Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group Topic: Washing doll clothes. Notes on work activities in the senior group “Washing clothes” Notes on economics classes

Anna Lunchenko
Summary of the game-activity “Washing doll clothes”

Target: Teach children to team up in twos or threes to independent games. Contribute to the development of the plot games with dolls, enrich the content of such games, develop independence. Reinforce the sequence of the process. Learn to act in a team, to combine your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Material and equipment: Bath, soap dish, soap (substitute item, washboard, iron, doll underwear, hanging rack linen, ironing board.

Preliminary work: D\ game « Washing doll clothes» .

Progress of the lesson.

(Game moment : crying is heard outside the door.)

Vos-l: Children, who is crying here?

The children look around and make sure that no one is crying.

Vos- ll: Where is the crying coming from? Do you hear? (Addressing the children).

Children: Yes.

Vos- ll: I’ll go and see who’s crying outside the door?

(I go out and bring in the Piggy doll, in dirty clothes).

Vos- ll: Piggy! Were you the one crying? What's happened?

Piggy: How can I not cry, I’m ashamed, all the guys have clean and beautiful clothes, but mine are dirty.

Sun: Children, how can I help Piggy?

(Children's answers).

Vos-l: Of course we can wash your clothes, and I also suggest wash doll clothes. Fine?

(Children's answers.)

Vos-l: What do we need for this?

(Children's answers.)

I’ll invite Sasha B. to bring basins and Polina M. to bring soap and a soap dish. I arrange the equipment so that it is convenient do the laundry together. When everything is ready I'm asking:

Vos-l: Can wash clothes? Did you forget to bring anything?

(Children's answers.)

Vos-l: Yes, we forgot to bring water, so cannot be washed. What kind of water do we need?

(Children's answers.)

Vos-l: That's right, you need warm water. I will invite Katya G. and Nastya S. to Eva Kh. to bring water and pour it into the basins.

While completing the task, I will remind the children to be careful and give way to each other. Then I’ll show you and tell you how to do it wash clothes. In the beginning underwear you need to soak it in water, lather it with soap, rub it with your hands, rinse in water, squeeze it out and put it in a basin.

I invite the children to repeat my actions. During labor

actions, reading a poem by N. Naydenova "Big washing» .

I have a big one washing,

To me I'm not too lazy to wash clothes.

I pour water into the basin,

AND I do laundry all day.

In soap suds, in soap suds,

Everything will become clean underwear.

I will wash and iron,

Even my own dress.

If, Katya, you want,

I'll wash yours too.

After washing I will invite children who want to pour out the dirty, soapy water, and Dima S. bring clean, cold water for rinsing. I tell the children when laundry washed, it needs to be rinsed, squeezed, shaken (I show how) and hang to dry. During the task, I will help children who are having difficulties, encourage them, pay attention to how Piggy rejoices, reinforce the sequence of work actions and name them. At the end I'll tell you the washing:

Vos-l: Children, we will go for a walk, and our the laundry will dry.

(After the walk, pat underwear, put on Piggy clean clothes, rejoice with him: “how clean and beautiful underwear. Everyone did it together."

Publications on the topic:

The didactic manual “Big Laundry” consists of: - a wooden clothes dryer with two stretched ropes; - clothes cut from.

Conducted an integrated game educational situation with children of the second junior group" Mom's helpers". In the morning with the children before breakfast.

Integrated lesson in the junior group “Big Laundry” Objectives: 1. Introduce children to washing skills (skr) 2. Exercise in the ability to recognize and name different types clothes (p.r) 3. Develop skill.

Topic: “Meeting of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" Goal: To summarize, systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge of the material covered.

Goal: Improve the level of accumulated practical skills; develop tactile sensitivity; cultivate diligence and desire.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group “Washing doll clothes” Program content: Systematize children's knowledge about objects in their immediate environment, about the work actions of an adult, knowledge of color.

Subject:"Washing doll's clothes"



Age group: eldest

Number of children: 6-8 people

Type of work: household

Form of organization: collective work


Learning task:

1. Teach children to work together, to perform labor actions in a certain sequence:

a) sort laundry into colored and white;

b) thoroughly soap the laundry and rub it between your hands;

c) rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

2. Develop skills in working with water (washing clothes)

3. Continue to teach how to finish what you start.

Developmental task: Develop memory, visual and effective thinking, tactile sensations, visual and auditory perception, attention.

