What to take with you in your travel cosmetic bag? Personal Hygiene While Hiking Time to wash while hiking.

Since childhood, we have all been familiar with the basic rules of hygiene: washing hands before eating, brushing teeth, washing dirty clothes, washing, etc. In harsh conditions of survival, in the absence of the benefits of civilization, sometimes there is neither the time nor the opportunity to follow these rules. But still, we should not forget about them, because violation of hygiene rules entails serious and sometimes quite severe consequences: decreased immunity, illness, infection, and so on...

Before you go on a hike, you should prepare something in order to save yourself from some of the troubles that a long stay away from home entails:

  • you need to cut your hair short, shave your mustache, beard ( if you have a beard, you can simply trim it with scissors - approx. website=), cut off fingernails and toenails;
  • choose comfortable, light clothing, durable and comfortable shoes;
  • take several pairs of replacement underwear and socks. Wet socks and underwear are very often considered the cause of abrasions, which cause great discomfort.

General hygiene

On a long hike, first of all, you need to keep your clothes and body clean, no matter how difficult it may be. In hot weather and provided there are clean bodies of water, swimming and washing clothes is a must! There are several ways to wash yourself if there are no ponds or other sources of water nearby. Wiping with wet wipes is a fairly simple and convenient method in the absence of water. Wet wipes won't take up much space in your backpack, and one pack is enough to clean your entire body. You can also use a towel after moistening it with a small amount of water. Of course, if the supply of drinking water is not so large, then it is better to refrain from washing “until better times.”

If resources still allow you to spend a little water on maintaining personal hygiene, then you can also use wiping with a sponge or soft cloth. Washing begins with the face, periodically wetting the sponge and wiping the entire body. Particular attention should be paid to abrasions and scratches (we also wash them with clean water, first of all after the face), armpits, groin and legs. When washing, do not use soap - this will significantly increase water consumption. Plus, soap scum will cause discomfort, dryness, and possible abrasions from clothing.

Chemicals and washing clothes

Many have probably heard of such products as dry shampoo and antiseptics. The first option is in no way suitable for our purpose (maintaining hygiene), because such a shampoo has a weak effect and is intended mainly for cosmetic procedures (quickly getting your hair in order). But antiseptic is a completely different matter. It cleanses the skin well and kills bacteria. The antiseptic can be used locally (for disinfecting wounds, cleaning hands and face) and for the whole body. The only problem is that it is usually sold in 250 ml bottles and is unlikely to last long. For long-term use, an antiseptic that needs to be diluted in water (for example, Dettol) is suitable.

An important aspect of personal hygiene is keeping clothes clean. It is unlikely that it will be possible to arrange a full washing of the equipment, but it is advisable to air, shake out and dry the clothes at the end of the day. Underwear (underwear, socks, T-shirt) should be washed, preferably with soap. If there is no soap, you can put the clothes at the bottom of the stream and press them down well with stones. In half an hour the clothes will be clean.

Dental and oral hygiene

And finally, one more personal hygiene item that should never be forgotten is brushing your teeth. After all, a bad tooth can become a big problem somewhere in the forest or in the mountains. Yes, and it affects the condition of the oral cavity. A toothbrush and toothpaste won't take up much space in your backpack. You need to brush your teeth morning and evening with boiled running water. After eating, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly. If you forgot your brush, you can brush your teeth by spreading toothpaste on your finger wrapped in a bandage. If you forgot your toothpaste, you can brush your teeth with charcoal (ash), salt or soda. Activated carbon must be chewed (ash from the fire rubbed into the gums), then brush your teeth with a damp toothbrush. Brush your teeth with salt or soda according to the usual pattern, sprinkling a damp brush with one of the indicated substances. Soda should be used less often, as it strongly corrodes the gums. If you don’t have a brush or paste at hand, you need to carefully remove any remaining food between your teeth with a blade of grass, a pine needle or thread, and rinse your mouth thoroughly. If you find sage, wheatgrass or mint among the herbs, you can chew their leaves. They have a disinfecting effect and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Toothbrush made from natural ingredients

Natural toothbrushes, or more precisely, sticks for cleaning teeth, are found in the forest. A pine stick is an ideal, but unfortunately forgotten by us, means for cleaning teeth. You need to take and chew one end of the branch, it immediately becomes soft. You can perfectly clean your teeth, interdental spaces, and massage your gums. In addition, the entire spectrum of beneficial substances from pine will have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity.

