What oil to buy for the face. Which facial oil to choose?

In the article we discuss cosmetic oils. We talk about their benefits and effectiveness. By following our tips, you will learn which oils are best to use for your face, hair and body.

Cosmetic oil is a product of oil consistency intended for the care of the skin of the face, body and hair. It lacks an aqueous phase, thanks to which the product turns into a cream or emulsion.

Oils can be:

  • mineral and plant;
  • partially synthesized and natural;
  • enriched with esters or other ingredients.

They are produced by cold pressing the plant, which preserves all the beneficial substances and increases the shelf life of the product.

Each cosmetic oil is unique in its composition and effect on the body.

But in general, oils accelerate cellular metabolism, stimulate the synthesis of fibrinogen and collagen, moisturize the epidermis, and stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Benefits and effectiveness of oils

The beneficial properties of cosmetic oils for the skin include:

  • hydration;
  • rejuvenation;
  • Possibility of use for any type;
  • softening;
  • prevention of early aging;
  • nutrition;
  • increasing tone, elasticity, firmness.

The products are recommended to be used during massage, as they increase the effectiveness of the procedure and have a preventive and therapeutic effect. They also have a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its structure, accelerating the recovery process, and stabilizing lipid metabolism.

Oils are used for daily care and cleansing of the skin, added to cosmetics, and used to protect against sun rays.

Typically, oils are applied to the face and body in the evening for the purpose of rejuvenation. In autumn and winter time The products can be used instead of day cream.

The effectiveness of cosmetic oils lies in their natural composition, which is close to the composition of human sebum. Most cosmetic oils are hypoallergenic, so they can be used even for sensitive skin types.

How do cosmetic oils differ from essential oils?

Cosmetic and essential oils are often confused, considering them identical in composition, action and effectiveness. But there are differences between these means.

Cosmetic oil is a ready-to-use independent product that has a complex biochemical composition and several components. They include basic vegetable oils, extracts, and pure esters.

Typically, cosmetic oils are the basic vegetable oil extracts obtained by pressing, pressing, extracting from various parts of the plant, in pure form or with the addition of esters. You can make these oils yourself or buy them at a pharmacy. Vegetable oils are the basis for essential oils.

Essential oil is a composition with a high concentration of mixtures of volatile and odorous substances, prepared from various parts of a plant using high technology. It instantly dissolves in the air, leaving no greasy residue. To be used in cosmetology, they require a fatty carrier, which most often includes salts, basic vegetable oils, and food products. Ready-made care and cosmetic products in the form of creams, lotions, and shampoos are also great.

The difference between essential oils and cosmetic oils is that the latter can be used independently, without requiring carriers or dilution, while esters must be included in the composition cosmetics and basic cosmetics in small dosages.

Review of essential cosmetic oils

The table below provides an overview of the main cosmetic oils.

