New Year's scenario for young children. Scenario for New Year's party in an early age group: "Winter's Tale"

Olya Chakvetadze
Scenario for New Year's party for children early age

New Year's party in an early age group"Bunnies"

MBDOU No. 3 "Alyonushka"

Children and the teacher enter the festive hall to instrumental music and stand near the Christmas tree.


Hello guests!

Hello guys!

Hello our Christmas tree!

A prickly needle.

There is no better gift for guys

Come closer, children.

Look above, below

How many toys are there?:

Beads, lanterns, firecrackers,

We are celebrating the New Year!

Hello. silver

The Christmas tree is fragrant.

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

We will stand together in a round dance.

Song: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Leading: How beautiful and elegant you guys are!

Soon Father Frost and Snow Maiden will come to our Christmas tree.

There's a knock on the door.

Leading: Let me see, who is coming to us to celebrate the New Year? Maybe Grandfather Frost is coming to our holiday?

Snow Maiden Hello, children! do you recognize me?

I am winter's daughter, I am frost's granddaughter.

Call me Snegurochka, snow hands.

Santa Claus asked me to invite you to the Christmas tree.

Come closer to the tree, look above, below.

There are so many toys on her, bright balls, firecrackers.

We will ask our Christmas tree to sparkle with lights.

We will stomp, we will clap, we will light our Christmas tree.


Clap, clap, speak: “Our Christmas tree, burn!”

And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Oh-oh-oh! Ay-ay-ay! The Christmas tree is sparkling!

Oh-oh-oh! Ay-ay-ay! What a beauty!

And our children are also all dressed up and good.

They will tell our Christmas tree New Year's poems.

1st child Hello, Hello, Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

Let everyone dance and sing by the Christmas tree!

2nd child We all feel very good!

Fun today.

Because he came to us

Holiday New Year!

3rd child Hello, the Christmas tree is our friend!

We all gathered around.

Songs to sing and dance,

Celebrate the New Year together!

Leading: Winter has come cheerfully, all people are happy about it.

She calls both adults and children.

Ah, snowball! Ah, my friend! Fall on your palm.

We will go for a walk with you in new boots.

SONG "WHITE SNOW" music Filippenko

1. Stars are flying from the sky, playing merrily, "CATCHING SNOWFLAKES"

They went straight down into the garden and covered the ground. LOWER YOUR PALM

Chorus: White snow, white snow, white fluffy snow. "SPRING"

White snow, white snow, light silver. circling

2. The houses became white, and the faces became ruddy, "ROOF" "CHEEKS"

The winter fairy tale itself is knocking on our doors. "FISTS"

Snow Maiden: These are the miracles. Someone is knocking on the door! Maybe Grandfather Frost is coming to our holiday?

A bunny comes in.

Snow Maiden: Hello, bunny! How did you come to us?

Bunny: I galloped out of the forest

Happy New Year!

I wish you laughter and joy

I love to dance and sing

And I'm great at playing!

I'll just stretch my paws

And I’ll invite you to dance!

Dance game "The gray bunny is sitting"

There's another knock on the door.

Leading:I'll take a look: who is coming to us,

Celebrate the New Year with us?

The fox enters.

Fox: Hello guys!

What kind of holiday are you having here?

Leading: It's New Year!

How glad we are, how glad we are,

How many guests came to us!

Come quickly, little fox,

It will be more fun together.

Fox: Guys, do you want to play with me?

I have snowballs in my basket. I’ll scatter them now, and you collect them in a basket.

Snowball game.

The Snow Maiden pays attention to the sleeping bear.

Oh, who sleeps here under the Christmas tree in winter?

Yes, this is a bear! Let's wake him up, clap our hands loudly, and stomp our feet.

Teddy bear (wakes up)

What's happened? Why?

I don't understand anything!

What kind of children are walking here?

They don't let you sleep peacefully!

Snow Maiden: You, little bear, don’t be angry! Better have fun with us!

Presenter: Come out quickly! Dance more fun!

