Fast multiplication of numbers. Ways to multiply numbers

Ability to multiply big numbers required daily. Sometimes you have to count the cost of several units of goods in a store. And sometimes the child asks for help with completing homework. There are several ways to find out the product of two large numbers without using a calculator. Let's look at them using the example of multiplying 42 and 21.

Eight is rest - work in the physical world. Eight is justice. This is the most difficult number and brings the greatest suffering. This is the number that can fix bad people. It symbolizes power, strength, tension, control, executive power, organization, success. The number eight is the connection between two worlds - the physical and the spiritual. This is the number of eternity and infinity.

Number of prisoners, restrictions. This number is the last one you can count on. Nine is a whole row of the spiritual world. Refusal of contradictions, that is, the result of all work. Nine is the number of human, intelligent people. This is an image of more complex creatures. This number is the head of a person with his abilities. In the number nine, earthly, spiritual and divine life are united.

You will need

Sheet of paper;
- pen.

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic "How to multiply large numbers" How to find the percentage of a number How to convert a percentage to a number How to multiply by column


One of the most simple ways Find out the product of two numbers - multiply them into a column. This is taught back in elementary school, but if you have forgotten how to do this, it’s worth brushing up on your knowledge.

Nine contains all the virtues. The end result of every human life. The number nine is the result of the influence of the numbers seven and eight. Ten is the best space number. Man in his social development. Zero is the condition and environment for the manifestation of forces. Combined with zero, the number is ten again.

Go to God, tell us about everything you have done on Earth. At ten something new in the world begins. When these numbers are present on a person's date of birth, it means that the latter is endowed with the abilities and qualities to lead his home by putting his life in the service of others. 11 and 22 have meaning for idealism, sacrifice, inspiration. In this regard, 22 has an impact at a higher level and at a higher international level. 22 serves all humanity.

Write two numbers below each other and draw from below horizontal line. Multiply the first number by the units of the second and write down the result. Multiply the first number by the tens of the second (the result of the multiplication in this case should be written slightly shifted to the left). Draw another horizontal line and calculate the sum of the resulting numbers. This will be the product of 42 and 21. Similarly, you can multiply both three-digit and five-digit numbers.

This is versatility. 11 means eternal struggle between two units. If you put this number back, the rear number is set to the front and three back seats, how many will you have? - The rotation of this number does not increase or decrease. No matter what you express, it still remains. Now, what conclusion would you draw? You are 35, so your son is ahead. 3 means son and five means mother in the back. But if you put 5 at the front and the son behind, the number increases. Then what are you going to do? - That when the son is in front, the number has one value, but when mothers are in front, the numbers increase in relation to 3, and One is the father, two is the mother, 3 is the son.

If you don’t have a sheet of paper at hand, you can multiply the numbers in your head. To do this, you need to represent one of the factors in the form of tens and units. Thus, 42x21=42x(20+1). Multiplication by a round number is performed by multiplying the first factor by 10 and then multiplying the resulting product by the number of tens of the second factor. In order to multiply by 10, it is not necessary to perform complex mathematical calculations; it is enough to add a zero to the right of the number. So, when multiplying 42 by 20, you must first multiply 42 by 10, and then double the resulting product. 42x20=42x10x2=420x2=840. This number should be kept in mind.

You put the mother in front, but the number decreases. What does it show? “That the son is smarter than the mother.” All increasing numbers are smarter. And all the numbers that go down aren't that smart. As students, you should study numbers both from the perspective of formal science and from the perspective of living mathematics. Numbers are even and odd. Some of the odd ones are named first to each other or prime to each other. These numbers are divisible by units and by themselves. However, if we compile these numbers, we get even numbers that are divisible except for one for both themselves and other numbers.

The second stage of mental multiplication is multiplying the first number by the units of the second, in in this case 42x1=42.

Then you need to add the numbers resulting from the first and second actions. Their sum will be the product of 42 and 21. 840+42=882

This method helps to multiply two-digit numbers. Someone can find the product of three-digits this way. Numbers with a large number of digits are unlikely to be multiplied.

This applies to numbers in formal mathematics. However, if in the mathematics of life we ​​bring together two people with different personalities and interests as partners in an enterprise, nothing will come of them. If a person collects and preserves, and others scatter, they cannot give the amount. Here we cannot say what 1 and 1 give. From this we conclude that operations with static numbers are radically different from actions with dynamic numbers.

Let's return to the meaning of the number. One is the mind, two is the heart, three is the will. If there is a heart and strong will, but without his mind, he can’t do anything. The number 123 should be the slogan of human life. You can't work without this. So, you come to some contradiction, despondency, meaningless life, tell yourself, number. One implies a rational principle in life; couple - love that builds; three is the truth from which the will comes. Therefore, when you say that you must do the will of God, say within yourself the number 123, which contains the idea: God is Love, Wisdom and Truth.

