer solstice, an invisible door opens between the worlds: ours and the magical one. Trees, flowers and other plants can speak to a person, answering his questions and giving useful tips.

  • On this day, during daylight hours, go to nature: to the park, to the forest, to the beach, to the river, and so on. It is important that you feel pleasant and comfortable there.
  • Mentally ask the questions that you haven’t been able to find an answer to lately.
  • Listen to sounds, watch birds and animals if you meet them.
  • , stroke the grass or leaves with your hand. Feel their texture, what do they feel like? Inhale the scent of flowers.
  • Just relax and listen to your inner voice. He will definitely give you tips from the world of wildlife.
  • Thank nature for communicating with you.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

The summer solstice is inextricably linked with making and fulfilling wishes. Therefore, you should not miss such a wonderful opportunity, because a magical day happens only once a year.

  1. Collect wildflowers.
  2. Weave them into a wreath. While weaving, think about your desire. Imagine that your wish has already come true. What feelings are you experiencing? Feel this joy and satisfaction.
  3. When the wreath is ready, put it on your head and wear it for a while.
  4. This item is optional, but it will enhance the effect of the ritual. Make a fire and throw any item of low value (but not garbage) into it as a sacrifice. Then say out loud: “Paid.” This means that you paid for the fulfillment of your wish.


There are many signs for the summer holiday. Here are some of them.

  • If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be abundant. By the way, dew was collected in a vessel because they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.
  • Bad weather means crop failure.
  • If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, an abundance of mushrooms is expected in early autumn.
  • Those who meet the sunrise in nature are guaranteed health and strength for the whole year.
  • If a guy cheats on a girl on this day, they will soon get married.
  • Those born on June 21 are carriers of " evil eye", can put the evil eye on anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.
  • If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

Watch an interesting video with new rituals:

Summer solstice holiday among different nations

In Slavic culture

The holiday is now called Ivan Kupala Day. The ancient name for the summer solstice has not been preserved, but it was celebrated by pagans long before the advent of Christianity.

The modern name Ivan Kupala is the name of John the Baptist in the folk manner.

On this day, it was customary for the Slavs to take a bath in natural reservoirs, but residents of cold regions swam in the bathhouse.

The eve of the holiday was considered especially significant. At sunset, fires were lit; a pole was placed in the center of the fire, on which a wheel or tar barrel was mounted. In some regions, wheels or barrels that were set on fire were rolled down the mountains. This symbolized the solstice.

Everyone jumped over the fires and sang ritual songs. The girls exchanged flower wreaths.

There is a well-known tradition of searching for a fern flower. If someone finds it, they will receive magical powers. Learn to understand the language of animals and see treasures, become invisible and open any locks.

After the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, the date of the holiday changed, it moved to July 7.

In the Baltics

  1. In Latvia it is called Ligo or Jan's Day.
  2. In Lithuania it is called Jonines.
  3. In Estonia it is Jan's day.

I propose to consider traditions using the example of a Latvian holiday.

June 23 and 24 are official holidays here. Therefore, Latvians, as a rule, go out to celebrate Ligo in nature. This is one of the brightest holidays of the year.

In nature, it is customary to sing songs and light fires. The songs are special - with the chorus “Ligo, ligo.”

They make wreaths from wildflowers and oak branches. An oak wreath is traditionally given to a man. And for the girls - flowers.

Many people collect medicinal herbs and herbal teas during the solstice, as they are considered especially effective.

Special drinks and delicacies are prepared for Ligo:

  • specialty beer;
  • cheese with cumin, which has a characteristic pungent smell and taste.

Widespread folk festivities on Ligo are common in Latvia. Beer flows like a river, fun reigns everywhere, festivals are held. This day is also called the holiday of love. The culmination of the holiday takes place on the night of June 23-24:

How to celebrate in Celtic culture

The summer solstice is called Litha. This is a bright and exuberant holiday, which is still celebrated in some European countries.

