How to tell a man that I like him? How to clearly explain to a guy that you need him. How tenderly you can address your man.

Have you ever told a man about his wrongdoings and observed a negative reaction in response? Have you thought about how to correctly tell a man that he is doing something wrong, without running into a wall of misunderstanding and irritation on his part?

Are you tormented by thoughts that actions were to blame for the quarrel? Or, perhaps, you began to feel that it requires a special approach and you are in despair?

In reviews of articles I publish, women sometimes talk about their fear of telling men what I advise. What if he reacts the wrong way, and I find myself to blame! Perhaps you find yourself in exactly this situation.

In this article you will learn how to tell a man that he is wrong and get a positive reaction.

Think about what you should say to a man

I never tire of reminding you that communication is truly a must. This is the foundation. The only undeniable fact is, despite the fact that we all have different expectations, points of view and even the languages ​​we speak.

It is often said that women are more emotional and men are more logical when communicating. This may be true, but it is also true that men instinctively want to make their women happy and try their best to accomplish this task. Even if the woman thinks that this is not so.

These are not unconditional patterns. Most often this is exactly what happens. I'm sure that Every relationship is unique and requires some help. when choosing priorities at the very beginning. The future of your relationship depends on how you act at this stage.

Let's consider the following situation: after each encounter with ignorant or rude men (at least they seem so), women become increasingly upset and less confident in the successful future of any relationship. The end result is a loop that looks something like this:

a man doesn't know how to make a woman happy because he doesn't talk about it;

a woman gets tired of a man who makes no effort to understand it or at least try to find out how to do it. At the same time, she also does not know how to tell a man about a painful problem;

the man feels hopeless and begins to distance himself from his partner feeling like he can't do anything right;

man or woman surrenders and leaves the issue unresolved.

This cycle continues until one of them cannot stand it and refuses to continue the relationship, which has reached a dead end.

Who is to blame for this? The answer is simple - nobody. It's just a matter of ineffective communication within the couple.

Changing the template

So how can we break this pattern? What should you say to a man so as not to cause his negative reaction?

For example, how to tell a man that you don’t have enough of his attention, he didn’t call on time and ended up coming home late? Most likely you will say it like this:

"I think you're ignoring me."

“Why didn’t you call me when you promised?”

"You should have told me you'd be late."

It’s not at all difficult to say these words to a man. In addition, most women use them every day when communicating with their loved ones, without even realizing that they are making a mistake. In a man's understanding, you focus in these phrases on the fact that he did something wrong. This humiliates him and leaves a negative imprint on his self-esteem and attitude towards you.

How does he react in this case? Sometimes he is silent, other times he becomes hostile towards you. But regardless of the type of reaction, he hears the same message: “You are incapable of doing it right. You are not responsible for your actions and words."

What if you tell a man the same thing, but changing some accents?

For example, you can consider the following options:

"If you don't answer me, I feel yourself neglected."

"When you don't call, it makes me feel that I am not important to you."

"When you don't tell me you'll be late, I feel that you don’t value my time.”

I guarantee that in this case you will receive a completely different answer from him. There will certainly be no vague silence or hostility.

Magic word

« Feel»
. There is some magic in this word. When communicating with a man, pay attention to how his reaction changes when you tell him how his actions make you feel feelb .

This will sound like a call for cooperation, and not a proposal to take an aggressive stance.

This will motivate him to action instead of bringing him to his knees.

So he will feel that you communicate with him and do not point out his shortcomings.

That's the whole secret. Just one word!

Is this all?

This may seem too simple - but it's true. When we (men) say that we are the simplest creatures, we really mean it. We want to make you happy, but sometimes we need help and patience to find out how this can be done.

Therefore, the next time you disagree with his actions or words, do not point out mistakes and do not defend your point of view. Better try to figure out how to tell a man that his actions make you feel yourself in a certain way.

Now that you know what to say and what word, your relationship will simply have to reach a whole new level.

Don't forget to thank me in the comments for the key to this knowledge. Try applying this advice today and be sure to write about the result in the comments. Will wait!

Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

Each of you knows that the word is the most powerful tool that can either inspire a man to take new heights or push him away forever, destroying love. Many women don’t even think about the danger hidden in some phrases and words, but they can simply “blow up” even long-term relationships. So what should you absolutely not say to your chosen one?

1. “You always go through everything...”

Such a phrase is simply humiliating for any man, and with it you will forever discourage him from doing something for your sake. It doesn’t matter what caused your dissatisfaction: home repairs, unsuccessful assembly of a new chest of drawers, or replacement of an outlet. A priori, a man should feel like a hero, performing feats for the sake of his chosen one.

