Clever phrases about loving a guy. Quotes from great people about love and life

If you really love, you will never play with the feelings of your loved one, but, without knowing it, you will allow him to play with his own, and even manipulate yourself. 19

True love has three stages - it is very sweet and tender in its beginning, romantic and sexy in its development, and heavy and difficult in its end. 10

People are often surprised how it happens that a female praying mantis, after making love with a male, devours him - but in our world, after marriage, many women do the same. 14

Love... Who would calculate how much this damn illusion costs us. The Ice Harvest 9

Many people confuse love with falling in love, but unlike the latter, love is durable and can withstand all tests and, moreover, become even stronger and richer. 19

As long as you love, you are alive. Vitaly Gibert 22

Love is to know another as oneself. Lauren Oliver. Before I fall 15

When love is addressed to you, you don’t think about anything, don’t doubt anything and take it for granted. When your feelings are directed at someone, doubts appear out of nowhere, various bad thoughts creep in, and the fear of losing your loved one begins to overcome you. 13

And out of the blue, while he was talking to her on the phone, an irresistible desire to die for her surged, visions of heroic self-sacrifice flashed and extinguished in his fevered brain. He loves her so much, so desperately, so hopelessly. Jack London. Martin Eden 11

I just wanted you to be free. And who you will love is up to you. Gossip Girl 13

A man who buys his woman everything she wants from food simply wants to eat deliciously. If she doesn’t buy anything, it means she’s not a good cook. 10

Isn’t it an eternal mockery that a woman cannot wholeheartedly accept the one who loves her? William Shakespeare 13

Love is, to some extent, slavery... Michael Drau. Program error 19

Don’t worry that you still don’t have a loved one, because every day and every year your chances of falling in love until death increases... 23

Love in us is like a treasure, we know nothing about it, it’s all a matter of chance. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva 12

People think that they can only fall in love when they find a worthy person - nonsense! You will never find one like this. People think that they will only fall in love when they find the perfect man or woman. Nonsense! You will never find them because the perfect woman and the perfect man do not exist. And if they exist, then they don’t care about your love. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). About love 19

A person cannot be in love forever, right? - I reasoned pitifully. - Over time, falling in love is replaced by Love, on which stronger relationships are built. And Love is such a tender friendship combined with sex... What type of people do you consider yourself to be? 13

Romance lives in the hearts of those people who know what tenderness, care, and the desire to please a dear person are. But it’s important to be able to show it all. 13

All women are divided into wives and mistresses. The former hate the latter and vice versa. And let them not lie that these categories can change places - it’s like castes in India. You were born a pariah so that you cannot be a Brahmin. Oleg Roy. The world above the abyss 10

If you want to be loved, if you want people around you to feel comfortable and happy, be happy. Force yourself to be happy... Kyle XY 12

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up, the main thing when you are awake and the last thing when you fall asleep, then it is love! 18

It is not always possible to meet a loving and beloved person in one person, but when this does happen, goosebumps run down your skin and the whole world focuses on him. 11

It’s so good when a man and a woman find each other - this results in more works of art, poetry and... children in the world. 14

I guess you've never loved.
- Many times, my friend. And the difference is that I recognize that love is an irrational self-destructive impulse disguised as happiness. Sanctuary 11

Love is a wonderful, pleasant diet, in love there is the inspiration of a poet, love is like a gift - appreciate and treasure! 11

While waiting to meet your other half, try to make love the reason for it. 11

A man and a woman are two completely different creatures, whose life is completely impossible together and completely impossible apart. 10

Every woman wants to be loved... But most of all she wants to feel that she is the main thing in a man’s life. She wants to be first. She wants to be the most important to him. Barbara Cartland. Unsolved Heart 17

You cannot dissolve in your loved one until you completely lose your “I”; it is better to complement him with yourself, while maintaining dignity and respect. 13

Love is like a drug: at first you experience interest, great pleasure, euphoria, and then, when it suddenly disappears, withdrawal and terrible pain sets in. 18

