What is the survivor's pension? Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner - what additional benefits is a child entitled to? What is the size of the social pension for the loss of a breadwinner?

At the state level, assistance is provided to those who most need this help. Many people need financial support under certain circumstances. Such factors are age, certain merits, health status, and life situations. At the state level, various types of pensions are provided, among which are assistance related to a person reaching the age established by law, loss of health, or the loss of one of the family members.

Survivor's pension - what is it?

A survivor's pension, in essence, is social assistance to disabled people who have lost their main breadwinner. These social payments are actually aimed at at least partial compensation of the basic earnings of the breadwinner, who is no longer there due to death. A prerequisite for the provision of this assistance is the financial support of deceased family members who are unable to work for various reasons. The legislation provides for a clearly defined circle of citizens who can receive assistance from the state. The survivor's benefit is related to the work record book, since it is based on the labor relations of the deceased, who worked and supported the family. The state actually takes over the responsibility for supporting these people after the death of a working citizen.

Legislative concept of “dependents”

On the same level with the concept of assistance associated with the loss of a breadwinner is the concept of “dependents”, since it is Art. 9 of the Federal Law provides for the right to social benefits to persons who were dependent on the latter during the life of the deceased. So, dependents are citizens who were financially completely or largely dependent on the deceased person. The fact of dependency is proven by the presence of documents that characterize all family income. In addition, the relationship between the deceased and the rest of the family must also be confirmed by relevant documents, such as marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.

Subjects who are entitled to this type of pension

The survivor's pension is provided to persons provided for by law. The following are eligible for this assistance:

  • First of all, minor children. The concept of “children” includes not only the relatives of the deceased, but also his younger sisters, brothers, and grandchildren, who are minors at the time the pension is calculated, do not work and cannot support themselves.
  • Children under 23 years of age, if they are studying and cannot work independently.
  • Natural children of the deceased over 23 years of age, if they are unable to earn money due to their health, as evidenced by the presence of a disability. As for this category of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a person’s disability must be established before he reaches adulthood. As for brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the breadwinner who are disabled and cannot support themselves, the latter are entitled to survivor benefits only if they are not supported by someone else and they are orphans.
  • The spouse of the deceased, father (mother), adult brother (sister) who care for the young children of the deceased. In this case, only one of the family members who cares for children under 14 years of age receives a survivor's pension for minors. If there are several children, then these payments are paid until the youngest reaches 14 years of age. In this case, only those citizens who care for young children and do not have a personal source of income can apply for a pension.
  • The right to assistance after the death of a breadwinner are relatives who have retired or become disabled and do not have other relatives obligated to support them by law.
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children have the same status as natural children and parents. If an orphaned child, who is already receiving government assistance after the death of his relatives, is adopted, then his right to receive payments does not disappear.
  • A survivor's pension is also provided for stepfather or mother (stepfather or stepmother) who have been dependent on the deceased for the last five years or more. These facts must be documented.
  • A stepdaughter or stepson, if it is proven that the stepparent raised and supported the child for a long time.

Benefit amounts

The survivor's pension is a legally regulated benefit. The amount of benefits assigned in connection with the loss of a breadwinner depends on the size of the labor pension, which is paid according to age. The amount of payments for the loss of a citizen who had the highest income is equal to 50% of the labor pension if there is one disabled person in the family. If there are several or more than two disabled dependents, then the pension amount is equal to 100% of the labor pension.

This year, from April 1, the amount of payments associated with the death of a breadwinner is determined at the legislative level. It is 8,725 rubles for all categories except military personnel. Regarding the families of military personnel, it can be noted that they are paid a larger survivor’s pension.

Documents required when applying for a pension

To process monthly payments related to the loss of a breadwinner, you must prepare the following documents:

  • Passports of disabled family members of the deceased.
  • Documents that indicate what the deceased person's average earnings were over the past 60 months.
  • A document confirming the death of a citizen.
  • A work book or other document that confirms the deceased’s ability to work; for military personnel - a military ID.
  • Birth certificate of children, especially minors.

