Where to meet a serious man: “fishy” places and tips for successful dating. How to meet a guy you like How to meet a guy advice from a psychologist

Interesting ways how meet a man. Especially for you beloved girls! 🙂

Dating in a bar, library

The "Broken Phone" method. Confidently approach a man and ask him to help you set up something on your phone or camera, having previously upset this office equipment. After this, thank him profusely - men love this. Under no circumstances forget to mention how bad it is for you that you don’t have such a skillful and trouble-free man nearby.
Method “Introducing a Friend”. In exceptional cases, you can ask a friend or acquaintance to introduce you to the man you like, of course, if they know each other, having first written down the reason for the need for your acquaintance. For example, if the man you like is a doctor or hairdresser, then to get an appointment, if an artist, then to order a painting, if a businessman, then to act as a sponsor of some children's or budgetary institution.

Dating in transport

Method “Help a weak woman.” Considering that people spend at least 10-15 minutes on public transport, there is a great opportunity meet a man. A small request that costs a man nothing to fulfill is perfect for this - hold the door, pick up something that you supposedly accidentally dropped, or repair a suddenly broken handle in your bag.
Thank him for his attention and gallantry and do not forget to say that you sincerely envy his girlfriend or wife.

Dating on the street

A way to find the store you need. Feel free to approach and ask the man you like if he knows where the store you need is located. And if you are on the way, then ask the man to take you and show you the way. Show your confusion and uncertainty. Any man, against the backdrop of a weak woman, feels strong and omnipotent.
And if he feels it, the result will not take long to arrive.
The “Extra ticket” method. You buy two tickets to a concert, a play, a movie, and close to the place where this action will take place, approach the man you like and offer the ticket for free, making up a story about how you got it and why you are offering it for free.
The story should be as believable as possible so that the man does not understand your trick. And sitting next to me and not meet a man, it’s simply not realistic anymore.

Dating in the park

The “Fake Sociologist” method. Approach the man you like and say: “Could you help me? I was assigned to conduct a social study on the topic: “Nine differences between single and married men.” I need to compare the male and female points of view.”
With this method you immediately find out married man or not. And secondly, get to know each other.
The “Beginner Photographer” method. Ask the man you like to take a photo of you with your own camera. And then ask him for advice on photography issues that you don’t understand (most men are very familiar with photography). Do not forget to thank verbosely and complain that you did not meet on your way formerly man, who was able to explain everything to you so thoroughly, intelligibly and knowledgeably.

Dating at a stadium or sports ground

“Imaginary injury” method. When exercising at the stadium, playing on the playground or court, pretend that you are injured. Ask the man you like to help you apply a tight bandage to your leg or arm. Try to moan, but in moderation so that the man does not call an ambulance :). Ask him to bring you or take you home.

Dating on the beach, on vacation

The “Teach to Swim” method. Approach the man you have your eye on and ask him to protect you in the water, because you don’t know how to swim, but really want to learn. This, as a rule, does not cause any suspicion of a dirty trick among men and they easily agree. Moreover, every man likes feeling like a knight next to a woman who cannot swim. Always emphasize that you completely trust him and that you feel calm and confident around him.
Method “Prevention of tanning”. Ask the man you like to put some cream on your back, since it’s uncomfortable to be alone. If you don’t get acquainted with him the first time, approach him a second time after a while and again ask for help, explaining the reason for your approach to him: he has an affectionate, gentle, warm hands and skillful actions.
The “Take in a circle” method. As a rule, on the beach most often men play volleyball, gathered in a circle. You, introducing yourself for treatment during the game, ask to be taken into the circle. Play all the time for the man you like.

Meeting in the store men's clothing

The “Imaginary purchase” method. Go to a men's clothing store and choose some clothes for your type of man. If you like one of the men, approach him and ask him to help him choose a gift for a relative’s birthday. Ask him to try on the item you have previously chosen (do not choose items that require you to take off your trousers), since he is about the same build and height as your relative. When he wears the item you suggested, compliment him that this clothing suits him very well, you recommend buying it and give it away.

Meeting in a car store

The “Needed spare part” method. First, as an experienced motorist, you find out what is currently the most scarce spare part for a car, say, a Lanos, and come up with a story. Then, while walking near the car shop, you watch for the Lanos to arrive. In a car store, you ask the Lanos driver who has arrived, if he is a man of your type, where you can buy the spare part you need. After the man explains, complain that you are afraid to buy the wrong thing and ask him to take you to the right place and help you buy. On the way, of course, meet a man.

Dating without leaving home

“Wrong call” method. Find out the phone number of the man you are interested in. Call with confidence and confidence. When he answers, say that they gave you this number as a phone number for a manicurist who does nail extensions well. The main thing is to express your deep regret that you did not choose a nail design specialist. The man will begin to be offended by this and he will most likely try to continue the conversation with you. Just what you need.
Method “Dating via the Internet”. Today, many women are trying to find their betrothed via the Internet. This method of dating is good because it provides unlimited opportunities for dating, so to speak, without leaving home. However, such acquaintance is very deceptive. In-person is still a more reliable option.

