Braids with an elastic band at the forehead. Hairstyles with rubber bands - braiding from small silicone rubber bands

Hairstyles with elastic bands have long ceased to be just for children. Hair stylists have developed many unique hairstyles for adults that are done with elastic bands, but look so chic that they look more like complicated styling, although in fact they do not take much time. Hairstyles with elastic bands are also good because they can be done on hair of different lengths, even short ones. A few simple techniques and techniques for creating such hairstyles will allow you to look beautiful and varied every day.

What do you need for this hairstyle?

Besides combs you will need rubber bands. There are quite a lot of them, so we offer you a list of the main types that are used to create hairstyles:

  • silicone rubber bands;

  • small elastic bands for thin ponytails and braids;

  • voluminous elastic bands made of fabric for decorating buns or tails;

  • elastic headbands for Greek hairstyles;

  • a set of bright colored elastic bands for children's hairstyles;

  • soft terry colored elastic bands for decoration.

How to make hairstyles using rubber bands with your own hands

We offer you a series of step-by-step instructions with photos that will help you master different types of hairstyles with elastic bands for hair of different lengths.

Hairstyle with elastic bands for long hair

  1. Gather a section of hair from the top of your head and secure them with an elastic band at the top back of the head
  2. Curl the ponytail up and make another ponytail from the next row of hair.
  3. Divide the top ponytail in half, and thread the lower one under the base of the upper tail.
  4. Connect the ends of the upper ponytail to the lower ones with an elastic band.
  5. Divide the top ponytail in half and connect it under the bottom ponytail.
  6. So repeat until the last row of hair, and then continue this technique on the remaining ends of your hair.
  7. Finally, straighten the weaving links so that the braid turned out lacy.

Hairstyle with elastic bands for medium hair

  1. Top part of hair secure with an elastic band at the back of your head.
  2. Select the next wide row hair and secure it with an elastic band along with the top ponytail.
  3. Do this two more times, and then again grab the tail with an elastic band near the ends hair.

Hairstyle with an elastic headband

  1. Wear a headband with an elastic band so that all the hair, including the front hair, falls from under it.
  2. Select small strands from the middle of your forehead and wrap them up, threading it under the rim.
  3. Formed loops of hair should be airy and light, without stretching.
  4. So wrap all your hair up to the back of your head, and then repeat the same thing on the other side.

Hairstyle for girls with small elastic bands

  1. Select a row of hair in the frontal area.
  2. Divide it into equal tails small rubber bands.
  3. Divide each tail in half.
  4. Connect the halves of adjacent ponytails with an elastic band.
  5. Do this three or four times, so that on the top of the head you get an imitation of a grid.
  6. Let the remaining hair be loose.

Hairstyle with silicone elastic band

  1. Gather your hair with your hands in the ponytail on top of the head.
  2. Twist it into a bundle and form a bun.
  3. Secure the bun with a spiral elastic band.
  4. Is it possible just make a low loose ponytail on the back of the head or in the same way to form a bun.

Children's hairstyle with elastic bands

  1. Parting at the top of the head square sector.
  2. Divide it into four ponytails using rubber bands.
  3. Divide each ponytail in half as in the photo.
  4. From the lateral temporal parts of the hair braid two pigtails, weaving evenly the tips of the upper ponytails.
  5. Tie all your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head and decorate it with a bow.

Hairstyle for girls from ponytails with elastic bands

  1. Divide your hair in half using a vertical parting.
  2. Make it in the middle of the head horizontal parting, which will divide the hair into four sectors.
  3. Make two more diagonal partings that divide hair into eight sections.
  4. Gather the hair of each section into a high ponytail using a bright elastic band.
  5. Pass the ends of one ponytail under the elastic band of the next one. and repeat in a circle until the ends of the hair of the last ponytail are threaded under the elastic band of the first.

Do you want a stylish hairstyle, but haven’t learned anything other than a ponytail and braids? Very quick and simple hairstyles with elastic bands will easily solve the problem, because anyone can do them!

Volume hairstyle for long hair

This beautiful hairstyle is ideal for holidays and celebrations. It's very easy to make - you just need a few accessories.

1. Gently comb and part your hair. Take thin strands of hair from each side. Select the exact same strand in the center.

2. Tie these strands into a ponytail.

3. Make a hole in the central section with your finger (slightly above the elastic) and thread the strands through it.

4. Stretch the weave with your hands to make it fluffy.

5. A little lower, select two more of the same strands. Connect them to the tail and tie them again.

6. Stretch the weave, covering the junction.

7. Continue as long as length allows. The result will be a very beautiful holiday hairstyle.

By the way, you can wear the same hairstyle every day. In the everyday version, it is made tighter without stretching the strands. In all other respects, installation is performed in exactly the same way.

Hairstyle for loose strands

Long hair gets in the way and gets into your eyes. They can be easily assembled into a cute style.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Separate one thin strand on the sides.
  3. Connect them with an elastic band, placing it on the side.
  4. A little lower, separate two more thin strands.
  5. Connect them again - approximately in the ear area.
  6. Continue braiding up to neck level. The elastic bands can be anything – bright or matching the color of your hair.

Greek hairstyle with headband

A hairstyle with an elastic band around the head can be done in 10 minutes, but it will make you happy all day long! With her you will not be left without the attention of others.

  1. Wear a stylish headband, lowering it almost to your forehead.
  2. Tuck the strands on the sides under the bandage.
  3. Braid the remaining hair into a fishtail.
  4. The end needs to be tied.