Oil Compound Properties What is it used for?
Argan Unsaturated and fatty acids, vitamin E, phytosterols, squalene, polyphenols, high molecular weight proteins, natural fungicides Treatment of skin diseases, rejuvenation, increased elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, saturation of tissues with vitamins and minerals, prevention of stretch marks, cellular hydration and comprehensive nutrition of hair, improvement of the condition of hair, cuticle, nail plate To restore dry, weakened hair, restore damaged skin, improve the condition of nails, treat skin diseases
Vaseline Compounds of liquid and solid carbohydrates, ceresin, paraffin Eliminate acne, nourish and moisturize the skin For baby skin care, female breasts during lactation, hair restoration, softening and moisturizing the skin on the face, lips, elbows, feet, treatment of injuries, growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows
Vinogradnoe B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, phytoncides, flavonoids Maintaining optimal moisture levels in skin cells, stimulating skin regeneration To normalize sebum secretions, collagen production, soften the skin, eliminate inflammatory processes and gently disinfect the skin, improve skin tone
Camphornoe Camphor, cineole, safrole, pinene Nutrition, cleansing, elimination of skin inflammation, rejuvenation, wound healing, regulation of sebum production, lightening of skin pigmentation For the treatment of acne, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating scars, adding to the base of creams for oily skin types, stimulating the growth of eyelashes and hair
Castor Acids: ricinoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, vitamin E Skin softening, pain relief, nutrition, hydration, wound healing, rejuvenation To strengthen hair and eyelashes, eliminate seborrhea and dandruff, pigmentation, makeup remover, remove blackheads, wrinkles, swelling around the eyes
Kedrovoe Vitamins E, F, group B, vegetable fats and proteins, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese Nourishes the cells of the epidermis and maintains the required level of moisture in them, eliminates flaking and roughening of the facial skin, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles, eliminates itching and irritation on the epidermis, protects against UV rays To restore damaged skin, improve the condition of dull hair and brittle nails, accelerate hair growth, get rid of dandruff and seborrhea, prevent hair loss, eliminate increased oiliness on the face and acne, increase skin elasticity, improve complexion, make-up remover
Coconut Vitamins A, B, C, acids: lauric, myristic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, capronic, linoleic, capric, caprylic, Rejuvenation, nutrition, moisturizing the epidermis, eliminating acne, treating cracked heels, moisturizing the skin on the elbows, knees, wound healing For nourishing weakened, dull, split ends, dry hair, getting rid of prickly heat, irritation and diathesis rashes, healing dry eczema
Sesame Magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, acids: stearic, palmitic, myristic, arachidic, oleic, linoleic, hexadecenic Nutrition, hydration and softening of the epidermis, rejuvenation, protection from harmful environmental influences, activation of regenerative processes, skin cleansing, natural collagen production Basic basis for the preparation of creams, lotions, masks, sunscreen cosmetics, for weakened, dull, hair damaged by coloring, massage, elimination age-related changes, redness and irritation, treatment of skin diseases, getting rid of severe peeling of the skin,
Acids: linoleic, linolenic, oleic, vitamins E, F, A, K, group B, folic acid, Omega-3, phylloquinone Wound healing, stimulation of tissue regeneration, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, rejuvenation, antioxidant effects, strengthening hair follicles, eliminating dandruff, moisturizing and nourishing sensitive scalp To eliminate wrinkles, dryness, peeling, inflammation of the skin, age-related pigmentation, uneven complexion, increase skin tone, normalize metabolic processes in the body, strengthen eyelashes, improve hair condition
Cocoa Acids: oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic, arachidic, tannin, caffeine, methylxanthine Rejuvenation, increasing skin elasticity, eliminating pigmentation and inflammation on the face, retaining moisture in epidermal cells, increasing lipid metabolism of skin cells, protection from negative environmental influences For moisturizing dry and aging skin, eliminating small scars and acne, wrinkles, softening the skin, restoring cell structure, increasing the elasticity of the skin on the face and body, massage, preventing the formation of stretch marks
tea tree Terpinene, pinene, cymene, viridiflorene, terpineol, alligexanoate Elimination of fungal viral infections, unpleasant odor from the mouth, oily shine on the face, wound healing, even out complexion, getting rid of acne, seborrhea, dandruff To eliminate irritation, swelling, itching and redness of the skin, acne, pustular diseases of the skin, treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, fungal diseases of the skin and nails, dandruff
Black cumin Phospholipids, arginine, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, iron, calcium, nickel, selenium, zinc, copper, phytosterols, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, essential oils, monosaccharides, enzymes, saponins, triterpene saponins, carotenoids, vitamins groups B, E, C, D, omega-6, omega-9, acids: palmitic, stearic, myristic, arachidic, linolenic Wound healing, collagen production, treatment of acne and skin lesions due to fungal infections, softening, nutrition, hydration, skin tightening, rejuvenation For the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, protecting the skin from drying out and peeling, softening and toning the skin, eliminating wrinkles, increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin, eliminating stretch marks, cleansing from impurities, normalizing sebum production, preventing the occurrence of cellulite, improve the condition of hair and scalp, prevent hair loss
Shi Acids: oleic, stearic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic, terpene alcohols Softening dry and rough areas of the skin, rejuvenation, influence on the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increasing skin firmness and elasticity, improving skin turgor, eliminating stretch marks, protection from UV rays and harmful environmental influences, moisturizing and nourishing hair and skin, wound healing To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, increase skin elasticity and firmness, nourish, moisturize the skin of the face and area around the eyes, cracked and dry skin of the lips, neck and décolleté, eliminate wrinkles, improve the condition of hair and split ends, nourish hair
Almond Acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, phytosterol, tocosterol, amygdalin, vitamins B2, A, E, mineral salts Slowing down the natural aging of cells, protecting against UV rays, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, giving the skin firmness and elasticity, strengthening hair, treating skin diseases and herpes, rejuvenation, moisturizing, regeneration of epidermal cells For rapid growth hair, eliminating unpleasant odor in the area intimate area, wound healing, prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, skin diseases, baby skin care,
Mineral Zinc oxide, titanium oxide Drying and moisturizing the skin, smoothing out folds on the face, preventing excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, protecting against external factors environment, nutrition of dry and damaged hair, skin cleansing For makeup removal, improving the condition of hair and skin
Sea buckthorn A mixture of carotene and carotenoids, tocopherol, sterol, phospholipids, vitamin K, acids: linoleic, oleic, palmitoleic, stearic, palmitic Rejuvenation, protection of cell membranes from damage, wound healing To restore the elasticity of the skin, smooth out shallow wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the epidermis, eliminate brittle nails, restore and improve hair structure
Olive Acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, terpene alcohols, tocopherols, vitamins A, E, D, K, polyphenols, phenols, phenolic acids Rejuvenation, improvement of hair and nail growth, wound healing, prevention of cellulite, normalization of lipid metabolism in the skin, softening and preserving moisture in epidermal cells, eliminating dead cells on the scalp, preventing hair loss, eliminating dandruff, moisturizing dry hair To eliminate wrinkles, prevent cell aging, increase skin elasticity, massage, improve hair condition
Palm Acids: lauric, palmitic, myristic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, vitamins E, K, carotenoids, phosphorus, iron Wound healing, preventing skin inflammation, strengthening hair follicles, nutrition, softening and moisturizing the skin To moisturize the skin, prevent early aging, eliminate wrinkles and pigmentation, care for dry, aging, rough and flaky skin, prevent brittleness and splitting of nails, improve hair growth and condition
Peach Vitamins A, C, E, P, group B, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, acids: oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic Moisturizing and toning the skin, eliminating inflammation, softening and restoring the skin, rejuvenation To nourish and moisturize the epidermis, get rid of wrinkles and cellulite, eliminate dryness and flaking, increase skin elasticity, cleanse and tighten pores, eliminate acne, soften and nourish the skin of the lips, nourish and stimulate eyelash growth, nourish and moisturize dry hair, strengthen the nail plate
Sunflower Acids: stearic, arachidic, palmitic, myristic, linoleic, oleic, linolenic, vitamin E Regeneration of skin cells, rejuvenation, nutrition of the skin on the face and body, softening of rough epidermis, combating stretch marks during pregnancy, treating burns, eliminating inflammation and itching To protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment, remove makeup, eliminate wrinkles, bruises, split ends of hair
Burdock Vitamins A, B, C, E, tannins, proteins, polysaccharides, nicotinic acid, iron, manganese, iodine, flavonoids, beta-carotene, stearic and palmitic acids Elimination of uneven facial skin, moisturizing dry epidermis, rejuvenation, getting rid of acne, stimulating the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, smoothing facial wrinkles, wound healing, cleansing pores, strengthening hair and nails To cleanse the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate oily shine, wrinkles, acne marks, restore epidermal cells, soften rough areas of the skin, cleanse and nourish the scalp, eliminate split ends, accelerate the growth of eyelashes, strengthen the structure of nails and preventing their delamination