Extravagant ways of dating

These methods do not always bring the desired results, since they contradict generally accepted rules of behavior for women. But if other methods have failed, and circumstances are pressing, you can try these too. Still, you need to be prepared that you will be a complete fiasco.

Go up to a smoking man and say something like this: “You are such a handsome, interesting and prominent man, but you are ruining your health with nicotine. I just feel sorry for you. I ask you to stop smoking. Otherwise, we women will soon be left without real men”;

Feel free to introduce yourself to the man you are interested in and tell him that you like him and want to get to know him. The method is on the verge of a foul, but sometimes it brings the necessary results. A man, being in a state of shock, without hesitation to get acquainted, easily enters into conversation. Well, then, as they say, it’s a matter of technique, that is, your skill and charm;

Joyfully throw yourself on the neck of the chosen man, and then sincerely apologize for the annoying mistake. Say, it seemed that this was your school friend, since the man was as handsome, neat, and intelligent as your classmate, whom you had not seen for a long time.
There are few men who, after such a confession, will not try to revive your young love.

Every woman wants to find that man who would be her support and faithful companion for life. But today it often happens that representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry or are afraid to get to know the ladies. In this case, you should not be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to meet men, what you need to do to do this, and what basic mistakes you need to avoid.


First of all, a woman who wants to meet a worthy man must make some preparations for this. What is important to take care of?

  1. Appearance. It's no secret that men love with their eyes. You definitely need to remember this. First you need to go to a beauty salon and completely clean yourself up: hair, face, arms, legs. Only a well-groomed lady attracts the attention of members of the opposite sex.
  2. Manners. A woman should also be able to behave in society. An imposing gait, “dirty” speech - all this repels guys. Good manners, the ability to maintain a conversation is something that every self-respecting lady should be able to do.
  3. About the future. What else is very important for every woman to remember during the preparation stage? A man in a lady must see his future wife. It's no secret that this is something different for each individual person. Well, here you just need to hit the bull’s eye and guess what the guy needs first of all from family relations: freedom, a delicious dinner or an intimate side of life.


First of all, you need to decide on a place where to meet men. What can I say? If you look at foreign statistics, the most common places for dating are various bars, where mostly single people gather, as well as churches. In our country, the culture of visiting religious places is not yet so widespread, but drinking and entertainment establishments are available in maximum quantities. This is where you can make acquaintances. Although it should be remembered that in such a place it is unlikely that you will be able to meet a homebody. So you will still need to take a closer look at such a person before imagining him in your eyes and dreams as a husband. Where else can you conduct your search?

  1. Job. A great place to find a life partner. Moreover, fairly close daily communication over a long period of time makes it possible to at least general outline understand what this person is like.
  2. Shop. Where else can you meet men without breaking the rules of etiquette? These are all kinds of shops and supermarkets. You can accidentally stumble upon the cart of a guy you like and thus unobtrusively start a conversation.
  3. Public transport. Also a great place to find a life partner. Today, quite a lot of people get to work this way. And no longer because of poverty, but because of the speed of such movement on crowded streets. Subways, trams and trolleybuses are a great place to meet your future husband.
  4. Waiting rooms at train stations or airports. Often new acquaintances are made there, the purpose of which is to pass the time. However, often such fleeting meetings end in strong marriages.
  5. Resorts. Where to meet men? An excellent place is recreation centers or sanatoriums. Very often, holiday romances develop not only into strong friendship, but also more serious relationship.
  6. Places of training. Where is the best place to meet men? Why not do this at the place of study: at a university or during courses? People who want to learn are already interesting in themselves. And if there are also common interests, that’s great.
  7. Promotions and events. A great place to meet a guy is to go to a common event or social event. City Day, new year celebration on the square, an action in support of homeless dogs - a gathering place for people with common interests. Why not find your soul mate here?
  8. Cultural places. Well, it’s good to meet men in museums, theaters, exhibitions and art galleries.

It is worth saying that this is not a complete list of places where you can find your happiness. You can and should expand your circle of dating places at your own discretion.


How to meet men? You shouldn't be afraid to take the initiative. However, you should remember that guys are most often wary, even wary, of such ladies. Therefore, in order not to scare off a man, it is better to do everything as if by chance. It turns out ugly when a girl approaches a man with the words “Let's get acquainted” or something like that. You need to act more wisely and simply push the guy to take independent action. As an option, ask for help (hold a plate of snacks, light a cigarette - depending on the situation).


How to meet men so that everything looks unobtrusive? It's simple - the lady just needs to remain herself. That is, there is no need to invent a different, desired image for yourself. There is also no need to be ashamed of yourself, your education or position in society. Everything must be presented as advantages. After all, how a lady treats herself is how others, including men, will treat her.

You can't back up

Very often, women decide to take the first step - approach a man, but quickly retreat and leave. This should not be done; any action must be completed. It should also be said that you should not be afraid to give out your phone number or contacts on social networks. Even if nothing serious comes of this acquaintance, it’s nice to just have a friend who (who knows!) might help someday.

