Contraindications and possible consequences of electrolysis. Should I be afraid of electrolysis, contraindications and consequences of this technique? What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is included in the list of the most effective methods of hair removal and has been on it for many years.

This procedure is included in the list of services of various popular cosmetology clinics and beauty salons.

But it is impossible to call it the best, since it has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, and is not suitable for everyone.

Should you be careful when choosing electrolysis as a method of hair removal, what contraindications does this procedure have, is it possible and what consequences can you expect - you will learn all this from the following article.

The essence of this procedure is the destruction of hair follicles using mini-electrical discharges. The current carries out a heating process to very high temperatures, which destroy the follicle.

We suggest you read about the contraindications and advantages of laser facial resurfacing, what possibilities this technique has, before and after photos, average prices and reviews.

Side effects

Unfortunately, the procedure is traumatic for the skin, and a number of complications may arise after it:

  • Redness.
    As a rule, the area where the hair follicles were takes on this color. In some cases, the redness may be more extensive.
  • Itching sensation.
    It usually appears together with redness. With this phenomenon, in no case should you influence the skin mechanically, that is, comb it. This leads to the appearance of scars, because the sensitivity of the skin after the procedure increases significantly.
  • Scarring.
    In most cases, this phenomenon turns out to be the fault of the master. Sometimes it is facilitated by improper care of the area of ​​skin injured by the effects of current.
  • Infection.
    This is the most unpleasant consequence, which can be protected from by following the rules of care after electrolysis and, of course, by choosing a good beauty salon.

The likelihood of burns, and subsequently scars on the skin, spots and swelling after electrolysis depends on the professionalism of the doctor and non-compliance with recommendations for skin care after the procedure.

We bring to your attention photos with side effects after the electrolysis procedure:

Pros of this method

Not every client of a cosmetology clinic experiences side effects, so in most cases the consequences are pleasant. These include:

  • Hair removal.
    If there were not too many hairs, and the bulbs turned out to be weak, an ideal effect that exceeds expectations is possible.
  • Beautiful skin color.
    Electric current has a good effect on blood circulation, as a result of which it has an effect on the dull color of the skin.
  • Visual rejuvenation.
    It is also achieved through a positive effect on the blood circulation process. The skin becomes more elastic and smoother.

this, the pros and cons and how the hair removal procedure goes - you will learn all this in the article on this site.

You can find out how to make your skin fresh and youthful with the help of laser biorevitalization sessions and what are the average prices for this cosmetic procedure

Last resort or one of the best solutions?

If we take into account its high efficiency and many rules for care, contraindications and types of complications, the question arises: “Is it worth using this technique if there is no special need?”

In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems. Complications most often occur when the skin is extremely sensitive and mandatory measures are not taken during the rehabilitation period.

If you are ready to follow all the rules, and your skin is not too delicate, you should not be afraid of electrolysis.

This method belongs to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment and, like any technique, has its contraindications.

The latter can be temporary (sunburn, pregnancy, etc.) and permanent (diabetes, etc.), relative (treatment is possible with the permission of a doctor) and absolute (complete ban).

This must be taken responsibly by both the client and the specialist. We are talking about your health, and priority in this matter should be given to safety issues rather than beauty.

Photo from

What are the contraindications for electrolysis?

It is necessary to start with a detailed consultation, during which the electrologist collects information about the patient, his diseases, allergic status, drug intolerance, etc.

You should be extremely open about your medical conditions, even if this ultimately prohibits procedures.

It is important for the specialist to conduct a preliminary examination of the treated area for the presence of skin rashes, neoplasms, scars and moles. After analyzing the information received, you should make an informed decision about the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

This disease in itself does not prevent electrolysis, but it is necessary to take precautions and obtain the permission of the attending physician. This is important because of the possible development of seizures that occur as a result of anxiety due to the procedure.

If you decide to undergo hair removal, you should carefully document the frequency and severity of attacks, which will significantly help in making a decision about further continuation of therapy. The initial parameters of the electric current are set at a minimum level and the intensification is carried out gradually, taking into account the patient’s condition.


The first 3 months are a complete withdrawal from the technique; after this period, written permission from a doctor is required. Even if you are allowed to undergo the procedure, remember that the chest and abdomen areas should not be treated.

Excessive pain for such a delicate condition can provoke tone. Your health and the health of your unborn baby are in your hands; there is no point in rushing to permanently remove hair during this period. Therefore, we recommend returning to the issue of hair removal later.