In certain cases, the family of the deceased needs to collect:

  • A document that confirms the fact of caring for a disabled citizen.
  • Document confirming adoption.
  • If the deceased breadwinner is a single mother, then it is necessary to provide a document that confirms this status.
  • Certificate of study, if the dependent has reached the age of majority, but continues to study and cannot earn money on his own.
  • If an able-bodied citizen cannot work due to caring for a young child or a disabled child, then it is necessary to provide a document that confirms this fact.
  • A document confirming the disability of an incapacitated citizen.
  • If a citizen is declared dead by the court, then it is necessary to prepare a court decision with a wet seal.

All required documents must be provided in original or certified copy if the original cannot be provided.

Procedure for applying for a pension

Experts from the Pension Fund or consultants from a law firm can explain to you how to apply for a survivor’s pension. If disabled family members of the deceased cannot afford to pay for legal advice, they can immediately contact the local Pension Fund, which serves the territory where the deceased lived with his family. At the institution, it is necessary to fill out an application, which will be provided by the fund’s employees, indicating all disabled persons in the family. The application must be accompanied by a package of documents confirming the facts in question. Pension Fund specialists review the submitted documents within 10 days.

Key points for calculating pensions

The survivor's pension is calculated in two parts. The first part is fixed, and it depends on the category (for example, orphans, residents of the Far North, military personnel, disabled citizens). The amount of this part of the payment is established at the legislative level.

The second part of the charges is calculated in each case individually according to the established formula.

Simultaneous receipt of a survivor's pension and another type of pension

Only certain individuals who are listed in the federal law regulating state pension provision in Russia have the right to receive two types of pensions. Such citizens may be:

  • persons who received military trauma and became disabled;
  • WWII participants;
  • widows of military personnel who died during their service;
  • family members of a disabled Chernobyl survivor or liquidator who are unable to work;
  • family members of the deceased (deceased) cosmonaut;
  • persons awarded the Order "Resident of Siege Leningrad".

A child under the age of 18, or a full-time student under the age of 23, one or both of whose parents have died or were declared missing, is entitled to receive a survivor's pension. This can be an insurance, social or military pension - depending on whether the breadwinner had insurance (work) experience and whether he was a contract soldier. These types of pensions can also be received by other disabled family members of the missing or deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him.

The conditions and procedure for providing these compensations are established in the articles of federal laws:

  • “About insurance pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  • “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
  • on pension provision for military personnel and members of their families dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

The following categories of citizens can count on pension provision:

  • insurance pension- children of workers (who had official work experience);
  • military pension- family members of military personnel;
  • social pension- children of disabled citizens who did not have insurance (work) experience;
  • state pension- children of citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters.
Children under 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age when studying full-time) mean monthly compensation payments for pension rights formed by the deceased breadwinner until the appropriate pension provision was assigned to him. citizens are accrued in the format of state social benefits. provision. Both of these types of pensions are paid by the Russian Pension Fund (PFR). family members of the deceased breadwinner are paid through the Ministry of Defense (Ministry of Defense) of the Russian Federation. Photo pixabay.com

Survivor's insurance pension

In general, the law provides for the assignment of insurance pensions to citizens who paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, and dependent members of their families. In this case, the pension authorities take into account the following circumstances:

  • When calculating pensions, the concept is used insurance period- the period of performance by the breadwinner of certain works for which deductions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • length of service, the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund, temporary refusal to receive an insurance pension (optional) affect individual pension coefficient(an indicator reflecting the pension rights of accrual recipients);
  • other concepts relating to pension provision for children and other dependents in the event of the loss of a breadwinner are reflected in Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ;
  • minor children who already received a pension (for example, a social disability pension for a disabled child), for whom the income of the breadwinner was the main means of subsistence, are given the right to switch to his insurance pension payments.


  • 5283.84 rub.- those who have lost one of their parents;
  • RUB 10,567.73- those who have lost both parents or whose both parents are unknown, as well as children of a deceased single mother.

Survivor's pension for children of military personnel

For children and other dependents dead military personnel Pension payments are also provided:

These categories of persons are also paid a monthly survivor benefit in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1219 of October 29, 2009.

