Comb. The history of combs Comb in mythology

Heads. There are also combs for animal hair.


There are two main types of combs - a comb and a hair brush (massage brush). The comb comes with or without a handle.

Ancient comb

The oldest comb was discovered during excavations on the territory of Ancient Rome. It was made from animal bone and had 8 teeth.

The role of the comb

Combs can be used for different purposes, including:

Combs are often used by detectives to obtain samples of hair or skin particles for further identification of a criminal or victim, to study their health status, and to conduct a toxicological examination.

Comb material

Combs can be made from a variety of materials, usually made from wood or plastic. Combs were once made from ivory, but production has now virtually ceased due to concerns about animal conservation. If combs are made of wood, then it is usually cherry or pine. A well-made wooden comb should be polished.

  • Bone.
  • Wooden.
  • Metal (aluminum, steel).
  • Plastic (celluloid, polypropylene,...).
  • Combined (plastic with a metal handle, metal with a plastic handle,...).

Comb in mythology

In mythology, a comb is a symbol of femininity. In Antique times, aquatic creatures were especially closely associated with the comb. For example, sirens, mermaids and nereids combed their hair. The comb was an attribute of many goddesses, especially the goddesses of love and water - Venus, Aphrodite and Thetis.

Combing as a magical action and the comb itself had different meanings: on the one hand, it is a symbol of the beauty and sexual attractiveness of women, but on the other, it is a symbol of the mysterious, impenetrable. In fairy tales of many cultures, there are heroes who, while fleeing, throw a comb behind them, from which a wild impenetrable forest or bush grows, preventing pursuers from passing through.

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An excerpt characterizing the Comb

The life of old Prince Bolkonsky, Prince Andrei and Princess Marya has changed in many ways since 1805.
In 1806, the old prince was appointed one of the eight commanders-in-chief of the militia, then appointed throughout Russia. The old prince, despite his senile weakness, which became especially noticeable during the period of time when he considered his son killed, did not consider himself entitled to refuse the position to which he had been appointed by the sovereign himself, and this newly discovered activity excited and strengthened him. He was constantly traveling around the three provinces entrusted to him; He was pedantic in his duties, strict to the point of cruelty with his subordinates, and he himself went down to the smallest details of the matter. Princess Marya had already stopped taking mathematical lessons from her father, and only in the mornings, accompanied by her nurse, with little Prince Nikolai (as his grandfather called him), entered her father’s study when he was at home. Baby Prince Nikolai lived with his wet nurse and nanny Savishna in the half of the late princess, and Princess Marya spent most of the day in the nursery, replacing, as best she could, a mother to her little nephew. M lle Bourienne, too, seemed to be passionately in love with the boy, and Princess Marya, often depriving herself, yielded to her friend the pleasure of nursing the little angel (as she called her nephew) and playing with him.
At the altar of the Lysogorsk church there was a chapel over the grave of the little princess, and in the chapel a marble monument brought from Italy was erected, depicting an angel spreading his wings and preparing to ascend to heaven. The angel's upper lip was slightly raised, as if he was about to smile, and one day Prince Andrei and Princess Marya, leaving the chapel, admitted to each other that it was strange, the face of this angel reminded them of the face of a deceased woman. But what was even stranger, and what Prince Andrei did not tell his sister, was that in the expression that the artist accidentally gave to the face of the angel, Prince Andrei read the same words of meek reproach that he then read on the face of his dead wife: “Oh, why did you do this to me?..."
Soon after the return of Prince Andrei, the old prince separated his son and gave him Bogucharovo, a large estate located 40 miles from Bald Mountains. Partly because of the difficult memories associated with the Bald Mountains, partly because Prince Andrei did not always feel able to bear his father’s character, and partly because he needed solitude, Prince Andrei took advantage of Bogucharov, built there and spent most of his time there. time.
Prince Andrei, after the Austerlitz campaign, firmly decided never to serve in military service again; and when the war began, and everyone had to serve, he, in order to get rid of active service, accepted a position under his father in collecting the militia. The old prince and his son seemed to change roles after the 1805 campaign. The old prince, excited by the activity, expected all the best from the real campaign; Prince Andrei, on the contrary, not participating in the war and secretly regretting it in his soul, saw only one bad thing.