Teddy bear: I would dance with you, but I just don’t know how...

Presenter: It doesn’t matter, come out with us, we’ll teach you!

Dance: "Bear with a doll"

Teddy bear: They danced very merrily

And not at all tired!

I thank the guys

I say thank you to everyone!

Snow Maiden: How fun we played! We're a little tired.

There is no Santa Claus. Apparently my grandfather got lost.

Let's call Grandfather Frost, guys!

Maybe he will hear and come to our Christmas tree! Let's all shout together: “Santa Claus, Ay-ay!”

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear! I'm coming to you.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello, children, Our guests. Well, here I am.

How are you doing, kids? Happy New Year! I wish you all good health! Let's start a round dance and celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Leading: Santa Claus, you are probably tired,

I've been looking for a kindergarten for a long time,

Sit down and relax. We will read poetry to you!

4th child Father Frost, Father Frost,

It's good that you brought it

To kindergarten today

Holiday New Year!

5th child Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day

We dance, we dance

Here comes Grandfather Frost

He brought us all gifts!

6th child Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

Lights were lit on it,

And the needles shine on it,

And there is frost on the branches!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, Father Frost,

What did you bring for the kids?

Father Frost: Snow and blizzards,

Laughter and fun!

Leading: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, And what else did he bring us?

Father Frost: Santa Claus has not forgotten you. I brought gifts for everyone.

The problem is, where did you put it?

Leading: Guys, do you all want to receive gifts?

Snow Maiden: I have magic needles (hands out needles)Let's say together: “Become needles and gifts from the Christmas tree! Quietly at first, in a whisper. Now turn it up.

Children sit on chairs

Santa Claus Well, guys, don't yawn! And receive gifts!

Father Frost: Well, my Snow Maiden, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Goodbye, kids!

Snow Maiden: The time has come, we need to say goodbye

Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart

Let both adults and kids celebrate the New Year together!

All heroes Goodbye kids! See you again! (wave hand).

Leading: We say goodbye to Frost until next winter, We will remember this Christmas tree for a long time!

Scenario New Year's party short-term groups for young children. All scenarios New Year's Trees see the link

Children and mothers enter the hall to the music.

1 Presenter: Hello guests!

Hello guys!

Hello our Christmas tree!

A prickly needle.

There is no better gift for guys

Come closer, children.

Look above, below

There are so many toys here:

Beads, lanterns, firecrackers,

We are celebrating the New Year!

Song: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Children sit on chairs.

2 Presenter: The hours are running, the hours are passing...

This is the law of nature.

And we want to congratulate everyone

Happy New Year today!

Children perform the “Clock” dance.

1 Presenter : We all feel very good

Fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

2 Presenter: How beautiful and elegant you guys are!

Soon Father Frost and Snow Maiden will come to our Christmas tree.

1 Presenter: These are the miracles. Someone is knocking on the door! Maybe Grandfather Frost is coming to our holiday?

Two bunnies enter.

1 Presenter: Hello, bunnies! How did you get to us?

1 Bunny: I galloped out of the forest

Happy New Year!

I wish you laughter and joy

2 Bunny: I love to dance and sing

And I'm great at playing!

I'll just stretch my paws

And I’ll invite you to dance!

1 Presenter: That's great! Dancing is good! Our guys have prepared a dance!

Children perform the “Pearls” dance.

1 Presenter: Winter has come, cheerful

All people are happy about her.

She calls both adults and children outside.

Ah, snowball! Ah, my friend!

Fall on your palm

We'll go for a walk with you

In brand new boots!

1Bunny: I love snow! Guys, let's play in the snow!

Snowball fight.

2 Bunny : I'll throw snowballs high

They will fly far.

And the kids will collect snowballs

And they will bring it to us in a box.

The bunnies throw cotton snowballs, and the children bring them back to the box.

The game is repeated 3 times.

1 Presenter: Guys, where is our Snow Maiden? How will we celebrate the New Year without her?

2 Presenter: Let's call her so she can quickly find our kindergarten.

All : Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden. Hello! I am the Snow Maiden, Granddaughter of Santa Claus!

