Lesson notes for children 3-4 years old. Didactic exercise “High-low house”

Olga Belotserkovskaya

The main task of complex classes is to deepen and systematize a little person’s knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Complex classes include a variety of activities: speech development, improvement of motor skills, sensory and mathematical representations, development of constructive abilities and mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, perception).

Complex classes involve frequent changes of types directly educational activities, since this is the only way to keep the child’s attention younger age for quite a long time. In addition, to maintain the required level of children’s performance, physical education minutes, outdoor games, and exercises with speech and movement are held in classes.

The duration of the presented lesson is 15 minutes. It is better to conduct it in the morning, when children's performance is highest. The lesson is designed for a subgroup of children up to 8 people. The lesson should be as emotional and dynamic as possible.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson with children 3-4 years old


Preliminary work. In everyday communication during games and regime moments Show children and name different parts of the body and face. Often ask kids to show the following parts of the face on themselves and on the doll: eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, chin; body parts: neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, elbows, nails, torso, stomach, legs, knees, heels.

Look at toys depicting animals with your children, and draw the kids' attention to the fact that animals have body parts that are similar to human ones and are special. For example, many animals have a tail, but people do not have a tail. Animals have paws instead of arms and legs, claws instead of nails, and a muzzle instead of a face.

Discuss with the children why certain parts of the body are needed: eyes (look, ears (listen), nose (breathe, smell, mouth (eat, speak), legs (walk, hands (have many different functions).

Read the poem “Bear” by A. Barto to the children and show the illustration.

Learn this poem with your kids.

Program content:

Educational objective:

We give the concept of body parts;

We teach children to perform elements of psycho-gymnastics;

Developmental task:

Developing thinking;

We develop visual and auditory attention and memory, phonemic hearing (we learn to distinguish words that sound similar - “nails” and “claws”);

We develop basic types of motor skills: gross and fine, teach children to coordinate speech with movement, develop a sense of rhythm;

Educational task:

Cultivate curiosity and interest in acquiring new knowledge.

Vocabulary work:

We introduce nouns into the children's active dictionary (forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.); we activate the verbal dictionary (watch, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc.);

Use nouns in the genitive case in speech.

Material: pictures “What is Mishka missing?”, little man from geometric shapes and counting sticks

Progress of the lesson

1. One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body.

Read the rhyme with your children and show yourself the body parts listed in it:

One, two, three, four, five -

We will study the body.

(Walk in place.)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy,

(Show your back with both hands, then your stomach.)

(Stamp your feet.)

(Stretch your arms forward and rotate your hands.)

(Point to the eyes with the index fingers of both hands.)

(Point to your mouth with the index finger of your right hand.)

(Point to your nose with the index finger of your right hand.) Ears,

(Point to the ears with the index fingers of both hands.)

(Put your hands on your head.)

I barely managed to show it.

(Shake your head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head -

(Cover your neck with your palms.)

Oh, I'm tired! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

Tell the children that although you listed for a long time, you still did not name all the parts of the body.

Ask the kids to show:

(Use the fingers of both hands to stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

(Run your index fingers along the eyebrows from the middle to the temples.)

Here are the eyelashes

(Use your index fingers to show your eyelashes)

They fluttered like birds.

(Blink your eyes.)

rosy cheeks,

(Use your palms to stroke your cheeks from your nose to your temples and finish the movement on your chin.)

The chin is bumpy.

The hair is thick,

(Use the fingers of both hands, like a comb, to comb your hair.)

Like meadow grass.

And now I'll look lower,

I'll name what I see:

(Touch your right shoulder with your right hand, and your left shoulder with your left.)

(Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

(Bend over slightly and pat your knees.)

For me, Seryozha, Lena.

(Straighten up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing at the children.)

Then ask the children to sit at the table.

2. Teddy Bear.

Show the children the Teddy Bear toy. Tell him that Teddy Bear really wants to meet the guys.

Tell the children that Teddy Bear really liked the poem about body parts and he also decided to show what body parts he has.

Say for the little bear:

I'm Teddy Bear.

I dance merrily and wave my paws.

I blink my eyes,

I open my mouth. ]

3. Mishka’s questions.

On behalf of Mishka, ask the children questions.

