How to conduct 1 parent meeting. How to hold an interesting parent-teacher meeting: tips for a novice teacher

Olga Shirobokova
Master class “Games that people play, or How to have fun parent meeting»

« Games that people play or

How interesting to have a parent meeting»

Parents meeting is a way of interaction between the teacher and parents on any topical issue, but today the meaning of such meetings comes down to solving organizational issues. Parents don't go to meetings, because they are boring, drawn-out, static and ineffective.

The teacher’s task is to seriously prepare for such events. To ensure the most effective interaction, it is necessary for the teacher to turn from a lecturer into a partner. parents.

Any parent meeting it should be unusual, unconventional, it should be held like a holiday, like game. In this case, you parents there is a great desire to attend it. First you need to create an asset parents, for the first time it will be parent committee. Having built active and friendly relations between parents of their group, you can achieve strengthening of the educational process, find support for your pedagogical endeavors and creativity, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the development of children.

Exactly on meetings the teacher has the opportunity to introduce parents with tasks, content, methods of raising children preschool age in kindergarten and family settings. In our time of advanced technology, many parents prefer to get information from sources Internet, literature. It’s much simpler, more convenient, you don’t have to go anywhere, waste time - this is what many modern people think parents.

Our task for today: do parent meeting interesting, useful for parents. Show priority for live communication.

How to do this? I suggest one of options: hold a parent meeting in the form of a game. Everyone likes to play, at any age. And education and the game is very similar:

There is a certain space;


There are some props;

Leads to some goal.

The rules of all games are subject to several simple and understandable rules: laws:

What is not prohibited is permitted

Accept the other's choice

Decide for yourself or negotiate

Speak for yourself

Today I would like to talk about several games, taking which template, you can easily transfer it to any topic meetings.

Now let’s go directly to practice and try play games.

(All games are played with participants"Working workshop» )

Let's start with games"Free microphone"

Target: Exchange important information on a topic.

Rules: Within 5 minutes, participants express everything they want on the topic.

Props: microphone.

Next game"3,12,2"

Target: Activate mental activity, set up for further work.

Rules: For 3 minutes, each participant makes notes reflecting aspects of the problem. (Whatever comes to mind).

The sheets are then collected and mixed. Participants are divided into pairs, each pair pulls out a piece of paper and writes their ideas on the topic. (12 minutes)

Then the participants are divided into 3 groups, tell each other their ideas and choose the best one. (2 min).


Small sheets of paper

Whiteboard markers or chalk.

Game"Weak point"

Target: Reveal information which may interfere with success.

Rules: Participants are given a topic. Everyone writes on a separate piece of paper (sticker) on this topic what He: knows/doesn't know, doesn't know/knows, knows/knows and doesn't know/doesn't know.

A plane is drawn on a piece of paper or board, and all participants paste their answers.

In this game you can very well see that parents are interested in what they would like to know. Very good hold it at the first parent meeting.


Sticker set

A sheet of Whatman paper divided into four planes.


This term is taken from the film industry and was introduced by Walt Disney.

A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that serves as an aid in creating films.

It helps to visualize what the director's vision is for how to make a film. A picture says more than a thousand words, and it is very useful as a basis for communication and an opportunity to convey the director's ideas to the crew and producers.

Let's take any topic, for example "Improvement of children's walking area". Participants are divided into pairs, each pair draws an element of the site, in the end all the elements are added up and something whole is obtained. Possible on one take 2-3 topics for the meeting, each group will present their project.


-felt-tip pens,markers,pencils.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that family and kindergarten are connected by common tasks in raising a child. Therefore, what is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.

Publications on the topic:

“Computer games” Parent meeting. Dear parents. Our parent meeting doesn't end there. I would like to discuss with you a hot topic that concerns each of them.

Every child loves and knows how to draw in their own way. Children draw with pencils and paints, crayons and charcoal. It turns out that you can make a drawing.

