Scheme of hardening of young children table. Hardening young children: practical advice

Maria Uvarova
Hardening of young children in preschool educational institutions

Air baths

In the absence children We organize cross-ventilation of the group room and bedroom in accordance with the established schedule;

In the presence children We organize corner ventilation of the group room and bedroom. At the same time, we strictly ensure that children are not in close proximity to an open window;

We carefully ensure that children wear lightweight clothing throughout the day. (at air temperature not lower than 18-20? C);

We carry out morning exercises in a well-ventilated group and in appropriate clothing. (cotton socks, lightweight clothing);

We organize a daytime nap without T-shirts if the temperature in the bedroom is 18? C and above. The temperature under the blanket reaches 38-39? S. upon waking up, the child receives a contrast bath with a difference of 18-20? C. This is excellent training for the thermoregulatory apparatus;

Throughout the day, we repeatedly encourage children to walk barefoot on covered and uncovered floors.

Water procedures

We organize barefoot walking on a wet salt path or ribbed board after a nap;

We train children extensive washing with cool water: washing hands up to the elbow, rubbing the chest and neck with a wet palm. At the end of the water procedure, each child wipes himself with a terry napkin or towel;

We organize rinsing your mouth and throat with water after each meal, gradually reducing the water temperature by 1? C, bringing it to 18? WITH.

Sleep organization children

Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed children for at least half an hour;

We organize dressing and undressing children only in group room (remember about the contrast bath);

15 minutes after the last child falls asleep, open the window. 30 minutes before waking up, close it;

We ensure that staff maintain silence during sleep children;

We will organize the rise upon awakening children.

Organization children for a walk

The teacher is the first to lead the subgroup out children who got dressed faster, i.e. We prevent overheating of the child's body. Another subgroup is accompanied on a walk by an assistant teacher;

We make sure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather. In case of warming, we convince children wear less clothes;

Do we organize walks when the air temperature is not lower than 20? C in calm and dry weather, adjusting the stay time children outdoors;

To avoid hypothermia, we will definitely organize a motor activity: outdoor, sports, folk games, general developmental exercises, and we also conduct outdoor physical education classes twice a week.

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Young children are prone to frequent illnesses, because their immunity is weak and fragile. It is after illness that young parents begin to think about hardening procedures. It is important to approach this issue wisely and not immediately pour cool water over the baby. Hardening for both adults and children is not just a cold shower in the morning, but a way of life: a clear daily routine, proper nutrition, physical and brain activity.

Hardening is a whole set of measures designed to last more than one year. If a child is taught a healthy lifestyle from childhood, he will support it even at an independent age.

Rules for hardening children

  1. Systematicity. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Teach your child to do one thing or another every day - for example, go to bed before 22:00 or walk to kindergarten/school. For parents, this will be a good morning exercise, and the child will cheer up in the fresh air after sleep and before studying.
  2. Taking into account individual characteristics. During illness, you should not force your baby to read, write, play sports or play music. Any mental and physical activity should be kept to a minimum, since if you feel unwell, excess stress will only worsen the situation. Wait for recovery and good mood for new exploits and experiments.
  3. Joy and pleasure. Hardening is not coercion; the child should not hate the procedures. For example, if the baby is not comfortable with cool water, then replace it with evening walks in parks and playgrounds: walk every day in any weather. If a child wants to run barefoot, then provide him with conditions for this: a warm floor with heating or a carpet in the cold season.

Hardening adults or young children is not a guarantee of health, and health is not only the absence of diseases, but also a psychological component.

Children, especially those who are often sick, really need attention from their parents: you shouldn’t bribe them with chocolates, sparkling water and cakes, even if you have a lot of worries at home and at work. For example, if you started spring cleaning, ask your baby to help, thereby you will teach him order and communicate, spend time together.

Tempered from birth!

