How to wash matte. How to remove grease stains from frosted rough glass

No matter how impressive, the paneled doors with frosted glasses, they have a significant drawback; slightly rough inserts quickly get dirty, stains, stains, fingerprints are clearly visible. Therefore, these models require more frequent maintenance. And it's not that complicated. You just need to figure out the faster and easier it is to wash glass pollution on the doors.

Store compositions

"Mister Muscle"

Just the name of the detergent often causes a smile, so tired of annoying advertising. But if you look at the thematic forums, analyze the reviews of the hostesses, then the majority prefers this particular cleaning product. To remove dirt from frosted glass - one of the best options.

But "Mr. Muscle" is effective if the panel is only slightly dirty. It is powerless against a layer of dirt, oil stains. Yes, and the cost of funds is large; given the cost, it is hardly advisable to use in such cases.

PRIL, Ajax

These products are great for cleaning glass stained with grease. It is enough to moisten the base with water, “walk” several times with a soft cloth (napkin), and it will quickly acquire its original appearance.


"Chemistry" for cleaning dishes is enough: sprays, gels. They can be used to remove dirt from glass. Effective for dealing with adhering dust, streaks and streaks. These compounds will also easily rid the surface of "greasy" fingerprints.

For washing frosted glasses are considered one of the best. Literally everything is removed - drops of fat, traces of coffee (juices, tea), glue, mastics, putty, and so on. However, these drugs should be used with caution.

  • Paneled doors from different manufacturers differ in the way the inserts are attached and the materials that seal the gaps. Alcohol corrodes silicone seals (gaskets), and if they are laid, you should choose a different detergent.
  • It is important what exactly is diluted in alcohol. Some preparations after drying leave on the basis of stains, stains. And if this is not critical for most surfaces, it matters for frosted glass. Before use, it is worth dropping the product somewhere in the corner of the panel, and see what remains on it after the alcohol has evaporated. In case of a positive test result, you can safely wash.

Folk recipes

Not everyone trusts industrial "chemistry", and sometimes it is simply not at hand. What else can you do to clean frosted glass?

  • Vinegar solution. Prepared in warm water; concentration is weak. It is enough to remove minor contaminants, and it will completely replace the same "Mr. Muscle". But it is used only after cooling.
  • Chalk solution. The effect is similar to the use of store-bought preparations such as "PRIL". It washes well drops of glue, grease. The recipe is simple - per liter of water 2 tbsp. spoons. After thorough mixing, the mixture is filtered, and the solution is applied to the surface by spraying. A simple household spray gun will do. After drying with a napkin, soft cloth, even a sheet of paper, the chalk is removed, and with it the pollution.
  • Ammonia solution. It is diluted in the proportion of a tablespoon / glass. Perfectly washes small stains and stains on frosted glass.

What to look out for

Caring for frosted glass has its own specifics, and before choosing a means for washing the insert, you need to make sure that this is not its plastic counterpart. In appearance, they are almost identical, but in properties they are not. And what is good for one material may well be harmful to another. The simplest testing is done like this; if you lightly hit the panel with a metal object, and the sound will be sonorous - silicate glass, only matte; more deaf - a substitute based on polymers (plexiglass, plexiglass).

Not all preparations are suitable for washing matte inserts. It is not recommended to use products that contain:

  • organic solvents;
  • alkalis or acids;
  • gasoline, even aviation;
  • abrasive ingredients. For example, detergents, tooth powders. And even more so various brushes and scrapers.

So that after washing the frosted glass there are no streaks on it, it must be wiped dry immediately. If moisture remains on the surface, then after its evaporation, characteristic “patterns” will certainly appear.

In most cases, even the best preparation does not help to wash the glass from dried drops of fat. A good solution is to soften this layer; then it can be easily removed with a damp cloth. At home, you can use a steam cleaner (suction mode) or modern iron with this feature.

The characteristic luster of frosted glass is given by ordinary starch; it is diluted at the rate of a tablespoon / liter and is used to wipe the insert. After such processing, dust, dirt will not stick to it, and fingers will not be imprinted. It is advisable to practice weekly.

It turns out that choosing a means for washing frosted glass is not so difficult. It remains to be added that if you regularly monitor the condition of the doors, then you won’t have to spend time searching for preparations and cleaning the panels. In this regard, the advice is simple - you need to wipe the inserts daily with a soft cloth, preferably velvet or suede. And then frosted glass will always look perfect.

Very often, doors and furniture are decorated with frosted glass inserts. Such elements look very beautiful, but all the slightest pollution is clearly visible on them. Particularly eye-catching greasy spots on frosted glass, which are quite difficult to remove. How can grease be washed off so that frosted glass becomes perfectly clean again?