My musk, amber, my beloved, the shine of the moon, my dear, my beautiful Lady, my life, my spikelet, charm, heavenly drink, my paradise, my spring, my joy, my day, my rose. Ah, my smiling rose, my sun, my candle, my secret. Magnificent Century (Muhteşem Yüzyıl) 9

Love can be simple and complex, short-lived and endless, tender and cruel. It can be angry, unfair, or, on the contrary, it instills in us strength and confidence. She makes people happy and makes people suffer. Yes, love comes in different forms, but it is impossible to live without it. 16

To make your day unusual and memorable, you need to move away from stereotypes. Dinner at a restaurant is nice, but nothing more. But a kiss in the rain on a bridge, when two people stand under one umbrella, is unforgettable. 11

Love is like a cough, you still can’t hide it. Irving Stone. Torments and joys 12

I desperately want to be with you... Maria Parr. Waffle heart 16

Loving is when all your thoughts and dreams are only about your loved one, when you do things only for the sake of your loved one, when you forget about everything in the world, even about yourself. 14

Love is not a medicine, it does not cure diseases. She's like a rebel - she contradicts everything. 7

No one is obligated to share your love or respond to it. If feelings coincide, this is great and rare happiness. If they do not match, this is a common occurrence. Alexandra Marinina. Replacing an object 10

The psychology of love is simple: if a person is chasing love and trying to catch up with it, she will run away from him, and as soon as he turns his back to her, she will immediately knock on his shoulder. 12

The persistent desire to achieve the mutual love of an adored object at any cost sometimes ends in complete disappointment in human relationships and the acquisition of additional inferiority complexes. 18

Music... Next to him I become music... Lauren Oliver. Before I fall 8

When a man and a woman get married, they are visited by different thoughts: the woman dreams of changing her husband, and the man hopes that his wife will remain the same as he knew her before the wedding. 15

A beautiful woman is not the one that cosmetologists, stylists or editors work on. This is the one that will go out without makeup and everyone will gasp. 12

Happiness is tenderly hugging a loved one sniffling next to you, kissing a carefree baby’s tiny nose, hearing the ringing laughter of a happy family. 13

If you suddenly have a stabbing in the area of ​​your heart, then do not rush to call an ambulance and drop Validol on the sugar, maybe this is Cupid’s well-aimed arrow. 14

If two people love each other, it cannot end happily. Vitaly Gibert 13

Love is not a theater, there are no rehearsals - complete impromptu. And you don’t need to play the great “Stanislavsky”, they say, I believe - I don’t believe, you need to feel with your heart and act according to the dictates of your soul. 13

Don't talk about your loved one with people who don't like him. Otherwise, you risk falling out of love with him. 11

In dreams and in love, nothing is impossible. Ernest Hemingway 19

When you love someone, it can sometimes be difficult to imagine all the ways you can express your feelings. This article contains truly inspiring beautiful aphorisms about love collected from all over the world that can sum up your feelings in one phrase.

Why not take a look at what dazzling truths, poetry and expressions people have used to describe the wonderful feeling of deep love?

Not all of us are poets; sometimes it is difficult for us to explain the full range of our own feelings of love or infatuation. For example, waiting, the need to be together, deep happiness, separation or parting, hope and disappointment.

This is where the wisdom of countless people from all over the world comes to the rescue, who, like you, have experienced the same joy, turning it into the form of beautiful words. These words are not just beautiful or funny, cool or meaningful, but they are also part of something beautiful and motivating.