Simple phrases

What else can you advise girls who want to understand how to meet men? So, I would like to repeat again: the guy needs to be given the opportunity to feel like a leader, and not a follower. Therefore, it’s good to start a conversation with a simple phrase, for example: “What time is it?” If it happens in a queue, you can try to just talk, thereby reducing the waiting time. Very often such simple conversations end in strong relationships.


In order for a woman to choose an algorithm of action for herself, she needs to understand how men meet girls. And act on the same principle. What does it mean? You just need to give a little attention to the selected object. Look in the guy’s direction a couple of times, as they say, “shoot your eyes,” and thus attract attention. If the guy is ready for the subsequent development of the relationship, he himself will seize the initiative and come up to meet you. If a man turns out to be uninteresting in a girl, he will simply ignore all the signs of attention sent to him.


How else do women meet men? Can you remember school years and do likewise. If it happens during training, you can casually throw a ball at the guy. There are often situations when girls accidentally bump into guys while thinking about something. An apology, a sweet smile - and half the job is done. The rest is up to the guy. In the event of a collision, you can also refer to, for example, pain in your leg and ask the guy to lead you to the nearest bench. If a man is a true gentleman, he will never leave a lady in trouble. Otherwise, the girl simply doesn’t need such a guy.

Why don't guys meet?

Very often, girls may be interested in a rather logical question: why don’t men meet first? What happened to society? The thing is that guys, just like women, are generally disappointed in communicating with the opposite sex. The processes of emancipation and gender aspects also do not play into the hands of representatives of the stronger sex. Women today are full-fledged independent individuals, often stronger and more stable morally than guys. There may be several reasons on the male side:

  • fear of not liking the chosen woman;
  • a precarious financial situation and a rather low social status (and, as a result, low self-esteem);
  • negative previous dating experience (answers with the following content: “I don’t want to meet men, because they are all unworthy of me,” etc.).

And this is not a complete list of all the reasons that are the main ones in answering a simple question: why guys stopped dating ladies.

Main mistakes

When meeting men, women often also make some mistakes. What is it best to avoid when communicating with the opposite sex?

  1. Unrest. In normal quantities this is acceptable. However, if a lady constantly pulls at her hair, picks at a pimple or itches herself, this will definitely scare off any guy.
  2. Storms of emotions. There shouldn't be too many women.
  3. Showing off. A girl, just like a guy, during an acquaintance should not put herself on display, as they say. There is no need to immediately list all your advantages. This will definitely scare you away young man.
  4. Bad manners. A girl in the eyes of most men is a weak creature who requires protection. If a lady swears in society, drinks beer and sits lounging, she can only cause disgust in members of the opposite sex. And not sympathy at all.

How to meet a guy? For many girls, finding a soulmate becomes a big problem. Not everyone will be able to approach the young man they like first and start talking to him. It is important not only to be able to select the right words, but also know where to meet good man. He must see what is in front of him interesting girl with whom you can chat and get serious in the future.


How to meet normal man? How can you attract him? First of all, on the girl’s appearance. If she looks attractive, then he may even approach her himself. How to achieve this?

You need to pay attention to clothes and hairstyle. Men like well-groomed women, so you should take care of the condition of your hair, nails, teeth and skin. You can take care of your figure and sign up for a fitness class. It's worth going through your wardrobe. Not every girl can constantly wear a dress and stilettos, but you can look feminine in trousers. You need to choose clothes that highlight your figure. You'll have to give up baggy sweaters in favor of neat blouses. In hot weather, you can wear a light white sundress, which will make the look gentle. It's actually not that difficult. It's enough to be well-groomed.

It's worth thinking about your gait. A man should see that the girl is ready for new acquaintances. You need to walk slowly and keep your back straight. A smile is also very important. A gloomy stranger who runs to work is unlikely to interest a guy. He simply won’t have time to look at her and think about coming up and talking to her.

To meet a worthy man, you need to interest him, which is why it is so important to always be well-groomed and feminine. Natural makeup, neat hairstyle, neat clothes and healthy skin will make a girl attractive. She will easily interest the guy she likes.

How to deal with fears

How to meet a guy if you're shy? You need to believe in yourself. Appearance is not only necessary to attract men. A girl who knows she's beautiful. If she likes herself, she won't worry about appearing ugly to the guy she decides to talk to.

The girl must understand what exactly she is afraid of. To be rejected? This is quite possible. A man can, for example, say that he already has a lover. This does not mean that the stranger does not look attractive. In such a situation, on the contrary, you should be glad: the guy answered honestly, did not deceive his fiancee and new girlfriend, trying to support romantic relationship with both of them at the same time.

A girl who is thinking about how to meet a guy first may be embarrassed to take the initiative. Men love women who need to be pursued. Why pursue the one who came up and spoke? In fact, if girls get acquainted first, this does not mean that they do not need to be pursued. It is important to behave correctly. For example, after exchanging contacts, you should not immediately call a phone number or write an email. Let the man take the next step.

