The conflict between Buzova and Loboda is gaining scale and drawing in other stars. Gluck'oZa spoke about the conflict between Olga Buzova and Svetlana Loboda Why is there a conflict between Buzova and Loboda

Once the lead singer of VIA Gra, (34) has been successfully pursuing a solo career for more than 12 years! Let us remember that Loboda joined the most famous girl group in the country in 2004, taking the place of the departed Anna Sedokova (34), and in the same year she left the team due to a tight schedule and a strict contract. Many then predicted failure for Svetlana, but the singer did not give up, and it was her solo songs that brought her enormous success!

Now Svetlana is touring with a program in support of the H2LO album (with the tracks “To hell with love”, “Random” and “Your eyes”).

In support of the tour, Loboda gave an interview to the Afisha publication, in which she frankly spoke about her work and colleagues, hobbies and plans for the future. The artist also spoke about Olga Buzova (31): “You know, I’ve already changed my point of view about this girl. She used to give me very mixed emotions. Not “rejection”, no, but “misunderstanding” for sure. Now I understand that this project will exist for a long time and people will like it. A large country has a very diverse population. And these are mostly people who do not have the opportunity to read, watch, think, search. They earn money, they earn it hard, they need to feed their children, organize their lives and occasionally be distracted by something. You can't blame them for this. It seems to me that this is exactly for these people. I see that she is trying, looking for images, changing costumes, putting on dance numbers. Her singles are downloaded on iTunes, which means that someone needs it, and this cannot be taken lightly.”

And here’s what else is interesting to Sveta: “I just watched all of Andrei Zvyagintsev (53) - but I can’t say that I like his films. Yesterday I rewatched “Exile,” but I still can’t get to “Loveless.” Eight years ago, Natella turned me on to all these directors - Bergman, Jarmusch, Gus Van Sant - and still gives me both short films and auteur films. She believes that an artist, in order for his eyes to radiate at least something, needs to look a lot, read a lot and think a lot. Ivan Vyrypaev (42) also really likes: “Euphoria”, “Dance of Delhi”, “Oxygen”.

And Loboda, it turns out, is interested in photography and painting. During pregnancy (Svetlana has a daughter, Evangelina (6), from her marriage to choreographer Andrei Tsar), she often drew: “I think I did it well then. My teacher said that I have a sense of color and proportions. I also really love photography. A friend recently gave me a Leika camera, and I haven't been able to return it for a month now. Leika is a complex camera. At first I shot at random, without understanding anything. I still have to study and study,” said the singer.

Oh, these social networks! One star will write a comment, and the second will be offended by it. In the last couple of weeks alone, we have witnessed several such conflicts at once. Either Vera Brezhneva threatened Alena Vodonaev, then Alena Apina threatened, then Olga Buzova again got upset because of someone’s words.

Recently, singer Svetlana Loboda (as it seemed to Olga) spoke about fans of the singing presenter of “Dom-2,” to which Olya immediately rebuffed. “Any artist, whether he is an actor, TV presenter, musician or aspiring singer, is primarily engaged in creativity for people, viewers, fans. And I'm no exception. Over the 13 years of working in show business, I have encountered a huge amount of negativity addressed to me; there have been and continue to be insults and dissatisfaction towards my personality and creativity. I try not to react to this! But when they try to offend my fans, people who have supported me from the very beginning, sincerely love and appreciate me, then I, forgive me, cannot remain silent,” Olya got angry.

Natasha Ionova communicates well with Svetlana Loboda...

However, unexpectedly Natalya Ionova (Glyuk’oZa) intervened in the heated emotional dialogue of the stars. And she immediately asked no one to quarrel.

“Let's start with the fact that music has always been and remains outside of politics. I really want you to remember this always when the thought arises in your head to write another nasty thing, unjustifiably accuse the singer and ignite a national scandal. I adore Loboda, her songs and creativity in general; not only is she smart and beautiful, she is also a huge hard worker! It was thanks to our friendship that I had the opportunity to see the amount of work behind this enchanting and unrealistically sexy picture on stage, so you shouldn’t write that because of a close relationship I rushed to defend my friend, you’d be wrong! As for Buzova, my position is this. Undoubtedly, she is a sharp girl, an incredible workaholic, and most importantly, Olya is not afraid to do what she wants, and I respect such people. She gets a thrill from what is happening in her life, and this certainly attracts, in addition, she has an excellent ability to even turn the actions of ill-wishers in her direction, this is worth learning. But, to be honest, now Buzova is more about business than about creativity, which, it seems to me, is still not enough. But I believe in it."

