What changes does the skin undergo during pregnancy? Problem skin during pregnancy Problem skin during pregnancy

Pregnancy is considered the most beautiful times in the life of any woman. During the first weeks, while the belly is not particularly visible, the woman constantly feels a surge of vigor and strength from the mere thought that there is another life living in her. But the longer the pregnancy, the more big problems she has to face.

Problematic skin during pregnancy occurs due to weakened immunity, hormonal changes, and hidden diseases that became apparent at the time of conception. But you can still achieve perfect skin, the main thing is not to despair.

If you had acne before your period before pregnancy, it is unlikely that it will go away completely during pregnancy. The thing is that the hormonal balance is disturbed, and during pregnancy the female body experiences enormous stress and stress.

In this case, doctors recommend drinking water at least 2 liters per day, adhering to the principles proper nutrition. It is allowed to use tonics designed to cleanse the skin, but you should refrain from using any creams. Acne should finally go away only after childbirth.

If you had normal skin before pregnancy, and after conception you notice that it has become dry, a hormonal imbalance is to blame. In these cases, experts recommend washing your face with plain water, without using soap, and also adding any moisturizers to your cosmetic bag.

The ideal cosmetic product is a spray with thermal water. To ensure that your room always maintains humidity, purchase a humidifier, which you will also need for the postpartum period.

Many women begin to experience severe itching during the last trimester of pregnancy. Most often, a strong desire to scratch occurs in the evening, while the pregnant woman does not observe any rash on her skin.

Itching is most often felt in the palms and soles of the feet. This is due to stagnation of bile, since during pregnancy the liver experiences heavy loads. Because of this, a large amount of bile salts accumulate in the blood, causing itching. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself, then you should consult a specialist. Most often, this condition goes away a month after birth.

Often pregnant women notice long red stripes on their skin, which are called stretch marks. And the longer the pregnancy, the more stretch marks on the body. This is due to the fact that skin cells do not have time to regenerate, and weight quickly increases. To prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, you should use special creams or use regular olive oil. Do not forget that proper nutrition will protect a pregnant woman from gaining weight. excess weight, which means stretch marks may not appear at all.

Some pregnant women experience excessive hairiness during pregnancy. All this is connected with hormones. Often, along with hairiness, a large number of acne appears. Most often, this condition goes away six months after birth.

During pregnancy, you may notice heat rash and diaper rash. This is explained by the increased work of the sebaceous glands. In this case, it is advisable to shower several times a day and wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Most often, prickly heat occurs in pregnant women in the last trimester and goes away after childbirth.

Mask recipes for problem skin

Problem skin is quite difficult to hide. If skin imperfections can be hidden under clothes, then even several layers foundation They are unlikely to be able to hide acne or pigmentation. In addition, the use of a large amount of cosmetics leads to clogging of the skin, as a result of which a pregnant woman may develop acne and other inflammatory rashes.

There is an opinion that taking care of your skin during pregnancy is a useless task. As practice shows, the more you take care of your skin, the better it looks. Using some face masks can give pregnant women a radiant and healthy look. Below are recipes for homemade cosmetics.

Take 100 grams of sour cream, add 1 egg yolk, finely chopped peel of 1 lemon, pour a small spoon of vegetable oil on top. Mix everything thoroughly. After this, apply the resulting mixture to your face using a brush, wait until it dries completely. After this, wash your face using parsley decoction.

If you have oily skin, then the following mask will definitely suit you. Take regular yogurt without filler, apply it to your face, wait until it dries completely, then wash with plain water. This mask can be used every day, it dries out oily skin, tightens pores.

If you want to refresh the skin on your face, then use a watermelon mask. Take a small amount of watermelon, turn the pulp into a paste, then apply it to your face for 20 minutes. As soon as the mask begins to dry out, rinse it off with warm water.