Educational task: Cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

Vocabulary work: rinse, straighten, shake and hang.

Equipment: oilcloth, basins, buckets, soap dishes with soap, rope, rags, aprons, clothespins.

Guys, I want to make a wish for you riddles:

If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing,

Without what, we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail -

We cannot live without... (water)

I don't like dirty people, slobs,

Dirty shorts, shirts.

So that there are faces without soot,

I suggest everyone wash their face.

And so that the body is clean,

This will help you....(soap)

They go for water -

They sing sonorous songs....(buckets)

So that the wind doesn't blow the laundry away from the line,

Big doesn't need skill -

I will press the underwear with separate teeth.

They've probably already met you? (clothespins)

You have solved all the riddles. Look. And here are the objects (show about equipment). There are also many other items here (oilcloth, basins, rags, aprons, a ladle, a laundry basket). When do you think people might need all these items, what are they for? (To erase)

Motivation: Our dolls ask you to help them prepare for the holiday: put on clean clothes and wash the doll's underwear. Who wants to be a helper? (Diana, Karina, Masha, Sveta, Nastya and Vika).

Planning process: To remember how this is done, let's look at schemes, we need to go and arrange the pictures in the order in which we will work (children display or arrange the pictures in a certain sequence).

Distribution of responsibilities (at the request of the children): Diana and Karina remove the linen from the dolls, give them to the children, and change the dolls into clean clothes; Vika and Nastya wash clothes, separating colored from white; Masha and Sveta must rinse the laundry very well, then all together we hang out the clean laundry.

Labor actions:

First we need prepare your workplace and prepare for washing. Spread out the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons.

We are with the guys today

We were going to wash the clothes.

This pile of laundry

we will sort.

For us, color along with white,

Well, there's no way to wash it,

After all, colored underwear can

Sheds a lot.

Household work on the topic: “Washing doll clothes” Program content: teach children to keep doll clothes clean in a timely manner: wash clothes. Foster independence. Learn to work together, quickly and accurately.

Equipment: aprons according to the number of children, basins with water, doll linen, soap.Methodology Educator Today we will tidy up the doll's clothes. Who can tell me what needs to be done to keep our dolls’ underwear clean?

Children's answers. Educator It needs to be washed properly.Today we will wash the dolls' clothes. We will wash with soap, so that the clothes are washed, you need to rub them between your hands. Let's look carefully to make sure there are no stains or dirt left on it. After the laundry has been cleaned, you need to rinse it in clean water so that there is no soap.

Listen to how washing is described in the poem: Foam rose in the trough.Like white snowy mountains.And I walked here graduallyVery important conversation:How to hold soap more conveniently.To prevent the soap from slipping?How to wash a stain if it is greasy?Our rule is thisDon't let your laundry rest!Let’s turn it this way and that way and rub it with soap;Clean water in the trough

We need to add more often... Everything is ready, washed - So, we’ll squeeze it out! Here the robe is cleverly twisted - It has become like a thick rope. Murmuring water flowed from the robe into three streams. And then she got tired - She even stopped dripping. This means that the robe is finally wrung out! I hung up Kuklino’s and Mishkino’s laundry, Mom is hanging mine up and my brother’s as well. Mishka's shirt - White as sugar! The doll's robe is drying; I'll dress up my guys!Educator: This is how the girl in the poem handled the laundry. Now we will repeat where you need to start working.(I specify the sequence of work: washing, rinsing, spinning, hanging to dry)The clothes will be washed and rinsed. (I choose a group of girls according to their wishes) I suggest the boys hang out the laundry.(I distribute the work as desired)

During work, having previously distributed aprons and prepared equipment, I help the children, while remembering proverbs and sayings about work. The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man. Business has time, but fun has time. A tree is valued by its fruits, and a person by his deeds. Judge a man by his work. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.I make riddles during work:The bubble is foaming
He marries Voditsa.
Rolls across the palms -
The dirt backs away in fear.
( Soap.)

Blowing bubbles

Foam climbed to the top -

And he was gone

It all disappeared.