Short aphorisms about love with meaning

  • Love kills with golden arrows.
  • Love understands all languages.
  • Love has no law.
  • Short love sighs long.
  • It is important not just to achieve love, but to experience it.
  • Love is a kind of military service.
  • Love is like a sports shuttlecock.
  • Love steals us away unnoticed.
  • Fake love is worse than hatred.
  • Today love very often drowns in vanity.
  • To love deeply is to forget about yourself.
  • Love and hate are always exaggerated.
  • Love notices any merit.
  • Love me a little, but for a long time.
  • Love tastes sweet, but only with bread.
  • Love is the master of all arts.
  • Love equalizes all inequalities.
  • Love rules its kingdom without a sword.
  • The goods of love are jealousy and genuine faith.
  • True love never gets old.
  • Where there is no love, there is no honor.
  • Love is blind, but it sees from afar.
  • Mistrust is an ax to the tree of love.
  • He who suffers from love does not feel pain.
  • Love lives in cottages and also in court.
  • Great hatred follows great love.
  • Love sees roses without thorns.
  • Old love never rusts.
  • Forced love doesn't last long.
  • Kisses are messengers of love.
  • Love, like poverty, is difficult to hide.
  • Love begets love.
  • Love doesn't listen to rumors.
  • Smiling does not mean loving.
  • Love is sweet captivity.

Beautiful aphorisms about love

  • Loving people have one wing for two.
  • All loving people have three ears, one on the left of the head, one on the right, and the third in the heart.
  • The hearts of loving people are connected to each other and always beat as one.
  • Let your love be like a fog, soft, but filling the entire river.
  • Love, like rain, does not choose the grass it falls on.
  • The letter of the heart can be read on the face.
  • Your beloved's home is never too far away.
  • Loving spouses are never ashamed of their nakedness.
  • Love is like rice - plant it somewhere else and it will still grow.
  • Love can even pull an eagle out of its nest.
  • Love can bewitch the soul and body.
  • To truly love another person is to see the face of God.
  • Love, like blood, must circulate unhindered in the veins.
  • In the face of love and death, courage is useless.
  • In hunting and love, you start when you want and leave when you can.

  • Love does not lend or borrow, does not buy or sell. But when she gives, she gives everything.
  • Love is like a falling fog: it falls softly, but it floods the river.
  • There is no rose without a thorn or love without a rival.
  • Love is like seaweed, even if you push it away, it won't stop it from coming back.
  • Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies.
  • A heart in love with beauty never grows old.
  • Before you fall in love, learn how to run on snow without leaving tracks.
  • For lovers, the East is not far from the West.
  • The heart of a loving man is always young.
  • A forest already touched by a love spark will not be difficult to ignite.

Aphorisms about love and relationships

  • Try to talk about love and you will lose your mind.
  • There is no love like first love.
  • If someone makes you laugh, it's not always because they love you.
  • If you marry a monkey and its wealth, the money will go away, but the monkey will remain.
  • If love is a disease, then patience is the cure.
  • Love does not depend on physical features.
  • Loving someone who doesn’t love you is like shaking a tree to collect a cup of water with dew drops from it.
  • Don't try to make a person hate someone he loves. For he will continue to love him, but he will begin to hate you.
  • He who marries only for love will have bad days but good nights.
  • He who loves a vase also loves what is inside.
  • Don't treat your loved one like a swinging door: you love him, but at the same time you push him back and forth.
  • True love means that what is “mine” is yours.

  • He who loves an ugly person makes him beautiful.
  • The best part of happiness lies deep in the heart of a loving person.
  • Anyone who doesn't like chatty women should remain a bachelor.
  • When hunger comes through the door, love jumps out the window.
  • The only cure for love is marriage.
  • No herb can cure lovesickness.
  • Instead of saying “he loves me,” say “I love him.”
  • Loving you means seeing yourself happy for the rest of your life. (By the way, we recommend reading).
  • Love doesn't need reasons, you love because you love.
  • No one has ever measured how much love a heart can hold
  • Declarations of love amuse me. Especially when they are unrequited.
  • Love does not know its depth until the hour of separation.
  • Love is when you carry your best friend after he passes out.
  • Love is not just a virtue, it is a necessity.
  • There is no “more” or “less” in love. The moment you try to evaluate or measure it, it slips away, leaving behind bitter memories.
  • Love knows no boundaries or bars, it integrates.
  • Love is sweet in the beginning, but sour in the end.
  • Love is like the moon - full one day and dark the next.
  • Love penetrates a man through his eyes and a woman through her ears.
  • A hundred wounds are the price to pay for one pleasure in war, hunting and love.
  • A woman’s love scheme cannot be deciphered even by a hundred lawyers.

