What is included in household chemicals. Household chemicals

Household chemicals include adhesives, abrasive products, paint and varnish products, detergents, cleaning and care products for leather goods, lighting and lubricants, mineral fertilizers, plant protection chemicals, household insect and rodent control products, disinfectants products, tools for painting, etc.

Adhesive materials

Adhesives are divided into:

By purpose (single-purpose and universal);

By consistency (solid, liquid, powder);

According to the drying method (cold and hot hardening);

By the nature of gluing (reversible, irreversible);

By the nature of the adhesive material (plant, animal, mineral origin, synthetic).

Vegetable adhesives. Wallpaper is a mixture of dextrin and starch with the addition of copper sulfate and an antiseptic.

Animal glues: flesh glue, bone and casein.

Casein glue is a mixture of casein (skim milk protein), slaked lime, soda, copper sulfate and other components.

Adhesives of mineral origin. An aqueous solution of sodium and potassium silicates (liquid glass) is used as office glue.

Synthetic adhesives are obtained by dissolving thermoplastic and thermosetting resins in organic solvents. Synthetic adhesives are universal, have high adhesive ability, water resistance and resistance to microorganisms.

Abrasive products

Abrasive products are used for grinding and polishing surfaces different materials, as well as for straightening and sharpening tools.

Abrasive products are classified according to the material used: artificial abrasive materials (silicon carbide, crushed and sifted technical glass, etc.), synthetic materials (synthetic diamond crystals obtained from graphite with nickel), natural abrasive materials (pumice, emery, quartz).

Abrasive materials are classified by hardness using a mineralogical scale (Mohs scale). The scale consists of 10 minerals: the hardest is diamond (10 points), the softest is talc (1 point).

Based on grain size, abrasive materials are distinguished between coarse-grained abrasives, grinding powders and micropowders.

Abrasive materials are fixed on a rigid or flexible base.

Abrasive materials are produced in the form of wheels, bars, abrasive cloths and pastes.

Paint and varnish products

The raw materials for the production of paints and varnishes are products from the processing of oil, coal and gases.

Paint and varnish products are drying oils, paint compositions, varnishes, enamels, pigments and auxiliary materials - putties, primers, putties, driers, solvents, etc.

When dry, paint and varnish products form films that protect surfaces from environmental influences and improve their aesthetic properties.

Drying oils- film-forming and binding materials on wasps new natural and synthetic oils. Drying oils are divided according to raw materials into natural, semi-natural and artificial.

Lucky- solutions of film-forming substances in organic solvents. When dry, varnishes form transparent, hard, shiny films. The film-forming substances in varnishes are synthetic and natural resins, drying oils, and bitumens. Alcohol, acetone, and turpentine are used as solvents; thinners - white spirit, benzene. Varnishes are produced in a wide range - different in the nature of the film-forming substance, in purpose, in color, and in terms of application conditions.

Pigments, or dry paints, are organic or mineral coloring substances that are insoluble in water, oils, and varnishes. The main properties of pigments: color, hiding power (covering power), coloring power (intensity), light fastness, oil absorption, dispersity (degree of particle size reduction), toxicity, chemical stability. Pigments are achromatic (white, black, gray) and chromatic (yellow, red, blue, brown, green).

Oil paints They are a ground mixture of pigments, drying oils, and fillers. Most oil paints dry no later than 24 hours. Oil paints are distinguished by purpose (for interior and exterior work), by the type of binder, by color, by consistency (thickly grated, thinly grated - ready for use).

Enamel paints obtained by grinding pigments or their mixtures with plasticizer fillers in varnishes. Enamels are divided according to the type of varnish used (oil, glyphthalic, pentaphthalic, nitro enamels, etc.).

Water based paints They are suspensions of pigments in aqueous solutions of binders. Water-based paints are divided according to the type of binder into adhesive, casein, silicate, and lime.

Auxiliary paint and varnish materials.

Drying agents are substances that are added to oil-containing paints and varnishes to speed up drying.

Solvents, thinners - acetone, white spirit, turpentine, thinners for oil paints, etc.

Materials for finishing work - primers, putties, putties.


Detergents are divided into laundry and toilet soap, synthetic detergents, and laundry aids.

Laundry soap is sodium salts of fatty acids, often with the addition of other substances, which have a detergent effect.

The main raw materials for the production of laundry soap are fat processing products. Laundry soap is classified according to its fatty acid content (72, 70 and 65%), the highest quality is 72%.

Synthetic detergents (CMC) contain from 20 to 40% surfactants, as well as other useful additives (optical brighteners, antistatic agents, disinfectants, various biological additives for removing protein contaminants, etc.).

The peculiarity of powders with bioadditives is that they can be used at temperatures up to 60°C, at pH from 7 to Ped.

CMC is classified by consistency - powder, liquid, paste; by purpose - for products made of cotton and linen, for products made of wool, silk, artificial and synthetic fibers, universal.

Universal CMCs are suitable for washing fabrics of all types, contain surfactants up to 10%, pH value 9.5, and optical brightener is usually added to them.

Washing auxiliaries: bleaching, bluing, antistatic, starching, water softening agents.

Cleaning products are classified by purpose:

For cleaning kitchen utensils, bathtubs, sinks, ceramic tiles;

For removing stains and cleaning clothes;

For furniture care;

For the care of cars, bicycles, motorcycles;

Floor care products.

The range of products represents a wide group of products; they can also be divided into abrasive and non-abrasive. In addition to surfactants, cleaning products include alkaline salts, solvents, and disinfectants. Depending on their consistency, cleaning products can be powdered, paste or liquid.

Mineral fertilizers

Serve to increase plant growth and productivity. The main chemical elements used as fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers are produced as single-component and mixed complex; ordinary and concentrated; liquid, granular and powder.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic and bacterial fertilizers (peat, azotobacterin, etc.) are sold.

Microfertilizers are chemical elements (manganese, boron, copper, zinc, etc.) needed by plants in small quantities.

Pest Control Products(insecticides) - these include entobacterin, decis, karate, etc.

Weed control products(herbicides) - Roundup, Lenacil, etc.

Products to combat household insects, rodents, disinfectants, deodorants

Products for the control of household insects - for the destruction of cockroaches, flying insects, moths, furniture grinder beetles, mice and rats - borax, borax, dichlorvos, woodtox, zoocoumarin.

Disinfectants - monochloramine, bleach, Belizna liquid, etc.

Deodorants are products for cleaning and refreshing air in residential and public areas. Available in the form of tablets and aerosols.

Various household chemicals

Products for the care of clothing, shoes and household items. This subgroup of products includes cleaning products and stain removers for clothing and household items; shoe care products (protective creams, coloring compounds, etc.)

Car cosmetics. Products for this purpose include products for washing and polishing car bodies; means for cleaning and caring for individual vehicle components; means for protection against corrosion of car elements; products for other purposes (rust removers, products for preparing a car for painting, etc.).

Products for caring for plants and animals. This group includes mineral and organic fertilizers, activators and growth stimulants, plant and animal protection products, etc.

Abrasive materials. Abrasive materials include: wheels, bars, sandpapers, pastes used for processing various surfaces of lesser hardness (sharpening, grinding, polishing, lapping, etc.). Natural mineral materials (diamond, corundum, sandstone), as well as artificial and synthetic materials of high hardness are used as abrasive particles.

Identification of household chemical products

An important problem of the modern consumer market for goods is their falsification - deceiving the consumer by introducing into circulation goods that have been deliberately altered or have hidden properties and qualities, information about which is obviously incomplete or insufficient. Counterfeit products often include TBH.

Counterfeiting of household chemical goods can be assorted, qualitative and quantitative.

Assortment falsification is manifested in a deliberate change in the names, purpose, type, brand of goods. Illegal use of well-known brands of products is especially common. Thus, counterfeits of Chinese-made fumigators from well-known companies “Ride” and “Raptor” have been identified, which not only do not fulfill their function, but also negatively affect the health of the consumer. The situation is aggravated by the fact that most household chemical products are not subject to mandatory conformity certification. Quite often, motor oils are sold in canisters that do not have protection, without indicating the manufacturer, with markings used until the early 90s of the last century.

Qualitative falsification is especially common. Its main methods are: dilution (cases have been identified where the Fairy cleaning product was diluted with tap water and then repackaged in counterfeit packaging); shortage or absence of individual components (Tide detergent, consisting of crushed chalk, Belizna bleaching agent, instead of 5% active chlorine, contained no more than 1%).

Small producers of TBH falsify products by using lower quality raw materials (for example, in the production of paints and varnishes), violating manufacturing technology or introducing components that imitate the organoleptic characteristics of goods.

Enterprises that produce products in large batches, as a rule, carry out quantitative falsification - they pack products with a significant deviation from the standard weight or volume. GOST R 8.579-2001 used the concept of “fake packaging” for the first time. It means that the packaging is not filled with more than 30% of the contents, but its appearance creates a false impression of the quantity of the product. This method of falsification is observed in aerosol preparations and powdered products.

Among counterfeiters there are copies, imitations and versions (analogues).

The most common way to counterfeit TBH is copying. At the same time, the illegal manufacturer presents its product as genuine, releasing it under the same name and in packaging of a similar design. For example, counterfeit “Moment” glue differs from the genuine one, as Era OJSC (Tosno, Leningrad Region), its legal manufacturer, warns, by the more saturated yellow color of the packaging; the inscription “Made in Russia” without indicating a specific manufacturer; date of manufacture, indicated in Arabic numerals (in the original, in Roman numerals); standard packaging weights are 40 and 100 ml instead of 30, 50, 125 ml; a white tube cap (for genuine glue it is black with stiffeners and a long unsoldered end).

It is quite difficult to identify a fake, especially for an ordinary consumer. To protect their products from counterfeiting, many manufacturers apply a special code, protect the packaging from opening (unauthorized damage), and patent the name, brand, design, logo, and corporate identity.

A method such as imitation allows one to falsify a product and at the same time avoid legal liability. At the same time, the image of the product as a whole, its corporate style, is imitated, but its name is slightly changed, for example: “Pemolux” - “Pemalux”.

And finally - a version (analogue), when someone else's image is used and the manufacturer informs the consumer about this. Analogues, as a rule, are much cheaper than quality goods.

Depending on the place of implementation, we can talk about technological and repackaging falsification.