Heart disease

Hypertensive and ischemic diseases are contraindications to the procedure. With heart defects, the direction of blood flow is disrupted and exposure to electricity can cause complications.

Varicose veins (local)

Electrical hair removal is strictly prohibited in areas where this disease is observed, but the prohibition does not apply to exposure in other healthy areas.

HIV virus

Reduces the body's protective functions and leads to fatal infections. Transmitted through blood, semen, breast milk.

In some clinics it is believed that the procedure is possible with maximum protection of the specialist (gloves, glasses) and mutual written consent of the specialist and the client.


If blood clotting is impaired and regeneration is reduced, inaccurate needle placement can cause bleeding. Therefore, this diagnosis is prohibited, and therapy is possible only after the written consent of the doctor.


Viral pathology of the liver, transmitted through body fluids. As in the situation above, the procedures are possible if the specialist observes security measures and signs consent to the service on both sides.

Hypertension (blood pressure)

High blood pressure is not considered a contraindication, but attacks can be triggered by increased nervousness during hair removal sessions. You should carefully consider your condition and carefully weigh the risks.

A feature of this disease is a decrease in skin sensitivity and a deterioration in the ability to regenerate. Thus, it is extremely difficult to determine the intensity level of the parameters, which can cause burns.

And any violation of hygiene and the slightest injury can provoke serious complications. In some clinics, hair removal is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, but we recommend completely abandoning this technique in case of diabetes.


The presence of a pacemaker, which regulates heart contractions using electrical impulses, is considered an absolute ban on electric shock therapy. The action of the latter can be disrupted by a similar effect of a hair removal device.


When working with the chest area, lactation is a contraindication; in other cases it should be treated with caution.

It should also be remembered that painkiller injections are not performed during this period.


When epilating bikini and deep bikini areas, it is better to refrain from procedures due to increased sensitivity, as well as mutual comfort for you and your specialist.

Metal implants

Since metal is a conductor of electricity, this method, unfortunately, is not applicable.

Current intolerance

In very rare cases, individual intolerance to current occurs. In this case, you should abandon the course and choose another method.

Neuropsychiatric disorders

We do not recommend performing procedures in case of mental disorders, since exposure to electric current can negatively affect your well-being and psychological comfort, and the painful effect of therapy can provoke undesirable consequences.

Oncological diseases

They are a contraindication to electrolysis, as it can cause the disease to worsen. Some clinics require permission from the attending physician, but we do not recommend risking your health and performing electrolysis with this diagnosis.

Skin conditions and diseases

Warts. Hair removal is possible if there is no contact with the affected area.

Inflammation. Hair is removed after complete skin regeneration.

Vulgar acne. In this condition, it is important to refrain from intervening near the affected area due to the high concentration of bacteria and the risk of infection. In addition, this pathology itself is quite painful and electrolysis can further increase existing discomfort.

However, outside the acute phase, the electrical pulse technique will help keep disease outbreaks under control by removing hair trapped in infected follicles and destroying the sebaceous glands with galvanic current. Single rashes do not interfere with sessions.

Herpes, impetigo, fungal infections in the treatment area. An absolute contraindication until complete recovery. In the case of the herpes virus, it is recommended to take additional preventive measures before receiving shock therapy.

Cuts and damage to skin integrity. The session should be postponed until complete recovery.

Skin cancer. On-site therapy is an absolute prohibition. Therapy can stimulate the process and worsen the disease.

Birthmarks. There are no publications about the negative impact of the discussed method on them. However, there is a risk of malignancy of the formation, as well as the possibility of misdiagnosis. If you decide to have electrolysis, you should visit a dermatologist and get his permission before consulting at an hair removal center.

Fresh scars in the treatment area. A break of 12 months is required for complete tissue regeneration before starting electrolysis.

Sunburn. Temporary contraindication until the skin is completely normalized.

Tattoos. They are not a contraindication, but require high qualifications from the artist in order to maintain the integrity of the drawing.

Eczema. Hair removal is possible only during complete remission.

Papillomas and Botox injections are NOT a contraindication for therapy.

Endocrine diseases

Consultation with an endocrinologist and his written consent are required.

There are many ways to get rid of unwanted body hair. Hardware electrolysis is considered the most effective at the moment. This cosmetic operation reliably removes hair from the body and face. But today we’ll talk about the consequences of electrolysis.