Guys, what are eyes for? (To watch.)

What are ears for? (To listen.)

What is the nose for? (To breathe, smell.)

What is the mouth for? (To eat, talk.)

What are hands for? (To hold, carry, do various jobs, play, draw.)

What are the legs for? (To walk, run, jump, stomp.)

If the kids have difficulties, then help them answer.

Mishka continues the conversation with the children: “Guys, you and I have many similar body parts. But I have something that people don’t have. Try to guess what it is."

If the children themselves do not name the tail, then Mishka gives the kids a hint: “For me it is small, but for other animals it is big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have sharp claws.”

4. Be attentive.

Enter into a conversation with the bear cub: “And, it’s true, Mishenka, only animals have paws, a tail and claws. Now we will check if the guys remember this well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.” First, give the children sample answers.


Who has nails?


Movements performed by the teacher and children

(Show your nails with your arms outstretched forward back side up.)


Who has claws?


At the bear's.

(Point to Mishka.)


Who has paws?


At the bear's.

(Point to Mishka.)


Who has legs?


(Stamp your feet.)


Who has a tail?


At the bear's.

(Point to Mishka.)


Who has hands?


(Stretch your arms forward.)

5. They dropped Mishka on the floor.

Tell the children that one day trouble happened to Teddy Bear. Ask the children if they know what trouble is?

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won't leave him

Because he's good.

If the children themselves want to continue reading the poem, then give them this opportunity. Then say: “You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Teddy Bear - we will sew his paw.”

Give each child a picture of a Teddy Bear with some part of its body missing. Ask the kids to name which body part the bear cub is missing.

Children give answers: “Mishka has no paw. Mishka has no ear. Mishka has no tail. Mishka has no mouth. Mishka has no nose."

If necessary, help children educate complex shapes words in the genitive case: “mouth”, “ears”.

Then invite the kids to choose the necessary parts of the body in order to “cure” the bear. Children put these parts on their pictures and say: “I sewed Mishka’s paw. I sewed Mishka's ear. I sewed a tail on Mishka. I sewed Mishka's mouth. I sewed Mishka’s nose.”

6. Mishenka is cheerful again.

Tell the children that Teddy Bear was very sad, and now that the guys have cured him, he has become cheerful again. Ask the children to portray sadness on their faces - this is how Mishka was, and then joy - this is how Mishka became, because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to come to his aid.

Games and tasks to reinforce the material

Game "Wall, wall, ceiling"

Target: consolidate the names of parts of the face, develop in children fine motor skills and thinking.

Description of the game. Invite the children to tell and show an old folk nursery rhyme.


(Touch your right cheek with your index finger.)


(Touch your left cheek with your index finger.)


(Touch your forehead with your index finger.)

Two windows

(Point with your index finger to your right eye, then to your left eye.)


(Point to your mouth with your index finger.)

Call: “Ji-i-i-yin!”

(Touch the tailbone of your nose with your index finger.)

Then tell the children that the face in this nursery rhyme is compared to a house, and ask the children to remember which part of the face was called the wall and which the ceiling. What in the nursery rhyme were called windows, doors and bells.

Game "Five Brothers"

Target: introduce children to the names of fingers; develop fine motor skills and pencil skills.

Description of the game. Invite the children to tell and show the nursery rhyme about five fingers.

The morning has come

(Palms crossed, fingers spread, depicting the sun.)

The sun has risen.

- Hey, brother Fedya,

(Show the index finger of your right hand, hiding the rest in your fist.)

Wake up the neighbors!

(Show the palm of your left hand.)

- Get up, Bolshak!

(Touch the thumb of your left hand with the index finger of your right hand.)

- Get up, Pointer!

(Touch the index finger of your left hand with the index finger of your right hand.)

- Get up, Seredka!

(Touch the middle finger with the index finger of your right hand.)

- Get up, Orphan!

(Touch your ring finger with the index finger of your right hand.)

- And Little Mitroshka!

(Touch the little finger with the index finger of your right hand.)

- Hello, Ladoshka!

(Rotate your left hand.)

Everyone reached out -

(Raise both hands up.)

Let's move,

(Quickly move the fingers of both hands.)

