Beaded daisy pattern. Chamomile from beads (master class) How to make the middle of a daisy from beads

Easy to make, but very beautiful, a beaded daisy will turn out beautiful and will serve as an excellent souvenir or gift to your friends.

Chamomile from beads: patterns

Here are a few diagrams that you can refer to as you work.

Chamomile from beads: step-by-step instructions for beginners

So, let's begin our process of making a daisy from beads: a weaving pattern for beginning needlewomen will be discussed in the master class and it consists of several stages. The first stage is weaving the flower, the second is the formation of leaves. You will have to work with materials such as beads No. 10 green and white, wire No. 0.3 (preferably white and green), as well as thread and scissors.

The task of the first stage is to weave the petals for the future flower, to do this you need to cut the wire so that its length is 40 cm, you need to collect 25 beads on the wire white, then the wire must be twisted in the shape of a loop and the petal is ready, similarly you need to weave two more petals.

After this, you should form four more petals according to the same pattern as the first three petals, and then twist the wire.

The goals of the second stage are to form the sepals and leaves, for this you will need a green wire on which nine green beads are strung, after which the end of the wire is returned to the first bead and a loop is formed. Using the same principle, five more loops are formed, and then the wire should be twisted.

To connect the flower and sepal, you need to twist the wires of both parts.

To make a leaf, you will need a 30 cm piece of wire; three beads are collected on it, which are placed in the middle to form a triangle; for this, the end of the wire is drawn into two beads towards each other and the wire is tightened.

After this, the beads are collected according to the pattern: 3-3-4-4-5-5-4-4-3-3-2-1, all the teeth are woven like this: beads are collected onto the wire, and the end of the wire returns to the first bead and is pulled up .

After the leaves are ready, they need to be attached to the stem. For realism, the stem can be wrapped with green thread or ribbon.

Dear needlewomen, we continue the floral theme, and today we offer you step-by-step master class and a diagram of weaving a daisy from beads with a photo and description. These white flowers delight our eyes during a summer walk. However, summer is almost over, and I really want to save at least a small part of it for the snowy winter. Give yourself a whole basket of daisies as a souvenir of summer! After all, after the master class you will know how to make a daisy from beads easily and effortlessly!

Tools and materials Time: 3 hours Difficulty: 4/10

  • beads No. 8 yellow, white and green;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.3 and 0.6 mm;
  • fishing line;
  • green floss threads;
  • plastic bottle.

Step by step instructions

So, below we will describe step by step how a daisy is woven from beads.

Step 1: make the middle

So let's start from the middle.

  • To do this from plastic bottle cut out a circle with a diameter of 4 cm.
  • Using an awl, we make punctures, arranging them in circular rows.
  • Through these holes we make loops of 5 beads, while leaving the last row of holes untouched (see figure).

Our center is all ready.

Click to enlarge

Step 2: making petals for the daisy

Then we will make 21 white petals. We carry out weaving according to detailed diagram presented below.

Click to enlarge
  • We pass the finished petals through the unfilled holes in the center.
  • We twist the ends of the wire, adding a piece of thicker wire for the stem.

Click to enlarge

Step 3: back of the flower

Then we make the lower part of the flower. To do this, take a piece of wire 15-20 cm long and do the following.

Click to enlarge

Now let's fix this part on the flower according to the diagram.

Click to enlarge

Then we will make 1-2 of these leaves and attach them to the stem.

Click to enlarge

Now all we have to do is tightly wrap the stem of our chamomile with green threads.

We hope that the process of creating such a daisy did not seem difficult, and you will weave a whole bouquet of such snow-white summer flowers.

