Proverb hands do not know boredom. Methodological development “Skilled hands know no boredom”

Group lesson

Special correctional school VIII kind

Subject: Skillful hands do not know boredom.


    develop creativity students;

    expand your horizons;

    learn how to properly organize free time;

    cultivate love for the world around us and kindness.

Progress of the lesson

1. Report the topic of the lesson

    The topic of our lesson. My favorite hobby:

2. Introductory conversation

    How do you understand the proverb: Skillful hands know no boredom.

    What can a person do in his free time from work? (studies)

    And if a person does not have a favorite activity or hobby, he is interested in living and communicating with other people. Why?

    What do you need so that after work or study you have time for your favorite activity? (Keep a daily routine, manage your time correctly)

    You need to manage your time correctly. The one who plans his day acts wisely. Such a person manages to do everything: work hard and relax. When your brain and hands are busy, you think about the results of your work, and not about nonsense. And folk wisdom warns people against laziness and idleness, assigning the main role to work, and you know the proverbs and sayings about work and rest. (Proverbs and sayings)


    Now we will show the guests our common hobby - dancing.

    2. Presentation of crafts

    Each child in our class has his own interests and abilities, we learned this from the questionnaires we conducted with them. Vadik loves to draw. Galya carefully works with a needle and thread, she loves to embroider. Nastya is distinguished by her excellent work with paper.

Anya dances, Irina draws and sings, Zhanna sings. We are trying to develop our abilities with the guys. And now they will talk about their successes!


I really like to embroider

I deftly hold the needle in my hands,

What happened to me

Check it all out here.


We can't sit still,

We love tinkering with wood,

It turned out that we

We'll show you now.


Origami - working with paper,

This is creativity and beauty,

Come visit us in the evenings

We will teach you without difficulty.

    And the guys really love to play checkers. And to learn how to play even better, they made a chessboard and cut checkers out of wood.

    We have also prepared an exhibition of collections of things that may be of interest to our guests and children; maybe someone will want to do this.

    Guys, did you like the lesson?

    What useful things did you learn from it?

    In conclusion, Irina and Andrey will read poetry to you.


If you sing, dance,

And besides, you also draw,

Don't be shy and create.

The world will become your beautiful. LOOK.


Here's a free minute

And you seemed to become different.

Call for inspiration

Make your world beautiful and LIVE.


The whole world is big for you!!!


The lesson is over.

Alla Shubina
Open lesson “Skillful hands know no boredom”

Activity - game« Skillful hands know no boredom» Target: Contribute to the formation in students of a positive attitude towards work as a vital necessity.


Develop creativity and the desire to experiment.

Develop the ability to work in a group.

Develop the ability to highlight the main thing, summarize existing facts, logically express thoughts, and defend one’s own opinion.

Expand your horizons.

Learn how to properly organize your free time.

Develop attention, memory, intelligence, imagination.

Cultivate a love of work and kindness.

Convince students that they main goal- studies.

Type classes: combined Form carrying out: activity - game. Time carrying out: 40 minutes. Place carrying out: classroom. Equipment: laptop, projector, colored paper, glue, sheets of white paper, plasticine, Whatman paper. Visual benefits: explanatory dictionary, cards with proverbs, cards with crossword puzzles for the game, map of the island, drawing of an index stone, subject pictures.

Move classes: 1. Organizational moment. Educator: Good afternoon! I welcome everyone to this class. Today we will hold a game class. You all love to play, solve riddles, and read fairy tales. Today we will test your knowledge.

Children, stand in a circle and show me your palms. Take each other by hands and feel the warmth of your hands. Together with the warmth of our hands we convey to each other good mood, wishes of health, kindness. Smile at each other. Charge each other with positive energy that will be useful for us class. Thank you! Well done! Go to your seats.