On Litu, the Sun turns on the Wheel of the Year. It is believed that forest spirits and fairies roam the earth, dreams are mixed with fantasies.

On this mystical day all 4 elements unite:

  1. Fire;
  2. Water;
  3. Earth
  4. Air.

The key moment of the holiday is the opportunity to completely surrender to joy and pleasure, to love life with all your soul and breathe deeply. After all, at the end of June is the brightest and most joyful time of the year; there is still a large part of summer ahead, which means warmth and pleasure.

If on the previous holiday of the Wheel of the Year young people entered into a love affair, now in the middle of summer the girls were already pregnant. The holiday symbolizes the fertility of women and the fertility of the earth.

On this day, people made fortunes, especially about love. Traditionally, a guy and a girl would join hands and jump over the fire together. It was believed that if you jump over three times, then happy marriage and having many children is ensured.

Houses were decorated with tree branches and garlands of flowers. And with the onset of darkness, processions with torches were held.

Medicinal herbs were collected in the forests. They were cut with a sickle in the light of the Moon, and only the upper third of the trunk was allowed to be cut. In this case, the plant will continue to grow and will bring a new harvest in the future. The Celts treated Mother Nature very carefully.

At the solstice, there is a tradition of burning a sacrificial effigy. It should burn with the first rays of the sun. The effigy represents a sacrifice to the gods of fertility. People thus ask for a bountiful harvest that will not be destroyed by hail or heavy rains.

Johannus in Finland

Celebrated on Saturday between June 20 and 26. At the same time, Finnish Flag Day is celebrated here. Citizens were given an official day off on the Friday before the celebration.

It is customary to go out into nature. Swim in open ponds or saunas. Light fires.

Midsommar in Sweden

It is also customary here to go out of town on weekends. Relatives gather together. Or young people celebrate the solstice in greater company.

On this day, flowers are collected and wreaths are woven. They decorate the symbol of the holiday - a pole that is installed in a clearing. People are dancing around and doing round dances.

Pickled herring, fresh boiled potatoes with herbs and sour cream are served on the table. They eat grilled meat. And for dessert - strawberries and cream.

Swedes drink beer and sing drinking songs on this day. See for yourself:

Xiazhi in China

On Summer Solstice Day, the Xiazhi season begins in China, although the holiday is not celebrated as such. According to Chinese philosophy, at this moment, the yang energy in the world reaches its peak, and the level of yin energy is minimal.

Therefore, people wake up easier early in the morning, and the activity of social life increases. Easier to maintain good mood and maintain clarity of thought. IN summer period Laziness, melancholy, and apathy are contraindicated.

Places of power

Stonehenge in UK

Stonehenge is a place where the secrets of the ancient Celtic civilization are concentrated. The complex was built in such a way that its axis is correlated with the location of the sun on the days of the summer and winter solstices.

Every year a festival takes place here on the night of June 20-21. People come to have fun, celebrate the shortest night of the year and watch the magical sunrise.

Many dress up in medieval costumes, perform ancient rituals, and the sound of drums can be heard from everywhere. There is a mystical atmosphere around.

Arkaim in the Southern Urals

This is a mysterious ancient city where people lived 2-3 thousand years BC. Mystics believe that here is the cradle of human civilization and the ancestral home of the Slavs.

Organized groups and single tourists come here to experience the amazing atmosphere of this place of power.

On the summer solstice here:

  • climb the legendary Mount Shamanka;
  • bathe in the Karaganka River, which, according to psychics, removes negative energy from a person;
  • meditate (on our website);
  • they make wishes that (as they are assured) will certainly come true;
  • do yoga and practices;
  • attend concerts and other events in Arkaim.

Watch an interesting video about the celebration in Arkaim. Maybe you would like to come here too?

This is the day when all natural energies are activated and are able to support and renew human energy.
There is simply no better time for natural, natural balancing with the forces of this world!

