Scenario of a children's New Year tree for children. "Fun at the Christmas Tree"

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 48 Human

Snow Maiden: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Were you waiting for me? (answer) Haven't you started the holiday yet? (answer) Do you recognize me? (answer) Great and I recognized you. Has Santa Claus appeared yet? (answer) Apparently he got lost somewhere, he fell behind the Snow Maiden! ...

Scenario for a New Year's party for young children

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 77 Human

Looks around.
Oh... where is Santa Claus? Something that takes too long to come... Shall we call him?

Three times they shout loudly: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus appears
Santa Claus: I hear, I hear you calling...
Hello both adults and children!
There are so many of you! ...

Script for congratulating Santa Claus at home in verse

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 38 Human

Santa Claus: (addresses the child and his parents, grandparents, when they are there).

Hello, girls and boys!
Put aside cartoons and books.
Answer me the question, who came to you?

Answer: Santa Claus!

Father Frost: ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Guidon, Sultan, and other fairy-tale characters

02.12.2019 | Looked at the script 371 Human

...(At first, greedy and stupid. He brazenly examines and feels Santa Claus)
“Hello, Grandfather Frost,
Did you bring me gifts?
The swan told me here -
You give it to anyone...
Did you bring it for me or not...?”

(rummaging in the bag)
"Well, ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters

24.11.2019 | Looked at the script 1045 Human

Santa Claus: Give it back! This is a very necessary magical thing!
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up, I won’t give it up!
Snow Maiden: Let's change? What do you like?
Little Baba Yaga: I love it when people ask riddles!
Now for the mind charging
I'll tell you riddles
You can't...

Scenario for Children's New Year

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 2765 Human

Simple New Year's scenario for children

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Good Fairy

Hello girls and boys!
And so do their parents! Grandmothers and grandfathers and your grandparents!
We welcome everyone here - at the New Year's show!
I'm in the forest...

Scenario of an interesting New Year's fairy tale for children

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1786 Human

Scenario New Year's fairy tale for family viewing “Incredible adventures in the city of the emerald dream”
Children's age is 6-10 years.


ELLIE – a modern, brightly dressed girl (girl), for example, in the “College” style
TOTOSHKA is a dog, friend...

Scenario of the New Year's production for children of the primary school "Yolochka"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1390 Human

two buffoons,
real tree
artificial Christmas tree,
three hares,
snowballs, snowflakes,
grandfather Egor,
Father Frost.

Buffoons run out to the music.

First buffoon:
We are no longer crumbs -
Jokers and buffoons.
Let's have fun honest...

Scenario for New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1482 person

Hello adults, hello boy! I am the good winter fairy! That's my name, Winter Fairy! What's your name?
- Vanya!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
New Year!
– Do you know who comes to the children on New Year’s Day?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him...

Scenario of the New Year's party for the preparatory group of the kindergarten

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 5409 Human

Winter's Tale all of miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg...
It seems that if you touch the Christmas tree
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us...

Guests arrive and undress. The presenter meets them. He says that he sent invitations to the holiday to Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and her forest animal friends. Leads to the door to the hall where there is a decorated Christmas tree. To gather the children around her and attract their attention, the presenter held in her hands a music box with a New Year's landscape, but it could be any other New Year's toy.

HOST: Look through the crack of the door -
(children look through the crack of the door)
You will see our Christmas tree.
Our tree is tall
Reaches to the ceiling.
And there are toys hanging on it -
From the stand to the top of the head.
(E. Ilyina)

The children's attention is directed to the presenter.

HOST: The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.
(Ya. Akim)

The presenter opens the door, the children are invited into the hall. Music is playing. Children enter the hall to the music and approach the Christmas tree.

HOST: Hello, dear Christmas tree,
You are our guest again,
The lights are sparkling again
On your thick branches.
Our tree is big
Our tree is tall.
(encourages children to raise their hands and show how big the Christmas tree is)
Taller than dad, taller than mom -
Reaches to the ceiling.
How her outfit shines,
Like the lanterns are burning,
Our tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!
How the toys sparkle on her!
Here is an icicle made of ice,
Here's a bunny, a pussy, a bear
And, of course, an owl!
(the presenter demonstrates all the toys on the Christmas tree)
And at the very top
Bright blue top!
Let's look at the toys, who else do you see here?

Children call toys. The presenter looks at the Christmas tree with the children, tells what toys are on it, how beautiful the Christmas tree is.

Considered Christmas decorations children with interest, it seems to me that this was facilitated by the fact that at first we looked at the tree through a crack, which added interest.