On young branches there are pine buds or embryos of young cones all winter. It turns out that the dental stick is saturated with vitamins.

Everyone knows that pine roots have special properties of flexibility, strength and softness, which are used by craftsmen in weaving various things. It turns out that pine branches partially retain these properties, thanks to which the twig turns into a soft and fluffy panicle.

A pine stick will perfectly clean and strengthen your teeth, get rid of unpleasant odor and inflammatory processes. This natural pine stick for cleaning teeth does not contain harmful substances.

We prepare the sticks like this: cut branches of pine, spruce, cedar or fir (the diameter of a pencil) into small pieces (5 - 15 cm) and dry them. When necessary, soak in water until softened (or immediately in the mouth) and chew one end of the branch until soft. It will look like a fluffy brush. The chewing process itself disinfects and heals teeth and gums. The used part of the wooden stick is already infected with various bacteria and it is better to cut it off if you use long sticks up to 15 centimeters. And short sticks can be used as disposable ones, so they are very convenient for travel and more hygienic.

By the way, in general, almost any type of wood is suitable for making such toothbrushes - you can experiment to your heart’s content. One thing is important - that when rubbed or chewed, the wood “fluffs up” and can act as a brush. Well, we talked about toothpaste options a little higher.

So, by following these seemingly not very simple, but completely doable rules of personal hygiene, you can successfully follow the axiom “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”, avoid unpleasant moments, illnesses and ailments, and maintain excellent health and a great mood, being in nature =)

To be continued…

How to wash and maintain hygiene while hiking,
and what to take with you in your travel cosmetic bag - list

(article for girls, but useful for everyone!)

This article is for tourists who can hardly imagine how they can live for a week without a hot shower and their favorite creams. The information will also be useful to everyone who is going on a hike for the first time in their life.

There are several different ways to wash yourself while hiking.

Method No. 1(cold but fast): rivers and lakes. They are not always cold, it depends on the region and time of year. If the water in the river is warm, it’s good; if it’s cold, it’s even better: the water is refreshing, invigorating, and after such a swim you can feel younger and more beautiful.

Method number 2(warm, but long): heat a boiler of water and take one or two more empty boilers. Go to the river, into the bushes or into the forest to a spring, take cold water into an empty cauldron and dilute it with boiling water until warm. Water from a bowl. 10 liters of boiling water (boiler) is more than enough to wash 5 girls from head to toe. And 1.5 liters of warm water is enough to wash your hair (medium length hair). The disadvantage of this method is that it takes time to heat the water, and if you wash after dinner, you first need to wash the boilers. At the same time, it may already be dark and cold for washing. And after breakfast there is no time, we need to get ready. The method is suitable for days.

Method number 3(the most pleasant, but rare): bathhouse. The bathhouse can be simply on the route - at the Ministry of Emergency Situations base, at the forester or in the village, or a camping tourist bathhouse is possible (stacked stones, a piece of polyethylene or awning and a fire that warms the stones for 4-6 hours). A camp bath is often organized during water trips, since there are many suitable stones in the river. Regular bathhouses, unfortunately, are not found on all routes.

Method number 4(simple and technological): modern means. Namely: wet wipes that can be used to wipe the entire body, wipes for intimate hygiene, dry hair shampoos, a wet towel (wet and wipe). This way you can “wash” every day and on any hike, and once every few days you can have a normal wash in a river or bathhouse.

The main principle of collecting hygiene products on a hike is to minimize everything that is possible. We reduce the volume and weight, take just enough so that it is enough for the hike and the road.

If you ever come across small jars of shampoo, plastic boxes with some promotional soap, etc. before going on a hike. – don’t throw them away, they will definitely come in handy on your hike! If you are going on vacation or on a business trip, grab small shampoos and shower gels from the hotel! And also small empty jars are sometimes simply sold in cosmetic stores. We will pour, pour and simply put everything we need into these containers.


For each trip there is a list of equipment, but everyone collects hygiene products themselves as best they can. We present you the list! It can be adjusted to your liking. The list was compiled by a female instructor based on many years of hiking experience.