1 Presenter : Hello, Snow Maiden! These are boys and their mothers. And this is our guest, the Bunnies. We are celebrating the New Year.

1 Bunny: Hello, Snow Maiden! We called you and invited you to the holiday.

Snow Maiden: I am very glad to be a guest at your holiday.

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

Let's sing songs and dance!

It's nice to celebrate the New Year!

Song-game “About skates”.

Song-game “About traces”.

Snow Maiden: What a fun holiday you are having. It's a pity that Grandfather Frost is late!

2 Presenter: Our children are waiting for Grandfather Frost with gifts.

Snow Maiden : Grandfather Frost decorates trees and bushes, fields and meadows with snow. On New Year's Day, all nature prepares for the holiday. Let's call him!

All: De-shower Mo-rooooz!

1 Presenter: Guys, this is Santa Claus coming. Meet him. Let's give him a clap.

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music.

Father Frost : Hello kids! Girls and boys!Happy New Year to everyone! I went through all the obstacles. I knew that I would be welcome here. I also prepared gifts for the guys.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's sing a song to Santa Claus.

The song “Father Frost” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.


Father Frost : Why isn’t our Christmas tree lit? Let's light up our Christmas tree! One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire! Oh, it didn't work out! Let's all together...!

Christmas tree game.

2 Presenter: Guys, let's play with our Christmas tree! Let's blow on it and the lights will go out. ( Children blow on the Christmas tree. The lights go out.) Now let’s clap our hands and the lights will light up. ( Children clap their hands, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

The game is repeated 2 - 3 times.

1 Presenter: Santa Claus, you're probably tired

I've been looking for a kindergarten for a long time,

Sit down and relax. We will read poetry to you!

Children read poetry.

Round dance around Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost . Thank you guys! You have prepared some good poems.

Snow Maiden . Grandfather Frost, did you bring us gifts?

Father Frost. Santa Claus walked through the forest,

I brought gifts for you, friends!

The blizzard howled, the snow swirled,

I gifts... u-ro-nil...

Guys, help

And find gifts.

Gifts are hidden under the tree.

Adults help children find gifts.

Father Frost. How fun we played

Songs were sung and danced!

And now, guys, you

I'll give out gifts!

Santa Claus distributes gifts to cheerful music.

Father Frost. Now it's time for us to return to the forest. Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Bunnies say goodbye and leave.

Children and mothers leave the hall.

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Scenario of a matinee for children of the first early age group “Visiting Grandfather Frost”

The script for the matinee for children of the first early age group “Visiting Grandfather Frost” will be useful for educators and music directors to conduct winter holiday with young children.

Target: formation of ideas about the celebration of the New Year;
- strengthen children’s ideas about winter;
- to teach joint musical activities with adults and peers;
-develop attention, coordination of movements, encourage children’s activity;
- cultivate interest in musical activities.

Light fluffy snow slowly swirls, settling on the roofs of houses, trees, and the clothes of passers-by. The long-awaited frost creaks underfoot; The morning clean and fresh air invigorates.
For more than thirty years now, I have been going to work with my kids and every time, together with them, I experience the joy and excitement of the first New Year’s party in their lives, their first meeting with Santa Claus, the first dance of snowflakes and the first New Year’s song they heard.
A lot has changed in society in recent years. Instead of a forest beauty that smells of pine needles, a synthetic Christmas tree appeared. New characters came to New Year's parties. But the feeling of anticipation and joy from the New Year holiday, the sparkle of children's eyes and the cheerful laughter of my kids remains unchanged.

Progress of the lesson:

The leader comes to the group and invites the children to visit Grandfather Frost. Everyone goes to the music room together.
Presenter: Look around! How beautiful it is in our hall! A Christmas tree in a white fur coat looks at us and waves its green branches. Let's say hello to her. Hello, Christmas tree!
Children walk around the tree in a flock, looking at it and the Christmas tree decorations.
The musical director sings “The Snow Maiden’s Song” lyrics. Voronko music Nekrasova
Presenter: The tree is beautiful, but the lights on it don’t light up, let’s all light up the lights on our tree together!