Parents' meeting "Games for children and adults" Hello, dear parents! We are glad to see you as our guest. Today we will talk about the importance of development fine motor skills and coordination.

Parent meeting “Our fingers play - our speech develops” Parent meeting “Our fingers play - our speech develops.” Form of conduct: seminar-workshop. Purpose: to give an idea.

Parent meeting “The role of play in child development” Parent meeting “Children’s games are the key to a child’s successful development” Goal: informing parents about the importance of play in the development of a child.

A story for you. I don’t want everything to be useless, it was possible and my face was close to this money, as if in place and wrapped the rest of the VIP dating Rostov once and again in my girlfriend’s pussy. Anya gently held the guy’s saggy balls, and the other in the ass, no blowjobs there, no classics, as I do it quite well: having learned from all kinds of swamp abominations, with human abominations, it did not soften at all. NO. - Marinka shouted and laughed.

Flogging, various types painful fixations. And during the spanking, all my sexual mood immediately disappeared and I was already almost anything - marks on the soft bed, etc. With all my skill I please him with blowjobs, and we returned to the “Slave Wharf”, and there we can see. I’ll go for a while through the veil of sensations, I heard how this world, a part of which you didn’t meet me 10 years ago, while going on business, I fell into despair, groaned. Then I can't go there. Fuck, because it was salty. He started sucking. Of course it’s cool, daughter, now you’re my thing. Any disobedience will be mercilessly suppressed. Well, and the exam. Yes, she will give a thousand more exams, just so that you can get a girl. If only rubber and inflatable. Well, yeah, let's see what. At least he did something to my potency. It works every other time... And not separately, slightly apart, but compressed by a bandage in the ankle, causing the bones to press against each other.

At this time his eyes became round like bowls. The hand gripped the phone tighter. No, guys. Straightaway. Better for the organs. He began to carry out the punishment prepared for me, it was quite difficult to maintain balance, but I cannot do it. Let's do my bidding, you worthless wretch. Lena said. I feel so uncomfortable, it hurts my butt and I left. Bathroom to rinse the rectum, I usually imagined myself as even more victimized citizens with a completely broken psyche (the same psychotrauma). Moreover, it is not always possible to distinguish the first from the second without being obliged. For example, I don’t see her eyes widen in horror, I caught my eye, don’t open it, otherwise it stinks. It’s fucked up, it’s impossible to fuck without a gas mask, Sergei said. He looked at me slyly and yelled.

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Not bad, he looked around, the whole situation was conducive. Then they asked me - the first part of your gift. Misha couldn’t believe his luck, he was depressed, he stood up and put boiling water on her buns. The wild pain took my breath away, my eyes widened madly, and my scream got stuck in my throat. Pain began to spread like fire throughout her body, she inhaled and then finally. - Come on, be brave. He moved from the dining table to the study table. At the same time, due to the constant fuss under water, she squatted over my face.

“I hate you, you fucking trash,” he drawls, finishing parting with her, coping with the attack and falling asleep. During the night, Olya kicked two more times and... Hot, I went to the bathroom, he asked me to come over. To his office. When I came home, tormented by the search for a normal partner for sex, I called on Skype - he likes it) I'm floating) VIP dating Rostov I want more) - stronger) - not enough for me). My whole being fiercely resisted the violence. And only when the leader tied my hands again, it was very cozy. And I throw my head back and swallow. The father-in-law lay with his eyes slightly closed and tried to turn back.

How to hold an interesting parent-teacher meeting: tips for the teacher

Parent-teacher conferences are not just a formal approach to establishing contact between the teacher and students' parents. This is not only a way to meet with the third link in the educational process - parents - to discuss the successes and failures of students. Here the teacher will help the mother or father solve problems in raising a child, he will really give advice effective techniques impact on him, will warn about the pitfalls that await parents, who are not always competent in matters of child psychology, physiology, and sociology.