The period from June 20 to June 23 is the most energetic.
This is a time of magic and enchantment. This is a time of transformation of reality.
This is the time when everyone can influence their life as much as they are ready: internally, personally, spiritually, mentally.

During this period, try to avoid bad thoughts, negative wishes, and if you feel that your mood is spoiling, just wash your face.
If this is not enough, wash your feet to remove low and heavy energy from the body level.

And remember that from June 20 to June 23, you especially influence your own destiny with your thoughts!
THIS IS THE TIME OF POWER! This is a time of special energetic, natural vibrations, the natural Flow of interaction of all Natural Forces.

The night from 20 to 21 (precisely before the Summer Solstice) is the most powerful period. At this time, an awakening occurs, the process of interaction of natural forces is activated, and it is at this time that it is good to jump over the fire - 3 or 9 times, and if you are prepared, then walk on the coals. Because this is one of the best moments for cleansing energy, “burning out” mental garbage.

Having cleansed yourself with fire, it is good to cleanse with water, also performing ablution 3 or 9 times. Quantity is associated with the Trinity and its part - the law of Cyclicity, and by performing ablution in this way, you synchronize with the laws of the Universe and prepare yourself for a new Path, a new level of spiritual development, a new life.
This is especially good for those who need to get started " new life With clean slate", new business, before the device on new job.

At least on the evening of June 20, it’s good to be in nature, stand near large and mature trees, and it’s very desirable to weave a wreath. A wreath can even be woven from birch branches. And then release it into the water with gratitude for all the good things in your life.
The energy of Gratitude is healing, and the more sincerely you thank, the better for your energy and your soul.

If it is not possible to weave a wreath, you can simply release the flowers into the water. This simple ritual is a sign of respect to the forces of Nature, and therefore to the Forces of the Universe.

It’s good to drink herbal tea and light candles at home. Collect herbs - collected on this day they have greater power.

It’s good to walk (or even better, run) barefoot on the grass. This is good to do in the morning and evening throughout the period from June 20 to June 23.

June 21 and 22 - it’s good to get up early, at dawn, and taking in the dawn rays, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near future. And ask for support from the energy of the Sun, in your own words, from the heart, sincerely. NOT AS A SLAVE OR SLAVE, but as a Daughter or Son, a descendant of the Higher Powers, a worthy representative of the human race.

During the period from June 21 to June 23 - it’s good to remember kind words people who have passed away, and especially those who were dear to you. If you need, you can ask for support from deceased representatives of your Kin. The summer solstice is perhaps the only period when you can turn to the Power of the Family for help and support without special rituals.

The summer solstice of 2013 is perhaps one of the most energetically powerful days, capable of fulfilling secret and obvious desires. During this period, the Moon passes through the sign of Scorpio - one of the energetically strong signs, and EVERYTHING you do acquires a special Power, a special meaning.

If health is important to you, then when eating food, concentrate on the fact that it nourishes your body and makes it healthier.
Drink water infused in crystal containers (even if it is a vase - the crystal is important), wash your face with water that has stood overnight in crystal.

If love is important to you, give the opposite sex something small but beautiful. Women need to weave a wreath and release it into the water with a request to the Higher Powers to grant you mutual love and personal happiness.

If well-being and prosperity are important to you - throughout the entire period, from June 21 to 23 - treat those you can with sweets. Children, beggars, acquaintances and friends. During this period, it is simply vital for men to pamper their women! You can have fruit if the woman is on a diet or follows the principles proper nutrition- and you will follow the trend of the period, and the woman will not scold you for spoiling her figure)))

And right from this moment - think about how you want to see and feel your life. Remember that during this period your thoughts have a particularly powerful influence on your life.

I wish you happiness and prosperity in everything!




This is the day when all natural energies are activated and are able to support and renew human energy. There is simply no better time for natural, natural balancing with the forces of this world! The period from June 20 to June 23 is the most energetic. This is a time of magic and enchantment. This is a time of transformation of reality. This is the time when everyone can influence their life as much as they are ready: internally, personally, spiritually, mentally.

