An interesting complex lesson for the 2nd junior group. Integrated lesson in the second junior group

Final integrated lesson in 2 younger group:

“Journey to the “Sunny Country”.

Educational areas:

Cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.



1. Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, and name them;

2. Reveal the ability to isolate and combine objects according to one (common) characteristic;

3. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes - circle and square, triangle, rectangle;

4. Strengthen children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits;

5. Strengthen children’s knowledge about domestic and wild animals;

6.Remember and consolidate the concepts: “More - less”, “Higher - lower”, “One - many”.

7.Consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day.

8. Activate children’s speech, consolidate their ability to answer the teacher’s questions;

9. Pin unconventional technology drawing straight lines using cotton swabs.


1.Develop attention and independence;

2. Develop coherent speech.


1. Cultivate curiosity, cognitive interest, kindness, desire to help.

Integrated educational areas:

NGO "Cognitive Development"

Form elementary mathematical representations: skills of comparing objects by length, size, height, combining objects according to a common characteristic.

NGO "Speech Development"

Develop listening skills and encourage responses.

NGO "Social and communicative development"

Create a positive atmosphere, repeat with children the forms of friendly greeting, the ability to join in play activity, the desire to help a hero in trouble.

NGO "Physical Development"

Improve physical qualities through various forms motor activity.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

Encourage creativity through drawing, games and activities.

Materials and equipment:cards with geometric shapes; subject pictures “Domestic and wild animals”, mnemonic cards “Parts of the day”; dummies of vegetables and fruits, an envelope with a letter, gouache, cotton swabs, kvacha, brushes, wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment

“Stand next to each other, like a moon, in a semicircle.”

Every morning we tell each other " Good morning“so that we have a good day all day, so that we are in a good mood. Let's say these morning magic words to our guests, because we love when guests come to us.

Children: “Good morning.”

Guys, today I received a letter from Luchik, a resident of the “Sunny Country”. He writes that they are in trouble; an evil wizard has stolen the sun. The sun has disappeared. Without the sun, the residents felt dark and sad. They ask us for help. Let's help them guys bring back the sun? (Yes). But to return the sun, we need to complete all the wizard’s tasks. Do you agree?

Educator: I suggest you go on a trip. How can you go on a trip? (children's answers).

And we'll go by train. But for us it is not simple, but magical. Now I will give you tickets, and you will take the right seats. (The teacher arranges chairs in advance in two columns, on the backs of which geometric shapes are attached: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle. The children are given tickets in the form of geometric shapes, each one looks for a chair with their own shape). Let's get ready, let's go (the soundtrack of the song "We're going, we're going, we're going" sounds).

Children repeat:

The train is traveling through the forests,

Chug - chug,

The train is traveling through the meadows,

Chug - chug,

The train is picking up speed,

He's taking the kids, he's taking them.

Guys, we came to visit Luchik, get off the train. Look, here is the package with the task. (Open the package).

Guys, look at the pictures, who is shown in them? (Animals)

What kinds of animals are there? (Domestic and wild).

Let's take each picture and say what kind of animal it is, domestic or wild? (Children's answers)

Phys. just a minute:

If you love everyone around you,

Do this! (claps hands)

If you have a friend next to you,

Do this! (jumping in place)

If it suddenly rains,

Do this! (clapping overhead)

If mom smiles,

Do this!

(children move and approach the envelope with the ball).

Educator: - Look, what lies here? And this next task wizard You need to correctly answer what is more and what is less; what is higher and what is lower; what is a lot and what is not enough.

(The game “More - less”, “Higher - lower”, “Many - little”). For this we need a ball. Whoever I throw the ball to is the one who answers.
- Who is bigger: an elephant or a mouse?
- What is higher: a table or a chair?
- Who is bigger: an owl or a sparrow?
- How many hairs are there on your head?
- How many stars are there in the sky?
- How many spines does a hedgehog have?
- Who is bigger – a camel or a dog?
- How many noses does a person have?
- Is the sun in the sky?... (one).

Well done and smart! They answered very well and correctly.

Educator: - Guys, look, what is it worth? (basket), what's in it? (Children's answers). (The basket, as if by chance, falls out of the teacher’s hands)

Here’s the problem: you need to collect all the vegetables and fruits and put them in baskets: vegetables in a green basket, and fruits in a pink one

(Game: “Vegetables and Fruits”)

Children take one fruit or vegetable at a time and put it in a specific basket, while naming them.