Hardening children is a subtle “science” in which age restrictions must be taken into account. Thus, newborns do not need special procedures, because their immunity is strengthened by nature. In the first few months of life, it is enough to follow standard care rules and not experiment with changes in water and air temperatures. The baby will already be subject to “natural hardening” - for example, when he lies naked waiting for a new diaper, sleeps in the fresh air or bathes (wiping with a soft washcloth or sponge is allowed from an early age), so Dr. Komarovsky advises simply monitoring the development of adaptation mechanisms.

“Toughened from birth,” mothers boast in response to girlfriends’ complaints that their child is again sniffling and has a fever. Not everyone will decide to go on winter walks with a seven-day-old baby, but it is the hardening of young children that helps in the future not to run to the doctor every month. With the right approach, the baby will always be cheerful, cheerful and healthy.

The baby does not yet need extreme hardening - regular exposure to fresh air, swimming and the common sense of parents who are trying to introduce the child to real, not “greenhouse” life will be enough for him.

Features of seasonal hardening

Children's winter hardening differs from summer or autumn, so seasonality is the first thing that parents should take into account. Summer is not only the most favorite time of the year for children, but also the most useful. Summer sun (or rather ultraviolet radiation) is the main source of vitamin D, which strengthens bones and the body’s immune system as a whole, but do not forget that the baby’s skin is very delicate and sensitive, you can get a sunburn even in a few minutes. The age of up to two years is the most dangerous, but by the age of three you can already be accustomed to sunbathing at a temperature no higher than 25-30 ° C. It is advisable to arrange such events gradually, starting from 2-3 minutes of exposure to the sun and ending with 25-30 minutes.

Bathing and swimming are separate methods of hardening children; they can be carried out at any time of the year, for example, in the fall at home, in the winter in a sauna or bathhouse, in the summer at sea, on a river, etc. Home procedures with water can be divided into two types:

  1. hardening of children under one year;
  2. hardening of children from 1 year.

Water procedures for up to a year

Young parents are afraid to harden their newborn child, but Komarovsky thinks otherwise. A standard bath lasts 5-7 minutes at a water temperature of 36 °C. Dousing with a weekly decrease in temperature will help you adapt to the environment: the first few months are 35-32 °C, and after six months you can gradually increase it to 28 °C. It is important to wipe the baby dry after water procedures, as if slightly massaging the body with a soft towel - this will help warm up the skin so as not to wrap the baby in several layers.

Hardening children from 1 year old

By 1-2 years, the immune system has become a little stronger and you can carefully reduce the water temperature from 28 to 23 °C. From one and a half years old, it is recommended to take showers and foot baths. Such hardening will be an excellent prevention for children against colds and viral diseases. Ventilation and wet cleaning will supply the room with fresh air, which is so necessary for proper breathing and the prevention of allergies (for example, to dust) and other respiratory diseases.

Don't forget about physical activity. Swimming successfully combines water hardening and activity (see also:). You can accustom your child to the pool in the winter and to the sea or river in the summer from the age of 4-5. In addition, thermotherapy classes will be beneficial, since hardening with high temperature and dry air stimulates thermoregulatory mechanisms for children.

The main thing is not to overdo it and harden the child with the sauna gradually: the first time in the steam room should not exceed 5-10 seconds. Increase the time each time depending on how you feel and the state of your body, then it is safe.

Hardening of preschoolers

If some methods of hardening are not suitable for infants due to age, then by the age of five the child already understands what he needs to do, and often simply repeats after his parents. Dr. Komarovsky recommends daily contrasting foot baths and showers with alternating hot and cold water. It is important to control the process so that the child does not catch a cold in the icy “rain,” since manipulations should be carried out no more than 15-20 seconds 5 times. Such hardening cannot be carried out for children under one year old, since a fragile body will react in the form of hypothermia and serious health complications.

Preschoolers are active and inquisitive, which means young parents need to monitor their appearance: clothes should be comfortable, light, high quality and dry. In cold weather, you should not wrap your child from head to toe according to the principle “the more pants, the warmer.” If he sweats, he might catch a cold. Sometimes parents unconsciously instill in their child that he is frail and sickly - then no methods will help prevent diseases.

