Workout program for an H-shaped figure. Fitness training for an H-shaped figure Workouts depending on your body type

The most common type of female figure: the lower part of the body is noticeably “heavier” than the upper. If you gain weight, it is deposited mainly on the hips and buttocks, and almost never on the back and waist. And if you lose kilos, according to the law of meanness, the face and chest lose weight first, and the pelvic area does not give up until the last.

What are we training?

First of all, the legs. Your favorite exercises should be lunges (you can use weights), squats and jumping jacks (a sharp upward movement from a deep squat). If you prefer not free weights, but training on machines, during training, do leg presses from a lying position, leg extensions and abductions, and always hyperextension, since good posture with a pear body type significantly changes the overall impression, you will appear taller and slimmer , and your breasts are bigger.

By the way, Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry and Rihanna have a triangle-type figure.


2. Rectangle

Overall quite slim, you worry about the lack of a waist: a common option for a rectangle-type figure. If you gain weight, your stomach begins to bulge forward, as if you are pregnant. You won’t believe it, but it is with this type of figure that it is easiest to achieve an ideal body.

What are we training?

First of all, the oblique abdominal muscles. Any twisting will be beneficial, and Pilates will magically improve your figure - a system of exercises specifically aimed at developing the abdominal muscles and the “core” - a group of muscles in the torso. Bend overs with dumbbells, abdominal exercises with bringing your palm to the opposite leg are good, and if you want something original, go to anti-gravity yoga: even with minimal physical training, you will do a great job of working your waist area.

By the way, Kate Middleton, Gwyneth Paltrow and Princess Diana have a rectangle-type figure.

3. Ball

Voluminous, massive breasts, a full, protruding belly and at the same time slender legs and arms: this type of figure is quite common in women who have given birth and who have gained significant weight during pregnancy.

What are we training?

All. To return your figure to harmonious proportions, you need exercises for all muscle groups. The best option for an “apple” body type is high-intensity circuit training, for example, Tabata, Grit, or simply high-intensity exercise. As many bends and exercises as possible for the abs and back muscles, careful work on the quadriceps and triceps muscles - and after a month or two you will notice how the excess volume disappears, the waist is formed, but at the same time the figure retains its appetizing curves.

Look at Liv Tyler: she managed to achieve impressive results!

4. Inverted Triangle

A teenage or boyish figure usually “goes” to tall and slender girls. And I wouldn’t be happy, but usually girls with this type of figure think that they have too masculine shoulders, too androgynous hips and a generally unsexy appearance.

What are we training?

A bicycle or exercise bike will help you increase the amount of muscle mass on your thighs. Combine it with the elliptical, Norwegian walking and running, and the results of this body type training program will not be long in coming.

Cameron Diaz and Anastasia Volochkova are bright representatives of this body type.

5. Hourglass

A dream figure! The only negative is that with this body type you are most prone to being overweight - you can’t argue with genetics. The body gains weight evenly, but a “weight gain” of 5 kilograms is usually enough to make the figure “swollen”...

What are we training?

Just keep your body toned! An excellent workout option for an hourglass body type is swimming, dancing, step aerobics and other group exercises that target all muscle groups, but without excessive stress.

The hourglass figure is the pride of Scarlett Johansson and Salma Hayek.

Are you an ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph? The body type you are born with can greatly influence your workout performance. Develop a program that suits your body type and get ready for great results!

Each of us has body features. Some are naturally wiry and thin, others are overweight and heavy. Our bones differ in density and structure, as do characteristics such as muscle belly length and speed. When it comes to body enhancement, the better you understand your individual genetic makeup, the better your chances of achieving the body you desire.

In the 1940s, physiology professor William Sheldon developed a somatotyping system that divided people into three main body types. Although few people fit perfectly into one type or another, understanding the principles of somatotyping can help you create a training program that is optimized for your body's genetic makeup. Below is a description of the three basic body types, followed by the principles of training for people of each type.

Skinny ectomorph

Surely you have friends who can eat whatever they want without gaining a single extra kilogram. Most likely, these people are ectomorphs. They are naturally slim, which is a huge advantage. The disadvantage is, and it is especially pronounced if they want to improve their figure, that it is very difficult for them to build muscle mass.

Focus on quality gains in the form of lean muscle tissue. Train with relatively heavy weights and at a slow pace, with long rest periods between sets. Strength training should not be too frequent or too long. Stick to a diet with high-quality natural foods, eat more than you are used to, and eat more often. Reduce to a minimum.