2. Identification of students’ knowledge about work.

Educator: Guys, please tell me why a person needs hands? (Children's answers) Let's try to solve the riddle. Having guessed the riddle, you and I will find out the theme of our classes. Who can boldly turn a monkey into a Man? And what kind of wizard helped the children in this process? (Work)

Well done! The riddle was guessed correctly. Yes, hands Man is truly created by miracles. How do you understand proverb: « Skillful hands know no boredom» This is our topic that's what the classes are called« Skillful hands know no boredom» (The name is posted on the board)

Educator: As you may have guessed, today we will talk about the importance of work in a person’s life. Let the following be the epigraph to our conversation: words:

How much does everyone need to do for life that is important, perhaps unnoticed, but kind and bright.

3. Studying the material Let's look into "Explanatory Dictionary" Ozhegova. What is the meaning of the word "work"? 1. Labor - work, class. 2. Labor is a skill aimed at achieving something. 3. Labor is purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values.

And according to Vladimir Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, Labor is work, class, exercise, business, anything that requires effort, effort, care.

Educator: The need for labor always exists. Work and life are inseparable concepts. Today, with the help of games, proverbs, and fairy tales, we will try to learn more about the meaning of labor.

Game "Say a word" Who is the most important in the world, the kindest, the most glorious? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, Children in unison: This is work!

Who is the smartest in the world, the oldest, the youngest? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, Children in unison: This is work!

Educator: Time flies quickly, No one can slow down this speed, Now it’s winter, now it’s spring, Now copper falls from the leaves. You need to hurry, leave something bright in your life, and choose this kind of work, to serve the people honestly.

There is a lot to do around you, you will find work everywhere, and you don’t need to look for any peace in the future. You need to live your life this way, To make someone happy, To give people joy through your work.

Educator: Guys, don't you hear anything? It seems like a fairy tale has come to visit us.

(Pinocchio appears. He brings a large envelope and says that he has brought a letter.)

Pinocchio: I was in such a hurry to bring you this envelope.

Educator: Pinocchio, what is in this envelope?

Pinocchio: Turns the envelope and speaks: “I didn’t go to school and I can’t read” Help me guys.

Educator: Guys! Let's help Pinocchio.

Game "Cryptographers" Since ancient times, people, if they did not want their letter or message to be read by anyone other than the addressee, used special codes. These ciphers could be simple or very complex, digital and alphabetic. Now we will try ourselves in the role of cryptographers and try to decipher what is written here. The children are given cards. They decipher proverbs.

1. Without labor there is no good.

2. Skillful hands know no boredom.

3. A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.

4. A small thing is better than a big idleness.

5. Get down to business - finish it to the end!

6. They did it hastily, but they did it for fun.

7. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

8. They praise - don’t be proud; they teach - don’t be angry.

9. Happiness does not float in the air, it comes from your hands.

Educator: What did you get? (Proverbs). Let's read them.

This is how the Russian people taught children to work from early childhood. Proverbs and sayings acted as rules of labor behavior. Do you know any proverbs and sayings about work? Now we’ll check them.

Contest "How do you understand the proverb" Educator: Our fairy tale continues. In front of you everyone knows "Flower - seven-flowered" Proverbs are written on the flower petals. You need to take a petal, read the proverb and explain its meaning.

1.“When you start something, think about the end.” (Think about the purpose and result of your work in advance.)

2.“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh” (Plan your work, calculating the strength and time to complete it.)

3.“Like the master, so is the work” (Accumulate knowledge and skills to successfully complete the job.)

4.“To whom work is a burden, joy is unknown” (Find things you like, don’t wait for persuasion or coercion.)

5.“If there was a desire, all work would work out” (Don't be afraid to start a new, unfamiliar business.)

6.“Good work lives for two centuries” (Do the work carefully, use your existing knowledge and skills.)

7.“If you have patience, there will be skill” (Be persistent and patient in achieving the goal and results of your work.)

8."What goes around comes around" (As you try to do the work, this is the result you will get.)

9.“In a big deal, a little help is valuable”. (Take part in collective work as much as possible.)

10.“The ant is small, but it digs mountains” (Persistently finish what you start.)

Educator: Well done! Everyone did a good job with this task.