Once upon a time there was a very ordinary comb. Every morning she had to comb the hair of one capricious girl. This girl really did not like to comb her hair, and every time she tried to dodge the comb. But the comb knew her job well and always (no matter how hard it cost her) brought it to the end. When the girl left for school, the comb, tired and empty, lay on the shelf and sighed:
- That's enough. I'm retiring, let the young people work.
And then one day, after another hard morning’s work, left alone on its shelf, the comb decided to go wherever its eyes looked. She gathered her strength, swayed and fell to the floor, and then jumped and landed on an old shoe that stood in the corner. Having made herself comfortable, she looked around and decided to spend the rest of her life here. By the way, her place of work was clearly visible from the corner, and she could observe what was happening there.
And a new comb soon appeared on the shelf: shiny, with refined features, with thin, neat teeth. She looked in the mirror all the time and admired her reflection. She worked reluctantly, which displeased the girl’s mother, as the girl began to be even more capricious. And after this fashionista’s comb broke several teeth, she completely disappeared to God knows where. And its place was taken by two combs at once, and they were also not simple in appearance. “Maybe they’re foreigners,” the old comb decided, “their technology, it seems, is not ours.” But the foreign guests did not live here for long; they were soon locked in a dark box.
But the old comb liked the next two. Although they were not particularly beautiful, they were diligent. They worked in turns, due to inexperience they did a lot of things wrong, and the old comb just wanted to tell them how to work. She even tried to shout to them:
- You work rudely, rudely. It needs to be softer, more gentle.
But no one heard her. Mom didn’t hear because she tried to persuade the girl not to be capricious, the combs because they were passionate about what they were doing, but the girl didn’t hear anything at all, she screamed and cried.
And then the mother ran out of patience, she said to the girl:
- Tomorrow we’re going to the hairdresser, let them give you a short haircut.
- I don’t want to look like a boy, I won’t go to the hairdresser.
- Then don't be capricious.
- Find me an old comb, and I will never, ever be capricious again.
The girl and her mother began to look for a comb. They looked in the drawers, behind the bedside table, even looked at the shelves with linen. And the old comb just wanted to jump out of the shoe to be noticed, but she didn’t even have the strength to move.
In despair, the girl sat down on the floor and was about to cry, but then her gaze fell on an old shoe standing in the corner.
“Mom, I found it,” the girl screamed, pulling a comb out of her shoe.
We washed the old comb in warm water, dried it with a soft towel, and it immediately looked younger and became almost like new.
Every morning the old comb went about its usual business, which gave her great pleasure. And in her free time from work, she shared her experience with young combs who also lived on the shelf with her.
The girl kept her promise and never, ever acted up again.

Combing your hair is so common that you rarely pay attention to which comb is needed at any given moment: as long as there is one. But this is so important for hair health!

Why are there so many more bald men than bald women? They say it's all about testosterone, the main male sex hormone. But what about men’s laziness and frequent reluctance to comb their hair? Hair, like any other part of the body, needs nutrition, which is supplied to it by blood. You can ensure a rush of blood to your hair through massage, that is, combing, which men rarely do. One of the unchangeable rules of Hollywood beauties is to brush your hair a hundred times every night before going to bed. The only question is, which brush? This is what the conversation is about.

The history of combs goes back a long way. The first combs found in Europe date back to the Stone Age. Back then, combs were more of a decoration than a means of hygiene. Combs were made exclusively from cow horn. Having removed the inner part and cut off the sharp end, the horn was steamed, then cut lengthwise into two parts, straightened under a press and dried. And then the teeth of the required sizes were cut by hand and polished. Among the Slavs, the comb was considered a magical female attribute. It was used by witches and sorceresses. Do you remember: “The sorceress stuck a comb into the head of Finist the Bright Falcon, and he fell asleep like a dead sleep”? Fleeing from pursuit, the heroines of fairy tales threw the comb behind them, and it turned into a forest. And in Japan, the guy himself made this magical object and presented it as a gift to his chosen one. If a girl pinned up their hair, it meant she was reciprocating their feelings. But there was also a more prosaic purpose for combs: they were used to comb out insects (simply lice).