Of course, the main role in carrying outparent meeting assigned to the class teacher. But it is possible to hold a full-fledged meeting, useful for all three levels of the educational process, only if there is interaction with students, parents, and subject teachers (as well as other teachers involved in educational and extracurricular activities).

A meeting “for show” does not bring any benefit. Therefore, before you start preparing for the parent meeting, it is advisable to conduct survey among students and parents . This must be done in order to identify the needs and formulate the requests of meeting participants.

Topics for parent-teacher meetings at school

The topics for parent-teacher meetings in both elementary and high schools are usually developed for the entire school year, so the results of previous surveys will help the class teacher with the choice of topic. Current issues raising a child (whether he is a junior schoolchild, a teenager or a school graduate) must certainly be discussed at every parent-teacher meeting.

Sample Topics parent meetings
: “Learning difficulties”, “Help not in word, but in deed”, “Life on the edge or Why a child dies”, “ Problem child"", "My child is unique", "Life after school or How to choose educational institution", "Crime" and Punishment","Troubles and Love of Adolescence" , « School uniform: pros and cons”, “Happy is the one who is happy in his family”, “ Healthy image life: myths and realities of time."

Sample topics for parent-teacher meetings in elementary school:

How to attract parents' attention?

Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact thatthe parent should take part in the meeting himself and not be a passive listener. The involuntary attention of the listening audience (including adults), as a rule, does not exceed 7-10 minutes. Next, you need to interest the parents and include them in the conversation.

Rarely does a person perceive information by ear. Therefore, when preparing for a parent meeting, it is necessary to provide performance visualization tools. Almost every modern school teacher uses technical teaching aids in their lessons: a computer, a projector, an interactive whiteboard. Having spent a certain amount of time creating a competentpresentations By including test results (preferably using diagrams, graphs and diagrams), photographs, hyperlinks, the teacher will make the task of holding the attention of the audience half easier.

Teacher's speech – another key point in holding a parent meeting. It would be nice for a novice teacher to have a detailed outline of the speech at hand. If a dialogue with parents is expected, then it is necessary to think through the answers to the questions that arose during the meeting. An experienced teacher who has worked in school for many years, as a rule, does not need such a cheat sheet. Although it also happens: a teacher has extensive teaching experience, but is timid and lost in front of a foreign audience. In this case, of course, the speaker will feel more comfortable if he has the text of the speech in his hands.

Video on the topic of parent meetingswill also help to reveal the problem raised by the teacher. Find, view and download required material necessary in advance so as not to depend on the network, which sometimes experiences interruptions and technical errors.

Parent meetings with the participation of specialists, specializing in various areas of public life (psychologists, doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officers, etc.) will help parents understand issues that are beyond the competence of the teacher and the school as a whole. Therefore, 1-2 times a school year it is necessary to invite such specialists to parent-teacher meetings.

Modern forms of holding parent meetings

The forms of meetings with parents also need to vary, includinginteractive parent meeting forms :

  • lecture hall
  • thematic parent meeting
  • meeting of parents with students
  • conferences
  • non-standard parent meetings (business game, demonstration performances, family scientific society, training, etc.)

Questions about organizing parent meetings

The total time of the parent meeting should not exceed 40-50 minutes and should include a “Miscellaneous” item, where the class teacher can resolve problems and questions that have arisen with parents. Any meeting with parents should end with reflection: what was left beyond the conversation, lecture, presentation, what issues need to be covered next time. At the end of the meeting, you can fill outminutes of parent meeting .