Most often, TBH is falsified during the manufacturing process. For example, a typical formulation of water-dispersion paints should contain 40-50% binder, 18-22% pigment and 10-20% filler. There are companies that produce paints in which the content of binder and pigment is 5-10 times less, and 2-4 times more filler. At the same time, due to the introduction of special additives, technological characteristics, storage stability, and ease of application are ensured, but the durability of the coating is sharply reduced.

Repackaging is used to falsify mainly industrial products supplied in transport containers (bags, barrels, etc.) for construction needs (coatings, adhesives), laundries (CMC), and medical needs (disinfectants). At the same time, the counterfeiter packages the products in small containers, changing their composition in order to reduce the cost.

The problem of counterfeiting of goods, including TBH, must be considered from an international perspective. Transnational corporations make it a condition of their activities in Russia to protect copyrights for their products. The problem requires an early solution in connection with the upcoming entry of our country into the World Trade Organization.

The economic aspect of the problem lies in the financial losses incurred by producers of genuine products, consumers purchasing counterfeit goods, and the state in the form of reduced tax and customs payments.

The social aspect is manifested in the need to protect consumer health from counterfeit and often unsafe products. And since not all TBHs are subject to the mandatory certification procedure, we will consider the features of their identification.

Identification is the establishment of compliance of a specific product with a sample and description, i.e. information declared about it, and the basic requirements for this species(name) of the product (GOST R 51293-99 “Product identification. General provisions”). Identification of TBH can be carried out during sampling, testing in different ways. If when sampling, analysis of accompanying documents, labeling details, and quantities of products is mainly used, then when conducting laboratory tests, the range of methods is wider. To describe the appearance, organoleptic and expert methods are used; identification of the composition, purpose, and consumer properties requires a complex of instrumental, expert and other methods.

The identification of paints and varnishes proposed by S. A. Vilkova can be considered as an example of the work of an expert (see table material below).

Criterion Means Indicator Method
Name LKMMarking, TSD, ND, productAppearance, viscosity, mass fraction of non-volatile substancesAnalytical, expert (testing), measuring (in accordance with ND)
Brand (type

film former)

Marking, TSD, ND, productType

film former

Expert, express methods (action of solvents, etc.), measuring (IR spectroscopy)
ManufacturerMarking, TSD, product, reference sample, manufacturer code, trademark Appearance of packaging, labeling, paintwork and coatingExpert, organoleptic
Completeness of markingMarking according to GOST

R 51121-97, GOST

Labeling requirementsAnalytical
PurposeInstructions for

application, product

Appearance, type of film former, pigment, solventExpert (testing), express methods, measurement (x-ray structural analysis)
Date of manufactureMarking, TSD - Analytical
ComplianceND, product,



NTD indicatorsAnalytical, organoleptic, measuring (in ND for products)
PricePrice lists, average retail prices Analytical, registration

Let us remember that the nomenclature of indicators of authenticity (authenticity) of a product and methods for their evaluation have not been developed for all product groups of household chemicals, and this makes it difficult to identify counterfeits. Regulatory documentation (for example, GOST for homogeneous product groups) does not specify the composition and properties of individual items of goods, and samples for comparison (standards) are most often absent. The situation is simplified for goods with a narrow range. For example, in GOST R 51692-2000 “Drying oils. General technical specifications" gives the values ​​of quality indicators for five drying oils, indicating methods for their determination.

Household chemical goods (household chemical products) combine goods for various purposes, the materials for which are obtained through synthesis or chemical transformations. Basic household chemical products: laundry and cleaning products, paints and varnishes, adhesives, clothing and shoe care products, car cosmetics, fertilizers, activators and plant growth stimulants, insect and rodent control products and abrasives.

The purpose of household chemicals is varied: they are used for construction, repair and home improvement; for caring for your home and household items; for growing and caring for plants; fuels and lubricants.

The largest share in the sale of household chemicals is occupied by laundry and cleaning products, paints and varnishes, and adhesive materials, which are discussed in the following sections.

Classification, assortment, consumer properties and quality requirements for individual groups of household chemical goods

Washing and washing products

Laundry and cleaning products are one of the most representative groups of household chemical products in terms of breadth of assortment on the modern market. The classification of this product group is presented in Fig. 2.2.

Rice. 2.2.

Soap. Depending on the consistency and physical state, soaps are divided into solid (in pieces), ointment-like, liquid and powder. Each of these groups is divided into soaps with different contents of fatty acids (in the form of fatty acid salts). They produce regular solid soaps (without peeling or equivalent processing) and peeled ones. Peeled soaps have higher consumer properties, the production of which is increasing.

The entire range of laundry soaps is divided according to purpose into soaps for laundry, washing dishes and household products, and hand washing.

Solid soaps are predominantly sodium salts of fatty acids, split from sunflower, soybean, hemp and other vegetable oils. They are produced mainly in the form of pieces, powders and shavings. Bar soap (regular and clarified) can contain 65, 70 and 72% fatty acids; these values ​​are called quality indicators: the higher the percentage, the better the quality.

In terms of color, soap can be ordinary or lightened; according to the presence of packaging - open (without packaging) and closed (in packaging). Solid soaps can have different weights (150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 g) and shapes (rectangular and complex).

The quality requirements for solid soaps are regulated by GOST 30266-95 “Hard laundry soap. General technical conditions”. The standard sets requirements for appearance, consistency, color and odor. The basic requirements for physical and chemical indicators are the quality number, the content of free alkali, soda and the freezing point of fatty acids.

Liquid and ointment-like soaps are predominantly potassium salts of fatty acids and vegetable oils. Liquid laundry soaps are used for household and technical purposes, as well as in medicine and veterinary medicine.

Synthetic detergents (SDC). The modern assortment is very extensive. The bulk of synthetic detergents are washing powders. Liquid detergents, pastes and gels are produced in smaller quantities.

Household synthetic detergents, depending on their purpose, are divided into the following main groups:

  • detergents for washing wool and silk fabrics (pH of 1 percent solution 7-8.5), their main representatives: “Vorsinka”, “Laska”, “Lily of the Valley”, “Fleece”, “Minutka”;
  • detergents for washing cotton and linen fabrics (pH 10-11.5). The range of these synthetic detergents is represented by products of various consistencies: “Losk”, “Deni”, “Dosya”, “Era”, “Karapuz”, “Malysh”, etc.;
  • universal-purpose detergents (pH 9~9.5) for washing a variety of fabrics, including chemical fibers Henko, “Stork”, “Era”, “Myth”, “Crystal”, etc.;
  • detergents for washing coarse and heavily soiled fabrics, in particular workwear.

In addition, it should be taken into account that a special group of SMS is formed by products for automatic washing machines.

Their trademark is usually accompanied by the word “automatic”; they are distinguished by reduced foaming.

The functional properties of detergents are determined by their cleaning ability and versatility. Cleaning power depends on the composition of surfactants, foaming and dissolving ability. Versatility SMC depends on the possibility of their use for fabrics of different composition and on different washing conditions (water hardness and temperature).

Ergonomic indicators of properties include indicators of ease of use and indicators of harmlessness. Ease of use largely due to the convenience of packaging (material, shape, presence of a dispenser, etc.), the consistency of the SMS, as well as additional information in the labeling of the product. When characterizing harmlessness, the absence of harmful effects on humans and the processed material is taken into account.

Safety detergents are assessed by level chemical safety And environmental safety.

Main property of reliability detergent is preservation, i.e., the ability of a detergent to maintain its properties during transportation, storage, sale and use.

Aesthetic indicators SMS properties depend on aesthetic packaging, colors And detergent smell.

The quality requirements for powdered synthetic detergents are set out in GOST 25644-96. They include requirements for the composition, consistency, color, smell, and quality characteristics of the detergent.

Washing aids. These include water softening products that consist of alkaline electrolytes are produced in the form of powders and briquettes. Whitening The products are used when washing or rinsing clothes. Their action is based on the oxidation and discoloration of coloring substances; accordingly, they can have a chemical or physical effect. Bluising substances(blue

ultramarine natural and indigo carmine) are used when rinsing laundry to eliminate its yellowness.

Combination products can combine several substances that have, for example, starchy action with simultaneous whitening or antistatic effect.

Laundry and cleaning products are usually packaged in small containers made of cardboard, glass or plastic; plastic and polyvinyl chloride bags can also be used.

Paint and varnish products

Paint and varnish products are used during repair and construction work, as well as for finishing various types surfaces, i.e. they perform protective and decorative functions. They are usually divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones include drying oils, varnishes, paints and enamels, and the auxiliary ones include putties, primers, pigments, driers, thinners, solvents and other types.

Drying oils. Drying oils are film-forming substances obtained from oils (of plant origin) or synthetic resins. They can be used as an independent material for a protective coating, or be included in paint compositions and act as a diluent. Based on their composition, natural, semi-natural and synthetic drying oils are distinguished.

Natural (oil) drying oils contain oxidized drying oils or mixtures thereof. They are obtained by heat treatment of oil (120-160 °C). Representatives of these drying oils are flaxseeds. Natural drying oils create durable, reliable coatings. Oxidized drying oils are usually darker in color and less durable.

Semi-natural drying oils contain processed oil and 25 to 50% organic solvent. Semi-natural drying oils may be called this, or they may have another name - compacted, alkyd, combined, composite.

Synthetic drying oils - pentols and alkyd drying oils - are by-products of various industries. As a rule, their quality is noticeably lower than natural and semi-natural ones.

Varnishes are solutions of film-forming substances in solvents. Drying oils, natural and synthetic resins, etc. can be used as film-forming substances for varnishes. Varnishes can also be divided according to the proportion of film-forming agent: varnish and polish; to his mind; on resistance to the effects of the atmosphere and other factors; by color, etc. According to the degree of readiness, varnishes are divided into one-component (ready-to-use) and two-component (include a semi-finished product and a hardener).

The main representatives of varnishes are: oil, oil-resin, alkyd (PF, GF, AS, etc.); resin varnishes (based on natural resins, based on thermoplastic resins, based on thermosetting resins).

Currently, water-soluble acrylate-based varnishes are widely used. The absence of an organic solvent makes these varnishes more environmentally friendly, they are odorless, and can be used for both exterior and outdoor use. interior work on various surfaces (wood, metals, leather, plaster, etc.).

Paints are suspensions of pigments in a film-forming substance. The pigment (color) is mineral substances (ochre, red lead, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, etc.) and organic substances (they have a wider variety of colors, but are less resistant to external influences).

The nature of the film-forming substance determines the following types paints: oil, water-dispersion, adhesive. Oil paints are produced thickly rubbed and ready for use.

Enamels are suspensions of pigments in varnishes; unlike paints, they usually have a smoother surface and higher gloss, and dry faster.