Do you like fishtail? It can also be created with accessories!

1. Comb it all back.

2. Separate two strands of medium width at the edges. Tie them in the middle without tightening the elastic.

3. For the next ponytail, take two more strands and tie them in the same way.

4. Throw the second tail up and turn it through the first. Be very careful not to get your hands caught in the rest of your hair.

5. Connect the next pair of strands together again and thread them through the elastic that tied the first ponytail. In this case, you need to lower it a little.

6. At each stage, the braids interlock the outer strands and turn them out through the first ponytail. To increase the length of the braid, the elastic band is gradually pulled down. Do this carefully so as not to tear it.

7. At the very last stage, do not turn the strands out, but chop them in front.

8. Decorate the tip with a hairpin, ribbon or flower.

Tips to help you create a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle from rubber bands in five minutes:

Reverse braid

The now fashionable reverse braid can be easily braided using simple elastic bands.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. At the top of your head, separate a small section of hair and connect it.
  3. A little lower, separate the exact same strand and tie them again.
  4. Divide the hair in the first ponytail in half and pass it under the second. Tie it up.
  5. Separate the strands again and connect them.
  6. Divide the hair in the second ponytail in half and pass it under the third, securing with an elastic band.
  7. Continue braiding until the end of your hair. The braid can be braided either in the center or diagonally.

Office ponytail made of rubber bands

This strict hairstyle for long and medium hair is ideal for going to work, relaxing or walking.

1. Tie a smooth ponytail, positioning it higher.

2. Take a separate strand and wrap the elastic around it. Hide the tip in your hair, securing it with a bobby pin.

3. Step back a little lower (10-15 cm) and tie a silicone elastic band on the tail (choose to match your hair color).

4. Make an inverted tail.

5. Step back the same distance again, tie an elastic band and make an inverted ponytail.

6. If the length allows, make a couple more of these loops.

Romantic styling

How to create a hairstyle that is suitable for parties and dates, weddings or proms? The instructions will help you!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Gather the upper part of the hair at the top of the head.
  3. Select two middle strands of hair a little lower.
  4. Link them together.
  5. A little lower, select two more of the same strands and connect them.
  6. Decorate your hair with beautiful hairpins.

Laying of strands with tails

This stylish hairstyle with scrunchies looks simply luxurious! It can be safely done not only for every day, but also for a special occasion.

  1. Separate two thin strands of hair near your ears.
  2. Twist them into light ropes.
  3. Link them together.
  4. A little lower, separate two more thin strands of hair. Also twist them into ropes and tie them in the middle.
  5. Repeat 5-6 times.
  6. Curl the ends of your hair.

Tail flashlight

This simple hairstyle will bring a newness to your look and make you look very bright.

  1. Comb it all back or part it.
  2. Tie a tight ponytail around the back of your head.
  3. Tie another elastic band a little lower to match your hair color.
  4. Stretch the strands with your hands so that the flashlight comes out.
  5. Step back the same distance and tie another accessory.
  6. Stretch the strands again.
  7. Continue along the entire length.

How do you like this option?

Evening hairstyle in Greek style

Evening hairstyles with a headband with an elastic band are in great demand, because they look incredible and can be safely combined with any type of outfit.

1. Place the headband over your hair, leaving your bangs and strands hanging freely at your temples.

3. Using the thin tip of a comb, create volume at the back of your head by carefully sliding it under your hair and gently pulling it up.

4. Twist the loose strands at the back into tight strands and tuck them under the bandage. Secure your hair with hairpins.

Air bubbles

1. Comb it all back.

2. Separate the strand from the side near the forehead.

3. Tie the strand with an elastic band, wrapping it twice.

4. Stretch the elastic with your finger, lower it a little lower, twist it and make two more turns with it.

5. Stretch the hair on both sides or in a checkerboard pattern.

6. Repeat the procedure on this strand of hair, but with a different accessory.

7. Use the same technique to style the rest of your hair. The size of the strands can be increased to create a wave effect.

8. Lay all the air loops in random order, securing them with pins. Decorate your hair with hairpins.

fairy tail

This adorable hairstyle is not just for kids. It looks just as beautiful on older girls.

  1. Tie a high ponytail.
  2. Separate two thin strands of hair from the sides.
  3. Tie them and gently stretch them.
  4. Select two more thin strands a little lower.
  5. Tie them and stretch them a little.
  6. Continue braiding until the end of the ponytail.

Three perky tails

With such a playful hairstyle you can go to work, a date, or a party.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Gather the top of your hair and tie it at the top of your head.
  3. Turn it outward, passing it through the elastic band.
  4. Below, form two more tails. Turn them inside out.
  5. Gently stretch the weave sections with your hands.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for long hair are a great opportunity to add zest to your look and tame unruly hair. All you have to do is arm yourself with a set of elastic bands, our photo tutorials, and you can easily create a stylish hairstyle in just a few minutes. Choose the option you like and start creating!

Idea No. 1

A new trend in the world of stylish hairstyles is beautiful voluminous braids. These were seen at many shows, and the most advanced fashionistas immediately began to repeat them. Try it too!

  • Select the top part of your hair and tie it into a ponytail.
  • Then arm yourself with the next elastic band and tie another ponytail below the first, also picking up the side strands at the same level.
  • Divide the first ponytail into 2 parts and lower it around the second, after which it needs to be directed upward and temporarily pinned.