If you have dry skin, then you should try a mask with egg yolk. Take one egg yolk and mix it with a large spoon of vegetable oil. To enrich the skin with nutrients, add a small spoon of honey to the mixture. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

Video: Skin care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, miracles happen in a woman's body. Many processes and chemical reactions occur simultaneously in it, some of which are reflected on the skin. Such manifestations are always purely individual. Some women actually begin to glow from within, radiating beauty and tenderness. Others, on the contrary, suffer from problems and strange manifestations on the skin.

If the first category can only be rejoiced, then the second category needs to be explained how to help them and in what cases they should worry. Let's consider each anomalous manifestation separately.

Stretch marks

Don't fool yourself. There is nothing you can do to prevent stretch marks from appearing. You'll either get stretch marks...or you won't, and no amount of special cream will change that. According to Wikipedia, one study claims that daily use of a stretch mark cream "minimizes the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy." To a minimum. And this is good, but again, there is no one hundred percent method of absolute prevention. 75%-90% of women will develop at least a few stretch marks, usually in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is believed that this is due to genetics. So if you're wondering if you'll be one of the lucky ones without stretch marks, ask your mom if she has them. Another theory talks about the need to maintain the integrity of the skin. Accordingly, you should avoid procedures that injure the skin: the use of scrubs, active scratching, hard washcloths.

"Mask of pregnancy" or chloasma

It usually pops up sometime in the second trimester. This concept includes brownish or yellowish areas of the skin - they can appear anywhere, but are most often seen on the cheekbones and T-zone. Pregnancy hormones, for some reason, can stimulate extra melanin production in the skin and create a not-so-nice blotchy appearance on your face. (Oral contraceptives can cause the same thing, by the way.) While many people believe that blondes and fair-skinned girls are more prone to chloasma, it actually occurs more often in brunettes and women with dark skin tones. Just like with stretch marks, there is nothing you can do to 100% prevent it from happening. Although, limiting your exposure to UVA and UVB radiation and applying sunscreen to your face will definitely help your skin.

Dark line

It passes up, down or to the right through the navel. You may already have this line (it's usually the same color as your skin or even a little lighter). But since all things skin-related tend to get darker during pregnancy (eg moles, freckles, areolas, genitals), this line becomes more noticeable in the second trimester. And the darker your skin color, the darker the line. But don't worry, the line will begin to lighten a few months after giving birth. While others dark spots, such as moles and areolas and the like, seem to stay that way forever.

Dry skin during pregnancy

It's super uncomfortable to physically feel your skin every time you move or just smile. When you test all the expensive branded creams on yourself and don’t feel the desired effect, remember baby cream“tick-tock” it is still sometimes found in our pharmacies.

Pimples. Inflammation. Acne.

In some women they appear on the face, in some on the body, in others the rashes are so profuse that this has never happened before. school years. This reverse side The “pregnancy glow,” which is actually simply caused by increased blood flow to your cheeks and extra secretions from your sebaceous glands. Use a very gentle facial cleanser or gentle scrub on affected areas at least twice daily. Make sure all your makeup products are oil-free, but never use products that tighten pores or cheap, secretion-suppressing cosmetics. They cause your glands to work overtime and produce more fat. The good news is that you're not stuck in "my pizza face" mode forever—most pimples will go away and your skin will return to normal shortly after giving birth.

Heat rash, diaper rash and itching

Let's not forget the other weird things your skin can be exposed to during pregnancy. This includes prickly heat, diaper rash, and increasingly noticeable itching where your skin stretches the most. These are pregnancy spots - raised red pimply rashes accompanied by itching on the stomach or thighs or buttocks. They look alarming, but are harmless and will go away after birth. Moisturize the skin in these areas and apply anti-itch cream if it's driving you crazy.

These are papillomas. Red palms. Tiny red raised freckles on the body and limbs. Vascular networks. Rupture of blood vessels in the face (and in the eyeballs!). And probably dozens of other strange damages and changes that no one ever talks about.

A visit to a dermatologist can give you peace of mind if you notice something truly unusual. While it is normal for new moles to grow and appear, pregnancy does not provide immunity against skin cancer, so don't hesitate to see your doctor. Your doctor will probably shrug and tell you that it will probably all go away after you give birth, but it's better to hear it than to be sorry.

