How to dye gray hair at home. Practical advice: how to paint over gray hair

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All people grow gray with age. That is why many women want to paint over it. There are many ways to hide this phenomenon. On dark hair, this procedure has some features. Such shades emphasize skin defects, and therefore it is more difficult to hide gray hair in this case.

Staining features

You can not spoil your hair and at the same time update it with highlighting. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that over time the curls become light. But gray roots will grow almost invisibly. If you do not want to perform highlighting, then there are two other methods:

  • coloring curls in a shade similar to natural;
  • if gray hair is not eliminated when using dark paint, you can use a strong color. If you are interested in what kind of paint to use, then it is better to familiarize yourself with information about popular products.

Choosing a paint that matches the natural color is not so easy. Here, the quality of curls, thickness is necessarily taken into account. The first procedure must be carried out in the salon and remember the paint used by the master. Then you can paint on your own.

Henna and basma perfectly update hair color, but it is difficult to hide gray hair with them. The same applies to ammonia-free paints and tint shampoos. When switching to a permanent dye, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • the procedure should be performed after 2 weeks and not more often;
  • only regrown roots need to be updated with paint. Thanks to this, the strands are preserved along the entire length. In this case, a large accumulation of pigment in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tips is excluded;
  • it is recommended to use masks and remedies weekly.

Features of shading

Which paint to choose depends on the manifestation of gray hair. If the pigment has completely disappeared, then standard store paint will not help. It is necessary to perform repigmentation with a professional dye and toning in the desired shade.

After the procedure, you will need to use shampoo and balm, suitable for the type of hair. Lamination and keratin straightening of curls will help to paint over gray hair.

Correction of the color of dyed hair in the beauty salon "Naturel Studio"

Difficulties in coloring

Before painting, you need to familiarize yourself with the complexities of the work. Hair has pigment. Hair color is the interaction of two pigments inside the curls. When dyeing occurs, the artificial pigment reacts with the natural pigment, and the result is a specific color.

Gray hair contains practically no pigment, instead of it there are keratin voids - air bubbles that interfere with coloring. The curls are covered with an outer layer - the cuticle, which is a protection from external factors. It also prevents dye penetration. The coloring process will be complicated if the cuticle is thick and rough.

In this case, you need to consider the type of hair.

  • If the hair is soft and thin, then standard store paint is suitable for them.
  • For mixed hair, long-term dyeing is necessary. The dye will last a long time. But with a long interaction, the shade may turn out to be dark, so you should purchase paint that is slightly lighter than the desired shade.
  • Rigid curls are the hardest to color. Soft agents are not suitable for updating them. If there is more than half of gray hair, then it is necessary to use a dark chestnut dye, from which light will turn out. But to obtain the desired effect, additional procedures are required. Only then will it be possible to completely eliminate gray hair.

Hair coloring - stages of color creation in Toka Boka beauty salon

staining methods

If ordinary paint failed to eliminate gray hair, then it is necessary to take action. Before painting over gray hair, several preparation methods are used.

  • Prepigmentation. At this time, the hair is filled with pigment. First, a special paint is applied. It could be Pre-Color Farma Vita. When choosing a dark shade at this stage, a paint slightly darker than the desired tone should be used. If you want to get a light tone, then the product should be somewhat lighter.

If staining is required on the temporal part or at the roots, then it is necessary to apply paint only to these areas. Thin curls are processed quickly. The tool should be on the strands for about 20 minutes, after which they should be carefully combed. Only then you need to apply the paint, evenly distributing it. When the time required according to the instructions has passed, you can wash off the product.

Coloring bleached hair in a dark color. repigmentation technique. From blonde to brunette

  • Mordensage. This procedure means loosening the cuticle, so that the dye penetrates better into the hair structure. For this, an oxidizing agent is used: for medium hair - 3%, for hard hair - 6%. Hair renewal begins with the application of an oxidizing agent for 20 minutes. After that, the curls must be thoroughly wiped and dried without washing off the oxidizer. Then you can apply the paint, and after the time required according to the instructions, wash it off. In this way, you can perfectly paint over gray hair on your hair.

Part 1. Fundamentals of colorimetry.

Before removing gray hair, you need to consult a specialist who will help you choose reliable cosmetics for your hair. Based on his information, it will be easy to prepare curls for coloring and complete the entire procedure. You should also remember about recovery activities in which masks, rinses and balms are used. Do not use aggressive products, as they dry out the hair.

Folk recipes

You can eliminate gray hair with folk methods, which have been used by many people for many years.