If you love everyone around you,

Do this! (claps hands)

If you have a friend next to you,

Do this! (jumping in place)

If it suddenly rains,

Do this! (clapping overhead)

If mom smiles,

Do this! (clap and jump at the same time)

Educator: - Guys, the residents of the “Sunny Country” without the sun have everything mixed up. Now they walk at night, sleep in the morning, come to kindergarten in the evening, and have dinner during the day. They ask us to help them figure everything out.

We know very well about the parts of the day. (Laying out a mnemonic track from mnemonic cards)

When do we get up early and go to kindergarten? (in the morning).

And when we go for a walk in kindergarten, do we eat a delicious lunch? (in the afternoon)

When do we go home from kindergarten? (In the evening)

When we sleep in our cribs at home and have sweet dreams? (at night)

Educator: - It’s great how you know everything! What clever girls! Let's play interesting game. The game is called "Day - Night". When I ring the bell it's day, you walk. And when I stop ringing the bell, it means night, we sit down and sleep.

Game "Day - Night"

Productive activity

Finger gymnastics

(Unclench and close your fingers intertwined in a lock.)
Sunshine, shine,
To the clearing, to the flowers.
Don't spare your rays
Gray the earth, warm it, warm it

Educator: - And now I invite you to complete the wizard’s last task. Go to the table (Children sit on chairs, in front of them is a Whatman paper with a yellow circle drawn in the middle. The teacher asks the children what this circle reminds them of? (Children’s answers).

Educator: - Guys, let us draw lines from the circle and see what we can come up with. (Children draw lines using cotton swabs, kvachas, brushes - the result is the sun.)

Educator: - Guys, here comes the Sun for the residents of the “Sunny Country”! The wizard let him go. How happy they will be. And we will be happy for them.

The sun looks out the window,

Looks into our room

We clapped our hands

We are very happy about the sun.

Educator: - And now I invite you all to go back to kindergarten. Take your seats and hit the road!

Chug-chug, chuk-chug,

The train is rushing at full speed!

The locomotive is puffing, I'm in a hurry, it's buzzing,

I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry...

Bottom line

Educator: Guys, did you like our trip (Children’s answers)

What did you and I do? (Children's answers).

I hope you will always be responsive and help everyone who needs your help.

In the second younger group, the task of teachers is to prepare children for the transition from early childhood to middle preschool age, to equip them with knowledge, and to enrich them with impressions.

In the main part of the lesson, educational tasks are solved through didactic, developmental, outdoor games and exercises.

So that children can concentrate on educational activities and move on to the main part of the lesson, an organized moment is held.

Comprehensive classes are conducted so that children preschool age did not lose interest in the educational process, filled the need for movement, and did not get tired of learning.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, a joint final game is held.

To implement program goals and objectives in the 2nd junior group, it is necessary to use a creative approach and the skills of teachers.

Conducting educational activities in a non-traditional form instills in preschool children positive emotions from communicating with the world of knowledge.



Kindergarten No. 177 JSC Russian Railways

Lesson summary "Bees"

in the second junior group

Compiled by: Elena Sologubova




In the second younger group, the task of teachers is to prepare children for the transition from early childhood to middle preschool age, to equip them with knowledge, and to enrich them with impressions.

In the main part of the lesson, educational tasks are solved through didactic, developmental, outdoor games and exercises.

An organized moment is held to allow children to focus on the learning activity and move on to the main part of the lesson.

Complex classes are conducted to ensure that preschool children do not lose interest in the educational process, fill the need for movement, and do not get tired of learning.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, a joint final game is held.

To implement program goals and objectives in the 2nd junior group, it is necessary to use a creative approach and the skills of teachers.

Conducting educational activities in a non-traditional form instills in preschool children positive emotions from communicating with the world of knowledge.

Goal: to consolidate ideas about geometric shapes, color and length of an object.



1. Improve the ability to name and distinguish familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle;

2. To consolidate children’s ideas about the color of an object;

3. Improve the ability to compare two objects by length (short, long);


1. Develop attention;

2. Develop memory;

3. Develop fine and gross motor skills.


1. Introduce the rules of conduct when visiting.

Materials and equipment:

Progress of the lesson

Guys. Look how many guests came to our group. What should we tell them? (children say hello) But. These are not all the guests. Today a guest wants to come to us, but he will appear only when you guess the riddle about him.

