What happens to plants in February. How to pack plants for the winter? How to protect plants in winter

Trees seem completely lifeless to us in winter. Meanwhile, even in winter, in the bitterest frosts, life does not completely leave the plants. At this time they only rest, accumulate strength, so that with the onset of spring they can throw off the shackles of winter. “What we call the dream of nature,” wrote S. Pokrovsky, “is only a special form of life, full of deep meaning and meaning.” This form of life of plant organisms is called a state of rest.

This way, if the channel freezes, the tissue can also stretch to some extent to prevent the channel from bursting. During the course of earth's history, as trees spread throughout the earth and thus found themselves in cold regions, they developed two methods to avoid frost damage on and in the leaves. The first is filled with leaf sugar, a kind of natural biological version of antifreeze. Some tree species, mainly evergreen conifers such as spruce, fir and pine, use this method exclusively.

However, other tree species, such as larch, beeches and generally almost all native trees, combine lower concentrations of sugar in their leaf cells with a second method to protect themselves from fatal frost damage: they drop their leaves and needles in the fall.

In a state of deep rest winter time During the year, metabolism in trees and shrubs is sharply inhibited and visible growth stops. However, this does not mean that all life processes in it have completely stopped. Some of them also go during winter dormancy. For example, starch is converted into sugars and fats, sugars are consumed during respiration (although its intensity is 200-400 times less than in summer. Growth processes also occur at this time, but they do not manifest themselves externally. The resting state is a period of especially intense the activity of the so-called educational tissue, or meristem, from which new cells and tissues arise.

It's not just the cold that afflicts linden trees in winter, but also the lack of water caused by frozen soils, or less water in the soil when precipitation falls as snow. So saving water is the main motto and the best is no leaves. Plants obtain energy from sunlight through what is called photosynthesis in green leaves. This also evaporates a lot of liquid. When the time is right, the tree forms abscissic acid at the tips of the leaf stem, causing the leaf to break. However, before the tree drops its leaves, it still draws all the nutrients and other valuable cellular parts from the leaves, including chlorophyll.

You can quickly restore an outdated grape bush using the layering method (“katavlak”). For this purpose, healthy vines of a neighboring bush are placed in grooves dug to the place where the dead bush used to grow, and covered with earth. The top is brought to the surface, from which a new bush then grows. Lignified vines are laid on layering in the spring, and green ones - in July. They are not separated from the mother bush for two to three years. A frozen or very old bush can be restored by short pruning to healthy above-ground parts or by pruning to the “black head” of an underground trunk. In the latter case, the underground trunk is freed from the ground and completely cut down. Not far from the surface, new shoots grow from dormant buds, due to which a new bush is formed. Neglected and severely frost-damaged grape bushes are restored due to stronger fatty shoots formed in the lower part of the old wood and the removal of weakened sleeves. But before removing the sleeve, a replacement is formed. Grape care

Loss of green leaves causes the foliage to turn yellow to red. This continues until the leaves fall out of energy deficiency. Since the tree can no longer gain energy, a kind of winter rest called Dormanets begins, which is not like winter dream animals. Abscinic acid also helps with this as it prevents cell division. The tree cannot begin to grow "unintentionally" in winter and therefore consume energy unnecessarily.

With Years 4 and 5 we looked at the topic of trees and also looked at tree breathing. During winter, some trees lose their leaves and can no longer produce oxygen. Can we say that there is less oxygen on the planet in winter? And what are the environmental consequences? First of all, some accuracy of the dictionary: gas exchange in living beings is associated with chemical reactions that occur in living beings: photosynthesis and respiration. Animals and most microorganisms. Plants photosynthesize and respire simultaneously in the presence of light; at night they only breathe.

A gardener starting to grow grapes needs to thoroughly study the structure grapevine and the biology of this most interesting plant. Grapes are vine (climbing) plants and require support. But it can spread along the ground and take root, as is observed with Amur grapes in a wild state. The roots and above-ground part of the stem grow quickly, branch strongly and reach large sizes. Under natural conditions, without human intervention, a branched bush of grapes grows with many vines of different orders, which begins to bear fruit late and produces crops irregularly. In cultivation, grapes are shaped and the bushes are given a shape that is easy to care for, ensuring a high yield of high-quality bunches. Grapevine Planting Schisandra

The answer is multi-layered. On the scale of our planet: No, because it is winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. However, these variations are very small for various reasons: in winter, the life of animals and microorganisms slows down. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is very high. On the other hand, local changes in production and absorption are very small and unlikely to affect this amount. They breathe less. . Plant responses to meteorological events associated with climate change - a review.

Plant response to environmental factors of global climate change - a review. Global climate change consists of a series of meteorological events that affect the functioning of natural systems; manifests itself in changes in ecosystem biodiversity, productivity and food sources and, consequently, in everyday life person. Research into plant responses that occur at high carbon dioxide concentrations suggests that these conditions may favor plant growth and productivity in some species, but the cumulative effect of these changing climate variables is unknown.

