A fairy tale about mother Elena, a storyteller. A tale about mom and dad in the style of a Russian folk tale. A tale of two brothers and a strong will.

I really want to believe that this slightly surprising, slightly magical story will be instructive for someone. Once upon a time there lived a boy. His name was Dima. He was eight years old and in second grade. It must be said that Dima was a very smart boy from childhood, he began to speak early, and at the age of five he could already write and read a little. But he had one drawback, for which he was constantly scolded both at home and at school.

He did not obey his mother and father, and often his teachers. For example, his mother will tell him: “Dima, it’s cold outside today, please put on a warm jacket.” And the son will only wave it off: “And I won’t freeze in a jacket!” So what do you think? I didn’t listen to my mother and got sick. Or dad will tell him: “Son, you don’t need to walk through deep puddles in rubber ones, you might fall through or scoop up water with your boot.” Do you think Dima listened to his father's advice? Not a bit! And here is the result: boots full of water! So what are you going to do with it!?

Before going to bed, mom and Dima read books, then hugged for a long, long time, wishing each other good night. Mom turned on the night light, slowly closed the door, and Dima tried to sleep. But he usually didn't do it well. Either he will lie on his right side, then on his left, across the bed, or he will sit and sit. And at this time an old grandmother was looking into his window. Who could it be? It was Dryoma - a gray-haired old woman with a ball of thread and knitting needles. She quietly sat down on the ledge and began to knit, whispering to herself different fairy tales, songs, sometimes she said: “Sleep, little peephole, go to sleep, another one, night has come, it’s time to sleep, until the morning, until the morning...” But Dima couldn’t fall asleep, then Grandma Dryoma shook her head and moved on to the next window, where the neighbor’s girl Lisa lived .
After Drema, old man Dream came to Dima’s window, with Cat Bayun sitting on his shoulder. The old man blew on Dima's eyelashes, calming the boy, and Cat Bayun pulled a dream out of his bag for Dima. If a boy behaved well during the day, he would have a good, good sleep; if he behaved poorly, he would have a restless, melancholy sleep. Usually Dima didn’t have very good dreams: he would either dream of a neighbor’s black cat, which he was afraid of, or some difficult problem in class that he could not solve. And all because Dima did not obey his mom and dad.
And then one day Dima accidentally saw Cat Bayun sitting on the ledge and looking for a dream for the boy in his bag. At first Dima was very scared, he thought it was a neighbor’s cat, but then, looking closer, he was convinced that it was a completely different cat, quite cute.
“Kitty-kitty-kitty,” he called the cat.
- Mur-mur-mur, hello, Dima! - Cat Bayun purred.
- Wow! Talking cat! How do you know my name? – the boy was surprised.
- I am the magical Cat Bayun, I know a lot of things, for example, that today you again did not listen to your grandmother.
- Oh! – Dima was scared.
- Don’t be afraid, I won’t offend you, but here’s the problem: those who behave well receive good dreams from me, naughty children receive restless dreams as a gift from me.
- So that's why I sleep so poorly! – Dima caught himself.
“Yes, yes, to get a serene, restless sleep,” yawned Cat Bayun. - You need to behave well.
- What a nice cat you are! Thank you! Now I will obey my mom and dad, I will sleep soundly, have good dreams, and then I will grow up big and strong!
The cat Bayun did not answer anything, thought a little and took out a good, affectionate dream for Dima from his bag. The boy fell fast asleep and saw how in a dream he was sailing on a large ship on a huge sea, the sun was shining brightly, a warm breeze was blowing and the sails were inflating. Cat Bayun smiled and, stepping with his soft paws, silently went on to distribute his dreams.

In this section we have collected interesting fairy tales from around the world that are suitable for reading before bed. These small instructive and kind stories will help children calm down after a stormy day and get ready to relax.
In bedtime stories you will not find cruelty or frightening characters. Only light plots and pleasant characters.
At the bottom of every fairy tale there is clue, what age it is intended for, as well as other tags. Be sure to pay attention to them when choosing a piece! You don't have to waste time reading a fairy tale to find out whether it is suitable for your child or not. We have already read everything, sorted it and compiled brief descriptions of the fairy tales.
Enjoy reading and good dreams :)

read bedtime stories

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An interesting fairy tale is that piece of childhood that remains with us forever, even when childhood passes away. This magical world, which is wide open in front of the baby, and getting to know him begins with a short and sweet bedtime story.