Being bored and doing nothing, people learn to do bad things. Work frees us from three angry: boredom, vice and need. Thus we come to the conclusion, as they say in people: “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove”, that is, if you want to live beautifully and in abundance, you need to work hard. Only in work can you show all your best qualities.

Labor is the basis of our life, It will brighten anyone’s day. There is no shame more than the reproach that you are too lazy to work.

Educator: Which word is opposite in meaning to the word labor. (Laziness.) Let's turn to "Explanatory Dictionary". According to to him: “Laziness is a lack of desire to work, a tendency to do nothing”

What do you call a person who doesn't want to work? (Lazy, lazy, malingerer, slacker, drone.)- Why do you think a person is lazy? - Who has a better life in the world - a lazy person or a hardworking person? Why?

Listen carefully to the fairy tale by V. Sukhomlinsky

"Lazy Man and the Sun"- Sunny, please move a little to the side, I’m hot. Sun laughed: - Is it conceivable for the Sun to move wherever the Lazy Man wants? The lazy man got angry and shouted: - So you don’t want to move? “I don’t want to,” answered the Sun. - Oh so! - said Lazy. “Then I’ll lie here to spite you.”

– What would you do in this situation? Find the proverb that best suits this tale.

1. “Laziness is the mother of all vices.” 2."Don't sit back hands - there will be no boredom»

3.“The sun doesn’t rise at the right time for a couch potato”

Whoever wants to become a fool, we will we offer: Let him neglect work and begin to live as a lazy person.

Pinocchio: I really regret that I sold my ABC and didn’t go to school.

Give me a cure for laziness “I can, but I don’t want to”

Doctor: There is a fragrant rub against mosquito bites, There is a potion for sneezing, Swallow and be healthy, There is a potion for migraines, But there is no medicine for laziness.

Pinocchio: It would be nice if this remedy were invented as soon as possible, so that all lazy people from childhood could take it. If this medicine appeared, I would buy two packets. No, not two, but three. It is necessary, no matter what you say.

Doctor: He who knows how to live by the clock and appreciates every hour, does not need to be woken up ten times in the morning. And he won’t say that he’s too lazy to get up and do exercises, hands wash and make the bed. He will have time to get dressed on time, wash and eat, and before the bell rings, sit down at his desk at school.

Smells of the day If we plan and glue - The day smells like wood glue. If the day smells of forest - We are with a basket in our hands. If there is smoke from a fire - We've been fishing since the morning, And the day doesn't smell like anything - That means laziness has crept up on us.

A moment of rest Guys! Let's take a little rest. Sit more comfortably, relax. Put hands on the desk in front of you. put your head on hands. Close your eyes. Imagine that we are sailing on the ocean, the gentle sun is shining, you can hear the sound of the surf and the cry of seagulls. We are all in a good mood. We're all fine. And now open your eyes. You and I found ourselves on an island. Creative task Educator: A radiogram with an SOS signal was received from Lazy Island. – Do you know what the SOS signal means? (Children's answers) People living on this island are asking us for help. They are terribly unlucky. Children are unlucky in learning, adults are unlucky in work. We have the opportunity to help the residents of this island.

Come up with the name of the main city of this island. -What does he look like? - How do people live in this city? - What are they like, the people who inhabit Lazy Island? - How long can Lazy Island survive?

Creative task Work is carried out in pairs. Is it possible to get rid of laziness? How? Find a cure for laziness. Submit your recipes. Any real and fantastic recipes are welcome.

Pinocchio: Yes, I realized that I need to study too.

Poem The bed grabbed my shoulder - I won’t let you go, sleep some more! I pulled away, but the sheet grabbed my leg me: - Wait, my friend, you can’t run away! You'll have to lie down a little longer! “Getting up is an unpleasant thing,” the wadded blanket whispered. You can hear the pillows little voice: - Take your time, sleep for an hour! At least half an hour, at least half a minute, but I jumped up and shouted: - Pipes! I conquered laziness today! And this will happen every day!