What oils are best to use

In order to achieve the maximum effect from the use of cosmetic oils, you need to know which ones are best suited for certain areas of the skin. Below is full description cosmetic oils for face, hair and body.

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grape;
  • cocoa.
  • For the body

    The best oils for body skin care:

    • almond;
    • sesame;
    • grape;
    • olive;
    • sea ​​buckthorn

    Contraindications to the use of oils

    It is unacceptable to use oil products if you are allergic to the components included in their composition.

    To find out whether you are allergic to a natural product or not, apply a little product to the crook of your elbow. After a quarter of an hour, pay attention to whether redness or rash appears in this area of ​​the skin. If it is not there, there is no allergy and the oil can be used.

    What to remember

    1. Cosmetic and essential oil are different products.
    2. The effect of oils will be noticeable only with regular use.
    3. The effectiveness of cosmetic oils lies in their natural composition.
    4. The use of cosmetic oils is prohibited if you are allergic to the components included in the product.

    Women who care about their appearance are often interested in how useful cosmetic oils for the face can be instead of creams and how to apply them correctly. Herbal products contain useful elements, vitamins, and minerals. Thanks to natural components, the epidermis receives the substances necessary for moisturizing and nourishing, the surface of the skin is smoothed, becomes silky and elastic. It should be remembered that for each type of skin you need to use a certain type of product, otherwise you can get unpleasant results. Let's try to figure out how to use these compounds correctly and understand the tricks and features of their use.

    Cosmetologists claim that natural oils are significantly superior to even the most expensive creams in terms of the number of useful components. The depth of influence of a product of plant origin also differs for the better. Thanks to its unique structure, beneficial elements penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, providing nutrition and hydration from the inside. Usage natural remedies immediately affects the condition of the skin - sagging disappears, enlarged pores, wrinkles smooth out and become almost invisible.

    When applying oil to your face, you need to remember a few rules that will help you achieve maximum effect. The oily liquid can be used as a mask, makeup remover, or cream. Due to the composition and structure similar to human fat, the product of plant origin is perfectly accepted by the skin and practically does not cause adverse reactions.

    Useful advice! You should not use the product without first determining whether it is suitable for your skin type. A consultation with a cosmetologist will help you avoid mistakes, who will tell you in detail the features of using the composition and advise which one to choose for everyday care.

    The main thing to remember when using cosmetic oils for facial skin instead of cream is that everything should be in moderation. There is no need to overuse natural ingredients - without professional means It will not be possible to provide the epidermal tissue with everything necessary. Cosmetologists recommend for good result combine drugs.

    When planning to use a product of plant origin for facial care, you need to remember that oil:

    • does not contain substances necessary for the epidermis - peptides, water-soluble minerals and vitamins, fruit hydroacids, without which there is no hope for adequate nutrition of the skin;
    • is not able to cope with the fat barrier on the surface of the dermis, with regular use it increases the untidy shine, and turns dry skin into a depleted “parchment” with spots;
    • is able to create a film on the surface of the skin that prevents the full enrichment of oxygen and the removal of harmful substances;
    • can destroy the natural barrier of the epidermis, neutralize protection from ultraviolet radiation and harmful external influences;
    • does not contain water necessary for complete hydration of epidermal cells.

    An oily liquid, regularly and in large quantities applied to the skin, can clog pores, preventing the removal of fat. This can cause the appearance of profuse rashes, spots, and blackheads. That is why it will not be possible to completely replace complete skin care with a herbal product - the consequences of such negligence are difficult to foresee.

    Cosmetologists warn that if you use skin oils correctly, it is quite possible to cope with some defects. There are several rules to remember when using natural plant-based formulations:

    • the oily liquid is recommended for use only 1-2 times a week - this is enough for the epidermal tissue to receive the necessary components;
    • herbal remedies are well absorbed, but you must first cleanse the skin;
    • apply the liquid to the damp dermis;
    • do not rub with strong movements - use a sponge, which will help to evenly distribute the composition, after application, apply a light patting massage with your fingertips;
    • if the sebaceous glands are active, remove the product after half an hour;
    • Do not use different products (oil, cream) on the same day.

