What to do if your face is severely sunburned? Strong tan on the skin of the face.

What to do if your face is burned? First of all, you need to determine the degree of the burn. If there is only redness on your face, then you have a mild burn, which you can easily handle on your own. If the skin of the face is very red, there is pain, or blisters and blisters appear on it, then we are talking about moderate to severe burns, the treatment of which requires mandatory medical consultation.

Burnt face: what to do?

Our list of urgent measures will help you avoid unpleasant complications and alleviate the condition of a facial burn.

1. Get out of the sun and into a cool place, preferably a dark room.

2. Wash your face with cool water and make a cold compress (soak gauze or soft cloth in cool water or tea and place on face for 5-10 minutes).

3. Apply special medications for thermal burns (for example, Panthenol) to your face if you don’t have them on hand.- folk remedies(egg white, kefir, whey, sour cream, sea buckthorn oil, etc.). Remember that the face should not be tight, so as soon as you feel that the sour cream or other product begins to dry out, carefully rinse it off and apply a new layer. Also, do not forget to pre-cool the product.

4. What to do if your face is burned and there is pain? Take a paracetamol tablet or analgin. If there is itching, use any antihistamine.

5. Try to avoid sun exposure for several days.

6. Do not use decorative cosmetics until the burn disappears ( foundation, powder, blush) and alcohol-containing tonics and lotions.

7. When the condition improves a little, as often as possible (every 2- 3 hours) moisturize the skin with cream (preferably with aloe extract), thermal water in a spray also helps.

What to do if your face is burned: folk recipes

Traditional medicine offers several recipes that can alleviate sunburn on the face. They are used in the first hours when the burn becomes noticeable, as well as during the recovery stage.


The simplest compresses are made from herbal decoctions. They perfectly cool, moisturize the skin, and also have bactericidal, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. If your face is burned, use compresses with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, and string. Prepare a decoction or infusion of the herb according to the instructions, cool, and then moisten the gauze folded in several layers and apply it to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Instead of herbal infusions, you can use strongly brewed and cooled tea (black or green).

Other effective remedy- compress with aloe juice. Mix aloe juice with cool water in equal proportions and apply a compress to your face.


If your face is sunburned, masks made from natural products can help.

1. Potato or cucumber mask. Grate raw potatoes or cucumbers and apply the paste to your face.

2. Oatmeal mask. Fill the fine oatmeal with water and make a mask from the resulting slurry.

3. Mask from egg white. Apply raw protein or protein mixed with grated carrots to your face.


As soon as the first generous spring sun sparkles, fans of chocolate and bronze tints on their skin rush to sit on colorful bedspreads, exposing parts of their bodies to the luminary one by one.

Despite repeated persistent warnings from doctors, only a few took the tanning process seriously. The rest of the people are not going to be careful at all. We ask, once again, to listen to simple advice, by following which you will protect your skin from many unpleasant consequences, and you will not be afraid of a strong tan.

Make it a rule to sunbathe in the early morning and evening hours, when the sun is no longer so hot. In this case, be sure to use protective cosmetics so as not to complain later that your face is very tanned. Bring an umbrella or position yourself near plants and structures that will cast shade and provide you with shelter.

If the moment is missed and the above tips are no longer useful, remember the simple and available recipes national property.

What to do if your face is very tanned

So, is your face very tanned? Write it down. The simplest and most well-known method is to apply whey, sour cream or kefir to the face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with cool water. A cucumber mask works exactly on the same principle. You can also add grated carrots or potatoes with honey!

It also helps soften and whiten heavy tans. cucumber lotion. When you decide to prepare it, stock up on a small amount of glycerin and rose water - you will need both in quantities of half a tablespoon. Just mix the liquids together and with grated cucumber and you're done! Lotions and compresses with any cold tea will also not hurt the matter.

Whitening face masks will help with pigmentation

If the situation is more serious and not only the face is very tanned, but also characteristic dark spots- take note.

Whitening masks need to be completed over a course of 15 or 20 days. You can make a remedy from one protein and a spoon of viburnum. You need to leave this mask on for about thirty minutes.

Lemon has excellent whitening properties - probably everyone already knows. The secret is that two tablespoons of pulp are also mixed with a teaspoon of rice or wheat cereal and for 15 minutes all this works on our problem.

A starch mask would also be appropriate. Mix a spoonful of starch with a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and forget about it for 20 minutes. Then dilute the lemon juice in mineral water and wash your face.

In general, you can write more recipes, but it’s better to tan correctly. Let your skin be beautiful shade, and most importantly - healthy!

The long-awaited summer has arrived. The sun warmed up and beckoned us to the beaches, making us forget about work and everyday problems.