At what age should a child read fairy tales?

There is no strict age limit for reading fairy tales to a child. Reading for a child is, first of all, an opportunity for emotional closeness with an adult. Even if not a word is understood yet, the familiar timbre of the voice and measured rhythm calm the baby and stimulate his development. This is why psychologists recommend reading fairy tales even to infants. The main condition: the process should bring pleasure to both the adult and the child.

Benefits of reading fairy tales

A bedtime story read by a parent is a powerful stimulus for the development of a child, and provides a wide range of opportunities for the child in the following areas:

  • imagination;
  • fantasy;
  • creative thinking;
  • speech skills;
  • emotional development;
  • the ability to find a way out of problematic situations.

Unlike cartoons, a fairy tale does not present the child with ready-made images and a world invented by the artist, but invites him to think, think through and imagine what is not in the illustrations.

Simply put, we read to children at night and unleash their creativity at the same time. The next step is children's first attempts at being an author and artist, but that will come later. And now such familiar and at the same time amazing short bedtime stories are coming to the aid of parents.

Fairy tales before bed - what should they be?

It often happens that every day a child asks to read a familiar fairy tale to him for the hundredth time, not wanting to listen to any others.

There is no need to argue and try to read something new - a bedtime story exists to lull you and give you pleasant dreams. This means it should be:

  • short;
  • calm;
  • kind;
  • without dynamic details in the plot, but with a happy ending.

Repeated repetition of the same situation (familiar room, favorite blanket and soft toy, nearby is a mother reading a familiar fairy tale) turns into a kind of ritual for the baby, which has a calming effect. This helps relieve the emotional stress that has accumulated over a long day.

Short tales on our website

The “Short Bedtime Stories” section presents famous works by Russian and foreign authors that have become favorites of children all over the world.

Magical people created by Astrid Lindgren, kind tigers by Donald Bisset, inseparable Hedgehog and Little Bear by Sergei Kozlov - these and other characters are looking forward to meeting little readers.

Here you will also find folk tales and illustrated works by Vladimir Suteev. Kids will be delighted with simple educational stories and colorful pictures created by a real Master.

Tips on the site

The free bedtime stories presented on our website are so diverse that sometimes it can be difficult to find the one you need. To help parents, we have developed a convenient search system that allows you to view the parameters of a fairy tale without opening it:

  • age of readers;
  • reading time;
  • brief description;
  • popularity indicator;
  • illustration.

Secrets of reading bedtime stories

For a sweet dream to replace an evening fairy tale, it must be short story, which should be read online in a calm and familiar environment.

Read in a low voice, without haste. Remember, we read to children at night not to give them new knowledge - there is daytime for that. In the evening, it is important to create a relaxing atmosphere and a feeling of peace. To do this, it is important to choose the right bedtime story, which is why our website is always open for you, dear parents!

    Fairy tale

    Dickens Ch.

    The Tale of Princess Alyssia, Who Was Eighteen younger brothers and sisters. Her parents: the king and queen were very poor and worked a lot. One day, the good fairy gave Alyssia a magic bone that could grant one wish. ...

    The Adventures of Cipollino

    Rodari D.

    A tale about a smart boy from large family poor onions. One day, his father accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon, who was passing by their house. For this, his father was thrown into prison, and Cipollino decided to free his father. Chapter...

    What do crafts smell like?

    Rodari D.

    Poems about the smells of every profession: the bakery smells of bread, the carpentry shop smells of fresh boards, the fisherman smells of the sea and fish, the painter smells of paints. What do crafts smell like? read Every business has a special smell: The bakery smells...

    Journey of the Blue Arrow

    Rodari D.

    A tale about toys who decided to give themselves to poor children whose parents could not pay for gifts for Christmas. The Blue Arrow train and toys escaped from the toy store and went looking for the children. During their journey...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Certainly, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends on the earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. About good grandfather Many poems have been written, but we have selected the most suitable ones for children aged 5,6,7 years. Poems about...

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The children rejoice at the white flakes of snow and take out their skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice slide, sculpting...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, Christmas tree for junior group kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's Eve. Here …

    1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how mother bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark... About the little bus who was afraid of the dark read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning...

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A short fairy tale for the little ones about three fidgety kittens and their funny adventures. Little children love short stories with pictures, which is why Suteev’s fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and...

