The benefits of kefir for facial skin: we not only drink it, but also spread it on it. What benefits does kefir contain for facial skin? What benefits does a kefir mask have for the face?

Facial skin modern woman even with careful care, it is exposed to many negative factors and elements. They clog the epidermis, contribute to its early aging, unhealthy color, and the appearance of inflammation.

Causes of skin aging

  • Poor nutrition. The predominance of processed foods, semi-finished products, fast food in the diet, large amounts of salt, sugar, unhealthy fats, lack of plant foods that supply vitamins and fiber - all this causes deterioration. appearance faces.
  • Lack of fluid. The less clean water we drink, the drier our skin becomes. Lack of moisture leads to the appearance of early wrinkles, unhealthy color, and loss of elasticity.
  • Of course, one of the main reasons, which, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated, is the unfavorable ecological situation of the urban environment. Exhaust fumes, production, the accumulation of people and equipment in one place - all this affects how the epidermis looks.
  • Negative effects of dry air in frosty conditions outside and central heating indoors.
  • Lack of and poor sleep conditions. It is known that a person should rest for at least 7 hours in the dark and cool. Irregular sleep, urban lighting - all this contributes to a decrease in the quality of sleep and, accordingly, poor skin condition.
  • Constant use of cosmetics, neglect of facial cleansing. Pores become clogged with remnants of cream, blush, lipstick, and powder, in which bacteria begin to multiply.
  • Stress. The modern rhythm of life, problems at work and in relationships, constant rush are the cause of problems with the epidermis.

How is kefir beneficial for facial skin?

This fermented milk product, firstly, cannot cause harm. Its external use will be useful for women of different ages with any skin type. It is available, inexpensive, and sold in almost any store.

Some people buy special machines (yogurt makers) and make kefir themselves from farm milk.

But this fermented milk product, produced in any way, will benefit the skin.

If you use kefir on your face, it will have the following effects:

  • will stimulate the production of collagen, which maintains the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • will relieve inflammation or prevent its occurrence;
  • will have a beneficial effect on pimples, blackheads, rashes, neutralizes the bacteria that cause them;
  • cleanses the pores in the skin from dermal debris that accumulates as a result of poor-quality cleansing of cosmetics, exposure to atmospheric dust, and production of sebum;
  • neutralizes the effect harmful substances and heavy metals that accumulate in the air;
  • will help support the skin normal level humidity;
  • will lighten age spots, in some cases even eliminate them.
  • strengthens the immunity of the epidermis;
  • refreshes and tones the skin;
  • will actively fight wrinkles.

Using kefir in cosmetology: basic rules

For masks to be truly effective, it is important to adhere to certain principles.

Firstly, every skin type is “friendly” with kefir of a certain fat content. Dry epidermis should be nourished with a fermented milk product, on the packaging of which there is a figure of 2.5%; for normal skin, a one-percent option is suitable. If your pores produce too much oil, use a low-fat drink.

Sour kefir is suitable for problem skin, for those who suffer from acne and pimples. In all other cases, the fermented milk product must be fresh - no more than 2-3 days from the date of production.

Decide which area you want to work with today. This may depend on the composition of the mask and its additional ingredients.

Don't forget about your neck and décolleté - these areas are almost always visible, they also tend to fade and age, just like your face.

A kefir face mask, like other similar products, is applied to cleansed skin. Treat it as usual with a cleanser, or go over it with a cotton pad and lotion. Steaming the epidermis over a container with a herbal decoction that is suitable for your skin helps a lot.

Kefir itself almost never causes irritation. If rashes, itching, tightness or redness appear after using the mask, this is a consequence of the use of additional ingredients that most likely simply do not suit your skin or can cause allergies.

Daily use of kefir for skin

Without any additives, the fermented milk product can be safely used daily. This is acceptable for girls and women with any skin type and in any position (including pregnant and breastfeeding women). The best option is to wipe the face, neck and décolleté in the morning.

Take a sponge or a regular cotton pad, dip it in warm fresh kefir and wipe the epidermis. Leave the fermented milk product on your face for 3-5 minutes or until completely dry (if you have time). Rinse with water and your usual cleanser.

This addition to morning procedures will refresh and cleanse the face, tighten its contour, eliminate bags under the eyes, and give a beautiful color and blush.

It is worth noting that by systematically using kefir for facial skin, you can get noticeable positive results. Like others folk remedies, the fermented milk product will work if used carefully and regularly.

Kefir masks

There are a huge number of recipes that affect certain problems. Additional products that are added to kefir have different effects.

