DIY snowman made from cotton pads step by step. Snowman made from cotton pads: a fun craft for children DIY snowman made from cotton pads

Useful tips

Cotton pads can be used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to create beautiful applications and crafts.

They make beautiful New Year's crafts and cards, as well as original flowers - daisy, rose, lily and others.

Also on our website you will find:

2. Fold each cotton pad as shown in the image and use pins to attach each folded pad to the cone.

* If desired, the Christmas tree can be decorated with braid, garland, tinsel and other decorations.

Crafts from cotton pads for kindergarten: postcard with a snowman

You will need:

2 cotton pads

Colored paper


Marker (if necessary)

Colored cardboard (for postcards) or adhesive film (for window decoration).

1. Using scissors, cut one cotton pad so that it is smaller than usual - this will be the snowman's head.

2. To make eyes and buttons, you can cut out two small circles from colored paper and glue them, or you can draw them with a marker or buy small stickers that resemble eyes.

3. From colored paper, cut out a hat, scarf and nose (orange, like a carrot).

4. Take a sheet of colored cardboard and bend it in half - this will be a blank for the postcard.

5. Glue both cotton pads to the workpiece. Glue the small disk slightly on top of the large one.

6. Glue on the hat, scarf and nose.

* To decorate the window with this snowman, use adhesive film.

Crafts from cotton pads for children: “Snowman” applique

You will need:

Cotton pads

Colored cardboard

Decoration elements (colored paper, buttons, pompoms, ribbons).

1. Glue two cotton pads (one end on top of the other) to a piece of colored cardboard - this is the body of your snowman.

2. Cut out a hat and buttons from colored paper and glue them on.

3. Use ribbon to make a scarf for the snowman.

DIY crafts from cotton pads: snowball

You will need:

Cotton pads

Thread or ribbon.

1. Fold all the necessary cotton pads into quarters and add glue to the tip of the resulting figure.

2. Glue 4 folded cotton pads together. Glue only the ends, not the entire shapes. Let the glue dry.

3. Bend the glued parts to form half a ball.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 to make the other half of the ball and glue both halves together.

*You can add some ribbon or string so that the ball can be hung.

Flowers made from cotton pads: daisy

You will need:

Cotton pads

Yellow watercolor

Colored cardboard or yellow felt (optional)


1. First you need to make the petals. To do this, take one cotton pad and roll it from the bottom as shown in the image. Tie the twisted part with thread.

2. Make 8-10 similar petals and place them in a circle to form a flower (see image).

3. Make the center of the flower. Take one cotton pad and paint it yellow and stick it to the petals. Or you can cut out a circle from colored paper or colored cardboard and glue it.

You can decorate any card with this flower or use it in an applique.

DIY children's crafts from cotton pads: angel

You will need:

Cotton pads


Crafts from cotton pads and sticks: lily flower

You will need:

Cotton pads

Cotton buds

Corrugated paper or colored paper (color: green)

Cocktail straws (preferably green)

Yellow marker or paint.

1. Take a piece of green crepe paper and cut out a leaf from it (see image).

2. Prepare one or more cotton swabs and paint one end yellow.

3. Insert a cotton swab into the tube with the unpainted end down.

4. Wrap a cotton swab in a cotton ball as shown in the image.

5. Make 3 of these blanks and wrap them with a leaf that you cut out of paper. Secure the flowers and leaves with clear tape.

Crafts from cotton pads (photo): Christmas wreath

You will need:

Foam ring

Cotton pads

Needles or pins.

1. Fold several cotton pads as shown in the image.

2. Using pins, attach all the cotton pads to the foam ring.

Roses made from cotton pads

You will need:

Cotton pads

Corrugated paper (color: green and brown)


PVA glue

Foam sponge.

1. Apply PVA glue to the tip of the skewer, place a cotton pad on it, wrap it around the skewer and press until it sticks well.

2. Apply a little glue to the outside of the already glued disk, attach another disk to it and glue it.

3. To make a bud, you need to glue another 6-7 cotton pads in a checkerboard pattern.

4. To make green sepals, like a real rose, you need to cut out a shape resembling a fence from corrugated paper.

5. Apply PVA glue to the figure and wrap it around the bottom of the bud.

6. Now you need to make a stem. To do this, you need to cut a long narrow strip from brown corrugated paper, apply glue to one end and wrap the skewer in a spiral. Finally, add glue to the tip of the strip to secure it.