Parents have invented hundreds of ways to encourage, persuade, force a child to “do this and not do that.” Absolutely new way Today our author Marina Mosina, mother of two charming kids, offers. Here's what she writes:
“I admit, my children are just as imperfect and far from ideal as yours. And they are not too inclined to believe the necessary lectures about the benefits or harm of certain behavior or, for example, a dish. So, when my “smart” adult arguments in a dispute with They have already been exhausted, but the goal has not been achieved, I come up with... a fairy tale. This helps a lot. The desired behavior becomes much more attractive, there is simply no room for conflict, and it is easier for the child to understand what is required of him.”

It was in this way, with the help of a fairy tale, that Marina taught her eldest son to dress independently, share with other children, and also ensured that the boy stopped being too fond of sweet buns. We bring to your attention today these instructive stories about the boy Vasya (you can name the hero of the fairy tale after your child) and the Pink Hare (this hero appeared thanks to the appliqué on Vasya’s favorite overalls).

At the age of two, my son became unusually jealous of his toys. He did not allow anyone not only to play, for example, with a shovel taken outside, but even to get close to it. If his friends came to our house, quarrels and fights would immediately begin over toys. True, psychologists argue that every child must go through this stage of development in order for him to form the concept of what his property is. This, of course, calmed me down, but only partly. Who enjoys constant screaming and tears during any contact with peers? That's when fairy tales appeared about how the Pink Hare learned to do things. This is not to say that this instantly solved the problem. However, I listened to the fairy tales with great pleasure; references to the example of my favorite hero often helped to reason with the greedy child. And most importantly, experiencing the details of the fairy tale plot, my son, with the help illustrative examples realized own feelings. After just two or three months, his attitude towards his property became calmer.

And the carrot floated away (zag.)
(Learning to share)

One day Mother Bunny gave Pink Bunny a large carrot and said:
- Son, eat it yourself and share with your friends.
The hare answered nothing, but thought that he himself could eat such a delicious carrot. But he was bored walking alone, and he went to the river bank, to his friend Bobrenko.
And dad Beaver just made a boat for his son with a sail and oars. The little beaver was going to swim on it along the river.
Seeing the Hare, he shouted:
- Hello, Pink Zay! Jump into my boat, let's sail together!
The hare, holding his huge carrot at the ready, was about to jump into the boat from the high bank.
- Wait! - Dad Beaver shouted. - You and this carrot are very heavy, the boat will capsize. Better break it in half and share it with Beaver. And you both eat enough, and the boat will be in balance.
But the Hare became greedy and did not want to share. So he jumped into the boat with the carrot. But the carrot turned out to be very heavy indeed. The boat capsized and the Hare and Beaver fell into the water. Only Beaver swims well, he is not afraid. And hares are land animals and do not like water. The bunny got scared, let the carrot out of his paws and shouts:
- Save me! Help!
The beavers pulled him ashore and calmed him down. The hare shook himself and took a breath. Glad I didn't drown. It’s just a pity for the carrot - it floated away with the flow. And the hare remained hungry.

When my child was three years old, he reasoned and had a conversation just like an adult, he could already read some simple words, showed on the globe where penguins live and where polar bears live. But the art of dressing independently remained for him a peak not only unattainable, but also, to my great regret, completely unattractive. This would not have been a big deal if we had not had a second child. And gathering two children who are completely helpless in dressing for a walk is not an activity for the faint of heart. It’s interesting that the son considered himself so old that he was even planning to get married. On the girl Vika, whom we often saw in the sandbox. My son did not like the fairy tale that I composed in order to somehow spur interest in the process of dressing and undressing. After listening to it, he cried and asked never to tell it again. However, it seems to me that the idea of ​​the need to know how to dress and undress began to take shape at that very moment.

Who will marry Vika? (zag.)

Vika's are big and beautiful brown eyes And curly hair. Vasya really likes her, and he says that when he grows up, he will definitely marry her. But Vika doesn’t answer him anything...

One day Vasya, Vika and other children were playing on the playground. Suddenly, the Serpent Gorynych appeared from behind the forest. He flew very low over the playground, grabbed Vika on the fly and flew back to the forest.

What to do? We have to go save Vika. Vasya and Fedya jumped on their bicycles and began to chase. All the animals and birds willingly told them where the snake had flown. Vasya and Fedya rushed at full speed.