2. “Size in bed is not that important...”

Do not offer this dish under any circumstances to your loved one, even if you say that he is many times better than your ex - any comparison in the sexual field can cause discord. Tell about your ex-men just once and never return to this topic. And to his questions about how it was with this or that sexual partner, limit yourself to superficial answers and say that you feel very good with him!

3. “I told you!!”

A truly wise woman will never reproach a man if he suffers failure or defeat - who can be immune from this? Do you think the man himself doesn’t understand that he didn’t succeed and doesn’t blame himself for his mistake? And instead of an irrepressible saw, be a support during a difficult period.

4. “We urgently need to talk about something important. We will have a serious conversation..."

Such phrases cause nothing but nervousness and irritation, and the peak of her “perfection” comes when it is communicated in the morning via SMS, and you can only talk in the evening. What do you think you will get after a day full of unpleasant mysteries, tension and excitement? Voice important things right away so that the man can work out possible solutions in his mind.

5. “You won’t get sex until...”

There may be millions of variations, but such manipulations result in one thing - a man finds himself a mistress who wants to have sex with him at any time without conditions. Ladies, is it really only men who need sex, and you really don’t care about it?

6. “Your mother bothered me with moralizing and advice. Your uncle makes me sick.."

Even if you hate his mother, brother or aunt with every fiber of your soul, never discuss them in a negative way. Under no circumstances should you get personal and talk negatively about his mother - this is taboo. It’s better to say this: “I’m not very comfortable with my mother discussing our family. I feel embarrassed when your uncle looks at me in no uncertain terms.”

7. “I'm fed up with your stupid hobbies. How can you kill your time playing this football? (fishing).”

You shouldn’t speak insultingly about your man’s favorite hobbies, even if you think it’s stupid and complete nonsense. And if you do not share his hobbies, show your loved one that you at least do not reject them. Your monotonous buzzing about how tired you are when he watches the match will not change the situation - he will still love his football, but your relationship at this moment will always be tense. Do you need it? And is your romance series, House-2 or the vampire saga more useful?

8. “But Petya...”

And away we go: Valka’s husband earned money for a new fur coat, and Zinkin has already become deputy director and receives a lot of money. Colorful descriptions of the impeccable unknown hero will make even the most self-possessed man feel hot. Someday you will hear: “I am so happy for Petya and admire his talents and successes, so pack your bags and go to this hero - don’t waste your life on a loser like me!”

9. “You are my plush cat, little belly, little boy, little pussy, little cat...”

If you decide to lisp with your loved one in front of his friends, then there will be trouble - he will be laughed at, even in a friendly way. Replace such words with at least “dear, dear.” Although it is better to leave all your tender words until you are alone.

10. “Yes, it’s just my ex...”.

Someone wrote you a message on social networks, and you casually say: “Oh, it’s just an ex-boyfriend.” He will think that you are simply a frivolous person for whom another relationship means nothing. Or, you are communicating with your ex-boyfriend and are trying to hide it from your man.

11. “Act like a man”

And now, excuse me, who is he? It turns out that now you don’t consider him this real man. Such a man’s motivation to act heroically for your sake has gone to zero.

12. “I can handle it myself...”

Your man considers himself a strong hero who can cope with any task, so he sincerely offers his help. He will enjoy it - after all, he is a man! Let him open canned food, move a heavy table, or screw in a light bulb, and while you can do it all yourself, let him get a mental thrill out of it. And be sure to thank them for your help.

13. “It’s time for you to go to the gym and go on a diet...”

Do you really enjoy having physical disabilities poked in your nose? You probably get goosebumps of indignation when at work your employees say: “Oh, how you’ve gained weight! And you were better off thinner!” Your man may swallow the insult, although it will deal a blow to his pride, but insecurity and complexes will forever settle in his heart that he has “a big belly, like a pregnant woman.” You risk that he will prove his attractiveness to himself by resorting to the help of other women, and will soon leave for someone who will love him for who he is.

14. “How do you like my new manicure, dress, shoes?”

Never ask such questions to your man, as he absolutely does not care about such things. If your chosen one loves you, for him you will always be attractive and the most beautiful.

15. “But my mother says that we need...”.

If your mother is a wise woman and gives advice for maintaining family happiness, let this remain your sweet secrets. Why tell your man about this, because he will think that you do not have your own opinion.