Woke up instantly

We had fun.

Tell the children that each finger on the hand has its own name. Show and name the fingers on your hand, and let the children show the corresponding fingers on their palm: thumb, index, middle, ring and little finger. Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Suggest placing your left palm on the paper and tracing it with a pencil. When the drawings are ready, ask them to name each finger in the drawing.

Game "Little Man"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about body parts and geometric shapes; develop counting and constructive skills.

Description of the game. Invite the children to make little people out of geometric shapes - circles and ovals, and make arms and legs out of counting sticks. As you work, clarify what the geometric shapes are called and what parts of the baby’s body he lays out: circle - head, oval - torso. Then ask the children the question: “How many sticks do you need to make arms and legs for a little man? How many counting sticks will you need?"

Game "Mirror"

Target: consolidate the names of body parts in children’s speech; learn to use words to describe your actions; develop attention and imitation.

Description of the game. Ask the children to stand in a circle or line. Go up to one of the kids and say:

Come on, look at the mirror,

Yes, repeat everything correctly.

Perform some action, such as stamping your foot. The child must repeat it. Then go to another child, read the rhyme again and clap your hands. So approach each of the kids in turn, but give a new task each time. After finishing the game, ask the children to tell what movements they performed. For example: one clapped his hands, another stamped his foot, a third slapped his knees, a fourth shook his index finger, a fifth rubbed his cheeks, a sixth smoothed his hair, a seventh closed his eyes, etc.

Game "Guess the riddles"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the names of parts of the face, develop auditory attention and thinking.

Description of the game. Invite children to guess riddles about different parts of the face and show them on themselves. If necessary, help the children.

Two windows at night

They close on their own.

And with the sunrise

They open on their own.


Red doors in my cave,

White animals sit at the door.

And meat, bread - all my food -

I happily give to these animals.

(Lips and teeth)

There is a mountain, and at the mountain

Two high holes.

In these holes the air wanders -

It comes in and out.


He helps us eat

The taste is perfectly distinguishable.

Non-stop every day

He is not too lazy to talk.


Rice. 1. Drawings “What is Mishka missing?”

Rice. 2. A man made of geometric shapes and counting sticks

Summary of a lesson on speech development for children 3–4 years old “Our toys”

Summary of a lesson on speech development for children 3-4 years old.

Topic: “Our toys.”

Goal: to consolidate the concept of “toy”, teach to name a toy by description and describe it yourself, introduce children to new toys that were not previously in the group; deepen your understanding of toys. Learn to solve riddles. Develop coherent speech: teach children to write a short story about a toy with the help of a teacher. Learn clearly, pronounce all words; consolidate the continuous pronunciation of two vowels ua on one exhalation. Teach children to agree words in gender, number and case. Enrich your vocabulary, activate it. Create a desire to recite familiar poems and nursery rhymes by heart with intonation and expressiveness. Develop a positive attitude towards poetry.

Equipment and materials: doll, car, cat, hare, puppy, rooster, ball, horse.

Progress of the lesson. 1. Organizational moment.

Children are included in a group with an assistant teacher.

Teacher: Come closer to me, Look above, below. The toys are sitting here and they are looking at us.

2. Main part.

Guys, how beautiful and various toys live in our group. What is the name of this toy? (Doll.) What is the name of this doll? How does she speak? (Whoa-whoa.) Let's talk about this doll. What is she like? (Beautiful, with long hair, she has beautiful dress. Dress white.)

The teacher reads the poem “Doll” by G. Boyko.

Who doesn't know this doll? You won't find a better doll. It immediately opens its eyes, and you just take it in your arms. And even though the doll has no tears, my girl cries: - Mom, mom! Where are you, where are you? Well, mom is me.

What is this? That's right, it's a ball. What is he like, describe him. (Bright, green and red, and also has a blue stripe.) What shape is it? (The ball is round.) What games can you play with the ball? (Roll the ball to each other, throw it up, throw it to each other.) Do you know a poem about the ball? Let's all read it together.

Poem by A. Barto “Ball”.

What great guys. Who is this? That's right, cockerel. What is our rooster like? (Beautiful, he has bright feathers, red wings, a long multi-colored tail.) Do you know a poem about a cockerel? (Children read a nursery rhyme.)