There is another one unusual way multiplying numbers. Draw a graphic diagram of the first factor on a piece of paper. Think of it as parallel horizontal lines representing the number of tens and units. Leave a distance of five centimeters between the first and second digits of the schematically represented number.

In the same way, draw a graphic diagram of the second factor, only its parallel lines should be located vertically and intersect the lines of the first number.

With these three principles you can fulfill God's will. While a man has light in his mind, warmth in his heart and strength in his body, he can always have success in his work. Love, Wisdom and Truth cannot be applied in their entirety, but they can apply their manifestations as the light that is built into his mind, as the warmth in his heart and as the strength in his will. The number 123 can be changed to become 231, and in these numbers the container is larger but the content is the same.

And Scripture speaks of a quantity consisting of three hexagons - Deettor shows some of the experiences that he gained as a result of suffering. When people talk about suffering, people, especially religious people, wonder why the believer suffered. Faith is not a shield against suffering. And the believer suffers, but he bears the suffering intelligently and easily copes with it.

Now count the number of points at which the lines intersect. The number of dots in the upper left intersection will indicate the number of hundreds. The dots in the lower right intersection are the number of units. The sum of the points located diagonally (in the lower left and upper right intersection) is the number of tens. Write down the result obtained, this is the product of 42 and 21.

Why are you talking about numbers, don’t ask, but understand their meaning and apply them. By working with number 123, you will recognize the gods, i.e. beings of sublime thought; as you work with number 456, you will know the angels; Working with number 789, you will know people. What greater wealth do you want to know from God, angels and men? The Eighth works in the physical world, Deettor in the spiritual, and Three in the Divine. The number 18 is negative and sterile. To give birth to this number and soften it, you need to add it at the end of the ninth.

The processes in this process are correct. For Jews there was no more unlucky number 11. Today the number 13 is unlucky for a European citizen: it is difficult to place a hotel room with a number. This is a number without a mother and father in the world, this is a series of contradictions in life. Why are there contradictions in life? There is a specific reason they exist. And the number 4 is the law of contradiction, but for the cause of righteousness. There are reasons in the world that determine every action. Beautiful flowers can't search winter time, because winter expresses number 4, but you will look for them at a certain time, in a certain season of the year, i.e. in numbers 1, and if you are looking for different types fruits, you will find them at certain times of the year - in the room.

In this way you can multiply any multi-digit numbers. You just need to pay great attention to counting the intersection points in the various diagonals.

How simple

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The second place is represented by the Divine Mother. It starts with human evolution. For this number Moses did not pronounce. This number represents the second day of the creation of the world. And Moses was silent that day, he said nothing. On other days it is said that everything God did was good, but Moses said nothing about this day - neither good nor bad. This is the day when good and evil are reconciled. This is the day when hate and love are caught hand in hand. This is the day when lies and truth come alive together. Do you know what it means to marry lies and truth?

Multiplication is one of the four arithmetic operations studied from the first grade of school. Along with addition, it is perhaps most often used in everyday life. At the same time, you don’t always have a calculator or a piece of paper at hand. This is why knowing how to multiply numbers in your head is easy.

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Each discipline is as scientific as in mathematics. Mathematics is by no means called the “queen of science.” And this is perhaps the reason for heated debates and misunderstandings. But this is just an explanation of the principle. Assuming we only have a number, the number 1 has been identified with God's Creator, God Himself, since time immemorial. God is a denomination of unity incomprehensible to man.

Like number one, it remains in all numbers. Of course, this series can continue on the one hand to 0, and on the other - to infinity. If we look at such a series of numbers, we see that all the numbers multiplied together make only one. It is then contained in every other number, number one can multiply or divide the number and the result remains the same.

In order to quickly solve a mathematical problem, you need to be able to count not only using a calculator. In addition, you may not have it at hand and you will have to use traditional counting methods. You will need a piece of paper a pen Placement sponsor P&G Articles on the topic “How to

second way of multiplication:

IN Rus', peasants did not use multiplication tables, but they perfectly calculated the product of multi-digit numbers.

In Rus', starting from ancient times and almost until the eighteenthcenturies, Russian people in their calculations did without multiplication anddivision. They used only two arithmetic operations - addition andsubtraction. Moreover, the so-called “doubling” and “bifurcation”. Butthe needs of trade and other activities required the productionmultiplication of fairly large numbers, both two-digit and three-digit.For this purpose, there was a special way of multiplying such numbers.

The essence of the old Russian method of multiplication is thatmultiplication of any two numbers was reduced to a series of successive divisionsone number in half (sequential bifurcation) with simultaneousdoubling another number.

For example, if in the product 24 ∙ 5 the multiplicand 24 is reduced by twotimes (double), and the multiplicand is doubled (double), i.e. takethe product is 12 ∙ 10, then the product remains equal to the number 120. Thisour distant ancestors noticed the quality of the work and learnedapply it when multiplying numbers in your special old Russianway of multiplication.