Shampoo– estimate approximately how many times you will wash your hair during the hike. If you are used to it every day in the city, this is unlikely to happen on a hike. In nature, hair gets dirty much slower than in a dusty city. During a 10-day hike, it will be enough to wash your hair 2-3 times. Take just enough shampoo to cover the number of washes plus one spare. Either a small jar or single-use sachets, now they are sold everywhere. You can take dry shampoo (spray) for a hike and a couple of bags of regular shampoo for civilization.

Soapor shower gel– take one thing, preferably soap. The gel leaks out, is less easy to wash off, and is not very suitable for washing socks. The soap should be small (by itself, or a remnant). If it’s still shower gel, then choose one in a small jar or pour it from a large one to a small one.

Washcloth– a useful thing, light and small and... optional. On some routes there are bathhouses, real or homemade tourist ones, and you can use a washcloth there. If you don’t have a ready-made small washcloth, then you can cut a piece of about 8x8 cm from a large one. The washcloth can also come in handy when you go out into civilization - if there is a bathhouse there.

Hand cream- useful to have. Washing boilers, cold and wind make your hands rough and cracked, and burn from the sun. The main thing is that the cream should be in a small package! We transfer it into jars or a Kinder Surprise capsule - so that it does not spill and stain the backpack. You can take a universal cream like “Nivea”, “Children’s” or “Vaseline” - the latter is recommended to have on water trips (and for men too); hands become rough from constant contact with water.

Sun cream- needed in almost all summer hikes, and certainly in high snowy mountains (protection factor not lower than 50, and take it in winter too!!). Of course, you can’t predict the weather, but it’s better to carry a little cream with you in vain than to get sunburned without it. Sunscreen creams are usually sold in large quantities; they must be refilled. It has been tested that 50-100 ml of cream is enough for a hike.

Toothpaste– choose a smaller tube, without any “King Size” and promotions like “20% as a gift”. We don’t throw away empty small tubes! They can be refilled; to do this, you need to touch the two tubes with their “spouts” and press on the larger one.

Toothbrush– now it’s easy to find small and foldable ones on sale. Convenient, and you don’t need a separate cover. Often such folding brushes are sold in pairs with a small toothpaste - a special package for a trip, “Travel pack”. Let's take it!

Toilet paper (roll)– it’s better to take a thin and cheap one, it takes up less volume and lasts longer. Toilet paper is also convenient for “washing” dishes, and you can simply blow your nose into it. Be sure to put the roll in a bag, otherwise it will get damp!

Wet toilet paper– you can have it in addition to the usual one, a very hygienic thing, we recommend it! Comfortable and clean, the paper is eco-friendly and biodegradable (just choose paper, not non-woven!).

Wet wipes– is also recommended to have. You can take several packages. Napkins are placed in the flap (top pocket, lid) of the backpack and taken out when needed. You can “wash” yourself from head to toe with napkins, wipe not only yourself, but also clothes, shoes, and dishes. It is better to take children's ones, they are suitable for the face and all intimate places. Just don't litter! Napkins made of non-woven material take a long time to decompose, so we burn the used ones in a fire.

Deodorant– small, not in glass. You can find a very small deodorant in perfume stores.

Razor– best disposable, plastic and lightweight. Not necessary, we will replace it with hair removal before the hike :)

Pads for every day– convenient for not taking a lot of underwear. You don't need to carry the whole box, 10 pieces is enough.

Pads and tampons– girls, on a hike everything happens unexpectedly, maybe even a week earlier (changes in climate and load throw off the natural “clock”) – take funds with you, even if you don’t expect special days in the near future.

Sanitary hand gel(sold in pharmacies and perfume stores), which washes without soap and kills 99.9% of germs - you can take it, just a small one. Useful on the train and on the route. Not required.

Nail file or tweezers– if the nails are not very short, then it is better to take it. You shouldn’t go camping with beautiful long nails - there’s a big risk of ruining them on the very first day of working by the fire. And you won’t be able to evade collecting firewood because of a super manicure :) Wash off the polish so you don’t have to use nail polish remover, or cover your nails with a clear polish – it looks neat and protects your nails. Shellac manicure is ideal for camping: very durable and lasts at least 2 weeks.

Chapstick- a very useful thing on any hike (from cold and wind), and in snowy mountains and on ascents - be sure to have SPF sun protection factor.

