Application on the theme of the little humpbacked horse. Abstract of the OOD “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (preparatory group)

DIY crafts from pine cones for children

You can make a lot of cute animals, beasts, and birds from pine cones. We invite you to make a Horse

DIY Little Humpbacked Horse made from pine cones. Instructions


Fir cones;

Brown plasticine;

Ash seeds;

Red threads;

Black felt-tip pen;


Work sequence

Prepare two fir cones of different sizes. For the skate's legs, roll four columns from plasticine, make one end of each wide and flat, and the other thin and rounded.

Sculpt a neck and hump for the Little Humpbacked Horse.

Attach columns like legs to the big bump from below, and a hump and neck from above. Attach your head to your neck—a small fir cone.

At the top of the head, between the scales of the cone, place two small lumps of plasticine and stick ash seeds into them. This is how you get the ears of the Little Humpbacked Horse. Make two tassels from red threads and use plasticine to attach them as a mane and a tail.

Make the Little Humpbacked Horse's eyes out of paper.

Abstract of OOD "The Little Humpbacked Horse" ( preparatory group).

Educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development." Visual activities. Modeling

Prepared by:

Teacher GBOU School No. 2083

DO "Rosinka" Zvolinskaya A.A.


develop fine motor skills hands, the ability to convey the characteristic features of a fairy-tale hero.


  1. Invite each child to make the Little Humpbacked Horse as he imagines it to be.
  2. In the process of work, achieve expressiveness of decisions.
  3. Review all finished works with the children and note their diversity.

OOD progress:

Educator: Guys, look at the book I have in my hands. Let's remember what fairy tale we recently read.

Children: answers

Educator: That's right, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov. Which heroes of this fairy tale do you remember?

Children: answers

Educator: Yes, well done, how well you remembered the fairy tale. One of the main characters of the fairy tale was the Little Humpbacked Horse himself.A horse is a noble, proud, beautiful and devoted animal. Since ancient times, he has been a faithful friend and helper of man.

Let's remember the works in which the horse appears.

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf",


"The Frog Princess",

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"


"Blind Horse".

But in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” the horse is special, isn’t it, guys?

Invite children to look at the illustrations and answer the questions:

How does “The Little Humpbacked Horse” differ from the usual one? horse : height (Three inches, short legs, on the back with two humps, big ears (Arshinnye). (Explain the meaning of the words “Three Vershkas”, “Arshinnye”)

Why is it called “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (Because it's small.)

Educator: Guys, would you like such a devoted good friend, like our horse from a fairy tale? Today, each of you will try to create your own Little Humpbacked Horse, and we will create it from plasticine.

Today I will show you how to sculpt the Little Humpbacked Horse. Notice what shape the plasticine is?(Roller) We bend it in an arc, then cut it with a stack from one side almost to the middle and divide it into 2 parts, lifting one up for the neck and head. We divide the lower parts in half to create pairs of legs - front and back. We pull off the upper part of the plasticine, first the neck, then we shape the head(Slightly elongated and pointed). Pull 2 ​​from the back hump and carefully smooth everything out. It remains to complete our work. details : mane, tail and ears. We divide a piece of plasticine into 3 parts for the mane, tail and ears. We roll up a column from one part, divide it in half, flatten it and sharpen it a little - these are the ears. We also roll up a column from the second one, flatten it, pull it along the long side and pinch it, giving it the shape of a mane. Thus, we make the tail. Let's attach everything to the body and our Little Humpbacked Horse is ready. You can invite children to sculpt the mane, tail and ears as they wish, using previously acquired skills and abilities. This work is difficult, but interesting.

Let's remember where we started. Children name the sequence of doing the work.

Before we begin our work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

I will press two palms

And I'll float down the river

(palms cupped)

Two palms, friends, -

This is my boat.

(perform wave-like movements with your arms)

I'll raise the sails

I'll swim in the blue sea.

(raise straightened palms up above your head)

And with me on the waves

Fish swim here and there.

(wave-like movements with two palms at the same time, imitating the movements of fish and waves)

Children's work. In the process of work, achieve expressiveness of decisions.

At the end of the educational activity, children place their work on a stand (exhibition). Discussion about which skate was the fastest, the brightest, who has a beautiful mane, etc.

Nagoga Polina, 5 years old

MADO CRR kindergarten No. 123 in Tyumen

Teacher: Goryaeva Olga Sergeevna, teacher, first category

Polina started attending the Cherries group recently, but has already proven herself to be an active, creative girl. IN creative activity we use different techniques works, also work with fabric, wool. When I read the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” to the children by P.P. Ershova, Polina really liked this hero. Polina and I decided, using the technique of working with woolen threads, make her favorite hero.