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The effect of pregnancy on the skin and skin care during pregnancy

There is not a single organ or cell in a woman’s body that is not affected by pregnancy. And the skin is one of the first to be affected by this, because it is an organ with many functions that is closely connected with all systems of the body.

Contents of the article:

What is the main reason for skin changes during pregnancy?

Of course, these are hormones. The hormonal background sharply changes polarity. If earlier, before conception, estrogens, which are called hormones of femininity, ensured youth, beauty and radiance of a girl’s skin, then from the moment of fertilization they give way to progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy. And he mobilizes all the resources of the female body to ensure the safety of life and health of the unborn baby, perhaps even to the detriment of the mother’s beauty.

How does skin change during pregnancy?

Estrogens have a complex effect on a woman’s skin:

Regulation of the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands
skin renewal
protection against free radicals
maintaining optimal skin moisture balance
regulation of skin immunity – resistance to penetration of bacteria and fungi

Now let’s imagine that all this has stopped working because there is not enough estrogen. Of course, the skin has compensatory capabilities, but it will take some time for them to work. Therefore, “troubles” arise:

  • Excessive greasiness and oily shine, or, conversely, dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Changes in skin elasticity and the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Increased work of cells that produce pigment, and, as a result, hyperpigmentation, unsightly spots, including on the skin of the face; growth of papillomas, moles and warts.
  • Excessive sweating.

Toxicosis, varicose veins and other pregnancy problems

A problem like early toxicosis pregnant women, especially if it is pronounced, also do not in the best possible way affects the skin condition of the expectant mother. Increased salivation and vomiting lead to dehydration (dehydration). The skin becomes thinner, acquires a grayish tint, sometimes with slight jaundice. Dark circles appear under the eyes because here the skin is thinnest and has no subcutaneous fat layer at all.

Due to poor appetite, the pregnant woman’s body does not receive enough necessary vitamins, which, in turn, also affects the condition of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails). Peeling, excessive dryness of the skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth (jams), irritation, increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, itching, hair loss and brittle nails may appear.

With late toxicosis, fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema come first. The skin becomes loose, “watery”, signs of cellulite appear, and if injured, infection of the injury site may develop, since immunity is reduced.

Many women, especially with repeated pregnancies, suffer from varicose veins - these include spider veins on the legs, unsightly protruding tortuous veins, and the same swelling.

A common problem can also be itching of the skin, which bothers a woman in recent months pregnancy. It usually causes itching on the palms, feet, and abdominal area. In this case, no rashes are observed in the itching areas, but the itching itself can cause significant discomfort. In addition, scratches can become infected. This skin itching is associated with the fact that the expectant mother's liver works under increased load and produces substances that irritate skin receptors.

Mammary glands

During pregnancy, the mammary glands are actively supplied with blood and increase in size. The dream of many girls - to have large beautiful breasts - comes true. However, there is very important nuance– without proper care, the beauty and shape of the breasts upon completion breastfeeding may be hopelessly lost. Judging by how many women are forced to turn to plastic surgery specialists and how many different “miracle remedies for breast restoration” and getting rid of stretch marks are offered by the modern beauty industry, the problem needs to be dealt with from the first day of pregnancy.

General recommendations for choosing care and decorative cosmetics during pregnancy