Towel- preferably a small one, like for the face, or a small kitchen one. We do not take terry beach towels! They take a very long time to dry and take up a lot of space in your backpack. Even if a resort town by the sea awaits you at the end of the hike, it’s better to buy a towel there than to carry this volume and weight around for the entire hike. Sports stores now sell towels made of microfiber fabric: lightweight, compact, absorb a lot and dry quickly. In this case, you can wrap yourself entirely in a towel.

Comb and hair ties– take familiar and familiar ones, but it’s better to make them smaller and lighter.

Glasses or contact lenses- if you wear it. Lenses are more convenient, but you can only take them on a hike if you are an “advanced user.” Putting on and taking off lenses in the field is not at all like putting on and taking off lenses in the bathroom at home. It’s convenient to take lenses for every day, then you don’t have to carry a jar of lens solution, and you don’t have to worry about losing them. If lenses need to be replaced over a long period of time, be sure to have a spare pair. Liquid for lenses should be small - for example, the standard volume is 120 ml. Fluid consumption per day: 6-10 ml., multiply by the number of days of hiking and travel. It’s still better to have extra glasses with your lenses; they’ll come in handy when getting out of the tent to go to the toilet at night :)

You can take: several cotton swabs, dental floss.


Air conditioner- excess weight, and usually it is washed off for a long time and thoroughly. During this time, the head will have time to become numb if you wash it off in cold water, and a whole cauldron of warm water will be used up. It happens that there is a shower on the route or at the end of the route (in a city, town). For this single case, you can take one portion of conditioner. If you really want to.

Face cream– in our opinion, not necessary, because overweight. If you can’t live without it, put it in a Kinder Surprise capsule.

We also don’t take: scrubs, milk and other cosmetic items for the body, facial toner, nail polish and nail polish remover, hairspray and gel, hair conditioner, hair dryer, curling iron, decorative cosmetics. It’s quite ridiculous to put on makeup while hiking, because we are so fresh after the mountain sun and wind, clean water and air. Down with foundation, mascara and eye shadow, let’s be beautiful just the same! Those who are used to wearing makeup all the time will be even more interested in the experiment: “A week without makeup: ordered to survive.” In addition, if you collect decorative cosmetics, you will need to take everything you need to wash off this beauty, and this means an extra couple of jars.

It’s hard to believe, but sometimes an extra 500 grams makes your backpack noticeably heavier. If we collected everything in minimal quantities, we saved from 0.5 to 2 kg, and this is significant.

Have a nice training camp!

Usually for city dwellers going on a hike, one of the most pressing questions is what to do with hygiene? For many, the lack of a daily hot shower even causes them to give up the idea of ​​going on a hike. If you are not one of those people and are willing to put up with the inconvenience of hiking, read on for some helpful tips on hygiene while hiking.

Preparing for the hike

Before going on a hike, you should get a haircut, shave, and trim your fingernails and toenails. It is also recommended to visit a dentist - a sudden toothache in the mountains will not add pleasant memories to your hike.

Time to wash up while hiking

Usually hiking days are so busy that finding time to wash is not the easiest task. In the morning after breakfast, you pack your backpack and hit the road; in the evening, when you arrive at the parking lot, you only have enough strength to cook food, have dinner and go to bed.

But if, nevertheless, the desire to maintain the cleanliness of your own body prevails over fatigue, choose a time to take a shower in the evening. In the morning, before you have time to dry completely and hit the road, you can catch a cold in the mountain wind. In the evening, after water treatments, you can warm up by the fire.

Go for water treatments when the camp has already been set up, the firewood has been collected, and the fire has been lit. If you are a fan of warm water, you will have to wait until the food is cooked. After this, you can heat the water in a clean container.

How to wash while hiking

To wash yourself on a hike, take with you:

  • a few bars of soap
  • a small, hermetically sealed shampoo package.

It is most convenient to use a plastic bottle as a container for washing. You can ask one of your fellow hikers to help you and hold the bottle.

You can purchase a special camp shower - a durable plastic bag with a nozzle from which water is sprayed. The capacity of such a package is 10-15 liters.

Take wet wipes with you - sometimes when there is no access to water, they turn out to be very useful.

How to brush your teeth while hiking

It is wrong to pollute water bodies with toothpaste, so to brush your teeth, you just need to fill a mug with water and step aside.

Toilet on the go

This important issue can be resolved simply: if there are no special toilets in the parking lot, just find a secluded place. At the same time, traces of your life activity need to be buried - think about the other tourists.