Cockerel - golden comb, butter head, silk beard. Why do you get up early, sing loudly, and don’t let the children sleep?

And you know the nursery rhyme about the cockerel, well done. But will you find out who came to visit us?

Game “Guess who it is!” »

Who came running to us and meowing? Of course it's a cat. How does a cat meow? What is our cat like? (Big, fluffy, white with spots, she has a long and fluffy tail, she has Blue eyes.) What can you affectionately call a cat? (Kitten, kitten.) Let's read a nursery rhyme for our guest.

Kitty, kitten, cat, Kitty - gray pubis. Come, kitty, spend the night, rock our baby, lull her to sleep.

What great fellows you are, you know so many poems and nursery rhymes. Can you solve riddles? Then listen and guess who else came to visit us. A ball of fluff, a long ear. Jumps deftly, loves carrots.

Who is this? Bunny, of course. Tell us what he is like. (White, he has long ears, fluffy, he has a short tail). What is a hare called in fairy tales? (Slant, gray, coward.) You probably also know a poem about a bunny?

Poem by A. Barto “Bunny”.

What a great fellow you are. And now I invite you to play. You will be bunnies, and I will be a fox.

Physical education game “Fox and Hares”.

Guys, while we were playing, another guest came to us. Guess who it is.

He doesn’t allow strangers into the house, and although he is small, he barks loudly. This beast is a living castle, and his name is (Puppy.)

That's right, it's a puppy. What is he like? (Small, white with spots, he has short hair, a small tail.) How does the puppy bark? In the riddle the puppy is called a living castle, why? The puppy does not allow strangers into the house. Let's play the game "Castle" with our fingers.

Finger game"Lock".

There is a lock on the door, who could open it? They turned and turned. Twisted and twisted. They knocked and opened it.

Someone else came to visit us. Let's see who it is. That's right, it's a horse. How does the horse talk? How does she clatter her hooves? That's right, now let's just click our tongue. Let's tell the horse a poem about it.

Poem by A. Barto “Horse”.

Boys, what toys do you like to play with the most? Of course, boys' favorite toys are cars. How many are there? (There are many of them in our group). Tell me what kind of cars we have. (There are big and small, different colors, trucks and cars.) But what is this car called? That's right, a truck. Let's remember a poem about him.

Poem by A. Barto “Truck”.

This is the unpleasant story that happened to the car. How should we handle toys? (Take care of them, don’t break them, don’t throw them away.) That’s right, in order for toys to please us for a long time, we must handle them with care.

3. Summary of the lesson.

What toys live in our group? Who came to visit us? How should we handle toys so that they please us longer? Everything is correct, now you can play with the cars. The lesson is over.

"Development of imagination of children with mental retardation." The problem of developing children's imagination is relevant because this mental process is an integral component of any form creative activity a person and his behavior in general. In this regard, the important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation arises, and this, in turn, requires improvement educational process taking into account the development of patterns of the entire system of cognitive processes.

"Parents meeting". “Instilling and nurturing cultural and hygienic skills in young children. Age characteristics mental development children." Target:

revealing the importance of family for human development;

promote rapprochement and mutual understanding between parents and children;

cultivate a sense of respect for their parents and a sense of pride for their children;

increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents.


An integrated lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world and self-knowledge, distinguishing the shape, size and color of objects - for children 3-4 years old).

"Boat Games"

(Integrated lesson on fixing the shape and size of objects - for children 3-4 years old).

"Games with pyramids"

(Integrated lesson on distinguishing shape, size, color and purpose

items – for children 3-4 years old).

"Thinking and Speech"

The work of L.S. Vygotsky is a psychological study of one of the most difficult and the most complex issues experimental psychology - the question of thinking and speech. The solution to the problem, at least with an initial approximation, could be carried out only through a series of private experimental studies of individual aspects of the issue of interest, such as the study of experimentally formed concepts, the study of written speech and its relationship to thinking, the study of inner speech, etc.




Open integrated lesson on distinguishing shape, size, color and purpose


Games with pyramids

For children 3 - 4 years old

Performed by Azizova S.G.

Teacher of group No. 9

Moscow 2012.