In merchandising practice, paints and enamels are called “paint compositions.” Their quality is determined by their resistance to the effects of the atmosphere and other factors, gloss and color.

Main functional properties paint and varnish compositions are: adhesion(adhesion to the processed material); hiding power(characterizes the consumption of material required to obtain a continuous coating of 1 m2 of surface); hardness, elasticity, resistance of coatings to external influences.

Ergonomic properties paint and varnish materials are determined ease of use them (viscosity; drying speed (“from dust” and “complete”); readiness for use; security(toxicity, fire hazard, explosion hazard, environmental safety) and hygiene(ease of care for the coating).

Aesthetic properties This group of household chemical products is one of the determining factors when purchasing paints and varnishes; they are evaluated according to the following indicators: color, gloss, transparency, surface texture.

Reliability properties are largely related to functional indicators; they are determined by durability, maintainability of the coating and shelf life of the material.

When choosing paint and varnish products, the buyer pays attention to the trademark, as well as other symbols that are given in the labeling. The symbol can be divided into five groups of signs:

  • the first group (word) indicates the type of material (varnish, paint, enamel, etc.);
  • the second group of characters (2-3 letters) encrypts the film-forming substance (ML - melamine, GF - glypthal; PF - pentaphthalic; MA - oil; V-PE - water-borne polyester, etc. according to GOST 9825-73);
  • the third group of signs (number) - purpose and conditions of use (1 - for external work; 2 - for internal work, etc.);
  • the fourth group of characters (digital) - the number assigned to this paint composition;
  • fifth group (verbal) - color of the material.

The breadth of the range of paint and varnish products is determined by all the marked indicators included in the symbol, as well as the size of the packaging.


Adhesives are compositions consisting of organic and inorganic substances capable of gluing materials due to the adhesion of the adhesive layer to the surfaces of the materials being joined.

The gluing process and the properties of the adhesive seam are determined by both adhesion (chemical and physical interactions between the bonded surfaces due to the adhesive film) and cohesion (interaction forces between the particles of the adhesive itself).

Adhesives are usually classified according to a number of characteristics, the main ones of which are their purpose, the nature of the adhesive (Fig. 2.3); water resistance, heat resistance, consistency and doneness.

According to their intended purpose, adhesives are divided into special (intended for gluing similar materials) and universal (intended for gluing different materials).

Based on water resistance, adhesives are classified as highly water-resistant (withstand exposure to boiling water); waterproof (withstands exposure to water at room temperature); non-waterproof (destroyed by water).

Based on heat resistance, adhesives are classified based on thermoplastic and thermosetting components.

Adhesives can also have different consistencies, which affects the ease of use, transportation and storage: solid; liquid; pasty, etc.

An important indicator that also affects the ergonomic properties is the degree of readiness. Based on this feature, adhesives are classified into those that are ready for use and those that require preliminary preparation before use (introduction of a solvent, thinner or hardener).

The quality of adhesives is determined by the following indicators: adhesive ability; versatility; resistance to external influences (chemical, thermal, water resistance, light resistance, etc.); ease of use and storage (degree of readiness for use, state of aggregation and evaporation, setting and drying time, etc.); safety (toxicity of incoming components, flammability and fire resistance); reliability (shelf life, pot life, service life of the adhesive joint); environmental and aesthetic indicators (color, transparency, packaging design, etc.).

When choosing glue in a retail chain, most consumers focus on its area of ​​application, for example, for gluing papers (“Silicate”, “PVA”, etc.); carpentry (furniture) adhesives (“Hester”, “Bone”, “Casein”); shoe, etc.

Various household chemicals

Products for the care of clothing, shoes and household items. This subgroup of products includes cleaning products and stain removers for clothing and household items; shoe care products (creams, protective, coloring compounds, etc.)

Car cosmetics. Products for this purpose include products for washing and polishing car bodies; means for cleaning and caring for individual vehicle components; means for protection against corrosion of car elements; products for other purposes (rust removers, products for preparing a car for painting, etc.).

Products for caring for plants and animals. This group includes mineral and organic fertilizers; activators and growth stimulants; plant and animal protection products, etc.

Abrasive materials can be considered both in this group (the binder is a chemical, often a synthetic substance) and in processing materials (taking into account their purpose). Abrasive materials include wheels, bars, sandpapers, pastes used for processing various surfaces of lesser hardness (sharpening, grinding, polishing, lapping, etc.). Natural mineral materials (diamond, corundum, sandstone), as well as artificial and synthetic materials of high hardness are used as abrasive particles.

Test questions and assignments

  • 1. What products are classified as household chemicals?
  • 2. Describe the range of laundry and detergent products, taking into account their classification.
  • 3. What indicators of the properties of washing and washing products determine consumer preferences?
  • 4. How are paint products classified? Describe their main types.
  • 5. What is the difference between enamels and paints?
  • 6. What is the principle symbol paint products?
  • 7. What property indicators affect the quality of paint and varnish products?
  • 8. What determines the adhesive ability of adhesives?
  • 9. By what criteria and how are the range of adhesives divided?
  • 10. What property indicators determine the quality of adhesives?

Household chemicals are means for caring for property: clothing, premises, cars. Household chemicals also include disinfectants, repellents and glue. More than half (in monetary terms) of household chemical goods are laundry detergents: washing powder, washing gel, fabric softener and laundry aids. The second largest category (about a quarter of the market) is hand and dishwasher detergents. Next come cleaning agents, disinfectants and bleaches. In fourth place is windshield washer for cars.

Household chemicals include laundry soap, sales of which are declining every year. With the help of household chemicals we can do housework and more. Every home has a supply of chemicals for various purposes: from adhesives to washing powders. If stored improperly, they can pose a serious danger. Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions for its use and recommendations on safety rules that must be followed. The storage location of all toxic drugs should be absolutely inaccessible to children. Do not store unknown substances in the house, as well as any cans or packaging that are not labeled with the contents.

Even if the chemical is expensive, and it is left at the bottom, do not pour it into a smaller container from another drug. Your confidence that you remember exactly what kind of money is stored in a particular bank may turn out to be erroneous and cost you and your loved ones dearly. All chemicals must be stored separately from food products to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning.

Everywhere, wherever we live and wherever we work, household chemicals are present in our lives. Natural and synthetic cleaners and detergents supplied to us by modern manufacturers allow us not to spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning.

You just need to imagine which particular means is best to use for a particular purpose - and the result will not be long in coming. You can buy detergents literally everywhere - from a kiosk near your home to a hypermarket. The main thing in this case is to choose the right one. And to do this, you need to imagine exactly what types of goods are offered to us by suppliers of detergents.

The entire variety of household chemicals can be divided into the following main groups:

· general purpose detergents;

· kitchen detergents;

· dishwashing detergents;

· disinfectants for bathrooms;

glass cleaners

· (mirror) surfaces;

· floor cleaning products;

textile (carpet) cleaning products

· and furniture);

· laundry detergents;

· insect repellents (insecticides).

You can buy all-purpose detergents at absolutely any hardware store. These include, for example, laundry soap, multifunctional cleaning powders (for example, Pemolux), as well as liquid products (for example, Progress detergent). They are especially often used in public places(offices, industrial premises, various institutions), as they allow you to save on the purchase of household goods. After all, the wholesale sale of detergents is carried out at lower prices, and replacing several detergents with one, universal one, allows you to purchase it in large volumes. And it is more convenient to use one tool on the scale of production or a large institution.

The list of detergents for the kitchen is quite wide and includes many specialized pastes, powders, gels and liquids. Products for cleaning ovens, washing stoves, against scale and grease - they all differ in that they allow you to remove persistent specific (food) stains.

Dish detergents can also come in different types. The most popular gel-like foaming products are convenient to apply to dishes, they wash off well and smell pleasant. They often contain antibacterial components.

Detergents for children's dishes stand apart in this series - they are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without the use of fragrances, preservatives and dyes.

If we are talking about cleaning the bathroom, that is, the bathtub and toilet, then this requires not just cleaners, but detergents and disinfectants. After all, it is in these rooms that microorganisms that are dangerous to health especially actively multiply: microbes, viruses and fungi. That is why bath and toilet products often contain chlorine or its derivatives, or other antibacterial additives.

Glass and mirror cleaners are usually available in liquid form. Particularly popular are spray bottles, which allow you to quickly and easily apply the product to a vertical surface. The wholesale sale of detergents of this type is especially in demand from cleaning companies - after all, they are the ones most often ordered to wash glass in residential and public buildings.

Floor cleaning products are specialized and universal gels and liquids, which, as a rule, are produced in concentrated form and diluted with water immediately before use. The variety of modern floor coverings has led to a wide range of this type of household chemicals: here you can see a special detergent for laminate flooring, a parquet cleaner, and a liquid for washing stone floors.

However, not only hard but also soft coverings can be used for the floor: carpet or rug. Special cleaners are also provided for them.

As a rule, the same detergents are used to clean upholstered furniture. Buy wholesale foams and sprays for carpets and furniture - best solution for dry cleaning businesses, hotels and catering establishments.

Laundry detergents are not only the washing powders familiar to all of us from childhood, but also washing liquids, as well as bleaches, stain removers, fabric softeners, and water softeners. These detergents are often purchased in bulk not only by business representatives, but also by ordinary housewives. After all, washing powder is a constant expense in any home, and it can be stored for a very long time.

The cost of detergents, if they are modern and of high quality, can amount to a considerable amount, so it is quite logical for the housewife to want to save money by purchasing them at a wholesale price. “I’ll buy the latest generation of detergents and all problems will be solved,” thinks a visitor to a hardware store. And he's almost right. The only hygiene problem that cannot be solved by cleaning alone is insects in the house. Cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants - no one is safe from these unwanted neighbors. Therefore, it is advisable to have insecticides on hand - special means to combat insects. These can be sprays, powders, baits, crayons, liquids and fumigation plates.

Another important point. It is necessary to distinguish between household and technical detergents. Technical detergent (TMC) is designed to remove very persistent stains over a large area, and therefore it is usually more aggressive and toxic than household chemicals. You shouldn’t strive for efficiency at the expense of your health.

The main raw materials for the production of household chemicals are various emulsifiers, fragrances, active ingredients, surfactants, pigments, vegetable fats, glycols, silicone gel, shea butter, gelled benton, carbomers, waterproof gel, film-forming substances, sericite, talc, lecithin, natural perhydrosqualene, polyvinylpyrolidone, viscose fibers, carnauba, candelilla, beeswax, UVA and UVB sun filters, lanolin derivatives, microcrystalline wax, vegetable starch, bleaches and enzymes

Let us briefly describe these types of raw materials.