Also, the technique used is considered ineffective if the baby has a negative attitude towards it and the procedures cause discomfort. It is necessary to explain why this is needed and select interesting hardening systems for adults and children to practice together. Be an example for your child, even if you have never trained your body before - you can start at any age.

“If you want to be healthy, toughen up!” - these words became the motto of several generations for a reason. Scientists have long proven that hardening can improve the condition of the body and enhance the functioning of the immune system, as it adapts the body to sudden environmental changes and unfavorable conditions. Of course, you need to adapt your body gradually, and not immediately rush into a snowdrift, hoping for improved health. It is best to begin to harden yourself from childhood, so that from an early age the human body is not afraid of weather changes.

It is worth immediately determining that children of any age and even those with poor health can be hardened, only carefully and, in the latter case, begin the procedures only when the child is healthy. The only contraindication is acute febrile illnesses. And of course, it should be noted that for young children, hardening does not mean wiping them with snow or dousing them with ice water in the cold. This is a barely noticeable and systematic, and completely familiar to us, change in air or water temperature, exposure to the sun and swimming in natural bodies of water, with a further increase in time and exposure to external stimuli on the child. Remember that it is important not only to follow all the rules, but also to create a positive attitude in the child, so that hardening does not feel like a punishment, but rather like a pleasant and useful time together.

In the first month of life, a child can be hardened with so-called air baths. They are a very simple action: before feeding, the baby can be kept naked for a couple of minutes in a room in which the temperature will be about 22-24°C. The baby can take such baths every day, literally immediately after being discharged from the hospital. In the summer, you can walk outside with your newborn almost immediately after being discharged from the hospital. This should not be done only if the baby weighs less than 2500 grams. At first, you can walk for half an hour a day, and then for 6 or even 8 hours, because fresh air is very necessary for a growing body. In winter, the walking time, of course, should be significantly reduced: first 5-10 minutes, and then a maximum of 2 hours a day. By the way, sleeping in the fresh air is considered the most healthful and beneficial. At the same time, be sure to take into account that the air temperature for such hardening must be at least 10 ° C below zero, and the clothing must be suitable so that the baby does not experience hypothermia.

After the baby turns one month old, his body becomes stronger, which means that hardening can be gradually increased, for example, air baths can last longer (up to 15 minutes) and the air temperature can drop by 1-2 °C.

When the child is six months old, the temperature of the water during bathing can be reduced to 36°C, and after a twenty-minute bath, you can pour water over him, the temperature of which will be a couple of degrees lower than the one in which he just bathed, that is, approximately 34°C.

A child can swim in open water only after he turns one year old. And the time spent in water should increase gradually, starting from one to two minutes, at a water temperature of at least 21°C. At the same time, you should not drag the child into the river by force - he must want to enter the water himself. At this age, you can begin to accustom your child to sunbathing, but be sure to use protective cream and at safe times (from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00).

It is worth accustoming a child to the sun's rays at an air temperature of + 20-30 ° C (but in no case higher), starting from 5 to 40 minutes. The child should not be exposed to open sunlight for more than this time. At the slightest redness, stop the procedure for several days.

If you follow these rules in infancy and continue proper hardening throughout your life, your child will grow up to be a healthy person and will not be afraid of cold or heat.

Hardening is a simple and accessible way for everyone to increase the body’s immunity and resistance to external factors, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen your body physically, and add energy and strength. All experts advise carrying out such procedures from early childhood in order to protect the child from colds and other diseases. However, the attitude towards hardening young children is ambiguous, and not all parents are ready to work on it. And even those who are ready don’t always do everything right.

What is hardening?

How does hardening work? It's quite simple. All types of hardening are aimed at improving the body's metabolic processes, stimulating blood circulation, and making the body more active in adapting to the environment.

A simple example of how water hardening works to develop a child’s resistance to external factors. Cold water stimulates the child’s circulatory system, causing the processes of vasodilation and constriction to accelerate. When exposed to cold, they naturally contract, but then expand sharply. Proper thermoregulation is a key factor in health and resistance to disease. A hardened organism will respond very quickly to changes in external temperature, maintaining the temperature of the internal organs within more or less acceptable limits.