Masks for inflamed and problematic skin

  • 100 grams of fresh kefir should be mixed with half a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon baking soda and oatmeal to a consistency reminiscent of fairly thick sour cream. It is recommended to apply the mixture with a cosmetic spatula; if you don’t have one, you can use regular cotton pads. The mask remains on the face for half an hour, after which it is washed off. Repeat once a week for a month.
  • Take 15 grams of fresh yeast, mix it with a couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and dilute it all with three large spoons of fresh kefir. The consistency of such a face mask at home should be uniform. Keep the mixture on the skin for no more than 15 minutes. After you have washed off the mask with water, wipe your face with chamomile infusion.
  • Another recipe for acne - two tablespoons of honey, a spoon mineral water and a little kefir. All this is mixed, applied to the skin and left on for about 20 minutes. Rinse off the product with kefir with boiled water.

Anti-aging masks

  • Add a small spoon of cottage cheese to a fresh fermented milk product (about 100 g), a tablespoon of good olive oil and a paste of raspberries, black currants or cranberries (you can make a mix). Apply to skin. A kefir anti-wrinkle face mask lasts for three quarters of an hour, then is washed off with purified water.
  • In the fight against age-related changes Milk with honey helps a lot. They need to be taken a tablespoon at a time, mixed thoroughly with two tablespoons of kefir and one spoon of cottage cheese. The mask is applied for half an hour.
  • Kefir, which is mixed with a teaspoon of cinnamon, tightens and tones the dermis very well. If desired, you can add a little honey (1 tsp). Keep the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, and while rinsing off, perform a light massage with your fingers.

Kefir for oily skin

  • To cleanse the epidermis, expand pores and reduce sebum production, thin honey and bran should be added to the fermented milk product. Ideally, you should have a thick consistency that will not run off your face.
  • A kefir face mask will successfully fight oiliness, inflammation and rashes if you put the fermented milk product in a warm place for several days. After this, it is applied to the skin with a cotton pad, and then washed off with plain water or a herbal decoction.

Anti-pigmentation mask

The main action that helps in this case is bleaching. You need to take acidified kefir and cucumber juice. The proportion should be 3:1. Apply the mask onto your face using massage movements, and when it is properly absorbed, wash with clean water.

Kefir for dry skin

  • Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the same amount of good honey. Heat in a water bath until warm (do not overheat under any circumstances). Add 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley and 3 tablespoons of warm kefir, mix everything well. This mask should be kept on your face for half an hour before going to bed once a week.
  • Another good recipe, which helps nourish and moisturize dry skin, is fresh kefir with a fat content of 2-2.5% with the addition of carrot juice in a 3:1 ratio. To make the mixture more nutritious, add a spoonful of honey and olive oil to it.

There are a huge number of kefir-based masks of different fat contents. Most often, crushed cereals (porridge, bran), fruits and berries, sometimes vegetables, nutritious vegetable oils or bee products are added to the fermented milk product.

The mask itself has no contraindications. However, you should be careful with added ingredients. Constantly carrying out such home procedures can save you from buying expensive cosmetics and visiting beauty salons.

It is impossible to imagine facial care at home without a kefir mask - an affordable and effective remedy. Many women love this fermented milk drink because it is a storehouse of useful substances and do not realize that kefir can be used as a cosmetic product as part of a wash-off mask.

If the consumption of kefir internally is not indicated for all women (due to an allergy to milk protein), then its use on the surface of the skin is not limited - kefir has no contraindications and does not cause allergies, provided that there are no other potential allergens in the homemade mask.


Masks based on fermented milk products have proven themselves to be excellent helpers for dry and oily skin, age-related and problematic epidermis. Home care can be based on a mask made from classic kefir of varying degrees of fat content, as well as from yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt or whey. In order to obtain whey, you need to heat the kefir in a water bath and separate the protein - it will begin to coagulate when it reaches a higher temperature.

The resulting liquid serum can be used as a base for various types of masks.

It’s amazing how versatile and at the same time unique the product is kefir:

  • Kefir mask is suitable for caring for any type of epidermis: dry, oily, combination and normal, mature and sensitive;
  • For the care of dry and sensitive skin for the first time, choose high-fat kefir or replace it with fermented baked milk 4%, full-fat yogurt;
  • To create a homemade mask, it is not necessary to take fresh kefir– sour fermented milk product is also suitable;
  • A mask based on this product has no contraindications, if kefir is used in pure form. When choosing additional components, you should take into account their intolerance and allergies;
  • Kefir mask is inexpensive and it doesn’t take much time to prepare;
  • You can use it every day, while pure kefir does not need to be washed off - leave it on the skin for the whole night, and you will see how your pores have shrunk;
  • Kefir contains lactobacilli for youthful skin and high-quality cleansing of pores, protein for skin restoration, acids for normalizing cell function, vitamins B, C and E for cell metabolism and regeneration processes.

