How to spot a gay person. How to recognize a gay: main signs

Suddenly it turned out that representatives of the sexual minority can be distinguished from the sexual majority by their physiognomy: "straight" faces are more symmetrical than those of homosexuals and lesbians, writes Details.

Psychologists from Albright College (USA) decided to find out whether it is possible to determine a person’s sexual orientation by his appearance. Of course, we are not talking about anecdotally effeminate men and equally masculine women. The goal was to correlate sexual orientation with a person's facial features and how others perceive them.

The experiment involved 40 people (15 men and 25 women), who were shown a series of 60 photographs, half of the heroes of which were strict “straight men”, and the other half were homosexuals or lesbians.

The subjects had to rate each photo on a five-point scale, where one corresponded to “prefers only men”, two - “looks at women”, three - “bisexual/bisexual”, four - “mostly women, but occasionally men”, and finally, five - "only women."

In their work, the researchers relied on the results that sexual self-esteem correlates with facial symmetry: heterosexual men had more symmetrical facial features than homosexuals. The experiment revealed that raters associated symmetrical male faces with heterosexual orientation. In women, a similar dependence was observed, but statistically the results were much less reliable.

Naturally, psychologists in their physiognomic exercises took into account the influence of feminine appearance: after all, certain (“feminine”) facial features in a man may suggest that their owner has non-standard sexual preferences. And, of course, this factor played a role: a man with a masculine appearance was more likely to receive a heterosexual assessment. However, as the authors emphasize in the Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, masculinity or femininity of appearance still played a much smaller role than symmetry or asymmetry of features.

How to spot a gay person.

“Straights” are most surprised by the “supernatural” ability of gays to instantly identify their own kind, no matter how hard they try to hide their affiliation with the “theme.” This sixth sense, supposedly inherent to all gays from birth, is called “gaydar” - from the words “gay” and “radar”. Of course, in reality there is nothing supernatural about this ability - it’s all a matter of developed observation and training. In fact, we must remember that the world of gays is no less diverse in terms of human types than the world of straight people, so there is no reliable way to determine a person’s sexual orientation (especially at first glance)!

What we wrote below is not advice on how to “glue together” a nice guy. Rather, clues that help determine that you and your potential new acquaintance have the prospect of a closer relationship than “strong male friendship.”


“Three types of people can be distinguished by their eyes - spies, drug addicts and homosexuals” - this statement by an unknown author is quite controversial. However, gays do look into each other's eyes and shake hands longer than straight people. Forget about external signs (for example, a wedding ring on your finger) and look the guy straight in the eyes. Look closely for a few seconds, without blinking, as if you want to burn a hole in him with your gaze. If he lowers his eyes, it means he is afraid of what might happen if he looks at you as intently. If he looks away, then, most likely, he is not interested in you or this is ostentatious indifference. If he answers you with the same knowing look, then you have hit the nail on the head! Skirmishing with your eyes is the first step towards closer acquaintance. In the same way, if you are interested in a guy, then try not letting go of his hand from yours when shaking hands a little longer than usual, or first shake it firmly, then release it slightly, and then squeeze it harder again, while looking straight into his eyes.


Now that “straight” guys have begun to sometimes take care of their appearance, it has become much more difficult to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Most gays (those who want to make a good impression) dress very well, are neat and have a fashionable hairstyle. Clothes and haircut are the most important thing. It is known that it is often gays who usually start a new direction in fashion or style. Gays have style. Most of my “straight” friends don’t have it. In addition, there are a number of “clues” that are usually perceived in the mass consciousness as attributes of gay people: tight jeans from a well-known company (for example, Levi's 501 or Wrangler) and the same T-shirt, a baseball cap with a visor sticking out in front forelock, a mesh shirt or T-shirt, in the summer - super-short denim shorts with fringes at the bottom, highlighted hair, earrings in the ears, hair styled with mousse, a noticeable smell of expensive eau de toilette, etc. Of course, none of these signs separately, and even several of them. aggregates may be completely unrelated to “blueness”, nevertheless their presence makes you think!


Watch a guy whose sexuality interests you. When no one is near him, who does he look at? If he pays most of his attention to men, then... remember who you are watching? :-) (this experience is especially good in the subway, for example, on an escalator).