HOST: Oh, guys, look, there’s a letter hanging on the Christmas tree. I wonder who it's from?
(takes an envelope from the tree, opens the letter, reads)
“Look under the tree,
Find the bell there
Don't twist, don't twist,
And shake it quietly.
The bell will sing.
And he will invite guests to you!
I'm loading a cartload of gifts!
I'll be there soon! Father Frost".
Where is the magic bell?
(children help find him)

It seems to me that the children did not understand from the letter that they needed to find a bell, but the parents came to the rescue, and when everyone began asking the children to find the bell, they looked for it with pleasure. The children looked at the letter from Santa Claus (it was a postcard in an envelope) with interest, because... His mothers also looked at him with interest.

HOST: Well, guys, to make it more fun, let’s invite guests over?

The children answer in the affirmative. The presenter rings the bell. The Snow Maiden enters the hall and approaches the Christmas tree.

We made up the Snow Maiden on the advice of Anna Rudova, it was very cool, to this we added powder with glitter on the face and hair with artificial snow, we just sprinkled it, it gave us the feeling that the Snow Maiden had just come to us from the frost from the forest.

SNOW Maiden: Hello, guys! Do you recognize me? I'm a Snow Maiden!
I came to you from a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow and silver.
My friends - blizzard and blizzard
I love everyone, I’m kind to everyone!

HOST: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, welcome to us for the New Year holiday!

SNOW Maiden: I have cute little animals with me,
My cheerful family,
We received an invitation
And we are glad to be with you, friends!
Guess, guys, who came to the Christmas tree with me?
Here is a spiky bang,
(half a hedgehog’s head appears from behind the screen)
The tree itself is thorny, but not pine.
It can curl up into a ball.
Of course this is...

CHILDREN: Hedgehog!

The Hedgehog appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Says hello.

SNOW Maiden: Whose fluffy red tail? Who came to visit you?
(a fox's tail appears from behind the screen)
Which of the animals
Is the tail fluffier and longer?


The Fox appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Says hello.
A squeak is heard from behind the screen: “Peep-pee-pee.”

SNOW MAIDEN: Pee-pee-pee, she said,
She immediately ran into the hole.
What kind of baby is this?
This is a small...


A Mouse appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Says hello.

SNOW Maiden: Long ears stick out,
(ears appear)
The white paws are trembling.
(paws appear)
Who is this? Guess what!
This is our little coward...


The Hare appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Says hello.
All the animals simultaneously appear from behind the screen and bow.

The appearance of little animals from behind the screen caused joyful excitement among the children. The children guessed the riddles themselves, because... the riddle was not only pronounced, but also a part of the doll was shown; here we once again took the advice of Anna Rudova and pronounced the text loudly, clearly and slowly.

HOST: Hello! Well done guys for coming to us. And even my invitations were captured!

SNOW MAIDEN (solemnly): Look, he’s inviting
Christmas tree for us.
Under the green branches
We'll spin now.

Disturbing music sounds, and a Crow quickly appears from behind the screen.

CROW: What kind of gibberish is this?
Well, now I’ll ask you!
I'm canceling the fun
I'm kicking everyone out of here!
Don't you wait Santa Claus,
He won't come to you today...
And gifts, of course
No one will bring it to you!
I won’t let you celebrate the holiday, I’ll drive everyone away!!!

The crow begins to run around and peck at the little animals, trying to take away and tear up the invitations. The animals run away.

HOST: Crow, except for the small forest animals, no one here is afraid of you, and we will drive you away now. Children, let's tell Crow: “Go away!” Let's drive her away!

The children and the presenter wave their hands and say, whoever can, the words “go away”, “shoo”.

The children’s reaction to Crow’s appearance was animated; they actively began to say something and reason in their own language. At the request, they started waving at Vorona, which was very funny for the adults.

HOST: Don’t hurt children!
Don't scare me! Don't threaten!
And for these sorrows
Better ask for forgiveness!

The crow begins to cry.

HOST: Why are you crying, Crow? It’s your own fault, why did you offend the animals, why did you drive them away, why did you want to ruin our holiday?

CROW (plaintively): New soon the year will come,
No one will buy me a Christmas tree!
And for the New Year holiday
Nobody will call me.
I want to frolic,
Have fun with you!

HOST: If you, Vorona, next time want to have fun with us, and you will be offended that you were not invited to the holiday, don’t swear, don’t fight, don’t offend anyone, but just come and politely ask the guys: “Guys, can I come to your party? I really want to have fun with you!” And the guys will definitely accept you. And today they would have accepted if you had not behaved like that. Really, guys? (waves his hand reproachfully) Don’t cry, crow, better ask the guys and the animals for forgiveness, and the guys will invite you to the holiday.

CROW: Really?

HOST: Of course!

CROW: Forgive me!
Can I stay with you
Have fun and laugh?

HOST: Shall we forgive the crow?