  • Natural thinness
  • Difficulty gaining muscle mass
  • Narrow shoulders and narrow pelvis
  • Accelerated metabolism

Training Tips

  • Avoid Overtraining
  • Use long rest periods
  • Avoid intense cardio

Some people think that all ectomorphs are lanky and thin. Many tall people are indeed ectomorphs, but height is not the determining criterion. Rather, the type of constitution depends on a combination of factors, such as skeletal proportions, bone density, and metabolic rate. Ectomorphs tend to have narrow shoulders and a narrow pelvis, light bones and a fast metabolism. Their wrists, knees and ankles are usually smaller than those of the average person.

Cubic endomorph

They are characterized by heavy, dense bone, often a square torso with a wide waist and wide hips. Their joints are often more massive and their metabolism is slower.

Your main concern is how to lose excess weight and maintain a lifestyle that will help keep your weight under control. When strength training, use medium weights and work out at a high tempo. Watch your diet to stay within your calorie limit. Eat often, but in small portions. Avoid sugar, sweets and junk food. Choose the type of cardio you enjoy and do cardio on a daily basis.


  • Heavy and dense bones
  • Square torso
  • Wide waist, wide hips
  • Slow metabolism

Training Tips

  • Do you need regular cardio exercise?
  • Train with medium weights
  • Shorten your rest periods

Unlike an ectomorph, an endomorph does not have problems gaining weight. His problem is how to get rid of this mass. If people with this body type want to become slim, they have to be very careful about their diet and devote a lot of time to cardiovascular exercise.

Ideal mesomorph

Blessed is the one who has a mesomorphic body type. Many of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, including Sergio Oliva, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman, are great examples of this lucky group. Their bone structure, with wide collarbones and narrow pelvis, naturally recreates the coveted V shape. Their joints are large enough to support large muscle mass, yet compact enough to create a pleasing visual proportion between muscle mass and joints.

You can afford to do strength training often and subtly, but without fanaticism. Train with medium to heavy weights at a moderate pace. Don't rest too long between sets. Once you reach your desired muscle mass, simply work on maintaining it, eat right, and enjoy aerobic exercise.


  • Broad shoulders
  • Narrow hips
  • Small joints
  • Natural V shape

Training Tips

  • Train long and hard
  • Train constantly
  • Do moderate intensity cardio

If you took Ronnie Coleman's huge quads and put them on a man with a wide pelvis and big knees, they wouldn't look nearly as impressive. But with Coleman's narrow pelvis and small knee joints, those quads look amazing. But there is also a metabolism of the mesomorphic type: it is ideal, which makes this somatotype genetically predisposed to gaining muscle mass rather than fat.

Somatotype and training strategy

Chances are, you are not 100 percent ectomorph, endomorph, or mesomorph. Instead, you probably have distinct characteristics of one body type or another. You may look like an ectomorph, but you can gain muscle mass relatively easily, making you an ectomorph with some mesomorph qualities. Or you may have the body of a typical mesomorph, but if you make mistakes in your diet, you quickly gain weight, which puts you somewhere between a mesomorph and an endomorph.

Given the above, chances are you are closer to one particular constitution type than the other two. And once you understand which one, you can begin to create training programs that are most suitable for your physique.

Ectomorph training

Ectomorphs are characterized by accelerated metabolism, in which their bodies are like crazy cauldrons for burning calories. If this sounds like you, be careful with, be sure to leave yourself enough time to rest and... If you're trying to exercise two hours a day, six days a week, you're probably doing too much; More rest days should be included in the training schedule. In fact, an ectomorph should not train for more than two days in a row. Many have found that the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday schedule suits them perfectly.

Your workouts should be short and intense, and not turn into a marathon. Set a time limit for yourself - a maximum of 1 hour for each workout. Focus on regular sets in the 8-10 rep range. Forget about high-repetition training, as well as other techniques that will only complicate your recovery before the next workout. Limit any physical activity outside the gym and get as much rest as possible.

Finally, if you are an ectomorph and want to improve your figure, avoid frequent and long-term cardio, which can cause damage to muscle tissue. If you feel the need to do cardio, limit yourself to a few minutes of warm-up on leg day. Focus on conserving energy so you can build, rather than lose, muscle mass.

Endomorph training

Due to their slow metabolism, an endomorph typically benefits from high training volume and frequent training, as well as doing more cardio than people with other body types.

When endomorphs focus on lifting heavy weights, they tend to gain more fat. If this is not a problem for you, then train like a weightlifter, with low rep ranges and long rests between sets. But if you want to reduce fat, shorten your rest periods, move quickly from exercise to exercise and from set to set. A fast pace will help you burn more calories, as will the rational use of supersets, drop sets and other similar techniques. There is no need to go into extreme high rep training, but you should try to work in the 10-12 rep range for the upper body and do 12-20 reps for the lower body movements.