Girls may also be afraid that the guy will laugh or be rude. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right men. Trying to catch a guy who is out of breath is a bad idea. If his thoughts are preoccupied with being late for work or important meeting, then he simply will not have the time and desire to meet people on the street. He may even be rude to the girl. This doesn't mean the guy is bad. It was just a bad moment.

You should not choose men or guys who are standing in a large company, talking and laughing loudly, or holding a bottle of beer in their hands. It is far from a fact that such a person is interested in making new acquaintances. He may even try to deliberately offend the girl in order to assert himself in front of his friends. These guys should be avoided. A serious, decent man would never be rude to a girl who approached him.

Dating at university and at work

Where can you meet a man? First of all, you should take a closer look at your classmates and colleagues. Many people meet the love of their life at university or at work. If a girl sees a guy every day, accidentally runs into him in the corridor or sits at the same desk at lectures, then she gradually gets used to him and stops being shy. It is much easier to talk to such a young man than to a stranger on the street.

If a girl falls in love with a guy she studies with, she can, for example, ask him to explain an incomprehensible topic. This will be an excellent excuse for communication. You can gradually move the conversation to more personal topics. In addition, the guy will feel that the girl needs his help. He will be pleased that she turned to him. You can also invite him to make a report for the university or do his homework together. If a guy recently missed a lecture, then you should let him rewrite the notes. He will be grateful.

How to properly meet a guy if he is new at work? In this case, he may need help. We need to offer it. It is important to be friendly and smile. A man should see in front of him an attractive girl who is not only well versed in her work, but is also always ready to help. Later, you can invite your new colleague to have lunch together.

A person who has just changed jobs will feel confused. We need to support him, explain all the rules and regulations. It’s worth talking about what interesting places there are in the area and offering to go there together after work.

How can you meet a guy when you come to new job? In such a situation, the girl will communicate with all her colleagues. It's a normal thing to do to talk to the people you'll be working with. Dating a guy who a girl likes won't look suspicious. This is very important for those who are afraid to take initiative.

If a woman is embarrassed to simply approach a colleague, introduce herself and start a conversation, then she can resort to a little trick. For example, ask for help or ask where the nearest store is. This way, the girl will not only meet a guy she likes, but will also be able to find her way around a new place. It is important to look attractive at the same time. Before work you need to get a good night's sleep, wash your hair and style your hair, put on beautiful dress. Then the man himself will be ready to help his new colleague and advise her on any issue.

Every girl should know how to meet the man she likes, because she can meet him at any time. It is important to look neat, smile more often and set yourself up for pleasant communication.

Dating in a public place

Where to meet a normal guy? You can meet your soulmate not only at work or at college, but also just on the street, in the subway or in a store. You just have to look around carefully. If a girl sees a handsome man walking leisurely, she may well approach him and start a conversation. How to properly meet guys on the street? You can say the following: “Would you like to chat? This day seems to be created for new acquaintances.” The simplicity of this greeting will set the man up for a pleasant conversation.

Where to meet good guy? Even public transport is suitable for these purposes. It is enough just to sit in an empty seat next to the man. You can talk to him about the weather, but many people find this topic too trivial. How to meet a guy in an original way? You shouldn’t deliberately step on his shoes or touch him with your bag in order to apologize and thus start communication. If a girl knows how to improvise, she can even act out a small scene. For example, take your phone out of your bag, pretend that you want to figure out a new application, and ask for help from the man sitting next to you.

You can meet a guy in gym. This method is perfect for girls who have only recently decided to take care of their figure and have never been to the gym before. They can turn to a man for help with a clear conscience. Let him break down the barbell for them or show them how to do the exercise correctly. As a result, a girl in the gym will not only make her body slim and toned, but will also meet her soulmate.

It is important to know how to meet a guy on the street. You can meet the man of your dreams on the way home from work or while walking. A good place to meet is a park. In warm weather, you can calmly sit on a bench and chat. For conversation, you should choose guys who are walking alone.

A romantic person will certainly be interested in a man who will read a book. You can discuss literature with him, remember your favorite authors and their best works. After such an interesting conversation, the guy will probably want his new acquaintance to go on a date with him. It is important not to forget to exchange contacts.

Meeting someone at an interesting event

It is very important to have common hobbies. Where to meet a normal man, if not on interesting event? Such a first meeting will be remembered for a long time and will mark the beginning of a happy relationship. Where to go? The girl must choose a place where she will feel comfortable. For example, an exhibition, theater or concert. It is important to attend those events where men with whom a woman would like to have a relationship go.

Common interest is the main advantage of such an acquaintance. The girl and the guy already have at least one topic of conversation, so she should put aside all fears, smile and start a conversation.

Where to meet a man for a serious relationship? Such a person can be found at a business training, at a lecture on self-development, at a major exhibition of paintings and sculptures. Guys who want to find a wife often go to such events. Having caught the eye of a handsome man, the girl should smile at him. that you need to come up and meet.

If a woman cannot afford to visit such places, she should choose a free event. There are many of them. For example, these are fireworks festivals. It is not only beautiful, but also very romantic.

A girl should know where to meet a guy who will become an interesting conversationalist for her, because relationships without common interests rarely last long. Lovers should enjoy each other's company and enjoy communication.