Cleaning frosted glass with improvised means

Since the fat penetrates deep into the rough structure of frosted glass, the usual washing with warm water cannot cope here. In addition to strong household chemicals, there are various home remedies for cleaning stubborn stains.

The first thing you can try to clean the frosted glass from fat is the usual crushed chalk. Cleaning surfaces with chalk, especially in the kitchen, can be done frequently, as this product will never damage the structure of the glass and does an excellent job of removing oily marks.

First, the chalk should be ground into a fine powder, and then pour 2-3 tablespoons of the product into 200 ml of water. The solution is stirred and used immediately. A rag is soaked in the solution, and the surface is wiped with it on both sides. The chalk needs to dry. It is very important to let the chalk dry thoroughly, as it can only be removed with a dry cloth or newspaper.

In the first-aid kit in almost every home there is ammonia, which also perfectly removes fat. Instead of ammonia, you can use acetone, acetone-based nail polish remover, ethyl alcohol. To prepare a cleaning solution 2 tbsp. l. of the selected agent is dissolved in 200 ml of water. After preparing the liquid, it is necessary to immediately begin to cleanse.

A rag is soaked in the solution, and the dirt is washed off with it. Work should only be done with gloves, so as not to spoil the skin of the hands. Do not allow the cleaning solution to come into contact with various seals that are usually found on doors, as it can ruin rubber or silicone.

An excellent tool for removing greasy stains on glass without streaks is ordinary table vinegar. It is very easy and safe to clean surfaces with vinegar, because it contains natural acids.

It is very important not to use vinegar in pure form to clean the surface. The product must be diluted with water 1: 1, and then the glass is washed with a rag.

Dishwashing gel is a trouble-free tool that can clean frosted glass from traces of grease and oil. Using the gel is very simple: first, a concentrated soap solution is prepared, and then the surface is wiped with a rag.

You can also use steam to remove traces of fat, for example, a special device for cleaning the house. Using a steam mop, you can not only clean the surface of grease in a couple of minutes, but also remove many other contaminants - fingerprints or dust. After steam treatment, the surface must be thoroughly dried.

If only laundry soap is at hand in the house, then it is possible to cope with grease stains on a matte decor with its help. To do this, half the bar should be grated and dissolved in 2 liters of water. Then the dirt is wiped with a soapy solution with a sponge, the soap is washed off with a damp and clean cloth. It remains only to dry the clean decor.

What means cannot be used?

To clean frosted glass surfaces, it is strictly forbidden to use certain products. This. First of all, it is connected with their rudeness and toxicity. You can spoil the coating on the glass or cause persistent scratches.

In no case should the glass surface be rubbed with a metal brush or metal scraper. Do not use detergents with abrasive particles. It is strictly forbidden to use alkaline and acidic solutions in everyday life, which can lead to poisoning. Do not try to clean the glass with motor gasoline or diesel fuel.

Steps for cleaning frosted glass

Usually frosted glass is decorated with sputtering, which can be very easily damaged when washing. Therefore, you should follow a certain algorithm of actions so as not to spoil the surface:

  1. First you need to assess the degree of pollution.
  2. Then the stained area should be wiped with a damp cloth to loosen the grease a little.
  3. Then wash the surfaces only with soft cloths or foam rubber sponges. Microfiber cloths are ideal.
  4. After cleaning with the selected agent, the surface is first wiped with a damp cloth, and then wiped dry with a dry cloth.

To ensure that the inserts on furniture or doors always look perfectly clean, do not neglect simple advice for their care:

  • Such surfaces are washed only with cold water. It is advisable to wipe the glass with a dry microfiber cloth at the end of washing so that not a drop of moisture remains.
  • To give the glass a shine and keep it clean for a long time, you can rub it with starch by preparing a light solution of 1 tbsp. l. means and liters of cold water.
  • All procedures for washing frosted glass surfaces are best done in the evening, otherwise, if sunlight hits the wet glass, it will quickly fade.
  • If doors with matte inserts are installed in the house, then it is advisable to put them polished inside the room. This will make cleaning them much easier.
  • Glasses should be cleaned every 3 days. If you clean up in a timely manner, you will not have to spend a lot of time to remove local pollution.

Cleaning matte decor is not too much difficult task, which requires attention. With timely cleaning, you can extend the life of things for years.

Frosted glass is found in the interior no less than usual: in addition to windows and mirrors, there are also author's vases, decorative elements, coffee tables, glass inserts in doors, etc. The peculiarity of this material lies in the rough structure, so stains on frosted glass cannot be erased with an ordinary crumpled newspaper, having previously been sprayed with window cleaner. However, there is effective methods to deal with this adversity.