HOST: How can we have fun? What should we do now, children? After all, the Bunny, the Mouse, the Fox and the Hedgehog got scared and ran away! How can I get them back now?

SNOW MAIDEN: I know that the Snowman could find them in the winter forest. Now, if you made a Snowman, I could bring him to life.

HOST: Of course, we will make a Snowman. Guys, here is the Snowman in the picture.

Children look at a picture of a Snowman. Children, together with their parents, are invited to stick three circles on whatman paper: large, medium and small. First you are asked to find the largest circle, then the middle one, then the smallest one. Next, the children show where to stick the bucket, carrot nose, eyes, mouth, and buttons. When the Snowman is made, look at it as a whole again.

When they made the Snowman, at the request to find right size circle (snowball), the children brought it with interest, but when they pasted it on whatman paper, the interest had already diminished and the mothers pasted it, but the children were nearby, everything was very direct.

SNOW MAIDEN: That's what a beautiful snowman we turned out to be! The nose is like a carrot, the eyes are like coals, it’s just a miracle!
My grandfather gave me a magic handkerchief
And this is what he told me in confidence:
“Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief
And whatever you want, you can bring it to life!”

The Snow Maiden waves her handkerchief, whatman paper attached to the board turns 180 degrees, and a snowman (a boy dressed as a snowman) appears in front of the children.

The appearance of the snowman was a real surprise for the children, a very good moment, be sure to use it. At first the children looked at him, their mouths agape in surprise, and then they came up and hugged him.

HOST: Oh! Who is this and where did you come from?
We have a living snowman!

SNOWMAN (looking around the tree): Oh, brothers, what a big broom!

HOST: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree!

Guys, I'm the Snowman,
I'm used to the snow and the cold!
You blinded me cleverly,
Instead of a nose - a carrot,
And there's a bucket on my head,
It's not full of holes!
I'm not an ordinary snowman,
And cheerful, mischievous!

SNOW Maiden: We called you for help!
We need to find the animals
And bring it to the Christmas tree!
The guys had a holiday here,
Some people weren't happy about it.
(The crow covers itself with its wings)
You see, the tree has been extinguished
And they drove away all the guests,
Get ready to hit the road soon,
Find all your friends
And don't hesitate to come back
Hurry to our Christmas tree!

SNOWMAN: I will be glad to help you, children, but who should I look for?

HOST: The invitations contain their photos.

HOST (confused): Only they are torn,
The halves flew apart
How to get pictures back?

SNOW Maiden: Children, children, help and collect pictures!

The halves of the pictures are laid out on the table (in the pictures there is an image of a fox, a bunny, a mouse, a hedgehog); the Snow Maiden holds the second halves with a fan in her hands, the children select the halves and connect them with those that are on the table. There are pictures with animals on the table. The snowman looks at them.

SNOWMAN: Everything is clear. I hasten to look.
But where to start?
We will find them by following their tracks.
Where are the tracks? (thoughtfully) Probably there!
Come on, children, help
Find the first trace for me.

You need to collect puzzles - animal tracks.

They put together the halves of the pictures well and with interest; I think many children at this age like to put together easy puzzles.

HOST: Well, guys, together, bravely
Let's get down to business!
This is the mark of a hare, this is the mark of a mouse, this is the mark of a fox.

Children and mothers look for footprints in the place where the snowman pointed (footprints are glued on the floor, the children find them and show them to the snowman).

Only one girl, Masha, looked at the tracks with particular interest; the rest were simply interested in walking along them hand in hand with their mother. The children really liked the obstacle course; according to the script, we were supposed to go through it once, but everyone wanted to do two more extra laps. After which we moved into the forest (another room) and changed the situation.

SNOWMAN: Now let's follow the trail
Into the thick snow-covered forest
Along the wide road,
Through the snowy fields,
Through the snowdrifts, through the mountains...

Children and mothers follow the Snowman into another room, slightly decorated to resemble a snow-covered forest. There is a log on their way, the children step over it. They go further, along the path there is a slide, they roll down, then the tracks supposedly lead under the tree (they crawl under the chair) and come out to the house. The house is made of cardboard box with a fairly large window, a light is on in the window, a Bunny, a Fox, a Hedgehog, and a Mouse are sitting at the table. The lighting in the room is dim. The Snow Maiden takes the crow in her arms.

SNOWMAN: We came to the winter forest
A friendly crowd.
Hello, aspens,
Hello, forest stump!
What kind of house is it by the path?
He is somewhat unfamiliar to me.
Well, I'm out the window now
I'll take a look.

The snowman looks out the window and beckons the children to look in too.
Sad little animals are sitting in the house and having a conversation (in very sad voices).

Bunny: And for the children it’s New Year.
There will be dancing, a round dance...