Upon conscription - state pension provision

Based on Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, the right to a survivor’s pension is granted to disabled children of deceased conscripted military personnel(as well as those serving in the ranks of flight test personnel and cosmonauts).

  • The pension is assigned upon the death of active military personnel (soldiers, sailors, foremen, sergeants) during service or within 3 months after dismissal. In the latter case, pension benefits are assigned only due to the death of the breadwinner due to injury, injury or illness received during the years of service.
  • The right to such a pension is minor children(full-time students under 23 years of age) or adults disabled since childhood, i.e. recognized as disabled before they turned 18 years old.
  • The amount of pension provision for children in case of loss of a breadwinner is based on the established amounts of social pension - 5283.84 rubles. from April 1, 2019 in accordance with clause 1, part 1, art. 18 of Law No. 166-FZ.
  • If the pension recipient lives in areas and localities in which wages are calculated regional increasing coefficient, it is also taken into account when calculating the amount of the pension;
  • Pension payments to children for the loss of a breadwinner are assigned until they become able to work or for an indefinite period (for those disabled).


Disabled children of a military personnel who died due to a military injury or disease acquired in service may qualify for a monthly payment in the amount of 200% and 150% of the base size(RUB 5,283.84).

Under contract - in the pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense

In the event of the death of a military personnel carrying out contract service, his dependents are assigned a pension on the basis of Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993. “On pensions for military personnel and members of their families in Russia...”.

It should be noted that in addition to the children of contract military personnel in the ranks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, children of those who served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service, state agencies for control of drug trafficking, the penal system, and the Russian National Guard can also count on similar payments for the loss of a breadwinner.

Pension payments to dependents are due if:

  1. The employee died on duty or in captivity, went missing during hostilities, died within 3 months after dismissal or later, but due to injuries and injuries received in the service.
  2. The right to a pension for children also arises due to the death of a military pensioner (after retirement).

In the first case, each of the children can claim payments in the amount of 40% of salary, due to the breadwinner. In the second - on 30% of salary(but not less than 200% and 150% of the amount of 5283.84 rubles per month established from April 1, 2019 in accordance with clause 1, part 1, article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ).

The child of a disabled military pensioner who has died, as well as one who has lost both parents, will receive a payment in the amount of 40%. A child adopted by a military personnel, as well as a stepson and stepdaughter, receive the right to a pension after the death of the breadwinner on par with my own children. Unlike the norms of other laws, when the children of a deceased military man are adopted by other people, the first don't lose right to receive pension benefits.


According to the articles of the law, children of the deceased can receive pension payments if they have not reached 18 years of age (if they are studying full-time - until they reach 23 years of age) or are disabled adults since childhood.


The possibility of receiving and the amount of a survivor's pension for a child depend on many factors - on the parental insurance period, the working ability and age of the child, the circumstances of the death of the breadwinner and many other criteria. In this regard, such a variety of types of pension provision is provided - this and pension provision.

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One of the circumstances leading to the occurrence of an insurance event in the compulsory pension insurance system is the death of the insured person.

With documentary confirmation of this fact, persons entitled to do so can be established. Pension provision is assigned on an application basis. For a child, the application must come from his parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee). From the age of 14, a citizen has the right to independently apply for a payment.

This type of insurance pension is essentially compensation from the state for lost funds to family members of the deceased.

Pension amount depends on several components taken into account when assigning it. The period for reviewing documents is ten days from the date of submission of all necessary certificates or within ten working days from the date of receipt of the last missing document.

Period, for which this type of insurance pension is established, depends on several factors, including may be indefinite.

Who receives a survivor's pension?

Recipients of the survivor's pension payment are: disabled family members who were dependent on him. These include:

  • Immediate relatives (children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren):
    • under 18 years of age;
    • over 18 years of age:
      • but who managed to receive disability by this time;
      • or enrolled full-time and continuing to study until the age of 23;
    • Parents, spouse, grandparents, if they have reached the age of a pension recipient or have lost their ability to work.