  • When working with such a beautiful and delicate material as frosted glass, it is important not to spoil the texture. Do not use hard brushes and abrasives, do not use products containing alkalis, acids, silicone, gasoline or ammonia. All these tools and compounds will remove not only dirt, but also the top layer of glass, completely destroying the design.
  • Before proceeding with the removal of dirt, moisten the glass with warm water, then treat it with the chosen agent (use a soft microfiber cloth, suede or an old rag). When the stain is gone, rinse the area again with clean water and pat dry.
  • To avoid streaks on the glass, rinse the surface with cold, not hot water, and immediately remove excess moisture with microfiber.

Moisture must be removed immediately after cleaning, otherwise stains will appear.

How to clean frosted glass from stains

In the fight against greasy stains on a rough glass surface will help:

  1. Specialized store products (Mr. Muscle, GT-20, PRIL, AJAX, PROFOAM 3000, etc.). Use in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Steam cleaner: under the influence of hot steam, greasy stains on frosted glass “float” and are easily removed with a regular cloth.
  3. Ethyl alcohol or vodka, but not moonshine. Available and safe solvent.
  4. Acetone. If the contamination is small, you can remove the stain “pointwise” using cotton swab, but the risk of damaging the surface remains.
  5. Dishwashing liquid. Suitable for fresh oil stains.
  6. Home remedy: 3 tbsp. l. crushed chalk dilute in a glass of warm water. Apply the composition to the glass, let dry, brush off the chalk with a soft brush.
  7. Vinegar solution (1 tbsp. 9% vinegar in a glass of water).

Prevention. To prevent contamination, try not to touch the frosted glass with your hands - there will certainly be a greasy fingerprint on the material. It is not for nothing that stains on frosted glass most often appear on the door, especially if there are small children in the house. In addition, regularly wipe glass objects with a dry cloth (suede is best) to collect dust and “refresh” the look of the product. Then the number of wet cleanings can be reduced to a minimum.

How to wash frosted glass on doors? As a rule, frosted glass on the doors quickly gets dirty, which spoils the appearance of the room. Despite the fact that such glasses are very popular, due to their originality and practicality, their rough surface quickly gets dirty. How to clean frosted glass without damaging its unique surface?

In order to wash this product, the following products may be required, which are selected depending on the type of dirt, but how to wash them correctly?

  1. The most advertised is "Mr. Muscle", which perfectly cleans any surface from frivolous dirt or dust, the same thing happens with glass inserts on the doors.
  2. "Pril" will also allow you to wash frosted glasses from greasy traces. But in order to get the desired effect, you must first moisten the glass with water.
  3. If the greasy stain has dried up and has been on the door for a long time, then a steam cleaner, which has a continuous suction function, may be needed to remove it from the frosted glass.
  4. You can also help to cope with fat with the help of detergents for dishes. In addition, it does not contain harmful components, so it can be safely used to care for frosted glass if children live in the house.
  5. Caring for frosted glass involves the use of products such as alcohol or acetone. They will perfectly cope with traces of coffee, tea and even glue. But during cleaning with these products, it is important to ensure that they do not get on the seals and other parts of the wooden door.

When choosing any of the above means, it is important to wipe the glass with a rag after the cleaning procedure itself so that there are no streaks left. If there is a dried stain on the interior glass, then you will need to soak it first and only then proceed to eliminate the unpleasant trace.

Despite appearance this type of glass, it is very difficult to clean it, as it is very sensitive to various means.

Before you start cleaning, you need to remember the following recommendations on how to clean frosted glass on doors:

  1. In no case do not wash with abrasive products, as they can also remove dusting.
  2. The use of frosted glass does not tolerate the use of compounds containing silicone, alkali or acid during care. They will certainly damage the top layer of the matte product.
  3. Washing techniques with a scraper, cleaning tools or newspaper will not give any result.
  4. It is also strictly forbidden to use ammonia.

Some housewives do not trust working with household chemicals, preferring natural remedies, but then how to wash these products?

IN this case The following cleaning methods will help:
  1. A chalk solution that works great on grease. To do this, you will need to mix two tablespoons of chalk in one liter of water, but the latter should be at a cool temperature. The resulting solution should be poured into a spray bottle and simply spray the matte product. As soon as the applied product dries, you should wipe the stains with a napkin. Wash off all the dirt along with chalk stains.
  2. Glass cleaning also involves the use of an acetic solution, which does an excellent job, but only if there is slight contamination. To do this, you will need to add a little vinegar to warm water and simply wipe the glass.
In order to properly care for door glass, you will need to be guided by the following tips on how to wash frosted glass:
  • they should be washed only with cold water, and then wiped with a microfiber product;
  • in order to keep the door inserts clean, it is advisable to wash them with a suede or velvet cloth.