Gluk’oZa also wrote an appeal to her fans, urging them to quarrel less and create more: “Your evil comment will not change anyone’s life except yours, but nothing good is expected here either. Love, create, please your loved ones, and everything will be even better than you can imagine!”

The conflict between Svetlana and Olga flared up due to the careless words of the former VIA Gra soloist addressed to the leading singer of Dom-2. In short, Loboda criticized the work of Buzova and her fans.


“These are mostly people who do not have the opportunity to read, watch, think, search...” – these are the words the Ukrainian singer described Olga’s listeners. Buzova immediately came to the defense of her many fans and politely asked Loboda not to insult people about whom she knows nothing.

According to Buzova, her songs were liked by some admirers of Loboda’s work. “While on tour in my native Russia, talk better about your work and your fans, some of whom, by the way, listen to my music,” the host of “House-2” advised Svetlana.

Note that Olga has more than ten million supporters on Instagram alone. Loboda’s statement looks absurd and thoughtless, because so many people cannot have all the shortcomings voiced by Svetlana.

An army of Buzova fans attacked Loboda with reproaches. When Gluk’oZa shared a photo with Svetlana on her Instagram and added a heart, people scolded her for supporting the “wrong singer.”

Chistyakova-Ionova did not remain silent and tried to smooth out the conflict. According to Natalya, she treats both performers well. “Friends, in view of the funny articles in the media with the headlines “Glucose got it because of the showdown between Loboda and Buzova” and the controversy that broke out in the comments under my last photo with Sveta, I want to bring some clarity,” Natalya wrote, posting a joint photo with Olga.

The artist decided to put people in a peaceful mood by thinking about beauty. “Let’s start with the fact that music has been and remains outside of politics, I really want you to remember this always when the thought arises in your head to write another nasty thing, unjustifiably accuse the singer and incite a national scandal,” noted Glyuk’oZa .

Natalya admitted that she was breathing unevenly towards Svetlana. “I adore Loboda, her songs and creativity in general, not only is she smart and beautiful, she is also a huge hard worker! It was thanks to our friendship that I had the opportunity to see the amount of work behind this enchanting and unrealistically sexy picture on stage , so you shouldn’t write that because of a close relationship I rushed to defend my friend, you’d be wrong!” – Chistyakova-Ionova said emotionally.

Natalya found a lot nice words and for Olga. “As for Buzova, my position is this. Undoubtedly, she is a spirited girl, an incredible workaholic, and most importantly, Olya is not afraid to do what she wants, and I respect such people. She gets a thrill from what is happening in her life, and this certainly attracts, in addition, she has an excellent ability to even turn the actions of ill-wishers in her direction, this is worth learning,” says the artist.

However, judging by the following words, the performer did not like Olga’s hits that blew up the charts. “Honestly, now Buzova is more about business than about creativity, which, it seems to me, is still not enough,” Gluck’oZ allowed herself a little criticism (she, by the way, is also often accused of lacking a voice). “But I’m into her I believe."

At the end of the message, Natalya took over the functions of the good cat Leopold. “Let’s quarrel less and create more,” the artist suggested. “Your evil comment will not change anyone’s life except yours, but nothing good can come from here either. Love, create, please your loved ones, and everything will be even better than you can imagine.” introduce".

The conflict between the two singers has grown from personal squabbles into a whole musical war, and other performers are already choosing sides in the conflict and publicly supporting one of the performers.

The conflict began after Svetlana Loboda, in one of her recent interviews called everyone who listens to Olga Buzova’s songs people who “do not have the opportunity to read, look, think, search”.

“You know, I’ve already changed my point of view regarding this girl. She used to evoke very mixed emotions in me. Not “rejection”, no, but “misunderstanding” for sure. Now I understand that this project will exist for a long time and people will like it. A large country has a very diverse population. And these are mostly people who do not have the opportunity to read, watch, think, search. They earn money, they earn it hard, they need to feed their children, arrange their daily life and occasionally be distracted by something. You can't blame them for this. It seems to me that Olga Buzova is exactly for such people. I see that she is trying, looking for images, changing costumes, putting on dance numbers. Her singles are downloaded on iTunes, which means that someone needs it, and this cannot be taken lightly.”

Olga Buzova responded to this offensive statement with a detailed post on her Instagram. There's an artist there expressed the opinion that Loboda simply wants to attract attention to herself at her expense. Olga suggested listening to her opinion about herself in person.

