Official congratulations to a woman in prose. Original official congratulations Official birthday wishes in prose

Our congratulations! We wish you stability, balance and financial well-being. Success in your professional activities and well-being in your personal life. Let every day be full of joy, accompanying you in all matters, good luck and the fulfillment of long-awaited desires. Health and good mood.

Happy birthday. I wish you to succeed in all your endeavors, always achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. I wish you excellent health, cheerful well-being, respect from others, love from family, high growth in your career and considerable success in life.

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you many joyful days in life, and good luck in everything! Let your professional and life experience will help you achieve your goals effectively!

Happy birthday! May your life be prosperous. We wish you success labor activity, determination in all endeavors. High performance and progressive achievements. May light, goodness and excellent prosperity accompany you. May the lucky bird, luck, always cover you with its wing.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Let practical experience and accumulated energy continue to contribute to successful work! We wish you many ideas and strength to implement them!

Happy birthday. I wish you health, prosperity, prosperity, happiness and good luck. May your every day allow you to realize your plans, may your every aspiration lead to undoubted success and prosperity.

Happy birthday. I would like to wish you new opportunities to achieve goals, new ideas leading to success, new victories and good luck. And to all this may good health, self-confidence, optimism of the soul and love of the heart be added. All the best to you.

Happy birthday. I wish you all the best, strength, patience, health, happiness, peace and prosperity. May your work be marked by great success, may your life be full of successful days, aspirations and victories.

With great respect, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you a long and wonderful life, surrounded by loving people! Professional success and great human happiness!

Happy birthday to you. I wish you to succeed in business, strive for victories, achieve high results in any field of activity, discover a horizon of new opportunities every day and always remain a happy person, confident in your success.

Here is a collection of birthday greetings in a formal business style. All texts are in prose. First and last names, names of organizations and localities, dates were used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option #1

Dear Evgeniy Maksimovich!

Accept the most sincere congratulations Happy birthday!

Your enormous professional experience and commitment to your work allow you to successfully resolve the most difficult issues and make the right decisions in your difficult and responsible work as president of the Tver Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Creating a favorable business climate in the city, maintaining a constructive dialogue with executive and legislative authorities is one of the undoubted achievements of the Tver Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Your contribution to the development and strengthening of various areas of entrepreneurship in our city can hardly be overestimated. There is a huge responsibility on your shoulders, but you are doing an excellent job and serve as an example for many of accurate and impeccable work.

We sincerely wish that your personal and professional plans are successfully implemented, that bright ideas come to life, and that optimism and inexhaustible energy always help you move forward to new heights!


President of NP "TOS"

E. K. Arkhipov

President of NP "ROOS"

F. V. Rumyantsev

Chairman of the Board of NP "TOS"

P. T. Mikheev

Chairman of the Board of NP "ROOS"

O. E. Loskutov

Option No. 2

Dear Yana Timofeevna!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Your active and fruitful work as executive director of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists evokes great respect in the professional community, and your positive attitude, inexhaustible vital energy, charm and excellent business qualities make you a shining example of a successful business woman.

We wish you inspiration and success in all your affairs and endeavors, happiness, harmony and achievement of all your goals!

President of the NP "Art-Petersburg"

G. L. Tushin

Director of NP "Art-Petersburg"

M. I. Khromov

Chairman of the Board of the NP "Art-Petersburg"

Z. B. Matyushova

April 2019

Option #3

Dear Grigory Alexandrovich!

Your professionalism and experience as a person with strong convictions, who cares about the present and the future, wisdom and dedication to your work, integrity and ability to work with people have deservedly earned you authority and recognition in society.

On your birthday, please accept words of sincere gratitude for your fruitful, constructive work and balanced approach to considering initiatives and proposals. We sincerely wish you good health, family happiness and prosperity, vigor and optimism, fruitful legislative activity in the Vologda City Duma for the benefit of the residents of Vologda and the Vologda region.

Chairman of the Vologda

City Duma

D. Yu. Korostylev

Option No. 4

Dear Yakov Eduardovich!

The team of Stroy-Trest JSC, headed by you, sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!

Over the years of fruitful work, you have proven yourself to be a responsible and competent leader, a competent specialist, an initiative person with strong principles and beliefs, who makes the most important decisions necessary for the successful operation of the organization.

With all our hearts we wish you great success in implementing all your plans, solving your tasks, and new achievements in all areas of your activity. Let your leadership qualities, leadership talent, experience and knowledge, trust and support of colleagues, and loyalty of friends become a reliable basis for these achievements! Good health, harmony and prosperity to you and your loved ones!


team of JSC "Stroy-Trest"

June, 2019

Option #5

Dear Ignat Vladimirovich!