It's flying and buzzing.

He sits down and is silent.

Now in the meadows, now in the gardens

And who is her friend?

He's always with a doctor.

And who doesn’t love her?

Run for your life!


Well done! We guessed the riddle. It really is a bee.

She wants to get to know us and make friends. Do you agree? (children's answers) Then let's play with the bee.

Contribute "Wonderful bag"

Guys. Let's see what's inside the bag. Children take turns taking out multi-colored plastic balls.

Game "Sort by color"

Children are asked to arrange the balls that match the color of the basket.

Guys, do you know that our bee loves to fly and sit on flowers. Let us “plant” daisies in the beds. Each child is given a cardboard daisy. Beds are drawn on a sheet of paper.

How many petals does a chamomile have? (Many)

How many flowers are there in the beds? (None)

Let's plant daisies in the beds.

How many daisies are there in the garden now? (Many)

Guys, let's help our guest. In front of you are pieces of paper with geometric shapes drawn on them. You and I need to name the figurine and say what color it is. (children's answers)

That's right, well done!

Now let's paint the figures in the same color. As shown above. (Appendix No. 1)

Physical exercise.

The bees began to dance in a round dance

Children walk around themselves)

The cat hit the drum


The mice began to dance




So much so that I started to tremble


All the earth, all the earth

(hand jerks)

The children sit at the tables. Guys, let's play a game called"Compare the tracks."

The bee wanted to invite the butterfly to visit her. And I wrote her a letter: “Butterfly, come visit me. I live in a hive house. There is a path leading to my house. But no matter how you get lost, remember: near my house there is a wide path.”

The butterfly was delighted at the invitation and flew to visit... It flies and flies and sees houses, and paths near them (points to houses and paths). Which house does the bee live in?

Then the butterfly remembered. what was written in the letter. Near the bee's house there is a wide path.

But how do you know which track is wider?

What needs to be done for this?

Near whose house is the path wider?

1. Speech development:

2. Familiarization with your surroundings:

  • list the signs of spring;
  • consolidate the concepts of “fruits and vegetables”; learn to classify products according to these characteristics;
  • consolidate with children the names of adult wild animals and their cubs, their habitat (mother bear cub, den, she-wolf cub, fox cub, hedgehog - hedgehog, hole, squirrel - cub, hollow)
  • fix the names of migratory and wintering birds.

3. Mathematics:

  • consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes: rectangle, circle, square, triangle, oval;
  • improve children's ability to compare objects by size (big - small): by length (short - long).
  • consolidate knowledge of primary colors, the ability to select objects for a specific color.
  • Keep the count to 5.


  • 2 paper or fabric tracks of different lengths;
  • 3 bears ( soft toys), doll Masha (puppet theater);
  • cardboard stencils of carriages and geometric shapes: rectangle, circle, square, triangle, oval;
  • pictures depicting adult animals and their young;
  • 2 pans;
  • 2 baskets;
  • cardboard mushrooms (large and small);
  • color layouts (red, yellow, blue, white);
  • paper butterflies of the same colors;
  • tree models;
  • bird models;


  • 1. Junior preschooler in kindergarten. How to work according to the “Childhood” program, T.I. Babaeva.
  • 2. “Complex classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” T.I. Bondarenko.
  • 3. “Developing perception (3-4 years)” by A. Levin.

Progress of the lesson:
Children enter the group. They are met by the teacher, who has a doll on his hand, Masha (puppet theater).
Masha greets the guys and gets to know the children by name.
Masha says that she would like to get into the forest, is it possible to do this now? The children answer: “Of course you can, because spring has come.”
One of the children reads a poem:
Spring is coming towards us with quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches on the ground are visible,
You can see very warm feet in spring.
Educator: guys, let's name the signs of spring:
The snow has melted; the buds swell;
The sun is bright and warm;
Insects appeared;
The leaves are blooming;
People changed their warm clothes to lighter ones;
The grass is turning green; birds fly from the south.