Some of the men are a little "feminine". An overly prolonged “a”, soft modulations of the voice, smoothness of speech - all this adds up to what is usually called “blue” intonations. This is one of the surest signs; almost all gay people I know can hear these shades in their conversations.

The same applies to gestures. Manners manifest themselves differently for everyone. This can be intense gestures, smooth hand movements (which is almost always absent among “straight people”), and extraordinary flexibility of the fingers. Notice how the object of your attention holds a glass or cigarette. How to sit down or stand up. How to take off and put on outerwear. Of course, I don’t mean that the man is painted and behaves like a prostitute, but believe me, there is something elusive.


Another sign: is he single? Most gay men don't get married, so if a man is over 30 and single and doesn't date much (if at all), then he's probably one of us. By the way, even married gays very rarely wear wedding rings. A reader noted that “married gay men rarely talk about their wives, more often about their children.”

Speaking of rings, I remind you that there are at least two sure signs of belonging to the gay movement: a ring made of any metal on the little finger of any hand and a ring made of gold of three colors on any finger.

One of our readers adds: “I wear a silver ring on the ring finger of my left hand, I’ve heard that this is a good thematic authentication attribute. Gay men also wear rings made of stone, but more often made of silver.”


If you're openly gay and fully accepting of who you are, how comfortable do you feel in the presence of a stranger? If you are closed and don't want anyone to know the truth about you, do you get nervous when a “stranger” is around? I noticed that I felt completely free in the presence of a gay man.


Some gay men believe that in order to pass as “straight,” one must discuss the behavior of “women” with other men. In such conversations, they make banal comments, but with a twist. Instead of talking about women, they like to talk about the idea of ​​a woman, as if relationships with her were just some kind of abstract idea.


Willingness to help for no particular reason, for example, holding the door if you are walking with a large bag (which a “straight” person would never do), or the close attention of a salesperson in a clothing store may imply a desire to get to know each other better. However, remember that the attention of salespeople in stores may be a professional duty imposed on them, but if an unfamiliar handsome guy gives you his hand to help you jump over a puddle, this is a reason to check for other signs!

From the responses of our readers to the article: “I had a case when I was walking and dropped my bag, and for some reason a guy passing by began to help collect the papers that I was carrying... we still live together!”


My favorite tip. Just smile at the people you like - believe me, even non-gay people enjoy being smiled at. And if the guy also answers you with a beautiful radiant smile, then you will be doubly pleased!


Imagine walking down the street, lost in your own thoughts, and suddenly you look up and see the guy of your dreams rushing towards you. Don't worry! Keep moving! When you are level with him, start counting to yourself: “one: two: three.” Turn around on the count of three! If he knows this method and is interested in you, he will turn around at exactly the same moment. Keep walking and repeat this exercise again. If he turns around again, you can safely come up and introduce yourself!


Ask the guy you want to "test" to spell out a difficult word for you. People usually use names to name letters. It has been noted that gays will use predominantly male names (Grigory-Evgeniy-Ivan-Dmitry-Alexander-Ruslan), and “straights” will use predominantly female names or interspersed (Nina-Alena-Timofey-Ulyana-Rita-Anastasia-Lena). (The method is borrowed from Abrasha Vesely’s “Treatise on Acquaintance”)

“Suppose you like a guy (for example, you are sitting opposite each other on the subway), and you feel that he is also looking in your direction - clench your left hand into a fist and put the index finger of your right hand into it (such a non-binding gesture, you are just holding your finger). If you see that your recipient will do the same, it means that he is also interested in you. But just in case, double-check - change your finger, instead of the index finger, squeeze your middle finger. If he does the same, you can. Feel free to sit down next to him and get acquainted. But if you are a very cautious person, then repeat this procedure again (now put your ring finger into your fist, and then your little finger. If your counterpart repeats all your manipulations, quickly run to get acquainted before he touches you). I was offended by your lack of trust in him. That’s all... So my friend and I found each other and wish such happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone..."


After the article was published on the site, we received many letters from readers. We have already quoted some above. Here are a few more ways to “identify” gays that amazed us the most:

“I come up and grab any guy I like by the balls. If they don’t punch you in the face, then everything is fine.”

"I am a psychic, and that says everything in my life"

"Typically, gay men try to look tired, haggard and indifferent."