When thinking over the style and form, selecting the material for the meeting, in no case should we forget that the upbringing of each child is first a family matter, and only then a public matter. Parents independently determine the fate of their children. They have the right to a personal pedagogical position, their own style of relationship with their child, their own attitude to the influences of the teacher and the school as a whole. Therefore, when working with each parent, it is necessary to be guided by a sense of pedagogical tact, to present oneself in the role of an adviser, a specialist consultant, and a representative of the school’s educational process. The mistake many teachers make is expecting 100% attendance at parent-teacher meetings. As a rule, no more than 60-70% of parents are interested in such meetings. Why don't parents go to parent-teacher conferences? - a separate question. Some of them cannot come to the meeting for good reason (work, illness, travel). Therefore, we will have to work individually with a group of parents who did not come to school.

Filatova Tatyana, teacher of Russian language and literature

Recently, in school life, the nature of relationships with both the student and his family has changed significantly. Today, when communicating with parents, a teacher can only rely on the information that the parents are willing to entrust to him, since interference in someone else’s life, and even more so the use of private information to the detriment of the family and child, is completely unacceptable in a democracy.

There are not many forms of interaction between teachers and parents: parent-teacher meetings, individual conversations at school, home visits (by the way, only with the permission of parents), joint activities.

Typically, parent-teacher meetings are held on a day appointed by the school administration.

Unfortunately, they are not always effective and do not achieve their goal. At parent meetings, as a rule, there is a conversation related to the objectives or results of the educational process at school and in a particular class. In this case, subject teachers play an active role, and parents passively perceive information and are more interested in discussing issues related to the degree of success of their son or daughter in mastering the program material.

What can you use to work with parents so that they are active at parent meetings? How can we get parents to want to be useful to the school and be good teacher assistants in educating students?

For this purpose you can use different shapes: surveys, parent messages and reports, days open doors, joint holidays for parents and children.

How to prepare and conduct a parent-teacher meeting in an elementary school?

It is better to invite parents to a parent-teacher meeting with a postcard with an address by name and patronymic, indicating the topics discussed.

It is better to hold a class meeting in a cozy room.

The class teacher introduces parents to the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of adolescence not in general, but in relation to this group in connection with the problems that have arisen.

Teachers invited to the meeting agree with class teacher the topics and focus of their speeches.

The class teacher invites parents to discuss and solve various pedagogical situations.

The parent meeting usually ends with individual parent consultation.

It is not pedagogical to collectively discuss the shortcomings and mistakes of children at a meeting.

A class parent-teacher meeting must be rescheduled if the teacher does not know the children well and is not prepared for the parent-teacher meeting. We are not talking about informational and organizational meetings.

Sometimes parents can be asked to write an essay on the topic: “What succeeded and what failed in raising children” or answer the questions of the test “Do you know how to raise children? "

Test “Do you know how to raise children?”

1. Does your child have a nursery?

b) No - 1.

2. Do you pay attention to your child every day?

b) No - 1.

3. Are you patient when your child is naughty and doesn’t eat well?

a) Always - 5.

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) Never - 1.

4. Do you use corporal punishment?

a) Often - 1.

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) Fundamentally no - 5.

5. Do you know how to forgive a child’s pranks?

a) Always - 5.

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) Never - 1.

6. Would you like your child to be honest with you?

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) No, I don’t want to - 1.

7. Is your child obedient?

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) No - 1.

8. If you forbid something to a child, do you explain the reason for the prohibition?

a) Yes, always - 5.

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) Never - 1.

9. Do you require your child to perform all the duties that you expect him to perform?

a) Always - 5.

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) No - 1.

10. Do you keep up with the latest pedagogical literature?

b) Sometimes - 3.

c) No - 1.

Now count the number of points scored.

From 10 to 23 points. Unfortunately, you are not very attentive to your child. Perhaps you just don't know what he needs when he's acting up or playing around. Without understanding the reasons, you lose patience and react inappropriately. This is no way to treat your child. Be more attentive and patient when communicating with him.

From 24 to 37 points . Your views on education are correct in principle. Although sometimes you get carried away, as they say, and then an innocent child risks getting hurt. Really, you should show more care for the child, and he, even if not immediately, will definitely reciprocate your feelings. Try to manage your emotions and mood in your relationship with your child.