    How to properly use cosmetic oil in its pure form:

    Important! You cannot use an oily liquid to care for the skin of your face on an ongoing basis - this can cause rapid aging, loss of elasticity, and the appearance of pimples and acne.

    There are several types of vegetable oils, each of which has its own characteristics, composition, and beneficial properties. Before you start getting rid of skin defects, be sure to study all the characteristics and qualities of the product. This will help to cope with many problems, improve the condition of the dermis, and enrich it with necessary elements that are missing in creams.

    Useful advice! Do not mix natural oils with cosmetics under any circumstances - some elements may enter into chemical reaction. The consequences of using such compositions for the dermis are difficult to predict.


    The peculiarity of the product extracted from the shea plant is its unusual consistency. At room temperature, the liquid is quite dense and has a granular structure. Exposure to heat makes the product more liquid, which allows beneficial components to easily penetrate the dermal tissue.

    The main advantages of using shea:

    • acceleration of dermal tissue regeneration;
    • increased elasticity;
    • overall tone improves;
    • blood flow is activated;
    • the skin acquires a healthy, even tone;
    • oxygen freely penetrates into the epidermal tissue.

    It is better to use the drug on sluggish, dry skin, prone to peeling, pigment spots - for oily skin It is better to use a different composition. It is recommended to actively use a natural product in autumn or winter, if there is a lack of vitamins or useful substances. Shea will quickly cope with signs of exhaustion, sagging, sagging skin, provide the necessary nutrition, and moisturize.


    Butter is a product rich in fats, so it should not be used for frequent use, especially if the sebaceous glands are active. It may be dangerous for those with oily or problematic skin - the composition can cause rashes, clogged or enlarged pores. It is recommended to use a rich cream or cream-based face oil in winter, when intensive nutrition and protection from chapping are needed.

    Useful advice! Only homemade natural products should be used in skin care. Purchased products often contain harmful additives that adversely affect dermal tissue.


    The peculiarity of the product extracted from almond seeds is that it can be used on all types of skin. Even sensitive dermis will certainly receive its portion of beneficial elements without reacting to the components with allergic manifestations. It is not recommended to use only one oil in facial care - this can lead to the appearance of a greasy film or unsightly spots.

    A product made from almond seeds actively affects various problems of the dermis - dries out oily areas and moisturizes dry skin. Not a single oil can cope with both problems at the same time, which is why this particular remedy is considered one of the most popular in home cosmetology.


    Is it possible to use olive oil instead of cream for too fat face? Cosmetologists do not recommend doing this - the liquid can cause rashes and pimples. You can safely use the product on oily skin - it will not cause problems.

    Especially useful product from the fruit of olive is for owners of dry dermis. It can completely replace moisturizing preparations - it will enrich the epidermal tissue with moisture, beneficial elements, and protect against the harmful effects of wind and frost.

    Rosehip oil

    The valuable quality of this product is the alignment of the facial relief. Active components can cope with scars, pigment spots, and old scars. Enlarged pores can also be narrowed by regular use of the drug.

    It is not necessary to use the oily liquid in its pure form. The product goes well with various components that affect the condition of the skin. It is advisable to use the composition after cleansing procedures that ensure deep penetration of active substances into the dermal tissue.


    Coconut oil is often found in face creams designed to treat dry skin. Useful components relieve dry, flaky spots. The product is able to provide protection from harmful external influences - wind, frost, ultraviolet radiation.

    The product made from the core of coconut is one of the densest and most greasy, so it should not be used in the care of problematic or oily skin. Neglect of this warning can cause complications in the functioning of the sebaceous glands - they will forget how to function normally.


    The use of peach product will have an invaluable effect on inflamed or sensitive areas of the skin. It is able to relieve irritation, while there is no film or greasy layer on the dermis - the product is perfectly absorbed. You can apply the oily liquid 2-5 times a day.

    It is recommended to apply the composition on the skin around the eyes. Wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, the dermis looks moisturized and fresh. The bags are disappearing dark spots, sagging. The product can be left on the face overnight - it does not clog pores and provides free access to oxygen.

    The use of oils in home cosmetology is one of the ways to get rid of defects, prevent aging of the dermis, the appearance of wrinkles and folds. When using herbal products, you need to remember that for each skin type you need to take only the recommended product.

    Cosmetologists warn that thick, greasy products can only be used on dry, flaky skin. For skin with actively working sebaceous glands, use formulations with a light texture that do not create a film or cause an untidy shine.

    Useful advice! Before using the product, cosmetologists advise checking the dermis for tolerance to the components. To do this, apply the composition to your wrist, rub into the skin and wait until the next day. If irritation does not appear, you can use an oily product in facial care.

    Oil for dry skin becomes a true salvation. Even when expensive creams turn out to be powerless, this product can help. An experienced cosmetologist will help you figure out which oils are suitable specifically for each case. There are a large number of them.