  • Then form the next ponytail from the two halves.
  • The strand that was hidden behind the hairpin should now be freed and divided into 2 halves. Actually, this is the whole secret of such spectacular weaving.
  • Such manipulations should be repeated up to the occipital region.
  • Then continue weaving, but without adding grabs.

Interesting! A hairstyle worthy of a thousand compliments can be achieved using a similar principle, but around the head.

Idea No. 2

Even if your hair doesn't have impressive volume, this hairstyle will masterfully create that illusion. Let's get started!

  • Comb your hair and braid a thin ponytail in the center from two side strands, which are arranged symmetrically.
  • Just below the first strands, select two more from the sides and thread them into the first weave up to the elastic band.
  • Again, take 2 parallel side strands and secure them into a ponytail just below the first.
  • Pass the next side strands over the previous ones.
  • Using this principle, braid the entire braid - first the ponytail, then passing the strands through.
  • If you decorate the result of your efforts with flower hairpins, your hairstyle will look more elegant.

Idea No. 3

If you want to look perfect on a special day, you should use the main female weapon - a beautiful hairstyle. For example, this option is perfect for such a responsible mission!

  • From one side, select 2 thin strands and turn them into small ponytails using thin elastic bands.
  • Then pass the second tail through the first, dividing it into 2 halves.
  • The second tail should also be divided into 2 parts and the upper one should be pinned up.
  • Away from the last ponytail towards the back of the head, tie the next ponytail, grabbing the previous strands except the one that is pinned.
  • Release the pinned strand, divide it in half and create another ponytail.
  • Using this principle, weave ponytails with an imitation of a braid to the opposite ear, and then continue the braid down the entire length of the hair.
  • Straighten individual weaves to achieve chic volume.
  • The final touch of the hairstyle is to lay the loose braid up in the opposite direction and secure its tip.

Idea No. 4

Fashionable ponytails with lanterns were recently only braided for daughters at school. But now this original hairstyle has “grown up” and older girls prefer it. And they do it right! Such improvisation on the theme of a tail is a great way to add some spice to your image and emphasize your mischievous personality.

  • Comb your entire hair back.
  • You can place the initial ponytail at the back of the head, or you can coquettishly place it at the very top of the head.
  • Having stepped back some distance from the first elastic band, tie another one.

Pay attention! This hairstyle looks more formal if you use elastic bands that match your hair color.

  • Stretch the second mini-tail in different directions with your hands to create a kind of flashlight.
  • At the same distance as the first time, fix the elastic band again and stretch the flashlight.
  • Continue this manipulation as many times as your hair length allows.

Using additional elastic bands is a great way to turn a banal hairstyle into an exclusive and interesting one!

An interesting option for every day

Idea No. 5

The principle of this hairstyle is too reminiscent of the previous version, which means you can easily cope with it step by step too!

  • Tie the first ponytail. The girl in the photo placed it in the central part of her head.
  • Stepping back a little from the first elastic band, tie the second one.
  • Make a hole above the second elastic band with your fingers, dividing the hair into 2 halves.
  • Scroll all your hair through it.
  • Place the elastic band at the same distance again.
  • Then make a hole in a familiar way and pass the entire lower part of the hair through it.

Idea #6

Having learned the principle of this elegant hairstyle with your own hands, you will surely do it at every opportunity - both on weekdays and on holidays, combining it with a tiara or a beautiful hairpin.

  • Select 2 small strands on the sides, which are located above the ears.
  • Turn these strands into not too tight strands.
  • Bring the flagella back and secure with an elastic band in the center of the head.
  • Just below the first strands, create a couple more of the same ones and tie them again with an elastic band under the first ones.
  • It is better to repeat these 2 steps 6 times - this way the hairstyle will look especially impressive.
  • Also, curls that need to be curled from flowing hair can add romance and solemnity to the finished result.

Idea No. 7

Step-by-step photos will help you create this romantic hairstyle with elastic bands for long hair. Its versatility is also excellent - such a practical option will fit well into an office look, and will also look elegant in a duet with an evening dress.

  • Divide your hair into 4 parts, while the side strands should be slightly smaller.
  • Make a loose braid from each section.
  • Straighten the back braids for volume and twist them into buns. After this, secure the result with bobby pins.
  • Side braids should be laid around the created bunches - one along the top, the other along the bottom.

Idea #8

This simple and at the same time spectacular hairstyle will certainly be the perfect decoration for your look and will attract attention to you.

  • Select the top section of hair and tie it with an elastic band in the center of the head.
  • Just below the first elastic band, braid another ponytail and pull it down a little.
  • Twist the tip of the second ponytail over its base.
  • Braid another ponytail below the previous one and also twist it over the elastic band.
  • Then you can continue similar steps or braid using the fishtail technique.

Idea No. 9

Do you want to add a touch of creativity and originality to your everyday look? Then try this extraordinary hairstyle!

  • Tie the upper part of your hair with an elastic band according to the Malvinka hairstyle principle.
  • Pass this ponytail over the elastic, but not all the way. This will create a loose bun, which should be secured for reliability.
  • Below the created bun, tie another elastic band, picking up the side strands.
  • Also, pass the ponytail over your base and create a loose bun.
  • You can make as many such buns as you like up to the back of your head, and then braid the entire length of your hair into a ponytail or braid.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for long hair for girls deserve special attention. Any little princess will definitely be delighted with these options.