16. “Don’t you notice anything?”

Is he, an investigator or an experienced criminologist, able to immediately determine that your hair has become 2 cm shorter and has been lightened by one tone? When asking such questions, be prepared for the fact that his answer may deeply disappoint you!

17. “Do you remember what day it is today?”

The man nervously goes through all the dates he knows in the back of his mind: name day, the day you met, your mother’s birthday. Even if he forgot about some event, this does not mean that they forgot about you. Men are sick of any show off, but in your hands yourself - after all, mutual pleasure is important to you, and not compliance with all transparent formalities?

18. “You are not able to understand me, my subtle spiritual strings...”

Maybe the problem is that you don’t know how to properly explain the reason for your worries and worries? He is not a psychic to detect mood changes and spend time searching and analyzing the reasons why you have been depressed for three hours.

19. “Nothing happened. Everything is fine!".

You pouted your lips, are offendedly silent and answer any questions tensely: “No. I’m fine, nothing happened.” And an hour later you theatrically throw yourself on the sofa in painful sobs, accusing him of callousness and insensitivity. This is where jokes about women's logic come into play. Tell us right away why you are upset and what worries you - the problem will be solved, and there will be peace and quiet.

20. “How many girls did you have before me?”

What will happen if he remains silent, goes into the kitchen (to count), and half an hour later he proudly announces: “58!” Do you need it with your five ex-men?

21. “I can’t live a day without you..”

How these phrases frighten the male sex, who would know. In appearance, don’t you look like a defenseless baby requiring every second care and attention? Phrases like these put power in a man’s hands, and you can become a weak-willed rag that people wipe their feet on and use at any time.

22. “What are you thinking about now?”

Isn't it enough for you that you are on friendly terms with the boss's wife and best friends with his sister and mother and discuss his cute shortcomings over a cup of tea? Or do you consider total control in the form of hourly SMS and endless calls acceptable? Let your man, at least in his thoughts, freely ride a horse through the field of pleasures and forbidden entertainment. Everyone should have personal space.

23. “You are acting like a little child.”

And you begin to resemble a caring hen, taking care of every step. Is he stuck in tanks or killing zombies in a computer game? Do the same: don’t cook dinner, turn on a love movie and cry to your heart’s content at the sentimental moments. Soon the hunger pangs in your husband's stomach will force him to help you in the kitchen with cooking.

24. “If you really loved me, then you...”

A complete explosion, after which your man will ask himself the question: “Damn, that’s right, I don’t love her so much, since I don’t carry 101 roses and teddy bears.” Maybe give up everything and find real feelings, so that there’s heat in the heart and recklessness in the head?”

You are captivated by the talent, character, intelligence, appearance of a man, you like him, but he himself does not notice your feelings. A familiar situation, isn't it? A dilemma arises - to act or not. How to delicately and unobtrusively let him know that you care about him, without intruding? In this article we will list the most proven ways to hint to a guy that a relationship is possible between you.

Even the bravest girl cannot always openly declare her love. And it's not about courage. By declaring her love first, she deprives herself of the most reverent moment of a relationship - courtship. How nice it is to have male attention and concern. At this moment you feel like a real beautiful lady. But the girl decides to take the first step, tries on the male role for herself. It is not the man who becomes the hunter and conqueror, but the woman. Will you have to continue to play this role and take on all the problems that arise?

Let's try to take a different path. We will unobtrusively win the attention of our lover.

Does a man like you?

Take a closer look at the man and his gestures. Perhaps for a long time now, when he sees you, his heart begins to beat faster. Modesty and timidity prevent him from showing attraction, and you are too inaccessible.

  • Appearance. A man in your presence straightens his jacket and tie, straightens up, sucks in his stomach, straightens his shoulders. He's trying to look better. Believe me, he is unlikely to preen himself for a stranger.
  • Smile. The interlocutor meets your gaze and smiles openly and sincerely. This is a good sign.
  • Comfort zone. The object of worship is not afraid to let you into your personal zone and does not push you away from you. He involuntarily turns his face and body towards you.
  • Gestures. Gestures will tell you about a sincere attitude. If the arms and legs are not crossed, the young man is open to communication.
  • Touching. Every chance he gets he touches you. The touches are short, but caring.
  • Sight. A man often looks at you. Looking for support, advice, as if asking: how do you like me? Or he just enjoys looking at the girl, exchanging glances with her.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

By observing a man, you will understand whether he likes you or not. If yes, then all that remains is to make it clear that you care about him. If not, don’t despair. Step by step we are approaching the long-awaited moment of reciprocity.