Doing laundry on the go

If you want to wash your laundry with soap, choose a place below the cooking water intake. At the same time, ask the leader of the trip if there are parking lots for other tourist groups downstream.

There is also a more environmentally friendly way of washing: just lower the clothes to the bottom of the stream and press them down with heavy stones - in a few hours they will be clean


Life in the city has taught many of us to strict hygiene. Regular brushing of teeth, shaving every couple of days and a daily shower - this is the smallest list of mandatory things without which we cannot imagine our life in the city. And it is precisely because of the fear of being left without them that many do not dare to go on a hike. We are not going to refute the well-known facts: indeed, you are unlikely to be able to take a bath in a hot shower in the mountains. Rather, we will talk about what you can (and should) do in nature. replace the delights of city life. So, let's get rid of stereotypes.

Preparing for the hike

Before going to the mountains, you need to get yourself in order. Highly recommend check with the dentist. Walking is a delicate thing, and a change in oral hygiene can lead to an exacerbation of dental diseases, especially if the prerequisites for them were still in the city. Leaving the route because of a toothache and being treated in an unknown mountain hospital is not the best prospect, and visiting a familiar dentist in your hometown is an excellent alternative to this.

What else really needs to be done is Trim your fingernails and toenails before traveling. First, fingernails can snag and break when grasping rocks or carrying firewood. And secondly, when descending from a mountain, long toenails rest against the toes of your shoes, and this brings a lot of unpleasant sensations.

When to wash while hiking?

Finally, the hike has begun, and you, with healthy teeth and short nails, walk through the forest, breathing in the clean mountain air and admiring the wild nature. Very soon a strange thing is discovered: there seems to be no time to wash at all. After the end of the walking day, instead of going to wash, you need to set up tents, make a fire and cook dinner, after eating which, let alone wash, you are too lazy to get to the tent. With a calm heart, you think that you will wash yourself off in the morning, but this is followed by an early rise, a plate of breakfast is thrust into your hands, after which you need to quickly pack up the tent and hit the road. What to do?

It's simple. Indeed, going to the stream while setting up camp is wrong, you need to first help the team set up camp and bring firewood. But as soon as dinner began to cook, the firewood was piled by the fire, and things were piled in the tents, you can go wash yourself without any problems to the stream instead of yawning by the fire. The camp is always located close to the water, so going to it will not be difficult. Better when swimming in a stream strive not to pollute water rinsing next to the river from a plastic bottle. If you really want to swim, then do without soap so as not to pollute the water in the spring.

Those who like to wash themselves with warm water will still have to be patient and... wait until the camping pots are empty of food to wash them and heat water in them. On the first day you usually don’t have enough patience for this, but on subsequent days, when the backpacks are gradually unloaded and the body gets used to the stress, it’s not at all difficult to wait for the water to warm up.

We recommend Find out from the hike leader what day you will have the opportunity to wash thoroughly(during a day camp or camping near a lake), and in other cases be satisfied with water from a stream. It strengthens you and is much more memorable than regular swimming.

It is preferable to wash in the evening than in the morning. In the morning, everyone is in a hurry to leave the camp, and swimming can delay the exit of the entire group. In addition, you may not have time to dry out and catch a cold in the mountain wind. In the evening, after swimming, you warm yourself by the fire and go wrap yourself up in a warm sleeping bag. If you still really want to wash in the morning, try to get up as early as possible, perhaps with the people on duty, so as not to slow down the whole group later.

How to wash while hiking?

For water procedures you will you need a bar of soap and a few (4-6) sachets of shampoo. Don't take it bottled shampoo and liquid soap, because they will spill in your backpack, no matter how much you protect yourself from this.

If you are going nowhere without comfort, you can look for the so-called “ camp shower" The most famous of them is the model of the Expedition company. This thing looks like a durable plastic bag of 15 liters, to which is attached a nozzle for spraying water. The container is filled with water and hung on a branch, after which you can wash. A camp shower has several disadvantages: you can’t buy it everywhere, and it’s quite expensive. In addition, this is extra weight in your backpack, the packing of which must be approached wisely. Therefore, marching the shower can be perfectly replaced by a friend who will hold a bottle of water for you with the lid ajar.