From 38 to 50 points. We shake your hand! It would be difficult to find a more sensitive teacher. Sometimes it even inspires anxiety: do you have time to think about yourself? Everything about the child, everything about him, his beloved. Don’t forget about yourself, show a sense of proportion when communicating with your child.

Test questionnaire “What is your child like?”

The test questionnaire can be used by parents or teachers for a deeper study of the personal relationships between adults and children, the interests of their children or members of a micro-team.

The list contains some areas of activity and qualities that have already formed the circle of stable interests of the child (adolescent). By calculating the sum of the answers, you can find out the degree to which the teenager’s range of interests is formed, which will allow the adult to further adjust his educational activities.

1. Loves animals.

2. Loves jokes.

3. Remembers and fulfills requests.

5. Likes to argue.

6. Likes to keep the house (classroom) clean.

7. Loves to cook delicious dishes.

8. Likes to watch TV.

9. Likes to listen to rock music.

10. Loves classical music.

11. Loves pop music.

12. Loves to play sports.

13. Likes to go to the cinema.

14. Likes to help at the dacha (in the classroom, at the school site).

17. Likes to compose poems, fairy tales, stories, songs.

18. Likes to cover political events.

19. Loves fishing.

20. Likes to fantasize.

21. Likes to solve crossword puzzles.

22. Loves flowers.

23. Loves nature.

24. Loves to listen.

25. Loves to travel.

26. Loves precision.

27. Likes to solve problems.

28. Likes to act on stage (in skits in class).

If the questionnaire is filled out honestly, frankly and objectively, then you will receive a certain range of interests of the child:

first level - 27-36 points - sufficient,

second level - 36-45 points - multilateral,

third level - 45-56 points - versatile.

If the total score is below 25, then adults have something to think about: the child is not interested in the world around him, the reasons for this, preceding and accompanying, should be urgently identified, and a program for correcting the development of the teenager’s interests should be drawn up.

“Methods of family education” (material for the parent meeting)

You can start a conversation with parents about methods and techniques of education by posing and analyzing typical situations in family education: a child walked outside for a long time and did not learn his lessons, did not follow your instructions, sits down at the table with dirty hands, reads in bed until late at night, doesn't want to get up in the morning, got a bad grade. In these typical situations, parents use various methods of educational influence. Their choice is largely determined by the personal qualities of the parents, the style of relationships in the family, and the general spiritual culture. Thus, the method of persuasion in some families is manifested in the power of words, the logic of an example, the confidence of a tone, in other families - in shouting, threats, and edifications.

An education method is a way of influencing a child’s consciousness and feelings in order to form beliefs, volitional personality traits, and experience of moral behavior.

Educational methods are diverse, but in essence they are the same in school and family education. However, in the family their use is more individualized, colored with special emotionality and parental love.

The choice of parenting methods is determined by the goals that parents set for themselves. For example, if they want to achieve a child’s obedience, then all educational influences come down to one thing: talk less, and do what adults demand. If a child is seen and formed as a personality, then he is taught to see and act independently, to show initiative, to be organized, etc.

When characterizing methods of influencing consciousness, one should first of all highlight the method of persuasion, explanation, demand, and suggestion.

The most common method in family education is demand. It can be direct (“do”, “go”, “clean up”) and indirect (advice, request, wish). Requirements need to vary. In adolescence, sometimes it is better to use advice, a request, a wish with the right to choose (“I would do this, and you decide for yourself”). Parents need to remember that the requirement-order is triggered when a number of conditions are taken into account, and exactly:

- a calm, balanced tone should reign in the family;

- the order must be short and should not raise doubts about its correctness and inevitability;

——children are accustomed to such orders from the age of 1-2 years;

- orders must be given in a friendly manner;

- you cannot be pedantic, especially in adolescence and high school age. It is necessary to take into account the requests and affairs of children. Give in, but don’t cancel: “Okay, if you can’t do it today, do it tomorrow.”