Just think, just a few days in the arms of the sun, and here he is: gorgeous bronze tan, the dream of many representatives of the fair sex.

But we should not forget that the generous rays of the sun can not only give a beautiful color to your skin, but also seriously burn her.

As a rule, this occurs due to excessive sunbathing. First of all they suffer the most delicate and unprotected areas of the dermis: face and neck. What to do if your face is burned?

Degrees of sunburn

If your skin on your face, instead of the expected golden brown hue, has acquired a bright red or burgundy “Indian” color, and mild itching and burning have appeared, then there is no doubt: you have a thermal burn!

There are 4 degrees of sunburn, it is advisable to know them. After all, forewarned is forearmed.

Also, the sun's rays can cause an allergic reaction, which will immediately manifest itself as redness of the skin and severe itching.

Should I see a doctor?

In which cases medical help needed:

  • if more than 50% of the facial skin is burned;
  • if blisters appear on the surface of the skin;
  • if the temperature rises, headache and nausea appear.

The doctor will determine the extent of your burn and give necessary recommendations: how and what is the best way to treat the affected dermis. In especially severe cases, hospital treatment (antibiotics, IVs) will be required.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from the company Mulsan Сosmetic - a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

First aid

What will help? What to put on a sunburned face? First aid for your beloved face for a thermal burn is as follows.

When you return home from the beach, immediately take cool shower. Water will help relieve itching and pain.

Take an aspirin tablet (or an analogue). Aspirin helps well with inflammatory processes.

After this, you can resort to the immortal recipes of our grandmothers or, in other words, use the methods of traditional medicine.

Folk remedies

Cabbage mask. Few people know that, along with a large number useful vitamins and microelements, white cabbage contains rare vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium chloride), which has powerful antiulcer, wound healing and antitumor properties.

Thanks to it, cabbage leaves are good for burns of varying degrees, quickly relieve inflammation and swelling.

To make a cabbage mask, you need to take a fresh cabbage leaf, lightly beat it, scald it with boiling water, cool it and put it on your face (for an hour). Repeat the procedure after some time.

Kefir. They will perfectly help remove redness, reduce inflammation, and most importantly, restore the level of moisture in the dermis. Soak a clean napkin in kefir (make holes for the eyes for convenience), apply it to your face, and hold for 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your skin with cool water.

Potato. Excellent for first and second degree burns.

Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater and apply to your face. Relief will come in just a minute.

Do this three times a day for 3-4 days, the skin on your face will recover very quickly.

Green tea compresses. They will help relieve itching, a feeling of heat, and prevent peeling of the skin. Soak a clean napkin in strong tea leaves, apply to your face, and leave for 20-30 minutes. No need to rinse off.

Cucumber. A true natural healer. Beneficial features its fresh pulp will quickly bring your face back to normal and make your life easier. The cucumber can be cut into thin slices and spread on your face. Or grate the vegetable and spread the pulp over the entire surface of the burnt skin.

Egg white. There will always be eggs in the house. – a good helper for sunburn.

A mask based on it will quickly remove heat, relieve redness, and moisturize the skin.


What ointments can you apply to a burnt face at home? Along with folk recipes, the drug will help cope with burns of varying severity "Panthenol", which is advisable to have in your home medicine cabinet (just in case).

In case of an allergic reaction to the sun (itchy, severely irritated and reddened skin), you should take medications Suprastin, Claritin.

They will quickly restore the injured person thermal burn dermis vitamins D and E. Vitamin E is applied to damaged areas of facial skin, D is taken orally.


What not to do after a sunburn on your face:

  1. Apply ice to burning areas of skin. The relief will only be temporary, but subsequently it will be difficult to restore the skin to its original state.
  2. Take a hot bath. High temperature water will aggravate the condition and increase the pain.
  3. Excluded washing with soap. Soap, or rather the alkali included in its composition, will destroy the natural protective layer on the skin.
  4. Do not do it use scrubs and alcohol-containing tonics. Alcohol dries out the dermis. The scrub can injure already burnt skin.

Don't exhaust yourself with drought. After a thermal burn, you need to drink as much water as possible, this will ease your condition.

Further care

How to care for a sun-damaged face:


To avoid the serious consequences of unwise tanning, consider the following tips:

  1. Sunbathe during before 11 o'clock in the afternoon, or after 17 o'clock in the afternoon. I think that you will find something to keep yourself busy at the very peak of solar activity: sit with a book, drink tea with a friend, relax.
  2. Do not expose yourself to sun danger, because prolonged exposure to scorching rays leads not only to painful burns, but also to premature aging of the skin. Do you need it?