Masha is wondering what we will drive to the forest?
The teacher replies that he is on the train.
1. task.
Children assemble train cars from geometric shapes, rectangle, square, circle, triangle, oval. Together with the children, the teacher makes the locomotive itself.
After completing the task, the children, led by the teacher, get on the “train”.
The locomotive shouts:
“Chug-chug, chug-chug, puffing, grumbling,

I don’t want to stand still, I’m knocking my wheels, spinning them,

Sit down quickly, I’ll give you a ride.”
Stop "Veselaya Polyana"
Educator: “Mashenka, who are we visiting?”

Masha: Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you yourself will guess who we came to.

Near the forest, on the edge, three of them live in a hut, there are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows, guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are?
Children: “three bears.”
Educator: “Guys, do you remember the fairy tale about the three bears? What were their names?
Children: “Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka.”
Educator: “What did the bears want to do with Mashenka?”
Children: “Catch and eat.” The teacher and the children are afraid.
Masha: “No, no. In our fairy tale, everything is the other way around. Our bears are my friends and they are waiting for us to visit.”
2. task
The teacher notices that two roads lead to the bears' house. Children determine by eye that one is short and the other is long.
Educator: guys, which road will we take to get to the bears faster - the long one or the short one? (Short)
The guests approach the house and are greeted by the big bear Mikhailo Ivanovich. Greets children. The bear boasts that he and Nastasya Petrovna got a teddy bear in the spring.
Bear: “Do you know what the cubs of forest animals are called?”
3. task
Pictures of adult animals and their babies are shown. You need to unite them in pairs, name their habitat (squirrel - squirrel cub, hollow; bear - bear cub, den; wolf - wolf cub, fox - fox cub, hole; hedgehog - hedgehog cub, etc.)

Each animal has its own character, characteristics and appearance. What can you say about people if you compare them with animals? I will name the sentence, and you will finish: Angry, like... wolf. Cowardly like... a hare. Cunning. Like... a fox . Clubfoot, like... bear . Too toothy like... wolf . Jumping like... a squirrel. Prickly, like... a hedgehog. Gray, like... a mouse.

4. task

There are birds sitting on the trees, look and name them (name each bird), name them in one word (migratory and wintering), count them on each tree.

Children enter the house. There Nastasya Petrovna is going to cook dinner - borscht and compote.
5. task
Children must sort foods according to their intended purpose - vegetables into borscht, fruits into compote. At the end, the children list what is in both pans.

Little Mishutka appears. He loves to play.

Fizminutka: Three bears were walking home

Dad was big - big

Mom is a little shorter,

And my son is just a little baby.

He was very small

Walked with rattles:

Ding - ding, ding - ding!

Invites the children to complete the following task.
6. task
“Help the butterflies land on the flowers.” In the clearing there are mock-ups of flowers in red, white, blue and yellow.
Each child has a butterfly of a certain color.
To the words: “One, two, three – butterfly fly!” children plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color.
7. task
Large and small mushrooms grow in the forest. Children collect large mushrooms in a large basket, and small ones in a small basket. After completing the task, a summary is made of which mushrooms are few and which are many.
The bears really liked the guys (how smart and quick-witted they are). They thank Masha for bringing the guys to visit them. The bears give the children a treat and say goodbye to them. The train leaves for kindergarten. To summarize:

Guys, where were we today? (in the forest)

Who's visiting? (at three bears)

Who else went into the forest with us? (Masha)

What did we see in the clearing near the three bears' house? (animals, birds, flowers, mushrooms).

Well done, guys! You answered correctly!

Open final integrated lesson

in the second junior group “Why”

"Journey to a Magic Land"

Educator: Gorbunova R.G.


Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes and colors. Fix the count within 5, the ability to compare objects by quantity and size. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals. To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness, belonging and empathy for all living and beautiful things. Continue to form ideas about the seasons. Cultivate sense of purpose and the ability to finish what you start.

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic e development, with social-communicative development, physical development.

Didactic material:

Butterflies - yellow, red, blue, green; paper flowers of the same colors (according to the number of children); hoops; 2 streams of fabric (wide - short and narrow - long); set of geometric shapes different colors; cards with images of geometric shapes, wild animals, pictures of seasons.

Progress of the lesson.

Org. Moment:

Educator: Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Say hello to your guests. Well done! You should always say hello. This shows that you are well-mannered children.

Educator: Let's hold hands and make a small circle.

“All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

Let's raise our hands up and say hello to the sun, feel its warmth and give this warmth to each other (lower your hands, blow on your palms).