7. Making a leaf. Draw a leaf shape on green crepe paper and cut it out. Glue this leaf to the stem.

DIY application "Rainbow over the clouds" made from cotton pads

You will need:

Cotton pads

Paints and brush

Paper plate


1. Cut off a little more than half of the paper plate. You will use most of it.

2. Draw rainbow colors on the plate. You can use different colors, shades and even draw something interesting. Let the paints dry.

3. Apply a drop of glue to each cotton pad and begin gluing them to your rainbow.

*You can attach the craft to the wall using double-sided tape, or attach ribbon or string and hang it.

Let's look at the step-by-step instructions for making a snowman from the simplest cotton pads with your own hands.

How to assemble a simple snowman from cotton pads in a step-by-step tutorial

So, we will need the following materials:

  • cotton pads;
  • felt;
  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • colored cardboard (gray, black and blue);
  • knitting threads (white);
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.

Additional materials required for design and decoration:

  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • tree branch;
  • white paper measuring 4 by 20 cm.

So, let's start creating the application, based on step-by-step instructions.

First, let's make a frame for the future applique painting. You need to take gray cardboard and measure 2 cm on the back side with a ruler and pencil, draw lines. Round two opposite corners, pay attention to the photo.

Carefully cut out the middle with scissors, and you get a wonderful frame for a future craft. We glue it to blue cardboard.

The frame is ready, the only thing missing is the fastening to hang it on the wall. Let's make loops for the thread on the back side. It is necessary to mark two points - 5 cm from the top, the distance from the sides is 5 cm. Take the paper, measure the size we need, namely 4 by 20 cm. 3 cm of the paper needs to be bent, the remaining part should be greased with glue, then the strip will be bent completely. The main thing is that the glue does not get into the middle of the paper parcel. The result is a tube that needs to be cut in half and placed on the glue on the cardboard at the previously marked points, thus creating loops for the thread.

To make the frame completely ready, all that remains is to stretch a thread 50 cm long and tie a knot.

Let's move on to creating crafts from cotton pads. To do this, you need to cut off the edge of one disk, the second one should be smaller in diameter, since it will be the head, and also cut off the edge. A snowman definitely needs hands, which we make from two disks with a diameter of 3 cm.

We glue the resulting parts to a pre-prepared base using PVA glue.

Let's take black cardboard and cut out a 5 by 5 cm square from it. You need to make a bucket. We give the square a trapezoid shape, the dimensions of the bases are 5 and 3 cm, and we cut it out. Glue the resulting bucket to the snowman's head onto the base.

Decorating the snowman. We glue the beads to the places of the eyes and nose, and the buttons to the body. Cotton wool is suitable as an imitation of snow, which we also glue. And don’t forget about a tree branch, which will work perfectly as a broom. The resulting application can be supplemented with small, pre-cut snowflakes.

The snowman is ready.

  1. In order for the craft to be interesting for your child, it is better to think about the idea and color scheme in advance; if you have time, you can first draw a snowman in order to have an idea of ​​the result of future joint creativity.
  2. There are many options for creating snowmen from disks, so don’t be lazy and try making different applications, thereby showing your child different techniques.
  3. If you are trying to make things with your own hands with your child for the first time, then follow the step-by-step instructions and start working with large parts.
  4. Felt is perfect as an additional material for decoration, as it is very easy to work with and does not crumble. You can use it to make a hat and scarf for a snowman. It is, of course, recommended to glue these parts with hot glue for strength, but do not forget about safety, the child may get burned.
  5. To decorate the snowman’s face, you don’t have to use beads; you can also use a felt-tip pen to draw eyes and a mouth. And if you really want, you can even embroider the necessary parts of the face on a cotton pad, since cotton pads do not tear.
  6. To imitate snow, not only cotton wool, but also white knitting threads are suitable. From the same white felt you can cut out snowy clouds, snowdrifts or snowflakes.
  7. Pay attention to the snowman’s expression, because earlier in fairy tales he was by no means a kind character; it was difficult to call him harmless.

In general, in Rus', snowmen were considered the spirit of winter, so they always had a broom in their hands. It was assumed that they would fly into the sky on it. That's why this snowy friend is holding a broom in his hands.

The decor of the applique is entirely a matter of your taste. There are no available materials for a broom - make it from colored cardboard or paper. Add glitter to brighten up the picture.