  • Cosmetics for a pregnant woman should be neutral and hypoallergenic, and not contain perfumes or dyes. Often, due to the increased sensitivity of pregnant women to odors, even tested and favorite creams may not smell the same as before, and cause irritation and discomfort when using them.
  • The main task of caring cosmetics for pregnant women is to moisturize, soothe the skin, protect it from ultraviolet radiation, and increase its elasticity and stretchability.
  • Skin care products should not contain pharmacological components, such as hormones, antibiotics, retinoids, etc., especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the formation and formation of the baby’s organs occurs. This particularly applies to acne treatments. It is known that many medicines, even applied topically, can have a systemic effect, being absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, thereby harming the health of the unborn child. Therefore, if you have a severe acne problem, you should contact a dermatocosmetology specialist.
  • Pregnancy is not a disease, so you can do makeup and use decorative cosmetics. Being beautiful and well-groomed is always pleasant, it improves your mood and creates a positive outlook on life. the world around us, increases self-esteem. If your skin has not changed its sensitivity to previously used decorative cosmetics during pregnancy, you can safely use it. You just need to refrain from using particularly long-lasting products, such as waterproof mascara or long-lasting lipstick, as they are more likely to cause irritation, dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason to refuse to visit a cosmetology office or salon. Massage, masks and light peelings are quite acceptable. Only hardware cosmetology and procedures that may be painful, for example, injections, hair removal, manual skin cleansing, etc., are not permitted. The pain threshold during pregnancy changes, it can either increase or decrease, and in pursuit of beauty you can leave beauty salon straight to the maternity hospital. It is necessary to warn the cosmetologist about your condition so that he can select a special care program for pregnant women.
  • Pregnancy is also not the time to try new cosmetic products, no matter how attractive and tempting they may seem.

Cosmetic problems of pregnant women and methods for solving them

Hyperpigmentation – manifests itself as age spots on the skin of the face and some areas of the body, especially those that receive regular contact with ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, all care products must contain sunscreen filters, not chemical, but physical, so as not to cause allergies. During the period from April to September, when solar activity is especially strong, the protection factor (SPF) should be 30 or higher, and in winter an SPF of 10-15 will be quite enough.

Natural cosmetics home-made ones can turn out to be no worse than patented factory ones, with their undoubted advantage - they are completely harmless. Thus, hyperpigmentation in dry and sensitive facial skin will decrease significantly after regularly rubbing it twice a day with parsley decoction. This plant has whitening properties and contains beta-carotene and vitamin C. If the skin is oily and “prone to the appearance of imperfections,” treating the problem of age spots with a slice of lemon 1-2 times a day will help solve the problem.

Chloasma of pregnancy is yellowish-brown spots symmetrically located on the forehead, on both sides of the nose, on the cheekbones and bridge of the nose. It is almost impossible to prevent the appearance of a “pregnant mask,” as this unpleasant aesthetic defect is sometimes called, although it does not appear in everyone expectant mother. Gradually, after childbirth, it will disappear on its own, however, if this process is delayed, it will be possible to effectively combat it only after breastfeeding is completed, since special whitening creams may contain components harmful to the baby.

Stretch marks or stretch marks remain in places that have undergone the greatest changes in volume - the abdomen, mammary glands, hips, buttocks. Stretch marks on the stomach look especially unattractive - at first they are purple-bluish, but over time they become whitish. They do not occur in everyone; hereditary predisposition plays a significant role here.

In the subcutaneous fat layer, due to the low extensibility of the tissues, micro-tears occur, which subsequently transform into stretch marks. This cosmetic defect is easier to prevent if you start using it right away. by special means containing elastin, collagen, moisturizing components. Then the skin will be more elastic, and subsequently, when the volumes return to the original, this will happen without compromising the appearance of the young mother.

Breast care should be discussed separately so that at the end of the lactation period it does not lose its shape and beauty. In addition to the usual hygiene procedures (washing with warm water and baby soap), a contrast shower for the mammary glands and physical exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles are recommended. In addition, to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you should start using breast care products as early as possible, which improve the elasticity and extensibility of the skin in this delicate area. An important point is also the selection and wearing of a bra from natural fabric with wide straps that will not allow the breasts to sag.

Acne, or acne, especially if a woman suffered from this disease before pregnancy, tends to worsen and intensify symptoms. Periods of exacerbation usually occur during early dates– 4-8 weeks and for the period from 13 to 20 weeks. This is due to hormonal fluctuations and increased production of direct stimulators of sebum production.