How to show him that he cares

Before choosing seduction tactics, get to know the man better. Some people love fatal beauties, while others prefer cordiality and warmth. Try to get the necessary information through mutual friends. But there is nothing better than personal communication. Attract a man to you. Now you can let him know that you want more:

  1. Be open, don't close yourself off from your partner. He will read your gestures on a subconscious level. Do not cross your arms and legs - these are the poses of opponents. Open your palms - show that you trust the man.
  2. Use the law of mirroring. Psychologists say that it has a magical effect on men. It's time to check. During a conversation, repeat gestures quietly behind him.
  3. Touch a man as if by accident. The movements are short and easy. Feel these moments.
  4. Smile sincerely. Add a little admiration to your radiant look.
  5. Flirt, but unobtrusively. Look closely at your interlocutor, then lower your embarrassed gaze.
  6. Admire the man. Don't be afraid to show the joy of communicating with him. You are sincerely surprised by his intelligence, erudition, and strength. Don't be shy to praise your partner and laugh at his jokes. Make it clear that he is the only one - talented and interesting. This is a great way to let him know that he is dear to you. But don't overdo it. Here's a good article about that.
  7. Be interested in him, talk about him. A man will be flattered by attention to his affairs and hobbies, which are important to share. If he talks about himself, it means he trusts.
  8. Ask for help. Just be sure that it is within his power to fulfill your desire. But even an assignment that is too easy will not make him feel like a hero.
  9. Take care of yourself. Choose non-aggressive makeup and outfit. Prep yourself, straighten your hair, dress. Make it clear that this is all for him.

Beware of insincerity, intrusiveness and vulgarity.

You decided to confess to your boyfriend

The girl tried all the tricks, but there was no result. Feelings overwhelm her, and she decided to tell him about it directly. Such an act can lead a man into confusion; he does not see her as a companion. Being rejected is hard. After confession, it is even harder to meet your lover at work or with friends. Prepare for any outcome. We've already talked about how to make a confession correctly.

But tune in for the best - thoughts are material, and each person and each situation is individual. Rely on your feelings and intuition.

Sympathy for the opposite sex is a wonderful, inspiring feeling. But how to communicate about it to the object of this sympathy? It is traditionally accepted that. But if he doesn’t take the initiative, and you no longer have the strength to keep your own feelings to yourself? How to let a man know that you like him, but at the same time not impose your sympathy? To do this, just take a few simple steps.


Whatever tactics you choose to demonstrate your emotions, start with observation and collection of information. Talk to mutual friends, carefully ask questions directly to the object of your sympathy.

The main task is to understand what type of women he prefers. Some people love shy, modest women, while others are easier to conquer with courage and directness. The information received and conclusions from it will help you decide on further tactics.

How to behave?

It’s still better to start with less straightforward steps. And the point here is not even that directness requires courage. Simply, by telling a man about your feelings directly, you lose the chance for the magical part of the relationship - the courtship process. But hints of possible sympathy on your part, on the contrary, can spur a man to retaliate. So, :

  1. Smile. Be the one who always laughs at his jokes. Smile as a sign of greeting or simply when making eye contact. There is no better way to let a man know that you like him without words than with an open, sincere smile.
  2. Touch. The tactile aspect of relationships is real magic. Just a few light touches, made as if by chance, can push a man to actively respond. But don't overdo it! Patting on the shoulders is too intrusive. But mechanically brushing a speck off your shoulder or touching your palm or elbow during a lively conversation is quite possible.
  3. Try the law of mirroring. Psychologists say that careful repetition of the interlocutor’s gestures during a conversation evokes sympathy and has a prepossessing effect.

What can I say?

Smiling from afar is a beautiful and romantic gesture. But live conversation should not be written off either. Conversation is a great way to let a man know that you like him. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to talk about this directly. You can use other tricks.

Don't be afraid to admire.

What are the nonverbal signs of reciprocal sympathy:

  • he often looks at you, seeks visual support, or even just flirts with his eyes;
  • he is open, does not cross his arms and legs, does not try to visually close himself - this means he trusts and sympathizes with you;
  • he smiles at you often, and not only in response to jokes;
  • he tries to look better in your presence.

If you see how, when looking at you, his posture straightens, he straightens his jacket or hair, be sure that you are already arousing reciprocal feelings in him.

How to tell a guy that you care about him?