  • Love is like a glass that breaks if handled clumsily.
  • Love, pain and money cannot be kept secret; they will soon betray you.
  • Love is like a mousetrap: you come in when you want, but you can't come out when you want.
  • The fox knows a lot, but the woman she loves knows even more.
  • Love has given birth to some heroes, but even more idiots.
  • It is much easier to turn friendship into love than love into friendship.
  • Love is a sweet tyranny, because a loving person willingly endures his torments.
  • Love tells us many things that are wrong with us.
  • Lovers are stupid people because they try to stand on two rocking boats at the same time.
  • The disease of lovesickness hurts, but does not kill.
  • Love can become a despot who loves no one.
  • The only victory over love is flight.
  • Love works wonders, but money makes marriages.
  • The absence of a loved one intensifies love, and his presence strengthens it.
  • When the sun comes out after the rain and the foxes make love.
  • Just as you cannot tell about the cost of food and fuel without being the head of a family, you cannot appreciate love without having children of your own.
  • Love one another, Christ said, but he didn't say anything about preferences.


After reading these aphorisms about love, what conclusion did you come to? Surely, true love is not just an emotion or words, it is painstaking work, adherence to certain principles and work on oneself. It must be treated very responsibly, and not through illusions. Thanks to her, you can trust, share your goals and plans, counting on the understanding and support of your loved one.

When you are loved it gives you strength. When you love, it gives you courage. Lao Tzu

I chose you. And I will choose you again and again. Without hesitation, without doubt. I will always choose you. Unknown

I swear that I cannot love you more than in this moment, and yet I know that I will - tomorrow. Leo Christopher

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. Albert Camus

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand. . Dorothy Parker

I looked at you for just one minute and saw a thousand things I love about you

I decided that I would choose love. Hatred is too heavy a burden to bear. Martin Luther King

I saw that you were perfection and fell in love with you. Then I saw that you are not perfect, and I loved you even more. Angelita Lim

The heart wants what it wants. There is no logic in such things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's it. Woody Allen

If I know what love is, it's thanks to you. Hermann Hesse

There is only one remedy for love - to love even more . Henry Thoreau

There is no duty to love. There is only freedom to love, and this freedom can be discovered in yourself again and again . Vladimir Levi

When thoughts of you come, I realize that I have woken up. Seeing dreams about you, I understand that I fell asleep. When I see you next to me, I understand that I am alive

And remember what they say: to love someone means to see the face of God. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Everything I understand in life, I understand only because I love. Leo Tolstoy

Nothing can replace the great love that says: “No matter what happens to you, you always have a place at this table.” Tom Hanks

Stop looking at love through the peephole, open the door. Leo Christopher

This is a very dangerous condition. Actually, it's not that nice. I don't know who the hell wants to be in a situation where you can't stand even one hour without that person by your side. Colin Firth

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven. Possesses paradise - wants heaven. O lovers, all this is in your love! Just be able to find it. Victor Hugo

A touch of love can make anyone a poet. Plato

When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest of your life to begin as soon as possible. "When Harry Met Sally"

I realized that I was thinking about you, and I began to remember how much time you were in my thoughts. Then I realized: since I met you, you have never left them. Unknown

The pleasure that love brings lasts a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime. Bette Davis

To love means to constantly struggle with thousands of obstacles around us and in ourselves. Jean Anouilh

When love is not madness, then it is not love. Pedro Calderon de la Barca

One word frees us from all the heaviness and pain of life. This word is love. Sophocles

You will know it is love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even if you are not a part of their happiness. Julia Roberts

Where there is love, there is life. Mahatma Gandhi

All you need is love. But a little chocolate won't hurt. Charles Schultz

I hope you know that every time I tell you “have a nice trip” or “have a nice day” or “good night”, I am really saying that I love you. I fucking love you so much that it steals the meaning from all other words. Open-365

Aphorisms, briefly about them. As you know, everything has already been said about love. Therefore, it makes no sense to come up with something yourself, but you can borrow quotes from famous people. We invite you to read the 100 best sayings about love!