  • A tea mask is a great way to eliminate gray hair. In addition, it will make the curls silky, beautiful and shiny. You can carry out procedures at home. It is necessary to pour tea (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (2 cups). The composition should be infused for about 10 minutes, and then it must be filtered. After that, you need to beat the yolk with kefir (1 tablespoon) and olive oil (1 teaspoon). The two compositions should be mixed and put to heat.

The remedy must be applied to moistened strands. After that, the head should be wrapped with a plastic cap and a terry towel. The procedure should take approximately 3 hours. Then the product should be washed off, and tincture of tea should be used for rinsing. The result is a chestnut hair color, thanks to which gray hair will not be visible. Curls will get a well-groomed, healthy look. If you get an unattractive tone, then the strands can be washed off very simply. The shade depends on the strength of the tea leaves.

  • Means based on henna and basma. Henna should not be used if the hair has already been dyed, highlighted or permed. With the help of basma, you can update your hair color to green. It is necessary to grind basma and henna. The number of components depends on the length: about 50 g will be enough for short strands, 100 g for long strands. Then the substances must be poured with water and grind this composition to porridge. The mixture should be applied to all partings, and it is advisable to use a toothbrush or a cotton swab for this.

If you want to get a light shade, then you need to keep the product for half an hour, and for a dark one - about an hour. Finally, rinse your head with water.

The best home remedy for gray hair - Everything will be good - Issue 81 - 11/19/2012 - Everything will be fine

Prevention of gray hair

To keep the risk of graying hair low, the following measures should be taken.

  • Most human ailments are due to nervous diseases. Because of this, you should not worry about all the events of life, because it harms the body. If it is difficult to get rid of this on your own, then you need to visit a doctor so that he prescribes the appropriate medication. You can also pay attention to yoga, meditation.
  • The body must constantly receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. With a deficiency, vitamin complexes should be used.
  • You need to eat right. The diet should include only wholesome food. It is important to regularly consume fruits, vegetables, juices, berries.
  • For care, only special shampoos should be used. The same applies to sprays, masks, gels.
  • A hat appropriate for the weather is required. Negative environmental factors adversely affect health, including the condition of the hair.
  • The body needs proper rest. Only then will the curls look healthy and beautiful.
  • Constant physical activity is useful, as it normalizes blood circulation.
  • You need to undergo a medical examination regularly. This will make it easier to detect malfunctions in the body and start treatment on time.

Gray hair can be dyed in many ways, the main thing is that after the procedure they look healthy.

Camouflage of gray hair. How to paint over gray hair | YourBestBlog

Most of the fair sex tend to hide their gray hair. To do this, some of them use professional paints, while others prefer folk remedies. It is the latter that are best suited to everyone who is looking for how to paint over gray hair without harming their hair. Basma and henna, cocoa, black tea, coffee, green walnut peel, rhubarb, chamomile, onion peel and some other natural products are most often used as natural dyes. This article discusses the most simple and affordable recipes.

Natural dyes for gray hair

Basma and henna

Surely you have seen small bags of paints - henna and basma - on the shelves of cosmetic stores more than once. They are very inexpensive, but at the same time they perfectly paint over gray hair and strengthen hair. Therefore, if you are a brown-haired, brunette or red-haired woman, then pay attention to these natural dyes.

Most often, henna and basma are used together. They are mixed in different proportions to achieve a particular shade. Standard ratios are 1: 2, 1: 1, 2: 1. The more henna in the composition, the more pronounced the copper tone will be. By increasing the amount of basma, you will get closer to chestnut color. To give the hair a chocolate shade, you can add a little cocoa powder to the composition.

Mix the dry mixture, pour boiling water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar in consistency to sour cream, and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Before applying the paint, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and dry it slightly with a towel. Then distribute the mass evenly throughout the hair. Keep warm by wearing a plastic cap and tying a towel. Stay in this position from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the desired intensity of staining.

Tea and coffee

It is much easier to use a mixture of tea and coffee to paint over gray hair. However, this option will require you to repeat the procedure regularly. Ingredients:

  1. Strongly brewed black tea - 200 ml;
  2. Very strong black coffee - 100 ml.

Mix drinks, wait to cool to a comfortable temperature, apply to dry, clean hair. Since the composition is liquid, it will not be difficult to distribute it evenly. To do this, bend over the basin and pour the mixture over your head several times. After that, wring out the hair, wrap it in the same way as when staining with henna and basma, leave for an hour. Repeat the procedure every other day or two until the gray hair is completely covered.