In our civilized times, combs and brushes are given only a caring role. Let's figure out how many types they have and why they are so different.

Of course, you don't have to have a comb made from buffalo horn or elephant tusk! One can only guess how much it costs! But it shouldn't be cheap either. The cost of a good comb is at least fifty rubles. What general requirements should be presented to it? Whether it’s plastic, metal, horn, wood – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that there are no sharp edges: they must be rounded, ground and polished. It is very easy to check the quality of the teeth by running your fingers along their ends. The teeth should not be rough, sharp, or unpleasant to the touch. And no sharp edges: when combing, they can tear your hair. Good combs do not have such edges.

Every self-respecting girl should have several combs.

A plastic comb without a handle, divided into two parts: sparse teeth on one side, and fine teeth on the other. Convenient to carry and easily fits in your purse. The side with sparse teeth can be used for combing, and the side with frequent teeth can be backcombed.

Comb with wide, sparse teeth (teeth width 3–4 mm, distance between them 6–7 mm). It's a must have for those with curly hair. Also indispensable for combing damp hair and hair after perm.

A metal comb removes static electricity well. But hairdressers do not recommend using it daily.

A wide-toothed wooden comb is ideal for short haircuts and parting.

A comb with a long narrow handle and teeth of different heights is used for backcombing, separating thin strands when winding on curlers and giving the parting a zigzag shape.

When creating a hairstyle, you do not need to pull your hair: it can break off. Fine-tooth combs are contraindicated for dry and brittle hair. Long hair should be combed from the ends, gradually moving to the roots.

Everything that has been said about combs can also be applied to brushes. Their choice should not depend on price. The bristles on a brush can also be made from various materials: plastic, iron, rubber and, finally, pig bristles. The latter is considered ideal. Soft and flexible bristles are the most gentle for hair care, do not scratch it, detangle it well, do not electrify, but, accordingly, are not cheap. The bristles of plastic and metal brushes must be rounded at the ends. When buying a brush, run it along the back of your hand: do the bristles scratch your skin?

Brushes can be flat, round, semicircular, frame. Flat with natural bristles - for evening massage, round and semicircular - for styling and straightening curly hair, breathable frame ones are ideal for adding volume at the roots when drying hair with a hairdryer. In order to detangle natural curls or unruly hair, you need a brush with thick and sparse bristles.

Of course, brushes and combs need to be looked after. Wash at least once a week with regular shampoo, but for those with oily scalps, it’s better to wash it every day: grease and dirt remaining on the teeth can stain clean hair, and a greasy comb looks simply terrible. If you pull it out of your purse in front of your friend, you can be considered dirty. There should be no loose hair left on the comb. You can remove them using a wide-toothed comb: comb the bristles several times, first foaming shampoo on it (plug the hole in the pad with a match). Sushi with bristles down. And remember: such accessories should only have one owner. Lending or taking someone else's comb is strictly prohibited. “Magical feminine attributes” need to be changed every year. With the right choice and good care, they will help preserve the beauty and health of your hair for a long time. Agree, it's not difficult at all!

goes far into the past. The first combs found in Europe date back to the Stone Age. Back then, combs were more of a decoration than a means of hygiene. Combs were made exclusively from cow horn. Having removed the inner part and cut off the sharp end, the horn was steamed, then cut lengthwise into two parts, straightened under a press and dried. And then the teeth of the required size were cut by hand and polished. Among the Slavs, the comb was considered a magical female attribute. It was used by witches and sorceresses. Do you remember: “The sorceress stuck a comb into the head of Finist the Bright Falcon, and he fell asleep like a dead sleep”? Fleeing from pursuit, the heroines of fairy tales threw the comb behind them, and it turned into a forest. And in Japan, the guy himself made this magical object and presented it as a gift to his chosen one. If a girl pinned up their hair, it meant she was responding to their feelings. But there was also a more prosaic purpose for combs: they were used to comb out insects (simply lice).
Nowadays, a comb is a common accessory in the arsenal of not only charming fashionistas and fashionistas, but even people who are relaxed about their appearance. Plastic, wooden, extremely simple combs are used to tidy up hair, and often no one would think about the aesthetic merits of a comb. However, the comb became a common household item only in the 19th century after the invention of plastic in 1862. Before this, the comb was an accessory, a talisman, and an eloquent decoration that could tell about the mood and intentions of its owner.