They asked me to explain how I made my daisies... I made a small MK, maybe it will be useful to someone else

Let me immediately clarify that I wove them from Czech beads No. 15, so I will not indicate the number of beads on the wire, but the length of the beads in centimeters. And you yourself will count the number of beads for yourself, because everyone has a different size of beads...
Daisies are obtained with a diameter of 4 cm.
So let's begin
The chamomile consists of seven trefoils and a center.
For one trefoil, cut a piece of wire approximately 25 cm long. We string 3.5 cm of beads onto the wire, with the working end of the wire we go back into the first bead, this is what we get: a loop like this

For the middle loop, we collect 5-6 more beads than the first (the length of the bottom is 4 cm). And the third loop is the same as the first. Twist the ends of the wire

We need seven of these petals.
Next we make the middle. It consists of the same loops as the petals. Five loops, 4-5 beads each, twist into a ball. You need three of these balls (or five for the middle bigger size). Then we twist the balls together.

For the sepals, we put 2.5 cm of green beads on the wire and make 9 loops.

Next, take a piece of a transparent plastic bottle (from any delicious lemonade) and use a needle to pierce holes at approximately the same distance, for the middle and seven holes for the petals. Cut out in a circle. Diameter is about a centimeter. Of course, you can do without it, but this way the chamomile will be more stable and will hold on tighter.

Insert the petals and the center into the punctured holes

WITH reverse side screw the sepals

Our chamomile is almost ready

We still need to make buds. To do this, we put about 3.5 cm of white beads on the wire, make seven loops, twist

The idea of ​​such daisies is not mine, I borrowed it from Chinese or Japanese scheme, but I adapted it for myself, added and changed some things, and removed some things.
This is my first MK, I hope everything is clear
A very easy flower even for beginners.

Cute field daisies, created with your own hands, will never wither and will become a gorgeous gift for a dear person. Their big advantage is that beaded daisies are easy to make and do not require much time to weave.

How can a beginner make a daisy from beads? Do I need to purchase any additional tools for this? Practical advice will help you solve the problem.

We will need the following materials and tools:

  • beads different colors(green, yellow, white);
  • good wire for beading;
  • thin threads or floss green tint;
  • special green ribbon for flowers;
  • petal weaving patterns;
  • wire cutters;
  • sharp scissors.

You will also need to understand the master class with step-by-step instructions.

DIY beaded daisy: master class

A true chamomile flower has a pair of elongated petals (at least seven pieces) and an oval yellow center. The stem of the flower is tall with small carved leaves.

Creating petals is not difficult. There are several ways to create them. For the first time, you should choose lighter weaving patterns. It is also recommended to look at a photo of the created flower, made according to the chosen scheme, so that the result of the work will please you.

Chamomile petals can be of different shapes:

  • in the form of an empty loop;
  • single row of beads;
  • rows of beads, tightly adjacent to each other.

The first option is the easiest and is suitable for making small flowers. For them, beads with small grains are used. Beaded daisies with petal-loops are light in weight. They can be used to create colorful summer jewelry.

For flowers with solid petals it is better to take volumetric beads for several reasons:

  • it is easier to attach it to the wire;
  • the required volume of the petal is obtained faster;
  • The larger the grain, the stronger the wire should be - too soft will not hold the correct shape.

Gallery: beaded daisies (25 photos)

Master class on making a regular version of a flower

We unwind a piece about 50 centimeters long and place it on it. unpaired number of beads white shade, the amount depends on the desired size of the future flower. We make a loop from the selected beads and twist it a couple of times. Should remain near the petal on one side a piece of wire five centimeters long. Place the same amount of beads on the long tip and create a new petal.

For the central element of the flower you will need a small piece of wire (15-20 centimeters) and yellow beads. At the end of the wire we will fasten one bead with a loop so that the others do not slip off. For the center, collect 25 beads, move them tightly and secure the last part. We create a blank in the shape of a spiral, slowly place it in the middle of the part with the petals and secure it. The beaded daisy is complete.

New step of the master class - creating stem and leaf. You can use various available tools:

  • thin bamboo sticks;
  • skewers for small kebabs;
  • knitting needles.

You can make a stem from a piece of wire, which is bent in half, and a flower is screwed to the place of the bends.

We apply the finished flower to the top of the future stem, the remaining pieces of wire are wrapped around it. If possible, attach the beaded daisy to the stem from the inside out using glue.

For the stem you will need to make a couple of leaves. Every leaf consists of three or five loops. They are woven in the same way as petals, but less beads are used.