Endomorphs can and should perform a combination of multi-joint and. and are much more effective at stimulating your metabolism and burning more calories than things like crossovers on blocks. If you're closer to an endomorph, you'll get better results in terms of body composition by eliminating rest days. On days off from strength training, go to the gym or outside and do intense cardio.

Mesomorph training

If you've won the genetic lottery and look like a pure mesomorph in every way, any regular, consistent, hard training will most likely lead to outstanding results. You can train longer, hit a muscle group more often than people with other body types, and make greater progress. In fact, you will lose a lot if you do not train with full dedication.

As a mesomorph or near-mesomorph, you can train longer, in the 60 to 90 minute range, with a combination of compound and isolation movements. The range of repetitions can be anything - 4-6 per set, or 15-20. Either way, you will succeed.

As a rule, mesomorphs can follow the training programs of professional bodybuilders and get great results because, in essence, they are very similar to them. However, it should be noted that if you train without chemicals, work with less volume and frequency than athletes practicing pharmacological support, since drugs that promote muscle gain also speed up recovery. When it comes to cardio, you don't have to avoid it like ectomorphs, or do it frequently and fully like endomorphs. Moderate cardio is fine.

As a rule, women with this type of figure have well developed muscles. Muscles are predisposed to growth (this is determined by genetics) and respond very quickly to formative physical exercises. Do you feel that excess fat is nestled in your body and just doesn’t want to leave your waist, abdomen and back? With the help of a combination of aerobic and strength exercises, with proper nutrition, you will solve two problems: fat burning and figure correction.

For the first 6-8 weeks, the main component of your training should be aerobic exercise. About 2/3 of the time load should be occupied by aerobic training, i.e. 2 times a week - aerobics classes and 1 time - strength exercises. Then the type of loads can be changed to 1:1 mode. Aerobic and strength exercises should alternate.

If you are afraid of gaining more muscle mass and looking like Schwarzenegger, we advise you to use small weights or not use them at all. Strength training is important not only because it strengthens your body, it increases your metabolism and provides you with additional strength.

By building muscle mass, you burn more calories because muscles increase in size and begin to expend more energy.

For a long time it was believed that with the help of strength training it is impossible to burn fat where we want! According to recent research, partial local burning of fat deposits is possible!

Let's start with exercises for the abs and back.

The abdominal muscles are of no small importance in the overall development of the muscular corset. By working on the abs, we begin to warm up our body very quickly by greatly increasing blood circulation in the liver area. This plays an important role in the fat burning process.

Ab exercises.

1. Raising the body from a lying position

Lie on your back, knees bent at an angle of 90°, feet flat on the floor, back firmly pressed to the floor, fingers clasped at the back of your head. Contracting your abdominal muscles, lift your head, shoulders and body, then slowly lower down. Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift the body.

2. Reverse twist

Lie on your back, knees bent and pulled up to your chest, hands on the floor along your torso. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your pelvis off the floor, pulling your tailbone forward and up. Lower yourself slowly.

3. Raising the torso and twisting

Lie on your back, knees bent at 90°, feet on the floor, fingers on the back of your head. Lift your body forward and up and turn your whole body towards your left knee, do not bring your elbow towards your face. Lower yourself slowly. Do the required number of repetitions. Then begin turning towards your right knee. Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift the body.

4. Lifting the torso, knees on the side

Lie on your back, bring your knees together, lower your legs, bent at the knees, to the floor to your left, and place your fingers on the back of your head. By contracting your obliques, lift your head and shoulders. Try to keep both shoulders parallel to the floor. Lower yourself slowly (both shoulders on the floor). Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift your head and shoulders.

A set of physical exercises to strengthen the back muscles 1. Back extension

Lie on the floor on your stomach, legs straight, arms bent and crossed behind your back at the waist. Lift your head and chest up, only partially lifting your stomach off the floor. Lower yourself slowly. Don't make jerky movements. Inhale - on the floor, exhale - lift the body.

2. Wide row with dumbbells

Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. In your hands are dumbbells (weighing 2.5-7 kg). The arms are lowered along the body, palms facing back. Squeezing your shoulder blades together, lift your elbows up and out to shoulder level without bending your wrists. Straighten your arms. Inhale - arms straight, exhale - bend your arms.

This exercise also strengthens the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

3. Raising arms and legs alternately.

Lie on your stomach with your arms straight above your head. Begin to lift your right arm and left leg. After completing the required number of repetitions, switch arms and legs. Inhale in a relaxed state, exhale - tense the muscles.

Exercises to strengthen the hips and buttocks.