What is electrolysis

The essence of electrolysis is the targeted damage to the hair root along with the surrounding tissues (root sheath) through a point pulse of electric current. The effectiveness and consequences are that unwanted hair gradually stops growing from the damaged hair follicle.

Using a special needle-electrode, a current discharge is delivered to the follicle. Under its influence, the root region of the hair and nearby tissues are deformed, destroyed, and lose their ability to regenerate.

There are three types of needle electrodes:

Principles and order of influence

But not everything is so unequivocally positive. The electrolysis procedure takes a long time and is not limited to one session, because the master works with each hair separately. Removing body hair requires an individual approach and consists of several manipulations:

  • insertion of a needle-electrode into the hair follicle;
  • electrical impulse;
  • hair removal with tweezers.

There are three active phases, they are characterized by:

  • active growth, anagen;
  • transition from one growth stage to another, catagen;
  • resting stage, telogen.

Normally, up to 90% of all hair in a healthy person is in the active growth stage, about 10-15% is in the resting stage, and only about 2% of hair is in the transitional form at any one time. During hair removal, the follicle is destroyed and actively growing hair is removed, but the next one, located in catagen, is on the way. Therefore, in order to get rid of all unwanted hair on the body, sessions will have to be repeated several times in order to get into the “right period”.

Types and features of methods

This hardware procedure includes a number of different methods of performing the operation:

  • thermolytic method (instant strong heating, exposure of the follicle to alternating high-frequency pulses) is suitable for treating large areas of the body, a type of thermolysis is flash, a needle with a special insulating coating is used;
  • electrolytic method (exposure to a galvanic pulse through the use of two differently charged electrodes), suitable for removing curved hair follicles, and is quite long-lasting;
  • blending system - a combination of thermolysis and electrolysis;
  • electrolysis with tweezers (tweezers act as an electrode); due to the duration of such a procedure, this form of hair removal is unpopular in salons.

Brief overview of the results of hardware procedures

According to reviews from clients of beauty salons, the method that has the most unpleasant consequences after electrolysis is thermolysis. The hair follicle does not die immediately; the painful intervention must be repeated several times. After thermoelectric exposure, complications often arise in the form of irritation, skin rashes, and allergic reactions. Flash thermolysis is not used on the face and in the chest and bikini areas, but on the limbs it gives excellent results.

Electrolytic hair removal is less painful, and the occurrence of troubles from such manipulations is minimal.

Blend hair removal is two-phase: an alternating mix of thermolysis and electrolytic action allows you to quickly destroy the structure of the follicle, and, therefore, reduce the time to achieve the final result. Such an aggressive effect on the hair follicle often causes folliculitis (inflammation) and painful tissue scarring.

In general, electrolysis is a painful process. Many cosmetologists urge clients to refuse any kind of pain relief. Their main argument is that anesthetic substances often have the opposite effect: increased hair growth is observed on skin surfaces treated with anesthetics. However, this is nothing more than a myth. An anesthetic injection is made deep into the muscle tissue, while the action of the electrode occurs in the upper layers of the epidermis. External anesthetics (Lidocaine spray, Emla) are used some time before the start of hair removal.


There are a number of contraindications to this method of removing unwanted body hair. These may be some temporary restrictions on undergoing electrolysis, but categorical prohibitions for medical reasons cannot be ruled out.

Let's consider what types of complications electrolysis can lead to, as well as what contraindications and consequences of its use exist, depending on certain reasons.

Strict prohibitions on the use of the method include medical indications:

  • installed pacemaker, a number of cardiac pathologies (heart disease, various arrhythmias, etc.), high blood pressure, epilepsy;
  • diseases of the blood and veins (hemophilia, various thromboses, varicose veins);
  • oncology, infectious and viral diseases (hepatitis, HIV, etc.);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • mycoses in the areas of intended hair removal;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema and other dermatitis);
  • lesions of the skin in places of intended exposure (wound surfaces, rashes, etc.);
  • skin neoplasms (papillomas, warts).

Electrofrequency effects are not recommended during pregnancy. This method does not remove vegetation in the ears, nose and other mucous membranes. Failure to follow these recommendations can have fatal consequences. Failure to follow skin care recommendations after the procedure can lead to various types of skin irritation, including suppuration and scarring.

Electrolysis results and care

Due to skin irritation during the procedure, some unpleasant symptoms may occur. However, these manifestations are temporary.