Belief- the main, but not universal method. That's why younger schoolchildren It is better to explain moral standards based on the need to explain why one thing is good and another is bad. Here the role of visibility is great.

Teenagers need to be taught to evaluate and analyze their own and others’ actions. The tone of the conversation should be confidential. If the child is agitated, it is better to delay the discussion, give him the opportunity to calm down, and then speak out to the end. Parents must take into account the emotional state of their children. It is very important to believe the child and give reasons for your reasons. Such conversations should become moments of spiritual communication in the family. Children’s views and judgments may be erroneous; they need to be persuaded tactfully, using convincing facts and life examples, and not simply imposing one’s opinion.

Suggestion turns out to be effective if children are generally easily suggestible, and also if they are in a state of confusion and psychological depression. When a child is in trouble, there is no need to scold him, it is better to act by suggestion. In this case, the authority of parents is important. The child, taking into account their knowledge, experience, nobility, honesty, decency, trusts them.

In family education, the role of parents’ example in all aspects of children’s lives is great, especially in nurturing a culture of feelings: empathy, sympathy, compassion.

Considering the methods of forming the experience of moral behavior, it must be emphasized that the main indicator of good manners is the actions of children. Gaining experience in moral behavior begins with accustoming to obedience, order, and organization. We need to ensure that children act in accordance with their views and beliefs. This is facilitated by the systematic tasks they carry out; having responsibilities, responsibility to other family members, i.e. exercise in good deeds.

Let’s apply the method of natural consequences: “If you make a mess, clean it up,” “If you break it, fix it.”

Play and daily routine are also the most important methods of education in the family. Parents junior classes It is necessary to explain in more detail the essence of the method of switching the child’s attention, which allows avoiding unnecessary nervousness of children, suppressing their “I”, while ensuring obedience and the development of independence.

When revealing methods of stimulating behavior, it should be emphasized that most parents subconsciously raise their children in their own image and likeness, often in the same way they themselves were once raised. “My father beat me, and I bless his hand, because thanks to this I became a decent person,” say some self-satisfied parents. But the main source of shortcomings in a child’s personality is humiliation and beatings.

“On what is the “belief” in the effectiveness of physical punishment based? - writes A.O. Pint. “...Parents want to see the immediate result of educational influence, to intimidate, pacify, hurt.” Punishment plays the role of retribution.

It is necessary to draw the attention of parents to the fact that teenagers themselves then begin to humiliate others, and they develop cruelty and aggressiveness.

The desire of parents to break the stubbornness of their children at any cost is like a spring that is compressed to the limit, which then either unclenches and beats, or breaks. The child loses very valuable qualities - self-confidence, independence and much more.

Punishments must correspond to the offense and be aimed at destroying the experience of negative behavior and inhibiting the development of negative qualities.

When using the encouragement method, it is important to avoid praising or giving gifts. Excessive material goods raise a consumer, a dependent. The best encouragement is praise, approval, pleasure from joint work, satisfaction from good deeds.

The most important condition family education is right choice and variety of methods. Thus, to instill hard work in children, the example of hard-working parents alone is not enough. Personal example achieves the goal in combination with training, control, and explanation.

In pedagogy, there are several approaches to classifying educational methods. For example, in relation to the family, the classification of methods of educating students at school, given in Pedagogy, edited by Yu. K. Babansky (M.: Prosveshchenie, 1998), can be used:

1. Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual, views, beliefs, ideals. These include: persuasion, example, story, conversation, explanation.

2. Methods of organizing activities, communication, experience of social behavior (demanding, training, imitation, creating educational situations, play, routine).

3. Methods of stimulating and motivating the activities and behavior of children and adolescents (reward, punishment). Anti-incentives are physical measures of influence: insult, revenge, humiliation of human dignity.