Both tea and coffee are best not just brewed, but boiled on gas, on low heat for 10 - 20 minutes. This composition is perfect for dark-haired women.

Chamomile and linden

The remedies listed above are well suited for dark-haired women, but how to paint over gray hair without harming blonde hair? For example, infusion of chamomile and linden flowers. It is very easy to prepare it. You will need:

  1. Chamomile - 2 tablespoons;
  2. Linden - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Water - 250 ml.

Place the dried herbs in a thermos and cover with boiling water. Close the lid and leave for 1.5 hours. Then strain and apply warm decoction to clean, dry hair. Wrap your head and wait 1 hour. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days until the gray hair is completely covered.

Hair coloring with gray hair: natural dyes act without harm - henna, basma, tea, coffee and herbs

Black tea with sage

To prepare a coloring broth, you will need:

  1. Black tea - 1 tablespoon;
  2. Sage - 1 tbsp;
  3. Water - 300 ml;
  4. Alcohol - 1 tsp

Pour boiling water over the tea leaves with sage and cook in a water bath for about 1.5 hours. A simpler cooking option is to infuse the composition in a thermos for 2 hours. After it you need to strain, cool and add alcohol. Apply a small amount of this liquid to clean hair without rinsing. It is most convenient to use a spray bottle for this purpose. Repeat the procedure daily for 5 days. The liquid must be stored in the refrigerator during this time.


You can use this recipe to cover gray hair and give blonde hair a golden hue. You will need:

  1. Dry chopped rhubarb root - 30 g;
  2. Water - 250 ml.

Pour dry raw materials with cold water, put on fire and cook for about 20 minutes. Next, the product should be filtered and used as an indelible rinse. Use a decoction of rhubarb every time after washing your hair until you get a satisfactory result.

Each of the above home remedies for covering gray hair require repeated applications. This is important to remember in order to achieve good results. However, there is also a positive side to this feature. Natural dyes not only mask gray hair. They also heal the scalp, strengthen the root system, restore damaged hair structure. Therefore, use them regularly and you will get a double effect.

If, when buying paint in a store, you know what result to expect, then when using folk recipes, surprises can happen. Therefore, you need to carefully start experiments, especially with basma and henna. These paints are very resistant, and the mistake will be extremely difficult to correct. At the first application, test the composition on an inconspicuous strand. Keep it for the minimum amount of time. If the color is not strong enough, just increase the shutter speed. You can make the tone darker by increasing the amount of basma in the composition.

Now that you know how to paint over gray hair without harming your hair, you can start a set of procedures. Remember that you will need time. However, it will not be spent in vain, because along with the cosmetic effect, you will receive additional care.

Any woman wants to be unique, and every day strive to become better than herself today, and at the same time, perhaps. Change starts with the woman's appearance. Everyone knows that regular hair coloring will never lead to their health. On the contrary, it will play a bad joke with a woman's hair.

In their youth, girls often change their hair color, experiment, and at the same time often surprise others with their new look. Women are thinking about how to paint over gray hair at home, and therefore disguise their age. Often young women who have not even reached the age of 30 notice gray hair on their heads. This scares them a lot. But at the same time, this phenomenon is hereditary.

Why does gray hair appear

The main reasons may be:

  • heredity,
  • a huge amount of stress
  • nervous exhaustion,
  • lack of necessary vitamins in the body,
  • bad habits,
  • malfunction of internal organs,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

Doctors advise changing your lifestyle: get used to sports, sleep well, learn how to get rid of stress.
So, what to use for coloring gray hair? It is good to use home remedies. They are advised to use on natural hair, where there are no residues from a perm or any other coloring using chemical dye.

Hair dyes are divided into two main groups: natural and natural. An example would be:

  • Walnut,
  • basma,
  • onion peel,
  • coffee.

Hairdressers call such dyes among themselves dyes of the fourth group. Of course, the products that are given to us by nature are not as bright and persistent as modern super professional cream paints. And the hairdresser will not advertise them to you, since they are also inexpensive. Every paint has its pros and cons. The choice always remains with the consumer.

Everyone knows that the easiest and most effective way to get a new hair color is to use chemical dye. This paint is able to renew not only the hair, but also the mood. How safe is it? They rarely think about this issue. But the hair itself speaks for itself. They can become dull, break. Therefore, the best option would be hair coloring when using home remedies. These funds not only paint over gray hair, but also strengthen the very structure of the hair, and improve the condition. It is important to remember that when using natural dyes, the resulting color will depend on the structure of the hair itself.