FOX: Maybe there on New Year's Eve
Masha will sing a song.
Vasilisa will start
Everyone to a wonderful round dance...

MOUSE: How I would like to be with Savva
Play tricks together
And fluffy snowflakes
Collect together...

HEDGEHOG: Suddenly Mark will tell you a poem,
That would be good.
It's good to play with children
Lead a round dance, dance...

SNOWMAN: This house is interesting,
This house is not simple.
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear?
(rings the bell)

MOUSE (addressing Chanterelle): Do you hear? They're calling us again!
I'll run to meet the guests!
Who's there?

SNOWMAN: Who will I be? Snowman!
I'm neither small nor big!
The guys and I are behind you,
You ran away in vain
We invite you to the holiday,
We can't do it without you!

CROW (comes closer, guiltily): Forgive me!
I ask you not to be angry,
Let's better have fun!

FOX, MOUSE, BUNNY, HEDGEHOG (in unison): We forgive you, Crow. Hooray! Hooray! We'll go to the party!

HOST: Sit in the sleigh, the children will take you.

Our children were simply delighted with the forest house; they had so many different emotions! Everyone crowded around the windows and looked; it was fortunate that there were two windows, since everyone wanted to look into them. The animals behind the screen said a poem about each of the children, but I can’t say how much the children heard and understood what they were saying, it seems to me that they were simply captivated by the action itself (by the way, the animals ended up in the house while the children were going through the obstacle course) .

HEDGEHOG: The sleigh is rushing, rushing fast
Through glades and forests,
Scattering the sparkling snow,
We're going to visit friends!

The animals are distributed to the children, and they put them in sleighs. The snowman or children (depending on the situation) take the sleigh by the rope and take it to the tree.

Sleighs are a special theme, everyone enthusiastically planted and transplanted the animal dolls, then transported them with even greater enthusiasm, the adults were touched.

The Snow Maiden meets the children at the Christmas tree.

SNOW Maiden: Come, guests, into the house,
We've been waiting for you for the Christmas tree for a long time!
We are now in a spacious hall,
I've already been waiting for you.
So let's have fun
The Christmas tree is spinning around!
Let's start the holiday together
Happy New Year's Day!

HOST: Happy New Year
Both big and small.
We wish everyone happiness and good things
And frosty clear days!
Let it sound in the hall today
Your cheerful, ringing laugh.
Happy New Year
With new happiness
Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

SNOW Maiden: It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Light up the Christmas tree in the hall!
Our Christmas tree is standing
There are no lights.
Clap, clap, say:
“Our Christmas tree, burn!”

Children clap and the tree lights up.

HOST: Hello, festive tree!
Hello, hello, New Year!
Near the Christmas tree today
Let's lead a round dance!

Children and adults dance in a circle.

We were all surprised by how much the children enjoyed the round dance. We came together, separated, walked in a circle, and so we sang the entire song to the end.

SNOWMAN: Now I understand everything in the world.
How do children celebrate the New Year?
They are under the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
A merry round dance!

SNOW Maiden: And now the time has come
Let's play, kids!
There are quite a few games in the world
Do you want to play, children?


SNOW MAIDEN: Have you seen how the snowflakes are spinning on the street? They spin around and sing a song.
We are white snowflakes
We fly, we fly, we fly,
Paths and paths
We'll screw it all up.
Let's circle over the garden
On a cold winter day.
And we'll lie down quietly next to you
With people like us.
So now you and I will spin around like snowflakes!

Children and mothers dance to dance music, and the Snow Maiden shows movements: snowflakes spin in the air (arms to the sides), snowflakes fall to the ground (children sit down).

Not everyone was spinning, some were just walking around waving their arms, but I think they enjoyed it. Moreover, then the mothers picked everyone up and circled them around, of course, the children rejoiced and laughed.

MOUSE: Pee-pee-pee! Snow Maiden, I have a dream to collect a whole bag of snowflakes!

Bunny: And I dream of having a whole bag of icicles at my ball! (dreamy) They look like carrots!

SNOW Maiden: Now the guys and I will make your dream come true, here are snowflakes and icicles. Guys, let's put a snowflake in the mouse's bag, and icicles in the bunny's bag!

MOUSE and BUNNY (in unison): Thank you!

The game of snowflakes and icicles was played with interest, the children understood the task, their mothers suggested something, they carried snowflakes and icicles into boxes with enthusiasm.

FOX: And I want to play hide and seek with the guys, I will catch them, and they will run away from me and hide behind their mothers.
I'm a fox, red tail,
I’ll get closer to the Christmas tree!
Don't be afraid of me, kids,
I'm so kind today
I won't touch any of you,
I've come to you to have fun!