Dating on the Internet

Nowadays you can meet your soulmate on a social network, on a forum or a dating site. Sometimes it’s enough just to write in the status: “I’m going to meet a young guy.” Anyone interested in a relationship will look at the girl's photos, scroll through her page and write to her. This method is perfect for those who are embarrassed to approach strangers on the street.

There are different ways dating on the Internet. You can wait for the guy to text first, or take the initiative. By correspondence it is easy to find out a person's interests. It's worth asking about his lifestyle. If a girl and a guy like each other, they need to meet in reality and continue communication. You can talk by phone in advance. Some women need to get used to the voice of the interlocutor in order to feel comfortable when meeting.

You should first study the man’s page. From the notes on the wall you can imagine his area of ​​interest. This will make the girl’s task much easier, because she will know in advance what she can talk about with the guy.

You can say this: “If you are shy, then.” This method is not the most romantic, but very effective. By communicating with a guy by correspondence, a girl will be able to carefully consider her answers, and talking on the phone will prepare her for a real meeting.

Prohibited tricks

It is worth discussing things that a girl should not do if she wants to have a serious relationship with a guy. The following techniques should be considered prohibited:

How to learn to meet and communicate with men? To do this you need to love yourself. If a guy feels that a girl has low self-esteem, he will not want a relationship with her. It is important for any man to see a woman who is confident in herself next to him.

Spring is perhaps the most romantic time of the year: sunny days, long walks, light clothing, birds singing... In such an atmosphere it is simply impossible not to fall in love! And if you haven’t found the hero of your novel yet, then it’s time to change something. The Internet is one of your allies in this matter. Do you think only maniacs are waiting for you there? We hasten to debunk this myth:) Look at the guys around you: they all use social networks, and some use dating sites (they just don’t admit it!) And this means that now the way to a guy’s heart is not through the stomach, but through the Internet!

Where to look

If you are simply in the mood for communication, then social networks are suitable - for example, VKontakte or Facebook. You can study the friends of your friends - so, if you like someone, you can immediately make inquiries about him. You can also search in public: did you like some guy’s comment? Enter into a dialogue with him and, perhaps, your conversation under the post will quickly move to a personal message. ! But remember that not entirely sane people are everywhere, so be on your guard!

Dating sites

Despite the skepticism of many towards dating sites, they have a number of advantages. Firstly, unlike the option with social networks, you know for sure that the guy you like is ready to communicate - otherwise he wouldn’t be on this site! Secondly, such resources almost always have ready-made questionnaires containing a variety of questions: in addition to the standard full name and date of birth, you can indicate height, eye and hair color, talk about your hobbies and goals for dating. By the way, pay special attention to the last point: some are looking for love for life, while others are looking for fleeting adventures.

Are you ready? Then download the application, fill out the form - and voila :)

As for choosing the dating site itself, it depends on your personal preferences. Some people choose the good old LovePlanet and Mamba, others are testing new resources. Recently, Tinder has gained particular popularity - thanks to geolocation, you can find guys who are very close to you and meet immediately. A small difficulty is that you can only write to someone who has also chosen you. But there is a certain advantage in this scheme: you definitely won’t be forced upon you by someone whom you yourself would not choose. All this joy, as you understand, is 18+. So if you're still a baby, you'll have to wait ^)

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How to interest

There is such a huge flow of information passing through the Internet every day that it is very easy to get lost in it. Therefore, when setting up to meet people on the Internet, we arm ourselves with the main rule:

“You only have a few seconds to attract a guy with your profile.”

If he didn’t like something or wasn’t interested, then it is possible that he will leave your page, forgetting about its existence in 5 minutes.

The peculiarity of social networks (VKontakte, Facebook) is that they are mainly used for communication between people who already know each other and are in some kind of relationship - friends, classmates, colleagues, acquaintances in a cross-stitching group, etc. d. That is, once on your page, a guy, in fact, will not be able to determine whether you are considering dating - unless, of course, your page is littered with reposts on the topic “How to find a guy?” Therefore, it is good if your profile contains not only your photos, but also some information that will interest the guy and which he can use to get acquainted: indicate a couple of books, several hobbies, favorite music. This way he will be able to evaluate your taste preferences, but at the same time will not be overloaded with unnecessary information. And most importantly: no quotes about how “you are easy to find and difficult to lose”! In general, just go for it.

Dating sites

As we mentioned above, your registration on the site is already an opaque hint that you are open to communication. How to attract attention to your profile? Photography! Yes, the principle of “meeting by clothes” is more relevant here than ever! The same Tinder comes down to a simple scheme: you scroll through photos of different guys (and they are yours) and like those who like you. Here, as a rule, people proceed to read the profile only if they like the photo, and in a minute everyone scrolls through the photos of an average of 10-15 other users. Therefore, a high-quality avatar is your main strength. But don’t lay out all your trump cards at once: photos in which you pose in an ultra-short mini should, for safety reasons, be left until better times. And remember, what you catch is what you catch. It's simple.