There is another option that is safe for hair - to restore from a natural color. And for this occasion, perfectly suited, as her tea is called,

So, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money and a lot of time visiting hairdressers, regularly masking your gray hair with burning paints, risking your health, then there is only one way out - these are folk options for dealing with gray hair.

How to paint over gray hair in chestnut color

If you want a natural chestnut color, use this recipe:

  1. Take one tablespoon of strong tea leaves, add one teaspoon of brandy there and do not forget to mix with egg yolk.
  2. Grind all components evenly.
  3. After carefully applying to the hair, carefully distribute the paint.
  4. Put a cap on your head and wrap it with a bath towel.
  5. After 30 minutes have passed, rinse your head.

There is another recipe:

  1. It is necessary to mix henna and basma in the corresponding equal parts.
  2. Dilute with water to the full consistency of sour cream and apply to hair, adhering to the same time.
  3. Then rinse your hair well.
  4. If henna and basma do not wash out well, rinse your hair with conditioner or hair balm.

Chestnut shade with nuts:

  1. Crumble the green shell of walnuts, add water to it, bringing it to the consistency of porridge.
  2. Apply for 40 minutes, then rinse.

How to get black hair color without chemical coloring

If you want to get black, use the recipe:

  1. It is necessary to use a mixture of one part of henna, two parts of basma with the addition of water as a solvent.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair, you can not wash your head first if you did not use styling products.
  3. Keep the time up to 3 hours, less if you do not want to be a burning color.
  4. Rinse off the mixture with a hair balm.
  5. It is advisable not to wash your head for another 3 days.

How to get golden hair color at home

For a golden color of dark hair without gray hair, apply a mixture of henna diluted with hot water to the hair. The exposure time should be up to 20 minutes.

For red-haired girls, the same mixture is suitable, but you need to keep it on your head for about 40 minutes.

For blondes, the following recipes are suitable:

  1. It is necessary to pour 25 g of onion peel with a glass of water, boil this whole mixture for 20 minutes. This decoction must be treated with hair every time you decide to wash them.
  2. A folk remedy in the fight against gray hair is homemade paint based on chamomile. It is necessary to pour 100 g of dry chamomile (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) with a small amount of boiling water. Infuse this mixture for up to 40 minutes at least. Then strain the decoction well and rinse your hair.

How to get rid of your gray hair, to be more precise - how to paint over gray hair at home, we safely found out. Now it's up to you to choose the right way for yourself. At home, some young ladies lighten their hair with hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, forgetting that gray hair cannot be lightened.

The above recipes will help you color your beautiful hair painlessly, cheaply and most importantly. The choice of color depends on you, your mood and the goal that you pursue when performing this procedure.

When coloring your hair at home, remember that it all depends on the pigment of your hair. Over time, it is allocated less and less. Therefore, the original hair color often depends on it.

Previously, gray hair was a sign of wisdom, and their appearance was associated with the onset of human old age. If you panic at the sight of a single gray hair, don't worry. All people face this problem. Now fashion has stepped very far, gray hair is coming into fashion. And most girls specifically dye their hair in ashy shades.

Even at a young age, some women find gray in their hair. Unfortunately, no cures for this have been found so far, so you have to paint over silvery hairs with improvised means.

How to cover gray hair on dark hair

It has been noticed that over the years, most ladies switch to a light shade of hair. The explanation for this is simple - it is easier to hide gray hair on light curls. But if you don’t see yourself as a blonde yet, you will have to try to hide the silver strands.

A good option to refresh your look and hide graying curls is frequent highlighting. The disadvantage of this method is that over time, the strands will still lighten, and gradually you will become a blonde. But in this case, light roots will grow imperceptibly.

If you are sure that highlighting is not your option, then you can try other options:

  • Dye your hair to a tone close to your natural shade.
  • Take a dye with stronger coloring properties if you are already dyeing your hair, but your paint cannot cope with gray hair.

If you want to choose the first option, then the condition of your hair, their thickness, and their natural color are also important. The first coloring procedure you need to carry out at the hairdresser. Ask the master for the name of the paint and the tone number. Next time you will be able to dye your hair yourself.

Please note that it is not possible to completely cover gray hair with ammonia-free paints. Therefore, with age, you have to completely switch to persistent coloring compositions.

  • Color your hair no more than once every two to three weeks.
  • Paint exclusively growing roots. So you do not oversaturate the hair with pigment and keep the hair healthy.
  • Apply masks or serums with a healing effect weekly.