I. Forward lunges with dumbbells

Stand straight, lower your arms with dumbbells (2.5-7.0 kg) down along your body. Keeping your back straight, step forward with your right foot so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

2. Single leg extension

Stand on all fours, arms bent at the elbows, resting on your elbows. Lift your right knee off the floor and begin to extend your leg upward, your shin should be perpendicular to the floor. Lower your leg without putting the weight of your body on it. After completing the required number of repetitions, move on to your left leg. Inhale - leg down, exhale - leg up.

Strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest.

1. "Butterfly" from a lying position

Lie down on a bench with your knees bent. Dumbbells in hands (2.5-7.0 kg). The arms are slightly bent, palms facing up. Bring your arms together in front of your chest and spread them out to the sides until your elbows are at chest level. Inhale - arms to the sides, exhale - contraction in front of the chest.

2. Seated arm extension

While sitting on a bench or standing, pick up dumbbells. The arms are raised above the head, palms facing inward. Bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells to your shoulders, leaving your elbows in the same position. Straighten your arms. Inhale - bend your arms, exhale - straighten your arms.

3. Push-ups

Get on all fours, knees shoulder-width apart, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push your pelvis forward and down. The body from the crown to the knees should form one straight line. Lower your chest toward the floor so that your elbows are at shoulder height. Try not to arch your back. Straighten your arms. If you wish, you can complicate the exercise by doing a full push-up with straight legs, resting on your toes. Inhale - bend your arms, exhale - straighten your arms.

Determining a woman's body type is much more difficult than determining a man's body type. Each girl is unique, has her own characteristics of figure, metabolism, endurance and initial physical fitness. But, despite all this, everyone wants to have a toned body without treacherous folds, appetizing shapes, and just good general condition.

Of course, the basic body types (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) are relevant here too. But, due to the physiological differences between the female body and the male body (wider hips with less narrow shoulders), the issue of girls’ physique requires additional clarification. And here I would immediately like to note that every girl owes the presence of the figure that she has, first of all, to genetic heredity, and, secondly, to her lifestyle. And if you can’t do anything about the first one, then, for example, giving up fast food is completely within your power.

Types of female figures

You should pay special attention to this issue not only when going shopping. A trip to the gym should also be preceded by an answer to the question: “What type of figure is typical for me?” After all, both the recommended training program and the choice of exercise equipment depend on this.

Pear (aka spoon)

This type of figure is characterized by the presence of a massive lower body (hips, buttocks) with a fairly small bust and waist. The body in this case resembles the letter “A”. Features:

  • fairly thin legs and arms;
  • legs are short;
  • calves and ankles are wide;
  • fat deposition mainly in the hips, buttocks and sides;
  • cellulite is a constant companion for girls with this type of figure.

But there is also an advantage - it is this type of figure, the owners of which are 15% of girls, that is very attractive to men.

V-shape (or inverted triangle)

In contrast to girls with a “pear-shaped” body type, the V-shape, on the contrary, is characterized by narrow hips and broad shoulders. The main features include:

  • presence of a lush bust;
  • the butt is quite flat;
  • waist is thin;
  • fat deposition - mainly in the abdomen and upper body.

The main advantage of girls with this type of figure is slender, beautiful legs.

Rectangle (or H-shape)

In appearance, girls of this somatotype resemble boys, because:

  • the circumference of the chest, waist and hips is almost the same;
  • the buttocks are flat, as, in principle, is the figure as a whole;
  • fast metabolism, leading to problems with weight gain.

As with girls of the previous body type, slender legs are a clear advantage.

Hourglass (X or figure eight shape)

Such shapes are very attractive to the opposite sex, since this type of figure can be called the most “balanced”. Features:

  • ideal ratio of height and body weight;
  • bust circumference corresponds to hip circumference;
  • The ratio of waist to hip circumference is 0.7;
  • rounded buttocks;
  • the curves of the body are soft, graceful;
  • distribution of adipose tissue is uniform;
  • the legs are slender, proportional to the length of the upper body.

Needless to say, lucky is the girl who can apply all of the above points to herself.

Apple (or circle)

The body of girls with this type of figure may resemble an oval or circle. This type of figure is characterized by:

  • presence of a lush bust;
  • buttocks are flat;
  • narrow hips;
  • average height;
  • the fat layer is formed in the waist and abdomen;
  • the neck is short;
  • full face.

But my legs didn’t let me down here either. It is their slimness and beauty that is the main advantage of this type of figure.

Of course, in the matter of determining your somatotype, everything may not be as clear as described above. But to make it easier to determine, many calculators have been developed that will help you determine your body type if you enter your anthropometric data.

What workouts are suitable for girls with different body types?