Why is it useful?

Kefir is a fermented milk drink, rich in milk protein, low acid content and a complex of beneficial bacteria. As part of homemade masks, this product allows you to:

  • Gently clean the surface of the face without damaging the epidermis, which is especially important for dry and sensitive dermis;
  • Moisturize your skin well due to lactic acid and a complex of bacteria;
  • Normalize the lipid-alkaline balance of the epidermis thanks to lactobacilli: kefir does not disturb and restores the natural pH balance of the skin, which is especially important after washing;
  • Lactobacilli in its composition eliminate bacteria from the surface of the dermis and pores, increase the protective function and cleanse the skin of sebum and dust;
  • Amino acids in kefir soothe and moisturize the epidermis, they are necessary for caring for mature skin, because they are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals;
  • Kefir components have whitening properties, so the product will be relevant for problematic skin with post-acne or age-related pigmentation. Masks based on fermented milk drink even out the overall complexion and are used to lighten the skin;
  • Kefir is especially beneficial for oily skin. since the component acts as an antiseptic and cleanses the surface of the face well, normalizes the lipid balance of the skin by adjusting the pH level;
  • Kefir perfectly fights aging skin due to the content of biotin in it - a component that tightens the dermis and gives it a velvety feel, amino acids that enhance the regeneration of collagen and elastin;
  • Kefir contains essential vitamin C.– antioxidant and protective component for the skin. Citric acid in combination with vitamin E, they have a lifting effect, fight pigmentation, posture, inflammation and uneven facial texture.

Homemade recipes

Kefir-based masks have several proven recipes aimed at cleansing the epidermis, moisturizing and nourishing it, soothing and combating uneven complexion, aging and aging.

Home care made from soda is aimed at cleansing - abrasive particles clean pores well and even out the texture of the skin, masks made from lemon and parsley whiten the epidermis and rid it of pigment formations, while compositions made from rolled oats and glycerin qualitatively moisturize the dermis.


It is based on pure kefir - use it as a tonic and apply to a previously cleansed face every other day or daily. This kefir mask is incredibly easy to use and does not require preparation; the composition will allow you to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize even sensitive dermis.

For oily and problem skin

To get rid of blackheads and enlarged pores, uneven complexion and other problems of oily and combination dermis, the following recipe will help: mix kefir and fresh lemon juice in proportions 2:1, vegetable oil and a little table or sea salt - it will act as an abrasive element for removal keratinized layer of cells. You can add a little oatmeal or wheat flour to the same mask to obtain a thick consistency and additional nourishment for the skin.

A mask of rolled oatmeal and kefir will deeply cleanse pores and is suitable for use with problematic, oily epidermis. Grind a glass of oatmeal in a blender or pre-brew them in water to obtain a homogeneous slurry, add kefir so that the mixture resembles non-liquid sour cream. Apply the composition to the skin with rubbing movements and leave for 20-30 minutes, remove any remaining product later with warm water.

A mixture of soda and kefir is an excellent cleansing mask-scrub for the skin., for the preparation of which you will need kefir and starch in the amount of a couple of tablespoons, 1/4 part of soda. Mix the components together and apply the resulting composition to the face, paying special attention to the T-zone area.

The composition of parsley allows you to even out skin tone and get rid of pigment formations: Finely chop the parsley, crush it with a knife or fork to obtain a paste consistency. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, mix it with herbs and add a little kefir, again, “by eye,” to make a non-liquid mask. The holding time of the composition usually does not exceed 20 minutes.

For dry skin

A mask with glycerin will moisturize the epidermis well. Its simplest recipe is a mixture of kefir and glycerin solution in equal quantities; if possible, you can add egg white, a teaspoon of honey or heavy cream. At the same time, the fat content of kefir should be as high as possible.

For dry and dehydrated dermis, use the following mask: soak the crumb of rye bread in a small amount of kefir, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a little liquid honey.

Spread the resulting mixture on your face, avoiding the eye area, and leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to use correctly

The kefir mask is unpretentious in preparation and use: it can be used every day and even left overnight without negative consequences for skin. The simplest use of a kefir mask is based on using pure kefir and applying it to a previously cleansed and slightly steamed (if desired) face; it is recommended to keep the composition for about 20 minutes. Sweep kefir mask You can use plain tap or boiled water, tonic or micellar water.