Idea #10

  • Comb your hair.
  • Using a horizontal parting, separate a small strand and braid a high ponytail at the top.
  • After a few centimeters, pick up new side strands and braid the next ponytail, grabbing the previous one.
  • Continue these actions until the back of your head, and then braid the final ponytail or leave the lower strands to fall.

Idea No. 11

Numerous hairstyles are performed using the “spider web” technique.

  • Braid 7 ponytails at the top of your head.
  • Select the next strip of hair with a horizontal parting and braid 7 more ponytails in a checkerboard pattern with the previous ones.

Cute hairstyle for a little princess

Especially for you, we have selected hairstyles with a web at the base and several other interesting options.

Using photos and videos, it is very easy and interesting to learn new hairstyles with elastic bands. We are sure that you will be able to repeat one or even several looks from our selection in no time. Being different every day is very interesting and pleasant, try it!

Women with plus size parameters often boast luxurious breasts. Stylists advise creating an attractive accent on this area using a neckline a couple of centimeters from the neck. The ideal options are a circle or a V-shape. But you should give up the “boat”, “stand” or turtleneck collar.

A braid made of rubber bands attracts the attention of fashionistas due to the ease of creating a hairstyle, and its appearance sometimes more impressive than the most complex weaving.

For this hairstyle you only need small silicone elastic bands to match your hair and some training.

Using elastic bands, you can create an everyday hairstyle that will last until the evening. original form. Or you can create a festive one DIY hairstyle for a special event, especially for girls in kindergarten or school.

Volumetric braids made of elastic bands without braiding

  • Gather strands near forehead on the top of the head, as for weaving a French braid, secure them with silicone rubber.
  • Remove the tip from your face.
  • Connect the side tacks below the first tail.
  • Divide the free part of the first tail in half and pass it under the second, which is now pulled up.
  • Gather the halves into a ponytail along with the following hooks.
  • Now divide the second tail and pass it under the third.
  • Having collected the last pick-up, free collect part in the second tail (upper) and skip through the resulting gap the lower part.
  • Continue weaving along the entire length, then stretch the turns to the sides.

This video shows how to braid your hair using rubber bands.

Weaving braids from elastic bands in the form of a bow

You can express a romantic mood with a cute braid made of bows.

Braiding with elastic bands in the shape of hearts

Hearts on the hair will not go unnoticed and will emphasize the girl’s individuality and romantic style.

  • Highlight above temples thin strands and connect them at the back of the head.
  • Separate the same strand on the right below the previous one and pass it inward over the right curl, bringing the ponytail between the first and second strands.
  • Repeat the same on the left and connect the loose parts below the first elastic band.
  • Make a few more rows in this way, braiding the heart already formed above.

Braiding fishtail braids with elastic bands

A braid with elastic bands in the form of a fishtail will not fall apart throughout the day, and its appearance is not inferior to the classic version.

  • Separate thin strands at the temples and gather them in a ponytail at the crown of the head.
  • Turn it inward over the elastic band, grabbing the tip of the ponytail from below with two fingers and pulling it through the thickness of the hair.
  • Make the second and subsequent rows, separating strands of equal thickness from the sides.
  • Braid loose hair into a fishtail in the classic way, separating one part of the hair from the sides thin curls and placing them in the middle of the second part or continue to secure each weave with rubber bands.

Braid without twist twist

The original braid can be created on long hair using several rubber bands per pair minutes.

  • Gather the tail at the back of the head or to the side behind the ear.
  • Below, collect the tail again.
  • Place 2 fingers through the hair from below between the elastic bands and pull the free end inward.
  • Pin another elastic band at the same distance and stretch again the free part.

This video shows how to make a twist braid with elastic bands.

Air scythe

For a special occasion, a braid floating in the air is suitable due to its volume.

Attention should be paid to the fact that you will need to pre-treat all your hair corrugated tongs, thanks to which the required volume will be obtained.

  • Comb your hair a little and put it in a ponytail at the crown.
  • Separate the side strands so that together they are equal to half of the ponytail, secure in front with an elastic band.
  • Divide the lower part in half and bring it forward, bringing it together below the previous turn.
  • Continue along the entire length, stretching the coils to the sides during the weaving process.
  • Lightly spray your hair with hairspray.

By changing the direction of weaving, you can create a new look with a minimum of effort. Laying in the Greek style will look advantageous and at medium length, adding volume to the hairstyle.

  • Divide your hair in half with a straight parting.
  • Start weaving a braid of ponytails from the forehead to the back of the head, closer to the hairline.
  • Repeat weaving on the second part, hide the ends with bobby pins.

Original ponytail

A classic ponytail looks beautiful only if the hair is in perfect condition, which not every girl can boast of. Having pulled the curls into a braid, you can hide imperfections and look fashionable.

  • Collect a high ponytail at the top of your head, tilting your head down.
  • Wrap a small strand of elastic around the elastic and secure the end at the bottom with a bobby pin.
  • Divide the curls into upper and lower halves, secure the upper one with an elastic band a few centimeters below the main one.
  • Thread the lower half through the thickness of the hair forward over the second with an elastic band and secure with a third.
  • Repeat the steps along the entire length, at the end stretch the turns for volume.

Option for a beautiful one with collected hair:

  • Create a low ponytail at the back or side of your head.
  • Turn the free part inward over the elastic band, without tightening the resulting tail too tight.
  • Divide the strands into several parts and twist them alternately into strands, laying them around the base, creating the effect of slight negligence.
  • Fix weaving with bobby pins or hairpins, decorating ready-made hairstyle with an elegant hairpin or flowers.