We fix the leaves on the stem free ends of the wire. Then we completely wrap the workpiece with our green ribbon. If you don’t have a special ribbon, you can tightly wrap the stem with green threads, securing the ends with glue.

Assembling a flower: master class

Let's start our master class on weaving and assembling chamomile. The core is attached to the tip of the stem blank. Then we securely fix everything with threads or a special ribbon. First we put a ring of white petals on the stem, then a ring of sepals. Each element is fixed with threads or tape.

Starting from the flower and downwards, we slowly wrap the stem with green material. At the middle of the height we will attach the first leaf to it, and a little lower we will attach the rest. The finished beaded daisies should be placed in a vase. It is selected according to the size and height of the chamomile.

Small beaded daisies can be used as decoration for gifts. In this case, softer additional materials can be used for the stem.


After flowers, many beginning needlewomen learn to make napkins using beadwork. After gaining minimal experience in beading when making flowers, it will be much easier to deal with a napkin. Therefore, if you are just starting out, try to take easy work, and not immediately take on and weave a napkin.

Beading for the very beginners

Detailed master classes on weaving beadwork for beginners

Friday, July 15, 2011

To make a daisy from beads we will need:
— beads No. 11: white, yellow, green,
- wire dia. 0.3 mm, preferably light,
- green threads for winding the stem.

First, we weave flower petals from white beads using parallel weaving.
For each petal we take a wire 35 cm long.

We weave the lower petals according to the following pattern:
1 row - 2 beads
2nd row - 3 beads
rows from 3rd to 9th - 4 beads each
10 row - 3 beads
11th row - 2 beads
12 row - 1 bead

We make 9 such petals.

then twist this wire 3-4 turns

and bend it to the main bundle of wires. Leave the resulting bundle of wires free and do not twist it!

We weave such petals according to the following pattern:
1 row - 2 beads
2nd row - 3 beads
rows from 3rd to 7th - 4 beads each
8th row - 3 beads
9th row - 2 beads
10th row - 1 bead

We also make 9 such petals,

and collect them in a circle on an additional wire in the same way as the previous petals.

We also do not twist the resulting bundle of wires!

We collect 3 beads on the short end of the wire, and 5 beads on the long end of the wire.

We fold both ends of the wire parallel to each other and twist them together so that the beads on the long end of the wire form a small arc, at the base of which lie the beads collected on the short end of the wire.

We screw them in such a way that the newly added beads form a small arc opposite to the previous 5 beads. In this case, a row of 3 beads remains in the middle. Thus, the first circle (5 + 5) of beads was obtained.

Screw the remainder of the long end of the wire to the original wire loop

and bend the resulting circle so that it becomes curved and looks like a hemisphere.

Finally, twist all the ends of the wire together.

We begin to collect the flower. Take small petals

and insert the resulting circle of yellow beads into their middle.

Twist all the ends of the wire together

and insert them into the middle of a circle of large petals.

Again we twist all the ends of the wire together.

Our chamomile is almost ready,

but we still need to weave leaves for her from green beads. I made just two slightly different leaves, also using the parallel weaving technique. We take wire for them 30 cm long.

I made the first leaf according to the scheme:
1 row - 1 bead
2nd row - 2 beads
3rd row - 3 beads
4th row - 4 beads
5th row - 3 beads
6th row - 2 beads
7th row - 3 beads
8th row - 4 beads
9 row - 3 beads
10th row - 2 beads
11th row - 1 bead

I made the second leaf according to the scheme:
1 row - 1 bead
2nd row - 2 beads
3rd row - 3 beads
4th row - 4 beads
5th row - 5 beads
6th row - 4 beads
7th row - 3 beads
8th row - 4 beads
9 row - 3 beads
10th row - 2 beads
11th row - 1 bead

All that remains is to attach the leaves to the flower, and then wrap the stem with green threads.
Chamomile is ready!