The girls played this game with great pleasure, and one of them was in her mother’s arms, they were hiding together, she was having a lot of fun.

SNOWMAN: I know the game of snowballs, do you want me to teach you? Here are the white snowballs, throw them in the bucket!

The children were delighted, especially the boys. Then the children scattered snowballs around the hall and collected them, everyone was interested.

HEDGEHOG: Our Christmas tree is so elegant,
Lots of fun all around
So come on guys
We'll sing about the Christmas tree!

Adults sing a song where the kids only need to repeat the word “yes.”
Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes, yes, yes!

Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes, yes, yes!

And Grandfather Frost is cheerful,
Gray beard,
Brings us gifts -
Yes, yes, yes!

(N. Naydenova)
Here’s a song we didn’t sing very well, but the mothers sang it well, and the children listened. It seems to me that it may not be included in the script.

Bunny: In the forest we love to jump to our song, let's jump!
The bunnies went out for a walk,
Stretch your paws.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
Stretch your paws.
Oh-oh-oh, what a frost,
You can freeze your nose!
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
You can freeze your nose!
(rubs his and his partner’s noses)
Sad bunnies are sitting -
The rabbits' ears are freezing.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
The rabbits' ears are freezing.
(rubbing ears alternately)
The bunnies started dancing
Warm your paws,
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
Dance near the Christmas tree!

We had fun music, and the slightly older children jumped on their own, while the younger ones (those who couldn’t jump) were held by the hands. The children really enjoyed it, and even those who were being held tried to jump at the end. According to the text, the children only managed to rub their noses, and they did it with pleasure.

Bunny: They danced very merrily
And not at all tired!
I thank the guys
I say thank you to everyone!

SNOW Maiden: Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve
Each of us is waiting for a gift!
Here we have Santa Claus
He brought them in a big basket!

The Snow Maiden takes out a basket of vegetables from under the Christmas tree and asks the children to give gifts to the animals; she gives each of the children a vegetable. The basket contains a carrot, a fish, a bag of grains, mushrooms, and berries.

Despite the fact that the matinee had already lasted a long time, everyone completed the task with interest. Of course, the adults organized the children.

Then the Snow Maiden takes out a box of toys for the children. Gives out gifts.

SNOW Maiden: I congratulate you, children,
I wish you happiness, joy,
So that you grow and become wiser,
We had fun, sang songs,
May your laughter always ring out!
Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!

HOST: It’s a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye,
It's time for everyone to go home.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, a song, a round dance!
WITH new toys,
With beads and firecrackers!
We congratulate all guests,
We wish all children
A hundred years of bright life
And a hundred pounds of health!

The performance is over, everyone goes to drink tea. For the children, one of the mothers baked cookies, and for the adults, the other mother baked a cake.

This message was written on Sunday, December 2nd, 2012 at 16:43 in the section , . You can receive messages by subscribing to the feed. You can

Parsley: Hello, guys! Grandparents! Moms and dads! Do you recognize me?
Do you know how to clap your hands? Who's louder? Boys? Girls? And now all together! Well done! This is how you should clap for everyone today! Agreed?
I see that you guys are friendly! Do you know why I'm here? And here it is: I’m walking through the forest today, and Santa Claus meets me: “Hello, Parsley,” he says. - Help me out! You know how to play well, after all. Run to the forest clearing to the big spruce tree. The guys are waiting for me there. And I still have things to do. Play with them. And by the way, take the key to the Magic Chest for safekeeping. I could lose!”
Are you attentive? Let's check it out! (Attention game)
Great! Where is your head? …. (head-shoulders-knees game)
It’s strange, guys, we’re playing and playing, but Santa Claus is still not there! Where is he? Maybe something happened to him? We need help... but the key needs to be hidden somewhere so that I don’t lose it...
(Parsley goes behind the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga and Kikimora appear on the stage).
B.Ya.: I'm telling you that I heard about the treasure! And what is it in the Magic Chest! If only I could find out where he is and find the key!
Kikimora: Where? Where can I get it and find it?
B.Ya.: Oh! look! Who is this? Isn't it Parsley?
Kikimora: He's the one! Old Frost's favorite! What is he doing there? What is he hiding there?
B.Ya.: Let's go and find out. Let's just transform ourselves a little.

(Baba Yaga and Kikimora put scarves on their heads and, pretending to be grandmothers, go down to Petrushka).
B.Ya.: Good man! Hello!
Parsley: Oh! Grandmothers! Good afternoon
Kikimora: What are you, dear man, doing here in the clearing?
Parsley: Yes, Santa Claus asked me to help - to play with the guys while he was delayed. And guard the key so that he doesn’t lose it. Yes, but it’s just not there for some reason.
Baba Yaga: So you have to look for him! How? It's a holiday soon, right?
Parsley: Of course! New Year! Yes, I would go look for him, but there’s no one to leave the guys with and I’m afraid of losing the key to the Magic Casket
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora look at each other)
Kikimora: Listen, we’ll play with the guys! We know how to do this and love it!
Baba Yaga: And leave the key to us! We will save it!
Parsley: Oh, how great! How can you help me!!! So...where is the best place to go?
Baba Yaga and Kikimora: And now we will show you the path. Here...
(B.Ya. and K. take Petrushka backstage. The Hare and hares appear from the hall).
Hare: Let's start exercising in the frosty winter forest! Squats! Now let's warm up our ears! Now let's stretch our ponytails! Charging complete!
Hares! Someone's coming this way! Let's hide!
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora exit the stage).
Baba Yaga: How stupid is this Parsley! How easy it was to fool him!
Kikimora: And what luck that it was he who had the key! Now if only I could find the Casket, it would be beautiful!!! We will have a treasure!!! Now we need to conjure a Snow Storm so that this stupid Parsley doesn’t reach Santa Claus! And we will mark all the roads for Santa Claus!
(B.Ya and K. cast a spell)
You come, hurricanes,
Blizzards, snow storms,
And fall asleep forever,
So that there is only snow everywhere!
Baba Yaga: It's done! Let's find the Casket now!
Kikimora: Let’s ask the guys. So, dear kids, which one of you wants some candy? And not just like that... Who knows where the Magic Casket is? Where? Under the Christmas tree?
Baba Yaga: Exactly! Under the Christmas tree is the place! Let's go look and open it!!!
(B.Ya. and K. go behind the Christmas tree to look for the Casket. The Hare gets up and collects the hares)
Hare: Oh-oh-oh! What to do? How so? Hares, have you heard?
Hares: yes!
Hare: What to do? Who should you run to for help?
Hares: To the Snow Maiden!
Hare: Exactly! To the Snow Maiden! Stand up! Step march!
(The hares leave. Music begins to play - the song “White Snowflakes” - students perform from their seats. Music for the dance of SNOWFLAKES. Dance of SNOWFLAKES. Then the Snow Maiden comes on stage)
Snow Maiden: How nice it is in our winter forest! What a beauty! What silence! The snowflakes are spinning and dancing! (music is heard). Oh! What is this noise?
(The Hare and hares appear in the hall).
Snow Maiden: What is it? What happened in our fairy forest?
Hare: Snow Maiden! Help out! Baba Yaga and Kikimora tricked them into taking the key to Santa Claus' Magic Casket! They conjured a snowstorm to freeze Parsley! So that Santa Claus does not reach Polyana! Snow Maiden! Help out! What to do?
Snow Maiden: That's it! Hurry up, Hare, take your bunny friends and run to Santa Claus! Surely he will need help to sweep away the snowdrifts to clear the road. And I will go in search of Parsley.
(Music plays. The hare and hares leave the hall. The Snow Maiden walks through the hall. Parsley appears on the stage).
Parsley: Oh! What a storm has arisen! I've lost my way! Cold! I'm freezing! Some kind of long and long road. Oh-oh-oh! Tired! I'll lie down and rest.
Snow Maiden: Guys, look! Who's that there? Isn't it our Parsley that freezes? Quicker! We need to help him! Let's all warm it up together! We need to blow a warm wind on it! All together! (children and Snow Maiden blow on Parsley. Parsley rises the third time). Amazing! But for some reason our Parsley is sad. I guess I forgot what warmth is! And you kids, what do you know that gives us warmth? (children answer). Well done! Look, our Parsley has come to life!
Parsley: I think I fell asleep! I almost froze! I have to go! Look for Santa Claus!
Snow Maiden: Parsley! There you are! What happened there in Polyana?
Parsley: I was waiting for Grandfather Frost there, playing with the kids, saving the key. But then I decided that I needed to meet Grandfather Frost halfway. Suddenly, he needs my help. And there two kind old grandmothers stayed with the children to play.
Snow Maiden: Oh, Parsley! Well, you are kind! These were not old grandmothers, but Baba Yaga and Kikimora! Hurry up, let's return to Polyana, no matter what happens!
(Snow Maiden and Petrushka descend into the hall. Baba Yaga and Kikimora come out to meet them with a Magic Casket)
Snow Maiden: Well, well, well! And who is this here with us?! Aren't they kind old grandmothers?
Baba Yaga: Oh! Look at this! Snow Maiden! She showed up and didn’t get dusty!
Kikimora: Yes, look, and Parsley - there’s a cheesecake with it on his nose!
Parsley: Oh, you liars! They tricked me, deceived me!!! How so?!
Baba Yaga: Easy! And now we have the key!
Kikimora: And the magic casket too! Now we will get all the treasures!
Snow Maiden: It’s too early to rejoice! Nothing will work out for you! Only Santa Claus can open the casket!
Baba Yaga: And we will conjure! And we will knock!
Snow Maiden: nothing will work out for you! Only good man This castle will give in! But you are not like that! And in general, Santa Claus will come here now! He will not leave this action of yours just like that! Children, let's all call Santa Claus so that he and the Hare and the bunnies can find us faster!
(Children shout “Santa Claus” three times, music plays. Hares and Santa Claus appear in the hall)
Santa Claus: Hello, guys! Hello, animals! Hello, Petrushka! Hello Snow Maiden! And you, liars! Now you will have to answer for your actions!
Baba Yaga: What's wrong? We won't do anything!
Kikimora: Yes! What is this! We also want gifts and treasures! We never get anything!
Santa Claus: Behave well, and friends will appear. And the children will play with you. Look at this. Children, let's play?

(Santa Claus plays with children)
But you – what can you do? Do you even know poetry?
Baba Yaga: Of course!
The holiday has come to us,
This is very good.
To get rid of boredom,
You need to roll around in a puddle!
Snow Maiden: What is it?! Is this right?
Kikimora: Me! I know!
Fur coat, hat, red nose -
Grandfather Frost enters!
Starts to sing, dance,
And take away gifts!
Parsley: No! Well, such poems are no good! You are so harmful!
Baba Yaga: okay. But we have the key and the Casket!
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora try to open the Casket, but they fail)
Kikimora: What is this! So what?!!! Every time it's the same! And which of us is still harmful! Well, what do you feel sorry for, or what? You have a whole bunch of these gifts, joys, all sorts of sweets every year! Give us a little too!
Snow Maiden: So we don’t feel sorry, we just need to be kinder and more responsive. Don't plot and deceive!
Baba Yaga: Okay, okay! We know! Well, okay... Let's be kinder! Just a little bit!
Kikimora: And more responsive... just a little!
Santa Claus: And we will help you with this! Now the whole Polyana will dance a magical dance! And you are with us! And then the casket will open!

(General dance - flash mob)

Santa Claus: Well done! Now try to open the Casket. We will check if you have become kinder!
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora open the Casket. The Christmas tree lights up).
Baba Yaga: Wow! It worked! So easy!
Kikimora: Where is the treasure?
Santa Claus: Yes, here it is! (points to Elka).
Baba Yaga: Is that all? Deceivers!
Snow Maiden: Isn’t that enough? This is joy! Multi-colored lights on the Christmas tree indicate that it’s a holiday! What a New Year is coming! Will bring us joy and fun! This is happiness! You can now gather in one big round dance!
Round dance. Songs.

Scenario New Year's holiday for children of the younger group.

Roles: Presenter

Snow Maiden

Snow Baba

Father Frost

Children run into the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree. And.

Ved: Wider the circle, wider the circle!

Hello, our green friend!

Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three -

Shine with the light of joy!

(The tree lights up, the children look at it)

Ved: Come closer to the tree...

Look higher, higher!

How beautiful and slender!

She came to you from the forest!

Come on, children, one after another

Be bolder around the Christmas tree,

And let's look at all the toys that adorn it!

(children walk around the tree to the music and look at the toys)

Song "Yolochka"

Ved: Let's play with the Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is standing

Everything is on fire.

And the heels will stamp -

And the lights will go out.

(they stomp, the lights on the tree go out)

Our Christmas tree is standing

There are no lights.

Clap, clap, say:

“Our Christmas tree, burn!”

(clap, the tree lights up)

Ved: Hello, holiday tree!

Hello, hello, New Year!

Near the Christmas tree today

Let's lead a round dance!

Round dance.

The children sit down and the lights on the tree go out.

Ved: What is this? What's happened?

Why did the lights on the Christmas tree go out?

Maybe someone doesn't want us to have fun?

Or maybe someone has prepared a surprise for us?

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow: I'm walking through the woods

I’m in a hurry to visit the children.

But why is there silence here?

And am I alone at the Christmas tree?

I was going to a holiday.

Still, where did I end up?

Ved: Guys, who came to us?

(-Snow Maiden!)

Snow: Hello, Guys!

You recognize me!

Ved: The guys had a holiday here,

Some people weren't happy about it.

You see, the tree has been extinguished,

So that we don't have fun.

Snow: My grandfather gave me a magic handkerchief

And this is what he told me in confidence:

“Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief

And whatever you want, you can bring it to life!”

Christmas tree beauty,

Light up the lights

With colored eyes

Look at the guys!

(Snow Maiden waves her handkerchief, the lights on the tree light up)

Ved: Now get up together in a round dance,

May everyone have a happy New Year!

"Round dance"

Snow .

To the clearing, to the meadow

The snow is falling quietly

(throws snowballs)

Look how much snow has fallen, let's play with the snowball. Let's make a big snowball.

(They roll all the snowballs towards the chair where the snow woman is sitting, covered with sheets.)

Let's collect snowballs and make a Snow Woman.

(They throw off the sheet and the Snow Woman comes out)

Sn. Woman.

You made the Snow Woman to perfection

For glory, for glory,

Just for fun

It's black on you

Looks with his eyes

Bucket instead of a hat

Did you put it on her

With a snow woman

Dancing is more fun.

Round dance “Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree”

(Children sit on chairs)

Sn. Woman.

Sweeping away the snow with a broom,

The snow woman is coming,

Lifting up the carrot nose

And blowing snowflakes.


You blew it up so much that snowflakes flew here too.

They're looking at you

They want to dance quickly.

Girlfriends - snowflakes fly,

Girlfriends - dance snowflakes.

Dance of snowflakes

Sn. Woman.

The snowflakes were spinning and dancing so that it became cold. Aren't you afraid of frost?



Sn. Woman.

What if your hands freeze?


And we will clap.

Sn. Woman.

What if your feet get cold?


And we will drown.

Sn. Woman.

To keep us warmer

Come out and dance soon.

“It’s freezing outside”

The snow woman walks around the Christmas tree. Finds a bunny

Sn. Woman.

Someone's tail, someone's ears are sticking out there,

Who's watching from under the tree?

For me and the guys.

(takes out a toy bunny)

This is a little bunny

This is a little white bunny

The bunny wants to play

The bunny wants to dance.

Clap your hands

The bunny will dance.

(toy bunny dances)


And now our bunnies will dance.

Bunny dance.

Sn. Woman: Do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Sn. Baba: I I brought snowballs for the holiday. Do you want to play?

Children: Yes!

Snowball fight.

Sn. Woman: You're having fun, but I have to go.

Otherwise I’ll melt, it’s hot here!

Happy New Year, kids!



Snow: And now, my friends,

I'll tell you a riddle.

Who, who, who is

With a long white beard,

Knows a lot of games and jokes

Does he play with children on New Year's Eve?

Children: Santa Claus!

Ved: We need to call grandpa

Celebrate the New Year with us.

Let's call "Santa Claus!"


Ved: Grandfather Frost is not coming. Maybe he lost his way? What to do?

How can this be? Let's help grandpa. Let's make a snowstorm, it will sweep away

forest paths are clear of snow, and Santa Claus will come to us.

Girls will do this: sh-sh-sh, and boys will do this: o-o-o!

Come on, everything is together! (do).

Oh, how well it turns out!

(Santa Claus enters the hall)

D.M.: Congratulations to all guests!

Congratulations to all the children!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see you again.

They grew up and became big.

Did you recognize me? (-Yes!)

Stand up, guys.

Hurry up to the round dance.

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance

Ved.: Santa Claus walked for a long time,

Farther away.

Sit by our Christmas tree

Get some rest!

D.M.: You sang songs, you danced,

But they didn’t read poetry.

I want to see it now

Who is braver here?

Children read poetry.

1st child: Happy holiday for us

Winter has brought

Green Christmas tree to us

I came to visit.

2nd child: Today at the Christmas tree

Brilliant outfit

Golden lights

How the stars burn.

3rd child: We are you, smartly dressed,

Let's take you into our circle,

About you funny

Let's sing a song.

Snow: Grandfather, listen, the children will sing you a song.

Song "Santa Claus".

D.M.: There are many different entertainments in winter. Let's show you what you can do

in winter (children stand in a circle).

Game about frost

Ved: Children! Did Santa Claus play in the snow?

All: Played!

Ved: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

All: Danced!

Ved: Did you sing songs and make children laugh?

All: Made me laugh!

Ved : What else did he forget?

All: Gifts!

D.M.: Yes! Now, now!

I carried them, I remember...

I don’t know where the bag went!

Or put it under the tree? (looks under the tree)

No, I don’t remember, I forgot...

Ved: Grandfather, how can this be? The kids are waiting for gifts!

D.M.: I have a magic lump

And there is great strength in it.

Where the gifts are - he will indicate

And he will show the way to them.

(takes out a big lump)

Here it is, my magic little bundle!

(Santa Claus rolls the ball past the children, around the Christmas tree, and rolls up to the snowdrift where the gifts are hidden)

D.M.: Found, found, here they are, gifts!

(D.M. distributes gifts to children)

D.M.: That's it! It's time for us!

Be happy guys!

To your holiday in a year

Santa Claus will come again!

Snow: Goodbye!

(D.M. and Snegurochka leave)