Suddenly there is a river on their way. Not very wide, but there is no bridge or ford. Fedya hid his bicycle in the bushes, quickly took off his trousers, shirt, socks and shoes and jumped into the water. But Vasya didn’t know how to undress. His mother always undressed him, even though she grumbled that he was too big. And there is no mother here. And without her, Vasya can’t undress. He sits and cries. Meanwhile, Fedya is already returning back with Vika. He defeated the snake, freed Vika, and helped her cross the river. They got out to the shore, got dressed, got on their bike and rode back. And Vika said that she would marry Fedya.

And Vasya grieved and grieved, and then he began to ask his mother to teach him how to undress and dress, and from then on he always did it himself.

A fairy tale about the land of sweet buns (zag.)

One day, Grandma brought Vasya two large sweet buns with poppy seeds. Vasya ate one and began to ask for a second. And mom says:
- Enough. You ate one, you can’t eat more, you’ll overeat.
Vasya began to whine. He whined, whined, got tired and fell asleep unnoticed. It was after lunch. And he had an amazing dream. It’s as if he’s walking along the road and suddenly sees a high stone wall. And in the wall there is a gate. There is an inscription above them in capital letters: "The land of sweet buns." The gate is open. Well, Vasya came in.
As soon as I walked in, I saw that there was a counter full of sweet buns, pastries, cookies, and gingerbreads of all kinds. The saleswoman at the counter looks at him and asks:
- Boy, do you want a bun?
- I want to, but I don’t have money with me.
- And we don’t sell for money, but for desires.
- How is this - for desires? - Vasya was surprised.
- Very simple. Do you have any wish?
- Eat. I want to learn to read well. Well, give up this desire, and you will get a bun or gingerbread - whatever you want.
Vasya thought: I don’t have to learn to read right now, I’ll still have time, but I want to eat a bun this very minute. And says:
- Okay, I refuse.
Vasya received his favorite bun with poppy seeds and chocolate glaze and moved on. In the land of sweet buns, everything is so interesting and beautiful: trees, flowers, playgrounds with swings, houses, slides, ladders. Vasya looked at everything and climbed everywhere. I wanted to eat again. He sees another counter with sweets. He came up. The saleswoman asks:
- Do you want a bun?
- Want. I just don't have any money.
- And we don’t sell for money, but for skills.
- How is this a skill? - Vasya didn’t understand.
- Very simple. What can you do?
“Yes, a lot,” Vasya thought. - I can run, jump, ride a bike...
- Give up any one skill, and you will get any bun.
“Okay,” says Vasya, “giving up the ability to ride a bicycle.”
Vasya received a bun with jam and ate it. And then he asks the saleswoman:
- Why are there no children here? There is no one to play with.
- The saleswoman answers:
- And the children are over there in the park.
Vasya went to the park and saw: children do not run, do not jump, do not play, but lie motionless on benches, on the grass." Some ride on carousels. And they are all very fat. Vasya stopped and said:
- Guys, why are you lying there? Let's play and run.
And the children didn’t even move, they just looked in his direction and answered:
- We can't. We gave up the desire to play. And from the ability to run and jump - too.
- How? - Vasya was surprised. - You can’t do it at all???
Then Vasya realized what was happening to the children in the Land of Sweet Buns: they gradually give up all their desires and skills, get fat, and become completely helpless. He felt scared.
- You need to run away from here! Quicker! - he shouted.
“Well, we can’t run,” several people answered sluggishly at once. The others didn't even look at him.

Then Vasya unhooked the most spacious cart from the carousel, put several people in it at once, harnessed himself into it and ran to the exit. Seeing that the children wanted to run away, saleswomen rushed towards them from all sides with trays full of all kinds of sweet puffs, tongues, gingerbreads, bagels and donuts and began vying with each other to offer all this to the children. Of course, in order to get all these goodies, one had to give up the desire to leave the country. But Vasya, without even answering the saleswomen, ran as fast as he could. He realized that he couldn't stop. Moreover, some of his passengers were ready to succumb to persuasion.

By evening, Vasya, harnessed to a cart, finally escaped from this ill-fated country. Only after passing the gate did he stop to catch his breath. I really wanted to eat and drink. The children in the cart also began to complain of hunger and thirst. Vasya looked around and saw a village in the distance. He again harnessed himself to the cart and dragged it towards this village. There he knocked on one of the houses. An old granny opened the door.
- What do you guys want? - she asked.
- Do you have any work for us? “We are ready to work for food,” said Vasya.
“There is work, how could she not be in the village,” answered the granny. - We need to weed the beds, chop the firewood, bring water, clean the house. I’m already old, it’s hard for me to do everything alone.
- Get out! - Vasya commanded.