  • pain persists for some time after the procedure;
  • redness, swelling, swelling (lasts several days);
  • skin rashes (pimples, acne, formation of pustules and papules);
  • scabs (crusts) or peeling (do not scratch!);
  • temporary pigmentation in treated areas;
  • enlarged pores, long visible injection sites (especially on the face).

To minimize the consequences of the procedure, you need to follow a number of recommendations. Some troubles, such as redness or peeling of the skin, cannot be avoided. But it is quite possible to reduce unpleasant errors and speed up the healing process. To do this you need:

  • wear loose clothing to avoid the traumatic effect of the fabric on freshly epilated tissue;
  • Do not use cosmetics for 2-3 days - neither skincare nor decorative, only antiseptic (miramistin, chlorhexidine, calendula tincture) and healing agents (panthenol, boro-plus, bepanthen, etc.);
  • avoid contact with water on the post-procedure surface for a day;
  • do not pick off crusts, peeling, or sores that form;
  • do not sunbathe, do not go to the solarium, do not use self-tanning products in order to avoid skin pigmentation;
  • do not scratch reddened areas;
  • avoid strong physical exertion, exclude sports, baths, saunas - so as not to sweat, thereby causing itchy skin.

On average, the recovery period after electrolysis is 1.5-2 weeks. During this period, the above rules must be followed so that the unpleasant consequences of interference with the integrity of the skin are minimal. We discuss which is better: laser or electrolysis.

  • 1. What is electrolysis
  • 2. Types and methods of electrolysis
  • 2.1. Thermolysis
  • 2.2. Electrolysis
  • 2.3. Flash
  • 2.4. Blend
  • 2.5. Needles that are used for electrolysis
  • 3. Electrolysis: advantages and disadvantages
  • 4. Contraindications
  • 5. On what parts of the body is electrolysis performed?
  • 6. Preparation
  • 7. Skin care
  • 8. Cost of the procedure
  • 9. Can it be done at home?
  • 9.1. Preparation and how to do it right
  • 10. Possible consequences of the procedure
  • 11. How to numb the skin before electrolysis
  • 12. Frequently asked questions and answers
  • 12.1. Is it possible to do electrolysis during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
  • 12.2. Is it possible to do electric hair removal during menstruation?
  • 12.3. Is electric hair removal harmful to the body?
  • 12.4. Is the procedure possible for fibroids?
  • 12.5. Does hair grow after electric hair removal?
  • 12.6. What is better: electro or laser hair removal?
  • 12.7. Are burns possible after electrolysis?

What is electrolysis

Epilation is carried out through the action of electrical discharges on the hair follicle. An electrical impulse passes through a needle-shaped electrode. The technique is very painstaking, since each hair is removed pointwise: a needle is placed on it, a charge is launched and the current, penetrating the follicle, destroys the root system.

One session is not enough to permanently get rid of hair in the treated area. Electrical impulses only affect hairs that are in the growth stage. There are also “dormant” follicles in the dermis, which are activated after some time. To completely remove hair from a certain area of ​​the body, you need to undergo 6 to 10 procedures at intervals of 3–5 weeks.

Removing unwanted hair with an electrical impulse is not a very painful procedure, but it is noticeable. Most often it is performed using local anesthetics.

Unlike laser and photoepilation, electrolysis is possible on any skin type and regardless of hair color and structure.

Types and methods of electrolysis

The method has several varieties, differing in the types of devices, electrodes and intensity of current discharges.


This is the most common method. The basis of the technique is the use of high-frequency alternating current. The manipulations must be carried out by a specialist. Thermolysis requires speed as the electrode heats up very quickly. The method is painful, the needle instantly burns the skin. The treated area must be numbed. Anesthetics used: Lidocaine or Emla cream. Electrolysis on the face using this method is not recommended due to the increased risk of microburns.


This technique is also called galvanic. It involves two needles and a direct current, which, in contact with the electrodes, forms a chemical process. A negative charge is applied to one needle to form an alkaline environment, and a positive charge is applied to the other to form an acidic environment. Both needles impact the hair socket and destroy the bulb. There is less skin irritation with this technique.


This is the same thermolysis, but more advanced. It involves very high-frequency flashes (from 2000 kHz), as a result of which the dermis does not have time to heat up, and accordingly the patient experiences much less pain. This method is most often used for electrolysis of the upper lip, eyebrows, and bikini.