Let's multiply this way 32 ∙ 17..
32 ∙ 17
16 ∙ 34
8 ∙ 68
4 ∙ 136
2 ∙ 272
1 ∙544 Answer: 32 ∙ 17 = 544.

In the analyzed example, division by two - “bifurcation” occurswithout a trace. But what if the multiplier is not divisible by two without a remainder? ANDthis seemed within the capabilities of the ancient calculators. In this case, we did this:
21 ∙ 17
10 ∙ 34
5 ∙ 68
2 ∙ 136
1 ∙ 272
357 Answer: 357.

From the example it is clear that if the multiplicand is not divisible by two, then from itfirst we subtracted one, then we doubled the resulting result” and so on5 to go. Then all lines with even multiplicands were crossed out (2nd, 4th,6th, etc.), and all the right parts of the remaining lines were added and receivedthe desired work.

How did the ancient calculators reason, justifying their method?calculations? Here's how: 21 ∙ 17 = 20 ∙ 17 + 17.
The number 17 is remembered, and the product 20 ∙ 17 = 10 ∙ 34 (we bifurcate -double) and write it down. Product 10 ∙ 34 = 5 ∙ 68 (we bifurcate –double), and cross out the extra product 10∙34. Since 5 * 34= 4 ∙ 68 + 68, then the number 68 is remembered, i.e. the third line is not crossed out, but4 ∙ 68 = 2 ∙ 136 = 1 ∙ 272 (we double - we double), with the fourththe line containing, as it were, an extra product 2 ∙ 136, is crossed out, andthe number 272 is remembered. So it turns out that to multiply 21 by 17,you need to add the numbers 17, 68 and 272 - these are exactly equal parts of the linesnamely with odd multiplicands.
The Russian method of multiplication is both elegant and extravagant at the same time

All this is true for God: everything is contained in him, but God Himself remains in Creation still present. Apart from God, nothing else can exist. It cannot be multiplied or reduced, it is indivisible. God contains the entire universe. Nothing else can exist outside of it.

By the word God we can then represent this number. If there were only 1 in the world, then there would be no mathematical laws. We won't even be able to define the number 1. It couldn't be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, etc. If these numbers were not greater. Mathematical laws could arise when there were more numbers from the first number.

I bring to your attention three examples in color pictures (in the upper right corner check post).

Example #1: 12 × 321 = 3852
Let's draw first number from top to bottom, from left to right: one green stick ( 1 ); two orange sticks ( 2 ). 12 drew.
Let's draw second number from bottom to top, from left to right: three little blue sticks ( 3 ); two red ones ( 2 ); one lilac one ( 1 ). 321 drew.

In the same way, the laws of God can only arise with the appearance of things other than Unity. From this point of view, there are no laws in God, they are just the laws of Creation. God does not move all the planets, so they do not shrink, it is enough for him to create the law of gravity, and this law regulates these movements. Likewise, there are no other laws with God. For example, there is no law of righteousness, but the law of righteousness is the law of the created world.

Polarity in Creation also follows from the above series. For example, numbers greater than 1 can be designated as yang, numbers less than 1 can be designated as yin. One cannot exist without him and cannot achieve Unity without his colleagues. In the same way, according to these concepts, there can be no love, justice, no benefit, no wisdom, no activity, no energy, no movement, for all these are concepts of Creation and their counterparts. If we have any concept, we can always find a counterpoint, and we always think of it in polarity.

Now let’s walk through the drawing with a simple pencil, divide the intersection points of the stick numbers into parts and begin counting the dots. Moving from right to left (clockwise): 2 , 5 , 8 , 3 . Result number we will “collect” from left to right (counterclockwise) and... voila, we got 3852

Example #2: 24 × 34 = 816
There are nuances to this example. When counting the points in the first part, it turned out 16 . We send one and add it to the dots of the second part ( 20 + 1 )…

Example #3: 215 × 741 = 159315
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At first, it seemed to me somewhat pretentious, but at the same time intriguing and surprisingly harmonious. In the fifth example, I caught myself thinking that multiplication is taking off and working in autopilot mode: draw, count dots, We don’t remember the multiplication table, it’s like we don’t know it at all.

To be honest, when checking drawing method of multiplication and turning to column multiplication, more than once or twice, to my shame, I noticed some slowdowns, indicating that my multiplication table was rusty in some places and I shouldn’t forget it. When working with more “serious” numbers drawing method of multiplication became too bulky, and multiplication by column it was a joy.

P.S.: Glory and praise to the native column!
In terms of construction, the method is unpretentious and compact, very fast, It trains your memory and prevents you from forgetting the multiplication tables.

And therefore, I strongly recommend that you and yourself, if possible, forget about calculators on phones and computers; and periodically treat yourself to multiplication by column. Otherwise the plot from the film “Rise of the Machines” will unfold not on the cinema screen, but in our kitchen or the lawn next to our house...

Three times over the left shoulder..., knock on wood... ...and most importantly Don't forget about mental gymnastics!