I made a daisy, only from a different shade of white

I’ll make one today and buy the necessary iser. beauty. lovely

why wind threads? you can buy colored wire in green, that’s all

I've done it, all that's left is to do the middle

this is just great) I’m almost finished)))

I only have one leaf left to make, and it’s so lovely. I have never seen such beauty. I just started weaving with beads, and immediately there was such progress, and everything was easy to understand, I recommend this wonderful site to everyone))).

is there a green wire?

Yes, special wire for beading comes in the most various colors, including green.

very beautiful daisy, although I changed it a little. I got not 2, but 3 levels. And I also wrapped it with green ribbon, not thread.

can I use 0.2 wire?

Yes, you can. But the thinner the wire, the worse the petals will keep their shape. But if the beads are not too large, then you can try using a slightly thinner wire.

Thanks for the master class. I made one for myself, or rather as a gift))) True, I made the leaves at different levels.

I'll buy more wire and finish it

I made myself a bouquet of seven daisies, the site is simply wonderful, very clear explanations! Thank you!

Tell me, is it better to wrap with floss threads or regular ones?

Good afternoon In products for the site I use regular threads. But floss can also be used - it works even better with them.

please tell me how to secure the thread at the end??
and wrap until the very end??

You need to wrap so much so that when you put the flower in a vase, the wire at the bottom of the stem is not visible. The thread should be tied into one or two knots, making them around the stem.

how to weave so that you get 2 beads in the first row? I only know of a simple technique where there is one in the first row. I don't know how to do it right. Tell.

First, put 2 beads on the wire and place them in the middle of the wire. These beads will make up the first row. Then put 3 beads on one end of the wire for the second row. Holding these 3 beads with one hand, pass the second end of the wire through them. Next, tighten both ends of the wire so that the second row of beads lies close to the first row. All subsequent rows are woven in the same way, you just need to collect the required number of beads.

Hello! Will 2 daisies and one rose be combined in one bouquet? Would this look nice as a gift for mom?

Good afternoon I think it will be very good gift for mom.

Hello Yulia, how many grams of beads will be needed for one chamomile??

Tell me which beads are better to use: Chinese or Japanese or it doesn’t matter.

In principle, any bead can be used, although there are significant differences between the different types. I usually use either Chinese or Czech. Chinese is more common and cheaper, but Czech is much smoother, so the products made from it are more beautiful. This is especially noticeable on small items, so the smaller the item, the preferable it is to use higher quality beads. But, for example, I make all the flowers from Chinese beads, including this daisy.

How do you distinguish Czech beads from Chinese ones? how do you know? the fact that it’s cheap is understandable, but even cheap Chinese ones can be just as good. what's the difference?

Usually on each, even the smallest, package it is written what kind of beads it is. In addition, since I usually use beads from specific manufacturers, I can distinguish them from other types of beads by additional characteristics. For example, Chinese beads are plastic, and Czech beads are glass. As for the fact that cheap Chinese beads can be even - perhaps this happens, but my experience says the opposite.

Where do you buy beads if it’s not a secret?

Good afternoon In general, there is no secret in this. In short, in several craft stores. Of course, there is no point in naming specific stores, since the world is a big place.

and I buy a bag (10 grams) at a handicraft store for 6 rubles. True, the problem is that it is of different calibration. But, because of its cheapness, I bought a lot of multi-colored beads. Thanks to Yulechka for the site: there are so many MKs on it. And I don’t understand a damn thing from the diagrams on other sites.

Good afternoon Julia! Is it possible, after wrapping the stem with threads, to dip it in wax?

Good afternoon Please explain, why dip the stem in wax at all? I have not encountered such a technique.

How to measure the wire?

The wire can be measured, for example, with a ruler.

How much wire did it take?

If you strictly follow the instructions given in the master class, then exactly 8 meters of wire are required for one flower.

how long have you been weaving this?

It makes no sense to indicate the exact time I spent, since the speed of weaving is different for everyone. But in general, this product is not the most complex, and it can be woven quite quickly.

Yulia, Tell me: how do ordinary needles differ from beading needles? And in general, is such a needle necessary?