With Flash technology there is still a risk of burns, but this largely depends on the artist. Most often, the skin has to be numbed.


It combines two methods – thermolysis and electrolysis. First, the hair root is heated by thermolysis, then destroyed by galvanic current. For the blend method, there are special computer devices that automatically select the strength of the electrical impulse for a particular skin type and hair structure. This method is used for hair removal of bikini, armpits, mustache and other sensitive areas. The skin does not require anesthetics, the method is practically painless.

Sometimes electrolysis of the hands or face is performed using different techniques, since the sensitivity of the skin in these areas varies.

Needles that are used for electrolysis

Electrode needles – their thickness does not exceed 0.1 mm and can have different shapes (straight, curved). It is placed in the hair hole itself. The shock is then delivered directly to the hair follicle. Complete death of the hair occurs within 1–2 days, after which it falls out on its own.

Needles are made from medical alloy, gold, Teflon, nickel-chrome. Their quality does not affect the result, but is important for the skin. Gold electrodes are used mainly on sensitive areas of the body.

Tweezer electrode - unlike a needle, tweezers come into contact with the hair itself, and not with the skin. They grab the tip of the hair and release a discharge that passes along the hair shaft and has a destructive effect on its root. The method is suitable for those with increased sensitivity to pain, but it takes a little longer.

Electrolysis: advantages and disadvantages

Any depilation technique has its pros, cons, and features.


  • suitable for all hair and skin types;
  • guarantees complete death of the follicle to which the current was applied;
  • used for different areas of the body;
  • Several procedures will ensure permanent hair removal.


  • one session will not solve the problem; 5–6 procedures will be required;
  • soreness;
  • there is a risk that burns and marks will remain;
  • may cause severe irritation;
  • requires high qualifications from a specialist;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • high cost.


The effect of current on the layers of the epidermis is a serious process and has many contraindications.

You cannot use an electric epilator if you have the following diseases and disorders in the body:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • some heart and vascular diseases;
  • oncology;
  • skin prone to the formation of keloid tissue;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy at any stage.

The method is completely contraindicated for people wearing a pacemaker. In case of varicose veins, it is necessary to consult a doctor; usually a session is permissible at the initial stage of vein disease.

If you are breastfeeding, the procedure is acceptable. But it is worth considering that pain is stress for a nursing woman, and it can reduce lactation. Pain relief during the procedure must be complete.

On what parts of the body is electrolysis performed?

It is expected to be divided into sections: treatment of eyebrows and chin, arms and legs, abdomen, back, chest (for men), hair removal in the bikini area, on the buttocks.


To prepare for the session, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Avoid tanning 6-7 days before the procedure.
  2. Shave the hairs in the epilated area 3 days in advance.
  3. Take a shower an hour before your session.

Skin care

In the first few days after the session, the epidermis needs special care.

Immediately after the session, the body is treated with an antiseptic solution and after 15 minutes, lubricated with a soothing cream. At home, you need to repeat these steps after 5-6 hours.

For the first 5 days, visiting solariums, beaches, baths, saunas, hot tubs, and swimming pools is strictly prohibited. If your legs have been treated, you should not wear tight, tight trousers for several days.

Under no circumstances should you comb the epilated area or touch it with dirty hands. If irritation occurs after the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with Bepanten cream (or its analogues). Minor redness and peeling can be removed with baby cream. This product also works great on burns.

If pustules suddenly appear on the body, it is necessary to use an antibiotic ointment (Miramistin, Levomekol, Erythromycin).

After treatment of the abdomen and back, you should wear light cotton clothing for the first 4–5 days. It is better to depilate such large areas in the cool season so that the body does not sweat.

More precise care after the procedure should be prescribed by a cosmetologist, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of electrolysis is calculated based on the minutes spent.

ZoneNumber of proceduresTimePrice
Face5–10 1 min.0,40$
Hands7–10 1 min.0,50$
Armpits7–10 1 min.0,50$
Legs7–12 1 min.0,50$
Back7–12 1 min.0,50$
Stomach7–12 1 min.0,50$
Bikini7–12 1 min.0,60$
Buttocks7–12 1 min.0,60$

Disposable needle – from 2 to 4 $

Anesthesia – from $1.5 to $10. Pain relief can be done with external medications and injections.

It takes approximately 1 minute to process 1–2 cm. Thus, epilation of armpits, for example, can take about 2 hours, which will equal $90.

Can it be done at home?