The use of a kefir mask is regulated by several simple rules that will help you achieve the desired and quick result:

  • It is recommended to apply the kefir mask to a previously cleansed face.– you can use a scrub or light home peeling to achieve greater effect;
  • You can steam your face– breathe for 5-10 minutes over a pan with a decoction of herbs and then apply the kefir composition to the skin;
  • It is recommended to keep the kefir mask for about 20 minutes;
  • It is recommended to wash off the composition with plain water. after removing the mask, rinse your face with cool water;
  • After completing the procedure, pat your face dry with a towel. and be sure to use a moisturizer, no matter how nourishing the mask is;
  • Kefir can be combined with almost all known ingredients: lemon juice, vegetable oil, egg. To choose “your care”, determine your skin type and its problems, and then choose the products that best suit the needs of the epidermis.

A pure kefir mask can be left on all night - just apply the product to your face and wait until it dries or a thin film forms.

Similar night mask will get rid of enlarged pores and treacherous oily shine, deal with blackheads and give the face a natural healthy glow. The combination of kefir and other components allows you to create care for problematic, aging, oily or dry skin; When choosing additional ingredients, it is important to ensure their safety in advance: test for an allergic reaction on the crook of your elbow before using the composition on your face.

How to prepare a face mask from kefir, watch this video.

Since ancient times, fermented milk products have been famous for their unique properties. They are widely used in industrial cosmetic products and are also popular in homemade skin and hair care recipes. What is the kefir mask famous for? How to cook it correctly?

Healing properties of the drink

Kefir is an affordable universal remedy containing a complex of minerals and vitamins. Cosmetic mixtures based on fermented milk drink help normalize the balance of oil content, get rid of acne, whiten the face, and also remove fine wrinkles. Such properties are provided due to the vitamins included in its composition:

Kefir face mask is an ideal, inexpensive and effective product that suits your skin, regardless of its type or your age.

  • C – strengthens the vascular network of the face;
  • A – slows down the aging process;
  • E – smoothes the epidermis;
  • PP – protects the face from environmental influences, evens out the tone;
  • H – relieves inflammation;
  • B1, B2 B6, B12 – eliminates rashes, removes expression wrinkles.

In addition, the lactic acid product includes many substances that allow the production of natural collagen. The benefits of a kefir face mask do not depend on the fat content of the fermented milk drink, but its effect is proportional to the quality of the main ingredient. A cosmetic product with a long shelf life of the main ingredient made from a powder of dubious quality can do more harm than good. Therefore, you should choose only natural products. Sour homemade milk is acceptable. In order to reduce the fat content of the cosmetic product itself, for oily skin you can prefer a low-fat product; for dry skin, on the contrary, choose a drink with a fat content of 3.2% or higher. A kefir mask has no contraindications. It can be used by everyone without exception, however, the risk of individual intolerance to both the main component and other products that make up the cosmetic formulation should be taken into account.

Among other things, kefir has whitening properties, minimizing the appearance of freckles and age spots on the face

Moisturizing and nourishing masks

A cosmetic product based on fermented milk drink moisturizes the skin, evens out its tone, and helps get rid of dead skin. To give a radiant complexion, you should take a fresh ground cucumber, grate it on a coarse grater, and squeeze out the juice completely. The resulting cake is mixed with fermented milk drink until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply cosmetic product for a quarter of an hour. Thanks to the whitening and toning properties of cucumber, a kefir mask prepared according to this recipe can keep your facial skin healthy and relieve irritation.

Cucumber can be replaced in this recipe with chopped parsley or almond flour. This combination will have a similar effect, relieving inflammation and also removing oily shine.

To solve skin problems, a mixture of fermented milk drink with cosmetic clay in a ratio of 2:1. You should choose an auxiliary ingredient based on the characteristics of your skin type:

– fatty – white, blue or green clay;

– sensitive – red;

– combined – black, yellow;

– dry – pink, gray.

Apply the mixture to the face, neck and décolleté, the latter most often reveals our age

You should not keep this mask made from a lactic acid drink for longer than 7–10 minutes. By using it regularly, you can get a high cleansing effect, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and get rid of rashes and peeling.

If you mix 50 ml of fermented milk product, 5 ml of high-quality olive oil and the yolk of one chicken egg, you will get a nutritious cosmetic product. It is suitable for facial care throughout the cold season, and will also add freshness to aging or dry skin. A facial cosmetic prepared on the basis of a fermented milk drink in combination with yeast, or obtained by mixing a fermented milk drink, cottage cheese, milk and flavored with a teaspoon of natural honey will have a high nutritional effect.