    Oils are divided into basic and essential. Basic ones include those that can be used in their pure form without any additives. They can solve many problems related to dry skin. They exhibit their best properties as an independent product, although they can be mixed without fear. When purchasing, you need to make sure that it is natural and does not contain any additives. As for essential oils, the situation is more complicated; you need to know which oil goes with which.

    Essential ones are very concentrated. They need to be applied, I add drops to the base product. Use in its pure form is dangerous for the skin and can cause burns. Oils for cosmetic purposes allow you to save on expensive creams.

    Essential oils for dry skin

    Basic cosmetic oils cannot always provide a clear effect, so they are advised to be combined with essential oils. The most popular ethers are:

    • carrot seeds - they remove toxins and increase the protective reaction of the dermis;
    • roses - thanks to this product the skin becomes velvety and soft;
    • neroli - this ester is able to retain moisture inside the epidermis, relieve the dermis of irritation, and eliminate age spots.

    Due to their strong concentration, essential oils for dry skin are almost never used in their pure form. This can lead to irritation and, in some cases, burns.

    Essential oils from the following plants have a soothing effect on dry skin:

    • chamomile – it has anti-inflammatory and softening effects;
    • lavender – will relieve irritation;
    • orange - the ether of this fruit helps to moisturize and soften the irritated dermis, it helps maintain the best balance of moisture in the epidermis;
    • jasmine - if combined with almond oil, you can get rid of allergic rashes and relieve irritation.

    Dry skin can be much longer young and beautiful with the timely and correct use of essential oils. They are much stronger than regular creams and help normalize fat balance.

    Almond and coconut products

    Cosmetic oils such as almond and coconut are quite suitable for dry skin. The main advantage of almond is its high concentration of vitamin A, which is simply necessary for this type of dermis. It directly affects the speed and quality of restoration processes.

    Almond oil stops the withering process. If you use it regularly, you can get rid of wrinkles. Thanks to this product, the surface of the skin is moisturized, and in addition, the water balance of the epidermis gradually returns to normal. This product will help cope with cracks and folds that appear due to dryness.

    People who are subject to anxiety and stress, which have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, are recommended to apply it at night. By morning, the surface of the dermis will be restored and become rested. The pleasant-smelling oil made from coconut is great for flaky and dry skin. It will remain tender and soft longer.

    It contains vitamins: group B, PP, C.

    There are also acids:

    • oleic;
    • lauric;
    • caprylic;
    • stearic;
    • palmitic.

    High efficiency and excellent results are due to this rich chemical composition. Regular use of a mask with coconut oil will give the dermis irresistibility and radiance. Dryness will be replaced by hydration, the complexion will become better, rashes and age spots will disappear.

    It is advisable to purchase a cold-pressed product to prepare masks. In order for its effect to begin as quickly as possible, it is recommended to warm it up a little in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45°C. Apply the product in the evening for 20-30 minutes on a previously cleansed skin surface. After the time has passed, you need to remove the excess paper napkin. Anyone who systematically uses coconut oil will no longer apply any other cosmetic product to moisturize. The fact is that even a small amount is enough to thoroughly moisturize the surface of the face.

    Soybean and olive oil

    The popularity of the soybean product lies in its composition. It contains a large amount of tocopherol, which provides the skin with the necessary nutrition, and lecithin, which helps restore damaged cells and form new cells.

    Cosmetologists recommend soybean oil for the care of dry skin, because the action of the product is aimed at moisturizing and nourishing it. In addition, the use of this product leads to an increase in the ability of the dermis to retain moisture. If you use it regularly, a kind of protective film is formed on the dermis, which protects it from the aggressive effects of the external environment and drying out. The excellent emollient properties of soybean oil help cope with the problems of chapped and rough skin.

    Useful masks for aging and dry facial skin often contain olive oil. It promotes excellent nutrition, hydration and softening. Helps retain moisture on the surface for a long time. It contains many:

    • monounsaturated fats;
    • vitamins such as K, E, D, B, A;
    • all kinds of nutrients.

    Thanks to this composition, the dermis retains elasticity and youth for a long time. Wrinkles stop appearing, existing ones are smoothed out, and the pores do not become clogged.

    Even if you have sensitive skin, you should not be afraid of an allergic reaction. Used as independent means or as one of the components in masks for moisturizing. It goes well with:

    • various essential oils;
    • egg yolk;
    • cottage cheese.

    Castor and flaxseed oil

    The unique castor product consists of such acids as: oleic, linoleic, ricinoleic.

    • wrinkles;
    • freckles;
    • age spots.

    Although the components included in its composition have beneficial properties, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test before use, because acids can provoke adverse reactions. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using it in combination with the following base oils:

    • peach;
    • olive;
    • avocado;
    • sea ​​buckthorn, etc.

    Based on castor oil turn out effective masks for the face.

    Flaxseed oil is considered a healing and highly nutritious natural product. It is obtained from flax seeds after cold pressing. Only the unrefined, unrefined product is characterized by beneficial properties, because if it is purified, these qualities completely disappear. Unrefined contains a large amount of vitamins, the main percentage of which is F, as well as A and E. This product is rich in saturated fatty acids. Its use has a positive effect on the dermis of the face. The skin surface is well moisturized, nourished, and rejuvenated.

    This is very important for people with dry or loose, wrinkled skin. Strengthening properties help make the skin more elastic and elastic, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out well.