"Game with Lights"
(children clap their hands together - the lights come on; they blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out).
Here are a row of beautiful lights, now they go out, now they burn
The Christmas trees are shining all around, and they invite us to sing a song.
Song “Here is our Christmas tree” lyrics. Klokova, music. Kraseva
Here is our Christmas tree, standing bright,
Our whole Christmas tree sparkles with stars.
Falls from the Christmas tree, golden rain,
Oh, how much fun we have, Christmas tree with you!
Presenter: Well done kids! We sang the song well, the Christmas tree liked it! And now we will go to visit Santa Claus. Let's hurry, otherwise the snowstorm will start soon and all the paths will be covered with snow. Oh, guys, a blizzard is starting, it’s going to snow now. Look how our snowflakes will dance.
“Dance of Snowflakes” lyrics. Volgina, music Fillipenko
Fluffy snowflakes, flying, flying, flying (running)
Cold snowflakes shine like stars
Losing (spinning)
So fun today, white swarm of snowflakes (half squat)
We dance with the kids at the New Year's tree
Losing (spinning)
And the playing breeze swirled the snowflakes (hands swing up)
And quietly flying away to the ground, he lowered it (sit down)

Presenter: Oh, there’s so much snow, it’s impossible to get through, it’s impossible to get through! Where is Santa Claus? This is his house, let's knock (they knock) he can't hear it! Shall we call him? (they shout) Grandfather Frost doesn’t open, he’s probably sleeping. How can we wake up Santa Claus?

I came up with an idea: I have ringing bells, we will ring them and Grandfather will wake up.
"Dance with bells" music. Zhilinsky

Father Frost: What kind of noise, what kind of ringing, do I hear from all sides?

Yes, I have guests! Hello kids! Forgive me, I lay down for a minute and fell asleep for an hour! Did you wake me up?

Oh, those bells jumped out of the chest again. Well, climb back. (children fold bells). Oh I'm tired! (sits down)
Do you know the song about me?
Song “This is our Christmas tree” lyrics. Malkova, music Slonova
Visit us for Santa Claus
I brought this Christmas tree.
Who brought us a Christmas tree?
Father Frost, Father Frost.
On this holiday, Santa Claus
He brought us all gifts
Who brought us gifts?
Father Frost, Father Frost.
Presenter: Grandfather, guests are knocking on your door (a hare is brought out from behind the tree)
Hare: Hello Santa Claus!
Father Frost: What do you want, oblique?
Hare: Grandfather Frost, New Year on the threshold, my bunnies are waiting for gifts.
Father Frost: Look how smart you are, gifts, you will amuse my guests and there will be gifts for you too!
Hare: I'll have some fun Grandfather, here are the "pultants" for you.
"Dance with the Sultans"
I'll give the boys some gold tinsel
I'll wave over my head, repeat after me.
Golden tinsel lay down on the path,
You stroke her, my friend, like fluffy snow, a snowball.
Stomp, stomp, one, two, three, shake the snow off your feet.
Spin around with tinsel and bow to all the guests.

Father Frost: Well done bunny! Here's a carrot gift for the kids!
(The hare thanks and leaves, a knock is heard)
Father Frost: Who else is there?
(A bear is brought out from behind the tree)

Father Frost: Why do you need a stomp?
Bear: Grandfather Frost, the New Year is just around the corner, my cubs are waiting for gifts.
Father Frost: Present? You make my guests happy, and you will have gifts too!
Bear: I'll have some fun, Santa Claus, come out kids and play.
Outdoor game "Children and the Bear"

The bear was walking through the forest, the bear was looking for children,
I looked for them for a long, long time, sat down on a chair and dozed off.
The children began to dance here, their feet began to stomp,
Mishka, Mishka get up, Mishka catch up with the kids.
Father Frost: Well done Mishka, here’s a gift for the kids, sweet honey.
(hands over a barrel of honey, the bear thanks and leaves)
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, the New Year is just around the corner, our kids are waiting for gifts.
Father Frost: Present? And you play and dance with me, you will also receive gifts.
Presenter: Let's make Santa Claus happy? Once! Two! Three! Let's play in the snow!
Outdoor game "Snowballs".