Aphorisms great people store within themselves a huge storehouse of wisdom. As you know, everything has already been said about love. Therefore, it makes no sense to come up with something yourself, but you can borrow quotes from famous people. We invite you to read the 100 best sayings about love - aphorisms.

Aphorisms. Part I

1. To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and to wish, moreover, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and try, if possible, to deliver this good to him. Aristotle

2. Seeking variety in love is a sign of powerlessness. Honore de Balzac

3. You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

4. If you judge someone, then you don't have time to love them. Mother Teresa

5. Glory is a love accessible to few; love is glory available to everyone. Grigory Landau

6. The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom. Anthony Bret

7. You can’t hide love and a cough. Ancient proverb

8. Marriage is the only war during which you sleep with the enemy. La Rochefoucauld

9. We recognize as a person only one whose soul dreams in love as much about spiritual pleasure as about bodily pleasure. Honore de Balzac

10. Love is the main way to escape from loneliness, which torments most men and women throughout almost their entire lives. Bertrand Russell

11. Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased. T. Gauthier

12. In first love, the soul is taken before the body; later they take him before the soul, and sometimes they don’t take the soul at all. Victor Hugo.

13. It is easier to love memories than a living person. Pierre La Mure

14. You may be just a person in this world, but for someone you are the whole world. Marquez

15. Love that is not renewed every day turns into a habit, and that, in turn, into slavery. D. Gibran

16. Love is not an external manifestation, it is always inside us. Louise Hay

17. Love runs away from those who chase after it, and throws itself on the neck of those who run away. William Shakespeare

18. A woman attracts men to her by playing on her charm, and keeps them near her by playing on their vices. Somerset Maugham

19. The stupidest woman can cope with the smartest man, but only the smartest woman can cope with a fool. Rudyard Kipling

20. Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses. Charles Dickens

21. A woman only believes the word “love” when it is said quietly and simply. Yaroslav Galan

22. Women's instinct is worth the foresight of great people. Honore de Balzac

23. To win a man, a woman needs only to awaken the worst that is in him. Oscar Wilde

24. Love is a battle of two sexes. A woman must defend herself first, a man must defend himself after, and woe to the vanquished! Alexander Dumas son

25. Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit. Johann Schiller

26. You need to nourish your love, and not feed on it. Chantil de Moustier

27. If you don’t love too much, it means you don’t love enough! L. Du Peschier

28. He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness. Friedrich Nietzsche

29. The most interesting thing in love, especially for men, is victory and breakup; everything else is a gimmick. M. Donnet

30. The tragedy of love is indifference. Somerset Maugham

31. Only happy love can prolong the youth of a mature man. Any other instantly turns him into an old man. Albert Camus

32. Love is an occupation for an idle person, entertainment for a warrior, and a pitfall for a sovereign. Napoleon

33. Any love that has its cause not in freedom of spirit, but in something else, easily turns into hatred. Spinoza

34. To resist love means to provide it with new weapons. George Sand

35. There is a kind of love that, in its highest manifestation, leaves no room for jealousy. La Rochefoucauld

36. Love should not be measured as young people measure it, that is, by the strength of passion, but by its fidelity and strength. Cicero

37. Falling in love begins with a person deceiving himself, and ends with him deceiving another. Oscar Wilde

38. To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz

39. You love not the one you go to bed with, but the one you wake up next to. T. Guerin

40. If pride screams, it means love is silent. F. Gerfaud

41. Selfless love is more common in life than true friendship. J. Labruyère

42. Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another. G. Mencken

43. The main essence of love is trust. Anna Stahl

44. Love has created a whole ladder of pleasures, and vision in it is only the first step. Lucian

45. Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. Michel Montaigne

46. ​​In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love. Stendhal.