  3. Don't neglect sunscreens. Apply them to your skin not only before leaving the house, but also after each bath. In the first days of solar roasting, use a cream with maximum protection (factor 40 or 50). After your dermis adapts a little and acquires a brownish tint, switch to a weaker product (factor 25).
  4. Sun enhances its effect through drops of water several times, so be sure to dry your skin with a towel after water procedures.

A red, inflamed face and a flaky, swollen nose are unlikely to decorate a woman.

Remember this when, in pursuit of a beautiful tan, you neglect simple precautions and steam for hours under the scorching rays of the sun, like an empty-headed monkey.

Tan wisely, and then your appearance will please both you and those around you.

You can learn what to do if your skin is sunburnt from the video:

What kind of summer can be called successful if you don’t get out to the sea at least for a little while? Every person who reaches the coveted beach begins to sunbathe uncontrollably. And as often happens, excessive sunbathing can lead to burns. Burns on the face can be especially unpleasant, because there is nowhere to hide them, and you want to make the most of your vacation! In addition, burnt skin, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, can also cause pain, as well as itching, tightness, etc. Let's figure out what to do if your face is burned.

Burnt face, how to remove redness

1. First you need to relieve itching and pain. Moreover, this must be done immediately upon returning from the beach. First, take a shower, but only with cool water or slightly warm if necessary in order to wash off the salt and sweat. You are allowed to wash with soap, but burnt areas should be washed not with a washcloth, but with your hands. Just don’t take a hot bath, it’s extremely contraindicated! A shower will immediately relieve the condition.

After water procedures, you can take anti-inflammatory medications that can reduce inflammation on the skin. You can also take painkillers, for example, aspirin, which will reduce acute pain.

2. Helping the skin itself. Burnt areas can be anointed with special creams or lotions based on aloe vera extract. You can find a large number of such products on sale.

You can also use improvised means, for example, kefir. You just need to apply it to the “burning” skin and wait until the kefir dries. Rinse it off with cool water. The following composition is also suitable for this purpose: 2 tbsp. sour cream, tbsp. vegetable oil and one yolk.

You can make a compress with cool green tea. A mixture of tea leaves and aloe juice can also cool the skin and relieve pain. Wet a cloth with the mixture and apply to sore areas.

Raw potato juice and cucumber help a lot. If you will be using cucumber, you must first grate it and then apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to wash off with tea leaves.

Vodka is another great way. Just lubricate your skin with it after rinsing with water. By morning, most of the burns will have faded and only a slight tan will remain.

And finally, one more recipe: take 100 ml of boiling water and brew four tablespoons in it. oatmeal flakes. Apply the mixture warm to the burnt areas and rinse off after a quarter of an hour with cool water.

3. Maximize your intake of plain water. This way you can quickly replenish the body’s water balance, which is extremely important for the skin. Drink fortified drinks and fruits, especially those containing a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin helps restore damaged skin cells.

Did you know that sun rays can cause allergies?

4. If you have symptoms such as chills, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, consult a doctor immediately.

5. Panthenol is a universal remedy that can serve in in this case faithful service. The sooner you apply this cream, the less pain you will suffer. Now you know what to do if your face is burned. If your face is burned, we have already described how to remove the redness and what to do. Now it’s worth talking about the safety measures that are important to take to prevent this from happening again.

Preventing sunburn

Surely you know all this, but you, like many, did not pay attention to these rules. However, now that you have already encountered such a problem personally, we still recommend that you re-read the basic safety rules.

1. During the period from 12 to 16 hours, the sun's activity is highest. Stay at home! Relax, drink tea, cook, go about your business, but don’t lie on the beach! Many people consider this condition to be unimportant, which is why they often find themselves in a deplorable state. This is especially important for women. At this time of day, your skin will undergo increased photoaging. Do you need it?

2. Always apply sunscreen to exposed areas of your body before going to the beach or in the sun in general. Please note that SPF also varies. For the first days in the sun, you need a cream with maximum protection, for example, with a factor of 40 or 50. This cream will also be useful for children if they also go to the sea. Next, when your skin gets used to it a little, use a cream with SPF 25. This is the best option. With this cream you can tan and keep your skin healthy.

3. You should apply sun cream every time after swimming! It is very important! Of course, the packaging often says that the cream is waterproof, but why take the risk?

4. After swimming, always dry yourself with a towel, as the exposure to the sun's rays through drops of water increases several times.

5. If it comes to taking medications, then carefully study the instructions. Every resort or developed beach has a first aid station. Consult your doctor there.

It is very important to understand that all these tips are appropriate only if redness appears on the skin, but not blisters or abscesses. With such burns, you should consult a doctor immediately. Be careful!