The problem of acne, in addition to aesthetic damage, also causes psychological damage to a pregnant woman, since most of the products used to treat acne are prohibited during pregnancy. Therefore, a dermatocosmetologist should give effective recommendations for facial care to a pregnant patient with acne. Typically, these recommendations consist of thorough daily facial skin care using approved external products. Systemic drugs such as antibiotics, hormones, retinoids are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Skin beauty and proper diet during pregnancy

It is no secret that pregnant women often gravitate toward exotic foods, eating chalk, sauerkraut, pickles, peppers, herring, etc. Often these taste preferences“come out” in the form of increased acne and just banal allergic dermatitis. Skin problems are often solved by adjusting the diet and taking a special vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women (such as Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal, etc.)

Dry skin can be eliminated by sufficient fluid intake (if there are no contraindications, then at least two liters of clean water per day) and consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (red fish, nuts, seeds, cold-pressed olive and corn oil).

Sweets, chocolate, soda, baked goods, fried and fatty foods increase sebum production, causing additional problems with acne, so it is better to avoid these foods.

Be sure to include low-fat cottage cheese in your diet, fermented milk products, cheese, fresh vegetables, greens and fruits - as a source of amino acids, vitamins and calcium - the first are necessary for the synthesis

It is known that during pregnancy the female body is subjected to great stress; metabolic processes, hormonal levels, and the functioning of organs change somewhat during this time, which cannot but affect the woman’s appearance, and especially her skin. In this article we would like to talk about skin changes during pregnancy, as well as provide some tips on how to maintain beauty during this difficult but interesting period of life.

As soon as a fertilized egg begins to form from a fertilized egg, the expectant mother’s body begins to actively produce progesterone, a hormone that will support and “protect” the pregnancy throughout its entire duration. In response to an increase in progesterone levels in the female body, the amount of estrogen hormones decreases, but their role is also difficult to overestimate. It is estrogens that are responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, thanks to which the skin is constantly maintained in an elastic and hydrated state. A thin layer of fat performs a protective function; it prevents the epidermis from drying out and prevents pathogenic bacteria from getting into microcracks in the skin. Dry skin during pregnancy is considered a common occurrence precisely because there is a deficiency of estrogen hormones in the body of the expectant mother.

Dry skin leads to a number of problems, the most common of which are inflammation, redness, and rashes. These problems are caused by microbes, viruses and fungi that enter the epidermis through small cracks formed as a result of its drying out. The development of skin diseases is also facilitated by the fact that the expectant mother’s immunity is significantly reduced compared to the normal state. And various microorganisms are just waiting for an opportunity to provoke the active development of the disease. Simple skin rashes can be accompanied by pustules, papillomas and even candidal manifestations.

We should not forget that during pregnancy a woman gains weight and increases volume in certain areas: the waist, abdomen, chest, and often in the hips. A sharp stretching of the skin causes the skin to lose its elasticity, which is where stretch marks appear. Next, we will take a closer look at exactly what skin problems occur in pregnant women and how to deal with these negative manifestations.