Exception are adults family members caring for children or the closest relatives of the deceased, under 14 years of age. Such persons entitled to survivor's benefits include parents, spouse, and grandparents. At the same time, they must comply with the requirement that they do not have an employment relationship.

It is worth noting that adoptive parents and adopted children have the right to insurance benefits on the same basis as parents and natural children. In the case of a stepfather and stepmother, the condition of raising their stepson or stepdaughter for at least 5 years must be met.

Conditions of appointment and payment

The reason for assigning a survivor's pension is the loss of a breadwinner or the occurrence of an insured event, which may be associated not only with death, but also with the unknown absence of the insured person. The latter must be documented at the legislative level, as a result of which a corresponding document is drawn up. In some cases, this fact must be confirmed in court.

Insurance payment for the loss of a breadwinner may be assigned when two conditions are met:

  • the deceased had at least one day for which contributions to the Pension Fund were paid;
  • there are no illegal actions on the part of the future pension recipient that resulted in the death of the insured person.

It is worth noting that if the breadwinner does not have at least one day of insurance experience, persons entitled to this will be assigned in accordance with Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001. “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”.

How to calculate survivor's pension using the new formula

The amount of insurance payment for the loss of a breadwinner can be determined as follows:

SPspk = IPK x SPK + FV,

  • SPspk- the amount of the survivor's pension;
  • IPC- the value of the individual pension coefficient of the deceased;
  • SPK- the value of the coefficient on the day of payment;
  • FV- basic (fixed) amount.

In the case where the deceased was previously assigned some other type of insurance pension, or, then to calculate the payment under the SIC, an individual coefficient that has already been used to calculate the pension for this insured person can be used.

In addition, the value IPC can be increased for certain categories of persons:

  • for orphans - on the value of the individual indicator of the second parent;
  • for children of a single mother - twice as much.

An increasing coefficient can be applied to the IPC only if the deceased breadwinner did not apply for an old-age payment if he had the right to it or refused to receive it.

As for the pension, which is set in a fixed amount, for this type of pension it is determined as half the value of the same amount for the age insurance payment. The FV value is subject to annual indexation to the inflation level of the previous year. In 2019, the fixed amount indicator for this type of payment is equal to 2667.10 rubles.

Magnitude FV Also can be increased in the following cases:

  • for orphans - twice;
  • for northerners - by the value of the regional coefficient.

Latest promotion news in 2019 (indexation)

This year, the government is again returning to indexing pension payments to the level of inflation of the previous year, and not to a fixed percentage, adopted during the financial crisis in an amount significantly lower than the real price level, as was the case in 2016.

According to Rosstat, inflation for the past 2017 was within 3 percent. However, in order to ensure the growth of pensions in real terms, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to carry out indexation above inflation and earlier than the statutory deadline.

Thus, in 2019, insurance pensions were indexed January 1 by 7.05%.

What will the survivor's pension be in 2019?

With the adoption of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “About insurance pensions” The procedure for calculating insurance payments has changed. In 2019, as in the previous two years, the survivor's pension will depend on the following indicators:

  • number and amount of points, components;
  • length of service of the deceased person, during which insurance premiums were transferred to his personal account.

Since the main indicators that make up the formula for calculating the required pension provision have been indexed since January 2019, their values ​​were:

  • SPK = 81.49 x 1.0705 = 87.24 rubles.
  • FV = 2491.45 x 1.0705 = 2667.10 rub.

The number of accumulated individual coefficients used to calculate the payment is purely individual and depends on the length of service and salary of the particular insured person.

Citizen A.V. Kruglov, born in 1965, worked since 1985. In January 2018, he died suddenly due to severe pneumonia. In Kruglov A.V. there is a son, born in 1996, who currently works under an employment contract and does not study, and a daughter, born in 2002, a school student.

In accordance with current legislation, the minor daughter of Kruglova A.V. has the right to receive insurance payment for the loss of a breadwinner.