Schisandra chinensis, or schisandra, has several names - lemon tree, red grapes, gomisha (Japanese), cochinta, kozyanta (Nanai), kolchita (Ulch), usimtya (Udege), uchampu (Oroch). In terms of structure, systemic relationship, center of origin and distribution, Schisandra chinensis has nothing in common with the real citrus plant lemon, but all its organs (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, berries) exude the aroma of lemon, hence the name Schisandra. The schisandra vine that clings or wraps around a support, along with Amur grapes and three types of actinidia, is an original plant of the Far Eastern taiga. Its fruits, like real lemons, are too sour for fresh consumption, but they have medicinal properties, a pleasant aroma, and this attracted a lot of attention to him. The taste of Schisandra chinensis berries improves somewhat after frost. Local hunters who consume such fruits claim that they relieve fatigue, invigorate the body and improve vision. The consolidated Chinese pharmacopoeia, compiled back in 1596, states: “the fruit of Chinese lemongrass has five tastes, classified as the first category of medicinal substances. The pulp of lemongrass is sour and sweet, the seeds are bitter and astringent, and in general the taste of the fruit is salty. Thus, All five tastes are present in it." Grow lemongrass

This review will provide an overview of the science of climate change, some of the technologies used to study its effects on plants and the responses various types plants to changing environmental variables. The development of basic research has allowed us to reassess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the imbalance of natural systems. Interdisciplinarity and related research in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ecology and climatology, among others, will allow a more inclusive perspective regarding these developments, fundamental knowledge to determine courses of action and adaptation on the part of governments and private organizations in its vigilance and conservation .

Every season is wonderful in its own way. The weather outside the window has a great influence on all living things that surround us. Therefore, winter and spring, summer and autumn play a big role in the life of plants.

Plants blooming in spring

In spring, the days become longer and the sun's rays become warmer. It is during this period that absolutely all plants begin to grow, bud and reach for sunlight. In order for plant growth to be progressive, frequent and abundant moisture is necessary, especially if the soil was not covered with snow.

Climate change consists of a sequence of meteorological processes that alter the functioning of natural systems, such as productivity, food sources, biodiversity and human activities. Natural ecosystems are essential to global balance because they contain the bulk of the earth's carbon. There is growing interest in understanding the global change process and its relationship with the carbon cycle to plant dynamics. Physiological and metabolic responses associated with global changes such as high temperature and drought will also be described.

The very first spring flowers are small-bulbous, for example, galanthus, dwarf irises, crocuses, chionodoxes and pushkinias.

And in April, daffodils, botanical tulips, hyacinths, as well as Siberian blueberries and imperial hazel grouse begin to bloom.

Closer to May, beautiful perennials bloom: primroses, oak and buttercup scillas, forest corydalis and sugar lungworts.

Interdisciplinarity associated with research related to molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ecology and climatology, to name a few, will allow for a more integrated approach to these developments. This is critical to creating future strategies for governments and private companies to combat the effects of global climate change.

Global climate change consists of meteorological phenomena that affect the functioning of natural systems; manifests itself in changes in ecosystem biodiversity, productivity and food sources. Studies of plant responses that have evolved under high carbon dioxide concentrations suggest that these conditions may promote plant growth and productivity in some species, but the cumulative effect of these climate variables is unknown. This review will provide an overview of the science of climate change, some of the technologies used to study its effects on plants and the responses different types plants to environmental variables.

The life of the bushes is also restored in the spring. The earliest are: wolf's bast, forsythia, red elderberry and Japanese spirea. Towards mid-spring, Japanese quince, holly mahonia, steppe almond and three-lobed Louiseania begin to bloom.

May is the most colorful month in the life of plants. Bulbs begin to bloom - tulips, daffodils, mouse hyacinth muscari. Decorative onions and giant onions amaze with their beauty.

The development of research has made it possible to change the scale of the influence of anthropogenic activities on the imbalance of natural systems. Interdisciplinarity and research related to molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ecology and climatology, among others, will allow a more inclusive view of these events, fundamental knowledge to determine courses of action and adaptation by governments and individuals involved in its observation and conservation .

Changes in climate phenomena such as temperature, precipitation, sea level, cloud cover relative to historical averages are what constitute so-called climate change. The accumulation of knowledge in the fields of natural sciences and meteorology drives research into climate change. The average climate on Earth is determined by the energy coming from the Sun, while the properties of the atmosphere and land determine whether this energy is reflected, absorbed, or emitted.

Also representatives of spring flowering are forget-me-nots, daisies, and violas. And closer to summer, the following come into their own: bergenia, snow-white lily of the valley, brunnera, dicentra and doronicum.

Of course, it is worth noting the trees that bloom in spring - apricot, apple, pear, cherry, plum and many others.

Plant life in summer

Therefore, anthropogenic climate change may lead to human-caused activities such as increased deforestation and air pollution. Later, other components were introduced, such as the Earth's surface, polar ice caps, and clouds. Mitigation and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is common problem, and in this regard, environmentally friendly technologies and practices are being developed in the energy, transport and industrial sectors, agriculture, forestry and waste management.

Summer is the peak of life for almost all plants. Warm weather, long sunny days and moisture contribute not only to favorable growth, but also to the ability to accumulate useful substances in order to survive the winter.