The team of the Ministry of Health of the Murmansk Region cordially congratulates you on your birthday!

Your many years of fruitful work in high government positions are invariably aimed at the benefit of people. Let your highest professionalism, active citizenship, competence in solving the most complex issues will help you continue to cope with tasks of any complexity.

We sincerely wish you good health, further success in all your affairs and endeavors, an inexhaustible supply of strength, youth of soul, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Ministry of Health

Murmansk region

October, 2019

Option #6

Dear Varvara Yuryevna!

Happy birthday to you!

You are a man of enormous talent and charm, making a significant contribution to the development of Russian art. Millions of people are fans of your work. Your active life position, friendly attitude towards people, caring, initiative, dedication to your chosen cause will always be in demand by our compatriots.

I wish that luck, success and inspiration will be faithful companions in all your endeavors. New creative victories!


General manager

JSC Publishing House Vershina

A. B. Filatova

Option No. 7

The Council of the Yaroslavl Regional Consumer Union congratulates the director of Zavolzhsky Market LLC on this significant date!

Dear Mikhail Ruslanovich!

Every birthday opens a new page in a person’s destiny, and everyone is given a unique opportunity to realize their wildest plans and cherished dreams. We wish that in the future success will accompany all your affairs and endeavors, that you obediently conquer new professional heights, and that every day you are warmed by the warmth and love of the people dear to you.

Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, happiness, prosperity, good spirits, and inexhaustible vital energy!

Chairman of the Council

Yaroslavl Regional Consumer Union

D. Ya. Kadulin

Option No. 8

Dear Georgy Yakovlevich!

Please accept the most sincere and warm congratulations on the occasion of your birthday!

It is not an easy mission to be a leader, a man of words whose actions and deeds are always in the spotlight. It is difficult to make a decision on which the further development and prosperity of your favorite business largely depends. This is a great responsibility, intense and purposeful work.

May each new day bring you only pleasant surprises, fill you with energy, and give you a great mood. We wish you to continue to be surrounded by loyal friends and reliable partners, ready to support you in word and deed. Health, optimism, prosperity and implementation of all started and planned projects!

Chairman of the Council of the NP "Association"


O. Yu. Golubev

Director of NP "Association


L. A. Soloviev

First Deputy Director

NP "Association of Designers"

I. M. Babaev

December 2019

Option No. 9

Dear Olga Petrovna!

On this significant day for you, please accept my most sincere congratulations!

Multifaceted knowledge and accumulated experience have secured your reputation as a high-level manager. With all my heart I wish you to maintain your energy and optimism. Good health, great human happiness and further success in your work.

May every day bring you brilliant ideas, and by giving ideas, may it give you the opportunities and resources to translate them into reality. Confidence in your abilities, stability and prosperity!

General Director of JSC "Flagman"

V. M. Yakimov

Option No. 10

Dear Pavel Osipovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

High professionalism, competence, large-scale thinking, outstanding organizational skills, a clear principled position, and leadership talent allow you to solve problems of any complexity.

Having gone through a difficult career, you know first-hand about the needs and aspirations of ordinary people, and this largely explains your sensitivity and responsiveness in communicating with them.

I wish you good health, support from like-minded people, new victories and achievements for the benefit of our region!


Head of Ilyinsky Administration

municipal district of Perm region

  • Introduction. This part contains an address by name to the person being congratulated. This also includes the full name of the event to which it relates. congratulatory text. The name of the organization (institution, enterprise) from whose employees (team) solemn words are spoken can also be indicated.
  • Main part. In this part, the merits of the “birthday boy” are briefly listed, include words of complimentary content, what is his (the person’s) significance for those who congratulate him, what exactly they (the authors of the text) value highly in him and what characterizes him as a bright personality (it is allowed to list only personality).
  • Conclusion. Finish the text good wishes. Words of gratitude and hopes for the future may also be included.