Dance with Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Well done! Have fun! And now it's time to receive gifts! (Santa Claus shows gifts and says goodbye to the Christmas tree together with the children)

Scenario of the winter holiday "U" Christmas tree» for children from 1 year 6 months to 3 years.

Description of material: The material will be of interest to educators, music directors, and parents.
Target: creating a fabulous, festive atmosphere.
- develop the ability to imitate in young children;
- encourage children to take joint action;
- develop responsiveness to what is happening
Characters: Father Frost, Snow Maiden
Methods: use of riddles, songs, poems, games.
Design: The hall is decorated for the New Year holiday, there is a Christmas tree in the center, garlands and tinsel are hung.

Progress of the event:
Children freely enter the hall with Santa Claus and look at the Christmas tree.
Father Frost: Winter brought us a joyful holiday,
The green tree came to visit us.
Let's get closer to the tree
Let's look at everything above and below.
How many toys are there on it?
Cones, stars, firecrackers.
We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
A very long time, a whole year.
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's round dance.

Round dance "Little Christmas tree" .
Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones!
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones!

The beads were hung,
We got into a round dance.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!
(children sit down)
Father Frost: Guests should come to us for the holiday, now I’ll ring the bell (rings). Nobody's coming, let's clap.
(Snow Maiden enters).

Snow Maiden: Hello guys. How beautiful your tree is, what an elegant tree. And you are all so cheerful and elegant. My name is Snegurochka. Grandfather Frost is not in order, the lights on the tree are not burning.
Father Frost: I know, I know the magic words. “Come on, the tree, perk up, come on the tree, smile, come on, the tree, one, two, three, shine with the light of joy!”
Together: One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!
Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play with the Christmas tree and blow on the lights.
Game with a Christmas tree (blow - it goes out, clap - it lights up).

Snow Maiden:
Christmas tree, listen to the song,
Christmas tree, look at the dance,
The Christmas tree is lit with bright lights!
Song “Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree.”
1.Beads shine on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree.
Yes, yes, yes!
2. Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her.
Yes, yes, yes!
3.And Santa Claus is cheerful -
Gray beard -
Brings us gifts.
Yes, yes, yes!
Father Frost: Snow Maiden, did you come to us alone?
Snow Maiden: I didn’t come to you alone, my favorite toys are with me: doll Masha and Bunny (he rolls doll Masha on a sled and sings).
Song "Mashenka - Masha"
Mashenka - Masha,
Our doll.
I sat in the sleigh,
She rolled down the hill.
Father Frost: And what a beautiful Bunny came to us. Hello, bunny!
Snow Maiden: This is Bunny, Bunny - jump, he can jump deftly.

Playing with the song “A Bunny Came Running to the Children.”
The bunny came running to the kids
He started jumping around the kids.
Jump-jump, jump-jump
Catch up with me buddy.
(the bunny jumps on an elastic band and runs away. Children turn into bunnies).
Game "Bunnies and Fox".
1. Along the forest lawn,
The bunnies ran away.
These are the bunnies
Bunnies are jumping! (children jumping)
2.The bunnies sat in a circle
They dig the root with their paw.
These are the bunnies
Bunnies are jumping! (dig with paw)
3. Suddenly a fox runs,
Red-haired sister
Looking for where the bunnies are,
Bunnies are jumping!
(Snow Maiden runs with a fox, children cover their faces with their hands).
Snow Maiden(speaks in the voice of a fox): where are the Bunnies?
(children open their faces and run to their chairs)
Father Frost: I'll dance for you now,
I'll probably make everyone laugh.
Just don’t spare your hands
Clap your hands more cheerfully
So that my feet themselves
Heels clicked.
Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children.