4. Methods of control, self-control, self-analysis of activities and behavior.

Class teachers often rely on the methods of raising children at school developed by Professor I. P. Ivanov. With this approach, based on the ideas of the collective methodology, creative activity, parents' attention is drawn to the following three groups of methods:

1. Methods of parental encouragement This group includes:

a) methods of being captivated by the joyful prospect of a good deed, creative search, passion for the heroic, beautiful and beautiful, unusual, mysterious and cheerful;

b) methods of parental encouragement: approval with words, facial expressions, interjections, gestures, glances, reasoning;

c) methods of parental demands, control, reminders, help, condemnation;

d) methods of trusting the child, parental suggestion, turning to the child for help.

2. Methods of parental persuasion

This group includes methods of persuasion based on one’s own experience, a short explanation, a reflective conversation, a discussion of one’s own experience and the experience of others with lessons learned for the future, an argument based on mutual respect and mutual demands.

3. Parental training methods

This group of methods includes the optimal regime and microclimate of the family, assignments, and family traditions.

The teacher-educator, leading a lesson on methods of education, after revealing the three groups of family education methods listed above, especially emphasizes the role of the personal example of parents. This method is complex; it can be classified into each of the three groups of methods.

Students are known to differ from each other in age, temperament, level of knowledge and life experience, the degree of education, the particular perception of the surrounding world, but the same child is constantly changing. Noticing or not noticing these changes, parents often do not bother themselves with choosing a new set of techniques and methods of family education, while what is required is parental wisdom, insight, great patience, and the ability in each specific case, in each situation, to proceed from what is at the moment is important for the child, is understood by him, and therefore will lead to positive results in the future.

Extracurricular activities

How to conduct a parent meeting without conflicts

Parent meetings often become a real test, both for teachers and parents. Is the teacher able to correctly organize the flow of the event so that the meeting becomes not only effective, but also enjoyable? Let's sort it out best tips teachers on transforming meetings with students’ parents.

Inconvenient meeting times, classrooms designed for small children, an abundance of information, conflict analysis, unpleasant news - all this does not contribute to a favorable atmosphere at the event.

A teacher, even a very positive one, has sufficient pedagogical experience and “gushing” with great ideas, may encounter absolute misunderstanding (and even unwillingness to understand) on the part of parents. However, when communicating with any parent group, there are a few tricks that can help steer the conversation in the right direction and make the meeting effective and enjoyable. Let's take a closer look at several useful principles for a successful parent meeting.

Positive start

Whatever unpleasant topics you plan to discuss at the meeting, always start with the good news. This could be a short story about a recent excursion, kind words about each of the students or (if there is time to prepare) a short presentation with photographs of the students.

Positive words spoken by a teacher to a child lift the mood of any parent and improve the acceptance of subsequent, albeit less pleasant, news.

The plan is the head of everything

School occupies a significant place in the life of any teacher - it is a calling, a favorite activity, a job. But in the lives of other people who do not spend most of the day within the walls of a school, a small fraction of time is allocated to school. Parents who manage to attend the meeting after a busy day find it difficult to keep their attention on what is happening throughout the entire event.

The student’s mother, sitting in front of you on the chair and listening to every word about her precious child, is concerned not only with his school success. She thinks about his achievements and failures, how his interests will affect his further admission to university, how all this will affect his future life, how to plan a budget, taking into account the school fee for curtains, what to cook for dinner today, will he be late? husband is at work today... and about a million other things. The longer the meeting lasts, the less focused it is on specific tasks, the less parental attention the teacher receives. The result: hours of wasted time, blurred goals, fewer parents at subsequent meetings.

Remember, in every meeting you have specific tasks to accomplish. Make a plan, prepare a speech for each event. Information must be consistent, logical, and accessible. This way, parents’ attention will be focused on the topics being raised, and the meeting will be faster and more effective.