Good afternoon Beading needles differ from regular needles in that they are thinner. These needles come in different sizes: the larger the size, the thinner the needle. I usually use size 12 needles.
When deciding which needle you need, and whether you need it at all, you need to consider several points:
- if weaving is done on wire, then a needle is not needed at all;
— if weaving is carried out on a fishing line, then in some cases you can do without a needle, but this can only be decided individually, depending on the size of the beads, the thickness of the fishing line, the weaving technique used and the experience of the craftsman. In addition, although some products on a fishing line can be woven without a needle, in general, using a needle simplifies the process of passing the fishing line through the beads;
- if weaving is carried out on a nylon thread, then a needle is usually needed;
— you need to choose the type of needle based on the size of the beads: when weaving large beads, you can often use an ordinary thin sewing needle (if it can be used to pass the working thread through the hole in the bead several times), but if the beads are small, then do not use a regular needle it will work out - this is what special beading needles are designed for.

Thanks a lot! I became convinced of the need for a needle quite recently: I tried to weave with an American rope. And there you have to pass the needle through the bead many times. Couldn't do it without a needle! Now, based on your advice, I’ll visit a craft store. Thank you very much again. Happy New Year:)))

I also wish you a Happy New Year!

Chamomile from beads

To work you need:

White, yellow and green beads;

Copper wire of different thickness diameters;

Green floss threads.

Getting started

We take a wire, string 25 white beads on it and twist a loop under the beads.

We do the same on the other side, securing the wire at the base of the weaving - the petal is ready.

There should be 7 of them in total.

Center of the product

We twist a piece of wire 50 cm long into a loop and string 3 yellow beads onto one of the ends.

We string 5 yellow beads onto the other end of the wire and twist the wire in an arc.

We collect 6 yellow beads onto the wire and twist them into an arc again.

We continue weaving until the number of arcs reaches six.

Now we take both ends of the wire and combine them, twisting them in the middle - the work on the middle is ready.

We add 12 green beads to one end of the wire and make a loop again.

There should be a total of 6 such loops on the wire.

Weaving leaves

We string 5 green beads onto a 43 cm long wire, pass one end of the wire through the last 4 beads and tighten the work.

We string 5 more beads onto one end of the wire and return the wire to work through the last 4 beads.

We do the same with the other end of the wire.

We connect both ends of the wire and put 5 beads on them.

There should be three such leaves in total.

Usually all the petals of a bud are collected on a special mesh, but if there is none, it doesn’t matter. It can be made from a plastic bottle: draw a circle on the bottle with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm and cut it out along the contour. Then use a nail to make 7 holes in a circle and one in the center.

We insert the petals into the resulting circle in a circle, and the middle into the center and twist all the protruding ends of the wire.

Now we put on and attach the leaves under the base of the bud.

We take a thicker wire and wind it to the stem.

The next step is to wrap the stem with threads: coat the stem with PVA glue and screw the threads in a circle, not forgetting to attach the leaves.

Flower arrangement and pendant in the form of a daisy made of beads

Those who like to weave flowers with beads with their own hands are probably very interested in how to make a beautiful daisy. They search for instructional videos or detailed diagrams on the Internet to understand the weaving process. Making them is not as difficult as it seems. Beaded daisies will become a beautiful element in the interior decor of your room. To figure out how to weave a daisy from beads, we offer you detailed master Class.

Master class on weaving daisies from beads

For weaving we need:

  • special wire;
  • beads (yellow, green and white);
  • green ribbon for floristry or green threads for embroidery;
  • wire cutters

Daisy beading uses the loop technique (to make the base of the flower and its petals) and the French weaving technique (for the leaves and core). There is no need to waste time and look for an additional master class to learn these techniques. In our lesson with photo and video materials, you will easily understand the manufacturing technique.


The wire must be long. At the beginning of weaving, we retreat about 5 centimeters from the edge of the wire. To weave a petal, you need to put enough beads on the wire so that half of them becomes the length of the petal. Let's say you needed 34 white beads. Having strung them on the wire, fold it in half so that it forms a narrow long loop. Secure the wire by twisting it.

You can see how the petal turns out in photo 4.