To calculate the pension amount, we will find the values ​​of all indicators that make up the formula for calculating the insurance amount. Over the years of work, according to the conversion of pension rights in 2015, Kruglov A.V. scored 58 points, for 2015, 2016, 2017 the number of individual coefficients was 2, 2.5 and 2, respectively. In addition, he was awarded an additional 1.8 points for his military service.

The total number of coefficients of the deceased was:

  • 58 + 2 + 2,5 + 2 + 1,8 = 66,3.

Taking into account the values ​​of the other indicators listed above insurance pension amount for the loss of a breadwinner, assigned to the daughter of Kruglov A.V. from February will be:

  • 66.3 x 81.49 + 2491.45 = 7894.24 rubles.

What is the minimum amount of insurance payments?

An inexorable rule for the assignment of pension provision is the fact that whatever the size of the established pension, it cannot be below the subsistence level established in the recipient's region of residence. Accordingly, in different territories the amount of the minimum payment is different.

In addition, if the pension amount is set below the minimum, it will be set to the subsistence level.

In this case, an application from a citizen is not required, since the corresponding column of the application form regarding the possible establishment of social benefits is filled out during the initial application. The period for assigning the additional payment is equal to the period of payment of the pension.

When can recalculation take place?

When the territorial body of the Pension Fund receives information that entails a change in the amount of the survivor’s pension, specialists recalculate the amount paid.

Recalculation is carried out in the following cases:

  • when providing additional documents that affect the value of the individual coefficient - from the 1st day of the next month after writing the application;
  • in case of receipt of data to the personal account of the insured person in the individual accounting system about the amount of insurance contributions not taken into account at the time of pension assignment - from August 1 of the year following the pension assignment.

In the latter case, this recalculation option is possible once, since we are talking about insurance payments of the deceased breadwinner. Moreover, the law establishes the maximum size of the pension coefficient:

  • 3.0 - in the case when the insured person formed pension savings at the expense of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance;
  • 1.875 - in the absence of pension savings within the framework of compulsory pension insurance.

The features of recalculation of this type of insurance pension include the following:

  • for orphans the size of the pension is determined based on the sum of the individual coefficients of each deceased parent, not taken into account on the day of payment;
  • children of a deceased single mother the amount of payment is determined based on the individual pension coefficient of the parent, not taken into account as of the day of death, doubled.

Until what age is a survivor's pension paid?

Deadline for establishing a survivor's pension depends on the recipient category:

  • children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren - until they reach the age of majority or until they are 23 years old if they continue their full-time studies;
  • for those caring for the breadwinner's children - until the children turn 14 years old or until the family member caring for them starts working;
  • children, brothers, sisters who become disabled before reaching adulthood - indefinitely;
  • spouse, parents, grandparents of retirement age - indefinitely.

The general rule for the period for establishing the payment of a survivor's pension is the recognition of the pension recipient as disabled. The period for calculating the payment amount may be indefinite.

If a child who is a full-time student works until the age of 23, the pension payment will not be terminated. However, this fact will affect the termination of the monthly social supplement, if one has been established.

Procedure for appointment and payment

To establish a survivor's pension, it is necessary to submit following documents:

  • identification documents (passport, registration certificate or residence permit, birth or adoption certificate);
  • compulsory pension insurance card ();
  • death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • documents confirming the insurance experience of the deceased breadwinner (work book or certificate of experience);
  • other documents that supplement the main circumstances (being dependent on a deceased breadwinner, absence of able-bodied parents, loss of a source of livelihood).

Persons entitled to survivor's benefits may apply for it at any time after this right arises. The period of such appeal is not limited.

Payment of a pension in connection with the death of a breadwinner, like any type of insurance coverage, is carried out for the current month.

There are several ways to deliver it:

  • through post offices (at home or at the cash desk of such an institution);
  • through a bank (to a bank card account or directly at a bank branch);
  • through another organization engaged in delivery (at home or in the organization itself).

In the future, to change the delivery method, it is enough to contact the Pension Fund authorities with a corresponding application.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2017, as well as the procedure for its indexation, differs from those for insurance pensions.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2017 worries many. As a rule, a family's income consists of the earnings of its adult members.