Regardless of what nature has blessed you with, a newcomer to the gym should not start working out the body with “problem areas.” First, you need to tone your muscles, lose fat, and for your health, excessive loads are quite dangerous for an unprepared body. Moreover, they are often performed in the wrong mode.

So, for beginners This training regimen is quite suitable:

  • every other day – strength training for all muscle groups in a multi-repetition mode (20 repetitions per approach);
  • after strength training – 20 minutes of cardio training.

It is this regime that will allow you to tighten your muscles and tone them. And only when you begin to make progress and notice the first positive results, remember that each body type has its own problem areas, and begin working on them.

Pear body workout

The main emphasis when performing strength training should be on the upper part. You won’t be able to pump it up too much, but some balance will appear in your figure. Pull-ups, lateral raises with dumbbells, upward dumbbell presses, and lat pull-downs with 6-8 repetitions per set are perfect.

When training the lower body, working with heavy weights is contraindicated, since the goal is not to pump up, but rather to burn existing fat. The ideal option is lunges, squats, leg extensions in the simulator. Number of repetitions – 10-15.

Cardio training must include a load on the lower body - elliptical, walking. The stepper is contraindicated, as it can add bulk to the legs.

V-figure workout

Strength training for girls with this type of figure, first of all, should be aimed at adding volume to the legs. To do this, you can first perform heavy complex exercises (presses, squats, deadlifts on straight legs), and then grind with extensions, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, abductions, jumping up from a deep squat. The approach should contain 6-8 repetitions.

Upper body training should be done in a high-repetition mode (20 repetitions per set).

Of all the types of cardio exercise, perhaps the ideal option would be a stepper. It will help add some volume to your legs and burn calories. A treadmill is contraindicated, and an elliptical is completely prohibited. It dries out the legs too much, which will only visually add volume to the top.

Workout for the “Rectangle” figure

As noted earlier, this type of figure is characterized by the absence of a waist and the deposition of fat in the sides and abdomen. And it is the struggle for the appearance of the waist that becomes the main goal of girls with this type of figure. And here it is worth realizing one simple truth - there was no waist and there never will be! Well, this is how nature ordered it, nothing can be done about it. In the case of this type of figure, you can only “dry out” the stomach by eating right and using a hula hoop.

The training needs to be short but very intense. Each muscle group should be subjected to stress once a week.

When performing strength training, it is important to avoid stress on the lower back. You should not perform weighted crunches (especially side bends with dumbbells) or deadlifts. Squats with heavy weights will also not help add volume to your buttocks. This will only strengthen your waist muscles and make it more massive. In this case, the shoulder press, bench press, squats, and lat pull-downs will be effective. The number of repetitions is 6-8 in each repetition.

But attention to the main trump card - the legs - should be paid twice a week. You can structure your workout like this:

  • heavy complex exercises (lunges, presses);
  • grinding with abductions, lunges, extensions.

But here it is important to understand: are you able to accurately feel which part of the body is being loaded. If part of the tension goes to the lower back and you cannot “turn it off,” then you should give preference to multiple repetitions of simple leg exercises.

Of all the variety of cardio workouts, give preference to those where the load is on the middle part (stepper, slope path).

Workout for an hourglass figure

Of course, girls with this type of figure are immensely lucky: fat is deposited evenly, and the waist is always narrower than the hips and chest. But do not forget that if you treat your body incorrectly, even the most magnificent natural characteristics can be seriously spoiled.

"Hourglass" allows you to build a beautiful body in the gym. All the rest can only correct what nature has given. The main principle is a variety of workouts, approaches, breaks between them, repetitions. This way the body will be in good shape and will not reach a plateau.

The duration of each program should be from 6 to 8 weeks. After this, you should start changing the exercises and the number of repetitions in the approaches.

Workouts for girls with an hourglass figure must contain cardio loads . And the more diverse they are, the better the result. Ellipse, stepper, uphill walking, running, cycling - the choice is great. It is cardio training that is worth completing strength training to work out certain muscle groups. After leg exercises, go for a run, after training with a load on your arms, think about the elliptical or rowing machine.

The frequency of classes is only twice a week, lasting 25-30 minutes.

Apple body workout

Classes for girls with this type of figure are perhaps the most intense and fast. The main recommendation is to perform complex training; the intervals between approaches (4-5) should be minimal, since their main goal is to burn fat. This kind of power aerobics (or high-intensity strength training) is what you need. Only a quick transition from one exercise machine to another and a high training pace will help you overcome excess deposits in the abdominal area. For the same purpose, using a hula hoop and doing abdominal exercises is effective.

Strength training should focus on working the legs to create balance with the upper body. It will be effective to perform leg presses, deadlifts, and squats with a repetition range of 6-8 per set.