The fat children sighed and grunted, but there was nowhere to go, they just wanted to eat. We hobbled to the beds and started weeding. Fortunately, they have not yet given up the ability to weed. All the beds were weeded. If you're hungry, you have no strength. Then the hostess gave them carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, garlic, herbs, and black bread. They ate, drank water from the well and felt much better. We rested and began to work further. They lived with the kind granny for a whole week. We lost weight and got stronger. All desires and skills returned to them.

We asked to rent a large cart and went to the land of sweet buns to help out the other children. They took everyone and brought them to the same grandmother. She took everyone in, found work for everyone, and began feeding everyone vegetables and fruits. The children recovered within a few days and became strong, agile, dexterous, and cheerful again.

And from then on, Vasya ate sweet buns only occasionally and little by little.

Marina Mosina, mother of two children

Anna Starostina
An instructive tale about naughty Alyosha, for reading in kindergarten

The tale of naughty Alyosha.

Once upon a time there lived a boy Alyosha. The boy is like a boy, so cute, cheerful, cheerful. And everything would be fine, but this one couldn’t Alyosha sit quietly in class kindergarten. All the time he interfered with the teacher’s classes, interfered with other children’s classes, constantly interrupted everyone, shouted something. No matter how Svetlana Fedorovna, the teacher of their group, explained to him, no matter how the guys asked him not to interfere with listening, nothing helped. But then one day, when the mother had already taken the boy home and put him in a warm bed, he fell asleep and dreamed dream: he is walking down the street, and an old man is sitting on a bench, the old man’s beard is long and white, and there is a cap on his head, he is dressed in a long blue robe with stars, in his hand is a cane, such a strange old man. I approached him Alyosha, sat down next to me and asks:

Why are you dressed up like that, grandpa, they don’t dress like that here?

The old man answers him:

I’m not asking you why you don’t let anyone study in class...

How do you know this? - Alexey was surprised.

- I know everything about you: what is your name, what kindergarten do you go to, how do you interrupt everyone. I am a good wizard, my name is Not chatty, but I don't like naughty guys, therefore, as soon as you want to interrupt the teacher or prevent the children from studying, your tongue will stop listening to you and you will not be able to answer anything, remember this..., said This is the old man who disappeared.

Woke up in the morning Alyosha and, as always, went to kindergarten . During the lesson, Svetlana Fedorovna asked Alyosha a question on the topic covered, but the boy didn’t listen to anything and didn’t know what to answer, only indistinct mooing came from his mouth. Scared Alyosha and going to bed in the evening promised:

Dear, kind Quiet, I promise never to talk in class again and to listen carefully to everything.

The next day he studied very diligently, answered better than anyone, and Svetlana Fedorovna praised him. Alyosha went home happy and proud.

Publications on the topic:

Children live in kindergarten, play and sing here, find friends here, go for walks with them. Together they argue and dream, growing up imperceptibly.

New Year -. amazing, mysterious, magical holiday! I consider the purpose of this material to involve adults and children in joint work.

Despite the fact that there is practically no snow in Krasnodar in winter, everyone, young and old, is waiting for the gifts of Zimushka-winter and preparing for the meeting.

Every year, my colleagues and I rack our brains about what else new things can be done at our sites. This year we made a big crocodile.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone decorates their groups and decorates " winter tales"Together with our parents, we decorated a corner in our group.

Cautionary tale “Ryaba Hen” Chicken Ryaba. Russia. Open spaces. Forests. Vacant lands. Villages and villages. Monasteries. And in an ancient village, there was a case, perhaps.

Fairy tale for graduation party in kindergarten I’ll tell you a wonderful fairy tale - Not very short, And not very long, But the same as from me to you! In the Utev kingdom there is a children's state.

In a far, far away city there lived a family: father Vasily, mother Elena and three sons Ivan, Arkady and Kiryushenka. They lived amicably and happily. Every evening, mother came to her sons, put them in warm beds, and she sat down in a comfortable chair and told different fairy tales. Yes, so interesting that even the moon and her star friends quietly sat down on the window and listened attentively. And the breeze and its friend the rain stopped making noise, they really wanted to listen to these fairy tales.