Video on the topic of the article

To help with ideas and options for such an application, pay attention to the video tutorials. Look. Get inspired and do something new and interesting with your own hands.

Subject: "Snowman"

Target: teach how to make an applique on the theme “Snowman” from cotton pads.
1. develop creative imagination and fantasy.
2. learn to work with various available materials.
3. cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Equipment: colored cardboard (blue, red), PVA glue, Moment glue, 5 pieces of cotton pads, cotton wool, beads, buttons, a tree branch.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

1. Organization of the workplace.

Repetition of the rules of the working man.

2. Introductory part.


Guess the riddle. The answer will serve as the topic of our lesson.

What a strange man

Arrived in the twenty-first century:

Carrot nose, broom in hand,

Afraid of the sun and heat? (Snowman)

Snowman (Victoria Chernyaeva)

We made a snowball...

- You will be a snowman!

We'll put two on top.

The top one is the head.

The nose is a carrot. This time!

Two - glass instead of eyes.

And beets, when the count is “three!”

We draw the mouth. Look!

Legs are sneakers, arms are branches.

We took the skis from Svetka...

The snowman smiled

And he raced off into the forest on skis.

Snowman (Snow Woman) is a simple snow sculpture created from snow in winter - mainly by children. Making snowmen is a children's winter game that has come down to us from ancient times.

A snowman consists of three snow globes (lumps), obtained by making snowballs and rolling the lying snow onto them. The largest lump becomes the snowman's belly, the smaller one becomes the chest, and the smallest one becomes the head.

January 18th is Snowman Day! This is a great way to have fun with friends, family or the whole class: organize a competition for the cutest snowman.

The snowman has become a symbol of winter holidays for children and New Year's holidays for adults. And no one wonders who, how and when made the first snowman? And not many people know what supernatural meaning the snowman had in the past.

In Rus', snowmen have been sculpted since ancient times and were revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts.

In Europe, snowmen were always made next to houses, generously decorated with garlands, wrapped in scarves, and given branchy brooms in their hands.

The image of a snowman can also be used when decorating a home for the New Year holidays. It is easy to make it yourself from cotton wool and bright decorations.

You can also decorate a holiday card with a homemade snowman.

3. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

II. Working on the topic.

1. Sample analysis.

Look closely at this work.

What materials will we use?

Cardboard for the background, colored paper for the bucket,cotton pads 5 pieces, cotton wool, beads, buttons, tree twig.

What glue will we use?

PVA glue, Moment glue

2. Drawing up a work plan.

III. Gymnastics for fingers.

Our fingers pressed tightly together.

What's happened? Interesting!

Apparently they felt cold.

We will cover them with a blanket.

Children clench their left hand into a fist, and grab it with their right hand and squeeze it tightly. Then they change hands. Then they lower their hands and shake them slightly. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

IV. Practical work.

1. We make an application from cotton pads.

2. Glue the bucket to the Snowman's head.

3. Using Moment glue, glue the beads - eyes, nose.

4. Glue the buttons.

5. We make a snowdrift from cotton wool.

6. Make a broom from a tree branch and glue it using Moment glue.

(In the process of independent work, children can show imagination and a creative approach - adding trees, sun, clouds to the applique).

V. Physical education minute.

One-hand, two-hand,

We're making a snowman!

Three-four, three-four

Let's draw the mouth wider!

Five - let's find a carrot for the nose,

Let's find coals for the eyes.

Six - let's put our hat on askew,

Let him laugh with us.

Seven and eight, seven and eight.

We'll ask him to dance!

VI. Summary of the lesson.

Let's make an exhibition of our works and see how it turned out. What did you like about these works and why?

What material did we work with in class?

Everyone completed the task, well done! Now we are organizing an exhibition “Parade of Snowmen” from your works.

Now let's get our workspaces in order.

Snowman made of cotton wool It will be an interesting idea for your children’s creativity; the child can perform the presented crafts both at home and in kindergarten. As a result, the children will gain skills in working with new materials that are already familiar to them from everyday life, and now the child will perceive them as an element of creativity. And at this time mommy can create one to demonstrate to the preschooler that any materials in the house can be used for home creativity.