"Games with pyramids"

(Integrated lesson on distinguishing shape, size, color and purpose

items - for children 3-4 years old).

Goals: Develop observation skills, fine motor skills, the ability to work with paper, paints, plasticine, and instill moral and aesthetic qualities. Learn to respond quickly and accurately to sound signals; develop volitional attention, as well as attention associated with the coordination of the auditory and motor analyzers.

Program content:pay attention to the color of an object, establish differences in the color of homogeneous objects; learn to understand the words “color”, “this”, “not like this”, the names of colors. Work on your ability to differentiate various colors, relying on visual sensations, that is, to develop visual perception. Learn to accurately follow the teacher’s instructions, repeat the movements of an adult, and develop general motor skills.


1. Demonstration: tape recorder, cassette with recorded music; a sample of a finished plasticine pyramid for demonstration to children; plot pictures depicting similar situations (some show a hero independently performing an action, others show an adult helping to perform an action); sample of a finished (painted) pyramid for demonstration to children, a toy pyramid.

2. Handout: materials for making a pyramid for each child: plasticine of four primary colors and boards for rolling out plasticine, a cardboard circle - a stand for the finished work; 10 cubes of eight colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white; pyramid silhouettes cut from thick paper or cardboard, gouache paints, brushes.

Progress of the lesson.

Exercise “Face tans”(for tension and relaxation of facial muscles)

The chin sunbathes (expose your chin to the sun, slightly unclench your lips and teeth / while exhaling /) A bug flies and is about to land on one of the children's tongues (close your mouth tightly - hold your breath). The bug flew away (open your mouth slightly, exhale with relief). To drive away the bug, you can vigorously move your lips. The nose sunbathes (expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open). A butterfly flies, chooses whose nose to sit on (wrinkle nose, raise upper lip to the top, leave the mouth half open/hold your breath/). The butterfly flew away (relax the muscles of the lips and nose /as you exhale/). Eyebrows - swing: the butterfly has arrived again. Let the butterfly swing on a swing (move your eyebrows up and down). The butterfly has completely flown away. I want to sleep (relaxation of the facial muscles; without opening your eyes, crawl into the shade, take a comfortable position).

Arrangement of homogeneous objects, sharply different in color, into two groups

For this exercise you need to prepare cubes of eight colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white.

The teacher shows the children five black cubes and five yellow cubes, randomly mixed, explaining that they are different colors. Demonstrate a cube of one (black) color and puts it aside. Then he shows an object of a different color (yellow) and puts it aside. The teacher does not pronounce the word - the name of the color, but only says the words “color”, “such”, “different”. Taking another black cube in his hands, the adult shows it to the children and asks where to put it. At the beginning, he places the black cube close to the yellow one and says that they different. Then he places the black cube on the black one and explains that they identical. The teacher lays out the first two pairs of cubes himself. When sorting the third pair of objects, the adult invites one of the children to come to his table, take any cube, see where the cubes of that color are, and put his own cube there. Then invites the child to complete similar tasks with a cube of a different color.

Children take turns laying out one pair of cubes on the teacher’s table. In order for everyone to be provided with material, you can take a different color combination of items.

After explanation and demonstration, the children are given individual material for grouping (cubes of different colors in various combinations): each child has five objects of one color and five of another color, randomly mixed.

To prevent children from imitating each other when completing a task, children sitting next to each other are given cubes of different colors. Those who quickly completed the tasks can be given ten more cubes of a new color combination for grouping.

Physical education minute


The players are divided into two groups and stand behind each other. As soon as someone shouts: “Let’s begin!”, the children standing first should quickly, like a spindle, turn around themselves. Then the neighbors take them by the waist and the two of them turn around, etc., until they reach the last one in the row.

The group whose children turn around faster wins.

Coloring the pyramid with paints

To color, you need to prepare each child with a silhouette of a pyramid cut out of thick paper or cardboard, gouache paints, and brushes. You also need a sample of a finished (painted) pyramid for demonstration to children; it is advisable to have a toy pyramid as well.

The teacher asks the children a riddle about the pyramid, and the children try to guess it:

Rings were built in it,

All the rings are like in a bridle.