( Soap)

Smooth on clothes
It smooths out the wrinkles
Irons sweaters and linen,
My school dress
Strokes the creases of his trousers
Electric... (Iron)

So that the wind doesn't blow the laundry away from the line,

Big doesn't need skill -

I will press the linen with separate teeth.

They've probably already met you?


Educator: That's how we all worked well and amicably together. We washed our dolls' clothes. You worked carefully, did not quarrel, and helped each other. They did their job diligently. We washed the clothes and hung them up to dry. After it dries, I will iron it and together we will dress the dolls in clean clothes.

Olga Panferova
Summary of the organization of labor activity in the middle group “Washing doll clothes”

Software tasks.

Teach children to keep the playroom clean and tidy. To promote the formation of the ability to plan for the upcoming activity(goal, ways to achieve it, workplace organization)

Shape labor skills when washing doll clothes:

A) wash clothes in soapy water(rub fist on fist);

b) rinse linen;

c) squeeze, straighten and hang on a rope;

Activate adjective words in children’s speech (soapy, warm, foamy, add the word to the dictionary "clothespin";

Practice using the verb « wash» in the present, past, future time: wash, erase, washed.

Cultivate attention and interest in labor, the ability to carry out collective assignments in a friendly manner, to take care of the timely completion of joint labor, understand the meaning of the results of your labor for others.

Equipment: oilcloth, two tables, 2 basins per child, aprons according to the number of children, clothespins, napkins, rope on stands, basin with dirty doll's underwear(it is advisable to choose doll clothes made of cotton fabric) .

Preliminary work.

Morning. Game moment: the dolls are crying, their dresses are dirty.

Oh, guys, can you hear someone crying, but these are our dolls. (I find out from the children what happened? I offer to calm them down).

Our dolls are very sad that their clothes are dirty. What to do? How can I help them?

That's right, we need to dolls change into clean clothes and dirty ones wash.

Where is the chest with the clean underwear?

(Children change clothes dolls and putting laundry in a basin)

Look how happy the dolls are, because they have clean underwear, and this, dirty, we will be in the evening wash.

Learning sayings and proverbs about labor: "TO ready to work, more to do, less words"; "You've done the job, walk boldly!"

The teacher invites children in aprons to the table, on which there are two basins, one with soapy water, and a napkin.

Children, the time has come wash our clothes for the dolls.

What do we need to do to work?

Properly prepare your workplace and prepare yourself. What will it take?

The teacher asks why this or that thing is needed, what is its need.

Oilcloth - do not wet the tables.

Basin - wash clothes in them.

Aprons - do not get dirty or wet clothes. Why napkins?

The teacher offers to see how she will be wash.

I'll soak my dress in soapy water and rub my fist against my fist, like this (shows).

Why do you think I prepared another basin? (listens to suggestions, summarizes answers).

That's right, I will rinse in clean water. I lower the dress into the water, hold it by the tip, and try to move it only with the brush. Why do you think? (so as not to splash on the floor and fall).

Now what should I do? (Press underwear) . See how I do it. I’ll put the dress on my palms, like this (shows, I’ll squeeze it into a fist. I’ll turn my fists towards each other, like this.

What kind of water will we be in? wash? Why?

Look, it seems to everything is ready for washing.

What did we forget to do?

You need to roll up your sleeves correctly so as not to get them wet.

Our motto "hostesses"?

"TO ready to work"More action, less words."

The teacher offers to go to the ones she has prepared in advance. tables: two tables covered with oilcloth, on one table on subgroup children have 6 basins with soapy water, on the other – 6 basins with clean water.

Gives the children instructions on how to stand comfortably near the basins so as not to disturb each other, reminds them how to properly rub their fists against their fists, and suggests rubbing while she reads quatrain:

Soap foams in water,

We are not used to being lazy!

Look, child,

Clean linen - mountain.

Now press washed clothes. Check to see if water is dripping from it. Check above the basin.

The teacher monitors the timely completion of this stage of work and suggests moving to another table - rinsing.

- We washed everything together, finished, no one left behind?

That's right, you need it underwear rinse thoroughly.

For what?

Children: To wash off soap, to the linen was clean.

The teacher reminds you how to rinse: take it by the tip, try to move it with your hand.

What do we do with clean underwear?