“The Little Humpbacked Horse” (based on the fairy tale by P. Ershov)

Material: Wool threads, scissors, photo frame, PVA glue, pieces of fabric, felt, decorative ornaments, decorative eyes, wire, braid, beads.

Stages of work:

  1. We wind the threads around the photo frame, approximately 70-80 turns.

2. Cut the wound threads on one side.

3. Fold the threads in half and tie with thread of the same color.

4. We make a muzzle for our Little Humpbacked Horse, to do this we retreat about 1 cm from the bend line and tie it with thread of the same color. Then we make another constriction, about 3 cm, and form the head of our Little Horse, also tying it with thread.

5. We insert copper wire bent in half into the threads and distribute the threads around the wire. We also cut the second part of the workpiece bundle on one side and wrap it around the Horse’s chest and bandage it. We insert another copper wire into the middle and make a constriction, creating the body of the Little Humpbacked Horse. Dividing the bundle of threads in half, we form the back and front legs.

6. Cut out the ears from pieces of felt and glue on the eyes. From decorative ornaments We make a mane and tail, attach it with glue.

7. From scraps of wool we form the “humps” of our Horse, attach them to the back using glue. Cut out the fabric and glue the saddle

8. We make a bridle for the Humpbacked Horse from braid, secure it with glue. Decorate the saddle with beads.

9. What a cute Little Humpbacked Horse we got!

He will take his rightful place in the theater corner of our group.

Dear competitors and guests!

Results of the festival-competition, awards ceremony for the winners

Dear guests! Leave only correct, meaningful reviews: little contestants read them.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

Kindergarten combined type No. 46 “Owlet”

Abstract open class on Speech Development with application elements

“Acquaintance with the work of P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse””

3 preparatory group

Teachers: Sorusheva V.V.

01/26/2018, Gangway.

Target: Introduce children to an author and his work that is new to them.


Expand children's understanding of the writer and poet P. P. Ershov. Learn to convey your attitude to the actions of fairy tale heroes. Learn to answer questions based on the text using different types proposals. Develop creative imagination and intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate love and interest in the life and work of the writer P. P. Ershov.

Previous work:

Reading Russian folk tales: “Sivka-Burka”, “About Ivan the Fool”, “The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”. Examination of objects of peasant life, illustrations of a Russian hut. Memorizing several nursery rhymes. Compiling descriptive stories based on the toy and pictures depicting nature. Retelling already familiar fairy tales. Unlearn finger gymnastics"Horses". Lotto game “What is this?” (The presenter has picture cards depicting items of peasant life). To the host’s question: “What is this?” (the players who are faster answer and take this card for themselves; whoever has the most cards by the end of the game wins). Learn the outdoor game “Let’s Ride Horses.”


Before starting class I ventilate group room. An assistant does wet cleaning. I place chairs on the carpet in front of the speech development corner and decorate the group with peasant household items. In the speech development corner I place illustrations of peasant life and a lotto game with the same content. On the bookshelf I place fairy tales already known to children and the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” I put a portrait of P. P. Ershov on the easel. Next to the shelf I put a chair with jump ropes and reins, and in the music center I put a prepared disk with a recording of part of the work and musical pieces for physical education minutes. I do breathing exercises with the children in the locker room.

MATERIALS: Items of peasant life, illustrations of peasant life, books with Russians folk tales, book “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, easel, portrait of P. P. Ershov, jump ropes for outdoor games, disk with prepared notes, plasticine, boards for plasticine.

ORGANIZATION AND METHODS OF CONDUCTING THE CLASS: Children enter the group to the music of B. Savelyev “Rain barefoot...” and sit on chairs on the carpet, placed in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, I know you love games, songs, riddles and dances, but there is nothing more interesting than fairy tales. You already know a lot of fairy tales, and now I’ll check if you remember them, guess which heroes they are about: There’s a mixture of sour cream, There’s a cold on the window, Round side, ruddy side Rolled..... (Kolobok.)

The grandmother loved the girl very much, gave her a red cap, the girl forgot her name, well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

The nose is round with a snout, it is convenient for them to rummage in the ground. Ponytail small crochet, Instead of hoof shoes. There are three of them - and how alike the friendly Brothers are. Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three little pigs.)

He treats small children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... (Aibolit.)