In cases where you want to wash yourself, but there is no water, or you have a long way to get to it, you can use wet wipes. They are a lifesaver on winter hikes.

How to brush your teeth while hiking?

Of course, brushing your teeth under running water is not recommended.: It’s better not to clog the stream, because everyone gets water from there for cooking. Therefore, to brush your teeth, just fill a cup with water and move a couple of meters away from the stream. By the way, if you place a mug of cold spring water on the coals of a fire, then after a couple of minutes the water will be warm.

How to go to the toilet while camping?

The issue is resolved simply and intuitively. The main thing is to find a secluded place and not pollute the paths or parking areas, no matter how abandoned they may be: other people still walk there. Yes, another important point. Have you seen what cats do after they go to the sand? So, you need to do something like this ;)

How to do laundry while camping?

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do laundry on a week-long hike. This is rather the prerogative of those who go to the mountains for a month. However, no one canceled washing dirty socks or other underwear. You can wash them with soap intended for bathing in a place downstream of the water intake.
In addition, there is proven method washing clothes while traveling. It is enough to lower dirty things into the stream and press them down with stones. In a couple of hours they will be clean without any soap. Just pick up more stones, otherwise the things will go to spawn!
Oh, by the way, before washing, don’t forget to ask the instructor if you can do laundry here at all. Because downstream there may well be parking lots for other tourist groups.

How to wash dishes while camping?

First of all, you can and should wash dishes with water. Detergents are contraindicated in the mountains: highly pollute the environment. Therefore, you will have to tinker with greasy dishes. Be sure to ask the instructor - he will show you how to wash any pot or bowl clean using dry grass and leaves. Plates after eating can also be rinsed with running water, or you can simply wipe with toilet paper(do you remember that according to the equipment list you take a whole roll?).


Personal hygiene rules while hiking


Upon completion of studying the topic, students should have an understanding of personal hygiene and know the basic rules for caring for skin, teeth, and hair while hiking.


1. Story, examples of diseases of the skin, teeth, hair.

2. Questions and answers, discussion-discussion about compliance with hygienic requirements for caring for skin, hair and teeth in camping conditions.

3. Conversation about the need to cleanse the body. Explanations, questions and answers.


1. Hygienic products for skin care (creams, ointments, lotions, etc.), oral care (toothbrushes, toothpaste, cleaning floss, rinsing solutions, etc.), hair care (combs, soap, shampoos, conditioners), etc.

2. Care products for clothes and shoes.


1. The concept of personal hygiene.

2. Skin, teeth and hair care while traveling.

3. Clothing hygiene.

4. The importance of physical culture for human health.

5. Features of personal hygiene while hiking.


1. Personal hygiene, general concepts and definitions.

2. Skin care. Purpose and functions of the skin. Basic rules of skin care.

3. Dental care. Purpose and functions of teeth. Causes of tooth and gum disease. Basic rules of dental care.

4. Hair care. Purpose and functions of hair. Causes of hair disease. Basic rules for hair care.

5. Clothing hygiene. Functions of clothing of a modern person. Hygienic requirements for clothing, hats and shoes.

6. The importance of physical culture for human health.

7. Features of personal hygiene while hiking.


1. What is personal hygiene?

2. What hygiene rules must be followed in order for the skin to successfully perform its functions and look good, especially in camping conditions?

3. What diseases are possible in the oral cavity if you don’t take care of your teeth?

4. What hygiene rules must be followed to keep your teeth and oral cavity healthy?

5. What is hair for?

6. How should you care for your hair so that it performs its functions, is healthy and beautiful?

7. What are human clothes and shoes intended for?

8. What are the requirements for clothing and footwear, especially in hiking conditions?

9. What material is best for making tourist clothing and shoes?

10. What importance does physical education have on human health?

11. What are the features of personal hygiene while hiking?


    Make a list of necessary hygiene products to care for your skin, hair and teeth while hiking.

    Answer the question: Why were these personal care products chosen?

Purpose: Explain the importance of personal hygiene for overall health.

Lesson progress

I. Introductory part.

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Familiarization with the importance of personal hygiene

The difference between personal hygiene in camping conditions

When getting ready for a hike, selecting equipment and plotting the route on the map, you can miss one very important point - this is personal hygiene in hiking conditions. Meanwhile, this is a question that should not be neglected, especially on long and difficult hikes. But even on a simple hike, you must follow some simple rules to avoid health problems.