Electrolysis at home cannot be done independently. It can only be performed by a specialist who has a medical education and has undergone special training in this technique. In addition, the device is very expensive.

But today, many cosmetologists offer a service that goes to the client’s home, which is very convenient.

Preparation and how to do it right

To create comfortable conditions for conducting a session in your own home, it is necessary to provide the specialist with a sterile area and good lighting.

The skin is prepared in the same way as described above.

Carrying out the procedure at home is no different from the salon: the device is connected to the network, an anesthetic is applied to the skin, then the electrode is inserted into the hair hole and current is applied to it. The destruction of the follicle occurs instantly and after a couple of days the hair falls out. Only a competent cosmetologist can insert the electrode correctly and select the required current discharge.

Possible consequences of the procedure

A poorly performed procedure is fraught with the following negative consequences:

  • the appearance of burns in the epilated area;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • formation of scars, cicatrices;
  • the occurrence of severe irritation;
  • formation of subcutaneous hematomas.

Unpleasant consequences can occur if the patient does not follow the recommended skin care.

How to numb the skin before electrolysis

Typically, external anesthetics are used for pain relief: Emla cream, Lidocaine spray.

If the patient has a very low pain threshold, the doctor can give an injection: Lidocaine, Novocaine, Ultracaine.

You can take an analgesic tablet (Cinepar, Analgin, Ketofen, Baralgin) half an hour before visiting a cosmetologist’s office.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Is it possible to do electrolysis during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, the procedure is prohibited; during breastfeeding, it is acceptable.

Is it possible to do electric hair removal during menstruation?

It is possible, but not advisable, since the pain threshold increases these days.

Is electric hair removal harmful to the body?

If there are no contraindications and the technique is performed by a good specialist, then there is no harm.

Is the procedure possible for fibroids?

Does hair grow after electric hair removal?

During electrolysis, all visible hairs are destroyed, but after a month, hair growth will begin from those follicles that were at rest. To destroy them all, you need to go through several sessions.

What is better: electro or laser hair removal?

The methods are significantly different and each has its own characteristics.

Are burns possible after electrolysis?

Yes, if the specialist was unqualified.

The word “electrolysis” refers to a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing unwanted hair. Hair removal occurs using electric current. Many girls have already experienced the effectiveness of this procedure, but at the same time they also note its severe pain when compared with photoepilation or laser options.

Principle of electrolysis

The electrode is inserted along the hair shaft to the base of the hair follicle, after which current is supplied - so the hair is extracted from the skin, and all due to this that the electric current reaches the follicle, damaging it and the adjacent tissues responsible for hair growth (small nerve endings and capillaries). The hair follicle loses its viability forever.

Reviews from patients and cosmetologists agreed on one thing - the method is truly very effective. It’s just that electrolysis has contraindications and consequences that can worsen the appearance of the area treated with electric current for a long time, but more on that a little later.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The advantages include:

  • suitable for all skin and hair types;
  • long-lasting effect and high percentage of effectiveness;
  • used to treat eyebrows, face, chest, cheeks, armpits, back, legs, bikini line.

The main disadvantages include the following:

  • after some types of hair removal it may not work well (after sugar and wax hair removal, plucking), since the follicles may become curved and deformed. They will be less amenable to removal using current, since the electrode needles are more difficult to guide to the root of the hair;
  • several series of procedures will be required. It is not always possible to get rid of all excess vegetation in one procedure; up to thirty sessions per area may be required. And all due to the fact that in the skin there are not only active follicles, but also dormant ones - in an inactive state, hair does not grow from there, but then they begin to activate;
  • you will have to resort to the procedure while dormant follicles are activated. With each new procedure, active follicles will not remain in the skin;
  • The duration of the procedure can also be considered a disadvantage. You need to influence each hair, for example, electrolysis of the area above the upper lip will take about twenty minutes;
  • high cost. It is determined by the number of procedures. Typically the price depends on the duration of the session and the area being treated.

Contraindications and consequences

Electrolysis has a fairly large list of contraindications. And this is not surprising because the body will be affected by electric current. Contraindications include:

  • heart disease, mitral valve disease;
  • hepatitis, epilepsy, hemophilia;
  • fresh scars on the desired area of ​​the skin;
  • the presence of moles, warts, papillomas;
  • cuts, pimples, rashes at the treatment site, and indeed all other skin damage;
  • bacterial, fungal and viral skin lesions;
  • eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • metal medical products in the body;
  • hormonal imbalance, endocrine diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Side effects include:

  • severe pain during the procedure;
  • moderate pain often persists after the procedure;
  • swelling of the skin and its redness;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • temporary appearance of pimples, pustules and papules;
  • formation of microscars (rare);
  • temporary scab formation;
  • focal hypopigmentation on the treated area of ​​skin.