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that it is not enough to exercise your “gaydar” yourself. You also need to send out “signals” about yourself that will help “work” the “gaydar” of others. Therefore, smile more often and look longer into the eyes of handsome strangers - you’ll see if someone responds! We hope that readers of our server will not fail to tell their friends who do not have access to the Internet about these methods, in order to promote the spread of these simple but effective methods of identifying “your people” and getting to know each other!

“My boyfriend is a homosexual!” Many girls have heard similar shocking confessions from their friends. And many themselves found themselves in such a delicate situation. Of course, sexual orientation is a personal matter for everyone, but most ladies prefer to build long-term relationships with a “gender-neutral” man. The problem is that homosexuality objectively exists, but in Russia, where society, and more recently the state, meets such inclinations with hostility, many homosexuals and bisexuals are afraid to discover their “dark self.” Instead of calmly loving their own kind, they try to play “real men” and try to build relationships with women. Therefore, any girl has a non-zero chance of meeting a latent gay man.

Is it possible to identify such a subject who hides his inclinations not only from those around him, but also from himself?

What are they?

There are a number of signs, the combination of which will most likely say: girl, this boy is not interested in you, even if he passionately claims the opposite.


The popular myth about “fidgety, effeminate homosexuals” corresponds to reality “a little less than nothing.” Among homosexual men there are pumped up bodybuilders and stocky fat men (they call themselves “bears”), and some are no different from heterosexual guys. They may wear a tight-fitting T-shirt or a leather-and-metal harness, tight jeans or an office suit, and have long hair or a billiard ball hairstyle. But there is one sign that distinguishes a homosexual guy: this is EXCESSIVE attention to his appearance. If he hangs out in fitting rooms and in front of the mirror more than you do, draw conclusions.


No matter what the advocates of tolerance say, attraction to members of the same sex is a glitch in the biological program. After all, sexual attraction is an integral part of the reproductive instinct, and a homosexual couple will not have children, even if they try very hard. The development of homosexual tendencies is facilitated by a traumatic childhood in a single-parent family, or in a family that is worse than single-parent - with a dominant mother and a henpecked father. Boys who grew up homosexual had poor relationships with their peers, although they may have played “doctor” with one or two particularly close friends. Relationships with the opposite sex - from complete indifference to clumsy attempts at courtship: not because he wants to, but because a boy has to fall in love with girls. An extreme case is early unnatural sexual initiation (in other words, rape by some adult pederast).

Of course, not everyone will share their past even with their “beloved” girl. However, some details of the background can be found out - from random slips of the tongue, from a photo in a family album, from the stories of relatives and friends. The consequences of an unhealthy childhood are prolonged bachelorhood (up to 35-40 years, or even longer) and close contact with the mother. An adult man, even if he doesn’t live “with his mommy,” is constantly in touch with her, reports on his every step, sets her up as an example, etc. Not every bachelor and mama’s boy is a latent gay, but harsh statistics say: these sets intersect very often.


There are almost more myths around “gay” professions than there are around UFOs and crocodiles in the sewer. In fact, sexual orientation has little influence on career choice. A plumber and a couturier are equally likely to be homosexuals and avid womanizers. It’s just that some professions are under the radar of journalists who are eager for fried facts. That's why we know about gay singers, but we're not interested in gay loaders. Girls, if your boyfriend is a fashion designer, don't think that he will only be interested in you as a model. And a stern milling operator can pine for a brutal crane operator.

Social circle and behavior.

An adult latent gay - if he does not suffer from social maladjustment - is the life of the party. He's friendly with men (maybe a little more than the average guy, but who notices?). He is ready to chat excitedly with girls, like a best friend, makes risky compliments, but usually does not cross the line beyond which open harassment begins, and many girls like it. But, if faced with a choice: to meet with his “beloved” girl or to get together in a close male company, he will choose the second. And if in a bathhouse, with beer and steaming each other with birch brooms... mmmm!..


The statement that “homophobes are latent homosexuals” is only partly true. Many completely heterosexual people have a negative attitude towards homosexuals. However, in countries where homosexuals are ostracized, many latent gays really try to “run ahead of the locomotive” and emphasize their hatred of “perverts.” Their homophobia is demonstrative and excessive. They raise the topic of hateful LGBT people with or without reason. Thus, to any news from the field of foreign policy that has nothing to do with gender complexities, they react stereotypically: “they’re all p****s over there, in Pindosia!”, “these gay Europeans are rear-wheel drive, they should all be fucked* *fried!” And so on.