Types of skin problems that occur during pregnancy

  1. Skin pigmentation is a symptom of pregnancy that more than half of expectant mothers experience. As a rule, pigmentation is expressed in the form of darkening on the skin, which can be either weak or quite noticeable. For example, many pregnant women in the second half of their term notice a dark stripe running along the abdomen and crossing the navel. This stripe becomes brighter as the due date approaches, but after the baby is born, it gradually brightens until it disappears altogether. Darkening of the skin can also appear in the woman's genital area, on the nipples, and even on the face, for example, on the cheeks or forehead. Moles and birthmarks also become more dark shade. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the same progesterone, the level of which increases noticeably during the period of bearing a child. There is no point in fighting age spots, because bleaching, peeling and any procedures using chemicals can harm your health. If spots appear on the face, they can be disguised with cosmetics. Also at this time it is undesirable to sunbathe in the sun or generally be exposed to open sunlight for a long time. In the summer, when going outside, you should definitely wear a hat.
  2. Skin rashes are also a common problem among pregnant women, but unlike age spots, rashes cause more discomfort and may not have the best impact on your health and well-being. Acne, also known as acne, is a real problem for those unlucky enough to experience it. Fighting acne on your own is not only ineffective, but sometimes dangerous. Steaming and deep cleansing It is highly undesirable to do this during pregnancy; it is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist about soft, gentle products that will relieve redness and soothe inflamed skin. If you have a similar problem, you should increase the content of vitamins A and E in your diet, which can be consumed both with food and in the form of multivitamin complexes.
  3. Pregnant women often experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as a rash in the skin folds, for example, in the armpits or in the bikini area. To reduce the symptoms of itching and redness, expectant mothers are advised to wear clothes made from natural materials, in the summer to wear something light so that the skin can breathe, and in particularly difficult cases, you can use baby powder.
  4. The appearance of venous “stars” under the skin is another unpleasant problem for pregnant women. And although the “stars” do not cause any particular discomfort and do not threaten health, they, at a minimum, look ugly. Often the problem will gradually go away on its own over some time after delivery.
  5. Stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen during pregnancy are quite common. Some expectant mothers may be unlucky enough to develop stretch marks not only on their stomach, but also on their chest, sides, thighs, and even buttocks. This problem most often haunts those who have a genetic predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks, so women whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from stretch marks rarely manage to avoid a similar fate. Another factor in the occurrence of stretch marks is changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. The lack of a sufficient amount of proteins and elastin leads to the fact that in places of tension the skin becomes thinner and seems to burst from the inside. Subsequently, the body fills these gaps with connective tissue, which has a characteristic appearance and mauve color. Over time, the connective tissue lightens, the stretch marks become white, but still remain visible against the background of the surrounding skin. By the way, itchy skin during pregnancy often indicates that stretch marks may form in this place.

Skin care during pregnancy

Features of facial skin care

The skin of the face during pregnancy may not look its best; dryness of the epidermis leads to redness, inflammation, and various rashes. Considering that the skin on the face is much thinner and more delicate than in other areas of the body, the negative influence of surrounding factors affects it the most. In addition to pathogens, facial skin may react poorly to components of lotions, soaps, creams and other care products. If the cause of deterioration of the epidermis is household chemicals, a pregnant woman should more carefully select such products for herself and pay attention to those marked “hypoallergenic”, “for sensitive skin"etc.

Facial skin care products should not contain components such as retinol, salicylic acid, soy, bergamot. If there are age spots on your face, it is not advisable to get rid of them with bleaching compounds or aggressive peelings, as this can only increase irritation.

Proper nutrition also plays an important role. If food contains foods with allergenic properties, unnatural chemical additives or other components that negatively affect the functioning of the liver, there is a high probability that a rash and acne will appear on the face.

Fighting stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy

As we said earlier, the risk of stretch marks is much higher in those pregnant women who have a genetic predisposition to this. It is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared; in such a case, only a special laser procedure or surgery can save the situation, which can only be performed after childbirth and the end of breastfeeding. However, the manifestations of stretch marks can be minimized if you carry out certain skin care procedures and follow some other recommendations:

  1. The cause of stretch marks is sudden weight gain and changes in body size. It is clear that the belly grows during pregnancy and there is no way to avoid it. But stretch marks may not appear on the hips and buttocks if you follow the principles of proper nutrition and do not overeat. Nutritional balance is also very important, since the elasticity of the epidermis depends on whether the woman consumes proteins and vitamins. As for proteins, it is with their help that collagen and elastin are produced in the body, and vitamin E is considered the most beneficial for the skin. You can get it from multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, as well as from food: spinach, tomatoes, parsley, peas, lettuce , rose hips and grain crops. Vitamin E is found in abundance in unrefined vegetable oils.
  2. You can reduce the risk of stretch marks by using special ointments and creams that are easy to find at the pharmacy. Here it is worth understanding that you will have to pay a sufficient amount for a good quality product, while cheap analogues may turn out to be ineffective. Remedies for stretch marks can be applied to problem areas as early as 3-4 months of pregnancy.
  3. The abdomen and breasts, which have increased in size, become covered with stretch marks, often because the skin is constantly forced to withstand their heavy weight. To reduce the appearance of stretch marks, the skin can be helped by using soft bras for the breasts and a special supportive bandage for the abdomen. The bra should be chosen that will not press anywhere, causing a feeling of discomfort, but at the same time will have strong, wide straps that can support the breasts well.
  4. You can increase the elasticity of the epidermis by stimulating subcutaneous blood circulation. This is done using a contrast shower. The first procedures should begin with gentle temperatures and not make too much contrast. As the body gets used to it, warm water can be made hotter, cool water colder. Apply warm and cold water to the body for 20-30 seconds, changing the temperature approximately 4-5 times.
  5. You can stimulate subcutaneous blood circulation with massage or peeling. You can prepare the peeling product yourself by mixing a portion of stretch mark cream with a small amount of natural ground coffee or sugar. As for the massage, it is quite simple to perform: lightly pinch the skin on your stomach for 10 minutes. Before this procedure, you can also apply a little anti-stretch mark cream to your stomach.