When it gets cold outside, a child’s body, which is not accustomed to temperature changes, will work more slowly. The blood vessels will narrow sharply under the influence of cold, but will begin to expand more slowly. At this moment, the body will be hypothermic, and its resistance to external factors will be greatly reduced. Similarly, a healthy, seasoned child will feel great in the heat, his body will actively work to maintain the correct temperature balance.

Pros and cons of hardening young children

Hardening procedures have a very positive effect on the health and development of a child at any age.

The main advantages of such procedures:

  • increasing the body's resistance to infectious and seasonal diseases;
  • accelerated adaptation of the child to changes in environmental factors;
  • properly functioning metabolic mechanism;
  • the thermoregulation process is more active and better;
  • positive effect on the child’s cardiovascular system;
  • improved well-being, sleep, increased energy and strength.

It is the age up to three years that is very important in the development of a child. During this period, children remain under the care of loved ones and relatives, but after 3 years they are faced with new challenges of the big world. A child goes to kindergarten, the load on the immune system increases significantly. Therefore, hardening simply must be carried out during this period.

As for the disadvantages of hardening, there are practically none. Any problems and difficulties arise only in one case - if the rules for carrying out these procedures are violated. Therefore, if you decide to harden your baby from childhood, be sure to follow all these rules strictly.

How to harden a child under three years old? Basic types and rules of procedures

The main environmental factors that your child encounters throughout his life are the measurement of air temperature and the effect of ultraviolet radiation. An additional factor is water. This is an alien environment for humans, and besides, the baby is more sensitive to changes in water temperature (for example, during bathing). Therefore, there are three main types of hardening - aerotherapy (air baths), sunbathing and water hardening. Walking barefoot on the ground, sand or grass is also a form of hardening a child’s body.

You can start hardening procedures for children from an early age. The best time for this is

The most effective and safe method is air procedures. You need to be much more attentive to water procedures, and limit exposure to the sun very strictly.

The basic principles of hardening are the same for both adults and infants:

  • regularity. This is the basis for strengthening the body, without which any actions will not only be ineffective, but may even harm the child. You need to work constantly, day after day, throughout the year;
  • moderation. A bucket of cold water on your head is not hardening, but stupidity, which a healthy adult can afford, but not a child. Each procedure should not be lengthy or unpleasant;
  • gradual growth. Each subsequent time, the duration of the procedure increases, and the temperature of the water (or air, if these are air baths) is lowered. But this happens very, very gradually, little by little.

It is also important to understand that there are no universal rules or recipes. You should always take into account the health status of your baby; if he is lethargic and inactive, or is sick, you should not increase the load, you can postpone the procedure altogether. Make sure that the baby is cheerful, well-fed at the time of hardening, and does not feel any discomfort.

There is no need to force the child to increase the load forcefully. If he is cold or tired, stop the procedures, dress the baby and warm him up. Hardening should under no circumstances be associated with something unpleasant. Following the rule of gradual growth will help not only to get used to temperature changes, but also to enjoy it. This is as important as all other conditions.

Hardening young children with air - aerotherapy

Hardening of babies should begin with the most pleasant and safe way - taking air baths. Aerotherapy is very beneficial and gentle; it is an ideal solution for people of any age. There are several ways to harden your baby using aerotherapy. These are simple walks outside, air baths, ventilation of rooms.

Walking in the fresh air

The advice of doctors and therapists on ventilating the house more often and walking in the fresh air for at least an hour a day is based precisely on this beneficial effect of air baths on the human body. It is important for kids not only to walk, but also to sleep in the fresh air. A daily walk should take from 60 to 90 minutes in winter and 100-150 minutes in summer. They walk with children at any time of the year when the temperature outside is not lower than -10˚C.

Air baths

The baby really likes these procedures; they can and should be carried out from early childhood. When changing your baby's diaper or changing his clothes on the changing table, leave him naked for 1-2 minutes, and then wrap him up and warm him up. To begin with, the temperature should be between 20-23˚C. Increase the time of air baths gradually: up to 15-30 minutes in winter at this temperature, and up to 45 minutes in summer, at temperatures up to 26˚C.