How to make a snowman from cotton wool

The kids will be happy to know how to make a snowman from cotton wool, because this craft is very simple, even a kindergarten student can handle it. For this craft we will not use any tools: we will not need scissors, just a pack of cotton wool and PVA glue diluted with water. Among the additional materials we will use is one toothpick and a couple of black beads for the eyes. The finished snowman can be supplemented with two small branches that will act as handles, as well as a cylinder hat.

Such a figurine, which you can make of any size, will take its place under the Christmas tree, next to the homemade one. You can make such a New Year's gift for your grandmother, and grandmothers especially appreciate everything made by the hands of their beloved grandson.

Many needlewomen know that there is a felting technique that allows you to create various decorations from wool. It boils down to the fact that fluffy wool is dumped into a solid lump using soap. We will use the same technique to make it original. DIY snowman made from cotton wool.

First, unfold the lump, dividing it into cotton strips. Place a small container of water on your work surface to wet your fingers and a bar of soap. With thoroughly soaped fingers, roll balls, starting with a small lump, and then adding more and more pieces until the lump reaches the required size. Using the same principle, you need to roll up a second lump, smaller in size than the first.

Our snowman will consist of two lumps, but you can always make a third one; it should be the smallest, smaller than the previous two. Once you have felted the two balls, leave them to dry, placing them comfortably on the glasses. Then comes the second part of the craft: for this we need a PVA solution; in a bowl we need to dilute one part water and two parts glue. You can also add glitter to the solution, for example, those sold for nail design, although glitter can be sprinkled on lumps already moistened with the adhesive solution. Each lump must be thoroughly lubricated with glue and left until completely dry.

Next, we need to start decorating, because the two connected lumps still bear little resemblance to a figurine. First, let's take care of the spout; to complete it we will need a toothpick. You need to wrap cotton wool tightly around its tip, and then lubricate it with glue and paint it orange. Then break off the toothpick so that, in addition to the orange tip, there remains a small piece of wood that needs to be sharpened and secured to the nose.

The head and body should also be secured to each other using a toothpick, which must first be lubricated with glue. Glue two beads onto the head to act as eyes. The body can be decorated with buttons, and twigs can be secured to the sides by sticking them into the body. All that remains is to warm up our snow man, put on his hat and scarf. In order to make a hat, you can cut off the nose from the sock, and cut off a strip for the scarf from it.

DIY cotton wool snowman

Like DIY cotton wool snowman requires a lot of material, so it is not surprising that craftswomen are thinking about saving it; for example, you can cover only the outer surface of the ball with cotton wool, and fill it with other unnecessary materials inside. For example, to form a lump, you can use ordinary newspaper sheets; they must be thoroughly crumpled. You can also use the papier-mâché technique, or simply soak a sheet of newspaper in glue solution to soften it and make it easier to shape into a round shape. To fix the resulting spherical shape, you need to wrap it with threads, but there will be a layer of cotton on top.

To create the base, you can also use a more pliable material that can easily take on any shape, for example, you can use foil. In addition, with the help of foil you can make a base consisting of two balls at once; it will be a solid base, which subsequently only needs to be wrapped with threads. If you do not wrap the foil base with threads, then it will be difficult to paste the foil with cotton wool, because the PVA will not stick, but the cotton wool will be perfectly fixed on the threads. When you cover the base with cotton wool, you need to thoroughly coat it with PVA solution on top. When the material has dried, it will be ready for final decoration.

You can put a bucket on our snow man’s head, because this is the kind of headdress we most often choose for our craft made from snow in the yard. It is easy to make a bucket from cardboard by cutting out the necessary elements and then gluing them together. In addition to the bucket, you can also make a cylinder.

If you want to decorate your snow man with warm things, then you can make him a felt hat, crochet it or make it from a sock.

To quickly complete the task, how to do it DIY cotton wool snowman, step by step photo will definitely be useful to you. Although working with cotton wool will be easy even for a preschool child, and with the help of his mother, with her explanation and demonstration, he will definitely make his own beautiful one.

How to make a snowman from cotton wool with your own hands

Children will surely love another original idea for children's creativity, how to make a snowman from cotton wool with your own hands volumetric. We will perform it following the example of the previous two. We also need to make a base: from paper or foil. Only we will not make the outer “shell” whole; it will consist of small cotton balls.

The cotton snowman turns out airy, as if he really was just molded from snow, but such a snowman is not afraid of heat and will definitely not melt in your home.