2. All texts given on the page can be used both orally and in writing. If you choose the written version, adhere to the following formatting rules:

  • After designing the header (the top of the sheet), the main text is laid out in the center. If the design (drawing) of the page or the volume of text do not allow for a centered layout, the text is placed along the left edge or along the width.
  • After the main text, the position of the authorized person is indicated on the left.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge indicate initial letters first and last name of the (fully) authorized person.
  • If there are several authors (people), positions and surnames are listed one below the other. See as in samples No. 1, No. 2, No. 8, No. 13.
  • If the author is a group of employees, positions and names are not listed. See as in samples No. 4, No. 5, No. 15.
  • The last entry on the page will be the date. If the congratulation is sent to the recipient late, the date is shortened, leaving only the month and year of writing (the day of the month may not be indicated).
  • Since the text is addressed to one person (and not to a team, group of people, etc.), all pronouns “You”, “You”, “You” in the text are written with a capital letter.

Our dear and respected! Happy birthday to you! We sincerely wish you health and beauty, love and adoration, success and respect and great happiness! We wish you success in hard work, honor and respect, big and small joys, busy everyday life and good rest on weekends! May you have everything you desire, may your dreams come true, may you appear pleasant surprises! Let beauty not fade and the perky fire of your beautiful eyes not fade away!

We wish you: In work - speed, In health - vigor, In happiness - eternity, In life - infinity, From the sun - warmth, From people - kindness, From your husband - tenderness, From friends - love and fidelity.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May your feminine happiness be long and lasting, may not a single hope be tested in vain. I sincerely wish to live surrounded by the love and attention of loved ones, to work in an atmosphere interesting ideas and great opportunities, to enjoy every day and wonderful moment of life.

Happy birthday! I wish you joy, love and luck. So that dreams come true and plans come true. I wish you good luck, harmony, happiness and holidays. Let every day bring new rays, and let people only inspire and not upset. So that the sky shoots with bright colors, and the birds sing symphonies to you. I wish you all the best, and may it all come true soon!

On this joyful day, I hasten to congratulate my esteemed colleague on his birthday. My dear colleague, today is a special day for you - your anniversary. In this regard, I would like to wish you with all my heart long years of life and work, good health and success. You are a wonderful specialist who copes well with all the responsibilities entrusted to you. It is a great honor for me to work with you and learn from the knowledge you share. Thank you for your support, help and responsiveness. I wish you to achieve the highest results and rise to the highest level. You command the respect of all colleagues and management because you are a very reliable partner and a fair person. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Official congratulations to a woman on her birthday

Our dear boss, please accept sincere congratulations on behalf of our entire team. We warmly and cordially congratulate you on your upcoming birthday and want to wish you never to stop there. You are a man of action who takes full responsibility for completing all assigned tasks. We are immensely grateful to you for the experience we gained working side by side with you. We wish you long life, long years of work, health and success in all types of activities. We wish that good luck accompanies you throughout your entire fruitful life, and that troubles avoid you. Be healthy and happy! Once again we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Dear and deeply respected boss, on behalf of the entire team of your factory, we hasten to cordially congratulate you on your birthday! You are a role model for us, an exemplary worker who takes his duties with the utmost rigor. We are immensely grateful to you for the experience that we have gained within the walls of this factory. We want to wish you many more years of life and fruitful work. We wish you good health, good luck and success in all areas of life. It is a great honor for us to work with you and receive advice and guidance from such a competent and purposeful person like you. Our team values ​​you very much and is proud of all your achievements. Happy Holidays, dear boss!

Our dear and respected colleague, allow me on this holiday to congratulate you on your birthday on behalf of all employees and management of our company! For for many years Working in this company, you have shown yourself to be a very responsible person, hardworking and competent. Over all these years, you have been able to gain the trust of the company's management. We would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts long and productive years of life, good health and success in all your endeavors. May good luck always accompany you, and may troubles bypass you and your family. Be happy, healthy and loved! May all your wishes come true, may all your plans and ideas come true. Once again, please accept our sincere heartfelt congratulations!

Happy birthday. I wish you to become more confident and successful this year. May all your plans be successfully realized, may all good things happen, may everything you need for happiness be present in your life. Health, patience, perseverance, courage, love and prosperity.

May everything give you joy on this holiday: congratulatory speeches in your honor, bouquets of beautiful flowers, gifts and, of course, the guests who have gathered to congratulate you! And may in the future, just like today, there be no place for sadness and sadness, may life be filled with beauty, happiness and tenderness!

You are simply an incomparable beauty, a bright star, a precious pearl, striking in its purity and splendor! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May fate please you with gifts, and may your days be filled with bright events and inspiration!

I congratulate a beautiful, gentle, affectionate, wonderful, simply incredible woman on her birthday today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, and glow with happiness. May every day give you many unforgettable moments, may you be surrounded by only pleasant people and may all your cherished wishes come true.