Delightfully feminine Greek women and Romans were among the first to use combs as decoration for complex, rather intricate hairstyles. Combs supported thick masses of natural and false hair, modeling the shape of strands and curls, while at the same time being practically the main decoration of the hairstyle. Combs were made of precious metals - most often gold and silver, ivory and decorated with scatterings of precious stones. Combs are known, with special containers for incense, and even for poison (of course, how else could a decent Greek or Roman woman deal with a fierce rival or an unfaithful gentleman).
Combs were also used as symbols reflecting the mental state of their wearer. There were special combs for specific cases. So, for someone’s birthday or name day, a lady might prefer a comb with an image or figurine of a delightful baby; a comb for a wedding ceremony could be decorated with a pair of angels or love symbols, symbols of abundance; at a funeral ceremony, the comb reflected grief in the form of a figurine of an inconsolable charmer.
Africa is considered the birthplace of combs in the form of figurines. Africans wore combs as an amulet and did not pass on their amulet to anyone.
Personalized combs were popular in the East. There was a belief that wearing a comb in one's hair would protect against illnesses, and special sets of combs protecting against various ailments were passed down from generation to generation.
Beautiful, exquisite combs, made of noble materials and decorated with jewelry, cost fabulous amounts of money and were considered a very expensive gift, worthy even of kings. Mary Tudor, for example, with the advent of the new year 1556, received a box with two magnificent combs as a gift.
In the 18th century, a special guild of comb masters was formed. It took about ten years to master the art of making combs. Combs became more varied in purpose, so special combs appeared for maintaining hairstyles, for creating a parting (gravouere), for creating volume (templieres), and combs used for shaving (resoier). The production of combs and combs was predominantly manual. Each specimen created by the master was unique in its own way. One master could produce no more than 10-15 combs per day. To dye the combs, natural substances were used, often ones the future owner of the comb was not supposed to know about - some dyes included animal urine or other, not very romantic substances. Combs were made mainly of wood; metals were used less frequently. Later, turtle shells were used, which, by the way, caused the disappearance of some species of turtles from the face of the earth.
The oldest comb is the one found in Great Britain. This accessory dates back to the Neolithic era during the reign of the ancient Celts. The most expensive comb was found in Russia in a Scythian burial. The 12 cm long masterpiece is made entirely of gold. These days this magnificence is in the Hermitage.
The rule that a comb must have one owner is still observed today. This is mainly due to hygiene reasons. However, according to human energy experts, you should not let someone else use your comb for fear of energy imbalance. It was not for nothing that ancient sorcerers and shamans combed their hair when predicting and planning upcoming events. Hair comes into contact with subtle energies, and a comb, especially one made from noble materials, is able to remember this information. Therefore, the comb you use should be yours alone. After another person, the comb should be rinsed with water, preferably salted water or using detergents. As you can see, the principles of sanitation observed in all hairdressing salons and salons have not only hygienic, but also energy significance.

Do you know... the history of the comb?

Nowadays you can often hear about the beauty of long, silky, shiny hair. This canon of beauty might not have appeared if our ancient ancestors had not come up with such a simple, but so necessary for most inhabitants of the Earth, item as a comb.
A comb is a very simple device with “teeth” that goes through the hair to make it neat.
The ancestor of the modern comb is a fish skeleton. It is unknown when the first comb was made, but one of the most ancient combs was found during excavations on the territory of Ancient Rome. It was a comb with a handle (the handle was made from a wide animal bone) and with eight cut teeth (the teeth were located at a distance of 0.2 cm from each other).

Later, combs were made from coral, turtle shell, ivory, horns of various animals and wood. Such inhumane, in relation to nature, material was used until the middle of the 19th century.