Happy owners of normal skin can use fermented milk product without impurities. After just a month of regular use of this product, the skin will look healthier, areas of inflammation will disappear, and signs of aging will not appear soon.

Purifying face masks

Kefir is an excellent cleanser, and with the addition of some components, it removes dirt from the deepest pores and completely eliminates the acne problem. Kefir face mask for acne is made on the basis of 75 ml of fresh fermented milk drink, combined with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Suitable for this:

It's no secret that kefir contains many beneficial lactobacilli, which normalize the acid-base balance of the skin.
  1. Calendula – provides a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Chamomile – eliminates redness.
  3. Sage – removes toxins, removes dead skin.

All herbs can be used together, or you can select one or two ingredients and mix their decoction with a fermented milk drink in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be thickened with flour or starch. Apply the healing agent for 15 minutes 2 times a week. With regular use, the positive effect of using kefir against acne will be noticeable very soon.

Simpler, but no less effective recipe, is a mixture of lactic acid drink and soda (half a teaspoon of soda is enough for 50 ml of fermented milk drink), thickened with bran, flour or starch. This kefir product is effective against blackheads, oily shine and any inflammatory processes. Suitable for oily skin and home remedy based on kefir, fresh chicken egg white, flavored with a few drops of honey.

To give a healthy complexion, you can mix a lactic acid product with green tea or crush a handful of aromatic berries. The resulting cocktail should be applied to the face for 15–20 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly, removing any residue with tonic. It will saturate your facial skin with vitamins and prevent the aging process.

It is also known that kefir masks have a whitening effect, so if you have age spots or freckles, then using kefir masks will get rid of this aesthetic problem

If you mix a fermented milk product with yeast using a 3 to 1 ratio, add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide, you will get a high-quality kefir mixture for the face against acne and oily shine. The effect will be noticeable after just a few uses.

Features of using kefir masks

Kefir face masks will help cope with all skin problems:

  • They additionally nourish dry skin and help get rid of flaking and age spots;
  • oily - they will remove shine and give a matte finish;
  • sensitive – will be provided with vitamins and protected from harmful environmental influences;
  • fading - will allow you to preserve youth for a long time, remove the signs of aging.

Kefir masks are effective against acne and acne. They ideally cope with both youth problems and inflammatory processes in older people. mature age. However, it should be noted that despite the relative hypoallergenicity of fermented milk products, additional components included in kefir masks, such as eggs, honey, herbal infusions, essential oils, can cause a severe allergic reaction. Before using the mask, it is necessary to perform a sensitivity test. Only if there is no redness can you begin regular use.

If you want a cosmetic product with kefir to bring maximum effect, you should consolidate its effect from the inside. By enriching your diet with a drink based on sour milk, you can get rid of digestive problems, remove toxins, and improve metabolism. As a result, skin problems will begin to gradually go away, and together with the use of a cosmetic product based on a fermented milk drink, they will completely disappear and will no longer bother you.

A kefir face mask should be applied at least twice a week to a well-cleansed and thoroughly steamed face. Special attention owners of combination skin type should pay attention to the T-zone, and do not forget about the skin of the neck and décolleté. After the kefir facial product has completed its effect, you should perform a contrast wash. By rinsing several times alternately with hot and cold water, you can significantly increase the effect of the cosmetic product.

Kefir has been used by women since ancient times to preserve beauty, as it whitens and creates a glow. The great advantage of the product is that it is used for all types of facial skin, has a gentle effect on the skin and does not cause harm. In addition, kefir is accessible to everyone, which allows it to be used at home.

What are the benefits of kefir for the face?

The benefits of kefir are as follows:

  • collagen formation, which contributes to skin elasticity for a long time;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protecting the skin from inflammation and acne;
  • moisturizing the skin and eliminating age spots;
  • cleansing of impurities and refreshing effect;
  • protecting the skin from harmful environmental influences;
  • maintaining skin tone, fighting wrinkles and increasing immunity.

Eating fermented milk products also has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the skin of the face and body.

Rules for using the product in cosmetology

The use of kefir masks is possible at any time, especially their use is recommended in the spring, when the skin really needs vitamins. The action directly depends on how they will be used, so it is worth knowing some points:

  1. It is important to choose kefir with the right fat content, because a drink with a high percentage is most suitable for dry skin. If you use a mask for oily skin, then you need kefir with a reduced percentage of fat. Normal skin requires kefir with a fat content of 1%.
  2. It is imperative to pay attention to the fact that the product is fresh, acidic is used only to treat problem skin.
  3. You need to decide which area you want to influence today. This can be not only the face, but also the neck, as well as the décolleté area.
  4. Before using the mask, you must treat your face with lotion.
  5. If after using any type of mask irritation appears, then it is necessary to determine which of the ingredients you may be allergic to; kefir itself is harmless.