I am glad to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you all the blessings that exist on earth. Goodness and harmony to your family! May you be surrounded by prosperity, good luck and good mood! Respect and sunny days in everything.

On this bright and memorable day for all of us, I would like to wish you all the most beautiful things that exist in this world: love, happiness, good luck, warmth and kindness. We sincerely wish that you, dear birthday girl, have everything in this life that is wonderful: strong and friendly family, great friends, favorite job, prosperity in the house. Let everything, even the wildest dreams, come true sooner or later. Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary. I wish you to greet every day with joy, no
know reasons to be sad. Let it be happy life, let them be
friends may be faithful, may relatives be loving, may there be constant
luck. Health, beauty, charm and fun.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Please accept sincere, kind and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Our life has two obligatory and equally valuable sides: work and home! I wish you that love, peace and comfort, kindness and care, understanding, support and prosperity reign at home. And in your work, may you, as before, be accompanied by success, good luck and fair winds in all your endeavors. Let cheerfulness, determination, good spirits and positive energy never leave you.

Dear, congratulations on your holiday! Today is your day and that's it Best wishes today for you! I wish you to remain as beautiful, feminine, sweet and wonderful! I wish you to drown in love, respect and admiration. Good health, patience, strength! Be truly happy!

I wish you only one thing, but the main thing: be happy! This concept is very capacious and includes everything that is necessary in life! Don’t regret anything and always look forward with optimism and a smile! Happy birthday!

In your main holiday, on your birthday, I wish you, a beauty, smart and sensible, kind and talented, in a word, such an enviable bride! Wish to meet a real prince. True, fairy tales were written so long ago... let him not necessarily have white horse and a castle on the mountain, but he must be kind, attentive, faithful and love you with all his heart! Be happy!

On behalf of our entire large team, we would like to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - your birthday! We warmly congratulate you and wish you all the best: happiness, good health, long life, love and success in everything. We would like to wish your family, your relatives and friends prosperity, mutual understanding and harmony. Let good luck settle in your home and work, and let adversity pass you by. We wish you that the next year brings you only joy and good luck. Be sure that your team loves you very much, appreciates you and is proud of you. We are immensely pleased to have the opportunity to work under the leadership of a person like you. Once again, please accept our heartfelt congratulations! Happy Holidays!

However, as life shows, this is far from the case. And in practice, we often have to deal with a situation where all other forms of congratulations, except official ones, turn out to be simply inappropriate. An example is when you need to congratulate your official business partners on a holiday or birthday. Of course, if you have known each other for many years, such a congratulation can be composed in a fairly free form. What if not? In this case, any familiarity will be completely unnecessary and in order to exclude the occurrence of sensitive situations, it is worth compiling congratulations strictly in accordance with the official ritual and traditions accepted in this area. To put it simply, congratulations on your birthday are officially the only possible option. And it is imperative to ensure that it is compiled in exactly this way.

Let there be everything you need in life,
Why life is good:
Love, health, loyalty, friendship
And an eternally young soul.

Please accept our congratulations,
A piece of our warmth.
We wish you good health,
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

We wish you happiness and goodness,
We wish you a full life,
We wish you joy in the morning,
Until late at night.

We wish you to succeed in everything in life,
And not to grow old, but to grow younger.
Maintain health and vigor,
And live for many, many years.

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,

Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best,
Long life, health and happiness!

With a special feeling on your birthday
I wish you happy years,
Health, joy, movement
Through prosperity and victories
I wish everything comes true
And the wings of glory found you,
And your name turned out to be
Among the greats of the whole Earth.

We wish you much, much happiness,
More joy, kindness,
Bright smiles on a day of bad weather,
Always good health.
Live long, without disease,
Without grief and anxiety,
So that only joy and luck
We crossed your threshold.

Sometimes our congratulations are beyond our strength
In special ones, happy days
Reveal the full depth of that meaning
Which they must bear.
But may your life always be light
In the circle of family, in the circle of great friends.
Let him sprinkle a smile of happiness many times
The same light of the same good days.

Let this wonderful day become a new step on the path to the highest achievements and wildest dreams! Congratulations!

We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness,
With a smile and good mood
Continue your path through life.

May every day be your ordinary day
IN wonderful holiday will turn
And never a shadow of sadness
It will not be reflected in Your eyes.

We wish you only success in life,
Less tears, more laughter,
Make the road of life more authentic
And there is a lot of joy in it.

Happy birthday. I wish that your strength and endurance do not decrease, that your desires and dreams do not disappear. So that not only your birthday, but also every subsequent day brings satisfaction from life, inspiration for achievements and the desire to live, love, and create.