At first, the pores on the skin may look unattractive - they will be enlarged and have a dark or red color. And this effect can last up to two to three weeks. The secretion of the sebaceous glands may begin to be released from some pores. These "pimples" will remain and after the swelling decreases, although they will be small in size, reminding you of ordinary closed white acne. They are formed due to focal hypopigmentation. But some large ones are pustules that are filled with the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Frequently Asked Questions

People who want to get rid of facial and body hair often ask the following questions.

Efficiency of the method

Many people are interested in whether the effect of this procedure is permanent. Today this is the only method of permanent hair removal. Hairs are found in hair follicles at different stages of growth, but over time, dormant hairs are also activated. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to several electrolysis procedures in order to remove all active follicles from the skin, without leaving any dormant ones there.

Therefore, many people resort to this method, despite its pain. No other method gives such effective results.

A series of procedures will be required to achieve the desired result. Each time, new hairs will grow thinner. The number of procedures may be required if you have often resorted to sugar or wax hair removal before. After the first procedure Follicles with a thick hair shaft are not immediately removed and those that lie deep in the layers of the dermis. Therefore, repeated procedures for the same hairs are quite common. But repeated interventions will increase the risk of complications - microscars and skin hypopigmentation will appear.

Painfulness of the procedure

Perhaps this question interests everyone without exception who is considering such a procedure. But there can’t be a definite answer here - everyone has their own pain threshold. But still, electrolysis can be considered a very painful method. The thinner your skin, the more painful hair removal will be for you. And also the degree of pain depends on the type of needle used and the intensity of the current.

Needles for such removal can be divided into two types - into isolated and not isolated. The first focus the current on the cells that are responsible for hair growth - this reduces pain. But the latter conduct current simultaneously along the length of the follicle and in the tissues surrounding it. Of course, this makes the procedure much more painful.

Session duration

Each area of ​​the body requires different times. Much depends on the number of hairs and their condition. As mentioned above, the area above the lip is treated on average for 20 minutes, but the procedure can take as long as 40 minutes. For comparison, laser hair removal of this area takes no more than 8 minutes.

Electrolysis of bikini and armpits

It is possible for both men and women. Along with the classic bikini, the rear perineum and the skin around the anus are often treated. But in the case of deep hair removal, reviews of the procedure are not very positive. Many cosmetologists simply refuse to perform it on the deep bikini area due to unaesthetics.

But armpits are treated in this way very often. The redness from this place gradually disappears, only in its place black dots resembling acne may appear.

If you nevertheless decide on such a procedure, then try it first on small areas that are not visible to others. Go for a short session, remove hairs on a small area of ​​skin - this way you will find out how your skin will react to the current treatment. Complications can arise due to the individual characteristics of the skin, and due to the mistakes of the cosmetologist who selected the wrong parameters for the incoming current. Therefore, it is very important to immediately find a good master whose skills you will not doubt.

You can resort to electrolysis if you need to get rid of sparse hairs on a small area of ​​skin. Then you will solve the problem even in one procedure. But if you need to process large areas, then this method is not the most preferable. It is especially worth choosing a more gentle option for the bikini area in order to achieve the desired result in several visits to the salon.

Cost of service in the salon

It will depend on many factors:

  • duration;
  • area of ​​skin and the number of hairs on it;
  • type of needles used;
  • pain relief method.

Often in the catalog services from different salons, the cost is indicated per minute. And this price does not include the cost of the needle or the use of anesthetic gel - this is worth taking into account. In Moscow clinics the average cost will be as follows:

  • for the face - from 22 rubles per minute;
  • for bikini - from 26;
  • for other areas of the body - from 19.

The use of an anesthetic gel is paid separately; on average, it will cost you from 200 rubles, and needles - from 100. Of course, if you decide on such a procedure, then it is better not to skimp on it and be sure to include an anesthetic in it.

Whether or not to do electrolysis is a purely personal matter. In any case, you must first become familiar with its contraindications, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. And after that, decide or refuse to remove unwanted hairs using current.