Kefir masks can be used for any skin type.

How to use pure kefir for your face every day

Kefir masks whiten and clean well

Kefir can be used in its pure form without adding additional ingredients. The simplest use: take warm kefir and cotton wool or cotton pads. Soak a cotton ball in kefir and apply to the skin of the face. This will help the skin receive the necessary vitamins and restore the acid-base balance, and kefir, even in this form, helps get rid of inflammation. It is worth wiping in the morning, at this time the pores are clean and enlarged after a night's sleep. You need to wait until the kefir dries on your face and wash your face with warm water, you can lather your skin a little and rinse off the product.

You can wipe your face with a swab soaked in kefir several times a day. But if you add additional ingredients to the mask, the product can be used 2 times a week.

“Washing” takes place according to the same principle: kefir is applied to the skin with a tampon or sponge, left on for 2-3 minutes, then the face is washed with cold water and the skin is toned by rubbing with an ice cube (herbs can be used).

Acne masks

There are many kefir masks, and each has a specific effect.

Lemon juice will help combat oily skin

With oatmeal, baking soda and lemon juice

One of effective masks kefir-based includes oat or wheat flour, 2 pinches of soda, 1 g of lemon juice and 100 g of kefir. The consistency of the mixture should be similar to sour cream. The easiest way to apply the product is with cotton pads or special spatulas. You need to keep this composition on the skin for about 30 minutes and perform the procedure 3-4 times during the week.

With yeast and peroxide

A very effective composition for combating acne and rashes: kefir in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. mix with yeast in an amount of 10–15 g and add a maximum of 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mask to your face and wait until it dries completely. It is better to wash your face after the procedure with water at room temperature or with a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

With aspirin

A mask with 2 tbsp helps against acne. l. kefir, 2 crushed aspirin tablets and 1 tsp. mineral water. Mix all ingredients and apply to face, leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and wipe your face with lotion.

Masks with aspirin are quite harsh, do a sensitivity test before use

With oatmeal

Milk and honey - a fragrant and healthy combination

Kefir and cinnamon

Cinnamon helps achieve healthy skin color and improves metabolism. To prepare the mask, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. without a heap of cinnamon, then mix. To make the mask more nutritious, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. honey, and for better cleansing you need to add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. The mask is applied for 10 minutes, and while rinsing off, you need to massage the skin a little.

For oily skin

Oily skin is often a problem due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, so it requires certain care to reduce oiliness. Effective means can be prepared as follows.

With carrots and protein

You will need 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, juice of half a lemon and protein. The egg white should be beaten and mixed with the remaining ingredients, and the mask should be kept on for 30 minutes. It will help eliminate oily shine.

When using masks with carrots, remember that they can stain very fair skin.

With honey and bran

Mask with flour and bran. 3 tbsp. l. kefir needs to be diluted with 1 tsp. honey and the white of 1 egg, add 5 drops of lemon juice, 4 pinches of oatmeal or potato flour, rye bran in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. This mask helps prevent acne and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

How to smear your face with sour kefir

You can also make very useful masks from sour kefir. The oilier the skin, the

This kind of kefir will work better. The drink should be placed in a warm place for several days, and then applied to the face and held for 20–30 minutes, and then washed with cold water.

How to whiten skin and fight age spots

Dark spots and acne marks bother many people and are not easy to get rid of. The following kefir-based masks will help eliminate this problem.

Simple homemade egg mask

Masks with kefir and eggs are great for eliminating pigmentation. You will need 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 egg and 1 cucumber. Peeled cucumber must be chopped using a blender and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the product for 20 minutes.

With cucumber juice

For the especially lazy, the option of wiping the skin with cucumber juice without additives is suitable.

For skin whitening, acidified kefir with cucumber juice is very helpful; the ingredients are mixed in a 3:1 ratio, respectively. Apply to the face using even clockwise movements, then wait until the mask is absorbed and rinse with warm water.

With green tea at night

A night mask with green tea leaves and kefir is very effective against blemishes. Add 1 tbsp to 1/4 cup of kefir. l. grated green tea, 3 pinches of oatmeal and 1 tsp. olive oil. Gently apply the product to your face, leave overnight, and wash off the mask in the morning with warm water.

Nourishing blends for dry skin

Dry skin requires special care, as it is very sensitive to environmental influences.