We suggest making the base using newspaper sheets; they need to be crumpled to form dense balls - they can be made in two or three different sizes. Then glue them together, and we will decorate the already formed base with cotton wool. Mommy can make the base herself, and offer the final stage of the craft for the baby. A small child can easily cope with covering the base with cotton balls.

First, the cotton wool should be fluffed, then you need to take small pieces and roll them into balls with your hands. You need to drip a little glue onto the base, and lightly press a cotton ball on top. Thus, you need to tightly cover the entire base and wait until the balls are fixed, i.e. The glue will dry completely.

Cotton balls can be used to create a children's Christmas tree decoration that children in kindergarten can make. As a basis this time we will use a cardboard base, which will represent three connected circles, in a word, the silhouette of a snowman.

You can cut out the outline from cardboard, for example, from under household appliances, but then paint the cardboard white or paste it with white paper on top. On one side, the base also needs to be covered with small “snow” lumps.

DIY snowman made from cotton wool

Let's not forget that applique is also snowman craft made from cotton wool, but in this case, children are usually offered cotton pads as the main material.

The discs are well known to every woman; they are a must-have in her cosmetic bag; with their help, it is easy to remove makeup from the face and apply various cosmetic lotions. And if this material is always at hand, then there is no problem using it to create children's applications.

The basis will be any thick sheet, preferably blue or dark blue, but if you only have a white sheet on hand, then the child will be happy to decorate it himself and place an applique in the center. Very young children do not yet know how to work with scissors, so their task will be reduced to gluing three identical circles vertically, drawing dot eyes and a triangle nose with felt-tip pens. Above the top circle you should also stick a “bucket”, previously cut out by one of the adults. This application is the first acquaintance with cotton pads for the little ones, but soon you will be able to complicate the creative task offered to them.

In the middle group of kindergarten, children are happy to work with scissors; they already know safety precautions and will not cut themselves with this tool, that’s why cotton wool snowman, photo which they saw takes on completely new forms: now it consists of three circles of different sizes.

So that the child can cut off the excess part along the edges and make three different circles from the cotton pads, the disc should be folded in half, and then in half again, and now cut off the resulting triangle, leaving a semicircular edge. Then the finished three circles can be glued onto a thick paper base.

Craft a snowman from cotton wool

Now you can see what it looks like on the application DIY cotton wool snowman, photo We offer you as an idea for a craft. But girls who are already in school and attending craft classes can sew their first one, using the most popular material among needlewomen who create small voluminous toys, this is, of course, felt.

When you succeed cotton wool snowmen, step by step A master class on creating felt toys will help you cope with this, at first glance, very simple task. You not only have to carefully transfer the pattern onto the fabric, but also cut out the parts with scissors. To make the toy snowman figurine neat, you need to learn how to make very even hand stitches, which look very beautiful on felt. If you want it to be voluminous, then you can add a little cotton wool or padding polyester inside each round part.

Building a snowman is considered one of the most common winter games today. A simple method to clear the road of snow during the warming period is to roll it into balls and then stack them on top of each other. An ordinary snowman consists of three balls. But what to do if the snow doesn't fall? Try to make a simple applique with your child and make a snowman out of cotton pads. Working with different materials has a positive effect on preschoolers’ hand motor skills and also develops creative abilities.


- cotton pads;

- PVA glue;

- colored cardboard;

- white knitting threads.

Master class: snowman made from cotton pads

There are a lot of ideas for creating a snowman from disks, so try making different applications. Do everything step by step, starting with large and basic elements. First, glue the cotton pads onto cardboard or colored paper of blue or some other color. After that, take felt and cut out a scarf or hat for your snowman. Felt is very convenient to work with, as the edges of this material do not fray. The parts are easy to glue on top of the applique. To make sure they don't fall off, use hot glue.

In Rus', snowmen were revered as the spirits of winter, so a broom was inserted into their hands so that they could fly into the sky. That's where this snowy figure's broom came from. You can decorate the applique to your taste, so don’t worry if you don’t have anything to make a broom out of. The expression on the snowman’s face also depends on your imagination, because earlier in fairy tales he was an evil character, and not a harmless good hero.

You can make an applique from cotton pads, which the child will then give to his mother or grandmother. Cotton wool is an environmentally friendly material, so it is ideal for handicrafts in kindergarten. Snowmen made from cotton pads on colored paper will be an interesting idea for creating winter crafts.