47. Souls meet on the lips of lovers. P. Shelley

48. Unforgivable pride is not wanting to owe your happiness to your loved one. G. Lessing

49. You cannot love either the one you fear or the one who fears you. Cicero

50. Love is like an epidemic disease; The more we fear it, the more defenseless we are in front of it. N. Chamfort

Aphorisms. Part II.

51. For lovers, like birds, they need not only a nest, but also the sky. E. Panteleev

52. People love not for something, but in spite of it. A. Vasiliev

53. People are surprised that the female praying mantis devours the male after an act of love. However, there are many women who do the same." E. Ray

54. A woman has all her heart, even her head. Jean Paul

55. If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that. B. Shaw

56. It is the same in love and in war: the fortress that conducts the negotiations is already half taken. Marguerite Valois

57. Love hurts even the gods. Petronius

58. Chastity is the most unnatural of all sexual perversions. O. Huxley

59. If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get caught in the rain. Dolly Parton

60. It is not always in our will to be loved, but it is always up to us not to be despised. A. Knigge

61. Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone. B.Shaw

62. Sex is the greatest thing that unloving people can give each other, and the least of what loving people can give each other. E. Panteleev

63. Love is poor if it can be measured. W. Shakespeare

64. If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. Vampilov

65. Love is characteristic only of a sane person. Epictetus

66. Loved ones inspire, loving ones feed. T. Kleiman

67. If you want to love for a long time, love with your mind, not your heart. S. Johnson

68. Love cannot be cured with herbs. Ovid

69. Love is eternity given in time. G. Malkin

70. Falling in love is a firm knowledge that happiness exists. A. Kruglov

71. It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves. F. La Rochefoucauld

72. Constancy is the eternal dream of love. Vauvenargues

73. Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. V. Hugo

74. True love can be recognized by how much it makes a person better, and also by how much it brightens the soul. Leonid Andreev

75. When you drink the wine of love, you have to leave something in the glass. I. Shaw

76. Whoever doesn’t love anyone himself, it seems to me, no one loves him either. Democritus

77. A man who speaks intelligently about love does not love very much. J. Sand

78. Love that seeks something other than the revelation of its own secret is not love, but a set of nets in which only the useless is caught. D. H. Gibran

79. You can only love what you know. L. da Vinci

80. When hearts are full of love and beat only from meeting to separation, a slight hint is enough to understand each other. R. Tagore

81. A person deceived in love knows no mercy. Pierre Corneille

82. True love does not tolerate strangers. E.M. Remarque

83. How important it is for long-term relationships to bring you closer together! T. Kleiman

84. Love can change a person beyond recognition. Terence

85. Love that wants to be only spiritual becomes a shadow; if it is devoid of spirituality, then it becomes meanness. G. Senkevich

86. Loving someone who obviously hates us is not in human nature. G. Fielding

87. Love was without joy, separation will be without sorrow. M.Yu. Lermontov

88. Only small people always weigh what should be respected and what should be loved. L. Vauvenargues

89. Only love bought with money is worth nothing. E. Tarasov

90. Only that love is fair that strives for the beautiful without causing offense. Democritus

91. The people we love almost always have more power over our soul than we ourselves. F. La Rochefoucauld

92. In family life, the most important screw is love. Anton Chekhov

93. For love, yesterday does not exist; love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches out to this day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded. G. Heine

94. Vanity chooses, true love does not choose. I. Bunin

95. We love both a child and a friend only if we already know how to love. And a man learns this from a woman. R. Wagner

96. The extreme opposite of love is not separation, not jealousy, not oblivion, not self-interest, but quarrel. Lope de Vega

97. Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! A. Kuprin

98. Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth. George Sand

99. True intimacy usually starts from afar. V. Zhemchuzhnikov

100. Love is the universal energy of life, which has the ability to transform evil passions into creative passions. N. Berdyaev