Combating increased pigmentation

If age spots on a pregnant woman’s body appear in inconspicuous places, for example, on the stomach, there is no need to fight them. But it happens that increased pigmentation on the face causes anxiety and discomfort in the expectant mother. It is worth noting that age spots on the face more often appear in spring or summer, and this phenomenon is caused by the action of sunlight. Therefore, those who want to avoid the appearance of darkening on the face are advised to protect themselves from ultraviolet radiation whenever possible.

A common cause of age spots is a deficiency of ascorbic acid. It is easy to replenish it; for this you need to eat lemons, rose hips, berries, cabbage, green onions, apples, spinach.

The simplest and in a safe way To hide spots on the face is to apply cosmetics. Skin bleaching products can be dangerous, especially if they contain mercury. By the way, you can prepare your own skin whitening product from natural ingredients, for example, parsley or bearberry. These plants should be finely chopped, ground in a mortar until the juice appears, mixed a little with face cream or a small amount of lemon juice, and then applied to the skin of the face. After 15-20 minutes, you can wash your face and cover your face with a thin layer of moisturizer.

How to care for breast skin during pregnancy

Just like the stomach, breasts increase in size during pregnancy. Sometimes these changes are minor, but sometimes the breasts grow quite noticeably. As a result of this growth, the breast skin stretches and stretch marks can form on it. After childbirth and the lactation period, the mammary glands return to their original size, but stretched skin remains in this state for a very long time, if not forever. This is why breasts may sag noticeably after pregnancy.

To improve skin tone, as in the case of the abdomen, you can use a contrast shower or ordinary cold water. The mammary glands should be irrigated with cold water daily. Also, do not forget about a supportive bra, which will prevent the skin from stretching under the weight of the breasts. Just keep in mind that the bra should be comfortable, not squeeze the skin, not rub, and not interfere with normal blood circulation. Since breasts gradually enlarge during pregnancy, you will have to change bras periodically and buy larger ones.

A light massage of the breast skin using special creams will also not hurt. This procedure will stimulate blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.

Skin care during pregnancy. Video

In the third post of the “pregnant series” we will talk about what skin problems arise during pregnancy and how to deal with them.

“Blush” or rosacea during pregnancy

Due to increased blood circulation, a rather bright blush may appear on the cheeks. If the blood vessels are weak, then instead of a healthy blush, a small vascular network appears, creating the effect of reddened, inflamed skin. To resist rosacea, strengthen blood vessels.

Use contrasting washes and choose cosmetics with anti-rosacea components. Look on the labels for extracts of horse chestnut, grape leaves, blueberries, red tea (rooibos), gingko biloba, sweet clover, chamomile, cornflower, calendula, linden, grape seed oil, algae, aloe, bisabolol, panthenol, vitamin E.

Pigmentation on the face during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, pigmentation often occurs. As a rule, it appears in the corners of the eyes and above the upper lip.

Important! Many whitening cosmetic components(kojic acid, arbutin, hydroquinone) are very active. They are extremely undesirable for pregnant women.