  • Make a high ponytail.
  • Small separate the strand and put it aside for a while.
  • Place the tip of the ponytail into the foam donut and twist the entire length from top to bottom towards the base, evenly distributing the entire mass of hair.
  • Braid a loose curl into a pigtail, slightly stretch it in volume and secure it around bagel.

Braid on loose hair

It is not necessary to put all your hair in a braid. A French braid made of elastic bands can only be a third head on the side of the parting, and a fishtail in the back of the head, leaving the remaining curls loose.
We make braids from elastic bands ourselves.

This video shows how to make stylish braids on fluffy hair.

It’s quite easy to create a beautiful hairstyle with your own hands using small elastic bands.

Advice! For the first attempts to braid your own hair, it is convenient to stand between two mirrors or periodically look at the rear view. Later, your hands will get used to the movements, and weaving will be easy.

The simplest version of a fluffy braid made from elastic bands

It is very simple to master the classic version of a braid without braiding, by initially combing all the curls into a ponytail. Divide loose hair in half and collect the top part of a small with an elastic band. You need to thread the second part into the resulting gap and make a tail again. The pomp of the finished hairstyle is achieved by carefully stretching the side hairs to the sides.

Fishtail braid with elastic bands

  • Separate thin strands from the sides and connect them at the back of the head.
  • Make the second row below from strands of the same thickness.
  • Use your fingers to stretch out the second one ponytail through the gap above the first elastic band.
  • The next tie-backs are also fastened with an elastic band and pulled over the previous elastic band.

Braid hearts with elastic bands

  • Select the side strands at the temples and tie them at the top of your head.
  • Turn inside.
  • Separate a couple more curls below the previous ones and connect them with the first ponytail a couple of centimeters lower.
  • Scroll everything together through the gap between the two tails.
  • Do desired number of such rows and draw out from the inside, part of the hair to create a heart shape.

Options for original hairstyles with elastic bands for girls

A hairstyle for girls should be quick, securely pulled away from the face and comfortable throughout the day. All these requirements are met, from among the options you can choose the one suitable for any occasion.

Malvinka with an extravagant braid

  • Curl the ends of your hair with a curling iron or curlers.
  • Separate the apical part as for an ordinary youngster, the lower half is temporarily put away.
  • Divide the top into 3 parts, fold the central one forward.
  • From side curls to the back of the head, and then simple braids.
  • Connect all parts with tiebacks from the lower half to the malvinka.
  • Make a front ponytail with a small elastic band.
  • Place the back part with the pigtails into the gap between the elastic bands and fasten.
  • Alternately drag the ponytails along the entire length of the braid.

4 braids

  • Divide the hair with straight partings into 4 equal parts, tie each part in a ponytail.
  • Alternately dissolve 1 tail at a time and braid the French spikelet in reverse.
  • Connect adjacent braids in pairs at the back of the head, decorate with bows.

You can diversify a simple ponytail by using 2 braids at the top made of elastic bands, the free parts of which are connected at the top of the head.

Bun with a braid from the back of the head and from the forehead

A high bun, complemented by a spikelet at the back of the head, looks original:

  • Throw your head forward, braid French braid from the back of the head to the crown.
  • Gather together with the front part into a ponytail at the crown.
  • Twist the donut from tip to base, distributing the hair evenly so that there are no empty gaps.

You can repeat this hairstyle with a braid going from the forehead to the crown.

Braid 5 minute

Sometimes there is no more left for morning preparations 5 minutes of time, and then a lot will come to the rescue quick hairstyle.

  • Create a high ponytail.
  • Divide the loose hair into 3 parts and attach a beautiful ribbon to the middle one.
  • Alternately cross the side strands with the middle one, leaving the tape in the center.
  • Tie a beautiful bow at the bottom.

Wreath with unusual elastic bands

Not every mother can weave around the head of a restless child, while weaving from rubber bands in a basket does not require much effort.

  • Divide all hair into 8 sectors.
  • Alternately tie each one into a ponytail with a colored elastic band at a distance of 2 - 3 centimeters from the growth line, attaching the tip previous tail to the next one.
  • Hide the last remaining free part with a bobby pin.

This video shows how to make a very simple “Rubber Wreath”.

Funny palms

For little girls, small palms are suitable, which are made from collected rubber bands hair segments in a chaotic order.
spectacular web

  • Separate the line at the forehead in an even row and divide it into 3 squares, making a tail out of each.
  • Divide the next row into 4 parts and attach half of the upper side tails to the extreme segments, and 2 halves to the central ones - from the lateral and middle tails.
  • Repeat the rows, dividing the previous tails in half to create a web.

Ponytails plus braids

  • Separate a strip of hair from the side of the parting, 5–10 centimeters wide.
  • Split this line 4 squares arranged in a row.
  • Tie each one into a ponytail.
  • Divide the second and third tails in half and attach part to the adjacent outer tails, and make a central tail from the inner halves.
  • Braid the resulting ponytails simple braids, leave the rest of the hair loose.

You can get a beautiful, elegant hairstyle not only in the salon. A striking example is the original braid made from elastic bands. Having gained a little experience in creating such a hairstyle, you can weave it every day when getting ready for school or work. Very often, a hairstyle for which many small elastic bands are used adorns little girls. This suggests that styling has no age restrictions. You can alternate braiding options to make your braid look different every time.