    It is necessary to remember that flaxseed oil or a product with its component in the composition is stored in an open container for no more than 15-20 days, preferably in the refrigerator. In a sealed form at a temperature not exceeding +10 °C, no more than 12 months.

    Peach and apricot products

    The best oils for dry skin include peach oil, which with constant use:

    • eliminates cell dehydration;
    • smoothes out small wrinkles;
    • moisturizes and nourishes;
    • eliminates peeling;
    • makes the cover elastic, soft and elastic.

    Long-term use helps strengthen the blood vessels of the dermis, and this has a positive effect on its color and cleanses the pores. Peach is good for people with sensitive dry skin because it relieves inflammation and irritation.

    Apricot oil contains large quantities of:

    • organic acids;
    • vitamins A, E, B, C;
    • magnesium;
    • potassium, etc.

    It, unlike other oils, does not remain on the surface of the dermis, but is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue. Apricot is ideal for those who are prone to dry skin. To moisturize, it must be applied to a damp surface. It can be used instead of night cream. To do this, just wipe your face with it. It is not necessary to rinse off, since it does not clog the pores, it is absorbed perfectly.

    You can replace eye cream with this product. If you apply a few drops to the skin around the eyes and eyelids, after a while it will become smooth, fine wrinkles will become less noticeable, and swelling will disappear. Compresses from it will help eliminate:

    • expression wrinkles;
    • peeling;
    • irritation.

    Sesame and jojoba oil

    One of the oils that is beneficial for dry skin is sesame oil. It is rich in various vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, organic and unsaturated fatty acids. It contains a balanced amount of linoleic and oleic acids. One of them is heavy, the other is light, thanks to linoleic oil it becomes lighter. It is recommended to be used for peeling, due to the fact that it is well absorbed.

    You can use it on its own or include it in nourishing masks. It is quite oily, so it is perfect for dry skin. If you add a few drops to the bath, the skin will become velvety and dryness will disappear. Masks using sesame products are popular. Even if you simply add it to a nourishing cream, the benefits of this product will increase several times.

    Oils for dry facial skin against wrinkles include jojoba, which is perfect for any type. It is indicated to be used for:

    • lack of elasticity;
    • peeling;
    • aging.

    The reason to purchase a jojoba product should be obvious signs of wilting. Due to its rather thick consistency, it is convenient to apply it in its pure form only to the most problematic areas. Areas where there is peeling are lubricated a couple of times a day.

    It can serve instead of cream as a facial care product. To apply to the entire surface, it is advisable to add lighter oils:

    • olive;
    • apricot;
    • peach;
    • from grape seeds;
    • rosehip.

    The best oil is one that can deeply moisturize the dermis without making it very greasy, and it should also have a light consistency.

    Oil is a magical thing that helps us out in a variety of situations. Dry hair? Oil! Chapped lips? Oil! Are your eyelashes growing poorly? Oil! And all because natural oils are a natural product, organic, without impurities or chemicals. Natural oils obtained by pressing and filtering the roots and fruits of plants and fruits contain such amounts useful vitamins and microelements that they can easily replace all our home beauty care. Today I’ll tell you more about my favorite oils that have been on my shelf for many years and have undergone a variety of tests.

    Peach oil.

    It is obtained from peach pits. Quite light in consistency, it is very nutritious: it contains many fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic and others), which are simply necessary for the full functioning of our skin cells. Peach oil is rich in vitamins P, A, E, C and B vitamins, as well as useful macro and microelements such as iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. A whole storehouse of useful things, just have time to use it. Peach oil is especially recommended when caring for dry and sensitive skin y, prone to inflammation and allergic reactions, as well as severely dry and chapped skin.

    The main beneficial effects of peach oil:

    • helps tighten facial skin, making it firmer and more elastic;
    • smoothes out the first shallow wrinkles on the skin;
    • eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin (ideal for nourishing and softening severely chapped and cracked lips and for caring for dry skin around the eyes);
    • relieves various types of inflammation and irritation, is not allergenic, making it perfect for sensitive skin (you can even remove makeup with oil, thereby replacing all makeup removers);
    • helps improve complexion and skin texture.

    I always keep this oil ready during the cold season, it helps the skin recover after a long stay in the cold and wind. I also add it to night hand creams and lip balms. It is after a long night of care that the results are especially noticeable.

    Grapeseed oil.

    Probably one of the most popular vegetable oils used in cosmetology. It is obtained from dried grape seeds in two ways: cold or hot pressing. Moreover, as a result of cold pressing, the resulting oil contains a much higher percentage of useful substances - I recommend that you find it.

    Natural grape seed oil is unique in its composition, which includes many beneficial elements and vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP). Special attention It is worth paying attention to the high content of vitamin E. It is this that helps us avoid the first age-related changes: loss of elasticity, desiccation, lethargy and the formation of hated facial wrinkles. In addition, the main part of this oil is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, for example, linoleic acid, which is essential for the skin. Its deficiency can lead to increased dryness and excessive peeling of the skin.