A child over a year old can run around the apartment in just panties for up to one hour. At the same time, you can reduce the temperature in the room, just as gradually and slowly. We start with 5 minutes and 23˚C, bring it up to 60 minutes and 16˚C (you can even go up to 14˚C if the child is healthy and active, and he likes such procedures).

Remember that during air baths you need the baby to be active. Give the baby massage or gymnastics, and the child, who is already moving independently, should engage in active, outdoor activities or games.


Make sure that the baby’s room, and the entire apartment, is ventilated regularly. In the warm season and in good calm weather, the window should always be open. In winter, ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes several times a day.

Tempering children with the sun - heliotherapy

The sun is as necessary for a child as air. Thanks to the warm, gentle rays of the sun, the baby receives the vitamin D he needs. They also improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, increase defenses, and give energy and vigor. But the effect of ultraviolet radiation can be destructive, so sunbathing should be done with extreme caution. Infants under one year of age need to take such baths every day, but no longer than 1-2 minutes in diffuse sun. You can increase the time, but up to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Children from one to three years old also need the warm rays of the sun. They must wear panties and a hat; try to prevent children from spending long periods of time in the open sun. The air temperature should not exceed 30˚С. After such procedures, pour warm water over the child and dry well with a towel.

Walking barefoot

Another way to harden young children, which is very interesting, useful and effective, is walking barefoot. It is also very pleasant for the baby, because it gives new, unusual sensations and allows you to discover the world in a new way. In ancient Greece, young men walked without shoes until they were 18!

Walking barefoot is also useful around the apartment, and on warm summer days - on the ground near the house, on the grass in the garden, on the beach on sand or pebbles. An excellent therapy is walking along the bottom of a rocky stream. But make sure that the water temperature is moderate and immediately wipe your child’s feet after the procedure.

Hardening children with water

Water procedures are the most common and popular hardening option. This is what parents often concentrate on, forgetting about other species. We need to do everything together, gradually and regularly.

How are they hardened with water? There are several ways:

  • rubdown This procedure is carried out with the youngest children, very carefully and gradually. Wipe the baby's arms, legs, and body with a moistened sponge, 3-4 times on each part of the body, then wipe dry and dress. First use warm water, gradually reducing the temperature to 25˚C;
  • full or partial douches. You can start them at 9-10 months, but only after consulting a pediatrician. The best option for carrying out the procedure is after bathing the child. You need to start from the feet, then pour the entire child from the neck to the back. At first, the temperature should be 28-29˚C, but it can be gradually reduced. You can stop at only partial dousing (of the baby’s legs), this is just as useful and effective.
  • contrast douches or contrast showers. Such procedures can be used at an older age, from 18 months, according to the following scheme: warm water (33-36˚С) - cold (23-26˚С) - warm again (33-36˚С).

What is important to remember when tempering a child from childhood? Hardening of young children must be regular. If you had a break, then you need to start all over again, gradually and slowly. Continuing to harden your baby after a break using the same scheme, you can harm his health. The best option is not to stop the process completely, not to be lazy and try to give the child everything to make him healthy and strong.

Nadezhda Zhukova
Hardening of young children (first junior group)

Hardening of young children

1st junior group “Caramels”

(consultation for parents)

A strong but not seasoned man

like a fortress with thick tall

walls in which they forgot to put a gate,” says popular wisdom.

We will never find our way to the land of Health if we do not strengthen our body. Hardening is an excellent and affordable means of preventing diseases and promoting health. It is an important link in the system of physical education of children, providing training of the body’s defenses and increasing its resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions. Hardening does not cure, but prevents illness, and this is its most important preventive role. A hardened person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body's defenses.

Contraindications to hardening

There are no absolute contraindications to hardening. Every person must be tempered throughout his life. It is only important to dose hardening procedures correctly, especially in the initial period.