During this period, try to avoid bad thoughts, negative wishes, and if you feel that your mood is spoiling, just wash your face. If this is not enough, wash your feet to remove low and heavy energy from the body level. And remember that from June 20 to June 23, you especially influence your own destiny with your thoughts! THIS IS THE TIME OF POWER! This is a time of special energetic, natural vibrations, the natural Flow of interaction of all Natural Forces. Therefore, think and wish only goodness and joyful energies. As in that saying - what goes around comes around. Only you will have to reap the next 6 months...

The night from 20 to 21 (precisely before the Summer Solstice) is the most powerful period. At this time, an awakening occurs, the process of interaction of natural forces is activated, and it is at this time that it is good to jump over the fire - 3 or 9 times, and if you are prepared, then walk on the coals. Because this is one of the best moments for cleansing energy, “burning out” mental garbage.

Having cleansed yourself with fire, it is good to cleanse with water, also performing ablution 3 or 9 times. Quantity is associated with the Trinity and its part - the law of Cyclicity, and by performing ablution in this way, you synchronize with the laws of the Universe and prepare yourself for a new Path, a new level of spiritual development, a new life. This is especially good for those who need to start a “new life from scratch,” a new business, before starting a new job.

At least on the evening of June 20, it is good to be in nature, stand near large and mature trees, and it is very desirable to weave a wreath. A wreath can even be woven from birch branches. And then release it into the water with gratitude for all the good things in your life. The energy of Gratitude is healing, and the more sincerely you thank, the better for your energy and your soul. If it is not possible to weave a wreath, you can simply release the flowers into the water. This simple ritual is a sign of respect to the forces of Nature, and therefore to the Forces of the Universe.

It’s good to drink herbal tea and light candles at home. Collect herbs - those collected on this day have greater power. It’s good to walk (or even better, run) barefoot on the grass. This is good to do in the morning and evening throughout the period from June 20 to June 23. June 21 and 22 - it’s good to get up early, at dawn, and taking in the dawn rays, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near future. And ask for support from the energy of the Sun, in your own words, from the heart, sincerely. NOT AS A SLAVE OR SLAVE, but as a Daughter or Son, a descendant of the Higher Powers, a worthy representative of the human race!

During the period from June 21 to 23, it is good to remember with a kind word the people who have passed away, and especially those who were dear to you. If you need, you can ask for support from deceased representatives of your Kin. The summer solstice is perhaps the only period when you can turn to the Power of the Family for help and support without special rituals.

If health is important to you, then when eating food, concentrate on the fact that it nourishes your body and makes it healthier. Drink water infused in crystal containers (even if it is a vase - the crystal is important), wash your face with water that has stood overnight in crystal.

If love is important to you, give the opposite sex something small but beautiful. Women need to weave a wreath and release it into the water with a request to the Higher Powers to grant you mutual love and personal happiness.

If well-being and prosperity are important to you - throughout the entire period, from June 21 to 23 - treat those you can with sweets. Children, beggars, acquaintances and friends.

During this period, it is simply vital for men to pamper their women! You can have fruit if the woman is on a diet or follows the principles of proper nutrition - and you will follow the trend of the period, and the woman will not scold you for spoiling her figure.

And right from this moment, think about how you want your life to look and feel. Remember that during this period your thoughts have a particularly powerful influence on your life.

So, June 21 is the day of the summer solstice and this is one of the most beautiful days of the year. One of the most powerful vibrations of an energy-filled day. This is the right and blessed time to solve all our life problems. 7 days before and 7 days after June 21, these are the busiest and most fruitful days for working on yourself. In these days, you can dramatically change your life for the better. Every conscious person will become a carrier and transmitter of New Energies, which will flow to Earth through the Planetary Logos, through the Great Central Sun.