And the death of such a breadwinner becomes not only grief, but also a complete deprivation of the source of existence.

However, the state provides assistance to such citizens and assigns a pension, which is called the loss of a breadwinner.

What are we talking about

The loss of a breadwinner means not only his physical death. In some cases, a court can establish such a fact.

This happens if a citizen is declared missing or dead.

In all cases, his dependents are entitled to state support in the form of pensions and benefits.

Strictly speaking, there are several types of survivor's pension:

  • insurance;

The family, or rather dependents, of an officially working citizen can apply for insurance. That is, having at least one day of service counted as insurance.

The longer the length of service, the higher the survivor’s pension in 2017.

The state pension is paid to the families of certain categories of government employees: military personnel, astronauts, liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters, etc.

The amount of benefits and the procedure for their assignment are regulated by relevant laws.

A social pension is paid if the deceased citizen did not have insurance coverage.

Or if members of his family have lost the right to receive an insurance pension. However, they may not have it at all.

Payments of all types of pensions, except insurance, are made from the federal budget. And the insurance company comes from the Pension Fund.

Only one pension can be assigned; receiving similar payments on two grounds is impossible.

Social pension instead of insurance

There are only three cases when a social pension is assigned instead of an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

  1. The deceased or recognized as such citizen did not have an insurance record. This could happen for various reasons. For example, he did not work officially. When hiring in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer makes insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for each of its employees. They also have insurance experience, since they make contributions to the Pension Fund on their own behalf every year.
  2. The loss of a breadwinner occurred as a result of a crime committed against him by one of his dependents. The presence or absence of insurance experience in such a case does not play a role. The social pension will be established on the basis of a court decision.
  3. Family members of a serviceman who died in the process or from the consequences of a crime he committed will also receive such a payment. Dependents in this case cannot count on a state pension, since their breadwinner has lost the right to it.

Who can apply

All disabled members of his family can apply for payment of the full amount of the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner in 2017.

That is, children, spouses, as well as parents, including adopted ones. In some cases, siblings are also included in the list.

In this case, disability should be understood as:

  • inability to work due to age (up to 18 years old, and full-time students up to 23 years old);
  • reaching a certain age (55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively);
  • disability, or degree, regardless of age;
  • care for children under 14 years of age.

The circle of social pension recipients is somewhat narrower. It includes only minor children, both of whose parents died or initially there was only one (single mother, less often single father).

Disabled children have the right to such payment at any age, even after reaching adulthood.

When studying full-time at a state university, the age limit is pushed back to 23 years.

The budgetary or commercial basis of training does not matter.

Expulsion from an educational institution automatically deprives you of the right to receive a survivor's pension in 2017.

The same happens when you get married before the age of 18 or get official employment.

The status of deceased parents in an official marriage does not matter. If both of them recognized the child, he is entitled to a pension.

Retired parents or other dependent relatives will receive social or insurance payments in any case.

Just like unemployed relatives who took care of the orphaned children.

How much will they pay

You should not think that the size of the survivor's pension in 2017 will increase significantly.

According to statistics, the average benefit in 2016 did not exceed 10,000 rubles.

And this takes into account the indexation of 4%. However, the Government promises to index pensions in 2017, twice: in February and April.

What does this amount consist of? The calculation is made by sequentially multiplying the insurance pension by the pension coefficient established for each category and the cost of such coefficient.

Therefore, it is not possible to name the exact amount due to the dependents of the deceased breadwinner.

Exceptions to the general rule establishing relatively low pensions will be the families of high-ranking officers or holders of state orders.

Their pension is approximately three times the average. Which, given the merits of the deceased officer, is quite fair.

How to apply for such a pension

Whatever its size, it is not issued automatically. To receive it, you must make a personal visit to the Pension Fund.

If there are minor children, this will have to be done by the relative who turns out to be their legal representative after the loss of their parents.

Or an employee of a child care institution, where they will be assigned by the guardianship authority.

The basis for considering the issue of accruing a pension will be a personal statement. It is written by hand in a certain form.

The sample is presented on the Pension Fund’s website and on information stands in its territorial branches.