Colors that cover gray hair

The structure of gray hair changes. They become tougher and acquire. Such curls are difficult to paint over well, and the paint is washed off from them quickly. When using regular ammonia dye on your own on hair with a high gray content, the final result may not be what you expected and uneven.

At the same time, resistant paint, with the right one, can completely paint over gray hairs and make them beautiful. For a good result, choose a shade that differs from your natural shade by no more than two or three tones. Remember that it is best to take gray hair pure tones. They are marked with an integer or contain zero after the dot. But at the same time, such shades create a sharp contrast with the skin tone and emphasize all its imperfections. In this regard, it is recommended to mix pure tone and fantasy. Then you can paint over gray hair well and give the curls a natural look.

How to cover gray hair naturally

If you are categorically against the use of permanent dyes, then you can try to paint over gray hair with natural dye. This is, first of all, basma. A mixture of these natural substances can not only paint over gray hair, but also strengthen curls. The color of the hair will depend on the proportion of these dyes.

If you want to get a lighter shade, then take more henna and keep the dye for no longer than half an hour. For a darker tone, take more basma and keep the dye for up to an hour and a half.

Any stylist will tell you that the most difficult hair is dyed blond and gray hair, and painting over gray hair with natural means is generally an art. What is the difficulty here? To understand the versatility of this issue, let's first go back to the anatomy course, so.

Where does gray hair come from

As you know, our curl has a complex structure. Many systems approach it in the scalp: sebaceous and sweat glands, blood circulation, there is even a muscle that lifts the curl! Including there is a special system responsible for the production of color.

The system is based on the work of melanocyte cells - they produce melanin pigment in the course of their activity. In the process of a complex physical and chemical chain, melanin and keratin (the protein that builds the structure of our curl) is combined in the hair follicle with the help of the tyrosinase enzyme. Further along a special channel, this new molecule moves along the hair shaft, falling lower and lower along the canvas, so our curls at the root have a more saturated shade.

In addition to these molecules, many chemical compounds, various elements (proteins, amino acids, sulfur bridges, etc.) are located inside the structure, and there are also air bubbles in the structure. Over time, more and more air bubbles enter the follicle and further into the structure of the curl, so the structure seems to “empty”, the place of the coloring melanin is occupied by hollow air bubbles.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

In addition, with age or under the influence of various irritating factors in the body, the connecting enzyme tyrosinase is produced less and less, and the production of melanin gradually slows down. As a result, we have empty hair - there is almost no pigment inside, only hollow bubbles.

There are other, more complex versions of the origin of gray hair, but without a deep dive into chemical science, this process looks exactly like this.

Reasons for changing the color of curls

The main reasons due to which gray hair appears are:

  • genetic disposition - looking at relatives, you can guess when this phenomenon will come into your life;
  • racial disposition - today the fact has been proven that certain races turn gray earlier than some others;
  • severe stress or constant nervous reaction to surrounding stimuli;
  • the most common factors: radiation exposure (work in hazardous industries, living in problem areas, frequent X-ray studies, strong or prolonged ultraviolet radiation) and an unhealthy lifestyle (diet, mono-nutrition, deficiency of vitamins especially A, almost the entire group B, C, trace elements (most often – selenium, iron, zinc or manganese);
  • disruption or disease of the glands: thyroid, pituitary;
  • violation of the liver (often this disease is also accompanied by a skin reaction of the head);
  • violation of the production of hormones (under the influence of internal changes in the body or when using hormonal drugs);
  • diseases - diabetes, cancer;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body, especially protein metabolism.

Is it possible to fight graying?

In a few isolated cases, yes. The main thing is to immediately notice the process that has begun and change:

  • nutrition structure - diversify, add more nutrients and vitamins;
  • daily routine - add rest, walks, sports;
  • skin and hair care - visit a stylist and conduct a course of various procedures (from SPA to mesotherapy).

Features of dyeing gray hair

What is the peculiarity of natural dyeing of gray hair? The main difficulty is the following:

  • the principle of operation of the dye is to open the cuticle, enter the structure and combine with the natural pigment, forming a new color molecule, fixing;
  • there is one BUT: inside a gray hair, most of the cells are hollow air bubbles. There is simply nothing to connect to the pigment of the paint;
  • therefore, the dye opens the cuticle, enters and exits easily, only for a very short time, changing the color of our curl.

A problem arises: how to dye gray hair with dyes or natural remedies if the pigment cannot linger?

How do they do it in the salon?

Everyone must have heard or personally met with the fact that in the salon more time is spent on dyeing gray hair than on dyeing ordinary hairstyles. This is very understandable.