All glass cleaning procedures must be carried out exclusively in the evening, since exposure to ultraviolet rays adversely affects the product, and it does not matter at all how to clean frosted glass.

Frosted glass looks elegant, original and beautiful, most often used to decorate furniture, interior doors, showers. But this element of decor pleases the eye only if it is kept in perfect order. How to clean frosted glass with high quality, not harm it and return an attractive appearance?

What makes glass dirty

The choice of cleaning agent for a matt surface depends on the type and degree of contamination. What most often spoils the appearance of opaque glasses?

  • Dust is their main enemy. The rough texture literally attracts this type of pollution in any room.
  • Handprints. Like dust, they remain on the glass of interior doors, wherever they are.
  • Dried splashes and streaks of water are the "disease" of the glasses installed in the shower room.
  • Stains from grease, soot and food appear on the matte parts of doors, tables and cabinets in the kitchen.
  • Street dirt stains the glass of the veranda and loggia.

With light fresh dirt, a regular damp cloth will cope. To remove old stains, you will need special cleaning products.

Folk recipes (verified by the editors)

The matte surface gets dirty regularly, so it is rational to use inexpensive home remedies to care for it. Perfectly clean frosted glass:

  • Ammonium chloride. To wash a matte surface, 1 tsp. alcohol is diluted in 5 liters of water. It cannot be used in its pure form, as ammonia will damage the coating.
  • Vinegar 9%. Mixed with water (1 tablespoon per 200 ml) removes stains of various origins. To enhance the effect, 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid are added to the composition.
  • Soda. It removes fat well, but for opaque glasses it is suitable only in dissolved form (1 tablespoon per glass of water). The fact is that soda is a crystalline powder, and in its pure form it will scratch the canvas on the door or the matte surface of the table.
  • Crushed chalk or starch. Mixed with water (1-2 tablespoons per 200 ml), both powders are used for routine cleaning. Not bad they cope with fresh greasy stains. To wash more serious pollution, the solution is supplemented with vinegar and alcohol.
  • Denatured alcohol, vodka, cologne. Liquids containing alcohol good result, both in pure form and in combination with other detergents.

Traces of flies or cockroaches will clean the juice of onions. The head is cut in half and the dirty cloth is wiped.

Edited by:

The task was to clean the frosted glass on the door from old greasy stains. To begin with, the surface was washed with a solution of ammonia (1 tsp per 5 liters of water). Shine and purity, but those same stains remained.

We continue the test and try starch (1 tablespoon per glass of water), pour into a spray bottle (you can do without it). Apply to glass.

We evaluate the result: not to say that the matte surface began to shine, but the stains were washed off.

Conclusion: means work, just do not forget to shake the solution with starch before use.

Industrial detergents

No less effectively remove dirt on frosted glass:

  • Laundry soap. A piece of bar is rubbed on a coarse grater. The resulting chips are mixed with warm water. The solution is suitable for current wet cleaning. Works well on dirt and fresh grease stains.
  • Dishwashing liquid. Like soap, they are used to clean light dirt and pre-wash frosted glass. It is applied to a damp cloth or the soft side of a sponge, and then to the surface.
  • Means for glasses. Compositions containing ammonia or isopropyl alcohol will also clean matte surfaces. For current cleaning and removal of recently appeared spots, for example, "Mr. Muscle", "Clin", "Help". A more serious problem will be solved by Fratty Cleaner, IKeep!

Remove stains and add shine

Any cleaning agent will show a good result only if it is used correctly. You need to wash frosted glass in the following sequence:

  1. Moisten the glass sheet with a soft cloth or sponge dipped in warm water.
  2. From top to bottom, clean the dirt with a solution of laundry soap or dishwashing gel. Then remove the remnants of the product with warm water. If an industrial glass cleaner is used, wipe the surface with crumpled paper or a dry cloth.
  3. With the help of the selected solution, old stains are removed if the previous compositions have not coped with them.
  4. From a spray bottle, glass is sprayed with a solution of chalk or starch and left to dry.
  5. With a dry cloth or crumpled newspaper, clean off the powder and rub the surface to a shine.

If the glass requires cosmetic care, a solution of chalk or starch is enough to clean it. Then the treated surface is polished.

It is necessary to bring the matte surface into proper form with great care so as not to spoil its texture. In this case, several rules should be observed:

  • Wash and clean any dirt with a soft cloth only. A spatula, metal sponge or scraper will leave scratches.
  • Use for washing strictly permitted substances in permissible concentrations. Gasoline, acetone (and solvents based on it), as well as compounds containing chlorine, will at best make the glass transparent.
  • Choose liquid cleaners. Powder crystals will damage the coating.
  • Do not leave glass damp after cleaning. Divorces will appear on it.

Thus, the matt surface will remain in good condition for a long time only with careful attitude and proper care.