Throughout its history, the comb has performed various functions, depending on the era and country - from a simple means of detangling strands to an elegant accessory.
In ancient times, Eastern women used fish bone as a comb. The first combs found in Europe date back to the Stone Age. Combs were made from cow horn: the inner part of the horn was removed, it was steamed, cut into two parts, straightened under a press and dried, and then the teeth were cut out by hand. Over time, combs and combs became the pride of wealthy people. They were made of precious metals and ivory, and decorated with gems.

Since ancient times, Slavic peoples wore long hair and beards, and women wore braids, which they used combs to comb. Combs were considered magical objects; they were an indispensable attribute of Russian fairy tales, and witches and sorcerers often used combs in their witchcraft. Remember: “The sorceress stuck a comb into the head of Finist the Bright Falcon, and he fell asleep like a dead sleep”? Fleeing from pursuit, the heroines of fairy tales threw the comb behind them, and it turned into a forest.

In mysterious Japan, a young man himself had to make a comb and give it to his chosen one, and if a girl pinned her hair with it, it meant that she was ready to respond to his feelings. In Japan, samurai also used combs, not only to strengthen their hair, but also as weapons. For example, some combs could easily serve as throwing knives.

In the Middle Ages, combs made of ivory and gold were valued. Angels and mythological animals were carved on them. Around this time, brushes made from pork bristles and hedgehog needles appeared.

During the Renaissance, there were huge wire frames and hoops that held incredibly tall hairstyles. Women who created real works of art on their heads usually combed their hair at home with the help of servants, and carried special combs with long handles with them to make it easier to straighten their hair.

In the 17th century, a special guild of comb masters was formed. It took at least ten years to master the art of making combs. One master could make 10-15 combs a day. With their help, combs became more functional, with different purposes. Combs appeared to create partings, to maintain volume, and combs used for shaving. Wood began to be used primarily for production; later, tortoiseshells served as the basis for expensive combs.
In 1862, with the invention of plastic, combs became a popular household item; both rich and poor began to use them.

In 1869, brothers Isaiah and John Hiatt invented celluloid. Thanks to this, animals and corals were saved from the fate of becoming a comb, and people were able to use cheap combs made from materials that look very similar to ivory and turtle shells.

Time passed, history changed, and with it the shape and material from which combs were made. But, as you know, the new is just the well-forgotten old.

Even ancient people noticed that the best way to take care of hair is with combs made of wood. The life and warmth of the wood is transferred to the comb, and with it to the hair: it becomes soft, elastic, silky. Look through the Druid horoscope: which tree protects your vitality and health? Oak? Birch? Linden? For example, birch combs activate the effect of healing and nutritious infusions and masks on the hair and improve the energy of the hair. Oak, on the contrary, seems to “calm” the hair - it does not become electrified. However, you should not purchase wooden combs coated with varnish or paint. There will be no healing effect.

Yuletide fortune-telling with a comb is widely known in Rus'. When going to bed on one of the holy nights, girls put a new comb under their pillow. And they say three times: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb your curls” or “Come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair.” Look at me, show yourself." After this, they will definitely dream of the future groom, and if they are lucky, in the morning they can find a strand of the groom’s hair on the comb, by which they can determine whether he is blond, brunette or brown-haired.

A love spell using a comb is very popular in villages. The love spell is done on a comb that your loved one uses or on a new comb, which you then need to give to him. The spell sounds like this:

“Comb-comb, head staff,
hair-hair, dear friend.
You yourself, brothers, help me,
Bring my dear one into my arms.
I will care for you, cherish you,
wash with spring water, but in return I want
to meet and greet a dear one on your doorstep.
Hair-hair, comb-comb,
Instill my love into my dear one.
Day after day, night after night,
let him remember me and miss me,
and soon he will come to me again.
Ears are witnesses, heart is the key,
mouth is a lock.

But if you dreamed that your comb has too many teeth and it can’t handle your hair, this means that in real life your behavior gives too many reasons for gossip. If in a dream you buy a new comb, then in reality it is possible that a new admirer or admirer will appear. A dream in which a comb broke while you were doing your hair means that you should be wary of illnesses and illnesses.