Well done, you guessed all the fairy tales! And today I will introduce you to one very interesting person, he is a writer, and he wrote fairy tales, very interesting ones. Look at the portrait. This is Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov, he lived a very long time ago. He was born in a village, his father was a military man, and his mother did not work, she was always at home with her children, Pyotr Pavlovich had a brother. When Ershov grew up and went to study, he wrote his first fairy tale, “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” then he wrote many more poems and fairy tales, which he also wrote in verse and used a lot of old Russian words, such as:

A CRIER was a person who shouted out announcements in the old days. CITYMAN - in the old days, the head of the city. KOURKO is a red horse. MALAHAI - long, wide clothing without a belt. SEVEN - week. SENNIK - a room where hay is stored. SAGITTARIUS - ancient army in Ancient Rus'. SERVANTS - servants.

Really interesting words? They are found in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” which we will now listen to, but would you like to play “Horses” now too? You and I will be divided into “horses” and “grooms”. Each child has a “groom” - a jump rope. At the teacher’s signal, the “grooms” harness the “horses.” According to the following instructions, children first move at a walk, raising their legs high at the knees, then start running so as not to interfere with each other to the music of “My Horse” by A. Grechaninov. After some time, the “horses” stop, they are unharnessed and released into the meadow, the “grooms” also rest. Children change roles and perform running and walking exercises again. - We played, ran around, and now we sit down to listen to a fairy tale. (I turn on the recording of the first part of the fairy tale on the disk.) Did you like the fairy tale?

Children: Yes. Educator: What is the name of this fairy tale? Children: Little Humpbacked Horse. Educator: Why do you think the horse was called that? (Children’s opinions.) Name the main characters of the fairy tale. Children: Ivan, brothers, Konyok, Tsar. Educator: What were the brothers like? Children: Cunning, evil, greedy, etc. Educator: How did Ivan get the Little Humpbacked Horse? Children: The mare gave it to him. Educator: She only gave him a skate? Children: No, three more horses. Educator: Tell us what these horses were like? (Children's answers.) - How did the fairy tale end? - How did it all begin in this fairy tale? - What excerpts from this fairy tale would you like to hear again?

(I read passages of the children’s choice and show illustrations in the book.) We met the magic horse, do you want to play “horses” with your fingers?

Children: Yes. (The fingers “jump” like horses across the knees to the music of V. Shainsky’s “Clouds.”)

Educator: Guys, let us sculpt the Little Humpbacked Horse

The child's spine is very plastic and can easily be changed under different conditions. For example, if a baby sits in the wrong position throughout childhood, then by the age of 18-20 he will have developed incorrect posture, which will be very difficult to correct.

The children's orthopedic chair Konek-Humpbacked Horse is designed to give the child's spine the correct (physiological) position while sitting. The design of the Little Humpbacked Horse chair is so simple that you can make it yourself, although a homemade chair will be somewhat worse than the original one.

1 General description and purpose of the product

The growing orthopedic chair Little Humpbacked Horse is designed for children of all ages. This product ensures the anatomically correct position of the child's spinal column during prolonged sitting at a table at home.

For example, when doing written lessons or while playing games on the computer. The manufacturer of the product even recommends using it even during meals, that is, the idea comes down to the fact that the child spent as much time as possible at this chair.

The product supports the spine due to the backrest-limiter. There is no special knee holder, as in the analogue of the Little Humpbacked Horse (), but due to the entire structure of the chair, the knees themselves are held straight while sitting.

The Little Humpbacked Horse is used to prevent diseases such as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • pathological lordosis and kyphosis;
  • various other degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine.

It can be used in the treatment of existing diseases from the list, but there will be no special effect; the product is intended specifically for prevention.

A distinctive feature of the Little Humpbacked Horse is its adjustable universal chair, suitable for all age groups of children. It can also be used even in the older age group (18-25 years old).

1.1 What ages is it suitable for?

You can use the Little Humpbacked Horse chair from the age of three until the age of 20. That is why it is called an “adjustable” or “growing” chair, since it has mechanical adjusters that allow you to adjust the size of the chair to each child’s age group.

Usually, the need to regulate the size of a product disappears from the moment the child becomes a high school student. This period usually marks the apogee of the child's growth (he no longer grows).

Despite the stated minimum age of three years, you can purchase special additional accessories from the manufacturer of the high chair that allow you to use the Little Humpbacked Horse from the age of six months.

But here a problem arises: you can sit the baby on a chair, but he will constantly slide off it, and may even fall. That is, in order for the baby to sit on the high chair for a long time, he will need to be constantly monitored, which, you see, is inconvenient.