That's right, squeeze it out, straighten it, shake it, then hang it up. What will we need?


Hey! Listen, friends,

To you, my mystery:

Here are the toothy cheats,

Grabbed underwear deftly.

Hold tightly, don't bite,

But they won’t let me go.

What is it, guess

You guessed it - answer!

Children answer: "clothespin". Asks the children to repeat this word.

Children and their teacher hang together linen. Encourages children who help each other.

Let's get to work together now,

Us laundry needs to be hung.

We worked hard, we are tired.

We have already become big.

At the end, it summarizes the overall work.

What have we done to you? Oh, yes, hostesses, oh, well done! Every worked a little hard, and together they did a great job, the whole rope hung with linen. And the dolls are happy, because they will still have clean outfits to replace.

"You've done your job, go for a walk!" Who else knows the proverbs about labor?

(children complete)

Well done, now let’s not forget to put things in order in our workplace, we’ll put everything away.

a basin of water, oilcloth, aprons, rags, toys.

The teacher explains that you need to roll up the sleeves of your blouses, put on aprons and carefully wipe the toys without splashing.

artistic word, riddle: without work, you won’t catch a fish out of the pond and says: “Let’s work hard so that our toys shine and smile.

first, the teacher takes the toy, explains and shows all his actions: how to hold the cloth correctly, not to wave the cloth to the sides, how wet it should be, that you need to wipe cleanly, carefully, in hard-to-reach places, wipe the toys dry and quietly put them back in place.

resembles a sequence of actions.

during the work, the teacher is nearby all the time and monitors the children’s actions, encouraging and encouraging each action; I gave responsibilities to children who immediately responded to this idea and based on their skills (who had done better before). Demid and Milena removed the toys from the shelf, Nastya and Varya wiped them, and Anya and Nikita arranged them beautifully.

labor skills and abilities are fully acquired. All the work was interesting and lively. The children performed all labor operations carefully, consistently and joyfully.

Middle group, duty in the dining room.

1.Preparation of equipment and materials for child labor A: aprons for attendants, tableware for serving, table setting algorithm.

2.Execution hygiene requirements to the organization of work: washing hands before doing work, putting on aprons and caps.

3. What methods aroused children’s interest in work: conversation, an element of a role-playing game (the doll came to visit).

4. Explanation and demonstration of working methods: The teacher said that you need to take the dishes carefully, take your time, and be attentive. Helped if necessary.

5. Consolidating the sequence of work: the help of the teacher was not required, since the table setting algorithm and display diagram were attached to the wall.

6. Guiding children’s independent work, distributing responsibilities between children: the teacher encouraged and praised every correct action; guys who went to school for the second year middle group They do the work more difficult, and those who are in their first year do it easier.

7. Conclusions (have labor skills and abilities been acquired): The children have developed labor skills and abilities, but those who attend the middle group for the first year experience difficulties in the sequence of actions, but this work was completed carefully and with pleasure.

Management of collective, joint work, senior group; "Washing doll clothes."

1. Preparation of equipment and materials for child labor: basins, rags, soap in soap dishes, clothesline, clothespins, oilcloth aprons, doll linen, oilcloth, parcels, letters, pictures - washing sequence diagrams.

2. Fulfillment of hygienic requirements for labor organization: put on aprons, roll up sleeves.

3. What methods aroused children’s interest in work: a surprise moment (the letter was brought by the postman), motivation - helping young children.

4. Explanation and demonstration of working methods: During work, the teacher gives advice, helps with organization, and gives instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to disturb each other. He asks the children to tell and show the techniques for washing by hand (wet the item, soap it, rub it, rinse off the soap, wring it out). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white laundry. Shows how to rinse. What to do with rinsed laundry: straighten, shake and hang on a line.

5. Consolidating the sequence of work: The teacher used pictures showing the sequence of washing. You need to arrange the pictures in the order in which you will work (children display or arrange the pictures in a certain sequence).

6. Guiding children’s independent work, distributing responsibilities between children: The teacher says: “Today Dasha, Varya, Misha, Roma, Oksana and Veronica will help me.” Distributes responsibilities. (Dasha and Varya remove the linen from the dolls, give it to the children, change the dolls into clean clothes; Veronica and Oksana wash the linen, separating the colored from the white; Misha and Roma rinse, then hang out the clean linen together). He also carefully monitors the progress of the work, evaluates each child, what he does well and what he does not, and encourages him.