Educator: Guys! Pinocchio managed to overcome his laziness. – Do you want to get rid of laziness? (Let's make laziness out of plasticine and hide it in a box.) But remember: if you repeat words often “I don’t want to, I won’t, then laziness will return to you”

4. Fixing the material

How much does everyone need to do for life that is important, perhaps unnoticeable, but kind and bright.

The one who plans his day acts wisely. Such a person manages to do everything, work and relax. To today lesson I asked you Guys, bring something that you can already do with your own hands. Judging by the exhibition, there are no lazy children in our group. Let's ask the guys to tell us about their crafts.

We are a talented people, Masters handmade We love to sew, sculpt, knit, and play different games. My motto: “It’s not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is afraid”

We are talented children - friends of school competitions. We can’t sit idle, And we can’t be lazy. We sing, read poetry, and everyone is friendly with sports. And all together we dream of reaching the heights of knowledge. We well done craftsmen! For everything hands of daredevils. My motto: « Skillful hands know no boredom»

Quilling is working with paper, it is creativity and beauty, come to us in the evenings, we will teach you without difficulty. My motto:

The matter is in dispute, there is no time for boredom. About this one They say: "Golden hands» We can make any item without any problems, Let such talent bloom, Give joy to everyone! My motto: “A man is glorious not in words, but in deeds.”

It’s very difficult to live, It’s just a disaster! After all, nothing comes without difficulty! We can’t even do some kind of nonsense, we can’t do it, we can’t do it without difficulty! It's terribly early to get up in the morning, It's hard to go to bed in the evening, It's hard to study - What's there to hide! It's hard not to poke your nose everywhere! Do you know what is most difficult? This is not doing anything at all!

5. Final word teacher Guys, each of you wants to do something good in life. Leave your mark on the earth. This desire is understandable. But do you always think about how you can achieve your goal? - Tell me, will there be a good worker from those who are currently studying poorly?

Right now you should study well. The better a student learns, the better he will perform. – And let the motto of your life be words: “The sun paints the earth, but man’s labor”.

6. Summing up. Life very often presents us with a choice, although we do not encounter a signpost on the road, but we have to make a choice. I will read to you what is written on the stone, and you try to choose the path along which you would go further. Give reasons for your choice.

If you go to the left, you will find wealth, but you will lose friends.

If you go to the right, you will come to an easy life, but you will not achieve anything in life.

If you go straight, you will find yourself, you will be exhausted along the way, but you will achieve a lot.

During the discussion, the teacher also asks provocative questions. For example: - Is it bad to find wealth? - Don't you want to live easy? - Why do you need to look for yourself in life?

Game task Proverbs are posted on the board. – What life motto did each of you choose for yourself? Children take turns going to the board, take a proverb, read the motto, and hold it in front of them. 1. “It’s not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is afraid” 2. “If you learn it yourself, teach it to others” 3. « Skillful hands know no boredom» 4. “A man is not glorious in words, but in deeds” 5. “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” 6. “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him” 7. “Where there is work, there is happiness” 8. “I’ve finished the job, go for a walk safely” 9. “Will and labor give wonderful shoots” 10. "What goes around comes around"

Just take a look around: Our whole life is the work of our hands. Villages, bridges, cities, viaducts - All ours hands, all ours hands! Skillful hands are the basis of success, Hands- human skill! Hands– they talk about a lot. The eyes only see, but hands create.

7. Reflection. Ours has come to an end class. We've done a lot today great job. And now, collectively, all together, let’s analyze our class. Let's put it all together "Bouquet of Mood"

Methodology "Bouquet of Mood"-If you think that our class turned out to be useful for you, then take it to hands flower, if not, then don't take anything. – If during classes If you felt comfortable working with each other, then glue green leaves to the flower; if not, do nothing. – If the acquired knowledge is class will be useful to you in the future, then go quietly to the board; if not, then stay where you are. – If you think that you worked actively in class, then put your flower in a vase.