General characteristics

Usually the hairstyle is performed on hair of medium to considerable length. Although owners of moderately short haircuts can also experiment with styling. This braid is not a very traditional weave. The main element - the coils - are formed using rubber bands. The fastenings securely fix the braid along its entire length, which allows you to make it fluffy. Girls with thin hair will especially appreciate this.

By the way. The hairstyle is often called a braided or braided braid, as well as voluminous or lace.

Who suits

Braids braided with elastic bands are appropriate in most situations. Chic voluminous weaving, complemented by decorative pins, ribbons, headband, tiara, beautiful hairpins, beads or other accessories, is an excellent option for a wedding, prom, or other special event. More modest styling is suitable for an everyday look: for work or school, for a date or relaxing with friends, going to the cinema, to a concert or other event.

Braids with elastic bands are in harmony with evening and cocktail dresses, with formal suits, including trouser suits, and school uniforms.

When choosing one or another type of hairstyle, stylists advise taking into account the features of appearance. For example:

  1. Girls with an oval face have a variety of options.
  2. If you have a narrow forehead, avoid straight parting and combed hair.
  3. Chubby women should choose hairstyles with volume at the crown. A tricky trick will help visually lengthen your face. But additional pomp on the sides is inappropriate.
  4. Volumetric hairstyles based on braids are recommended for girls whose faces visually resemble a rhombus or triangle. But combing your hair back is not advisable.
  5. A bouffant hairstyle and smoothed curls that reveal the forehead are a bad choice for women with a square face.
  6. If the oval is close to a rectangle, you should abandon the volume in the crown area and straight parting. You should not completely open your face.

Advice. Braids made from rubber bands go perfectly with a variety of partings. Give preference to a hairstyle that will enhance and complement your look as much as possible.

To achieve brilliant styling at home, use the following tips:

  1. Wash your hair. Dirty strands will look unkempt.
  2. Choose suitable fastenings. These can be thin silicone accessories, which are sold in large quantities (up to 1000 pieces) or 1-2 Invisibobble springs. Narrow terry fasteners in bright colors (for children) or elastic bands with beads are also suitable.
  3. The fastenings can contrast or match the shade of the hair. It depends on what role the elastic bands should serve: just to hold them in place or to also decorate the hairstyle.
  4. Decide how you want to braid the braid: from the tail, all over the head (wreath), from the crown, diagonally, etc. Study the diagram of the chosen option.
  5. Use 2 elastic bands if, during the styling process, you are faced with the fact that the accessories are very thin and tear quickly.
  6. Remove the silicone retainers by prying them up with a thin, long tail of a comb. Or cut by carefully lifting the elastic on one side.
  7. To prevent your hair from getting tangled or electrified while creating your hairstyle, lightly moisten it with water or treat it with wax. Can .
  8. Keep finished ponytails that will form the basis of the braiding away from the main mass of strands.
  9. Add volume to thin hair or...
  10. Do the styling in front of the trellis or take 2 mirrors to monitor the accuracy of the braid at the back.
  11. Additionally, fix your hair with hairspray if you doubt the reliability of the fastening.

By the way. With practice, you will learn how to weave braids from elastic bands yourself. This has a significant bonus: financial savings. In Moscow salons, complex weaving reaches the amount of 500 rubles, and this is not the limit.

Step by step instructions

This type of ponytail braid is often called an interpretation. Although in fact it is more reminiscent of, but without weaving. Step-by-step description of the process:

  • Comb your hair. Separate a small part on the crown and collect it in a ponytail.
  • Throw it forward. Secure with a clamp if desired. Form an identical tail a little lower.
  • Divide the first one in two.
  • Pull the second ponytail between these strands and curl it up. Connect the separated halves of hair.
  • Add small curls to this part on both sides. Tie everything into a new ponytail.
  • Follow similar steps until you reach the back of your head. Any loose hair you add on both sides should be gone by this point.
  • At this stage, you can tie a low ponytail or continue braiding using a similar technology, but without adding hair.
  • To do this, divide the upper part in two and draw the lower strand between the resulting halves. Connect the separated curls and secure with an elastic band.
  • Follow similar steps to get a braid of the required length.
  • Align all the parts and secure with an elastic band.
  • Gently stretch the links along the entire braid with your fingers.
  • If necessary, spray your hair with hairspray.

Advice. To disguise the top elastic, after forming the first ponytail, wrap a thin strand of hair around it and secure with a bobby pin.

Various options

Having mastered the basic technique, move on to other styling options. Some of them are quite difficult to do at home. Not all types of braids made from elastic bands can be braided by yourself. But you can do such hairstyles for your friends or relatives. The main thing is that the hair length is suitable for forming a braid.

Volume hairstyle

Suitable for medium and long strands of any thickness. Created in literally 10–15 minutes:

  1. Comb all your hair back.
  2. After parting horizontally from ear to ear, separate a small part of the curls from above and secure with a silicone accessory.
  3. Make a similar ponytail a little lower, capturing the previous one as well.
  4. Behind the bottom elastic band, make a small indentation through which you pull the tip of the tail. You need to turn it out, at the base along its axis. You can use a special hair loop for this purpose.
  5. Continue with the same steps: form the tails and turn them inside out.
  6. At the end, secure the braid with an elastic band.
  7. Stretch the curls with your fingers to give them fullness.