What is going on:

  • first, the stylist, using special techniques and tools, “creates” a pigmentary structure inside the curl,
  • only then carries out hair coloring, BUT according to special formulas and according to a special exposure time,
  • Finally, an additional post-treatment is carried out, which allows you to fix the pigment inside longer.

Difficult, but guaranteed long-term results. Is it possible to dye gray hair with natural dyes?

Coloring gray hair with natural dyes

The main natural components with which gray hair is painted over by natural means are:

  • basma or henna - gives copper shades;
  • onion peel - paints in golden-honey shades;
  • chamomile pharmacy - yellowish-golden hue;
  • cornflower infusion - gives a light bluish tint, emphasizing the nobility of gray hair;
  • coffee - gives a chocolate range.

The general scheme for dyeing gray hair with natural remedies is as follows:

  • wash the curls twice, massaging well and lifting the hair from the root, rinse the entire scalp;
  • apply the mask on the length and hold for 10-15 minutes. It is the mask that is used, since it makes it possible to facilitate further combing, but at the same time does not close the hair cuticle, which allows natural dyes for gray hair to penetrate into the structure;
  • rinse off and start coloring.

Coloring gray hair with folk remedies - henna

A great way to get a natural brown or red gray hair color, but getting black or light blonde is almost impossible.

The most famous way to get a bright red hue: henna two parts plus basma - one part. Exposure time - a few hours, you can all night. To make the mixture lighter and brighter, green tea is added to it. The result is a light chestnut with bright strands.

This recipe gives a rich red or darker chestnut only if the coloring occurs in several stages - at least three.

It is only necessary to take into account some features of staining:

  • the roots are the warmest place on the head, so any color there turns out to be lighter and brighter, in order to preserve the effect of a natural shade of color (or not light up the roots), you must use pure basma;
  • in order to paint over gray hair with such folk remedies, clean hair is needed;
  • if you started to paint with henna or basma, then you won’t be able to change the dye to another one. These drugs are not washed out of the hair at all. Moreover, bleaching hair with chemicals can give a bluish-greenish tint that cannot be washed off or corrected at all.

Coloring gray hair with onions and coffee

To cover gray hair with natural remedies, such as coffee, you need to do the following:

  • boil a concentrated decoction of onion peel. Boil 200 g of herbs per 1 liter of water, let cool;
  • after washing the hair, rinse the hair with a decoction. Repeat for 7-10 days.

It is better to do this over a bowl in which it is desirable to soak the strands for longer so that the color becomes more noticeable and more interesting. As a result, the hair will acquire a light golden-honey hue.

If you want to make the shade a little richer, more chocolatey (darken somewhere by 2-3 tones), then you can brew a stronger composition with coffee and paint over the gray hair of coffee. It is better to apply thick coffee on the root part, otherwise it will remain lighter than the length.

Can coffee cover gray hair? - can. And even more! You can make the shade a little more matte if you add nettle or burdock root to the broth

Coloring gray hair with chamomile

How to paint over gray hair with chamomile and what is its use? Chamomile is used when:

  • I want to become a blonde of light golden shades from a gray head,
  • I want to treat curls in length,
  • I want to paint over gray hair with folk remedies during pregnancy.

What is needed for the procedure? To paint over gray hair with natural remedies, like these:

  • one glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • three glasses of chamomile decoction.

On clean hair, you can apply in a row, or you can use it entirely for the entire length. This will allow not only to paint over gray hair with natural means, but also to give the hair a natural golden color. This must be done for several weeks in a row, until the lightening process becomes clearly visible. This recipe has an option - various shades of blond. To do this, add saffron, rosemary, thyme or other highly pigmented herbs of your choice to the decoction. It is important that in the final recipe there should be at least a glass of them.

Sage for coloring gray hair

Covering gray hair with natural remedies like sage can be quite easy.

Sage infusion, prepared according to the recipe:

  • four tablespoons of dry sage herb or six tablespoons of chopped fresh grass leaves pour two cups of boiling water;
  • insist 30-40 minutes,
  • moisten cotton wool in warm broth;
  • rub in a row into clean hair, from the roots to the very ends.

It is necessary to repeat the procedure daily, without rinsing, for 1-2 weeks. Such a natural dye for gray hair allows you to get a natural light blond shade on your hair.

Also, this recipe can be used to color light brown and dark hair in grayish shades. Everything is not much simpler here - we take a decoction and rinse it 1-2 times a week without rinsing.