Guys, thank you very much for your active participation in our class. And in order to prevent our flowers from wilting, I will add some water to them. (A watering can with water is hung up). You can see from our bouquet that everyone is in a good mood, that did you like the lesson. I hope that the knowledge you acquired today has enriched you and will help you in solving creative problems not only in classes, but also in life. And in conclusion I would like to say to you: “Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as lazy people. Thanks everyone for your attention!

Class hour "Skillful hands know no boredom"

Author: Kuyava Antonina Timofeevna, teacher, OGSKOU “Special (correctional) secondary school of the city of Bodaibo. I offer you a summary class hour for 3rd grade students (10-11 years old) on the topic “Skillful hands do not know boredom.” This material will be useful to teachers and educators of correctional schools. This material is aimed at instilling in students and pupils an interest in creative work.

Class notes “Skillful hands know no boredom”

Target: improve skills to work independently and in a team.
Educational: Expand children’s understanding of work, including creative work, and its importance in people’s lives.
Educational: Fostering hard work and the desire to bring people joy and happiness through their work. Foster friendships between children.
Corrective: Correction of visual attention, development of fine motor skills.
Design: Multimedia, computer, paintings, flowers.
Equipment: Colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, dried leaves and flowers, brushes.
Progress of the class hour.
Music sounds and everyone enters the classroom.
- Hello, our dear guests: teachers, parents and you guys. We gathered today in this class for a very interesting activity. What is it called? Let's guess.
Corrective exercise: The name of the class hour is encrypted on the slide, the children solve it. Answer: “Skillful hands know no boredom.”
- A person’s whole life is filled with work. Even a small fish cannot be pulled out of a pond without difficulty. There are a lot of proverbs about work. Let's guess some of them.
Corrective exercise: Find the second part of the proverb.

A man is glorious not in words, but in an hour of fun.
Business takes time, but man labors.
Done hastily - they don’t know boredom.
The sun colors the earth - walk boldly.
Skillful hands - made for laughs.
Finished the job, but he is famous for his deeds.
- Not a single living creature gets along without work. Birds, animals, ants, bees, etc. work. Your parents go to work every morning, you are in a hurry to go to school because... Studying is your main job at this time.
It is very useful to work in the fresh air. Your lungs breathe, they receive clean air rich in oxygen, then it enters the blood and spreads throughout the body, and you and I receive health, which is given to us not by drugs, but by nature itself.
- In today’s class we will talk about work that we do for the soul. (Work – hobby – passion). I and your parents will tell you a little about my hobbies, and then Daniil Lebedev will show a master class and you will also take part in interesting work.

Oshibana – pressed floristry. Flora - plants. This means that for my creativity I use unusual materials - these are flowers, leaves, herbs, branches, tree bark, dried under pressure so skillfully that they retain their color and shape.

When you start working with natural material, then every time you experience a feeling of creative joy, because flowers, even dried ones, have a wonderful aura. Flowers teach us to see beauty in the ordinary. Remember Pushkin (I take out a dried flower from the book).
“A flower, dried up, scentless,
I see forgotten in the book;
And now with a strange dream
My soul is filled..."
Each of you has dried flowers or leaves in a book more than once, and I think everyone understands the words of the poet.

And the picture shows some of the work done earlier. Preparing for the lesson, I worked a little and this is what I came up with: “Round Dance of Violets”, “Farewell Summer”, “Autumn Kiss”. The material for work is prepared in the summer and autumn, and in the winter, when the frost outside the window is 30 degrees, working with flowers, our soul thaws, warms up and we want to create, do good deeds.

Artem Manzhuev’s mother, Nadezhda Sergeevna, will tell us about her hobby. She also has skillful hands.

Polina Kleofastova is proud of her mother. She always talks with passion about how delicious her mother cooks. Now we will listen to Elena Gennadievna (parent’s speech).
Danil Maksimov’s mother, Aksinya Fedorovna, has hobbies related to folk traditions, this is the dressing of skins, sewing high fur boots and their decoration with beads and leather. This is quite difficult and painstaking work.