From the tail

There are several weaving options, including this:

  1. Comb your hair and put it in a ponytail. Low or high - depends on your wishes. You can disguise the elastic band by wrapping it with a thin strand and securing it with a bobby pin.
  2. Form 2 strands from the ponytail, one under the other. Tie each one with a thin elastic band. Place them a short distance from the base of the ponytail.
  3. Pull the bottom strand through the top. Carefully straighten and tighten the fasteners. Now the bottom curl has become the top curl.
  4. Continue in the same way: put on the elastic bands, pull the lower part through the upper.
  5. Having reached the end of the ponytail, secure the braid with an elastic band.
  6. Stretch the braid elements a little to make them fuller.
  7. If desired, decorate your hair.

Attention! Attach the elastic bands at regular intervals.

In the form of bows

Elegant styling is suitable for a solemn, festive occasion. Here's how to weave such a braid from elastic bands step by step:

  1. Make a ponytail: tie a ponytail at the top of your head, taking a small portion of hair from the sides and top. Secure with a rubber band.
  2. Group all the curls from the ponytail into 2 equal parts.
  3. Pull one of them through the elastic, but not all the way. Form half a bow in this way.
  4. Twist the elastic band crosswise and use it to secure the second part of the bow, making it from the remaining strand.
  5. For reliability, secure the hairstyle element with hairpins.
  6. After a couple of centimeters, form a tail again.
  7. Roll it into a bow according to the already familiar principle.
  8. Follow the same steps to tie another bow at the back of your head. Don't forget that the elements will hold better and look more presentable with the help of hairpins.
  9. Straighten the weave with your hands.
  10. Spray the rubber band braid with varnish.

fish tail

The following algorithm will help you create such a braid:

  1. Part your hair or comb it back.
  2. On both sides, from the temples, separate thin strands.
  3. Secure them with an elastic band, but not too tightly.
  4. Make a second ponytail of the same type, exactly under the first.
  5. Tuck the edge of the bottom element behind the top and form an inverted tail. Try not to catch the rest of your hair so that the styling comes out neat.
  6. Separate the new side strands and tie them with an elastic band.
  7. Pull the edge through the fastener that holds the first tail.
  8. Select strands according to the same pattern. Turn all the resulting ponytails through the first elastic band. As you braid, lower this accessory, but be careful not to tear it.
  9. The lower ponytails do not need to be turned out, but simply fastened with elastic bands in the center.
  10. When you reach the end, secure the braid. Stretch out her curls with your fingers to make her look fuller.
  11. Decorate your hair if desired.

In the form of hearts

There are two ways to braid this braid. In the first case, the styling is voluminous:

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Separating 2 wide strands in the forehead area, form a ponytail out of them. Turn it away from you through the hole behind the elastic.
  3. Connect the end of the ponytail with two new strands, which should be separated from the temporal areas. Put on the elastic band, stepping back 2-3 cm from the previous one.
  4. Turn the resulting tail out again.
  5. Repeat the same with the third pair of strands, at the back of the head.
  6. Stretch the central parts of the weave, making them look like hearts.
  7. If desired, form a similar element from the remaining hair or simply tie it in a ponytail.

Second way:

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Form a ponytail from thin side strands as for a “malvinka”.
  3. Separate 2 more curls a little lower. They need to be thrown over the previous strands and made one circular turn at a time. How exactly the finished element should look - look at the photo.
  4. Connect the edges of the second pair of strands to the ponytail using an elastic band. You will get the first shape in the shape of a heart.
  5. Continue forming similar elements along the entire length of your hair.
  6. Hide the edge of the last ponytail inside the styling and secure it with a bobby pin or leave it as is.

Braid twist

An original quick hairstyle for long hair:

  1. Create a low ponytail.
  2. Measure down a few centimeters and tie a new elastic band. It is advisable to choose accessories that match your hair color. Choose the interval between the rubber bands at your discretion. The main thing is that it is the same for all elements.
  3. Divide part of the hair in half between the elastic bands.
  4. Pull the edge of the tail through the resulting hole and turn it out.
  5. Leave the same amount of space as in the first case and put the rubber band back on.
  6. Form a similar inverted ponytail.
  7. Continue weaving to the desired level.

Openwork weaving

A lush corrugated braid is designed for girls with thin hair, as well as for young fashionistas who want to look like princesses from their favorite cartoons. Algorithm:

  1. Treat your hair with a crimper. It is more convenient to start from the bottom, temporarily removing the upper strands with hairpins.
  2. Pull your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head.
  3. Form 4 parts from it: 2 side, top and bottom.
  4. Connect those on the sides with a silicone rubber band.
  5. Stretch the weave slightly with your fingers. To do this, slightly pull the resulting element up.
  6. Separate the side strands again and tie with an elastic band. Straighten it in the same way as the first curl.
  7. Repeat these steps to get to the end of the tail.

For medium and short hair

The hairstyle is done in almost the same way as on long strands, with the only difference: the ponytails will be short. The rest of the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Comb a thin section near your forehead.
  2. Tie an elastic band at the end to create a ponytail.
  3. Make another one underneath.
  4. Divide the upper tail in two.
  5. Place the lower ponytail between the parts and temporarily remove it to the top.
  6. Connect the separated strands, add a little hair on both sides and tie with an elastic band.
  7. Place the edge that was pulled up in the center of this tail.
  8. Repeat these steps as long as your hair length allows.
  9. Lightly stretch the coils with your fingers to add volume.
  10. Remove the lower ponytail with a hairpin or bobby pin.