Emulsifiers improve the quality of finished products and the manufacturability of the production process due to their ability to form and maintain emulsions of two or more immiscible substances, such as oil and water. In addition, the emulsifier allows you to obtain a more concentrated emulsion.

Many medicinal and cosmetic plant substances are applied to the skin by being mixed with oil components. Natural emulsifiers - wax and lecithin - do not prevent the lotion from penetrating into the skin, while chemical emulsifiers interfere with this process. The most commonly used emulsifier in the chemical industry is Poloxamer 407, a synthetic polymer obtained from ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.

Fragrances- These are flavoring substances that are added to cosmetics and household chemicals in order to give the product a specific smell. In the list of components they are designated by the word "Fragrance" (in the USA) or "Parfum" (in EEC countries). Flavoring agents may be natural plant extracts or a mixture of several artificially produced substances. Fragrances and dyes are often the cause of adverse reactions of the body to a cosmetic product.

When soap and some other water-soluble substances are added, the surface tension of water decreases. Soap and other detergents are classified as surfactants. They reduce the surface tension of water, thereby enhancing the cleaning properties of water (in particular, soap is the sodium salt of stearic acid).

Vegetable oils (vegetable fats), obtained from seeds or fruits of plants by pressing or extraction. Density 0.900-0.980 g/cm3, color from light yellow to dark brown. Some are solid, but more often liquid. There are drying vegetable oils (linseed, hemp), semi-drying (sunflower, cottonseed) and non-drying (castor, coconut). Vegetable oils are used to produce soaps, shampoos and other materials.

Glycols- These are organic moisturizers, derivatives of vegetable oils. Thanks to them, the natural balance of skin moisture is maintained. Included in gels and lotions (propylene glycol).

Carbomers or carbopols- high molecular weight polymers that are used as thickeners and stabilizers in cosmetic preparations. Refresh and soothe the skin, have an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. Restore hydrophilicity.

Film-forming substances- This cosmetic components, which when applied to the skin, hair or nails form a thin continuous layer or film. They are also used to facilitate the spreading of cosmetic preparations. Manufacturers have about 300 film-forming substances at their disposal. Many of them serve double duty. In addition to film formation, they can play the role of antistatic agents, thickeners, binders, humectants and emulsion stabilizers.

Generally speaking, film-forming agents are divided into three groups: water-soluble film-forming agents; waxes and oils; film-forming substances based on polymers (plastics).

Water-based film-forming substances include surfactants, protein derivatives and amino acids. They are often found in products such as conditioners, moisturizers and hair mousses. Oils are also important film-forming substances. Typically, oil-based film-forming agents are present as an emulsion in a water-based formulation. After the water dries, an oil film remains on the hair or skin. Proteins and amino acids prevent the water from drying out completely and the product retains its moisturizing properties.

Waxes are commonly found in products such as lipstick, foundation, mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner. Waxes can be of natural origin (for example, beeswax or waxes isolated from plants); may be derived from petroleum or may even be synthetic silicone waxes similar to furniture varnish. Components such as alcohol or oils are also added to a product containing waxes. This is done to soften the waxes and make them easier to apply evenly.

Nail polishes and hair sprays often contain polymer-based film-forming agents. They are usually solutions. A film forms after the solvent evaporates. Hair sprays and some types of mousses contain resin-based polymers, vinyl acetate or silicone polymers. After the solvent evaporates, a thin film of polymer hardens and adheres to the hair shaft, firmly holding the hair in the desired position. The most popular products are those containing vinyl acetate polymer, since vinyl acetate films are easily washed off with water. Inhalation of film-forming substances contained in aerosol cans can cause lung damage, difficulty breathing, sensitization and allergic reactions.

Lanolin, a fat-like substance obtained from sheep's wool, first by leaching with warm water and then with weak carbonic alkalis. Pure anhydrous L. is a yellowish, neutral, odorless, vaseline-like product for the preparation of ointments and various cosmetics. Ordinary L. contains 75% cholesteryl ester and 25% water. L. has the ability to retain about 200% water without losing its ointment-like consistency.

Almost every powder contains optical brightener. But it does not bleach fabrics, but only creates the illusion of whiteness. Particles of optical brightener, which are luminescent dyes, settle on the fabric and highlight ultraviolet rays from the spectrum of incident sunlight, turning them into visible blue, cyan, and violet colors. This provides the white effect.

Washing powders also contain photobleach, which whitens when dried in light.

Real whitening is achieved through the chemical (oxygen-containing) bleach included in the powder. It works effectively at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, because this is the temperature required to release active oxygen - the working chemical agent. In order for the powder containing chemical bleach to work at lower temperatures, an activator is added to its composition, which makes it possible to achieve the desired effect at a temperature of 20-40 degrees.

Many stains, especially those of protein origin, are washed off very poorly. To facilitate the process, add to washing powders enzymes(enzymes) – substances of biological origin. And the prefix “bio” is added to the name of the powder.

Household chemicals include adhesives, abrasive products, paint and varnish products, detergents, cleaning and care products for leather goods, lighting and lubricants, mineral fertilizers, plant protection chemicals, household insect and rodent control products, disinfectants products, tools for painting, etc.

Adhesive materials

Adhesives are divided into:

· according to purpose (single-purpose and universal);

· by consistency (solid, liquid, powder);

· according to the drying method (cold and hot hardening);

· by the nature of gluing (reversible, irreversible);

· according to the nature of the adhesive material (plant, animal, mineral origin, synthetic).

Vegetable adhesives. Wallpaper is a mixture of dextrin and starch with the addition of copper sulfate and an antiseptic. Glues of animal origin: flesh glue, bone glue and casein glue.

Casein glue is a mixture of casein (skim milk protein), slaked lime, soda, copper sulfate and other components. Adhesives of mineral origin. An aqueous solution of sodium and potassium silicates (liquid glass) is used as office glue. Synthetic adhesives are obtained by dissolving thermoplastic and thermosetting resins in organic solvents. Synthetic adhesives are universal, have high adhesive ability, water resistance and resistance to microorganisms.

Abrasive products

Abrasive products are used for grinding and polishing surfaces of various materials, as well as for straightening and sharpening tools.

Abrasive products are classified according to the material used: artificial abrasive materials (silicon carbide, crushed and sifted technical glass, etc.), synthetic materials (synthetic diamond crystals obtained from graphite with nickel), natural abrasive materials (pumice, emery, quartz).

Abrasive materials are classified by hardness using a mineralogical scale (Mohs scale). The scale consists of 10 minerals: the hardest is diamond (10 points), the softest is talc (1 point).

Based on grain size, abrasive materials are distinguished between coarse-grained abrasives, grinding powders and micropowders.

Abrasive materials are fixed on a rigid or flexible base. Abrasive materials are produced in the form of wheels, bars, abrasive cloths and pastes.

Paint and varnish products

The raw materials for the production of paints and varnishes are products from the processing of oil, coal and gases.

Paint and varnish products are drying oils, paint compositions, varnishes, enamels, pigments and auxiliary materials - putties, primers, putties, driers, solvents, etc.

When dry, paint and varnish products form films that protect surfaces from environmental influences and improve their aesthetic properties.

Drying oils are film-forming and binding materials based on natural and synthetic oils. Drying oils are divided according to raw materials into natural, semi-natural and artificial.

Varnishes are solutions of film-forming substances in organic solvents. When dry, varnishes form transparent, hard, shiny films. The film-forming substances in varnishes are synthetic and natural resins, drying oils, and bitumen. Alcohol, acetone, and turpentine are used as solvents; thinners - white spirit, benzene. Varnishes are produced in a wide range - different in the nature of the film-forming substance, in purpose, in color, and in terms of application conditions.

Pigments, or dry paints, are organic or mineral coloring substances that are insoluble in water, oils, and varnishes. The main properties of pigments: color, hiding power (covering power), coloring power (intensity), light fastness, oil absorption, dispersity (degree of particle size reduction), toxicity, chemical stability. Pigments are achromatic (white, black, gray) and chromatic (yellow, red, blue, brown, green).

Oil paints are a ground mixture of pigments, drying oils, and fillers. Most oil paints dry no later than 24 hours. Oil paints are distinguished by purpose (for interior and exterior work), by type of binder, by color, by consistency (thickly grated, thinly grated - ready for use).

Enamel paints are obtained by grinding pigments or their mixtures with plasticizer fillers in varnishes. Enamels are divided according to the type of varnish used (oil, glyphthalic, pentaphthalic, nitro enamels, etc.).

Water-based paints are suspensions of pigments in aqueous solutions of binders. Water-based paints are divided according to the type of binder into adhesive, casein, silicate, and lime.

Auxiliary paint and varnish materials.

Drying agents are substances that are added to oil-containing paints and varnishes to speed up drying.

Solvents, thinners - acetone, white spirit, turpentine, thinners for oil paints, etc.

Materials for finishing work - primers, putties, putties.


Detergents are divided into laundry and toilet soap, synthetic detergents, and laundry aids.

Laundry soap is sodium salts of fatty acids, often with the addition of other substances, which have a detergent effect.

The main raw materials for the production of laundry soap are fat processing products. Laundry soap is classified according to its fatty acid content (72, 70 and 65%), the highest quality is 72%.

Synthetic detergents (CMC) contain from 20 to 40% surfactants, as well as other useful additives (optical brighteners, antistatic agents, disinfectants, various biological additives for removing protein contaminants, etc.).

CMC is classified by consistency - powder, liquid, paste; by purpose - for products made of cotton and linen, for products made of wool, silk, artificial and synthetic fibers, universal.

Universal CMCs are suitable for washing fabrics of all types, contain surfactants up to 10%, pH value 9.5, and optical brightener is usually added to them.

Washing auxiliaries: bleaching, bluing, antistatic, starching, water softening agents.

Cleaning products are classified by purpose:

· for cleaning kitchen utensils, bathtubs, sinks, ceramic tiles;

· for removing stains and cleaning clothes;

· for furniture care;

· for the care of cars, bicycles, motorcycles;

· floor care products.

The range of products represents a wide group of products; they can also be divided into abrasive and non-abrasive. In addition to surfactants, cleaning products include alkaline salts, solvents, and disinfectants. Depending on their consistency, cleaning products can be powdered, paste or liquid.