In bed.

If a man is not deprived of the technical ability to have an erection, he can have sex with a woman, even if she does not excite him very much. True, latent gays in long-term relationships try to avoid too frequent intercourse. Still, it’s unpleasant to rape your own nature. In those rare moments when you manage to convince your ambiguous friend for sex, it will be difficult for him to get aroused, which will require complex rituals. For example, a role-playing game during which he dresses up as a girl. Or he will ask you to caress his prostate. More radical options are also possible: a stern macho will force his girlfriend to strap on a dildo and work it from behind. Or he himself will break into his beloved through the back gate, as did the hero of the film “I Am an American,” whose youth was spent in prison. Even if a guy doesn’t do anything like that, but from time to time he fantasizes about a “two guys and a girl” threesome, there’s something to think about.


We do not live in the Stalinist USSR or in the Islamic Republic of Iran. For “this matter” we don’t hang people or send them to hard labor. Therefore, some men consider it acceptable to admit to their girlfriends that they have had homosexual experiences, be it a one-time experiment or a long-term relationship. Or he has no experience, but he regularly watches porn with boys.

And what to do about it?

The answer is simple: decide for yourself. What if you have true love, are you ready to walk hand in hand all your life, in joy and sorrow, live happily ever after and die on the same day? Then such little things as the bisexual orientation of your chosen one should not affect your choice.

True, there are two significant “buts”.

First: you do not live on a desert island; the secret of your boyfriend or husband’s orientation may become public property, and you will have to live with it somehow. Yes, you can spit on “what people will say.” And yet…

Second: what will you do if the homosexual element in him wins, and your prince runs away to his friend, with whom he lived in Honduras in Kolyma?

Who gays are and whether their behavior is normal has been something people have debated for centuries. For many centuries, lovers of same-sex love were expelled from society, imprisoned, and executed. Now they are treated much more tolerantly. The question remains: is homosexuality a disease or a norm?

Who are homosexuals?

The term “gay” has many interpretations. The etymology of this term is believed to come from the English word "carefree, cheerful", the meaning of which at some point in history expanded to mean a person indulging in voluptuousness. Later, representatives of the gay community were considered bearers of a special identity and were members of an entire subculture. Who are gays nowadays: just people with a different sexual orientation. Neither the openly declaring his preferences nor the hidden, latent homosexual are anything new today.

Causes of homosexuality

Homosexuality: a disease or just a sexual variation is what society has been debating for centuries. Scientists insist that such behavior is not deviant at all: in nature, male animals also often give preference to their own. Mother nature did not make an exception with people. So more often than not, people are born gay. Sometimes it is acquired and depends on upbringing.

What are active and passive gays?

In society, when answering the question of what kinds of gays there are, it is customary to divide them into active and passive. Among homosexual individuals, dominants are often distinguished, that is, active, and slaves, passive. In sexual life, preferences often change, and social roles are rarely divided into male and female, so the issue of passivity and activity is very controversial. Who are active gays and who are passive, let’s figure it out further.

Active homosexual

Where active gay men come from can be difficult to determine. It is often impossible to tell who gay activists are based on external signs. Active homosexuals can look brutal, which is why they often look like heterosexual men. Activity is manifested in the fact that in a love relationship they dominate their partner and play the role of a man - they protect and look after their loved one.


It's easy to understand why they become passive gays. A man recognizes himself as a woman and wants to act as the weaker sex, allows himself to be taken care of in everyday life, and in bed - the dominance of his partner. Passives often look more feminine than most men, have refined manners, and are emphatically polite.

How to recognize a gay?

There is only one hundred percent way to identify a gay: to learn about his homosexuality from himself. Other signs:

  1. He behaves the way gays behave: he walks with a representative of his sex on the street, holds hands, kisses.
  2. Doesn't pay attention to girls, doesn't get along with them, or gets along with them, but makes no attempt to build a relationship.
  3. He hides his personal life, dodges questions about his soulmate.
  4. Reacts extremely painfully to attacks against sexual minorities.

What do gays look like?

How to recognize a gay person among others? Almost nothing! Often this is beyond the power of even experienced psychologists, since representatives of a sexual minority do not outwardly differ from heterosexuals. But knowing which ear gays pierce or which finger they wear a ring on, you can identify one of them: homosexuals themselves come up with attributes for themselves in order to highlight their difference. Thus, a wedding ring on the little finger is a sign of supporters of same-sex love. Few people know that even such an insignificant detail as an earring in the right ear indicates membership in the gay community.