Around your head

If you learn how to weave braids from rubber bands, you will be able to make a beautiful wreath out of them, because the technologies have something in common:

  1. Part your hair to the side. It should start as close to one of the temples as possible.
  2. Separate the strand and form it into a ponytail. A little lower is another one.
  3. Place the second one into the first ponytail divided in half and tie an elastic band behind it.
  4. Move smoothly around your head until you run out of loose hair.
  5. Arrange the remaining curls in the same way, leaving a small ponytail at the end.
  6. Stretch all the braiding elements to make the braid look voluminous.
  7. Add volume to the root zone by lifting and slightly stretching the strands with your fingers or a comb.
  8. Wrap the edge of the braid around your head and disguise the tip with bobby pins and hairpins. Or make a bun.

Advice. The thinner the strands from which you form the ponytails, the more elements of the braid, and vice versa.

Two braids

To achieve this hairstyle, choose any of the techniques described. Part your hair straight down. Form braids from ponytails first on one half, then on the other. Add fluffiness to your hair using a life hack you already know well: stretch the curls a little with your fingers.

3D weaving

This braid turns out to be especially lush. Looks luxurious on very long hair:

  1. Separate a small section of curls from the top.
  2. Tie with an elastic band and throw it forward to your face.
  3. Form a second tail strictly under the first tail.
  4. Divide the top one into 3 strands. Lower the side ones down, don’t touch the central one yet.
  5. Divide the lower ponytail in half. Place the middle strand from the top ponytail between these parts.
  6. Move the elements of the lower ponytail up.
  7. Connect all three strands of the top ponytail, adding loose hair on the sides. Tie with a silicone rubber band.
  8. Stretch the resulting element a little with your fingers.
  9. Repeat the same steps, picking up wide sections of hair on both sides.
  10. When you run out of loose curls, continue braiding without them.
  11. Secure the braid at the bottom with an elastic band.

With beads

For this festive option, first prepare your accessories. Place a bead or decorative pearl on the silicone rubber band. Insert one loop into the other and tighten. Make as many pieces as you need to create a hairstyle. Next, weave the braid using the chosen technology: from the tail, all over the head, etc. Make sure that the bead is located strictly in the center.

Advice. Instead, you can buy ready-made rubber bands with beads. But they are wider and denser than the elegant silicone ones.

With spring

An extraordinary styling reminiscent of a mermaid tail is achieved with two Invisibobble elastic bands. To do this:

  1. Using a horizontal parting, divide your hair into two approximately equal parts.
  2. At the bottom, but not from the very back of the head, put on 2 Invisibobble elastic bands, wrapping each one 3 times. Place them at some distance from each other.
  3. Lightly pull out sections of hair between turns with your fingers. This will make the tail loose and slightly sloppy.
  4. Let down the top hair. Style them in a light Dutch braid.
  5. When you run out of additional strands on the sides, continue weaving without them.
  6. Pull the braid through the top elastic and the first turn of the bottom.
  7. Secure the edge of the braid by threading it through the last turn of the second Invisibobble.
  8. Flatten all sections with your fingers.

The original "malvinka"

Suitable for a young lady who wants to be the center of attention:

  1. Comb your hair. If desired, curl them a little at the ends.
  2. Separate the top part, as for the “malvinka”.
  3. Just above the temples, select strips 2–3 cm wide. A fairly wide part should remain in the center between them.
  4. Braid them into thin braids, picking up loose hair. When you run out of additional strands, complete the braiding with a classic spikelet.
  5. Tie the edges with rubber bands.
  6. Tie the entire upper part, along with the braids, into a ponytail. If desired, wrap a thin strand around its base to hide the fastening.
  7. Separate 2 curls from the ponytail on the sides and connect with an elastic band.
  8. Form a second ponytail a little lower, including the braids.
  9. Carry out installation according to the already familiar pattern. Thread the bottom ponytail through the top ponytail. You will see that elements with and without braids alternate. Do not grab the side strands.
  10. Spread the curls to make them full.

Pros and cons

Advantages of braids with elastic bands:

  • variety of design options;
  • the ability to perform at home;
  • no age restrictions;
  • versatility - suitable for any occasion;
  • compliance with fashion;
  • durability - does not require correction during the day;
  • maintaining the original hair length, which is not typical for classic braids.


  • thin elastic bands cause inconvenience when removing;
  • Tight weaves provoke hair loss.

Stellar examples

Celebrities love to look stunning, but they are not always in a hurry to reveal the secrets of their hairstyles. Another thing is bloggers who meticulously show the process of creating fashionable hairstyles. For example, this is what a girl named Christina does, whose hairromance account on Instagram has more than 67 thousand subscribers. Surely most of them are women of different ages, because the blogger describes in detail her experiments with hair. You can also find a detailed master class on how to create a braid from rubber bands.

You can also get ideas for original styling from the @MissySueBlog account run by Melissa Cook. There are also options for braids with elastic bands.

And film actresses Olivia Wilde and Blake Lively experimenting with styling based on a high ponytail.

Olivia Wilde and Blake Lively

A hairstyle with elastic bands is a win-win option for both mother and daughter. Choose your favorite braiding technology and recreate it on your hair to surprise others with an original hairstyle.

Useful videos

French braids made from elastic bands.

Volumetric braid with elastic bands.