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to go to a magical land. And to get to the magical land, you need to walk along the path. Do you agree? We will walk with you along the path, it is enchanted, it is made of geometric shapes. Having walked along it, we will find ourselves in a magical land. What shapes are you following, what color?

(Children walk along the path, naming geometric shapes and colors.)

Educator: You have found yourself in a magical country, whose inhabitants have prepared several tasks for you. Are you ready?

Children: Yes!

Educator: First task - I’ll tell you a riddle, and you listen carefully. What geometric figure are we talking about?

Guess the riddles:

Like a plate, like a wreath,

Like a cheerful bun,

Like wheels, like rings,

Like a pie from a warm oven! (circle)

Educator: Let's draw a circle with our finger in the air.

Which objects in the group resemble a circle?

I am a figure - no matter where,

Always very smooth

Kubik is my beloved brother,

Because I am (square).

Educator: Let's draw a square in the air. Which objects in the group resemble a square?

It looks like the roof of a house

It’s also similar to a children’s slide.

What did I wish for?

It's a triangle, friends.

Educator: Let's draw a triangle in the air. Which objects in the group resemble a triangle?

(Demonstration by the teacher of a colored circle, square, triangle).

Educator: Tell me, how is the circle different from other figures, what can it do that other figures cannot?

Children: You can roll a circle; it does not have corners, like a triangle and a square.

Educator: Well done, right!

Educator: There are a lot of figures in a magical land, but you will name and show only those with which you are familiar. Guys, look carefully at the drawing. Tell us what geometric shapes the house is made of, what shapes you recognize in the drawing?

Children: The roof is a triangle, the walls and window of the house are a square, the window on the roof is a circle.

Educator: Guys, you and I need to get to the flower meadow. Oh, look, streams blocked our path. (There are two streams on the floor - a narrow long one and a wide short one.)

Are they the same?

Children: No. One is wide and narrow, and the other is short and long.

Educator: What can you say about each stream?

Children: One is wider and the other is narrower, one is short and the other is long.

Educator: What do they look like? (scarf, ruler)

To avoid getting your feet wet, you need to jump over carefully. Which stream is easier for us to jump over?

Children: Narrow.

Educator: Why?

Children: This one is narrower, the other one is wider.

Educator: Well done! We completed this task too. Let's jump over the stream and get to the flower meadow. Here we are in a flower meadow. How many flowers are there in the meadow? (many) What color are the flowers here? (red, yellow, blue, green). What one word can you call them? (multi-colored)

Now guess another riddle:

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away. (Butterfly)

Educator: That's right guys, look, there are butterflies sitting over there. How many are there? (a lot) Let's play a game: find a flower for each butterfly (children take butterflies). While the music is playing, children run around the flowers. He falls silent - they plant butterflies on flowers that lie on the floor, selecting them by color.

Educator: How many butterflies did you have, Masha? (one). How many are left? (none). How many butterflies did Alice have (5) and how many are left?

Educator: Well done, you also coped with this task.

Educator: Children, what time of year is it now? (Spring). Spring has already arrived, everything is becoming bright and colorful, like in our meadow.

Many different animals live in our magical forest. Which ones do you know?

Children: Bear, bunny, squirrel, fox, wolf.

Educator: What animals are these?

Children: Wild.

Educator: look at the pictures, what do they show?

Children: The squirrel collects nuts and mushrooms and hides them in a hollow.

Educator: What time of year? (Autumn)

The bear sleeps in a den. - What time of year? (Winter)

The bunny changed his fur coat from white to gray. – What time of year? (Spring)

At what time of year do animals have babies? (Summer)

And now I invite you to play (Game “Find Your House”).

Let's remember that children play and run during the day and sleep at night. Right? When do children come to kindergarten? (morning). And when they go home (evening). Well, shall we play?

Hoops are your houses. You, too, must find your house, and the figure in your hand will tell you who lives where. We play twice (with music).

There are geometric shapes in hoops on the floor, and children hold the same ones made of colored cardboard in their hands. At the teacher’s command “day”, they jump, walk, pretend different types activities. On the command “night”, they take places in the hoop, in accordance with the figure in their hand. Well done!

Educator: Hold hands, let's make a circle.

Educator: Well done! All tasks completed! Our journey is over, you have completed all the tasks of the magical land, the path is disenchanted.


What geometric figures have we encountered?