When performing cardio exercises, literally everything can be used except the ellipsoid.

Dear girls, whatever your figure, remember that all its shortcomings can be overcome with the help of sports, which should become an integral part of the life of any person who cares about their health.

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Who can argue: we are all unique and you cannot find two identical women. But the same types of figures exist, and it is customary to divide them according to fruit-geometric characteristics. Who are you - an apple, a pear, a triangle or a lucky hourglass?

Body type: pear (gynecoid type)

Pear girls are the most feminine of all. Happy body type: excess weight, if any, is concentrated in the pears in the lower part of the body - deposited on the hips, buttocks, waist and almost not deposited on the chest and back. The bust is usually medium in size. The waist can be either pronounced or weakly expressed. The stomach is usually flat. The upper part of the body is usually slightly longer than the lower part, the lower part of the body is more of a broad-boned type of build, while the lower part is more of a narrow-boned type. The more weight, the more “triangular” the figure becomes. When you lose weight, your figure improves visually. For this type of figure, correct posture is of great importance - even a slight stoop greatly spoils the “pear”. Women of the "pear" type can have any build (thin, average, plump) and can be of any height.

Pears have a low metabolic rate and a high tendency to cellulite.

Food for pears

Nutritionists say that in women of this type, metabolism accelerates in the evening. Therefore, you need to eat less in the morning and afternoon, and the main meal should take place in the evening. It is better to avoid fatty and spicy foods, as well as sweets. It is best to eat grains, vegetables and fruits.

It is very important for “pears” to monitor their drinking regime! Your norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day.

Pear body type workout

You need to focus on your legs - reducing fat deposits on the legs and hips makes the “pear” figure ideal. Complex leg exercises that involve several muscle groups at once are suitable for you. In addition to complex ones, be sure to do several isolation exercises aimed at one or another muscle in the lower body. The main task is to lose weight in the hip area, but do not neglect the “upper body” exercises - developed muscles of the arms, chest, back, and shoulders harmonize the figure. By developing the upper belt, you can shift the emphasis in your figure from the lower part. After all, a figure with chic hips, a narrow waist and narrow shoulders is very feminine and attractive. In Pears, fat is not deposited on the cheeks, and the face, arms, shoulders, back, and neck remain fragile. The waist is usually always preserved.

Goal of training: reduce hips.


  • forward lunges
  • leg raises in the simulator
  • jump squats
  • walking lunges with static phase
  • horizontal row with squats
  • gluteal bridge with static phase

Your hips are both a tool of seduction and a source of problems. To make your riding breeches less voluminous, play sports and use modeling anti-cellulite cosmetics. Apply creams and gels after training, distribute in a circular motion, and then clench your fists and tap your legs from the knees up with the bones. If the skin turns red, it means you are doing everything right.

How to dress as a "pear"?

Our site is not entirely about this, but it is necessary to mention: wear flared skirts, wedged skirts, wrap dresses, maxi skirts. Wear blazers and jackets with shoulder pads, balancing out parts of the figure, wear necklines, bright prints and chest pockets. Focus on the upper part of the body, while “darkening” the lower part. Wear jewelry: necklaces, pendants, chains, scarves, brooches on your lapels. The bottom should be decorated in dark colors. It is better to choose slightly tapered or loose trousers, medium-length straight skirts. Avoid styles with a cut-off waist. From above, the silhouette should be semi-adjacent, expanding downward. Achieve the effect of soft and voluminous lines. Feel free to visually enlarge your bust.

"Pear": celebrities

  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Hilary Clinton
  • Halle Berry
  • Rihanna
  • Christina Aguilera
  • Shakira
  • Tyra Banks

Shape type: rectangle

The stumbling block for “rectangle” women is the lack of a waist. Such girls also cannot achieve roundness in their hips. But with a low body fat composition, such figures look good, but, unfortunately, women of this type are often prone to being overweight. And the higher the percentage of fat and the more fullness, the less relief the muscles that form the contours of the figure have, which means the figure appears even more rectangular. “Rectangles” have the same width of hips and shoulders. the difference between the hips and waist is less than 25 cm. The body is strong, stocky, legs are slender. There is almost no bending of the hips, the buttocks are flat, the chest is wide.

The main problem of this type is a protruding belly and an undefined waist. It seems that such a figure cannot be called ideal - but, on the other hand, with such initial data it is easier to achieve the ideal than for everyone else. Typically, the muscles of representatives of this type are naturally strong and easily respond to even small loads.

The main goal is to lose fat on the stomach and around the waist. Take a comprehensive approach: low-fat diet + cardio + exercises aimed at the abdominal and abdominal areas. Walking and jogging will be very beneficial for you.