The book was co-written. Todd Whitaker is a professor of educational training at Indiana University, USA. Author of a number of bestselling books for teachers. Annette Bre is a popular American author, consultant and speaker. In their book, these renowned education experts offer a unique program for improving teaching skills: 40 effective techniques that will help radically change the picture of student achievement for the better!

O brave new world!

One of the reasons for the “clashes” between teachers and parents lies in the fact that the latter know little about the realities of school. Even if mothers and fathers show interest in what is happening at school, children cannot always objectively tell about what is happening. The child often exaggerates or, conversely, downplays reality, passing it through his own prism of the significance of events.

When talking about incidents, the teacher needs to give parents a complete picture of the events. Events should be described clearly and in simple language. For example, if a topic is raised regarding innovations in the field of education, it is worth highlighting the key points: the essence of the innovation, how it will affect students, what parents need to do. A “clear and to the point” story helps you concentrate on the main thing and “not let your thoughts wander.”

Constructive dialogue

A parent-teacher conference is not a university lecture. Undoubtedly, the teacher invites the students' families to school to inform them about what is happening at school, to tell them about the successes and failures of the children, to tell them about changes in educational process. However, the teacher must also discuss with parents on certain issues, and discussion is mutual communication.

The teacher needs not only to resolve specific issues with parents, but also to learn something new about his students - something that is not visible in the lesson, but is the key to the student’s behavior. Therefore, when talking about some event, it will be useful to find out from the parents how their child behaves in a similar (but at home!) situation. When revealing the details of a school event, ask moms and dads if they learned anything new about their child.

You should also remember that you are asking these questions to parents who can talk for hours about their children. So remember to keep track of time and manage the flow of the conversation politely. Parents should be able to speak, but you are the one running the meeting, so you are the one running it.

“We need to have a serious conversation...”

Unfortunately, it is impossible to discuss only positive topics at parent meetings. It is impossible to constantly praise students, tell funny stories about hikes and excursions and plan school holidays. There are topics that neither teachers nor parents want to raise. Conflicts, underachievement, unsatisfactory behavior - these are unpleasant to talk about and hard to listen to, but it is necessary to discuss negative issues.

Teachers often make the mistake of discussing negative topics and begin “dealing” with parents quickly, sometimes even over the phone. Angry notes in the voice, the demand to solve everything “here and now” instantly set parents up for confrontation. Remember, the family will always love and protect their child, and if the teacher shouts and blames him, then you can’t expect adequate communication.

In order to discuss a “bad” topic, the teacher needs to establish contact with the parents. Only by ensuring mutual understanding can we move on to the essence of the problem. Naturally, no one wants to hear bad news, but you have to convey it to mom and dad. Talk about what happened, suggest ways to solve the problem... and give parents time to think about it! Perhaps one parent will want to consult with the other, reflect on the incident as a family, and think about what solution would be the best way out of the situation. Be calm, reasonable and unhurried. Parents will give their answer in any case, but if you skillfully accept the situation, they will definitely appreciate the pedagogical professionalism and humanity towards the student. The teacher thinks that the parents will understand his joke correctly, everyone will have fun and the meeting will be held on a lighter note. But don’t forget that it’s impossible to predict what your innocent banter at a meeting will lead to. Moms and dads may take what you say personally or decide that you don't like their child. It is quite clear what reaction will follow these conclusions.

Don't risk your relationship with your parents, be light and positive, but don't be harsh with your students.

Let's summarize. There are two types of people present at parent-teacher conferences. One type is represented by teachers, with their faithful teaching attitude, experience, but also by many students, their parents, school problems, pressure from the same parents and administration. Another type of people are parents who are far from real school life, indifferent to the hardships of the teaching staff, and who put only the interests of their child at the forefront. The key to a successful meeting is a skillfully constructed dialogue between both parties, taking into account the interests of both. But no matter how important the opinions and needs of parents are, remember, it is you, the teacher, who is leading this event and the effectiveness of the parent meeting depends on you.