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How to start dating

To begin with, unobtrusively show him your sympathy: give him a couple of likes, but without enthusiasm. It’s better if it’s not only his photos, but also some posts (a post about him looking for a console to use for the evening doesn’t count). Ideally, noticing your activity, he will show himself: he will like you in response or even write to you. But practice shows that boys can sometimes be inappropriately modest, so if you write to him yourself, the guy will breathe a sigh of relief! Here you go. Here you go!

Dating sites

On such resources, guys, as a rule, feel bolder - at least to write the most banal “Hello!” to an unfamiliar girl. It’s easier for them here than on social networks. But we still recommend that you not be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands and do not be shy to write first. It’s better if it’s not just a greeting, but some kind of sentence that suggests an answer - this will make it easier for both of you to build a further dialogue. This, by the way, is another good way to make your profile stand out from thousands of others and draw the attention of that handsome guy to you :)

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Do you remember how your mother taught you as a child not to give personal information to strangers? This rule works here. Yes, he may look like Tyler Posey and sing like Justin Bieber, but that's not a reason to lay all his cards on the table. Be nice and open, but don't forget that this is still a stranger from the Internet.

How to continue dating

You've been talking for a while now and you feel like he's the one? This means it’s time to move to a new stage. Remember what he mentioned in the correspondence: maybe he likes to skateboard? Ask him to give you a couple of lessons. Or maybe he likes science fiction films? Unobtrusively say that the film premiere will take place very soon.

Dating sites

On sites, online communication, as a rule, rarely drags on: so very soon he should invite you on a date. And here the most interesting thing begins - a meeting with reality, which may differ from the ideal that you managed to fall in love with online. The main thing is, don’t be afraid to be yourself and remember that more than 3.5 billion people use the Internet - if it didn’t work out this time, it will definitely work out next time :) And find out if he will invite you on a second date.

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Real stories

Our readers told their stories about how they found love on the Internet.

Lisa and Andrey

We are with best friend We have known each other since childhood, but we always studied separately. In the 10th grade, a new student came to her parallel class. My friend was in a relationship at that time, but she still paid attention to the new boy and showed me his photos. I immediately liked Andrey - tall, fair, with stunning blue eyes. I soon found out that LP was hanging out with him in the same company, but she categorically refused to take me with her. I was angry and crammed my lessons while they were having fun. Then I saw that posts from Him began to appear on her VKontakte wall.

Without thinking twice, I also began to be active on her page: I posted songs, attached photos, and at the same time commented, as if by chance, on what he left there.

In one of these comments we got into a conversation. That was three years ago, two of which we spent happily together. We broke up because we both grew up, went to different universities, and made new friends. By the way, my friend and I are still friends and often remember that story. I think we would have met one way or another, but who knows how events would have unfolded. But now I know exactly how to attract a guy’s attention through social networks;)

Sveta and Ilya

Ilya appeared in my life when I had just broken up with my boyfriend. To be more precise, he broke up, and I had a hard time going through this period. Without deleting my account on a dating site (on which, by the way, I had once met my previous boyfriend), I once saw a message there from Ilya. A nice guy wrote to me and tried to interest me in all possible topics. But I had no time for him. In order not to go into unnecessary details, I simply deleted my profile from the site. Since he had no other contacts of mine, I soon forgot about this chance acquaintance. Just as I forgot that unsuccessful love - it’s not for nothing that they say that time heals. About seven months passed when a guy approached me on the bus. His face seemed familiar to me, but I couldn’t remember it right away. But Ilya remembered everything in detail - despite the fact that our acquaintance then was reduced to literally a couple of my rather dry messages. I am eternally grateful to Ilya for not being angry with me for our failed online acquaintance. Taking my phone number (this time he no longer trusted social networks), he called me a couple of days later and asked me on a date. The days spent waiting for this call seemed like torture to me - because now there were no distracting thoughts about my ex in my head. Our wedding with Ilya took place last summer.

Dasha and Volodya

I found Volodya’s VKontakte page about four years ago. To say that it was love at first sight (more precisely, at the first click) is to say nothing. But in this ideal story one thing did not add up - I found him as a friend of a girl from a company whom I, to put it mildly, did not like. I had no doubt that they had an affair. I could have asked her directly, but I was afraid to hear a positive answer. Then the company changed, and we stopped communicating with that girl completely. At this time I had other loves, but I never forgot about Volodya. His page attracted me and at the same time frightened me - I was afraid that if I visited it after some time, I would see changes in his “marital status.” And one day, when I opened VK, I really saw something that shocked me. A friend request from him with a cute note: “I’ve been liking you for a long time, I can’t hide it anymore.” As it turned out later, his “long time” was 3.5 years. That is, around the same time that I started raving about him.

Single girls and women dream of organizing their personal lives: finding an interesting man for a relationship. Often they have no idea how to realize their dream. It seems that meeting a guy these days is as difficult as finding snowdrops in winter.

All advice will be divided into two parts. The first will concern preparation for acquaintance, work on yourself. The second is ways to establish contact.

What to do to get acquainted?