With honey and olive oil

Dry skin requires gentle treatment, so it is recommended to add honey and oils to the mask. You need to connect 3 tbsp. l. kefir with 20 g parsley, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Honey and butter are preheated, then the remaining ingredients and warm kefir are added to them. The mixture should be kept for up to 30 minutes.

With carrot juice

2% kefir will help very sensitive skin; it needs to be diluted with 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice and olive oil. The mask should be applied for 20 minutes, then rinsed with chamomile infusion. The product relieves severe peeling of the skin.

How else can you use kefir for your face (video)

Contraindications to the use of fermented milk product

As for contraindications, kefir masks have almost none. Kefir in its pure form does not cause allergies; if an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash, then most often this happens due to other components included in the mask. Therefore, it is better to first test the skin for a reaction: one by one, apply a little drink and other components to different areas of the skin and see if irritation occurs. If there is no reaction, then you can safely use the mask. It is recommended to be very careful with the ingredients, since allergies are most often caused by honey or lemon.

Most people know that in all respects kefir is the most delicious and useful product. It is often used to treat various diseases; a large number of infusions, lotions and medicines. This dairy product is also used in cosmetology, because useful substances, which are included in it, provide invaluable benefits to the condition of the facial skin as a whole, thanks to them acne goes away, freckles and skin become lighter, and the process of tissue regeneration begins.

A homemade kefir face mask is quite easy to prepare and use. And such therapy will not require a lot of financial resources.

To exercise proper care for the face, you can’t do without kefir, beloved by many. A kefir face mask is suitable for almost everyone. Moreover, the number of years lived or skin type do not matter at all. And all because such a mask is healthy and natural, so it can cope with any task, and besides, it has no contraindications.

So, what are the benefits of kefir masks? The skin of the face becomes lighter, pigment spots and freckles become discolored, becoming almost invisible. Kefir is rich in amino acids, which provide hydration to the cells. In addition, amino acids prevent the skin from dulling and fading.
The bacteria that the skin needs cleanse its surface of dust and all kinds of impurities.

Thanks to the use of kefir masks, the acid-base balance is restored and regulated. And this happens thanks to lactobacilli. A homemade kefir face mask ensures skin elasticity and freshness.

Kefir masks: indications and contraindications

Kefir masks are universal for any skin type

Of course, aging, unfortunately, affects skin of all types. Therefore, kefir masks serve as a huge lifesaver, since their purpose is simply universal, effective and suitable for everyone.

  • If your facial skin is oily, then a kefir facial mask will be a means of healing for it.
  • If the skin is dry, use a moisturizer.
  • If your skin is sensitive, the mask will become a protective barrier.
  • If the skin is oily, then this will be an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • And for all skin types, such a mask will be the source of eternal youth.

Those who have not yet used such masks in practice, but are just getting acquainted with them, need to know that kefir, as a very useful and valuable product for the skin of the face (being part of masks) has no contraindications. If any allergic reaction suddenly occurs, in most cases it is caused by other ingredients in the mask. Therefore, taking into account the type and condition of the skin, you need to be very careful when choosing the appropriate recipe. As a rule, kefir mask reviews are positive.

How to make a kefir mask at home?

To prepare a high-quality kefir mask, it is best to use kefir that can be stored for five to seven days, because it contains the largest number of beneficial microorganisms.

A kefir mask is possible and even necessary for daily use. Just one thing needs to be taken into account: if the mask contains other components - for example, lemon or honey - the use of the mask should not exceed one or two times a week, or even less often.

You can add honey or lemon to the mask

It is more correct to apply the mask to the face immediately after it is prepared, and to the skin that has already been cleansed, leaving the areas around the mouth and eyes free.
And to cleanse the skin first, you should use a lotion or tonic well known to women.

It is most beneficial to wash your face with warm water. Then the skin steams a little and the substances it needs penetrate as deeply as possible much faster. To prepare a truly healthy mask, you should use kefir at room temperature. To get a stronger effect, this mask should be washed off with warm milk and your face should be left to dry on its own.

The effect of kefir will be much stronger if it is combined with other ingredients, so it is quite possible to add vegetables or fruits to the mask. To properly apply the mask to your face, you can use a wooden spatula: this will be much more convenient and with maximum compliance with hygiene rules.

Application nuances

There are certain nuances of applying a kefir mask that should be followed.
You can use the mask for both the face and neck skin. You need to be very careful about the décolleté area, because it is in this area that the skin, unfortunately, ages much faster.
The mask should be applied to the face with careful, smooth movements, strictly along the lines of the muscles.
After the required time has been maintained, the mask should be removed. This is done using warm tap water. After rinsing, you should use contrasting washes.