Snow Maiden: Guys, where are your palms? We'll clap our hands, right?
Children: Yes, yes, yes
Dance “Yes, yes, yes.” (children sit down)
Father Frost: Snow Maiden, where are your magic snowballs?
Game "Collect snowballs"
The Snow Maiden pours out snowballs from a large fake Snowball (made of cotton wool wrapped in tinsel), and the children collect them back to the music.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what do you have in your bag?
Father Frost: Guess the riddle.
In a bright red cap
And with a bell in his hand.
This bright toy
And his name is (parsley)
And parsley brought his favorite toys - rattles.
Dance with rattles.
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, what else do you have in your bag?
Father Frost: Good Grandfather Frost, I brought you lanterns
(hands out lanterns to children).
Dance with lanterns
1.Santa Claus lanterns
Gave to children
Dance by the Christmas tree
I invited the kids (show flashlights).
This is what it is, this is what it is

Circle me

2. We are going to the green Christmas tree
Let's come together.
A song about lanterns
Let's sing merrily (they approach the Christmas tree).
This is what it is, this is what it is
This is my flashlight (they swing flashlights).
Circle me
Red, yellow, blue (circling).
3.The lights are flashing,
They fly up and down.
At the decorated Christmas tree
The flashlights are on (raise the flashlights up and down).
This is what it is, this is what it is
This is my flashlight (they swing flashlights).
Circle me
Red, yellow, blue (circling).

Father Frost: Well done guys, they sang and danced well.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten anything? Did you bring gifts for the children?
Father Frost: Of course I brought it. Here it is - a big candy! (treat for children)
But you will receive such beautiful boxes when you go home.

Song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus” (round dance around the Christmas tree with parents)
1.Oh, so good,
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought it from the forest.

2. The lights sparkle
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

3.We removed the Christmas tree
In a festive outfit.
Lights on the branches
They burn merrily.

4.Oh, so good,
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought it from the forest.
(children go to the group to the music)


Children and mothers enter the hall to the music.

Presenter . Guys, look how beautiful it is in our hall! (Looking around the hall).

It's winter outside, and we have a holiday - New Year. All of you are so smart today, in suits. Look who came to visit us today? (Points to the Christmas tree).

Let's go around the Christmas tree from all sides and look at its toys.

Children and mothers walk around the Christmas tree, looking at the toys.

Presenter. We have a beautiful Christmas tree, but for some reason there are no lights on it. Let's sing a song to our Christmas tree, guys, and the lights on it will light up.


After the song, the lights on the Christmas tree light up. Children clap their hands.

Presenter.. Guys, do you want to play with the Christmas tree? Let's blow on it and the lights will go out. (Children blow on the Christmas tree. The lights go out.) Now let’s clap our hands and the lights will light up. (Children clap their hands, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

The game is repeated 2 – 3 times.

After the game they sit on chairs.

Presenter. Oh guys, look. What is that under the Christmas tree? Let's see.

(The presenter takes out a toy phone.) Guys, this is a phone! (Places the phone on the table against the side wall.)

Suddenly the phone rang.

Presenter. Listen, the phone rang. Who is calling us? (Picks up the phone.) Hello! This is a kindergarten... We now have New Year's holiday... Of course, come, we will be very glad to see you! (Hangs up and turns to the children.) Guys, someone called us just now. He wants to come to our holiday.

There is a knock on the door. Bunny runs into the hall to the music

Presenter. Hello, bunny! How did you come to us?

Bunny: I galloped out of the forest

Happy New Year!

I wish you laughter and joy

I love to dance and sing

And I'm great at playing!

I'll just stretch my paws

And I’ll invite you to dance!

Presenter. Guys, do you want to dance with the bunny?


Bunny. How much fun we have! Where is the Snow Maiden?

Presenter. Bunny, she's probably late.

Bunny. This is a mess. You can't be late for the New Year! Well, nothing. We'll fix this. After all, you have a phone!