And they are painted

Like the lights of a rainbow.

After this, the teacher shows a toy pyramid and conducts a conversation about the shape, size and color of its parts. Children answer what the pyramid is made of (of rings), what color they are (different), what size they are (also different). After this, the teacher shows a sample of a pyramid that the children will have to color.

Having shown the finished drawing of the pyramid, the teacher demonstrates the procedure for painting the pyramid (dip a wide brush into red paint and paint the upper segment of the pyramid - the lid - with a stroking motion in one direction; then wash the brush, dip it in blue paint and paint the next segment - the upper small ring, etc. to the very bottom of the pyramid).

After this, the children paint their pyramids themselves. The order of colors does not have to match the color of the sample. Children need to learn how to hold a brush correctly and apply strokes on paper correctly. The teacher helps the kids when changing the color of the paint; they paint it themselves. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of pyramids is held, the neatest and most beautiful pyramids are celebrated.

Physical education for a minute


To the music, children pretend to be swinging on a swing while standing.

Expressive movement:1 - legs slightly apart, both feet touch the floor, but the body weight is transferred to one of the legs. Transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other; 2 - push one leg forward, transfer the weight of the body to it, sway forward and back. For greater expression, bend and straighten your knees. The sketch is accompanied by music.

Game "Be careful!"

For this game, it is necessary to prepare plot pictures depicting similar situations (in some, the hero independently performs the action, in others, an adult helps to perform the action).

Approximate content of the plot pictures:

The boy is drying himself with a towel - little boy wipe after bathing;

The girl is getting dressed - the girl is getting dressed

The baby is bathing in the bath - the baby is being bathed;

A boy rides a bicycle - a boy is being ridden on a bicycle;

The girl washes herself - the girl is washed;

The boy puts on his shoes - the boy is put on his shoes;

A girl is swinging on a swing - a girl is swinging on a swing;

The boy combs his hair - the boy is combed;

The teacher hangs paired plot pictures. After the children take a good look at them, the teacher offers to compare these pictures and show where the girl dresses herself and where her mother dresses her. If the children cope with the tasks, then the teacher removes the prompt words “mom” and “dad” from his question, and the question sounds different: “Where does Olya comb her hair herself, and where does she get her hair combed?” etc.


"What's going on there?"

The teacher tells the children a short story, which the kids will then act out.

The boys stood in a tight circle and did something with their heads bowed down. A few steps away from them, a girl leaned over. "What's going on there?" - she thought, but did not dare to come closer.

Expressive movements:the head turns towards the action taking place, gaze fixed.

Pose: push one leg forward, transfer your body weight to it, one hand on your hip, the other lowered along the body.

Building a pyramid from plasticine

To work, you will need plasticine of four primary colors and boards for rolling out plasticine, a cardboard circle - a stand for the finished work for each child and for the teacher, as well as a sample of the finished plasticine pyramid for demonstration to children.

The teacher announces that the children have painted the pyramids well, and now they will learn how to sculpt pyramids from plasticine, and shows a sample.

The teacher, in parallel with the children, begins to sculpt a pyramid.

First, take the largest piece of plasticine. I have it green. What about you? (also green.) Then we make a ball out of it (children roll it on a board). When the ball is ready, squeeze it on both sides to make a cake like this (you don’t need to squeeze too hard, otherwise the cake will turn out too flat, and it should be about 1-1.5 cm wide).

Now we attach the green cake to the cardboard stand - this is the bottom ring of the pyramid. Then we roll a ball from a yellow piece of plasticine. It's the biggest one I have left. Then we make a cake out of it and attach it exactly to the green cake. We do the same with a blue piece of plasticine. We make only a ball from red plasticine; it is not a ring, but a pyramid lid. The pyramid is ready.

The teacher collects ready-made pyramids from the children and displays them on a shelf, as if on a store counter. He asks the children to imagine that these are toy pyramids.

Which one would you like to buy? This one? Amazing!

Who made this pyramid? He did a good job. What other pyramid did you like? What else?

The teacher notes all successful works, praises their authors, and encourages those who did not turn out as well as they would like for their efforts.

Lesson summary

What do you remember? What did you like?

Children remember what was discussed in class, tell what they learned, what they remembered.