2. Communicate the purpose of the lesson.

II. Presentation of program material.

First, let's look at the general concepts of personal hygiene.

Hygiene is a science that studies the influence of the external environment on the health of an individual and the entire population, and also develops hygiene standards, requirements and rules for maintaining health, high working capacity and prolonging the active longevity of people.

Cleanliness and personal hygiene are integral companions of a person throughout his life.

Personal hygiene is a set of rules, following which you will preserve and strengthen your health.

Personal hygiene includes:

    maintaining body cleanliness;

    maintaining cleanliness of linen;

    keeping clothes clean;

    keeping the home clean;

    proper preparation and regular eating;

    alternation of work and active rest;

    alternation of mental and physical labor;

    physical education, sports;

    full sleep.

Some foods are harmful to your health and should be avoided or limited:


    fizzy drinks;

    fried foods;


    fatty foods;

    smoked and canned products;


Preferred types of products:



    cottage cheese and other dairy products;

    lean meat;

    bird, fish;

    oatmeal and other cereals.

Personal hygiene includes several sections, including skin care, dental care, hair care, clothing and shoe hygiene.

1. Leather - it is not only a shell that separates the internal environment from the external one. It also protects the body from mechanical and chemical damage, and from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into its internal environment. Skin receptors regulate body temperature, give us the ability to touch objects, feel pain, warmth, cold. Through the sweat glands located in the skin, many unnecessary and harmful substances are removed from the body.

In order for the skin to successfully perform its many functions, the following rules must be observed:

wash every day with warm water and toilet or baby soap;

change your underwear, socks, stockings, tights or stockings as often as possible;

if the skin is dry or itchy, lubricate it with cream or ointment;

do not squeeze pimples, do not try to open ulcers: inflammation may begin in their place;

If you notice a rash on your body, immediately contact your parents or a medical facility, or, if you go, your supervisor or doctor;

eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, milk; if you get enough vitamins and minerals from food, your skin will be clean and smooth;

avoid foods that cause you an allergic reaction;

in cold weather, protect your skin from frostbite;

in the forest or in the field, do not touch unfamiliar plants, as some of them may be poisonous and cause skin irritation;

If you accidentally spill acid or other chemicals on yourself, wash them off immediately with running water and soap;

If clothing made from synthetic fabrics or any other materials irritates your skin, do not wear it.

Watch your hands carefully; they need to be washed:

    coming from the street;

    after visiting the toilet;

    before meals;

    after playing with animals;

Foot care: Wash and change socks and tights daily.

2. Oral hygiene. An adult should have 32 teeth. However, due to poor diet and dental care, injury, and wisdom teeth removal, most adults are left with slightly fewer teeth.

The layer of enamel that covers a healthy human tooth is the hardest substance in the human body. However, like other hard objects, teeth can be injured and eroded. Its most common form is caries, carious decay.

For oral hygiene you need:

    brush your teeth 2 times a day;

    rinse your mouth after every meal;

    be examined by a dentist at least once every 6 months;

    Replace your toothbrush at least once every 2 months.

    protect yourself from injuries most often received during sports activities and as a result of car accidents;

    eat more food that strengthens teeth and gums, and less food that weakens them (vegetables rich in fiber and calcium contribute to dental health; apples, carrots and celery, which must be chewed thoroughly, not only work the jaw muscles, improve blood flow to the teeth and gums, but also clean the surface of the teeth; peanuts and other nuts, tea, sunflower seeds, cheese, olives, if consumed after meals, can prevent tooth decay, preventing the formation of an acidic environment in the mouth);

    Avoid fatty, sticky and acid-forming foods;

3. By appearancehair They do not resemble skin in any way, although they are a modified epidermis. Hair must be washed more than once a week, and when it gets dirty, using gentle shampoos, rinse your hair with infusions of burdock, chamomile, etc. Try not to wash your hair with soap - it will become dull, as it is difficult to rinse off;

4. Main functionclothes a person - to protect his body from unfavorable external conditions and influences.

Clothing requirements . She should:

    correspond to the climatic conditions of the human environment, the nature of his work,

    have a cut that does not impede blood circulation and breathing (i.e. it should be quite loose),

    easy to clean from dust and dirt.

The material from which the clothing is made must meet the following requirements:

    thermal conductivity,



    water capacity.