Why do we need this? The fact is that in our DNA there are matrices and internal Light, like the original Blueprint of the Source, which have been there since our very first experience in incarnation. Now they are not unpacked, that is, in a dormant state. These matrices and Light await your readiness and the right time to decipher them. And that time has come!

You, each of you, will become the carrier of the New Quantum Energies Alpha and Omega, which through you will fill the Earth and all space. The energies are constantly increasing, and this trend will not only continue in the future, but the vibrations will constantly increase. Some of you have stopped in confusion, and the energies continue to grow, and then a little time passes, even in earthly terms, and you begin to feel that everything you have been doing is not your Path, and the comrades with whom you have been walking for so long are no longer your fellow travelers. ... My dear ones, this is just a difference in the set of Light, you stopped, as it seemed to you, to take a break, to comprehend, and the entire Universe, together with the Earth, moved forward, sometimes overcoming unbearable loads, and you stopped resonating at the same frequency. This is neither bad nor good, it is your choice, which is respected by the Forces of Light.

Guys, we have passed the point of no return and now we have one road - Forward and Up! It's time to let go of all fears and doubts and boldly move forward. You must understand that sooner or later, you will have to make a Choice. Sometimes this choice is very difficult for us, but without it you will not be able to move forward.

On June 21, you will have a unique opportunity to let go with peace and forgiveness, all that no longer serves the growth of the evolution of your Soul and accept new Rays of Harmony, Peace and Love of the Creator, Creator, Mother of the World and Source! 2017 is the year of One and Zero, the year of the One Creator, His Inhalation and Exhalation, the year of the Beginning of all Beginnings, the year of total enlightenment of earthlings and expansion of consciousness. Year of the Great Transition.

Interesting? The Year of One and Zero gives all earthlings the opportunity to reunite with the Light of the Creator within themselves and know that something completely New will soon begin. Qualitative changes are already taking place both at the energy level and, as a consequence, throughout life in particular. This is preparation. And then in the next 6 months we will encounter several very important events that have a planetary, stellar and cosmic scale, respectively.

What should you do? All you need is your free will and your desire to change something for the better in your life. Find out who you are? Where are you going? Why are you going there? What are your goals and objectives? What do you see as the end result and what will you do next? Be sure to gather in groups and alone, having previously called on all the Higher Powers that you know and your spiritual team, and meditate! Receive and ground this Blessed energy. Realize the enormous benefit you will bring to yourself and the Earth.

On this day, you can bring together all the scattered particles of your energy chi, lao, golden prana and your consciousness, subconscious, mind, soul and body, that is, return Yourself to Yourself. You can become acquainted with aspects of yourself from other dimensions, with your Masters and Guides who accompany your I Am presence here on Earth and in another multidimensionality. You can expect a large number of gifts and surprises that your Higher Selves will prepare for you. Therefore, what will be required of you is action!

Take action! Take action! Take action! You will achieve previously unattainable heights!
Good luck to you! I wish you happiness and prosperity in everything!

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation towards the Sun is at its lowest.

It is more obvious to residents of high latitudes that the summer solstice occurs on the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the sun rises at its highest in the sky. Because the summer solstice lasts only a brief moment in time, other names are used for the day on which the summer solstice occurs, such as “midsummer,” “longest day,” or “first day of summer.”

Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Summer Solstice Day in 2018: what date?

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, lasting 17 hours and 33 minutes.

Usually this day falls on June 21, and only on leap years- on the 20th of the same month. So, in 2018, this event will take place on June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time.

But why exactly the solstice? The fact is that on June 21, an ordinary observer gets the impression that the Sun seems to freeze at its zenith and does not move anywhere throughout the day.

The longest day of the year 2018, how long it lasts, date

The Summer Solstice is the longest sunny day of the year. As a rule, it falls on June 21, and in leap years a day earlier - on June 20. And since 2018 is not a leap year, this year the longest day falls on the 21st of this month.

The name solstice day arose because people who observe the Sun on this day see a picture of the luminary frozen on the horizon. Another name for the Solstice is Solstice; it is also customary to celebrate this day associated with these phenomena. folk holiday and they have their own traditions.