How do gays live?

Homosexual men, as a rule, are no different from other members of their sex. They perceive themselves as they are, live in harmony with themselves and the world around them, and do not shout about their belonging. After all, there is nothing in common between sexual orientation and cultural life. There is a separate layer of aggressive homosexuals who participate in parades and processions, dress brightly and loudly, trying to shock the public and are condemned by society.

How do gays make love?

There is controversy about how gay men have sex. Some believe that partners assign sexual roles for themselves once and for all and do not change them. Others are of the view that everything depends on specific individuals, and one homosexual can be an asset in one couple and a liability in another. Even within the same sexual relationship, roles often change.

How to get rid of homosexuality?

Contrary to many opinions, gayness is not a disease. Attraction to members of the same sex is genetic. Sigmund Freud also called this a variation of sexual function. However, the question arises whether it is possible to cure a gay person who became gay as a result of trauma, violence or mental disorders. You can restore it, but it is not a fact that your previous sexual preferences will return to you.

10 myths about homosexuality

Here are a few myths about homosexuality to reassure homophobes.

  1. Same-sex relationships are a fashion trend. existed at all times, starting from antiquity, where it was even exalted.
  2. Homosexuality is a disease. Even in nature, up to 10 percent of creatures practice same-sex relationships.
  3. All gay representatives are feminine: This is only a prescribed type of gender behavior; in fact, among representatives of this minority there are many strong, courageous, absolutely brutal people.
  4. All gays are obsessed with fashion: We are all human, some love fashion and understand it, others don’t care about it.
  5. You can't trust boys like this: Scientific research proves that there is no connection between pedophilia and homosexuality.
  6. Same-sex relationships are not serious, just for once: history knows many examples of strong marriages and love to death.
  7. There cannot be marriage between same-sex partners because they are unable to raise healthy children. Again, as history shows, sometimes families in which there are only two dads are harmonious and complete.
  8. This is inherited: The gene for homosexuality in nature has not been proven; it all depends more on upbringing.
  9. All representatives of this sexual minority are divided into active and passive: Not at all, like heterosexuals, they practice different sexual roles.
  10. The main disease in the gay community is AIDS. People of any sexual orientation become infected with HIV, it’s a matter of protection or lack thereof.

Famous gays

Society has been familiar with the concept of homosexuality for a long time. There have been people of unconventional orientation at all times and many of them influenced the development of our civilization:

Movies about homosexuals

Feature-length films about homosexuals began to appear in the 1980s. These were often dramas or deep melodramas, because society in those days did not accept such strange love:

  1. "Old Friend", 1984 - about the fight against AIDS.
  2. "Maurice", 1987 - about attempts to hide relationships in refined English society.
  3. "Philadelphia", 1992 - about the struggle of minorities for their rights.

With the appearance of the melodrama “Brokeback Mountain” in 2005, there were more films about strong male love. These are simple melodramas about love (no matter what gender it is):

  1. "Weekend"(2011) - excellent melodrama.
  2. "Harvey Milk"(2008). This topic remains a problem in society.
  3. "50 shades of blue"(not a parody, but a deep, complex drama).
  4. "A Bad Boy's Story" and others.