Having stepped back a few millimeters from the first petal, we do the next one in the same way. There should be 12 of them in total. Be sure to make them at the same distance from each other.

When all the petals are ready, we finish the circle of petals. We connect and twist both sides of the wire.


The axis will be a piece of wire about 15 centimeters long. In the middle you need to string 3 yellow beads.

We wrap a length of wire around the base of the beads several times. We will string beads onto it to weave the core of a daisy from beads. We string 6 yellow beads onto its long edge and make half an arc by wrapping it around the axis. Then we string 6 more beads to form an oval and wrap it around the axis again.

It is necessary to bend the resulting workpiece in such a way that a “cap” is formed in the shape of a cone.

Next, we also string the required amount of beads and fix them with half-arcs. You need to weave about 5 rows of the core and secure. So that the core has round shape You need to hold the bead wire at a 90 degree angle.

The part that remains empty needs to be cut off. We twist the legs of the axle together, the result is one leg.

The photo shows how the beading of the chamomile core from beads occurs and what will happen in the end.


The distance between such loops should be a couple of millimeters. You need to make 12 such loops. Then we close the circle of loops by twisting the two parts of the wire together. We bend the loops so that they have a cup shape.

You need to collect a lot of green beads on the wire for the bottom. We wrap its left end at the bottom of the axis, and with the right end we make half an arc and fasten the wire at the top of the axis (above the beads). We lower it down, making another half of the arc.

We make two full arcs on both sides of the axis.

To the left and right of the resulting leaf we make two identical loops. Then two more, fix the end of the wire for a low circular axis and remove the unnecessary long tip.

Use your fingers to press the loops along the sheet.

To make everything look neat, use a thread in the color of the beads to sew the loops across the sheet (as in photo No. 6) so that they are fixed.

Flower assembly

The beaded daisy is almost ready, all that remains is to assemble it. We follow this assembly diagram:

Having given the flower a natural shape, you can consider that the work is finished. A bouquet of such beaded daisies looks very beautiful in the design of any room and gives it a zest.

Pendant made of daisies

For those who love various original jewelry, there is an idea on how to make them with your own hands in a very interesting way. If you have some beautiful stones at home that are just lying around, you can play with them by making the heart of a daisy. The result is not difficult to make, but a very effective pendant that others will appreciate.

First we need to braid our stone:

We put on a thread the amount of beads that will braid the stone around its circumference and close the circle;

  • We weave the second row using the mosaic technique (a video tutorial on how to weave using this technique can be found on our website);
  • We continue to make mosaic rows until their width is the width of your stone. You can use beads of different shades to suit your taste;
  • We begin to close the back of the product. This is quite easy to do. We collect 5 beads and weave them through 2 beads of the last row of the mosaic;
  • Next, we string three beads and weave them through the tops of the “fives”. The third of five beads is considered the top;
  • Then we make 1 bead through the top of the “triples”;
  • Scheme No. 2

    Having finished the niche for the stone, we insert it inside. We bring the thread to the central row of the product. In the photo it is highlighted purple;

  • We collect 2 beads and insert the thread into the second, and out through the third. In this way we finish the entire row;
  • Next, we bring the thread into the first bead of the row and begin to weave each chamomile petal separately. We carry out weaving according to scheme No. 1;
  • We also carry out extensions of 2 more tiers. This will be the core of the future chamomile petal;
  • We finish weaving the petal according to scheme No. 2;
  • We weave each chamomile petal separately, in the same way as the first.
  • The result is a wonderful daisy with a stone, which can decorate your pendant, ring or bracelet.

    How to make a daisy from beads?


    Crochet amigurumi toys Year of the Bulldog This is the year of the dog.

    Dear needlewomen, we continue the floral theme, and today we offer you a step-by-step master class and a pattern for weaving a daisy from beads with a photo and description. These white flowers delight our eyes during a summer walk. However, summer is almost over, and I really want to save at least a small part of it for the snowy winter. Give yourself a whole basket of daisies as a souvenir of summer! After all, after the master class you will know how to make a daisy from beads easily and effortlessly!