Happy birthday to you! Health, good luck, love, happiness and fulfillment of all, all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, kind, charming and most wonderful person!

Happy birthday! Be a healthy, strong, successful person. We wish you prosperity, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. May you always be surrounded by loyal friends, respected by your colleagues at work, and cherished and protected by your family at home.

On your birthday, I wish you to always be a support for those who are dear to you, believe in yourself and your strengths, inspire others with your example, change this world for the better and always find the bright side, even in the most difficult situations.

Happy birthday! May all your dreams come true and your goals be achieved; may success accompany your entire life journey.

Official congratulations on the anniversary of a man in prose

Happy birthday! Although you are not an architect, I wish you to build a beautiful life. May you have a sweet destiny that makes you happy. I wish you complete harmony and good luck in life. Achieve your goals, move forward and dream. May everything be wonderful for you no matter what.

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you and wish you with all my heart - financial well-being and achievement of goals, may your work bring satisfaction and joy, may your most cherished dreams come true, may your wishes come true and may your friends not be forgotten.

Congratulations! On this significant day, I want to wish you strength of spirit for great achievements, a steely grip for success in business, a spirit of adventure for interesting travels, openness and breadth of soul for sincere friendship and softness of heart for tender love.

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what you can and what is given. After all, you can’t relive life again.

In prose, Best congratulations

On your birthday, my friend, dear man, I wish you to live an interesting life. I wish you to dream about the unknown and forbidden, to look for your truth and find it no matter what. Happy birthday!

You are young, full of strength and energy, a whole world of opportunities is open to you, so may success smile on you in all your endeavors and may your dreams come true. Be happy. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, I want to wish you to be strong, healthy, energetic, and never be upset or discouraged. Let them surround you good friends, the woman you love will always be nearby. I wish you a good mood, joy, success and prosperity!

Happy birthday to a wonderful man. I wish you great happiness, interesting

Official birthday greetings in official prose

Congratulating you on your birthday,
Today we wish you with all our hearts
Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
And reaching high peaks.
So that always, both at work and at home
Things were in perfect order!
Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
A stable life in full abundance.

Dear /Name!/ Your absolute firmness and undoubted competence are the key to our undeniable victories! Working under your leadership is pleasant and extremely profitable! Happy birthday to you! Health to you!

Dear /Name!/ You guide us to achievements without expecting success. You are leading us towards him! Happy Birthday to you! Congratulations! Wishing you new victorious journeys, loyal companions and well-deserved awards!

Dear /Name!/ You are a generous leader with inspiration! You are the source of our aspirations, the amazing results of which invigorate us with new goals! It was you who taught us to love our work! Strength and health to you! Happy birthday!

Master of thoughtful debate, champion of the collective, and treasure trove precious knowledge! Our dear /Name!/ Best wishes to you. When battles invigorate fearlessness and your health is impeccably excellent. Happy birthday!

Dear /Name!/ Happy birthday to you! We wish you brilliant parades accompanied by the glorifying song of fanfares and timpani chimes! Thanks and rewards! And warmth and joyful laughter to your home!

/Name!/ You are a man of sovereign prestige! A strong guarantor of our achievements and an example of undeniable good behavior! Let us wish you a happy birthday today! I wish you high spirits and gratifying mutual understanding of your loved ones!

Dear /Name!/ Today is a holiday! It's your birthday! We would like to wish you constant energy, which will be the result of excellent health! Continued optimism to you!

/Name!/ Happy birthday to you! You are a very sensitive leader and a person of absolute reliability! I wish you positive emotions based on the creative results of your always thoughtful constructivism!

/Name!/, you are our impeccable example of efficiency and dedication! Happy birthday to you! Let the feeling of global happiness become the key to your exceptional success! Take care of yourself.

Official birthday greetings

Of course, if you have a fairly close relationship or have known each other for many years, the text can be composed in a fairly free form. And if not

Not every person can be congratulated with the help of lungs, simple words, filled with warmth and sparkling humor. There are many cases when official congratulations on
During the day

A congratulation to a stranger should be written in this style, official or business partner. And these are not all possible options.

There are many cases when official congratulations on
Happy birthday. A congratulation to a stranger, official or business partner should be written in this style. And these are not all possible options.

Of course, if you have a fairly close relationship or
You have known each other for many years, the text can be composed in a fairly free form. And if not, it is better to avoid familiarity and, in order to avoid sensitive situations, congratulate in full accordance with business etiquette.