We also have creative kids in our class. Back in 2nd grade, Danil Lebedev received the title: Master “Golden Hands”. And today, guys, Danil will give us a Master Class. He will teach you how to make a paper flower.
But first, let’s take a physical minute.
Physical exercise: Warm up your palms by vigorous rubbing. Apply to cheeks (3 times). Rub the ears, pull the lobes down (3 times), eye gymnastics: rotation - right - left (3 times), up - down (3 times), circular movements, look into the distance - at the tip of the nose (3 times). Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth (3 times).
Danil conducts a Master class.
- Your task, using the flower you make and dried plants, is to create your own composition, which you will give to your mother on March 8th.

Look at the compositions Danil created.

Safety precautions: How to work with scissors correctly?
Do you like the creative ideas of our activity? Then hurry up and start and don’t let your dreams seem strange to anyone. Good luck everyone.
Practical part with music in the background: Children make a flower out of paper, and then use dried leaves and flowers to create their own composition. Parents help children.
Individual work: Stencils are prepared for individual children, a picture is given, and the task is to glue a flower according to the sample.
Result: Exhibition of works by students and guests.
- Dear guys, today you convinced everyone that you know how to work. And that's great. After all, you can’t live without work, but for skillful hands there will always be something you like. At the “World of Flowers” ​​circle we will continue this interesting work and, I hope, learn how to create miracles with our own hands.
-Children read a poem.
Skillful hands, skilled hands
They never suffer from boredom.
They have no rest on their day off,
They are familiar with the heavy and the big.
Golden hands are not hands made of gold.
Golden hands are not afraid of the cold.
These hands are covered in abrasions and calluses -
The most best hands in the world!
Reflection: Did you enjoy creating with your own hands?
What have you learned?
How did you work today? (Friendly!).
My mood after class is like that of the sun - bright, radiant. What's your mood? If it’s bad, put a cloud, if it’s not very good, put a sun with a cloud, and if, like mine, it’s bright and radiant, then put a sun, guests can also participate.
The song “There is always something for skillful hands” sounds.
Conclusion: In conclusion, I would like to wish you the following: To make you and your parents happy, you need to follow the rules of safe behavior! Spring is approaching, icicles will soon appear on the roofs. What danger do they pose? How to avoid this danger?
Conclusion:"If you want to be happy,
Be honest and patient
Love goodness and work,
Look, happiness is right there.”
G. Drobiz.

“Proverbs about friendship” - Money can’t buy a friend. You won't recognize a friend without trouble. A friend is your mirror. Friendship is paid for with friendship. Boast about your friends, but don’t trail behind. Don't leave your friend in misfortune. For a dear friend - the gates are wide open. Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor. Better friend surer than a precious stone.

“English proverbs” - Questions on content. How is national character reflected in proverbs? Stages of the project. Why do we use proverbs in our speech? How do proverbs spread around the world? What is common in folk wisdom? different countries? What equivalents of Russian proverbs are there? English? In what cases do we use proverbs?

“Bread and salt” - Chemical properties of salts from the perspective of the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Table salt is used for food. What are chemical properties salts? Why do salts have similar properties? Everything that the most skilled chefs prepared was bland and tasteless. The king had three daughters. Interaction of salts with alkalis.

“Russian and English proverbs and sayings” - Big oaks fall from small blows. Subject of research. Relevance. Goals. Better late than never. Well begun is half done. CORE: decision making; project execution. Well started is half done. Like father, like son. PREPARATORY: goal setting; planning. Observation analysis comparison classification translation modeling.

“Proverbs about goodness” - Good word and opens the iron gates. REMEMBER! Try not to attack, but to give in. A good word is like rain in a drought. Don't show your fist, but extend your palm. Remember the good and forget the evil. The shirt will wear out, but the good deed will not be forgotten. Good is paid for with good. Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness! Goodness walks quietly through the world.

“Proverbs” - Reading books means never being bored. Your own land is sweet even in a handful. Why a treasure if there is harmony in the family? In a healthy body - healthy mind. Hostility does no good. As is the master, so is the work. While the iron is in use, rust will not take it. People feed on science. Our matchmaker has neither a friend nor a brother. Kalacha cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is cuter.