Food for "rectangles"

The metabolic rate is moderate, there may be a tendency to be overweight. Limit your caloric intake, give up salt, beer, and sausages.

Rectangle body type workout

A weakly defined waist is a problem for this body type. Work on the abdominal area.

Goal of training: achieve curves. Work your core muscles. Strength training is essential to adding size to your hips and glutes. Be careful with crunches - you don’t need to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles additionally.


  • Russian twist
  • Sumo squats
  • Pulling the leg back in the simulator

How to dress as a “rectangle”?

Choose straight-cut clothing made from thick fabrics - plain trouser suits are best. Refer to the classics. By the way, there will also be sports-style clothing (a hoodie with a zipper). Take a closer look at dense, structured fabrics that hold their shape. Emphasize large breasts with interesting models of tops and wrap blouses. Your skirt styles are “tulip”, “sun”, “half-sun”. It is better to choose trousers that are loose or tapered at the bottom. Cardigans, jackets - shortened. Draw attention to your chest and hips. Your choice is flounces, draperies, ruffles, yokes, basques in these places. Feel free to open your shoulders. You can create a color contrast between the top and bottom of the suit. Add femininity with accessories: high-heeled shoes, exquisite handbags, scarves. Fitted and tight styles are not your story; too thin fabrics, straps and belts at the waist will not suit you either. Correct those parts that are angular.

"Rectangle": celebrities

Body type: apple

Lucky you with your legs and chest! The legs are slender, the chest is voluminous. But the problem is in the rear. The excess is deposited in the chest and midsection. The problem area is the stomach, it needs to be tightened. “Apple” women have the same bust and waist volume. Problems: medium-sized breasts, visible belly, lack of waist. Pros: beautiful hips and legs. There is another variation of the “apple” figure - large breasts and hips, a slightly noticeable waist, long legs. The emphasis should be on the legs and décolleté. And remember - you need to highlight your face!

Nutrition for "apple"

Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, lean meat, fish, soy products, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and nuts, which will help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Apple body workout:

Subcutaneous fat in apples is concentrated in the abdomen, waist, arms, and chest. But even if the weight is impressive, the legs still remain slender. “Apples” usually have a low metabolic rate and gain extra pounds even with a moderate diet. So a healthy and proper diet is a must for “apples”! We recommend that you focus on exercises for the abs and lateral abdominal muscles, obliques.

  • Burpee with jumping
  • Push-ups
  • "Bike"

Do your workout in a circuit mode, shortening the rest after each exercise. In total, do 3-4 laps, rest for 40-60 seconds. You can exercise every day.

Regularly measure your waist circumference: it should be less than 80 cm. For people with an apple body type, metabolic syndrome is typical, that is, the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, which increases the risk of developing diabetes.

How to dress as an “apple”?

Take a cue from the stars: wear empire-style dresses, high-waisted dresses, and dresses with draping tops. The goal is to visually lengthen the silhouette and balance the upper and lower parts of the body. You should avoid focusing on the waist and emphasize other, more attractive parts of the body. These will be your legs and your chest.

Avoid baggy clothes around the waist. Wear wide-leg trousers and jeans, stretchy and flowy fabrics, dark colors. Tops and blouses that hug your lines but are loose at the waist will look good. Choose from a V-neck or a U-neck.

"Apple": celebrities

A typical "apple" is Liv Tyler.

Body type: triangle

For girls with triangle figures, the hips and waist do not differ in volume. The figure looks very boyish, androgenic. Usually the shoulders are much wider than the hips. Usually the upper half of the body is much shorter than the lower half. Thin, slender long legs seem to be “attached” to a massive body. the waist is usually poorly defined. If there is excess weight, then it is distributed in the upper part of the body - in the arms, back, and stomach. However, losing weight and burning excess fat does not always help. Representatives of the “triangle” type have a reason to make their lower part more rounded, lighten the top and add volume to the bottom. Try building your butt muscles while losing belly fat.

These types of figures benefit greatly from doing the exercises. You need to do exercises with heavy weights and low repetitions. This type of training can be done 4-5 times a week.

Food for triangles

The best diet is low fat. Less sugar, more fiber - this is the nutrition formula for women with a triangle figure. They need to eat as much protein as possible and less dairy products.

Developed shoulders make your waist look slimmer. Show off this with clothes with belts and sashes!

Triangle body workout

Your main priority is proportions. To balance your pelvis and shoulder girdle, focus on your hips and buttocks. Speed ​​skating, cross-country skiing, and intense strength training are suitable.

Concentrate on your arms and their definition, abs, and back exercises.