Mineral fertilizers are used to increase plant growth and productivity. The main chemical elements used as fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers are produced as single-component and mixed complex; ordinary and concentrated; liquid, granular and powdery.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic and bacterial fertilizers (peat, azotobacterin, etc.) are sold.

Microfertilizers are chemical elements (manganese, boron, copper, zinc, etc.) needed by plants in small quantities.

Pest control products (insecticides) - these include entobacterin, decis, karate, etc.

Weed control products (herbicides) - Roundup, Lenacil, etc.

Products to combat household insects, rodents, disinfectants, deodorants

Products for the control of household insects - for the destruction of cockroaches, flying insects, moths, furniture grinder beetles, mice and rats - borax, borax, dichlorvos, woodtox, zoocoumarin.

Disinfectants - monochloramine, bleach, Belizna liquid, etc.

Deodorants are products for cleaning and refreshing air in residential and public areas. Available in the form of tablets and aerosols.

Various household chemicals

Products for the care of clothing, shoes and household items. This subgroup of products includes cleaning products and stain removers for clothing and household items; shoe care products (protective creams, coloring compounds, etc.)

Car cosmetics. Products for this purpose include products for washing and polishing car bodies; means for cleaning and caring for individual vehicle components; means for protection against corrosion of car elements; products for other purposes (rust removers, products for preparing a car for painting, etc.).

Products for caring for plants and animals. This group includes mineral and organic fertilizers, activators and growth stimulants, plant and animal protection products, etc.

Abrasive materials. Abrasive materials include: wheels, bars, sandpapers, pastes used for processing various surfaces of lesser hardness (sharpening, grinding, polishing, lapping, etc.). Natural mineral materials (diamond, corundum, sandstone), as well as artificial and synthetic materials of high hardness are used as abrasive particles.

The demand for household chemicals is growing at a rapid pace, their use is expanding, and production is increasing. The surprisingly rapid development of the chemical industry in the 90s and, at the same time, the growth of the needs and demands of the population, led to a sharp increase in the production of household chemicals.

The Russian market of household chemical goods (HCH) includes over 700 types of different types of products. A study of the current state of the TBH market showed intensive growth in demand in recent years. At the same time, growth rates differed in the largest product groups.

On the other hand, TBH are classified as consumer goods, so there have been no significant changes in the volume and structure of consumption of these products amid the crisis.

Currently, consumption of household chemical products in Russia lags behind developed countries. The determining factor in the formation of the market for household chemicals is the standard of living of the population.

Projected income growth of the population. Allows and hopes in the future for the restoration of purchasing power and, accordingly, for the active development of consumer demand.

Household chemicals are means for caring for property: clothing, premises, cars. Household chemicals also include disinfectants, repellents and glue.

More than half (in monetary terms) of household chemical goods are laundry detergents: washing powder, washing gel, fabric softener and laundry aids. The second largest category (about a quarter of the market) is hand and dishwasher detergents. Next come cleaning agents, disinfectants and bleaches. In fourth place is windshield washer for cars.

Household chemicals include laundry soap, sales of which are declining every year. With the help of household chemicals we can do housework and more. Every home has a supply of chemicals for various purposes: from adhesives to washing powders. If stored improperly, they can pose a serious danger. Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions for its use and recommendations on safety rules that must be followed. The storage location of all toxic drugs should be absolutely inaccessible to children. Do not store unknown substances in the house, as well as any cans or packaging that are not labeled with the contents.

Even if the chemical is expensive, and it is left at the bottom, do not pour it into a smaller container from another drug. Your confidence that you remember exactly what kind of money is stored in a particular bank may turn out to be erroneous and cost you and your loved ones dearly. All chemicals must be stored separately from food products to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning.

Everywhere, wherever we live and wherever we work, household chemicals are present in our lives. Natural and synthetic cleaners and detergents supplied to us by modern manufacturers allow us not to spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning.

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You just need to imagine which particular means is best to use for a particular purpose - and the result will not be long in coming. You can buy detergents literally everywhere - from a kiosk near your home to a hypermarket. The main thing in this case is to choose the right one. And to do this, you need to imagine exactly what types of goods are offered to us by suppliers of detergents.

The entire variety of household chemicals can be divided into the following main groups:

· general purpose detergents;

· kitchen detergents;

· dishwashing detergents;

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· disinfectants for bathrooms;

glass cleaners

· floor cleaning products;

textile (carpet) cleaning products

· laundry detergents;

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· insect repellents (insecticides).

You can buy all-purpose detergents at absolutely any hardware store. These include, for example, laundry soap, multifunctional cleaning powders (for example, Pemolux), as well as liquid products (for example, Progress detergent). They are especially often used in public places (offices, industrial premises, various institutions), as they allow you to save on the purchase of household goods. After all, the wholesale sale of detergents is carried out at lower prices, and replacing several detergents with one, universal one, allows you to purchase it in large volumes. And it is more convenient to use one tool on the scale of production or a large institution.

The list of detergents for the kitchen is quite wide and includes many specialized pastes, powders, gels and liquids. Products for cleaning ovens, washing stoves, against scale and grease - they all differ in that they allow you to remove persistent specific (food) stains.

Dish detergents can also come in different types. The most popular gel-like foaming products are convenient to apply to dishes, they wash off well and smell pleasant. They often contain antibacterial components.

Detergents for children's dishes stand apart in this series - they are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without the use of fragrances, preservatives and dyes.

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If we are talking about cleaning the bathroom, that is, the bathtub and toilet, then this requires not just cleaners, but detergents and disinfectants. After all, it is in these rooms that microorganisms that are dangerous to health especially actively multiply: microbes, viruses and fungi. That is why bath and toilet products often contain chlorine or its derivatives, or other antibacterial additives.

Glass and mirror cleaners are usually available in liquid form. Particularly popular are spray bottles, which allow you to quickly and easily apply the product to a vertical surface. The wholesale sale of detergents of this type is especially in demand from cleaning companies - after all, they are the ones most often ordered to wash glass in residential and public buildings.

Floor cleaning products are specialized and universal gels and liquids, which, as a rule, are produced in concentrated form and diluted with water immediately before use. The variety of modern floor coverings has led to a wide range of this type of household chemicals: here you can see a special detergent for laminate flooring, a parquet cleaner, and a liquid for washing stone floors.

However, not only hard but also soft coverings can be used for the floor: carpet or rug. Special cleaners are also provided for them.

As a rule, the same detergents are used to clean upholstered furniture. Buying foams and sprays for carpets and furniture in bulk is the best solution for dry cleaning businesses, as well as hotels and catering establishments.

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Laundry detergents are not only the washing powders familiar to all of us from childhood, but also washing liquids, as well as bleaches, stain removers, fabric softeners, and water softeners. These detergents are often purchased in bulk not only by business representatives, but also by ordinary housewives. After all, washing powder is a constant expense in any home, and it can be stored for a very long time.

The cost of detergents, if they are modern and of high quality, can amount to a considerable amount, so it is quite logical for the housewife to want to save money by purchasing them at a wholesale price. “I’ll buy the latest generation of detergents and all problems will be solved,” thinks a visitor to a hardware store. And he's almost right. The only hygiene problem that cannot be solved by cleaning alone is insects in the house. Cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants - no one is safe from these unwanted neighbors. Therefore, it is advisable to have insecticides on hand - special means to combat insects. These can be sprays, powders, baits, crayons, liquids and fumigation plates.

Another important point. It is necessary to distinguish between household and technical detergents. Technical detergent (TMC) is designed to remove very persistent stains over a large area, and therefore it is usually more aggressive and toxic than household chemicals. You shouldn’t strive for efficiency at the expense of your health.

The main raw materials for the production of household chemicals are various emulsifiers, fragrances, active ingredients, surfactants, pigments, vegetable fats, glycols, silicone gel, shea butter, gelled benton, carbomers, waterproof gel, film-forming substances, sericite, talc, lecithin, natural perhydrosqualene, polyvinylpyrolidone, viscose fibers, carnauba, candelilla, beeswax, UVA and UVB sun filters, lanolin derivatives, microcrystalline wax, vegetable starch, bleaches and enzymes

Let us briefly describe these types of raw materials.

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Emulsifiers improve the quality of finished products and the manufacturability of the production process due to their ability to form and maintain emulsions of two or more immiscible substances, such as oil and water. In addition, the emulsifier allows you to obtain a more concentrated emulsion.

Many medicinal and cosmetic plant substances are applied to the skin by being mixed with oil components. Natural emulsifiers - wax and lecithin - do not prevent the lotion from penetrating into the skin, while chemical emulsifiers interfere with this process. The most commonly used emulsifier in the chemical industry is Poloxamer 407, a synthetic polymer obtained from ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.

Fragrances- These are flavoring substances that are added to cosmetics and household chemicals in order to give the product a specific smell. In the list of components they are designated by the word ‘Fragrance’ (In the USA) or ‘Parfum’ (In EEC countries). Flavoring agents may be natural plant extracts or a mixture of several artificially produced substances. Fragrances and dyes are often the cause of adverse reactions of the body to a cosmetic product.

When soap and some other water-soluble substances are added, the surface tension of water decreases. Soap and other detergents are classified as surfactants. They reduce the surface tension of water, thereby enhancing the cleaning properties of water (in particular, soap is the sodium salt of stearic acid).

Vegetable oils (vegetable fats), obtained from seeds or fruits of plants by pressing or extraction. Density 0.900-0.980 g/cm3, color from light yellow to dark brown. Some are solid, but more often liquid. There are drying vegetable oils (linseed, hemp), semi-drying (sunflower, cottonseed) and non-drying (castor, coconut). Vegetable oils are used to produce soaps, shampoos and other materials.

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Carbomers or carbopols- high molecular weight polymers that are used as thickeners and stabilizers in cosmetic preparations. Refresh and soothe the skin, have an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. Restore hydrophilicity.

Film-forming substances are cosmetic components that, when applied to the skin, hair or nails, form a thin continuous layer or film. They are also used to facilitate the spreading of cosmetic preparations. Manufacturers have about 300 film-forming substances at their disposal. Many of them serve double duty. In addition to film formation, they can play the role of antistatic agents, thickeners, binders, humectants and emulsion stabilizers.

Generally speaking, film-forming agents are divided into three groups: water-soluble film-forming agents; waxes and oils; film-forming substances based on polymers (plastics).

Water-based film-forming substances include surfactants, protein derivatives and amino acids. They are often found in products such as conditioners, moisturizers and hair mousses. Oils are also important film-forming substances. Typically, oil-based film-forming agents are present as an emulsion in a water-based formulation. After the water dries, an oil film remains on the hair or skin. Proteins and amino acids prevent the water from drying out completely and the product retains its moisturizing properties.