“Straights” are most surprised by the “supernatural” ability of gays to instantly identify their own kind, no matter how hard they try to hide their affiliation with the “theme.”
This sixth sense, supposedly inherent to all gays from birth, is called “gaydar” - from the words “gay” and “radar”. Of course, in reality there is nothing supernatural about this ability - it’s all a matter of developed observation and training. In fact, we must remember that the world of gays is no less diverse in terms of human types than the world of straight people, so there is no reliable way to determine a person’s sexual orientation (especially at first glance)!
What we wrote below is not advice on how to “glue together” a nice guy. Rather, clues that help determine that you and your potential new acquaintance have the prospect of a closer relationship than “strong male friendship.”
“Three types of people can be distinguished by their eyes - spies, drug addicts and homosexuals” - this statement by an unknown author is quite controversial. However, gays do look into each other's eyes and shake hands longer than straight people.
Forget about external signs (for example, a wedding ring on your finger) and look the guy straight in the eyes. Look closely for a few seconds, without blinking, as if you want to burn a hole in him with your gaze. If he lowers his eyes, it means he is afraid of what might happen if he looks at you as intently. If he looks away, then, most likely, he is not interested in you or this is ostentatious indifference. If he answers you with the same knowing look, then you have hit the nail on the head! Skirmishing with your eyes is the first step towards closer acquaintance. In the same way, if you are interested in a guy, then try not letting go of his hand from yours when shaking hands a little longer than usual, or first shake it firmly, then release it slightly, and then squeeze it harder again, while looking straight into his eyes.
Now that “straight” guys have begun to sometimes take care of their appearance, it has become much more difficult to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Most gays (those who want to make a good impression) dress very well, are neat and have a fashionable hairstyle. Clothes and haircut are the most important thing. It is known that it is often gays who usually start a new direction in fashion or style. Gays have style. Most of my “straight” friends don’t have it. In addition, there are a number of “clues” that are usually perceived in the mass consciousness as attributes of gay people: tight jeans from a well-known brand (for example, Levis 501 or Wrangler) and the same tight T-shirt, a backwards baseball cap with a forelock protruding from the front, a mesh shirt or T-shirt, in the summer - super short denim shorts with fringes at the bottom, highlighted hair, earrings in the ears, hair styled with mousse, a noticeable smell of expensive eau de toilette, etc. Of course, none of these signs individually, or even several of them together, may be completely unrelated to “blueness,” nevertheless, their presence makes you think!
Watch a guy whose sexuality interests you. When no one is near him, who does he look at? If he pays most of his attention to men, then... remember who you are watching? :-) (this experience is especially good in the subway, for example, on an escalator).
Some of the men are a little "feminine". An overly prolonged “a”, soft modulations of the voice, smoothness of speech - all this adds up to what is usually called “blue” intonations. This is one of the surest signs; almost all gay people I know can hear these shades in their conversations.
The same applies to gestures. Manners manifest themselves differently for everyone. This can be intense gestures, smooth hand movements (which is almost always absent among “straight people”), and extraordinary flexibility of the fingers. Notice how the object of your attention holds a glass or cigarette. How to sit down or stand up. How to take off and put on outerwear. Of course, I don’t mean that the man is painted and behaves like a prostitute, but believe me, there is something elusive.
Another sign: is he single? Most gay men don't get married, so if a man is over 30 and single and doesn't date much (if at all), then he's probably one of us. By the way, even married gays very rarely wear wedding rings. A reader noted that “married gay men rarely talk about their wives, more often about their children.”
Speaking of rings, I remind you that there are at least two sure signs of belonging to the gay movement: a ring made of any metal on the little finger of any hand and a ring made of gold of three colors on any finger.
One of our readers adds: “I wear a silver ring on the ring finger of my left hand, I’ve heard that this is a good thematic authentication attribute. Gay men also wear rings made of stone, but more often made of silver.”
If you're openly gay and fully accepting of who you are, how comfortable do you feel in the presence of a stranger? If you are closed and don't want anyone to know the truth about you, do you get nervous when a “stranger” is around? I noticed that I felt completely free in the presence of a gay man.
Some gay men believe that in order to pass as “straight,” one must discuss the behavior of “women” with other men. In such conversations, they make banal comments, but with a twist. Instead of talking about women, they like to talk about the idea of ​​a woman, as if relationships with her were just some kind of abstract idea.
Willingness to help for no particular reason, for example, holding the door if you are walking with a large bag (which a “straight” person would never do), or the close attention of a salesperson in a clothing store may imply a desire to get to know each other better. However, remember that the attention of salespeople in stores may be a professional duty imposed on them, but if an unfamiliar handsome guy gives you his hand to help you jump over a puddle, this is a reason to check for other signs!
From the responses of our readers to the article: “I had a case when I was walking and dropped my bag, and for some reason a guy passing by began to help collect the papers that I was carrying... we still live together!”
My favorite tip. Just smile at the people you like - believe me, even non-gay people enjoy being smiled at. And if the guy also answers you with a beautiful radiant smile, then you will be doubly pleased!
Imagine walking down the street, lost in your own thoughts, and suddenly you look up and see the guy of your dreams rushing towards you. Don't worry! Keep moving! When you are level with him, start counting to yourself: “one: two: three.” Turn around on the count of three! If he knows this method and is interested in you, he will turn around at exactly the same moment. Keep walking and repeat this exercise again. If he turns around again, you can safely come up and introduce yourself!
Ask the guy you want to "test" to spell out a difficult word for you. People usually use names to name letters. It has been noted that gays will use predominantly male names (Grigory-Evgeniy-Ivan-Dmitry-Alexander-R uslan), and “straights” are predominantly female or interspersed (Nina-Alena-Timofey-Ulyana-Rita-Anastasi I'm Lena). (The method is borrowed from Abrasha Vesely’s “Treatise on Acquaintance”)
Recommendation from a reader from Samara - a little complicated, but apparently effective:
“Suppose you like a guy (for example, you are sitting opposite each other on the subway), and you feel that he is also looking in your direction - clench your left hand into a fist and put the index finger of your right hand into it (such a non-binding gesture, you are just holding your finger). If you see that your recipient will do the same, it means that he is also interested in you. But just in case, double-check - change your finger, instead of the index finger, squeeze your middle finger. If he does the same, you can. Feel free to sit down next to him and get acquainted. But if you are a very cautious person, then repeat this procedure again (now put your ring finger into your fist, and then your little finger. If your counterpart repeats all your manipulations, quickly run to get acquainted before he touches you). I was offended by your lack of trust in him. That’s all... So my friend and I found each other and wish such happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone..."
After the article was published on the site, we received many letters from readers. We have already quoted some above. Here are a few more ways to “identify” gays that amazed us the most:
“I come up and grab any guy I like by the balls. If they don’t punch you in the face, then everything is fine.”
"I am a psychic, and that says everything in my life"
"Typically, gay men try to look tired, haggard and indifferent."
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that it is not enough to exercise your “gaydar” yourself. You also need to send out “signals” about yourself that will help “work” the “gaydar” of others. Therefore, smile more often and look longer into the eyes of handsome strangers - you’ll see if someone responds! We hope that readers of our server will not fail to tell their friends who do not have access to the Internet about these methods, in order to promote the spread of these simple but effective methods of identifying “your people” and getting to know each other!