Presenter. Yes, we have a phone! Here he is.

Bunny. (goes to the phone and dials the number). Hello, hello! Snow Maiden?.. Dear Snow Maiden, it’s New Year’s Eve for the kids, they’ve been waiting for you...When will you come? (Joyfully.) We are looking forward to it! (Hangs up and turns to the children.) The Snow Maiden will come now.

Presenter. And so that she can find our kindergarten faster, let’s call her.

All. Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden. Hello! I am the Snow Maiden, Granddaughter of Father Frost!

Presenter. Hello, Snow Maiden! These are boys and their mothers. And this is our guest Bunny. We are celebrating the New Year.

Bunny. Hello, Snow Maiden. It was I who called you and invited you to the holiday.

Snow Maiden. I am very glad to be a guest at your holiday.

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

Let's sing songs and dance!

It's nice to celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden. I have snowballs in my house. Do you want to play them?

The children answer. The Snow Maiden leaves for snowballs.

Presenter. Guys, let's play with the Snow Maiden. We'll hide under a blanket of snow and see if the Snow Maiden can guess where we are?

Children hide under the covers.

The Snow Maiden comes out with snowballs and is surprised.

Snow Maiden. Where are the guys? I don't see anyone. (Approaches the bedspread.) Maybe they are here?

Children under the covers meow.

Snow Maiden. No, these are not guys, but kittens. I'll go look further.

The Snow Maiden goes behind the Christmas tree.

The presenter with Bunny and the children run to another place and cover the children with a blanket.

Snow Maiden. It seemed to me that someone was moving here. Maybe the guys are here?

Children under the blanket bark: “Woof-woof”

Snow Maiden. No, these are not kids, but puppies. I'll go look further.

The presenter with the bunny and children run to the Christmas tree and cover themselves with a blanket.

Snow Maiden. There are probably kids here. (Opens the blanket and finds the guys.) Oh, there you are! Look how many snowballs I have! (Shows a box of snowballs.)


Snow Maiden. I'll throw snowballs high

They will fly far.

And the kids will collect snowballs

And they will bring it to me in a box.

The Snow Maiden throws cotton snowballs, and the children bring them back to the box.

The game is repeated 3 times.

Snow Maiden. What a fun holiday you are having. It's a pity that Grandfather Frost is late!

Presenter. Our children are waiting for Grandfather Frost with gifts.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost decorates trees and bushes, fields and meadows with snow. On New Year's Day, all nature prepares for the holiday. Let's call him. Where is your phone?

The presenter shows the phone.

The Snow Maiden dials the number.

Snow Maiden. Hello, hello! Grandfather Frost?.. Have you forgotten that the guys have kindergarten holiday?.. Please come quickly. We are all waiting for you! Turns to the children.) Grandfather Frost is already coming.

Presenter. Guys, this is Santa Claus coming. Meet him. Let's give him a clap.

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music.

Presenter. Hello, Grandfather Frost! It’s so good that you came to our holiday! Our guys have been waiting for you!

Father Frost. Hello guys! Hello moms! Hello dear guests!

Happy New Year!

I wish all the guys:

Don't get sick or get sick,

Have good health!

You all join hands,

Get into the circle quickly.

We'll start a round dance,

After all, today is New Year!


Presenter. Grandfather Frost, our guys have prepared poems for you. Sit on a chair and listen. You're probably tired.

POEMS (Children recite poems)

Father Frost. Thank you guys! You have prepared some good poems.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, did you bring us gifts?

Father Frost. Santa Claus walked through the forest,

I brought gifts for you, friends!

The blizzard howled, the snow swirled,

I gifts... u-ro-nil...

Guys, help

And find gifts.

Gifts are hidden under the tree.

Adults help children find gifts.

Father Frost. How fun we played

Songs were sung and danced!

And now, guys, you

I'll give out gifts!

Santa Claus distributes gifts to cheerful music.

Father Frost. Now it's time for us to return to the forest. Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Bunny say goodbye and leave.

Children and mothers leave the hall.