Before you start actively looking for a guy, you need to learn a few tips that will help you meet faster and more effectively:

  1. Analyze your appearance. How good is she? What should be changed in it? The first thing that might interest a man is his hair, face, figure. He will not be able to immediately appreciate the rich inner world. Therefore, you need to pay attention to appearance special attention. Plus, making sure you're irresistible doesn't hurt either.
  2. Positive attitude. We will generalize a little by including several components into this concept. You need to be well prepared for a date. First, you need to stop being shy. Just take the matter responsibly: if you clamp down, nothing good will come of it. Secondly, you need to learn to smile correctly and beautifully. This will attract men. Simple psychology: a smile is a signal to someone else’s brain that the girl you meet has benevolent intentions.
  3. Communicate more. The more often a girl leaves the house somewhere, the higher her chances of meeting someone.

You can, of course, advise deciding in advance on the ideal of a man and looking only for him, but this will be unnecessary. There are a lot of stories when a girl was looking for a real “macho”, and in the end she married a modest “nerd”.

Thus, in order to successfully meet interesting guys, you first need to look good and be positive. There is no need to enter into the image of a fatal beauty in revealing outfits. Often men's main interest is sex, although they value more moderately modest, stylish and intelligent women who are ideal for marriage.

Let's get acquainted

You can find a new young man in “passive” and “active” ways.

"Passive" method

A long time ago there was a rule that it is men who take the initiative in dating. Any girl should be happy about this. Can I sit at home and wait for my prince? Unfortunately, the knights are not told the exact addresses of the pretty lonely strangers.

For a man to notice a woman, she needs:

  1. Go outside or go to an interesting place where men are.
  2. Smile at young people you like and give other signals of readiness to communicate. Exercises in front of a mirror will help in this matter. It is necessary to train your smile, assessing how natural it turns out.
  3. Be alone more often. A friend, especially a beautiful one, will interfere with finding a guy. But being alone does not mean being isolated. For example, wearing headphones and immersing yourself in music reduces the chances of an interesting meeting.

In theory, a young man who sees a pretty girl “making eyes” should come up and get acquainted. However, not everyone does this. I don’t want to say that men have become “shallow,” but today’s young people have developed certain fears. It is difficult for them to take the first step and talk to a lady. This is often associated with the development of the Internet. Allegedly, men are used to meeting people on sites where they do it quite easily, but in the real world now everything is not easy.

However, it is not so important to understand why young people stopped approaching the girls they like. The main thing is to decide what to do about it. And there are only two options:

  1. More actively provoke acquaintance. For example: You need help with some issue. The simplest thing is to “accidentally” drop documents on the floor; pretend you can't start the car; faint or begin to drown at sea. The last two options are probably too much. But sometimes, you have to resort to the most unusual tricks and tricks to attract attention.
  2. Take the initiative. Not to be some kind of “chess piece” that others move, but to lead the game yourself. It's more difficult, but for the sake of your own happiness you should try.

Only at first it seems difficult to start a conversation with a guy. Each approach is a lesson that gives experience. You just need to analyze your mistakes and make new attempts to get to know each other.

"Active methods"

Among them there are options that allow you to approach a guy in an original way, but there are also completely banal ones. They have one thing in common: they have all been tested in practice. Women leave new reviews indicating their effectiveness.

Let's get down to specifics:

  1. Ask a harmless question. It can be scary to start acquaintances by immediately hinting at some kind of relationship. But the pretext for communication can be a simple question that passers-by sometimes ask each other. The most typical example: “Where is such and such a university? What bus should I take to get there?” To the girl in in this case you can pretend that she came from another city and does not know how to get there or get to the desired object. A young man interested in meeting someone can not only give directions, he will offer to escort a beautiful stranger. Agree. You can pass the time on the road by telling a story about yourself. Before you say goodbye, you should leave your phone number. Although it is better for the man to ask him himself.
  2. Recourse. A similar way to start a dialogue with an unfamiliar young man has already been discussed above. Considering that not all guys are brave enough to approach a girl even to help, it is better to take the initiative into your own hands. You must not only show that you are in a difficult situation. It’s worth contacting the guys you like with a request to provide some assistance. The same example with a car: you need to stop, open the hood and look closely at it. If a handsome stranger appears on the horizon, you should run up to him and tell him about your trouble. The main thing is that the deception should not be revealed. When a person offers to drag the car to a service station, the mechanics will quickly understand that something is fishy. However, you need to act depending on the situation. Sometimes you can simply and openly explain to a guy that you wanted to get to know him.
  3. We give compliments. Every person in this world loves to be praised. A compliment is an interesting thing. On the one hand, when we say it, we are not hinting at anything, we are simply emphasizing the merits of a certain person. On the other hand, a compliment is an integral part of flirting. Such duality should have a positive effect on shy girls. It is necessary, as it were, to “deceive” yourself: to convince yourself that giving a compliment to an interesting man is normal and does not oblige you to anything. A young man is likely to perceive praise as a serious interest in his personality and will support communication.
  4. We play games. Sometimes people meet in very original ways. Pick-up artists—those who are fond of “picking up” individuals of the opposite sex—have achieved serious success in this. The philosophy of their teaching is based on the rule that you need to “break the pattern.” So, for example, girls are used to men meeting men in a trivial way, but not pick-up artists. The latter come up with funny and unusual phrases for dating. You can find many examples on the Internet. Let’s say: “Hello!.. Yes, me too... (here is the perplexed expression on the lady’s face) I’m also afraid to meet people on the street. Let's be afraid together! " As a result, as practitioners assure, the girl falls into a kind of stupor, while simultaneously receiving positive emotions. You can take a few funny examples of such dialogues into your collection and use them against men.
  5. Pretend to be an old friend. To implement this method you must have a certain level acting. Not big enough to successfully play in the theater, but still. The girl should pretend that she has met an old acquaintance, she is very pleased to see the man, she is glad to have the opportunity to communicate. The brave ones can hug the guy and kiss him on the cheek. Not all young people will react the same way. Most will immediately report an error. The girl will need to apologize and say: “Since you are so similar to my friend, maybe we can get to know each other?” Someone may ask the question: “Do we know each other?” A good answer is: “Yes, I saw you in my dreams.” The most resourceful young people will support the game. It will be easiest to communicate with them.
  6. Let's get to know each other without tricks. Sometimes it’s easier not to resort to deception, but to immediately declare your intentions. You can just walk up to a guy who turned heads with his appearance and say: “Hi! Let's get acquainted! I liked you so much that I would really like to meet you.” You can add something else to the phrase.
  7. "Casts". If you still have a fear of approaching guys, but you really want to meet them, you can stock up on business cards or notes with your phone number, etc. You can accidentally drop such “leaflets” in front of an interesting guy; quietly slip them into the pockets of handsome men; without words, hand it over.
  8. Her friends can also introduce a girl to a nice person. It all depends on the activity of each party.