    Tools and materials Time: 3 hours Difficulty: 4/10

    • beads No. 8 yellow, white and green;
    • wire with a diameter of 0.3 and 0.6 mm;
    • fishing line;
    • green floss threads;
    • plastic bottle.

    Step by step instructions

    So, below we will describe step by step how a daisy is woven from beads.

    Step 1: make the middle

    So let's start from the middle.

    • To do this, cut a circle with a diameter of 4 cm from a plastic bottle.
    • Using an awl, we make punctures, arranging them in circular rows.
    • Through these holes we make loops of 5 beads, while leaving the last row of holes untouched (see figure).

    Our center is all ready.

    Click to enlarge

    Step 2: making petals for the daisy

    Then we will make 21 white petals. Weaving is carried out according to the detailed diagram presented below.

    Click to enlarge

    • We pass the finished petals through the unfilled holes in the center.
    • We twist the ends of the wire, adding a piece of thicker wire for the stem.

    Click to enlarge

    Step 3: back of the flower

    Click to enlarge

    Now let's fix this part on the flower according to the diagram.

    Click to enlarge

    Then we will make 1-2 of these leaves and attach them to the stem.

    Click to enlarge

    Now all we have to do is tightly wrap the stem of our chamomile with green threads.

    We hope that the process of creating such a daisy did not seem difficult, and you will weave a whole bouquet of such snow-white summer flowers.

    The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

    It's hard to find a person who doesn't love daisies. Perhaps this is why there are so many options for weaving them - many craftswomen dreamed of creating three-dimensional flowers from beads, as similar as possible to real ones.

    You should choose this option for making flowers as your first beadwork - it is so simple that it will not take much time even for beginners.

    Materials and tools

    To work you will need:

      beads of white, green and yellow colors;

    • green tape or floss;

      wire 0.2 mm.

    Making a petal

    A piece 25 cm long is cut from the wire. 15 beads are placed on it. The free end of the wire is pulled through 14 beads, leaving the last one free.

    The ends of the wire are separated and 17 white beads are strung on each end. Having bent the ends, they are pulled through the last free bead.

    String 19 beads onto each end of the wire. Wrap it down, pull it through 2 beads on the sides of the central one.

    Gently tighten the wire to give the petal its shape. The ends are connected and twisted.

    Simple chamomile flowers consist of 7 petals, so depending on how many daisies you plan to make, that many petals are woven.

    Core formation

    To make the first option, cut a piece 30 cm long from a coil of wire. Place 3 beads on one end and pull them a little to the side. Make 2 loops at both ends, both long and short.

    Place 5 beads on the long end and apply them to the first three. The end of the wire is connected to the base at the point where the initial beads of both rows touch.

    String 5 more beads and make the same row on the other side of the workpiece.

    By connecting both ends of the wire, the parts are given volume.

    Making a cup

    To create a cup, a wire 50 cm long is cut from a skein. A 20 cm long string of green beads is placed on one end. Taking 15-17 beads from it, loops are formed, pulling the wire so that the beads fit tightly to each other. During the process, make sure that the loops made are smaller in size than the white petals. Depending on the number of beads in the bottom, 6-8 loops are obtained.

    Chamomile assembly

    Now wildflowers need to be collected from already made blanks.

    The petals are connected to each other, a piece of yellow beads is inserted into the center, and then the ends of the wire are tightly twisted, giving the part the shape of a flower.

    When the flower is ready, it is inserted into the formed cup, securely twisting all the ends of the wire.

    Making leaves

    To create leaves, cut a piece of wire 50 cm long. Place 6 beads on it and stretch them to the middle of the piece of wire.

    One end of the wire is pulled through all the beads, leaving the last one.

    The ends are separated, 4 beads are strung on one, the wire is threaded again, leaving the last one.

    So, by sequentially collecting an arbitrary number of beads on the ends of the wire with different sides, form branches.

    The made branches are screwed to the stem, placing them at a distance from each other. Then they wrap the stem and branches with thread or tape to hide the visible wire.

    Video of a master class on beaded daisies