American psychologist Xavier Quantos quite
reasonably believes that such an unpleasant
for most heterosexual men
opening does not have to be postponed until the last minute
moment. Suspect that your friend is adhering to
non-traditional sexual orientation, you can
much earlier. Quantos identified 8 alarming ones
signs indicating hidden blueness.
Of course, each of them, taken separately,
quite harmless, but if your friend has
several of the listed signs at once, then you,
perhaps it’s worth thinking about it.
1. He overemphasizes his masculinity.
Unlike openly gay men, closeted gay men want
look like a cool guy. He loves to chat about
sports and can tirelessly talk about his
sexual victories - most often victims of his spell
there are women whom you cannot see
2. He despises the female gender. Women, from his point of view
sight, is the embodiment of dullness and worthlessness. He
loves to make dirty jokes about them and
Laughs the longest at obscene jokes.
3. He is a confirmed bachelor. "There is no doubt, and
a heterosexual man may well
remain unmarried after 35 years, says
Xavier Quantos. - But rather as an exception,
than the rules. If you have gray hair and a bald head
your friend tells you that he still hasn't found it
your ideal, then be on your guard."
4. He loves contact sports. Blue
go crazy for broad-shouldered athletes
especially football players. gives them incredible
the pleasure of watching 22 men,
running after each other on the green grass. Well
if your friend especially admires
any particular player - then he, by
according to Quantos, almost one hundred percent blue.
5. He criticizes the girls you're with.
meeting. If for each of your girlfriends
some nasty thing is ready and he is foaming at the mouth
can give you endless arguments against
marriage - he's just jealous and wants you
belonged to him alone.
6. He gets married hastily. Only naive
believes that a married man cannot be
homosexual. "Often young gays come to
horror, having learned about his own orientation, says
Dr. Quantos, - and they believe that a woman can
save them. They usually marry quickly and
7. He loves "manly films." Don't expect from
blue that he will appreciate Tom's acting talent
Hanks or Dustin Hoffman. He likes more
the soul of the courageous handsome Mel Gibson or
darling Tom Cruise.
8. He openly expresses his hatred towards
homosexuals, which, according to Xavier
Quantosa, the surest sign of blueness. According to him
It is estimated that 90% of men who constantly let go
anti-gay jokes, or even more so, hitting them
muzzles, - hidden gays.