The listed methods are mostly unobtrusive and suitable for different places, any men.

Whether it is worth doing this must be decided individually. Many ladies act on the principle: if only we could find someone, we’ll figure it out later.

But within the framework of the article, it’s worth talking about certain dating places and certain types of guys.

People and setting

  1. Often interesting men, decent in appearance, found in minibuses. It is more difficult to get to know each other in transport, since there are a lot of people around who will hear the entire dialogue. It feels like you are under the lenses of video cameras. Best option- write a short letter to a handsome guy indicating your phone number and hand it over personally.
  2. If a rich person does not travel in minibuses, but travels distances on an airplane in business class, you can send him a message with a declaration of love, for example, by email. The main thing is that the letter reaches the addressee, and not his secretary.
  3. It’s better to meet people in restaurants, cafes, clubs and even sanatoriums, without inventing anything. When people relax, they are relaxed and open. You can approach and offer friendship.
  4. You should look for a fit man in the following places: a fitness club, a gym or a regular gym, a swimming pool, an ice rink. How to attract a guy's attention? First, you can pretend to be a beginner. Let's say, stand on skates in such a way that many young people will want to train you or at least hold you. You also need to be able to “learn.” Try to look sexy and look for opportunities for physical contact: touch the man, fall on top of him, etc.
  5. You shouldn't get acquainted at work, in the sense of in the office or at the machine. It’s better to wait for your colleague at the end of the day, start a conversation on a professional topic, and then gradually move on to the personal depending on the situation.

In general, you can remember enough dating stories. They all boil down to the above options. The only thing is that you need to look at the specific situation wisely, correctly choosing the most organic way to start a relationship.

Meet a guy on the Internet

This is a separate, very popular topic. It has already been mentioned that not all men are ready to approach a lady on the street and offer her a walk at night under the moonlight. Many guys decided that they wanted to get acquainted online where simpler. However, some ladies also think so. Moreover, there are many “places” where you can find a man who lives alone or with his parents, but not with his beloved.

Here is their top:

  • dating sites with free registration;
  • social networks - for example, “Vkontkte”;
  • thematic forums;
  • chats: independent and those that are “built-in” into the interface of dating sites;
  • Skype and other services where you can communicate using video.

How to meet people on the Internet? On most sites, you will need to correspond with the guy you like, gradually leading the matter towards a real meeting. First of all, you need to find a worthy candidate. And this can be very difficult to do.

You should pay attention:

  1. In the photo, determining whether it is real or fake: the guy really lives in a beautiful apartment, or just went to the studio.
  2. Status. In this column, as a rule, they write a thought that completely characterizes the person. It is necessary to evaluate both the depth of thought and the literacy of the text.
  3. You can understand whether a man is ready to start a family and, for example, have a child, if you read the information in his profile.

They say that it is difficult to meet people on the site. If you write original, add it to your page good photos and fill out the form in detail, it’s quite possible to find a friend. It is possible that you will have to spend a lot of time searching. However, if the goal is achieved even in a year or two, you will not have to regret anything. In the event of a quarrel with a young man, you can always return to the Internet and start your search again.

Thus, meeting men is not as difficult and scary as it might seem at first glance. Of course, there are some tricks in this matter. The main ones are described in this article. So, take it into your arsenal and go seek your destiny!