Most popular masks

There are many different kefir masks

A huge number of kefir face masks have been tested by more than one generation today. The most convenient and effective ones are passed on from grandmothers to mothers and from mothers to daughters. This can be explained very simply, because kefir face masks at home are not only very inexpensive and easy to use, but they also have significant effectiveness and many necessary properties.

For skin that is prone to peeling, the following recipe is suitable: mix two tablespoons of high-fat kefir with a teaspoon of olive oil and half a chicken yolk. Stir well and apply a thick layer to the skin and wait 25-30 minutes. After this, rinse thoroughly.

If the skin has an oily sheen, then this mask will help cope with it: boil chamomile and sage, mix this decoction with kefir in equal proportions and add the same amount of starch as the other ingredients. Mix everything well and gently apply to your face. Wait twenty minutes and wash off.

Homemade kefir masks

Whitening kefir mask with cucumber

In order to prepare such a mask, you will need two tablespoons of kefir and half a fresh cucumber. Kefir should be mixed with finely grated cucumber. Apply the mixture to the skin in a thin layer and wait a few minutes. Then rinse everything off with warm water. The best way is to use some kind of cosmetic cleanser.

The effect of the mask is as follows: the skin becomes a little lighter, in addition, it is an excellent remedy for any pigmentation on the skin of the face and for freckles, which not all ladies like.

This mask is suitable for both normal and oily skin types. If the skin is closer to dry, then such a mask should be applied only to areas where pigmentation is detected.

Kefir mask with the addition of parsley

You can make a mask from a small bunch of parsley

For such a mask you will need two tablespoons of kefir and one bunch of fresh parsley.

It is very easy to prepare such a mask: wash the parsley, chop it so finely that the juice can stand out. Mix with kefir and apply to face. Wait a quarter of an hour and you can wash it off.

Thanks to the combination of these ingredients, the skin whitens, freckles lighten, as well as other pigmentation, and the skin becomes refreshed.
The mask is suitable for tired, aging skin, and oily skin. Cosmetologists advise using it once or twice a week.

Kefir mask with the addition of aspirin (to eliminate skin rashes)

To prepare such a mask you will need 2 tablespoons of kefir, 2 aspirin tablets and a teaspoon of mineral water. Crush the tablets into powder, mix with kefir and mineral water. Apply this mixture to the skin, wait a third of an hour and rinse with lukewarm water.

Thanks to this unusual mask, you can dry out inflammation, get rid of pimples, pustular rashes, and relieve skin redness. This combination of ingredients is suitable for oily skin types.

When using such a mask, you must be very careful, because it is similar chemical peeling faces. As a result, it is recommended to do it only once every seven days.

The duration of the procedures is one month. Then a break is needed.

There are also some contraindications for using this beauty product:
  • if the woman is in an interesting position or is breastfeeding the baby;
  • if she has individual intolerance;
  • if the skin on the face is damaged by something, there are scratches or cuts on it.

Oatmeal mask is suitable for combination skin

Kefir-oatmeal face mask

Combination skin is characterized by a combination of areas of oily skin with dry or normal skin. That is why the attitude towards this type of skin should be especially careful, so as not to moisturize the already nourished oily skin and do not over-dry it.
An excellent option for caring for such skin is a mask of oatmeal and kefir.

Oatmeal can simultaneously cleanse and nourish the skin. It’s quite simple to prepare: pour five tablespoons of warmed kefir oatmeal. Both oatmeal and the smallest flakes will do. If a woman is not allergic to honey, you can add it - about one teaspoon. Leave the mixture for about five minutes until everything is soaked. Apply to prepared skin and leave for about a third or a quarter of an hour (optional). Then rinse off with cool water.

A similar mask of oatmeal and kefir for the face will invigorate the skin, oily areas will dry out a little, dry areas will be nourished. In general, your skin will look healthier.

What is special about them?

So, we have already realized that there are a huge number of different kefir masks. But it’s so simple - a kefir face mask. How can it be useful for every woman? The fact that each of them guarantees the effects necessary for every woman, because she wants her skin to be nourished, cleansed, whitened, and so on. In addition, in many of them, the fermented milk drink is combined with other ingredients that are no less useful.

Many users never cease to admire the effect. And there is an explanation for this: such masks are suitable for everyone, they are very affordable, their preparation does not require large material investments, their components are always available in every home. There are no contraindications for such masks. Some auxiliary components may just not be suitable.

How to prepare a kefir mask: video