Already in the summer, tulips, camellias, cyclamens, hyacinths and daffodils begin to prepare for the next flowering, gaining strength and energy in the summer.

The Kyoto Protocol confirmed the potential of forests and plants to sequester carbon through photosynthesis and the production of carbon compounds. Biofuel production, food, paper, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, study important species in the removal of degraded areas where they act as bioremediators, the biotransformation of plant waste into energy and products of commercial interest are just some examples of research developed in the context of mitigating these climate disturbances.

This time of year is the flowering period for many varieties: cleome spiny, roses, evergreen begonia, nasturtium, gazania, snapdragons, marigolds and petunias. They delight with their colors and aroma: mignonette, resin, mattiola, clarkia, gatsania and many other flowers.

The shrubs that bloom in the summer are very beautiful - buddleia, jasmine, spray rose, small hydrangea, rhododendron and spirea. Careopteris, calicanthus, oleander, cinquefoil, cistus, mackerel and clethra - all these shrubs bloom in the warm summer.

In future scenarios, aspects of climate change associated with the performance of the plants in question are as follows. Radioactive forcing heats the surface of the atmosphere and therefore increases the evaporation of water, also changing the sensation of heat in living things. Atmospheric humidity, precipitation, and atmospheric circulation create changes that affect the entire system. These elements change the hydrological cycle and the amount, frequency, intensity, duration and type of precipitation. Rain and snow fall in areas of the northern hemisphere.

However, with heavy rainfall, total precipitation decreased; this condition is associated with an increase in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere coming from warm oceans, which increases the likelihood of droughts and floods. These events were associated with the interaction of pollutants such as aerosols with clouds.

At the beginning of summer, cornflowers, bells, and daisies grow and bloom in the meadows, and forest edges raspberries appear. Jugs can be seen on ponds. Strawberry fruits begin to ripen and the first mushrooms appear.

In the middle of summer, the air is saturated with the aromas of blooming linden trees. And cherries, raspberries, blueberries, currants and gooseberries are covered with numerous fruits.

Increase in ozone concentrations and their interaction with other gases. Carbon dioxide concentration levels and land surface temperatures are determined by different emission scenarios. It is important to note that the environmental data primarily used for models currently being developed primarily come from weather stations located in regions with stations in the northern hemisphere and in populated areas.

Again, interdisciplinarity is fundamental to understanding the variability of different proposals in the sense of understanding the effects that this gas can generate in aquatic and terrestrial systems when they become artificial reservoirs of it.

Changes in plant life in autumn

For almost all plants, autumn is a period of calm or the end of the life cycle. There are fewer and fewer sunny days, and the air temperature is gradually dropping. Annual plants such as peas, cauliflower, dill and others finish their growth and dry out. The same thing happens with annual flowers - calendula, ranunculus, flax, forget-me-nots and others.

There is growing interest in understanding global climate change and its impact on carbon cycle dynamics in plants. Natural ecosystems are fundamental to global balances such as atmospheric carbon deposits. Plants and natural vegetation grow and adapt to systems with rapid transformation over time. The role of the carbon cycle is fundamental, for example in the processes of construction and mobilization of cell wall polysaccharides as a reserve mechanism in seeds.

Research into plant responses that occur in areas with high concentrations of carbon dioxide suggests that these conditions may benefit plant growth. However, interactions with other factors such as temperature and nutrient availability alter the increase in photosynthesis, and these conditions are a new focus of research.

In autumn, the leaves of birch become light yellow, those of rowan - crimson-red, those of aspen - orange, and those of alder - dull green. Most trees shed their colorful leaves.

The color of herbs also acquires a special pigment. Blueberries and blueberries turn purple, and blueberries turn bright yellow.

Leaf fall is an integral and not unimportant part of plant life. The cover formed by fallen leaves protects trees from winter frosts and saturates the roots with useful substances.

Not all trees shed their leaves; for example, pine, spruce and juniper are evergreen species. Also, during the cold season, the following plants remain green: heather, wild rosemary, cranberries, lingonberries and other plants.

Trees prepare for winter by producing protective substances on their branches - leathery scales, hair and resinous, waxy substances.

Lingonberries, wild rosemary, dandelion, daisy, celandine, lungwort, and plantain are able to survive the winter and begin their life cycle in the spring. Coltsfoot is preserved in the form of bulbs. And in the form of seeds, woodlice, jarutka, shepherd's purse, quinoa and stinging nettle remain.

How do plants live in winter?

Winter is the most difficult period in the life of plants. In autumn, preparations for cold weather, winds and snow occur; the chemical composition of trees and shrubs changes. Fallen leaves protect the roots from frost and supply the plants with nutrients.

Annual plants do not survive until winter, but perennial plants have time to prepare. The snow cover becomes a kind of blanket for them, capable of retaining heat and maintaining moisture levels.

Plants that have shed their leaves fall into hibernation. And evergreen species: fir, spruce, pine, juniper, cedar - do not fall asleep, but live due to the fact that their needles contain a sufficient amount of moisture and minerals. This allows them to survive the most severe frosts.