If both verbal and non-verbal methods have already been tried, but there is no desired result, do not despair. Firstly, men don't always understand hints. Secondly, your chosen one may simply be too indecisive and, despite obvious signals from you, is simply afraid to take a retaliatory step.

Then a logical question arises: how to tell a man that I like him? There are several ways you can go.

From place to quarry


If you are afraid to talk about your feelings out loud, but you need to confess, do it in writing. The most romantic natures can choose the oldest method - and write a paper letter. A more modern option is to write an email or report everything during a correspondence in instant messengers. As a last resort, you can always write an SMS “I like you.”

The main thing is not to write anything after the confession until you receive at least some kind of answer. It is difficult, but it must be endured. Otherwise, you run the risk of seeming intrusive and alienating the man with your overenthusiasm.

One-on-one on a date

How to arrange a date if you are not a couple yet? Make an invitation in the style of “I have an extra ticket, would you like to go with me?” or just “maybe we can have some coffee?” If a man accepts the invitation, this is already a good sign that will give you confidence. Find a good moment on your impromptu date and talk about your crush.

If you like it, it’s a colleague at work

In situations with a potential “office romance,” everything is somewhat more complicated. First, many organizations discourage relationships between employees. And even if you want to let the object of your affection know about your feelings, it is better to do it in such a way that other colleagues at work do not notice it.

Secondly, if a man understands your feelings, but they are not mutual, this can complicate your working relationship. So, how to let a man know that you like him at work, without risking spoiling your work mood:

  1. Carefully use the above methods of wordless sympathy: glances, smiles, and touching with extreme caution.
  2. Show attention verbally, without talking about feelings directly.
  3. Watch the reaction.

If he responds to your signs of attention, it means there is reciprocal sympathy. In this case, you can talk about feelings directly.

Useful video

Sometimes it can be really difficult to open up and admit your feelings to another person. The video has some good advice on this matter:


If you suddenly receive a refusal in response to your confession, do not despair. At a minimum, you saved yourself time and gained valuable experience: it’s better to experience rejection once than to suffer from uncertainty for months.

Under no circumstances should you take his answer personally. If he likes a different type of woman, this does not mean that you are a bad person. It just wasn't your option. Wait a little - and your soul mate will definitely appear on the horizon.

and compliments, but are embarrassed to admit it. Hearing something good and pleasant about yourself is important for any person, regardless of gender, social status or age.

You can and should say affectionate phrases to your beloved man! At the same time, it is important to figure out how to compliment your spouse, whether you should call your other half “kitten” or “babe,” how often to say kind words, etc.

What phrases do men like?

A man will be pleased by a warm, gentle expression of your feelings addressed to him. There is no need to rack your brains over what compliment to give to your other half: simple but sincere words are more valuable than the most sophisticated praise, spoken with difficulty.

Regularly hearing praise addressed to himself, any guy/man gradually gains confidence in his own abilities and mentally thanks the girl for this.

You know your man better than others, so you should roughly understand which expression he will like and which will cause indignation or offend.

You can call your loved one:

  • bunny, bear cub, tiger cub, lion cub (it’s better to ask the man if he likes animalistic nicknames);
  • sunshine, baby, baby, pie (not all guys like baby talk, so it is recommended to agree on such requests in advance);
  • diminutive name (for example, Maksimka, Olezhka, Sashunya, etc.);
  • the only one, beloved, dear, dear (these are neutral addresses that are always pleasant), etc.

Affectionate phrases for your beloved man in your own words

Pleasant words spoken by a woman to a man must correspond to the situation, behavior, lifestyle, but most importantly, they must be sincere and come from the heart.

Only a loving wife knows how her beloved will react to this or that expression. Words spoken out of place or with irony can offend.

If your spouse is interested in exact sciences, you can admire his mental abilities; if he is an athlete, feel free to compliment him on his excellent body shape.

A brutal man will be pleased to hear that he is strong and courageous, and a military man will be pleased to hear that with him you are not afraid of anything in this life.

Advice! Sometimes you can give your spouse new compliments, but you need to immediately pay attention to his reaction.

What to tell a man to make him understand how dear he is

Just one small phrase can give a man confidence, courage, and understand that his woman needs him and loves him:

  1. “I know I can always rely on you.”
  2. “I’m not afraid of anything, because you are next to me.”
  3. “Everything is temporary, don’t worry, we can handle any problem.”
  4. "Don't worry. I am sure that you will easily understand this situation, because you are so smart.”
  5. “Count on me in any situation, I will help.”

These and similar expressions inspire male representatives and give them strength.