7. Conclusions (have labor skills and abilities been acquired): In the course of performing this work, children’s labor skills and abilities were fully acquired. All washing actions and its sequence were examined in detail, pictures and diagrams were used, game form children determined the sequence of washing clothes. The children coped with the task easily, because the teacher competently organized the course of this work.

Task No. 5.

Topic: " Let's put the toys back in their places"

Type of work: household

Age group: younger

Place of work during the day: morning, before breakfast.

Form of organization: order.

Target: training in simple labor skills; bring the job you started to the end and develop the habit of putting every toy in its place, cultivating an interest in work.

Equipment: scattered toys.

Techniques for motivating children: surprise moment. I say: “The doll Masha will come to visit us now and see how we can quickly put away the toys and put them beautifully in their places (the arrival of the doll Masha to the group, I sit her on a chair and explain to the children that she will look at our work).

demonstration with explanation, conversation, questions and answers, joint action with the child.

positive assessment, encouragement.


1. Preparation for this work consisted of thinking through the motivation and creating all the conditions for a successful start and completion of the work started.

2. Everything planned was carried out in full.

3. Everything that I planned turned out to be successful, the children willingly agreed to put the toys away and put them in their places, and also completed the work they started to the end; throughout the entire work, the children’s interest in this work activity was maintained.

4. My help was needed in properly providing motivation and jointly performing actions with the children.

5. For the future, I would like to note that it is imperative to give instructions to children in younger age, since it stimulates children to carry out subsequent types of work and fosters interest in work, and they also become more confident in their actions.

Topic: " Let's help our indoor flowers"

Type of work: labor in nature

Age group: eldest.

Place of work during the day: morning, before breakfast.

Form of organization: duty in a corner of nature.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the techniques of caring for indoor plants and the sequence of work. Systematize children's knowledge about indoor plants, continue to instill the necessary knowledge to care for them. Instill interest, develop curiosity and the desire to care for plants, cultivate responsibility for the assigned task and the ability to see things through to the end.

Equipment: rags, loosening sticks, watering cans, spray bottle, scissors.

Techniques for motivating children: telegram from the fairy of flowers. “Guys, in the morning I received a telegram (I print it out and read the contents) from the fairy of flowers, she saw that our flowers were dusty and the soil was dry, and leaves, and asked for help, and since you are already big guys, I think you can handle it.

Methods of teaching labor skills: I give advice and instructions (loosen the soil around the flower, carefully pour water, you need to spray not only from above, from the side, but also from below); I ask questions: “Which flowers need to be poured with water only into the tray? What other flowers do you know?”

Techniques for assessing children's activities: I encourage and provide an analysis of the results of the work performed, correctly pointing out the shortcomings.


1. Preparation for this work activity consisted of preparing equipment, setting a goal, and creating motivation.


3. In general, everything worked out well, only the boys were not very careful (they flooded the flower and crumbled the soil when loosening it).

4. It was especially possible to interest them; when doing the work, the children were polite and helped each other.

5. For the future, she noted that it is necessary to constantly include some type of work in the daily plan, because the guys learn to interact with each other, help their comrades, bring the work they start to the end, they develop interest, excitement and desire, curiosity, and also instill love to work, which means they will grow up to be worthy people!

Subject:"Let's clear the alley of trash"

Type of work: labor in nature

Age group: preparatory

Place of work during the day: 1st half of the day, before lunch.

Form of organization: collective work (common).

Target: to develop in children the ability to work in a team, to arouse an active interest in joint work, a desire to help each other, to teach children to distribute work among themselves in a team, to develop the ability to work carefully and complete the work started, to cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards each other and a positive attitude to work.

Equipment: bags, gloves according to the number of children (10), rags for tying up broken branches.

Techniques for motivating children: proverbs about work (work feeds, but laziness spoils, etc.), I say: “Guys, what holiday will be soon?” (May 1), let us put things in order around kindergarten and on the alley, so that all passers-by will admire the beauty of nature and praise us.”