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Higher education teacher

Erofeeva Svetlana Yakovlevna

MADOU child development center

kindergarten No. 125 Tyumen


1. continue to teach children to relate images of wild animals with symbols and make models;

2. consolidate the names of wild animals and their young;

3. develop visual-figurative thinking, auditory attention, coherent speech;

4. develop interest in native nature;

5. cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Materials and manuals: an envelope with a letter from Lesovich, invitations for forest dwellers, a ball, three colored ribbons for the paths, a wide and narrow board, two baskets, large and small cones, substitutes for drawing up diagrams, a Magpie doll.

Decorations: coniferous trees (planar and three-dimensional), den, hole, tree with a hollow, mailboxes.

Scenario lesson plan

An envelope is brought to the group

Educator: Guys, there's a letter here! On the envelope it is written: Tyumen, Shirotnaya str. 103 - and kindergarten No. 125, group No. 9. Who do you think it is for?

Children: For us!

Educator: Right! Let's read it! Reads a letter

Hello children. I got into trouble! The hares and I played tag and ran through puddles. I got my feet wet and have a high fever. Therefore, I cannot fulfill Vesna’s urgent instructions. She asked me to deliver invitations to a holiday for forest dwellers. Help me please! Lesovichok.

Educator: Guys, what do you think happened to Lesovichok?

Children: He ran through puddles, got his feet wet and got sick!

Educator: So what should we do now?

Children: Take your medicine!

Educator: You know, for the sick kind word and friendly support help as much as medicine! Wouldn’t you like to help Lesovich deliver the invitations?!

Children: Let's help!

Educator: Great! But how do we know who these invitations are for?

Children: Let's see the address!

Educator: There's a tree here! So where do these animals live?

Children: In the forest!

Educator: And there are also mugs on the envelope. They are different colors. And so that we don’t make a mistake, there are also riddles here, by guessing which we will find out everything.

The teacher reads the first riddle.

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine tree

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep!

Children: It's a bear!

Educator: Right! Where do you think the bear envelope is?

Children: On which there is a brown circle!

Educator: Why did you decide that?

Listen to the children's answers

Educator: Listen to the next riddle.

I wear a fluffy fur coat

I live in a dense forest

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm nibbling nuts!

Who could it be?

Children: Squirrel!

Educator: Ulyana, what do you think is the invitation for the squirrel?

Child: An envelope with a gray circle on it.

Educator: Well done! You made me happy!

We have one more invitation.

Reads a riddle

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur

Lives in a hole

He's stealing chickens from the village!

Children: Fox!

Educator: You are amazingly resourceful! Of course it's a fox! And what color is the circle on the fox envelope!

Children: Orange!

Educator: I'm simply proud of you! And who will tell us where the animals live to whom we need to deliver invitations?

Children: In the forest!

Educator: But how do we get there?! I see three paths and they are all different colors! Kirill, what color is the first track?

Kirill: Red!

Educator: And Mashenka will tell us all the color of the second path.

Masha: Blue!

Educator: What color is the third track?

Children: Yellow!

Educator: Well done! But which way should we go? You don't know?!

Magpie (doll) appears

Magpie: They say I'm cracking

I'm not silent for a minute

But I can't shut up

I have a secret to tell!

I'm completely - completely by accident

Suddenly I found out this secret!

Do you have tracks in the group?

But they are secret!

Three similar paths

Only multi-colored.

Do you see this ball!

He knows that secret!

Think a little

And my ball will tell you

Which path should I take?

Red? Yellow? Blue?

I leave the ball to you

It's time for me to go to the forest on business!

Magpie "flies away"

Educator: Well, she flew away! What should we do with this ball, how can we find the path?

Children: The ball is green, which means we must follow the green path!

Educator: How smart you are! You guessed it quickly! Then let's go!

Children walk one after another along the green path.

Educator: So we came to the forest! Look, there are a lot of trees around! They are so different, both high and low! Show me guys what kind of trees there are.

Children show tall and low trees.

Educator: The forest is home to wild animals! And we are visiting them now, so we must behave quietly and calmly so as not to disturb the peace of the forest inhabitants!

The teacher draws the children's attention to the den.