Purpose of the training: the figure almost does not need additional tone. It is necessary to tighten the stomach and core muscles, as well as the thighs.


  • Lunges
  • Side Lunges
  • V-bar pull-ups
  • Reverse crunches
  • Plie squats with weights
  • Bent-over hip abduction
  • Diagonal "climber"

How to dress with a triangle body type?

No feminine dresses - turn your disadvantage into an advantage! Wear clean lines, geometric silhouettes, and men's cut clothing.

"Triangle": celebrities

  • Anastasia Volochkova
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Jessica Biel
  • Hayden Panettiere

Body type: hourglass

This type of figure is considered ideal: equal volumes of the hips and chest with a very narrow, pronounced waist - usually the waist is narrower than the hips by more than 25 cm. The hip line is curved, the bust and buttocks are round. This is a classic female figure. Its shortcomings are easily corrected; all that is needed is to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. The shoulder width of the hourglass is usually equal to the width of the hips, and the waist is very narrow. In general, the figure is proportional and harmonious.

Fat deposition usually occurs on the thighs and chest. If there is excess weight, then it is deposited on the hips in the form of “ears” and “breeches”. The most important thing is to adjust your diet, because the main task of the “hourglass” is to reduce the amount of fat, while maintaining the smooth lines inherent in this figure. When exercising, the main thing is to strengthen the muscles without changing the proportions. It is best to train 3 times a week, every other day. Cardio exercise is very useful for this type of figure - running, dance aerobics, exercise bike, stepper, walking.

Nutrition for the hourglass:

The main rule is to keep your diet balanced and avoid hunger, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Have 1-2 light snacks between breakfast and dinner to avoid sugar spikes throughout the day.

Avoid mucus-forming foods in the afternoon - avocados, nuts, cereals, sesame seeds.

If you cannot eliminate sugar completely, monitor its quantity and quality: choose natural ingredients, replace it with stevia or honey.

Do not eat fruits and desserts after 16.00.

The greatest harm will come from sweets, fatty and spicy foods. Slow carbohydrates are recommended: cereals, potatoes, rice, whole grain bread. The best basis for the diet is dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Harmonious figure: pronounced hips and chest, thin waist! Alas, such girls are prone to being overweight. But even if extra pounds arrive, they are evenly distributed over the upper and lower parts of the body. The waist always remains noticeable!

Hourglass body workout:

Your activities should be aimed at accelerating metabolism and maintaining your waistline - this is the key to harmonious proportions. Dancing, functional training, medium-intensity cardio, and circuit training are optimal.

The waist almost does not gain weight - but the chest, arms, hips, and buttocks can be heard. All hourglass girls are recommended to focus on cardio: running, walking, cycling. Hourglasses gain weight evenly, so they benefit from resistance training and cardio. They should avoid excessive relief and pumping; their goal is to be fit.

Your cardio:

  • swimming
  • dancing
  • slow running
  • light resistance bike.

Hourglasses gain weight in the hips, buttocks, abdomen and arms, so you should focus on these muscle groups. We advise you to conduct all workouts at a high pace.

When playing sports, choose a bralette. It reduces the load on the chest during sudden movements.


The abdominal area is a real headache for many hourglasses. You need to concentrate on several variations of twists.

  • Raising the body and legs while lying on your side. Lie on your side with your hand behind your head and the other on your waist. Raise your body and legs at the same time. Do 2-3 sets of 8-20 repetitions.

  • Straight-leg dumbbell crunches. Starting position - lying down, arms with dumbbells straightened behind your head, legs at an angle of 45 degrees. As you inhale, raise your arms with the dumbbells up and lift your legs to a 90-degree angle. Then return to the starting position. Start with 1 set of 15 repetitions, work up to 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

  • "Touch your finger." Lie on the floor, while inhaling, touch the toe of your right foot with your right hand, raising your leg 90 degrees. Then return to the starting position. Do 10-15 reps on each side.

  • Burpee
  • Plank
  • Push-ups
  • Squats with front kick
  • Vertical tilt rod with shock absorber
  • Crunches with straight arms and bent legs

How to dress with an hourglass body type?

You know it without us: dresses, accentuated waists, fitted blouses. The best are styles that softly envelop the body and emphasize curves. Do not neglect belts and belts at the waist, especially wide ones. But almost any clothes and accessories suit you! Fabrics - knitwear, elastic fabrics, avoid heavy, dense fabrics. Pencil skirts, tulip skirts, tight trousers, leggings suit you.

"Hourglass": celebrities

Classic movie stars of the fifties and sixties - Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, well, you get the idea, and also:

  • Kim Kardashian
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Salma Hayek
  • Sofia Vergara