In our group we plan to use such non-traditional types of hardening as:

1. Walking barefoot

Technically, the simplest non-traditional hardening method is at the same time a good means of strengthening the arch of the foot and ligaments. We start walking barefoot for 3-4 minutes. We increase the procedure time by 1 minute daily and bring it to 20-25 minutes. The procedure is very physiological and well tolerated by children of any age. That's why we do it from an early age.

2. Strengthening your hands (playing with water according to the educational work plan).

Water procedures have one feature. They, as a rule, also have a mechanical effect on humans. Water has a stronger effect than air due to the mineral salts, gases and liquids dissolved in it. Playing with water is one of children's favorite pastimes and it is not surprising, because playing with water is useful not only for the development of tactile sensations and fine motor skills. Water develops various receptors, calms, and gives positive emotions. And what could be better than the happy face of a child! And it doesn’t matter anymore that there are puddles around you. The initial water temperature is 37-36 C. Gradually, the water temperature is reduced by 1 C every 2-3 days, bringing it to 22 - 20 C. Children after illness begin to be hardened from the initial temperature.

We offer you a list of games with water that we use to strengthen our hands.


For this game, you will need any toys that can be used to pour water: a watering can, a small bowl, a small jug or a simple plastic glass. The baby draws water into a container and, pouring it out, creates a noisy waterfall with splashes. Place the child’s palm under the stream, study the fall of the water, splash it. Pay attention to the child that the higher the waterfall, the louder it makes noise.”

Water takes shape

For this game you will need: an inflatable ball, a rubber glove, a plastic bag, a plastic cup. The baby fills the ball, glove or bag with water using a plastic cup. Adults should draw his attention to the fact that water takes the shape of the object into which it is poured.

Soap game

A small piece of soap is dropped to the bottom of the basin. The baby must catch it using rubber spoons or his own palms.

Drowning - not drowning

Take objects from different materials: metal, wood, plastic, rubber, fabric, paper, washcloth. Lowering various objects in turn, the child observes whether they are immersed in the water and what happens to them.

Little fisherman

Small objects are thrown into the basin. These will be fish. The child is given a “fishing rod” - a ladle with a long handle, with which he will catch fish. You can also catch fish with two spoons.

Leisya, Leisya

For this fun you need a funnel, a plastic glass and various plastic containers with a narrow neck. Using a glass, the baby pours water into bottles through a funnel. You can simply pour water through the funnel, raising it high.

Wring out the washcloth

An adult gives the child a sponge and asks him to fill the bowl he is holding in his hands with water. But this should only be done with a sponge, collecting water and then squeezing it into a bowl.

Through the sieve

Let the baby pour water from a glass into a sieve. Explain to him why the water flows away. In play, the child learns the purpose of objects and the properties of matter.

Hardening activities in the younger group

1 Through ventilation in the absence of children 3 times a day

2 Quartz treatment 3 times a day

3 Morning exercises in a ventilated room 8:10-8:20

4 Physical education classes 3 times a week

5 Washing with cool water During routine moments

6 Ventilate the group before class 2 times a day

7 Walk in the fresh air 2 times a day

8 Breathing exercises 2 times a day

9 Gymnastics in bed 15:00

10 Walking along “health paths” (a mat with spikes, a ribbed board, a button mat, barefoot on the floor to prevent flat feet) Before the day

bedtime and after

11 Walking barefoot on the sand, pouring feet, air baths. During the summer

12 Phytoncides (onions, garlic kinders) During a flu epidemic

The effectiveness of hardening is monitored using the following indicators:

1. Reduced excitability, falling asleep quickly, deep sleep.

2. The desire of children to perform hardening procedures, a positive emotional attitude during their implementation.

3. Improving the vegetative-vascular reaction in children - increasing the skin temperature of the hands (warm hands throughout the day).

4. Comprehensive assessment of children's health and redistribution by health groups.

5. Dynamics of morbidity in children:

Reducing the number of frequently ill children

Number of cases of acute respiratory infections per child

Reduction in the duration of one disease (in days)

The number of days missed by one child due to illness per year.

Prepared by the teacher of the 1st junior group

Zhukova N. A.

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