Waxes are commonly found in products such as lipstick, foundation, mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner. Waxes can be of natural origin (for example, beeswax or waxes isolated from plants); may be derived from petroleum or may even be synthetic silicone waxes similar to furniture varnish. Components such as alcohol or oils are also added to a product containing waxes. This is done to soften the waxes and make them easier to apply evenly.

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Nail polishes and hair sprays often contain polymer-based film-forming agents. They are usually solutions. A film forms after the solvent evaporates. Hair sprays and some types of mousses contain resin-based polymers, vinyl acetate or silicone polymers. After the solvent evaporates, a thin film of polymer hardens and adheres to the hair shaft, firmly holding the hair in the desired position. The most popular products are those containing vinyl acetate polymer, since vinyl acetate films are easily washed off with water. Inhalation of film-forming substances contained in aerosol cans can cause lung damage, difficulty breathing, sensitization and allergic reactions.

Lanolin, a fat-like substance obtained from sheep's wool, first by leaching with warm water and then with weak carbonic alkalis. Pure anhydrous L. is a yellowish, neutral, odorless, vaseline-like product for the preparation of ointments and various cosmetics. Ordinary L. contains 75% cholesteryl ester and 25% water. L. has the ability to retain about 200% water without losing its ointment-like consistency.

Almost every powder contains optical brightener. But it does not bleach fabrics, but only creates the illusion of whiteness. Particles of optical brightener, which are luminescent dyes, settle on the fabric and highlight ultraviolet rays from the spectrum of incident sunlight, turning them into visible blue, cyan, and violet colors. This provides the white effect.

Washing powders also contain photobleach, which whitens when dried in light.

Real whitening is achieved through the chemical (oxygen-containing) bleach included in the powder. It works effectively at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, because this is the temperature required to release active oxygen - the working chemical agent. In order for the powder containing chemical bleach to work at lower temperatures, an activator is added to its composition, which makes it possible to achieve the desired effect at a temperature of several degrees.

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Many stains, especially those of protein origin, are washed off very poorly. To facilitate the process, add to washing powders enzymes(enzymes) – substances of biological origin. And the prefix “bio” is added to the name of the powder.

· according to purpose (single-purpose and universal);

· by consistency (solid, liquid, powder);

· according to the drying method (cold and hot hardening);

· by the nature of gluing (reversible, irreversible);

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· according to the nature of the adhesive material (plant, animal, mineral origin, synthetic).

Vegetable adhesives. Wallpaper is a mixture of dextrin and starch with the addition of copper sulfate and an antiseptic. Glues of animal origin: flesh glue, bone glue and casein glue.

Casein glue is a mixture of casein (skim milk protein), slaked lime, soda, copper sulfate and other components. Adhesives of mineral origin. An aqueous solution of sodium and potassium silicates (liquid glass) is used as office glue. Synthetic adhesives are obtained by dissolving thermoplastic and thermosetting resins in organic solvents. Synthetic adhesives are universal, have high adhesive ability, water resistance and resistance to microorganisms.

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Abrasive materials are fixed on a rigid or flexible base. Abrasive materials are produced in the form of wheels, bars, abrasive cloths and pastes.

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Auxiliary paint and varnish materials.

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· for cleaning kitchen utensils, bathtubs, sinks, ceramic tiles;

· for removing stains and cleaning clothes;

· for furniture care;

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· for the care of cars, bicycles, motorcycles;

· floor care products.

Mineral fertilizers are used to increase plant growth and productivity. The main chemical elements used as fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers are produced as single-component and mixed complex; ordinary and concentrated; liquid, granular and powdery.

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Pest control products (insecticides) - these include entobacterin, decis, karate, etc.

Weed control products (herbicides) - Roundup, Lenacil, etc.

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Various household chemicals

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The demand for household chemicals is growing at a rapid pace, their use is expanding, and production is increasing. The surprisingly rapid development of the chemical industry in the 90s and, at the same time, the growth of the needs and demands of the population, led to a sharp increase in the production of household chemicals.

The Russian market of household chemical goods (HCH) includes over 700 types of different types of products. A study of the current state of the TBH market showed intensive growth in demand in recent years. At the same time, growth rates differed in the largest product groups.

On the other hand, TBH are classified as consumer goods, so there have been no significant changes in the volume and structure of consumption of these products amid the crisis.

Currently, consumption of household chemical products in Russia lags behind developed countries. The determining factor in the formation of the market for household chemicals is the standard of living of the population.

Projected income growth of the population. Allows and hopes in the future for the restoration of purchasing power and, accordingly, for the active development of consumer demand.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals include adhesives, abrasive products, paint and varnish products, detergents, cleaning and care products for leather goods, lighting and lubricants, mineral fertilizers, plant protection chemicals, household insect and rodent control products, disinfectants products, tools for painting, etc.

By purpose (single-purpose and universal);

By consistency (solid, liquid, powder);

According to the drying method (cold and hot hardening);

By the nature of gluing (reversible, irreversible);

By the nature of the adhesive material (plant, animal, mineral origin, synthetic).

Vegetable adhesives. Wallpaper is a mixture of dextrin and starch with the addition of copper sulfate and an antiseptic.

Animal glues: flesh glue, bone and casein.

Casein glue is a mixture of casein (skim milk protein), slaked lime, soda, copper sulfate and other components.

Adhesives of mineral origin. An aqueous solution of sodium and potassium silicates (liquid glass) is used as office glue.

Synthetic adhesives are obtained by dissolving thermoplastic and thermosetting resins in organic solvents. Synthetic adhesives are universal, have high adhesive ability, water resistance and resistance to microorganisms.

Abrasive products are used for grinding and polishing surfaces of various materials, as well as for straightening and sharpening tools.

Abrasive products are classified according to the material used: artificial abrasive materials (silicon carbide, crushed and sifted technical glass, etc.), synthetic materials (synthetic diamond crystals obtained from graphite with nickel), natural abrasive materials (pumice, emery, quartz).

Abrasive materials are classified by hardness using a mineralogical scale (Mohs scale). The scale consists of 10 minerals: the hardest is diamond (10 points), the softest is talc (1 point).

Based on grain size, abrasive materials are distinguished between coarse-grained abrasives, grinding powders and micropowders.

Abrasive materials are fixed on a rigid or flexible base.

Abrasive materials are produced in the form of wheels, bars, abrasive cloths and pastes.

The raw materials for the production of paints and varnishes are products from the processing of oil, coal and gases.

Paint and varnish products are drying oils, paint compositions, varnishes, enamels, pigments and auxiliary materials - putties, primers, putties, driers, solvents, etc.

When dry, paint and varnish products form films that protect surfaces from environmental influences and improve their aesthetic properties.

Drying oils are film-forming and binding materials based on natural and synthetic oils. Drying oils are divided according to raw materials into natural, semi-natural and artificial.

Varnishes are solutions of film-forming substances in organic solvents. When dry, varnishes form transparent, hard, shiny films. The film-forming substances in varnishes are synthetic and natural resins, drying oils, and bitumen. Alcohol, acetone, and turpentine are used as solvents; thinners - white spirit, benzene. Varnishes are produced in a wide range - different in the nature of the film-forming substance, in purpose, in color, and in terms of application conditions.

Pigments, or dry paints, are organic or mineral coloring substances that are insoluble in water, oils, and varnishes. The main properties of pigments: color, hiding power (covering power), coloring power (intensity), light fastness, oil absorption, dispersity (degree of particle size reduction), toxicity, chemical stability. Pigments are achromatic (white, black, gray) and chromatic (yellow, red, blue, brown, green).

Oil paints are a ground mixture of pigments, drying oils, and fillers. Most oil paints dry no later than 24 hours. Oil paints are distinguished by purpose (for interior and exterior work), by type of binder, by color, by consistency (thickly grated, thinly grated - ready for use).

Enamel paints are obtained by grinding pigments or their mixtures with plasticizer fillers in varnishes. Enamels are divided according to the type of varnish used (oil, glyphthalic, pentaphthalic, nitro enamels, etc.).

Water-based paints are suspensions of pigments in aqueous solutions of binders. Water-based paints are divided according to the type of binder into adhesive, casein, silicate, and lime.

Auxiliary paint and varnish materials.

Drying agents are substances that are added to oil-containing paints and varnishes to speed up drying.

Solvents, thinners - acetone, white spirit, turpentine, thinners for oil paints, etc.

Materials for finishing work - primers, putties, putties.

Detergents are divided into laundry and toilet soap, synthetic detergents, and laundry aids.

Laundry soap is sodium salts of fatty acids, often with the addition of other substances, which have a detergent effect.

The main raw materials for the production of laundry soap are fat processing products. Laundry soap is classified according to its fatty acid content (72, 70 and 65%), the highest quality is 72%.

Synthetic detergents (CMC) contain from 20 to 40% surfactants, as well as other useful additives (optical brighteners, antistatic agents, disinfectants, various biological additives for removing protein contaminants, etc.).

The peculiarity of powders with bioadditives is that they can be used at temperatures up to 60°C, at pH from 7 to Ped.

CMC is classified by consistency - powder, liquid, paste; by purpose - for products made of cotton and linen, for products made of wool, silk, artificial and synthetic fibers, universal.

Universal CMCs are suitable for washing fabrics of all types, contain surfactants up to 10%, pH value 9.5, and optical brightener is usually added to them.

Washing auxiliaries: bleaching, bluing, antistatic, starching, water softening agents.

Cleaning products are classified by purpose:

For cleaning kitchen utensils, bathtubs, sinks, ceramic tiles;

For removing stains and cleaning clothes;

For furniture care;

For the care of cars, bicycles, motorcycles;

Floor care products.

The range of products represents a wide group of products; they can also be divided into abrasive and non-abrasive. In addition to surfactants, cleaning products include alkaline salts, solvents, and disinfectants. Depending on their consistency, cleaning products can be powdered, paste or liquid.

Serve to increase plant growth and productivity. The main chemical elements used as fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers are produced as single-component and mixed complex; ordinary and concentrated; liquid, granular and powder.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, organic and bacterial fertilizers (peat, azotobacterin, etc.) are sold.

Microfertilizers are chemical elements (manganese, boron, copper, zinc, etc.) needed by plants in small quantities.

Pest Control Products(insecticides) - these include entobacterin, decis, karate, etc.