But then one night, the evil sorcerer Eremey came out into the street. He simply could not sleep and decided to take a walk under the moon and starry sky. And what was his disappointment when he realized that there was no one in heaven. He sent his servant the black raven to find out what made the heavenly bodies leave their posts. The raven circled above the earth for a long time and finally he found his inseparable girlfriends, the stars and the moon, and just flew up when they hissed at him:

“Hush, hush, let me listen to the end of the story!!”

The raven also listened, He heard Lena’s mother’s tale, and he became so interested that he forgot about his master’s task and only flew in in the morning, apologized and told him everything.

The sorcerer wanted to be told bedtime stories too, so he stole Mother Elena from the boys. But the beautiful Elena did not want to tell a fairy tale. Eremey got angry and imprisoned her so that she would be more accommodating.

The whole family was alarmed: they were looking for Elena’s mother on the street, at work, in stores, nowhere. And only when night fell again, the little star went down to the boys’ room and told the terrible news that an evil sorcerer had stolen their mother, and that only her sons could save her. To defeat Eremey, you need to get a platinum quiver, place a golden arrow in it, and then release it from a silver bow. Only she can get into the very heart of the sorcerer and kill him. And in order to somehow help the boys, the moon gave them a magic light that would show them the way.

The boys ran after the light one day, got tired, saw a big, big house by the road, and decided to ask for an overnight stay. They knocked and the giant opened the door for them:

Why did you come?

Let us spend the night kind person. Our mother was stolen by an evil sorcerer, we are going to save her, but we are tired, we need to rest a little - said Ivan

The giant let them into the house and then they heard the loud cry of a girl.

Who's crying? - asked Arkady

My daughter. It’s been a year now... she’s been crying and crying, we can’t do anything.

Let's teach her how to play PSP, maybe it will help - Kirill suggested

We went into the room of the giant’s daughter, and there all the basins were filled with the girl’s tears. They showed her the PSP and taught her how to play. And lo and behold, she stopped crying.

In the morning, seeing off the guys for calming his daughter down, the giant also promised to help at the right time. With this we said goodbye.

Why are you quarreling? Divide the honey equally - said Arkady

How is that? - asked the cubs

And so the problem is, honey is in a barrel with a volume of 400 ml, and Ivan has a mug V = 200 ml in his backpack. The question is, how to divide honey into two equal parts?

Ivan studied well at school and quickly found the answer. From the barrel, they filled a mug with honey to the brim and gave it to one bear cub, the remaining 200 ml in the barrel was given to the second bear cub. And then a bear came out into the clearing:

Thank you boys for reconciling my mischief makers. Call me when you need help, and I will definitely help!

They began to continue on their way. They see a beautiful, beautiful butterfly that is entangled in a web and the spider is already approaching it, wanting to destroy it. Arkady was very clever. He took out scissors and quickly cut the web, and meanwhile Kirill took a large stick and hit the spider so hard that he didn’t even have time to gasp. The butterfly rejoiced at freedom:

Thank you boys. Someday I will help you, I will not remain in debt.

The light led the brothers further. And so he led them to a high, high tower, on the roof of which hung a platinum quiver. What to do, the tower is too high, it’s impossible to reach it. And they called the giant, and the giant was right there, happy to help. He extended his hand and took off the quiver and gave it to the guys.

Let's run further. We saw a cave, and in that cave there was a chest with a big, big lock, but the key was nowhere to be found. The inscription next to it: The golden arrow and silver bow are kept here, but no one can open the lock, and even if someone opens it, they still won’t be able to take either the arrow or the bow. The brothers became thoughtful and decided to call the bear. And the bear was right there, swung her huge paw and tore off both the lock and the lid of the chest. The boys thanked the bear and were about to put the arrow in the quiver, but that was not the case, a fire broke out around them and there was no way to put it out. And, of course, then the butterfly flew in with all its relatives, they waved their wings, put out the fire. Ivan took the quiver, Arkady put an arrow in it so that it would be charged with magical power, and then they gave it to Kirill, he inserted it into the bow and... shot: “Fly, fly the arrow into the very heart of the evil sorcerer Eremey, so that his evil spell will dissipate, his prison spells will be destroyed shackles and our mother will be freed.!!!”

The arrow flew away. Ogonyok brought Elena's sons home, and their mother was waiting on the threshold... beloved and dear. And they began to live peacefully and happily. We bought a big, big sofa for the stars and a huge chair for Luna. And having gathered in the evening, they listened to Elena’s fairy tales.