Glyukoza accidentally got involved in the conflict, she posted a joint photo with Loboda at the wrong time and people decided that she supported her statement. Natalya Ionova was forced to explain her point of view:

“Friends, in view of the funny articles in the media with the headlines “Glucose got it because of the showdown between Loboda and Buzova” and the controversy that broke out in the comments under my last photo with Sveta, I want to bring some clarity. Let's start with the fact that music has always been and remains outside of politics. I really want you to remember this always when the thought of writing another nasty thing arises in your head, unjustifiably accusing the singer and inciting a national scandal. I adore Loboda, her songs and creativity in general; not only is she smart and beautiful, she is also a huge hard worker! It was thanks to our friendship that I had the opportunity to see the amount of work behind this enchanting and unrealistically sexy picture on stage, so you shouldn’t write that because of a close relationship I rushed to defend my friend, you’d be wrong! As for Buzova, my position is this. Undoubtedly, she is a sharp girl, an incredible workaholic, and most importantly, Olya is not afraid to do what she wants, and I respect such people. She gets a thrill from what is happening in her life, and this certainly attracts, in addition, she has an excellent ability to even turn the actions of ill-wishers in her direction, this is worth learning. But, to be honest, now Buzova is more about business than about creativity, which, it seems to me, is still not enough. But I believe in her. Let's quarrel less and create more, your evil comment will not change anyone's life except yours, but nothing good can happen here either. Love, create, please your loved ones, and everything will be even better than you can imagine.”, – the artist wrote.

In the end, Anna Sedokova intervened in the quarrel and on her Instagram page she dedicated a post to Olga Buzova. Sedokova wanted to support the aspiring singer and talked about her first meeting with Olga.

“Olga Buzova, I remember the first time we met. I’m pregnant in December, but no one knows yet, you’re as thin as a reed. I clearly remember how you trembled when we took pictures. You said that you have hardly slept for three days. The day before yesterday we were on the plane, and you were already a little different, but still never sleeping with a planned tour schedule for the year ahead. Brave and strong. We don't know you closely. I don't even have your phone number. But I don't understand how you deal with all the hatred around you. I read the comments in just a few posts, and I felt uneasy. Every second person considers it necessary to discuss and criticize. But every first one protects. You see, I’m there too. You just showed me this video, but you don’t have it in your feed. I want to confess to you. I would really like to be loved by such a wonderful, kind, open and real audience. I love mine madly, and I am infinitely grateful to her for her support. Because, going through all the hell of divorce and separation, when you feel bad and your heart is in bandages, you open your eyes and see that you are alone and no one is around. You don’t want to go further, but suddenly you realize that somewhere there are waiting for you #Your People, you find the strength in yourself and go #OnlyForward Now everything will be fine”, – wrote Sedokova.

The new episode of “Voice of the Country-7” was remembered not only for the incredible singing of the participants, but also for Tina Karol’s statement towards Svetlana Loboda, which provoked a real scandal between the artists. The fact is that after the performance of show participant Anastasia Malashkevich, who performed Loboda’s song “40 degrees,” Tina replied: “Probably, the original should listen to how this song should be performed.”

Loboda did not remain silent, and her producer Natella Krapivina commented on the situation.

“Yes, I saw this fragment of the broadcast - Svetlana’s outraged fans sent a video. I’ll be brief: it’s a pity that a person who has been sitting in “The Voice” for so many years that he has literally grown to his chair and evokes more associations with its color than with the songs he sings, has not realized that our country is generous for voices, but Ukrainian show business is poor in personality,” said Loboda’s producer in an interview with KP in Ukraine.

Natella considers this behavior of her colleagues unacceptable.

“And an artist is, first of all, a personality! Big, large-scale, light and strong! A person will never allow himself to make humiliating remarks about colleagues or assert himself using airtime. And if the newly-minted “folk” believes that, hiding behind unambiguous connections, you can stop being a well-mannered person, I sincerely feel sorry for her! I'm ready to teach a couple of tact master classes in exchange for a couple of vocal lessons. And I’m also ready to sign a petition to the president to award the title “Honored Coach of Ukraine,” said Natella.

The situation did not go unnoticed by Tina and Loboda’s other colleagues. Thus, Vlad Darvin commented on the conflict between the artists, leaving a large post with reflections on his Facebook.

"On this post“I was inspired by another “verbal ping-pong in the media” of cultural figures I respect,” Vlad began. – I have been closely following Ukrainian show business since I was 8 years old. I chose it because it vividly and figuratively reveals human nature. I personally know many Ukrainian artists, producers and managers. Over the years, I have become acquainted with the manifestations of both the constructive and destructive sides of show business. I never managed to meet the “standard of morality and decency”, nor did I manage to cultivate it in myself. After all, any intersection of interests is already a conflict (to a greater or lesser extent). And where there is conflict, there is always tension, façade, manipulation.”