Weed control products(herbicides) - Roundup, Lenacil, etc.

Products to combat household insects, rodents, disinfectants, deodorants

Products for the control of household insects - for the destruction of cockroaches, flying insects, moths, furniture grinder beetles, mice and rats - borax, borax, dichlorvos, woodtox, zoocoumarin.

Disinfectants - monochloramine, bleach, Belizna liquid, etc.

Deodorants are products for cleaning and refreshing air in residential and public areas. Available in the form of tablets and aerosols.

Various household chemicals

Products for the care of clothing, shoes and household items. This subgroup of products includes cleaning products and stain removers for clothing and household items; shoe care products (protective creams, coloring compounds, etc.)

Car cosmetics. Products for this purpose include products for washing and polishing car bodies; means for cleaning and caring for individual vehicle components; means for protection against corrosion of car elements; products for other purposes (rust removers, products for preparing a car for painting, etc.).

Products for caring for plants and animals. This group includes mineral and organic fertilizers, activators and growth stimulants, plant and animal protection products, etc.

Abrasive materials. Abrasive materials include: wheels, bars, sandpapers, pastes used for processing various surfaces of lesser hardness (sharpening, grinding, polishing, lapping, etc.). Natural mineral materials (diamond, corundum, sandstone), as well as artificial and synthetic materials of high hardness are used as abrasive particles.

Identification of household chemical products

An important problem of the modern consumer market for goods is their falsification - deceiving the consumer by introducing into circulation goods that have been deliberately altered or have hidden properties and qualities, information about which is obviously incomplete or insufficient. Counterfeit products often include TBH.

Counterfeiting of household chemical goods can be assorted, qualitative and quantitative.

Assortment falsification is manifested in a deliberate change in the names, purpose, type, brand of goods. Illegal use of well-known brands of products is especially common. Thus, counterfeits of Chinese-made fumigators from well-known companies “Ride” and “Raptor” have been identified, which not only do not fulfill their function, but also negatively affect the health of the consumer. The situation is aggravated by the fact that most household chemical products are not subject to mandatory conformity certification. Quite often, motor oils are sold in canisters that do not have protection, without indicating the manufacturer, with markings used until the early 90s of the last century.

Qualitative falsification is especially common. Its main methods are: dilution (cases have been identified where the Fairy cleaning product was diluted with tap water and then repackaged in counterfeit packaging); shortage or absence of individual components (Tide detergent, consisting of crushed chalk, Belizna bleaching agent, instead of 5% active chlorine, contained no more than 1%).

Small producers of TBH falsify products by using lower quality raw materials (for example, in the production of paints and varnishes), violating manufacturing technology or introducing components that imitate the organoleptic characteristics of goods.

Enterprises that produce products in large batches, as a rule, carry out quantitative falsification - they pack products with a significant deviation from the standard weight or volume. GOST R 8.579-2001 used the concept of “fake packaging” for the first time. It means that the packaging is not filled with more than 30% of the contents, but its appearance creates a false impression of the quantity of the product. This method of falsification is observed in aerosol preparations and powdered products.

Among counterfeiters there are copies, imitations and versions (analogues).

The most common way to counterfeit TBH is copying. At the same time, the illegal manufacturer presents its product as genuine, releasing it under the same name and in packaging of a similar design. For example, counterfeit “Moment” glue differs from the genuine one, as Era OJSC (Tosno, Leningrad Region), its legal manufacturer, warns, by the more saturated yellow color of the packaging; the inscription “Made in Russia” without indicating a specific manufacturer; date of manufacture, indicated in Arabic numerals (in the original, in Roman numerals); standard packaging weights are 40 and 100 ml instead of 30, 50, 125 ml; a white tube cap (for genuine glue it is black with stiffeners and a long unsoldered end).

It is quite difficult to identify a fake, especially for an ordinary consumer. To protect their products from counterfeiting, many manufacturers apply a special code, protect the packaging from opening (unauthorized damage), and patent the name, brand, design, logo, and corporate identity.

A method such as imitation allows one to falsify a product and at the same time avoid legal liability. At the same time, the image of the product as a whole, its corporate style, is imitated, but its name is slightly changed, for example: “Pemolux” - “Pemalux”.

And finally - a version (analogue), when someone else's image is used and the manufacturer informs the consumer about this. Analogues, as a rule, are much cheaper than quality goods.

Depending on the place of implementation, we can talk about technological and repackaging falsification.

Most often, TBH is falsified during the manufacturing process. For example, a typical formulation of water-dispersion paints should contain 40-50% binder, 18-22% pigment and 10-20% filler. There are companies that produce paints in which the content of binder and pigment is 5-10 times less, and 2-4 times more filler. At the same time, due to the introduction of special additives, technological characteristics, storage stability, and ease of application are ensured, but the durability of the coating is sharply reduced.

Repackaging is used to falsify mainly industrial products supplied in transport containers (bags, barrels, etc.) for construction needs (coatings, adhesives), laundries (CMC), and medical needs (disinfectants). At the same time, the counterfeiter packages the products in small containers, changing their composition in order to reduce the cost.

The problem of counterfeiting of goods, including TBH, must be considered from an international perspective. Transnational corporations make it a condition of their activities in Russia to protect copyrights for their products. The problem requires an early solution in connection with the upcoming entry of our country into the World Trade Organization.

The economic aspect of the problem lies in the financial losses incurred by producers of genuine products, consumers purchasing counterfeit goods, and the state in the form of reduced tax and customs payments.

The social aspect is manifested in the need to protect consumer health from counterfeit and often unsafe products. And since not all TBHs are subject to the mandatory certification procedure, we will consider the features of their identification.

Identification is the establishment of compliance of a specific product with a sample and description, i.e. information declared about it, and the basic requirements for this type (name) of product (GOST R 51293-99 “Product Identification. General Provisions”). Identification of TBH can be carried out by sampling and testing in various ways. If when sampling, analysis of accompanying documents, labeling details, and quantities of products is mainly used, then when conducting laboratory tests, the range of methods is wider. To describe the appearance, organoleptic and expert methods are used; identification of the composition, purpose, and consumer properties requires a complex of instrumental, expert and other methods.

The identification of paints and varnishes proposed by S. A. Vilkova can be considered as an example of the work of an expert (see table material below).

Let us remember that the nomenclature of indicators of authenticity (authenticity) of a product and methods for their evaluation have not been developed for all product groups of household chemicals, and this makes it difficult to identify counterfeits. Regulatory documentation (for example, GOST for homogeneous product groups) does not specify the composition and properties of individual items of goods, and samples for comparison (standards) are most often absent. The situation is simplified for goods with a narrow range. For example, in GOST R 51692-2000 “Drying oils. General technical specifications" gives the values ​​of quality indicators for five drying oils, indicating methods for their determination.


In everyday life, we are faced with many factors that negatively affect our health - gas exhaust, radiation exposure, bad habits, physical inactivity... The list of potentially dangerous substances does not end there: no less dangerous household chemicals await us at home, which we use for cleaning and washing.

Household chemicals and their classification

Household chemicals– this is a certain set of detergents and cleaning products that are necessary for cleaning, caring for plumbing fixtures, furniture, clothing and other household and everyday items.

Household chemical products are divided into 15 groups:

v synthetic detergents;

v fatty and water softening agents;

v auxiliary products for washing clothes;

v cleaning products;

v stain removers;

v car cosmetics;

v polishing agents;

v care products for leather goods;

v adhesives;

v mineral fertilizers;

v chemical plant protection products;

v means of combating household insects;

v paint and varnish products;

v photochemical products;

v other goods.

Thus, the current classification of household chemical goods is based on the principle of the purpose of the product.

Synthetic detergents- These are liquid, paste-like and powdery substances.

The first synthetic detergent powder "Novost" was released in 1953 based on products isolated from sperm whale oil.

Washing powders, which form the bulk of synthetic detergents, can be divided into the following groups:

v washing detergents themselves: universal (for all types of fabric): for washing wool, silk and synthetic fabrics; for pre-soaking laundry.

v complex action products, with the help of which you can additionally process the fabric simultaneously with washing, for example, tint and disinfect it. This is more often used when hand washing.

v bleaches. They help remove stains from fabrics that remain after washing, and also give the laundry extra whiteness.

v bluing agents.

v antistatic treatment agents. They are used for the final rinse of washed items made of nylon, nylon, acetate fiber and wool.

v softeners. They are used during the final rinsing of products and give fabrics made from cotton, linen and viscose fibers a pleasant velvety feel.

v finishing agents. They impregnate fabrics after washing to restore their previous properties, weakened by washing. For example, in connection with the removal of part of the starch, as well as substances that promote water repellency, starching and water-repellent agents are used. This group also includes preparations that have dirt-repellent properties and make fabrics wrinkle-resistant.

Unlike soap, synthetic detergents have great cleaning power, hygiene, efficiency and a number of other advantages.

Modern synthetic detergents are multicomponent mixtures in the form of aqueous solutions that remove contaminants of various natures from the surface of solids (fabrics, products).

Cleaning products designed for the care of sanitary equipment in bathrooms, toilet rooms, kitchens, household appliances and household items. They are used to remove contaminants of various nature from hard surfaces of bathtubs, sinks, toilets, gas and electric stoves, refrigerators, washing machines and other household appliances, glazed ceramic coatings, as well as for cleaning and washing dishware, windows, carpets, etc. p.

Based on their composition, cleaning products are divided into: abrasive And non-abrasive.

Abrasive Cleaning products are designed to remove difficult and relatively voluminous stains. They remove dirt, stains, plaque and water deposits. Available in powder and liquid form, abrasive cleaners contain a type of fat that helps soften the harsh scrubbing required to remove dirt. In fact, tools such as sponges, for example, are also included in this category.

Liquid cleaners contain shallower, gentler abrasives than what you typically find in powder cleaners, resulting in a gentler abrasive action than powder abrasives.

Sponges, like powdered cleaning products, have a long history in home use. The most common type of sponge involves a coating of fine steel wire, which provides an abrasive action. For dry cleaning and to assist in polishing steel, cleaning products are usually used, the main component of which is soap. Soap and metal sponges can provide not only cleaning, but also an attractive shine to the surface.

Some abrasive cleaners also have surface disinfecting properties and include antibacterial chemicals to reduce bacteria on dirty surfaces.

Non-abrasive Cleaning products are available in powder and liquid form.

By state of aggregation(consistencies) cleaning products are divided into solid (granulated, powder, tablet), paste and liquid (suspensions, gels, emulsions).