Therefore, it is still better to stick to the “factory limits” of three years. But adults (for example, parents) should not use the product. Most models of the Little Humpbacked Horse are capable of withstand weight up to 100 kilograms, but it is dangerous for adults to test it for strength - there is a high probability of breakdown of the size regulation mechanism.

1.2 Review of the Little Humpbacked Horse chair (video)

1.3 How is it regulated?

The Little Humpbacked Horse chair has a mechanical size regulator and is able to change the parameters of the product so that it can be used by a child of any age (from three years old). To adjust the size of the product, there are holes on its sides in increments of 2-3 centimeters into which screws can be inserted.

That is, the product is adjusted approximately like this: we take out all the screws on the sides, remove the wooden plates (seats and back supports), find their optimal position for the child’s needs and fix them at this level with the help of screws.

The Little Humpbacked Horse chair is essentially a folding product. Please note that for this reason, after purchasing the Little Humpbacked Horse, you need to assemble it yourself. If you have the necessary skills assembly takes on average 30-40 minutes.

You can order assembly from the manufacturer/intermediary in the store where you ordered the product. The cost of assembling the Little Humpbacked Horse chair is 150-250 rubles on average. But it’s easier to do everything yourself, since the device itself is quite simple, and it comes with detailed instructions for sizing and assembly.

The kit also includes parts for assembly ( with several duplicates for each - just in case).

2 Characteristics and dimensions of the Little Humpbacked Horse chairs

Only one model is sold in stores. The characteristics of the Little Humpbacked Horse chairs are as follows:

  1. The product is sold exclusively unassembled and supplied in a cardboard box.
  2. The dimensions of the box are 45 x 92 x 7 centimeters, and the dimensions of the already assembled chair are 50 x 82 x 47 centimeters (L x H x W). The weight of the box including the product is 7 kilograms.
  3. The product is certified (certificate number CU RU C-RU.BE02.B.00043) and meets all the standards of the Customs Union regulations according to the protocol “TR CU 025/2012”.
  4. The warranty on the Little Humpbacked Horse chair is 10 years.
  5. The product can be used under any table with a height from floor to tabletop from 65 to 80 centimeters.
  6. The wooden elements of the product are made of birch plywood and have a varnish coating that is safe for human health.
  7. The product has an adjustable seat and footrest, which allows you to adjust the chair to the needs of a child of any height, configuration and age (from three years).

The orthopedic chair Little Humpbacked Horse is not the only one of its kind; it has several analogues. The differences between them in terms of design and effectiveness in the prevention of spinal diseases in children are minimal.

List of analogues of the Little Humpbacked Horse chair:

  • - differs from the Little Humpbacked Horse (hereinafter referred to as “K-G”) in a more massive latch with somewhat less reliability, also the problem with the latch is that it often flies out, which can cause injury to the child;
  • “Kidfix” chair - differs from “K-G” in that it has a less resistant varnish coating, which is why the child’s fidgeting on the chair and playing on it with various toys lead to the appearance of cracks and traces of impacts on the coating;
  • the “Vyrastaika” chair is an even simpler variation of the growing chair than the “K-G” chair, which is why the price is lower, but the effectiveness of preventing back diseases is also lower;
  • the “Lovere” chair is another budget option, which differs from the “K-G” in that it has lower quality parts, a quickly erasable varnish coating and a shorter warranty (5 years);
  • The “Strong” high chair is a fairly primitive model of a growing high chair; the main differences from the “K-G” are that the “Strong” is less durable and has a less flexible size adjustment mechanism.

3 How to make the Little Humpbacked Horse chair with your own hands?

You can make the Little Humpbacked Horse chair with your own hands, but it is not as easy as it seems. Main problem– lack of acceptable product drawings on the Internet. Let's try to describe the production of this chair without reference to technical documentation (there is none), describing the process in an intuitively understandable language.

We will need:

  • floor sheet of plywood with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • two pieces of plywood 10 mm thick and measuring 30 x 50 cm;
  • tube with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of a meter;
  • 20 mm aluminum corner with a length of 60 cm.

You also need bolts, nuts, foam rubber and leather substitute.

These parts are enough to make all the components of the chair. In order to make them, you can look at photographs of the original product on the Internet, where you can also find the dimensions of each component of the chair.

Please note that the side posts must be milled so that the width of the groove is 2.5 centimeters and the depth is 1 cm. Ten-millimeter plywood strips must be glued to the guides to create a size adjustment mechanism.

The total cash costs for components for making a high chair will be 2000-5000 rubles. The production itself may take 3-4 days.