How to write to my husband that he is the most beloved and dear person to me

You can write to your husband about your feelings on paper, on the pavement, by phone, by email or in a dish.

Be original - come up with words for your lover that will penetrate his very heart

The main thing is that he must understand that this confession is from the heart, it is real, without falsehood, then it will be much more pleasant for him to hear it.

  • Write a confession note and hang it on the refrigerator or attach it to the TV remote control.
  • Buy washable paint and write about your feelings on the asphalt.
  • Send your sweetie a love letter by email at work and you'll see he returns home in a great mood.
  • Come up with an original SMS message and send it to your spouse.
  • Place an envelope in your mailbox and look into it when you return from work/shop.
  • Before leaving for work, attach a note with words of love to the bathroom mirror - in the morning your spouse will read your confession and be happy.
  • Order a mug/plate/glass/cup with words of love and give it to your significant other.

Beautiful phrases for your beloved man

Be original – come up with words for your beloved that will penetrate his very heart and be remembered for a long time. When he meets you, he will remember them.


  • “You are the best, the strongest, the dearest person to me! I don't know how I would live without you! Next to you, I forget about all my worries and worries, I feel calm and confident, because you will protect me from adversity!”
  • “I am the happiest in the world! Why? Because I'm with you! You have no idea how much I love you!”
  • “When I look into your eyes, I understand that I have nothing more expensive than them! You are my breath, my air, my life! You are my past, present and future! You are my happiness! I can't imagine life without you! Let's always be together every day and never, ever be apart! Your favorite bunny!

Nice words for a man

Any man is pleased to hear gentle, pleasant words; they simply adore affectionate expressions, although they do not admit it.

You can say nice things about appearance, services provided, help around the house, etc.

  • “I would never have managed this castle, thank you so much for your help!”
  • “What strong hands you have: when you hug me, I feel like a little girl!”
  • “You smell so nice today! I love the smell of your cologne!”
  • “Your smile drives me crazy!”

Good words for a man just like that

A special occasion is not needed if you want to please your chosen one.

An affectionate word is possible without a reason:

  • “Do you know who I love more than anyone in the world? You!"
  • “Today I’m in a great mood because you’re nearby! Thank you for existing!”
  • “You are the best husband in the world!”
  • “This shirt suits you very well! You look so sexy!”
  • “Darling, you are a great cook! I haven’t tried sushi prepared this way for a long time!”
  • “Thanks for vacuuming the rooms – I haven’t been able to get anything done lately!”

Tender phrases for a guy in your own words

When gentle compliments are given to guys, it awakens deep feelings, gives young people self-confidence and pushes them to perform great deeds for the sake of their lady:

  • “When we met, I immediately realized that you were my soulmate!”
  • “I love it when you come to a date with fragrant flowers! It’s so nice!”
  • “Your voice alone gives me goosebumps! I look forward to each of our meetings!”
  • “After meeting you, I began to believe in miracles, because you are a real miracle in my life!”
  • “I love it when you take care of me! I feel like a “thumbelina,” a small, fragile girl!”
  • “When you hug me, I melt into your embrace.”

Words for a man you like

You can say magic words that bring pleasure to both a man you don’t know well and someone with whom you are starting to form a relationship.

You shouldn’t make loud confessions, but you can say small compliments or tender phrases - this way you will set your future lover on the right wavelength, show that you value him and want to continue the relationship.


  1. “Today in the restaurant you were incredibly gallant and courteous - I am delighted!”
  2. “I have never met such a decent and intelligent man. And your subtle sense of humor simply captivated me!”
  3. “You look flawless and charming - it turns me on!”
  4. “You are beautiful and brave, like the prince from my favorite fairy tale!”
  5. “Your kindness is limitless! You always come to the aid of any person - not everyone has this excellent quality!”
  6. “It’s interesting to spend time with you – you know a lot about mountains and clouds! I enjoy listening to your stories!”


Confessions made to your significant other should not sound arrogant, pretentious or false.

If you are embarrassed to give a nice compliment to your lover, write him a note and hang it in a visible place or send him a letter via email/phone.

Words must be spoken truthfully, sincerely, and in accordance with the situation and the man’s temperament, otherwise they will cause mistrust, resentment or anger.

Be unique and original – come up with new affectionate phrases every time, surprise your spouse/boyfriend. Express feelings in various ways: on paper, with chalk on the pavement, in an email, with a homemade sweet cake with his name on it, etc. And rest assured - soon he will also begin to show attention to you, if he has not done so before!