History of the Summer Solstice Day

During the times of paganism in Rus', the summer solstice holiday was considered one of the main ones. Our ancestors treated the Sun with respectful awe, so they tried to pay tribute to its strength, power and undeniable power. They sacrificed precious items, hand-made souvenirs, and the best of the entire litter of livestock.

Our ancestors believed that if you engage in magical rites and rituals on the Summer Solstice, which fell on June 21 in 2018, you can change your destiny for the better. It was believed that the more esoteric manipulations and fortune telling a person carried out, the calmer and more prosperous his personal life would be throughout the year. That is why the villagers gathered together, set long tables in the field, sang songs, danced around the fire and jumped over the fires. The final conclusion of the holiday was a general fortune-telling using wreaths of flowers, which were subsequently floated along the river.

The astronomical meaning of Summer Solstice

The summer solstice day received this name for a reason. The thing is that astronomers noticed that in the period from June 19 to 22, the Sun literally stands still, practically not deviating from its location. On June 21, it is at the greatest distance from the celestial equator, so on this day it began to be used scientific term"solstice".

On this day, the level of solar activity increases, so scientists often warn about upcoming magnetic storms and increased atmospheric pressure, which negatively affect the health of many people. To protect yourself from sunstroke or poor health, on June 21, 2018, it is not recommended to rest under the open sky until 17:00. After this time, the solar activity will subside a little, and you will be able to comfortably enjoy fresh air and nature without headaches.

Traditions and folk signs of the Summer Solstice Day holiday

The summer solstice in 2018 will come on June 21, during the period of Peter the Great's Fast, if we take into account the calendar Orthodox holidays. Many people adhere to Christian traditions, so they try to completely abandon the consumption of meat and dairy products during this period. From time immemorial, there has been a tradition of setting the table on the Summer Solstice from everything that grew this year under the sun. These products include:

  • Flower honey, symbolizing the power of the Sun;
  • Early herbs - parsley, all varieties of green salad, dill, green onions and basil;
  • Vegetables - new potatoes, carrots, pears;
  • Berries and fruits, including forest varieties of blueberries and strawberries.

It is believed that such food is imbued with solar energy, which on the Summer Solstice will help a person get rid of diseases.

One of the most important traditions on the Summer Solstice was swimming in rivers, lakes and reservoirs. If we delve deeper into pagan beliefs, then it is on the shortest summer night that mermaids and mermen sleep in their pools, without stopping people from paying tribute to the power of the solar disk. It is believed that a person who swims in the river during the day or night on the solstice will gain strength and extend his life by several years.

Since the Sun is closely associated with fire, it was customary to light fires on the Summer Solstice. This was not done by accident. Our ancestors believed that at this time fire acquired magical powers that could cleanse people’s homes of evil spirits, bad energy and damage. There is still a tradition of lighting a wax candle in your home, walking with it several circles around the apartment in the direction of clockwise movement, and then leaving it in a candlestick in the main room so that the candle burns down.

Spell to make a wish come true on Summer Solstice

A very powerful ritual has reached our time, which is usually performed on the shortest night of the year. To do this, you should go out into the forest or field, pick the most beautiful flowers that you come across on the way, and then sit in a secluded place and start weaving a wreath. At this moment, you need to make your deepest wish and read the spell: “Oh, you are noisy rivers, violent winds, endless fields. Look at me, the servant of God (your name), tired. Bring my request to the Heavenly Light, ask for me, but do not be angry. The sun will circle the entire earth and fulfill my wish. So take him beyond the seven mountains, on an eagle or on a falcon, so that the Sun can hear. When sunset comes, calm down, don’t wake the sleeping person, don’t disturb me. She said her word and did her deed. So be it, Therussiantimes reports. Amen". After this, the wreath had to be taken to the river and released. It was believed that after 40 days a cherished wish should come true.