To prevent pigmentation during pregnancy:

  • do not sunbathe;
  • be sure to use SPF protection 30+.

Important! Ideally, the filters should be physical (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide). Chemical filters somehow cause chemical reaction in the body, the effect of which on the baby, if studied, is small.

Finding a face cream with only physical filters is difficult, but possible. Search in children's cosmetics, organics and pharmaceutical products for sensitive skin.

You can also use mineral powder with physical filters on top of day cream as SPF. The main thing is that it has a high protection factor, and you update the powder every couple of hours.

After childbirth or the end of lactation, pigmentation that appeared during pregnancy often goes away on its own. And if suddenly it remains, then you can safely use whitening cosmetics, peelings and even laser. In the meantime, cover up the spots that appear with a mineral concealer.

Acne on the face during pregnancy

The two main causes of acne (exacerbation):

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • the liver cannot cope with the increased load, and some of the toxins are eliminated through the skin.

Often, hated acne appears not only on the face, but on the shoulders, back, chest and even stomach.

All this is sad, ☹ but don’t despair. Most often, in the second trimester, the body adapts, and the number of rashes is noticeably reduced or they disappear completely.

Important! Most traditional anti-acne ingredients are too active and are contraindicated for pregnant women. Among them are triclosan, camphor, salicylic acid. Therefore, if you want to use anti-acne cosmetics during pregnancy, you need to carefully read the ingredients. If in doubt, don't buy it.

In addition, if acne appears during pregnancy, then the cause is most often “internal” and external cosmetic influences will be practically useless.

So, it is impossible to overcome acne during pregnancy with cosmetic forces, but it can be improved appearance skin with the help of soft sebum-regulating and cleansing components: zinc, kaolin (white clay), tea tree.

And the first remedy to combat acne during pregnancy is to drink plenty of fluids. 3 liters of fluid a day will help the body remove toxins and dilute the concentration of hormones.

The work of the sebaceous glands is activated by fried, hot, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, and chocolate. Limiting these foods in the diet will have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the course of pregnancy.

And don’t forget the main rule for problem skin - Do not press under any circumstances! The old song about the main thing about the fact that you can get an infection is already known to everyone. We will add one more argument for persuasiveness: when squeezing out, a blow is struck to the skin’s immunity, and the formation process is disrupted. new fabric and as a result, post-acne spots appear.

Clay masks will be a good helper for oily and problem skin during pregnancy. They will dry the skin, deeply cleanse and remove inflammation. It is best to use powder masks, not ready-made ones, that contain clay and nothing but clay. You can add 1 drop to the mask yourself essential oil tea tree is a good natural anti-inflammatory component that is not contraindicated for pregnant women in small quantities. The mask can be applied not only to the face, but also to the entire area of ​​the rash and left until completely dry.

Facial swelling during pregnancy

Swelling is common in expectant mothers, especially in recent months. This is due to poor circulation and the body’s great need for fluid.

To combat swelling, try to drink 3 liters of fluid per day. The seemingly logical restriction of fluid is a mistake, since the body, with a lack of moisture, begins to store it in even greater quantities.

In addition, you should limit fried, hot, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate and coffee. These products contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Pregnant women should limit their fluid intake only on the advice of a doctor. Also, if you have severe swelling, swell alternately different sides- Consult your doctor immediately.

To relieve mild swelling on the face during pregnancy, use:

  • contrasting washes;
  • cold compresses;
  • cooling masks (for example, with menthol).

For puffy eyes, special cooling gels and caffeine rollers will be helpful.


To minimize skin problems during pregnancy, follow these simple rules:

  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • do not sunbathe;
  • use SPF protection 30+;
  • do not use active cosmetic products (whitening, anti-acne);
  • use mild sebum-regulating products;
  • do not crush “enemies”;
  • make friends with contrasting washes and cooling masks;
  • exclude fried, hot, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate;
  • drink 3 liters of water per day.

What problems did you encounter and how did you deal with them? Share in the comments.

Love yourself, stay beautiful and enjoy your “interesting position”.