Cleaning products are divided into subgroups:

v abrasive for cleaning bathtubs and sinks;

v for cleaning dishes;

v universal cleaners;

v for difficult to remove contaminants;

v windshield wipers;

v for cleaning artificial leather and plastic surfaces;

v sanitary and hygienic;

v for descaling;

v for cleaning kitchen stoves;

v for cleaning items made from non-ferrous and precious metals;

v means for cleaning and flushing sewer pipes;

v cleaning products for carpets and decorative furniture fabrics.

Glue- a substance or mixture, as well as multicomponent compositions based on organic or inorganic substances, capable of connecting (gluing) various materials - in particular, wood, leather, paper, fabrics, glass, ceramics, metals, plastics, rubber.

Types of adhesives:

v hide (carpentry) glue;

v bone glue;

v casein glue;

v starch glues (pastes);

v dextrin glue;

v nitrocellulose glue;

v silicate glue;

v asphalt-bitumen adhesives;

v thermosetting adhesives;

v thermoplastic adhesives;

v rubber adhesives;

v sealants.

Mineral fertilizers are divided into:

v potash fertilizers;

v phosphate fertilizers;

v nitrogen fertilizers;

v magnesium and iron-containing fertilizers;

v complex fertilizers;

v fertilizers containing microelements.

There are also household insect control products. There are insecticidal (drugs aimed at fighting insect pests), anti-moth and raticidal (drugs aimed at fighting rodents, mice, etc.) drugs.

Household chemicals are extremely dangerous for the human body, since they can affect all organs and systems, right down to the DNA structure, so it is necessary to pay attention to the products that we use every day to wash dishes, clean plumbing, or wash children's clothes.

Harmful substances- these are chemical compounds that, due to violations of safety requirements, can cause (upon contact with the human body) health problems, occupational diseases or work-related injuries. All these problems are usually detected already during their exposure or in distant periods of life and even in subsequent generations. The standard also establishes (depending on the degree of exposure to the human body) a total of four hazard classes for various chemical substances contained in raw materials, intermediate products, products and waste.

Thus, all harmful substances are usually classified as:

Extremely dangerous (Class I),

Highly dangerous (Class II),

Moderately hazardous (Class III) or low-hazardous (Class IV).

Gradation is made in the process of comparing actual values ​​with standard values ​​for specific indicators. They include the maximum permissible (for the air of the working area) concentration of harmful substances, the average lethal dose when they enter the stomach, the average lethal dose when exposed through the skin, the average lethal concentration for the air of the working area, as well as the coefficient of possible poisoning by inhalation in acute and chronic zones actions. Thus, the hazard class of harmful substances, according to this, is a conditional value that is intended to classify potentially hazardous chemical compounds.

To date, about seven million compounds are known, of which more than sixty thousand are used by humans. Every year, more than a thousand new chemical substances or their mixtures appear in the world, which have different effects on organisms.

Of course, not all laundry and cleaning products are hazardous to health. In order to minimize the harm from using household chemicals, before purchasing, it is recommended to carefully read the ingredients of the products and avoid the following ingredients:

v Chlorine is the cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, allergic reactions. Chlorine destroys proteins, negatively affects hair and skin, and increases the risk of cancer. Although chlorine is contained in household chemicals in small quantities, it still causes harm every time products containing it are used, and even when these products are not used, everyone who is nearby constantly inhales it.

v Anionic surfactants- These are the most aggressive of surfactants. They cause immunity disorders, allergies, and can affect the brain, liver, and lungs. The worst thing is that surfactants can accumulate in organs, and phosphates contribute to this, enhance the penetration of surfactants through the skin and contribute to the accumulation of these substances on tissue fibers. Even rinsing 10 times in hot water does not completely remove chemicals. Washing machines typically only use three rinse cycles. Woolen, half-woolen and cotton fabrics (used in children's clothing) contain more substances. Dangerous concentrations of surfactants persist for up to four days. This creates a source of constant intoxication within the body itself.

v Phosphates also cause great harm to the human body. Penetrating through the skin and mucous membranes, surfactants lead to increased degreasing and even disruption of blood properties and the development of cancer cells. In more than 50 developed countries of the world in the 80-90s. Legislative restrictions or a complete ban on the use of phosphate washing powders have been introduced. They have been banned in many countries around the world for more than ten years. Now in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands they wash only with powders without phosphates. In Belgium there are more than 80% of powders that do not contain phosphates, in Denmark - 54%, Finland and Sweden - 40%, France - 30%, Great Britain and Spain - 25%, Greece and Portugal - 15%. In Japan, by 1986 there were no phosphates in washing powders at all. Laws banning phosphates in laundry detergents are in effect in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Africa. In the US, such bans cover more than a third of all states.

v Sodium hydrochloride which causes diseases of the cardiovascular system, negatively affects the skin and hair, and increases the risk of cancer!

v Petroleum distillates are included in polishes and negatively affect vision and nervous system person.

v Phenols and cresols- caustic bactericidal substances that can cause diarrhea, loss of consciousness and impaired liver and kidney function.

v Nitrobenzene Found in floor and furniture polishes, it causes skin discoloration, shortness of breath, vomiting and even death.

v Formaldehyde- a strong carcinogen that causes irritation to the eyes, throat, skin and respiratory system.

v This type of household chemicals, such as air fresheners, are ineffective, since they do not remove the cause of the bad odor, but only temporarily hide it, mask it, and replace it. bad smell to extremely harmful air. Air freshener manufacturers strive to ensure that the scent of the air freshener stays in the air for as long as possible. This causes great harm to the body, since all this time we breathe in the air freshener and poison our body through the lungs.

v When using chemicals to kill unwanted insects in an apartment, people use pesticides. But the problem is that after their use, harmful substances remain, which especially affect children and pets.

v Wearing recently dry-cleaned clothing or storing it in a closet will result in intense contact with tetrachlorethylene, which causes cancer in animals.

v Moth repellents in briquettes or crystals, toilet disinfectants and deodorants are the main source paradichlorobenzene, which also causes cancer in animals.

v Primary source chloroform- this is a shower, boiling water and washing machines. This gas is formed from chlorine, which is used to treat drinking water. It also causes cancer in animals.

v Ammonia- a common and completely harmless product included in the composition of substances for cleaning glass surfaces.

Methods of “alternative” cleaning:

v For everyday dishwashing, it is optimal to use dry mustard. It perfectly degreases the surface and washes off well.

v Electric stove burners can be cleaned with a stiff bristle brush. You need to sprinkle a little coarse salt on the surface of the burner and rub vigorously with a brush. Then wipe the burner disc with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

v Oily stains remove from the walls of the kitchen unit with a piece of suede soaked in vinegar.

v Plastic cabinet handles can be perfectly cleaned with alcohol.

v Tile can be easily cleaned with water and chalk diluted in it. In addition, chalk, when it gets into the areas between the tiles and dries, gives the seams additional whiteness.

v Deposits on the walls of the toilet bowl are cleaned with a mixture of borax and lemon juice, which are mixed to a pasty state, applied to contaminated areas and left for several hours, preferably overnight. Then the walls are cleaned with a brush or washcloth and washed with water.

v To clean plaque, mold and mildew in bathtubs and tiles, use pure vinegar. Use a sponge with vinegar to wipe the bath, then sprinkle with baking soda, then rub with a damp sponge and rinse with water. To prevent a soap film from forming on the tiles, you need to wipe the walls dry every time after a shower.

v The toilet will always be in order if you regularly do this treatment: pour baking soda directly into the toilet, then add a little vinegar and scrub with a brush.

v When cleaning clogged pipes, the same soda and vinegar are used. You need to pour half a glass of baking soda into the pipe. Add half a glass of vinegar and close with a stopper. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then pour boiling water into the pipe.

v Upholstered furniture needs to be knocked out from time to time. To do this, take a large sheet and soak it in water, adding a little vinegar. Now you can thoroughly knock out the furniture - dust will not fly around the room and settle again on curtains, furniture and carpets.

v The colors of the carpet will become brighter if you wipe it with a sponge dipped in vinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 with the addition of salt.

v Faded curtains will restore the brightness of their colors if washing powder Add baking powder before washing.

v Baking soda for any cleaning should be used on a sponge with a small amount of water.

v To wash floors, mix 1/2 cup white vinegar with two liters of warm water.

v To clean glass, it is recommended to mix two tablespoons of white vinegar in one glass of water. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle. To eliminate smudges, you can use vinegar alone. For disinfection, use pure medical alcohol applied to a sponge. When it dries completely, you need to ventilate the room well.

v One way to clean windows is with raw potatoes. You need to cut the potato in half and rub the glass with it. Then wipe the window with a dry cloth or newsprint.

Alternative washing methods:

v Fresh red wine and fruit stains can be removed by sprinkling them with table salt and then washing them with warm water and soap.

v Fresh stains from tea and fruit juices are washed off with hot water.

v An old fruit stain can be removed by applying a solution of citric acid (2 g per 1 glass of water) for a while and then rinsing, but under no circumstances use soap!

v Chocolate marks are susceptible to soaking in very salty water.

v Worn and wrinkled places will return to their original appearance if you wipe them with a mixture of equal parts of ammonia and water, then wipe with a dry cloth and dry.

v Remove stains from fresh grass by soaking in a solution of 1 teaspoon of salt per 0.5 cup of warm water.

v Traces of perfume on clothes will disappear if you moisten them with wine alcohol or glycerin, or soak them with a cotton swab and acetone.

v You can try removing hair dye stains with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

v Remove stubborn stains from milk or ice cream with a mixture of equal parts of glycerin, ammonia and water.

v Old grease stains will lose their positions after treatment with a mixture of 1 part ammonia, 1 part salt and 3 parts water.

v Fresh fat is removed using the pulp of white bread.

v Iodine stains can be removed by moistening them with water several times, then rubbing them with potato starch or soaking them in a solution of a few drops of ammonia and 1 glass of water, and then washing them in soapy foam.

v Fish stains will disappear after treatment with a mixture of 1 tsp. glycerin, 0.5 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. vodka.

v If you get stained with gouache, soak the stain in cold water and detergent, and then clean the stain with a brush.

v Kitchen towels and handkerchiefs are easier to wash if you soak them in salt water.

v Eliminate the smell of sweat on things by adding 1 tbsp. soda during washing.

v You can wash silk and woolen items in mustard. Take 15 grams of mustard for 1 liter of water, stir well, leave for 2 - 3 hours. Then drain the liquid without sediment into a bowl of hot water.