    The main beneficial effects of grape seed oil:

    • good hydration and softening of the skin;
    • eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin;
    • helps increase skin elasticity and firmness, as well as smooth out the first wrinkles (which is especially good when caring for skin after 25 years);
    • also suitable for caring for oily and problem skin, making it matte and noticeably narrowing the pores;

    With regular use of grape seed oil, facial skin becomes soft, smooth, toned and well-groomed in appearance. I recommend adding this oil to night care or completely replacing night cream once a week. Some people add oil to their day cream, but an oily sheen may still appear during the day, so I don’t do that.

    Almond oil.

    Another favorite of mine is almond butter. The consistency is thick, with a subtle nutty aroma. As for the composition, it contains a high percentage of vitamins E, A and F, as well as magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

    The main beneficial effects of almond oil:

    • promotes deep skin hydration, suitable for those who think their facial skin is gray and tired;
    • nourishes hair along the entire length and gives it shine (can be added to a hair mask, or mixed with other oils and applied for several hours before washing your hair);
    • with its constant use, it significantly slows down the aging process of the skin and protects it from ultraviolet radiation;
    • helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent pore enlargement;
    • use during pregnancy will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks in problem areas where the skin is less elastic;
    • helps restore the skin of your hands and lips after exposure to the cold;

    Despite its increased nutritional value, almond oil is well absorbed by the skin and hair. I use it in its pure form, mixed with night cream or added to a hair mask.

    Coconut oil.

    The best souvenir from tropical countries! The only oil that has such a pronounced smell. Prepare to smell like bounty chocolate. Often made by hot pressing fresh dried coconut meat. Less commonly produced by cold pressing. This method is more gentle, which allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the oil. However, with this method you can get no more than 10% of the total oil. Therefore, oils obtained by cold pressing are more expensive, but also more useful. If you store the oil in the cold, it has a solid consistency and acquires a milky color, but as soon as it gets warm, it immediately becomes liquid and transparent.

    Main beneficial effects of coconut oil:

    • helps prevent the loss of protein - the main “building material” of our hair, eliminates split ends, and also gives a mirror shine and healthy appearance hair;
    • will help those who suffer from intense hair loss. Strengthens hair follicles, which receive intense hydration and essential microelements to restore structure;
    • nourishes and gives elasticity to problem areas of the body, ideally moisturizes if applied to steamed and cleansed skin after a bath;
    • Perfectly soothes and moisturizes the skin after hair removal, as well as after solarium or active sun.

    I use this oil for my hair and body. I put a coconut mask on my hair once every 2 weeks (I wear it for a couple of hours before washing my hair). And I always take it with me on vacation in the summer - it’s simply an indispensable product for everything: it perfectly helps the hair recover from salt water and the scorching sun, soothes the skin and promotes a deep and even tan.

    Jojoba oil.

    If the names of other oils make it clear what they are made from, then what is jojoba and where does this oil come from? It is an evergreen shrub that can be found in North America, Argentina and Israel. Using the method of cold pressing, liquid wax, also known as jojoba oil, is obtained from the nuts, which are the fruits of this plant.

    In general, all oil compositions may seem the same to you, but believe me, this is not so. Proportions and ratios are different for everyone. Jojoba oil, for example, contains amino acids and fatty acids and also contains collagen and vitamin E.

    The main beneficial effects of jojoba oil:

    • suitable for caring for atopic skin prone to dermatitis and irritation;
    • perfectly cares for the skin around the eyes;
    • suitable for additional care for problematic acne-prone skin;
    • promotes an even tan if, for example, you add it to moisturizing body care that you use after the beach;
    • Suitable for caring for very dry and chapped skin of the face, body and lips (including the skin of babies)
    • Perfect for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.

    Of course, I have many more oils in my arsenal. Avocado, macadamia, passion fruit, cloudberry, cornflower, orange, rose oil - I have a separate shelf in my closet for all of this. Don't forget that oils like dark places away from sunlight, otherwise they very quickly lose their beneficial properties. And store them open for no more than 6 months, maximum 8. After this, their effectiveness noticeably decreases. And one more thing: do not be afraid to mix oils with each other - this way you yourself will understand which composition is ideal for you and for solving your problems.

    Natural oils, which are the product of pressing nut kernels, seeds and seeds, or the essences of certain plants are beneficial for the skin. They are used separately, mixed or added to cosmetic formulations. The use of oils for facial skin is a whole science that serves youth, health and beauty.

    • This is a natural product that has been worked on by air, water and sun. There should a priori be no chemical additives in its composition.
    • Extracts of seeds, seeds and nuts almost never cause allergies. Essential oils can provoke a reaction, but in the absence of one, they are powerful components in the fight against wrinkles, inflammation and other problems.
    • One of the main cosmetic functions is to restore and maintain the moisture balance in skin cells. And this ensures its beautiful color, tenderness and youth.
    • Many oils for facial skin care have bactericidal properties.
    • With regular use, the aggressive effects of weather factors - frost, wind, sunlight - are softened.

    Review of the most useful oils

    Oily substances are obtained by cold pressing from fruit seeds, nuts or seeds. If a given product is natural, as a rule, it is heavy and viscous. Such oils are useful for the face both on their own and as a basis for mixtures that include lighter essential essences.

    • Olive oil.