Hats They must also meet hygienic requirements: be light and not tight, so as not to interfere with the blood circulation of the head. For the summer period, it is advisable to make them from light, light-colored and low-thermal conductivity materials with increased breathability. For cold weather, hats made of natural fur are optimal.

Shoes It is preferable to have one made from genuine leather or created on the basis of modern proven technologies: it is not afraid of moisture, retains heat well and provides good ventilation of the foot.

The cut of the shoe must fully take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the foot.

Shoes should not be tight, as this can lead to the formation of calluses and ingrown toenails.

It is better to have shoes with low heels, since a high heel moves a person’s center of gravity when walking and causes overstrain of the ligaments and muscles of the leg.

Physical education and sports classes should become a habit. There are no contraindications for physical education. Currently, many different sets of physical exercises have been developed; you need to choose the most suitable sport for yourself. If you wish, you can engage in any kind of sport. The most effective for health are:





When deciding to go in for sports, you need to remember:

    physical exercises should begin with a warm-up;

    towards the end of classes it is necessary to gradually reduce the load;

    after running or fast walking, do not stand still, continue moving for another 5-6 minutes.

Dream must be strong. A healthy person falls asleep quickly and wakes up feeling fresh and invigorated.

Appetite must be good. If certain dishes cause disgust, these are clear signs of overwork or overexertion.

Physical activity improves the functioning of all vital organs.

Now let's look at some aspects of personal hygiene while hiking.

Even at home, before starting the hike, you need to take care of personal hygiene: cut your nails, wash your hair. You can get a haircut - it will be easier to wash short hair when traveling. All clothing must initially be cleanly washed and ironed.

When hiking, you should always take the opportunity to get yourself in order. While driving, you sweat and road dust and dirt stick to your skin. If you touch your face, rub your eyes and eat food with dirty hands, you can easily get inflammation of the eyes or an upset stomach.

Before eating any food, be sure to wash your hands or use special antiseptics.

If you come to a river or stream with clean running water, you need to wash your hands, face and neck well, and if you have free time, wash your feet and change your socks. After water treatments and a little rest, it will be much easier and more pleasant to continue your journey. If you plan to stop for the night near a river, you can and even need to wash all your dirty clothes and wash yourself before going to bed. You need to get into your sleeping bag clean and change into fresh linen.

There is no such thing as too much underwear and socks. When walking for a long time, socks become wet from sweat, fray and tear. This is fraught with calluses and abrasions, which will hurt, and on a long hike, if measures are not taken, they can fester. Stale laundry also negatively affects the skin, causing irritation. Therefore, we need to change them without waiting for problems.

To wash clothes, you can take a small bar of soap. You can also wash your hands and feet with it. To wash your hair, you can pour the shampoo into a small plastic bottle so as not to carry a large package.

Sometimes the trek route goes through places with scarce water. You have to carry drinking water on yourself and spending it on washing and washing will be too wasteful. In such conditions, maintaining personal hygiene is somewhat more difficult. In this case, wet wipes will come in handy. You can take one large package for several people and thoroughly wipe your body, hands, face and neck with them.

There are also antiseptic gels, which can also be used to “wash” your face and hands.

You can take one toothpaste for everyone. But a toothbrush is a necessary thing. Otherwise, if you don’t brush your teeth for several days, pieces of food will remain between them, and your gums may become inflamed and your teeth will hurt. Toothache in itself is a very unpleasant thing, but there is no dentist on a hike, and you will suffer until the end of the hike or leave the route, possibly letting your comrades down.

You can cut a toothpick out of wood chips and clean the spaces between your teeth, but it’s better to take one package for everyone or use special threads.

If you still forgot your toothbrush, you can use an improvised brush made from a young tree branch. You need to peel the bark on the tip of a small stick, chew it a little and knead the tip. The wood will flake and look like a brush. This brush can be used to clean your teeth and massage your gums.

It is advisable to have a small hand towel or microfiber cloth in one of the many pockets of the backpack. After washing in a stream along the way, you won’t have to turn over your entire backpack to find the towel hidden in it.

There should also be toilet paper nearby. You should have a large handkerchief in your jacket pocket. Even if you don’t use it for its intended purpose, the thing is useful and multifunctional. You can tie it on your head, wipe your face, and wipe your glasses.