What streams did we jump over?

How many flowers and butterflies were there in the meadow?

What animals did we meet?

Did you enjoy the trip?

It's such a shame, but it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We're walking along the path

We quietly raise our legs.

And silently we go.

Let's go to kindergarten again.


1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale, help understand the content.

2. Activate children’s speech with adjectives - synonyms, verbs.

3. To develop children's expressiveness of speech and interest in artistic creativity.


Toys chicken, hen, rooster, cat, frog

Basket with silhouettes of eggs

Yellow gouache, brushes

Video presentation based on the fairy tale “Chicken” by K. Chukovsky

The teacher removes the scarf from the toys. And he takes out a toy chicken from the basket.

-Who is this, guys?

- chick.

- Let's take a look at it, guys. Look what color the chicken is?

- yellow

- Touch it, what is it like?

- fluffy, soft.

- Look, the chicken has eyes.

- What does a chicken need eyes for?

- to watch.

- Look, the chicken has a beak.

- What does a chicken need a beak for?

- beak to... eat

— What does the chicken eat?

- bugs, grains, worms.

— Guys, who knows the name of the chicken’s mother?


- How does the chicken speak?

- co-co-co

How does the chicken respond to its mother chicken?


The teacher distributes clothespins.

Let's play, guys.

Finger game with clothespin:

The chicken moved its beak,

children press the clothespin (open and close)
The chicken found the grains.

the guys show a pen with open fingers
The chicken pecked the grains,

children pinch each finger in turn with a clothespin
The chicken screamed loudly “pee-pee-pee!”

They open the clothespin and say pee-pee-pee.

- Guys, let's turn into little chickens, and I'll be a mother chicken.

Children stand up and, at the request of the teacher, imitate the movements:

- chickens can run, the chickens ran...

- Ay, well done... let's wave our wings, like this.

Chickens can jump, like that.

- look at the grains, let’s peck at the grains and drink some water, like this.

Well done chickens, very obedient children, run to your chairs.

And today we still have guests. Want to know who?

Let's guess the riddles:

He sits with his eyes bulging,
qua-qua says.
She loves to live alone in the swamp,
She catches mosquitoes. ( frog)

“Ko-ko-ko! Where, where, where!” —
We hear it on the street.
Calls all the chickens
Ryabenka...( Hen)

A bird walks around the yard
and shouts ku-ku-re-ku!
There is a comb on the top of the head,
Who is this? ( Cockerel)

Loves fish and sour cream,

And he sings “meow” so sweetly.
Beware, mouse race!
Went out hunting...( cat)

The teacher puts out toys after solving each riddle.
- They came to us from an interesting fairy tale. Do you want to listen to it?

- Let's sit down and listen to a fairy tale.

Children watch a video presentation based on K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”

— Guys, who is this fairy tale about?

( about a little chicken.)

- remember what the chicken was like?

(small, yellow, fluffy)

Who loved chicken the most?

(mother chicken)

- Tell me, what kind of chicken was your mother?

(big, kind)

— how did the hen take care of the chicken?

fed worms

- Who came into the yard one day? Who drove away the mother hen?


What was the cat like?

big, angry, scary

- Who was sitting on the fence, who did the chicken really like?


Tell me, what was the rooster like?

big, beautiful, loud

-What did the rooster crow? How did you shout?

(loudly, ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?)

Let's turn into cockerels.

The children get up, walk like cockerels, waving their winged arms.

Let's shout loudly: ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?

Children portray a cockerel together and individually.

- What did he squeak? chick? How?

Let's try to squeak like a chicken

- Who laughed at chicken?


Let's turn into frogs.

Children stand up, pretend to be frogs, jump, and croak.

Tell me, what was the frog like?

-green, cheerful, large-mouthed.

What did the frog say? How?

- the frog laughed and said cheerfully: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! You're a long way from being a rooster!

Children repeat the words of the frog in chorus and individually.

- Who took pity on the chicken?

-Mom, chicken.

- hug yourself like a mother.

Better than mom, better than mom

There is no one in the world!

— Did you like the fairy tale?

- Look how many eggs the mother hen laid!

Show the children a basket with white eggs (made of paper).

- Let us help new chickens hatch!

- In the evening you will give your chicken to your mother and tell your mother the fairy tale you heard today.

Nomination: integrated lesson in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 65"
Location: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic