Russian roulette with a full clip: wine during pregnancy in the third trimester. Pregnancy and wine - is such a combination possible? The influence of the drink in the early stages

The first trimester of pregnancy is a time when the expectant mother bears great responsibility for the health of the baby. During this period, the formation of all systems and internal organs of the fetus occurs. You need to be careful in everything. Especially when it comes to alcohol. Its use in the early stages can lead to genetic disorders or miscarriage.

The harm of “one glass”

According to research, the effects of alcohol on the female body are stronger than on men. Drinking wine or any alcohol-containing drink creates the illusion of relief from tension. In reality, the tension does not go away. After sobering up, it intensifies, and willpower weakens. At the same time, a feeling of weakness comes.

Peculiarity! Women have a lower tolerance threshold for alcohol. The development of female alcoholism occurs faster and is less treatable. In this case, damage to liver and heart cells occurs more actively, and blood vessels are destroyed.

The harm of strong drinks for women is manifested in the following:

  • exhaustion of the nervous system occurs;
  • brain cells dry out;
  • the process of skin aging accelerates;
  • the body ages faster;
  • the voice is deformed;
  • appearance deteriorates;
  • Aggression increases and self-control is lost.

But alcohol has the most detrimental effect on the reproductive system. In women who drink, the supply of viable eggs gradually decreases. This may cause infertility.

The eggs themselves become weak, which in the early stages increases the risk of miscarriage. You don't have to drink it every day to do this. Drinking wine only on holidays also has an effect on the body.

Due to a bad habit, the baby’s intrauterine development is disrupted and he may be born disabled. There is no specific safe dose of alcohol. In any quantity it is poison for a pregnant woman and her child.

Even if some mothers who are in a state of hangover while carrying a baby, the child is born healthy, this does not mean that his life is not in danger. Negative consequences may not appear immediately, but after 1-2 years, when the developmental delay will be more pronounced.


Gynecologists advise planning your conception - taking care of your health in advance and getting rid of bad habits. But most often pregnancy occurs by luck. If this happens during holidays, which are accompanied by drinking strong drinks, the embryo during the first days in the mother’s womb is influenced by the half-life products of alcohol.

In the first month

Often, when drinking wine, a woman is unaware of her new role. When the test turns out to be “striped”, and all calculations indicate that alcohol was taken at the time of fertilization of the egg, this does not always mean that everything is bad.

During the first two weeks, the fertilized egg divides and penetrates the uterine epithelium. Next, the chorion is laid - the outer shell. As long as the fetus is not connected to the mother’s body, the presence of alcohol in her blood will not affect it in any way. But this does not mean that until it is implanted, drinking alcohol is completely safe for the baby’s life.

In the first trimester

This time is in no way compatible with drinking alcohol. You need to think more carefully about your diet and be careful with medications. Even 1 glass of wine can cause irreparable harm, no matter how high-quality and natural it is.

Interesting! From 3-4 weeks to 12 weeks, the process of formation of the rudiments of tissues and organs of the child takes place. This determines how healthy he will be after birth.

A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that time, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend it to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.

Any violations at this stage can provoke the development of serious abnormalities, including developmental delays and death. Also, when drinking wine, harm is caused to a woman’s circulatory system, which is already under double load. As a result, blood cells stick together and the vessels become clogged. Heart problems may begin.


Alcohol easily penetrates the surface of the placenta, entering the body of the fetus. Ethanol is absorbed into the children's blood. A woman who drinks alcohol during pregnancy actually shares it with her baby.

This leads to the following negative consequences:

  1. instability of the nervous system. Tendency to depression, psychosis, manic syndrome. There may be difficulties in the process of socialization - hyperactivity or excessive passivity;
  2. circulatory disorder between the mother's body and the fetus. As a result of spasms, the required amount of oxygen is not transmitted through the vessels. The brain slows down. With prolonged oxygen deficiency, pregnancy stalls;
  3. increased risk of premature birth due to a lack of useful microelements. Under the influence of alcohol, their content in the body decreases;
  4. the risk of miscarriage increases. When systematically drinking wine in combination with emotional overload, a spontaneous abortion may begin in the body;
  5. fetal alcohol syndrome develops– a number of pathological abnormalities in the fetus. This is expressed in distortion of facial features and developmental delay. The organs of hearing, memory, and vision are also affected.

Important! If the expectant mother drinks strong drinks during pregnancy, the child develops an addiction to them. As a result, he may be born with alcohol addiction.

How to abstain

If a healthy lifestyle has become a habit long before the baby is conceived, there is nothing to worry about. Cases when, during pregnancy, those who have not even drank it before are drawn to alcohol are very rare. Those who cannot imagine a holiday without a glass of wine will have to reconsider their habits for the sake of the baby’s health.

To avoid drinking during this period, you can use the following tips:


A few minutes of pleasure are not worth risking the baby's life. Alcohol in any form is ethyl alcohol. It is found in both a glass of wine and a glass of vodka. It is equally harmful to the developing fetus. It’s better not to take risks, but to switch to fruit juices and fruit drinks, which will benefit both mother and baby.

Sometimes during pregnancy a woman experiences an irresistible urge to drink wine. For some, this is a way to relax, while for others, the body tries to get the missing chemical elements in this way. If a pregnant woman cares about the health of her unborn child, she will certainly have a question about whether momentary weakness will harm the baby.

Is it possible to drink wine in early pregnancy?

The first trimester of pregnancy lasts from the first to the thirteenth week. At these times, the fetus is especially vulnerable: the unborn baby acquires all the important systems and organs. Any stress, including stress, can provoke serious developmental disorders. This is especially important because the placenta in the early stages is not yet sufficiently developed and cannot protect the embryo from negative influences.

That is why doctors recommend that the expectant mother be attentive to her health, avoid excessive worries, and give up smoking, alcohol and junk food.

Late use

Drinking alcohol in the last trimester (it starts at 7 months) is not as harmful as. A developed placenta filters out toxic substances, therefore, If a woman drinks one glass of wine, it will not harm the child. But the slightest excess of this dose can be dangerous due to slower growth of the fetus, abnormalities in the development of the brain and bone skeleton.

This should not be abused - the expectant mother should also think about her health during pregnancy. Regular consumption of alcohol increases swelling, has a negative effect and washes out important microelements from the body. At the same time, in the third trimester, even without drinking, a pregnant woman’s legs become very swollen, the liver hurts due to increased pressure, and a lack of magnesium provokes cramps.

Can I drink homemade wine?

At first glance, homemade wine is healthier than store-bought wine - it does not contain preservatives, stabilizers or other additives. They are sometimes no less harmful to the embryo than alcohol.

But really homemade drinks carry much more potential risk:

  1. If the seeds of cherries, plums, apricots or peaches are not removed before preparing the tincture, then hydrocyanic acid can form in it - a deadly poison that can cause breathing problems and death.
  2. Storing alcohol in a metal container can catalyze a chemical reaction and cause severe poisoning.
  3. Due to incorrect manufacturing technology, methanol, an extremely toxic substance, can form in wine. Its use by pregnant women provokes bleeding, miscarriage, and fetal death.

If you are not sure about the conditions under which the drink is produced, it is better to give up drinking altogether - the health of the unborn baby is much more important than momentary pleasure.

Dry red wine

It is believed that red wine increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and improves immunity. Whether this is true or just another move by marketers is unknown. But the potential harm clearly outweighs the dubious benefits: after all, hemoglobin can be raised with red meat or pomegranate juice, and the best way to boost immunity is hardening.

Of course, if a pregnant woman is faced with the question of which wine to drink - dry or semi-sweet - preference should be given to the former in order to avoid a sharp jump in sugar.

Non-alcoholic wine

Soft drinks are produced by evaporation or rapid cooling. Firstly, this negatively affects the taste and aroma qualities. Secondly, to increase shelf life, preservatives, stabilizers, and dyes are often added to bottles.

Moreover, the alcohol in the “zero” still remains, approximately 0.5%. This can be enough to make you drunk if you drink too much. And in the morning, it is quite likely that a hangover or an allergic reaction will occur.

Many pregnant women wonder if they can drink a glass of red wine at the holiday table. Doctors do not give a definite answer on this matter, although drinking a small amount of this drink is even beneficial for the body. The article will examine in detail the effect of red wine on a woman and her fetus in the 1st - 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and identify the most appropriate dose of this drink.

The benefits of red wine

Red wine is perhaps considered the safest alcoholic drink of all. In addition, it contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and strengthen its immune system. Some nutritionists have even included this drink as part of some health diets.

The main component of wine is grapes. This berry contains huge reserves of antioxidants, which gives it a lot of beneficial properties. The calorie content of the drink is not high, only 65-70 Kcal per 100 ml.

Unfortified red wine has a lot of useful and medicinal properties:

  • Prevents negative age-related changes in the body, prevents skin aging. The berries contain a powerful plant antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and thus prevents them from destroying the cellular structure of the body.

Reference! According to some reports, daily intake of a small amount of red wine (no more than 50 grams) can extend life by several years.

  • Has a positive effect on the heart muscle, reduces the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke, reduces the risk of ischemia and maintains vascular elasticity. This effect is due to the large amount of procyanides contained in the drink. Those who occasionally allow themselves to drink a small glass of natural red wine are less likely to seek help from cardiologists.
  • Thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, increases the hemoglobin content in the blood. Those who regularly take general blood tests and drink a red drink at least occasionally note good results in their results, and over time the results get better and better.
  • Positively affects vision. Improves visual acuity, prevents the development of diseases of the visual organs, and prevents the occurrence of dangerous diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Reduces cholesterol, which is “bad”. In healthy people, cholesterol drops by 9%, and if before drinking the drink its norm was exceeded, then after a sip of sparkling wine this figure decreases by about 12%.
  • Increases immunity, which in turn helps prevent various viral and infectious diseases. The risk of developing intestinal infections and gastrointestinal diseases is reduced. Improves short-term memory, increases the ability to perceive new information.
  • Positively affects the condition of the oral cavity. Prevents the development of caries, gum inflammation and strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Reduces the likelihood of adverse effects from ultraviolet and x-rays on the human body.

High-quality wine helps overcome a number of negative changes in the body, cope with diarrhea, anemia and hypovitaminosis. After serious illnesses, recovery comes faster. A hot alcoholic dessert with the addition of lemon and sugar is an excellent remedy against bronchitis, pneumonia and flu.

Important! All of the listed beneficial properties of wine are characteristic of natural drinks, which have gone through all stages of the production process and complied with technological standards, and do not contain any synthetic additives or sweeteners. Exposure period and storage conditions play an important role.

Red wine during pregnancy:

- in the 1st trimester

The first trimester contains a lot of important events and changes in a woman’s body. During conception, the process of forming a new life begins to take place, all vital organs and systems are formed. This process is extremely pronounced, so a woman should treat her body with double attention.

Experts recommend avoiding drinking red wine until 17 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that intrauterine life, which has just begun, is still very fragile and even small doses of alcohol can have a detrimental effect on it.

In the first trimester, a woman needs peace and a healthy lifestyle. A woman should be in comfort both physically and mentally, and small doses of alcohol can upset the balance and have a detrimental effect on the well-being of the expectant mother. This in turn will lead to a negative reaction from the baby in the womb. This cannot be allowed in any way, so it is better to give up red wine.

If a woman had no craving for this drink before pregnancy, but after conception in the first trimester an irresistible desire to take a sip of the red drink appeared, then you should not deny yourself. You just need to understand that we are not talking about a whole grocery store here. A woman can satisfy her whim with only a couple of sips, no more. If you drink too much wine, your baby will most likely develop congenital defects, developmental delays, and external deformities.

- in the 2nd trimester

The second trimester is often called the golden time for the expectant mother. This is due to the fact that all negative manifestations during the period of restructuring of the body associated with the beginning of a new life go away. The woman gets rid of toxicosis, her head stops hurting, and fatigue goes away. Thus, the time of calm and balance comes.

From the 18th week of pregnancy, experts allow pregnant women to drink small doses of good quality red wine. Many doctors claim that drinking one glass of wine every two weeks has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health, namely:

  • normalizes hemoglobin levels;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • strengthens cardiovascular activity;
  • normalizes the emotional background;
  • enriches the body with all necessary minerals and vitamins in sufficient quantities;
  • normalizes low blood pressure.

Attention! Even in the second trimester of pregnancy, women who are intolerant to wine or have a difficult pregnancy should not drink red wine.

If you abuse this alcoholic drink, there can be a number of negative consequences for the health of both the mother and her child. The fetus may experience abnormal processes in the body, resulting in the birth of children with various defects. Children often lag behind in weight and development, and their brain function is impaired. Alcohol intoxication always affects the child, and sometimes much stronger than on the body of the woman herself.

- in the 3rd trimester

A glass of dry red wine in the last stage of pregnancy will not harm if you drink it occasionally and do not exceed the dose of the recommended drink. You should not experiment with cheap, fortified or sweet wines. There should be at least one good and proven brand in stock. A bottle of wine, taking into account the therapeutic dose, will be enough for 2 months.

Closer to the planned date of birth, red wine should be completely abandoned, since the weight of the mother and her child by this period acquires a significant mass, and red wine will only contribute to its increase.

At the same time, in the later stages, a woman should give up wine if she is tormented by prolonged migraines, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are detected, there is an allergy to the plant components of grapes, and low blood clotting is diagnosed.

If you have a strong desire to take a sip of a red drink, doctors allow you to satisfy this need. But if a woman exceeds the norm and drinks more, she may experience prolonged migraines and toxic poisoning. Sometimes women, after drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, notice unpleasant tingling in the liver, impaired kidney function and other abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs.

What dose of wine is acceptable for pregnant women?

For pregnant women, those doses of alcohol are acceptable that do not harm her health and do not negatively affect the condition of the baby. A standard wine glass holds 125 - 150 ml. sparkling liquid, and one serving of wine contains up to 12% alcohol. Thus, an average glass contains approximately 1.5 servings of alcohol.

If a pregnant woman has no contraindications to drinking wine, then this can be done in small quantities. Namely, there will be no harm to the mother and fetus from one glass taken once every 2 months.

Important! It is best for pregnant women to give preference to non-alcoholic wines. Then there will be no danger to her health and the health of the unborn child at all.

What kind of alcohol can you drink during pregnancy at the holiday table?

Many women expecting a child have an irresistible desire to drink a small dose of alcohol at the festive table. The atmosphere of celebration and joy is overwhelming and you want to treat yourself to a strong drink. At the same time, the expectant mother should remember that it is better not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach, and after drinking even a sip of the drink, she should have a good snack of some light food.

Doctors recommend refraining from drinking any alcoholic beverages at any stage of pregnancy. But if you can treat yourself to an invigorating drink, then you should choose red wine, and a high-quality and dry variety. Some experts allow drinking beer, but only if it is of high quality and fresh. Pregnant women are not recommended to drink other alcoholic beverages at all.

Whether or not to drink red wine during pregnancy is up to each woman to decide for herself. It is important to listen to the doctor’s advice and adhere to the acceptable limits for drinking this drink. If a woman feels unwell, alcohol is contraindicated in any trimester of pregnancy.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

And pregnancy: Is there a safe amount in early or late pregnancy? How many glasses of red or white wine can pregnant women drink? Is it possible at all?

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy (in the first, second or third trimester) can be a very difficult decision for women, given all the different opinions on this matter.

During pregnancy, there are constant desires to eat or drink something, right here and now. But what if among these desires, in addition to chocolate, something salty, or something salty covered in chocolate, there was a glass of Pinot Noir or some other wine?

For most women, the news that they are pregnant means an immediate and unconditional ban on any alcohol. But the results of one American study from 2015 showed that 10% of pregnant women drank something at least once in the past month. And here a natural question arises: are they crazy or do they know something that the other 90% of pregnant women are not aware of? Let's find out!

A glass of wine or a glass of alcohol for two

At this very point I would like to warn you: now there will be a lot of negativity. But be patient and read the article at least to the middle. And better yet until the end!

So, drinking during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth and a whole range of physical, behavioral and intellectual problems for the child. Some of them appear immediately at birth, while others become obvious only after some time.

Despite all these scary diagnoses, very few babies are born with some of the changes caused by drinking or drinking a few glasses of wine during pregnancy. And only a few hundred children a year are born with the so-called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in which the child may have growth difficulties, a distorted face and problems with the central nervous system. Some believe that the number is so small because the relationship between drinking during pregnancy and problems in the fetus and newborns is poorly understood and described.

However, most of these scientific works are based on observations. Researchers are analyzing data from pregnant women about how much they drank and when. The purity of the experiment in this case is simply impossible to maintain. None of the scientists (in their right mind, of course), even for good scientific purposes, would ask pregnant women to drink to observe what will happen to their fetus and then to the child. Therefore, the data collected is very limited.

What about a glass or two of good wine?

Most scientific works still study the impact of excessive and frequent drinking on the body of pregnant women. And it is precisely this excess that is called the cause of all those terrible consequences, as described above. Well, what about drinking in moderation?

In 2012, the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology published a study that analyzed five comprehensive intellectual and behavioral observations of 1,628 children from Denmark whose mothers self-reported drinking during pregnancy. And each of the 5 studies analyzed showed that mothers who drank 1-6 glasses of wine per week gave birth to absolutely healthy and normally developing children. The data, of course, was compared with the children of those mothers who completely abstained from wine and alcohol during pregnancy.

Yale University also studied 4,500 pregnant women in Massachusetts and Connecticut (USA), and came to the conclusion that moderate consumption of wine and alcohol in the early and late stages (terms, trimesters) of pregnancy may not lead to early birth or low fetal weight or intrauterine growth retardation. Moreover, women who drank moderately during pregnancy were significantly less likely to give birth to underweight children.

However, it is important to note that this relationship does not mean that wine and alcohol (in moderation) are beneficial for pregnant women. For example, women could give incorrect data on the wine and alcohol they drank. They could also lead an overall healthier lifestyle than pregnant women who didn't drink, and so on.

In an attempt to circumvent this very confusion, a group of researchers from the University of Bristol (UK) conducted an analysis of 26 epidemiological studies (including the one mentioned at Yale), which compared the consumption of 32 grams of alcohol (a little more than 2 glasses of wine) per week with complete abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy . The following indicators were compared among those observed: the number of miscarriages, premature births and the birth of a too small child. Indicators that appeared after some time were also taken into account: developmental delays, behavioral complications, and so on.

So, thanks to this comparison, the researchers came to the conclusion that there is a possible relationship between moderate drinking during pregnancy and the birth of an underweight child. There was no evidence of other problems during pregnancy or after childbirth.

However, it was especially noted that too little research is being conducted on the topic of moderate consumption of wine and alcohol during pregnancy. Scientists simply did not have enough data to come to a conclusion about the harm of moderate consumption of wine and alcohol on a pregnant woman, the developing fetus and the further development of the child.

One of the researchers, Louise Zuccolo, hopes to see more, better research on this particular topic in the future. “Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that it is better for pregnant women to avoid drinking wine and drinking alcohol completely until there is clearer guidance on this matter,” she says.

Emily Oster from Brown University (USA) looks at this issue differently. In one of her books, she analyzes the most controversial issues related to pregnancy. While researching the book and her personal pregnancy, she reviewed more than 200 studies linking wine and alcohol to pregnancy. And I came to the conclusion that there is no reliable evidence of the influence of moderate and irregular consumption of wine and alcohol during pregnancy on the body of the pregnant woman, the developing fetus, and then the child.

Emily says: “There are doctors who, realizing the harmfulness of excessive alcohol consumption, say that you should not drink wine or anything else at all. And among researchers there are similar characters. Since the exact level of “moderate” consumption of wine and alcohol is unknown, it is better (according to in their opinion) not to drink at all.”

At the same time, she herself came to the following conclusion: “The absolute fact is that excessive consumption of wine and alcohol leads to negative consequences. But there is no need to hide from people that moderate consumption can be beneficial. Let them decide for themselves whether to drink or not.” drink".

Alcohol and wine. Before and after

The uncertainty doesn't end after childbirth. Especially for mothers who decide to breastfeed later. Research clearly confirms that alcohol from the mother's blood enters the child's body through milk. However, most experts confirm that even in this case, a glass of wine or other alcohol at certain periods between feedings is completely safe for the health of both mother and child. You just need to drink after feeding and at least a few hours before the next one. So that alcohol is processed by the mother's body and does not pass into breast milk.

Still in doubt? Well, here's another study done in 2013 by Odense University Hospital in Denmark. They analyzed 41 publications on alcohol, breastfeeding and babies, concluding: "There are no specific recommendations for breastfeeding mothers regarding the consumption of wine and other alcohol. They should follow the same recommendations as for everyone else."

However, various studies show that wine and alcohol can negatively affect milk production. Alcohol can also affect the lactation (milk secretion) reflex. Therefore, if any difficulties actually arise with lactation, there is something to think about.

Finally, the best news. Scientists believe that moderate consumption of wine and alcohol does not in any way reduce the chances of getting pregnant. Drinking up to 7 glasses of wine per week does not affect your chances of getting pregnant. If you drink 14 or more glasses a week, then such chances worsen by 18%. Compared to those women who don’t drink at all.

But expectant mothers are most afraid of the effects of wine and alcohol on their bodies while trying to get pregnant and immediately after conception, when pregnancy is not yet known. Research shows that the first trimester of pregnancy is critical for fetal development.

But if you find out that you are pregnant and have just recently been drinking, there is absolutely no need to panic. “The first six weeks of fetal development can be affected either positively or negatively by anything,” says Dr Dybe Martin, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Florida in the US. As soon as you find out about your own pregnancy, that's when you need to start taking your health more seriously.

For some, even the tiny risk of harm to their unborn child is enough to give up their favorite wine or other alcohol. For others, drinking occasionally is important to maintain their normal physical and emotional state during what is not the easiest (in every sense) period of pregnancy.

Of course, in the future, doctors and researchers will not abandon the question of the benefits of a glass of wine (or other alcohol) during pregnancy. Therefore, it is wisest to follow the most recent works on this subject. But we should not forget that each of the future parents has the right to their own opinion on this matter, even if it does not coincide with yours.

The article was written in part based on materials from the site

Wine is a noble alcoholic drink that, when consumed in moderation, will not only help you relax after a working day, but will also normalize blood pressure and improve myocardial function. In many countries there is even a tradition of drinking a glass of wine before every meal.

Despite all the benefits, doctors strongly advise pregnant women to avoid consuming this drink. What causes this, and is it really possible for a pregnant woman to drink wine?

The effect of alcohol on the fetus during pregnancy

Before drinking wine during pregnancy, it is worth considering whether the drink will harm the baby in the womb and what effect it may have on its development. If you drink a glass of wine once every 2 weeks, there will be no harm. But if feasts occur almost every day and the expectant mother constantly indulges in alcohol, the consequences can be the most dire.

Often, children whose mothers drank alcohol in early pregnancy are diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a congenital pathology accompanied by deviations in physical and mental development.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and in which trimester the woman drank alcohol, the symptoms of FAS may be as follows:

  • small stature and weight loss in a newborn;
  • hypoxia – lack of oxygen in organs;
  • deformation or abnormal structure of the maxillofacial part. Children are often born with a cleft lip, malocclusion, asymmetrical eyes, and deep-set ears;
  • underdeveloped internal organs;
  • weakened immune system;
  • reduced brain, abnormalities in the structure of the nervous system;
  • pathologies of the limbs (the baby may have too short palms or feet, fused fingers);
  • problems with the genitals;
  • deviations in the formation of kidneys and liver.

It is worth considering that the severity of symptoms depends on how often and in what quantities the woman drank. If the expectant mother rarely drank wine, the signs of FAS may be almost invisible - only an experienced specialist can identify them. The effect of alcohol on the fetus also depends on what exactly the woman consumed, since each type of drink has its own characteristics. To minimize the risk of undesirable consequences, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will tell you what wine pregnant women can drink and in what quantities.

Note! Regular drinking of alcohol increases the risk of slow fetal growth, miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, alcohol-containing products weaken the protective function of the placenta. The likelihood of undesirable consequences increases especially if a woman drank wine in the first trimester.

Dry or dessert wine

For pregnant women, dessert wines are not the best option. These drinks are often fortified and contain a lot of sugar. It is especially dangerous to drink dessert wine in the early stages, as it increases the risk of miscarriage.

As for dry wine, this drink is the best option for pregnant women. A small amount of dry wine before meals will regulate blood pressure, also help cope with nausea and improve appetite. Many women in an interesting situation find dry wine sour - in this case, the drink can be slightly sweetened.

In order not to harm the health of the unborn child, it is recommended to buy only high-quality wines made from natural ingredients without the addition of preservatives. But there is no need to purchase products “from hand”. Although such wines are prepared from natural ingredients, no one can guarantee that the drink was produced taking into account all the nuances of winemaking technology. It may contain a lot of fusel oils or pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! Until the 17th week of pregnancy, it is prohibited to consume any alcohol, including natural homemade wines. Subsequently, the conditionally acceptable norm is 1 glass every 1-2 weeks.

Red wine

A few decades ago, red wine during the second and third trimester of pregnancy was considered so beneficial that doctors advised expectant mothers to drink it in small quantities on an ongoing basis. Nowadays this way of maintaining well-being is not practiced, since there are many other options.

But if you really want red wine during pregnancy, you can drink it. 1-2 sips of the drink per day will not harm the health of the expectant mother and baby, but, on the contrary, will be beneficial. High-quality red wine has the following effects:

  • due to the content of vitamins B and P, the drink minimizes the likelihood of blood clots, which is often encountered by pregnant women;
  • improves blood circulation and increases hemoglobin levels;
  • promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • increases appetite.

Do not forget that each person’s body reacts to a particular product individually. That is why, before introducing red wine into the diet, a pregnant woman needs to visit a leading gynecologist who will tell you whether it is possible to “pamper” yourself with this drink.

Wine is made from various varieties of grapes, and what effect it will have on the body of a pregnant woman largely depends on this factor. Also, the effect of the drink varies depending on the strength and sugar content.

If we talk about white wines, then they are made from the berries of white, pink or red grapes. With moderate consumption, high-quality white wine will not harm the pregnant woman’s body and, on the contrary, will have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs. But compared to red wine, white wine does not contain as many antioxidants and does not help increase hemoglobin levels. But it is less likely to cause dizziness and weakness after use.

Champagne and sparkling

Like any other alcohol, champagne and sparkling wines contain alcohol. It is impossible to predict what effect ethyl alcohol will have on the fetus. Also, a lot depends on at what stage of pregnancy you drank such drinks. The third trimester is considered the safest - by this period the child is fully formed, so the influence of alcohol will not be so negative.

However, during pregnancy it is better to avoid champagne and sparkling wines, since carbonated drinks during this period are not the most suitable option. Even half a glass of champagne can cause severe flatulence, which in turn often provokes uterine tone and causes premature birth. Because of this feature, champagne should not be drunk not only in the first, but also in the second and third trimester.

Homemade wine

Regardless of the period, during pregnancy you should avoid homemade wines. This is due to the fact that such drinks are produced without a clear recipe, and everyone adds ingredients to them at their own discretion.

Drinking such drinks in any case is associated with certain risks. It is impossible to predict how the body will react to them. The danger of such alcohol lies in the fact that due to non-compliance with hygiene standards, they often cause poisoning and lead to the development of bacterial infections.

Non-alcoholic analogues of wine

Often mothers who like to indulge in alcohol ask their gynecologist whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beer or champagne during pregnancy. There is a widespread belief that such drinks are not only harmless, but also beneficial to some extent. Despite the fact that such products contain no more than 0.5% alcohol, they must be consumed with extreme caution.

This is due to the following features:

  • in the production of non-alcoholic wine and beer, chemical components and preservatives are used, due to which the foaming process occurs and the shelf life of the drink is extended. Ingredients of synthetic origin can adversely affect not only the condition of the fetus, but also the expectant mother;
  • such drinks often contain traces of sulfur or mold, which can cause a severe allergic reaction;
  • Unlike regular wines, non-alcoholic wines do not last as long and spoil faster. That is why you need to constantly monitor the expiration date of the drink, otherwise you can get seriously poisoned.

If a woman wants to drink a little wine in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, it is better to choose regular quality wine rather than non-alcoholic wine.

How much wine will not be harmful?

Most doctors allow pregnant women to drink some wine, but alcohol can only be consumed after the 17th week of pregnancy. Starting from the middle of the second trimester, pregnant women are allowed to drink a glass of wine (100 ml) once every 1-2 weeks. It is worth considering that this norm is conditionally acceptable. Your doctor will help you calculate the optimal dosage, taking into account the characteristics of the woman’s body and how the pregnancy is progressing. If you abuse and regularly indulge in alcohol, this can cause premature birth and multiple pathologies in the fetus.

Also, expectant mothers who really want wine should remember and follow these tips:

  • the product must be of high quality and expensive. Only wine made from natural wine materials will help raise hemoglobin levels, which is very important when bearing a child;
  • the best option would be dry red wine, but you should refrain from champagne and sparkling drinks;
  • You can drink alcohol no earlier than the second trimester and only in the absence of contraindications;
  • It is advisable to dilute any alcoholic drinks with water in equal proportions;
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol on an empty stomach, as this can cause discomfort and bloating.


If during pregnancy a woman really wants to drink a glass of wine, this can be done. But in order to minimize the risk of undesirable consequences, you should first consult with a leading gynecologist. Experts assure that in the absence of contraindications, moderate consumption of quality wine will not harm the health of the mother and unborn child. Such drinks, on the contrary, will regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lift your mood.