Methods of teaching labor skills: I explain what needs to be done and how to do it (when tying branches, one child needs to carefully lift the branch and tie the other; hold the bag carefully, carry the branches to a certain place), give explanations, instructions, remember the rules of behavior on the street (do not push, do not run out on the roadway, do not run). She provided a little help in distributing responsibilities (Misha and Vova carry the bag, and Dasha, Ulya, Oksana, Alisa, Varya put away the garbage, the rest help).

Techniques for assessing children's activities: Well done guys! Look how beautiful, clean and cozy it is near the kindergarten; passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off the order we have created. At the end I will distribute candy.


1. Preparations for the event included preparing the equipment

2. Everything planned was carried out.

3. It was especially successful in motivating the children, they got down to business with joy and great interest, their eyes lit up, helped each other, they had a great desire to work (they completed the work very quickly, no one stood still, everyone moved with pleasure and each of the children wanted to do something more to be noticed and praised).

4. My help consisted only in preparing equipment and distributing responsibilities.

5. For the future, I set myself the intention that I will continue to act in the same way, and every year I will clean the area around the kindergarten together with the children and involve them more in work. To me joint activities with children brought a lot of positive emotions.


During her work with children, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dokuchaeva showed herself to be positive side. She prepared the necessary equipment and material, the structure of the event was followed; work motivation has also been selected that matches the age of the children. IN younger group children were competently shown the sequence of work actions, and work was carried out jointly with children in accordance with the level of development of children’s labor skills. In preparatory and senior group assistance was provided in the distribution of responsibilities. Dokuchaeva E. V. took an active part in joint work activities and gave a competent assessment of the results of children’s work in accordance with motivation.

Task No. 6

Purpose of observation: identify which skills are more developed in the child.

Last name and age of the child: Farin Matvey, 5 years and 6 months

Time and place of work: 1 half day

Progress: I invite children to work with flowers (water, loosen, spray and trim dry leaves). Matvey happily accepts my offer, but says, what should I do?, then asks Roma to bring him a watering can. While working, he politely asks for help from other guys, performs actions correctly, but not carefully (he is in a hurry, often distracted). Shows initiative, but does not feel desire and zeal. He himself determines the sequence of work actions, but does not complete the work he started (he ran off to play cars with the boys) and did not clean up the equipment after himself, but appreciated his result: “How beautiful the flowers have become.”

No. Indicators of labor skills Present Absent
1. Ability to accept the purpose of work:
-accepts social motivation +
- brings the job started to completion +
2. Nature of labor actions:
- performs independently +
-performs correctly +
- performs carefully +
3. Attitude to the labor process:
-shows initiative +
-performs tasks with desire +
4. Ability to plan work:
- independently prepares and cleans equipment +
- determines the sequence of labor operations +
-evaluates your results +

Conclusion: Farin Matvey has the best developed labor skills: the ability to plan work, but the attitude to the labor process and the ability to accept the goal of labor are not fully formed; less developed labor skills: the nature of labor actions. I assume that Matvey needed strong and interesting motivation to create a desire to work and finish the job without being distracted.

Task No. 7.

View productive activity: drawing

Subject:"The sun is shining"

Age group: younger

Form of organization: frontally

Place of the day: 2 half day

Target: Continue to develop the ability to draw rounded closed lines, improve hand-eye coordination, limit hand movement, and draw a sun in the middle of a sheet. Practice the ability to hold the brush correctly, do not squeeze too hard, move it lightly across the paper, and dip the bristles of the brush into the paint. Accustom to work neatly and cleanly. To cultivate a desire to draw and aesthetic feelings.

Preparatory work: watching the sun while walking, drawing round shapes (a ball, a ball of thread for grandmothers, snowballs). Looking at illustrations. Reading nursery rhymes about the sun, poems about the sun. Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun.”

Equipment:½ sheet of paper, gouache, brush, sippy cup. Sample of the sun.

Motivation techniques: reading an excerpt by K.I. Chukovsky: aroused pity among the children (crying, waiting for help).

Productive skills training: visual method (sample of the sun, then I explain to the children and draw the sun on a piece of paper); practical method (imitation in the air, then on a sheet with a dry brush); verbal method (I use questions and give hints for those children who have difficulties); game method (game “Sunshine and Rain”).

Assessments of the results of children's productive activities: encouragement (I praise each child for their work), I organize a photo exhibition.