The text should indicate the reasons for providing assistance and a list of dependents.

You will first have to open an account to which payments will then be regularly transferred. You will also need to attach several documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • death certificate;
  • confirmation of relationship with the deceased;
  • certificate of the breadwinner's earnings.

After reviewing the application and checking the information contained in the document, the Pension Fund will begin processing the pension.

There is no need to re-register documents in the future. Another visit will have to be made only if the child of the deceased breadwinner, upon reaching 18 years of age, continues to study.

Survivor's pension

If a minor child has lost a parent or you have a disabled person, you must apply for a survivor’s pension. In this case, a certain amount is due monthly depending on the circumstances. The latest changes refer to indexation and the federal surcharge for child care.

Family pension payments are provided to the widow of a military pensioner. Until what time do they pay and receive benefits? How to apply if you are studying? How do they appoint and what documents are needed? Is it possible to work? Let's look at it below.

Dependency for a full-time student is calculated in rubles. This recipient has its own characteristics and benefits. A state thesis can be written on such an issue if necessary.

Who is entitled to a survivor's pension?

In Russia, the state is obliged to pay monthly money if there is a loss of a relative. When applying for these benefits, you should consider who is entitled to them.

In practice, the right to payment of a survivor's pension is granted to disabled citizens who have lost a guardian and were supported by him. Here it is important to distinguish between the concepts of a dependent and an heir. So, if you are faced with the loss of a husband or father, it is important to find yourself in the following categories:

  • 1. Husband or wife at retirement age, parents.
  • 2. Grandfather or grandmother of a deceased person of old age, unable to provide for themselves.
  • 3. Children under age whose father or mother has died.
  • 4. Children who study in higher educational institutions are entitled to benefits for the specified payments in a certain amount.

An important point is the fact of adoption of children. All required payments for the loss of a breadwinner must be made to such children. If one adult is lost, the child is entitled to alimony in the specified amount. The category of people who were in official relationships does not have the right to money if their relationship was broken at the time of the loss of someone. Who is the recipient? Providing for pensioners may lead to changes in Bashkiria and the Moscow region next year.

The amount of the survivor's pension in 2016 in rubles

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a fixed payment of money is provided for the loss of the most important thing in the family, but the amount may vary in specified cases. On average it is 8250 thousand rubles. monthly. If the case includes disability of family members, the payment may be increased. In any case, at the territorial tax office, when reviewing your documents, you will be given a final answer about the amount of charges.

What is the minimum survivor pension amount?

If we consider the minimum amount, then its size is approximately 3160 thousand rubles monthly. This category of people does not include orphans and single pensioners who have a dependent or disabled person. In this case, the minimum assistance will be about 1800 rubles. On the occasion, the wife of the deceased is entitled to a payment of approximately 2,400 rubles. Acts, score and order are not taken into account. The amount may increase. We will consider below what SPB documents are needed for registration.

Types of survivor's pension in Russia

So, today, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, those who fall under the category of citizens registered in one type of case or another can receive payment in the event of the loss of a parent or relative. Let's consider all the options that include insurance, social, and labor payments.

Survivor's insurance pension, when is it paid?

The latest news in February talks about the federal recalculation of such benefits in the summer of this year. If we take into account the average value of insurance money, then we can say with confidence that the volume of the state budget and thousands of insurance payments have increased significantly. The corresponding article about a child who was left without a relative is 10,500 rubles. The average value is 13,000 thousand depending on the region of Russia. No punishable incident has been identified.

Social pension for the loss of a breadwinner in 2016

The social pension for the loss of a breadwinner differs from the above not only in size, but also in the conditions for receipt. In order to receive money monthly, you must provide a disability category, passport and work book. Upon entering into a new marriage, payments stop. In 2016, the social fee is 5,000 rubles.

Labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner

Assistance in the form of a labor pension is provided by the state and is assigned in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Confirmation is a death certificate, or if the person is considered missing. The amount of payments varies depending on the case and averages 2,500 thousand rubles.

Until what age is a survivor's pension paid?