    Contains vitamin E, which inhibits the process of skin aging, vitamins A and group B, which are responsible for the regeneration of epidermal cells. With regular use, it can significantly reduce wrinkles and folds. Some women have success using olive oil to remove makeup. Unlike, for example, sunflower oil, it does not clog pores, cleanses and moisturizes the face at the same time. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids help maintain the water balance of skin cells. The healthiest product is the one on the label where you can find the words “extra virgin” (first spin). It is distinguished by its greenish color and slight bitterness.

    • Almond.

    Much lighter than olive oil, absorbed almost instantly. Sweet almond oil is rich in vitamins A and F. They help soothe irritated skin, nourish and intensely moisturize. This is why almond oil is recommended for those with dry skin. It is also useful for combination skin, as it eliminates flaking and tightens pores at the same time. It is most often used as the basis of massage mixtures, natural masks or creams.

    • Peach.

    A rich set of vitamins, healthy fatty acids and microelements help reduce wrinkles. The product is suitable for moisturizing dry skin and relieving irritation of sensitive skin. Peach oil, according to cosmetologists, enhances the effect of any facial product: it can be added to cream, mask, tonic. It removes makeup perfectly and can be used instead of night cream, moisturizing the skin and preventing flaking even in cold weather, when central heating and dry air negatively affect it. If you apply peach oil to your eyelashes every day with a well-washed mascara brush, they will begin to grow rapidly.

    • Apricot kernel oil.

    This is a universal remedy that can cope with a wide variety of problems. Vitamin A will moisturize dry skin, C will strengthen capillaries and enhance cell regeneration, which destroys wrinkles, and vitamin F, which is available in abundance, cares for oily skin, narrowing pores and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Apricot oil can be lubricated on inflamed or flaky areas of the face, applied with light “driving” movements to the area around the eyes before bed.

    • Jojoba oil.

    It is unique in its ability to help absorb vitamin D and is suitable for any skin type. It has a pronounced calming effect, moisturizes, rejuvenates, and with regular use eliminates unwanted folds and wrinkles around the eyes. However, it should be remembered that jojoba oil is a base oil, that is, it is unwise to use it undiluted (with the exception of treating a flaky or inflamed area). The product must be diluted in one of the kernel oils (1:3), you can add a few drops to the cream. Cosmetologists categorically do not recommend lubricating the skin around the eyes with undiluted jojoba oil to avoid irritation.

    • Wheat germ oil.

    This is also a basic product and cannot be used in its pure form. It is usually diluted in a ratio of 1:4, for dry skin - with apricot or almond oil, for oily skin - from grape seeds. It is used together with burdock as a stimulator of eyelash growth.

    • Grapeseed oil.

    Retains moisture in the cells of the dermis and epidermis, regulates the functioning of the glands that secrete sebum, which is important for those with oily skin. Antioxidant action helps fight wrinkles. Great as a base for masks with essential oils. Cosmetologists note special benefits for normal, oily and combination skin.

    • Sesame.

    It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which it moisturizes the face well and takes care of its nutrition.

    • Coconut.

    Coconut oil has been used to rejuvenate skin and fight wrinkles since ancient times. It restores cell membranes and damaged areas, so it is a real elixir for sensitive skin.

    Facial beauty recipes with oils

    1. For oily skin:

    • A teaspoon of grape seed oil is mixed with a few drops of essential oils - patchouli, cloves, cinnamon, basil, bergamot, sage. Apply to cleansed facial skin with gentle movements along massage lines.
    • Of particular benefit, according to the most ancient recipes of Tibet, is grape seed oil mixed with ground spices - coriander, ginger, cardamom or turmeric. They stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes in cells, rejuvenating the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.
    • Essential oil tea tree, dissolved in one of the kernel oils suitable for your skin type is the most optimal way to cope with acne and various skin inflammations.

    2. For dry skin:

    • Three parts olive oil and one part of castor oil, in the absence of allergies, can be supplemented with 2-3 drops of essential extract of lavender, orange or tangerine. The mask is applied to the facial skin, left for 15 minutes and carefully removed with a cotton pad.
    • Oils for dry skin, combined in the correct proportion: 10 grams of avocado extract, two drops of sandalwood essential extract and one each of rosewood, orange and chamomile. Gently apply the mask to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for half an hour and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    3. For problem skin.

    The most effective and versatile remedy against pimples and blackheads is rosemary essence mixed with a small amount of a suitable base.

    • Getting rid of acne. Take black cumin oil, a teaspoon of which is mixed with three drops of rosemary extract. Apply directly to pimples three times a day.
    • We normalize sebum production. Grapeseed oil 1 tsp. We use it as a basis. You need to add a couple of drops of rosemary essence to it. Using a cotton pad, carefully apply the mixture to your face, and after 15-20 minutes, gently blot it with a napkin.
    • We eliminate scars. Acne often leaves unpleasant marks. Useful properties Rosemary oils will help remove them and cleanse the skin. It needs to be mixed with a base, for which sesame extract is ideal. Lubricate the scars twice a day with the resulting mixture.

    4. Rejuvenation.

    Lemon tonic and mask. Lemon essential extract is an excellent anti-aging remedy. You can make a tonic from a teaspoon of distilled water and a couple of drops of essence. Wipe your face with this mixture daily. The second option is a mask made from a teaspoon of almond oil with the addition of lemon ether. Apply to cleansed face, leave for half an hour, rinse with water.