Educator: Oh, I wonder whose house this is, do you think?

Children: This is the bear's house!

Educator Inna, what is the name of the bear's house?

Inna: Den!

Educator Good girl! And here is the mailbox! And it has a mug the same color as on the invitations. There are only three of them and they are of different sizes. Which one is it, Nina? (points to the first circle)

Nina: Big!

Educator: And this one, Masha? (points to second circle)

Masha: Smaller!

Educator: And this one, Sonya? (points to the third circle)

Sonya: Small!

Educator: What do you think, children, what could this mean?

Children: Three bears live there. The large circle is papa bear, the smaller circle is mama bear, and the small one is cub!

Educator: You are indeed right! A whole bear family lives here! Let's put the invitation in the mailbox and move on!

Educator: Guys, the first ringing spring stream blocked our way! How can we be!

Children: Cross the bridge!

Educator: And it's true! There are two bridges nearby. One is wide, the other is narrow. Which one should we take?

Children: Wide!

Educator: Why?

Children: Because you can fall from a narrow one, get your feet wet and get sick!

Educator: Is everyone here, have they lost anyone? How clever you are! Well done! Look, someone lives here! Here is a house, and next to it is a mailbox. Let's see what's on it.

Children: Orange mugs.

Educator: Do we have an envelope with this address?

Children: Here it is!

Educator: Do you remember who this invitation is for?

Children: For the fox!

Educator: So who lives here?

Children: Fox!

Educator: What is the name of a fox's house?

Children: Nora!

Educator: Children, what do you think, does only one fox live here or not?

Children: (pointing to circles) No! Here lives a father - a fox, a mother - a fox and two little foxes.

Educator: Olya, how many fox cubs live here?

Olya: Two little foxes!

Educator: Well, put the invitation in the mailbox and go again!

Children approach a large tree, under which small and large cones are scattered.

Educator: guys, look how many cones there are. We need to step carefully, otherwise we might fall and get hurt! Let's collect them in baskets. We will collect large cones in a large basket, and small ones in a small one.

Children collect cones.

Educator: How clean the clearing became. (pointing to a large basket) What kind of cones do we have here?

Children: Big ones!

Educator: (pointing to another basket) And in this one?

Children: Little ones!

Educator: Guys, what do you think are the most cones?

Children: Big ones!

Educator: What about the little ones?

Children: Less!

Educator: Children, please remind me who we have the last invitation for.

Children: For the squirrel!

Educator: Where does the squirrel live?

Children: In a hollow?

Educator: Where is the hollow?

Children: On a tree!

Educator: Let's all look for it together!

Children are looking for a tree with a hollow

Children: Here it is!

Educator: And here is the mailbox. Now let's check if we made a mistake.

Children compare the circles on the invitation and on the mailbox

Children: We weren't wrong! There is a gray circle on the envelope and on the box too, but there are a lot of them.

Educator: What do they mean, do you think?

Children: This means that many squirrels live here.

Educator: Yes, that's right. A squirrel family lives here. Ulyana, what does the big circle mean?

Ulyana: Papa is a squirrel

Educator: And what kind of circle does the circle represent the mother squirrel, Inna?

Inna: Smaller circle.

Educator: Right. Well done! Olenka, who is that little circle?

Olya: Little squirrel!

Educator: Good girl!

Educator: Put the envelope in the box! So we've sent out all the invitations, now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Children go to the other half group room and sit down at the tables.

Educator: Children, have we fulfilled Lesovich’s request?

Children: Yes!

Educator: How can we tell him about this?

Children: Write a letter!

If children have difficulty answering, the teacher guides them.

Educator: I propose to tell Lesovich about our journey into the forest. And these circles will help us

Children make up a model of their journey from circles and stripes (substitutes) individually. If necessary, the teacher provides assistance.

All children's “letters” are sealed in an envelope.

Educator: In the evening I will definitely go to the post office and send your letters to Lesovich. I think that he will read it and be happy. From such good news he will quickly recover and will come to us again with new ones. interesting stories about the forest and its inhabitants

Follow-up work.

Sample topics: Invitation. Why is it needed? What types of invitations are there?

Manual labor: making invitations for your parents to a children's concert.

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
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