Pediatric development. Experimentation in the second junior group “Magic water Experimentation games in the second junior group

Target: development of cognitive and research activities;

Introduce children to the fact that when air gets into a drop of soapy water, a bubble forms, check this with the help of experiment.
Continue to form children's ideas that water can change its color.
To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance and joy.
Remind the children about safety precautions: you should not put soap or soap bubbles in your mouth.
Water containers, spoons, tubes (2 pieces per child), sticks with rings at the end, soap solution, gouache paints - red, blue, yellow, thick brushes, aprons, Malvina doll (or other character).

Progress of gaming activities:

Today, when I came to the group, I saw that our beloved Malvina was sad. Will she tell us why now?
- Hello, guys, I came to you and carried many, many bubbles, but they all flew away and burst. I have nothing left.
- Guys, what are we going to do?
(Listen to all the children’s answers and lead them to the conclusion that you need to make bubbles yourself).
I suggest you wear aprons so as not to get dirty.
Children approach table No. 1, on which containers with water and straws are placed.
The game "Bulbochki" is played.
Teacher (says and shows):
- I take in air through my nose and exhale through my mouth through a straw.
Let me remind you that you don’t need to put water in your mouth.
Children do an experiment.
-Where did the air go? (We exhaled it and got bubbles).
Malvina, did you have such bubbles?
- No, my bubbles were different, multi-colored.
- Oh, what kind of water do we have in our glasses? (it’s transparent, so the bubbles were transparent and colorless).
Guys, how can you make water colorful? (Add paint to it).
Children approach table No. 2, on which glasses with clear water, containers with paint, tubes, and brushes are placed.
Game "Water Coloring".
Teacher (only explains, children do it themselves.)
- We put paint on the brush and lower the brush into a glass of water, rinse the brush.
- You made beautiful water!
Asks the children:
- What color are you? And you?
-Where are the bubbles?
The teacher reminds you to take in air through your nose and exhale through your mouth through a straw.
I remind you that you cannot put water in your mouth.
Children blow into straws and release a lot of bubbles.
-Malvina, did you have such bubbles?
- No, my bubbles were different, they flew, but yours can’t fly!
- What should we do, guys? (listen to all the answers).
Should we try making soap bubbles?
Approach table number 3
Teacher (shows and explains)
-I take a glass of water and pour 3 teaspoons of liquid soap into it, stir it, take sticks with a ring at the end, dip them into the solution, you want it to form a film, take in air with your nose and blow it out with your mouth.
- Look, I got a bubble. Malvina, have you ever had such bubbles?
Malvina (joyfully):
- Yes, yes, they were like that and they still flew.
- Let's go, guys, let's teach Malvina how to blow soap bubbles.
Children play with bubbles.

Educator: let's teach the other kids how to make soap bubbles.

Blowing bubbles
Look at these!
They are all airborne
And very naughty!
How can we catch them?
Hold it on your palm!”

Oksana Mikhaleva
Experimentation in the second junior group “Magic Water”

Experimentation in the 2nd junior group« Magic water»


1. Development of cognitive activity in the process experimentation.

2. Formation of an idea about the properties of water and the degree of its importance in human life and all living things on earth.


1. Create conditions for identifying properties and qualities water: transparent, odorless, pours, some substances dissolve in it, other substances color it, water can be cold or warm.

2. Introduce the process of turning water into ice, ice and snow into water.

3. Foster a sense of mutual assistance and accuracy when conducting experiments.


Gouache paint, brush, transparent glasses with water, sponge, rubber bulb, napkins.

Research activities were carried out in 2 younger group.

In progress experimentation Children's vocabulary is replenished with words denoting sensory signs of a property, phenomenon or object of nature (color, shape, magnitude: wrinkles - breaks, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm, etc.).

"Colorful water"

Give an idea of ​​what water has no color, but it can be painted.

She suggested that the children prepare strawberry juice; it was necessary to attract the children’s attention with an element magic. I asked a question children: “And if we put a brush with pink paint in a glass of water, I wonder what will happen. What kind of juice is this?” (Pink – Strawberry). Water has no color, but when mixed with paint, the color changes.

Together with the children, we concluded that when paint gets into water, it takes on its color.

"The ice is melting"

Target: Introduce what water freezes in the cold and turns into ice, and then melts in the warmth.

A fairy tale was offered to the children. One winter, a little squirrel brought home a piece of ice, he left it in a hollow, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to have dinner and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered the piece of ice and ran into the hallway. The piece of ice was gone - nowhere to be found, but there was a glistening puddle on the floor.

After the experiment, it was concluded that when ice gets into a warm environment (room) he's melting. And when you take water outside, it freezes and turns into ice.

"Counting - Bathing"

Target: Introduce properties water: pours, moves.

She invited the children to play with water and draw their attention to the fact that the water moves in the direction of their hand movement, and it also shimmers and flows.

Playing with water:

We cook porridge for the kids,

(Twist the handle in the water, as if "stirring the porridge".)

We make dough for crumpets,

(Knead the water like dough.)

We treat you to sweet tea,

(We collect water in our palms and pour it back into the bath.)

Well, after that, let’s relax!

In the bath - splash!

After playing together we concluded that water has movement.

"How the water went for a walk»

Give an idea that water can be collected with various objects - a sponge, a pear, a napkin, water can change the direction of movement and is absorbed into objects.

After the experiments, the children clearly saw that water absorbs easily and has movement.

Target: Strengthen correct breathing, the ability to regulate the force of exhalation. Glasses and straws for cocktails were taken. They poured water into a glass and invited the children to exhale calmly through the straw. Bubbles have formed on the surface of the water - this is the air that we exhale.

They concluded that when air gets into the water, it boils.

Role experienced - experimental The activities of preschool children are very large. Children's experimentation is of great importance in the development of children's intellectual abilities. Experimental activity, along with play, is the leading activity of a preschool child.

Bottom line: Water is life, no living thing on earth can live without water. People, animals, plants need water, so it is important to treat water with care.

Therefore, from preschool age it is necessary to raise children in an environmentally correct manner, because children are our future.

I wanted to end my research part with the words of Albert Einstein “He who has never made a mistake has never tried something new.”

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated lesson “Magic Water”“Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” in preparatory school group No. 12 “Stars” Topic: “Magic - water”.

Form of implementation: lesson - experience. Goal: develop an interest in nature. introduce children to the basic properties of water.

Summary of a lesson on experimentation and cognitive development in the junior group “Magic Water” Compiled by: Teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 1 St. Petersburg, Kolpino Mikhailova E. N. Lesson summary with application of experimentation and cognitive.

Summary of a lesson on experimentation in the preparatory group “Magic water, we will recognize you” MBDOU No. 1 Author: Yulia Sergeevna Grinko, Yulia Aleksandrovna Dumenova, Maykop educators Goal: to instill interest in research activities.

Lesson summary “Magic water, we will recognize you”"Magic water, we recognize you." Objectives: - introduce children to some properties of water; - develop an analyzing perception of objects.


Card index of games with water in the second junior group Playing with water is interesting and useful. And in the cold season it’s not a hindrance. In winter, factory-made bathtubs are very convenient for playing with water. But if such a bath is not available, you can purchase a plastic basin.
The tasks that the teacher solves when conducting such classes: 1. Introducing children to the world around them (properties of water, qualities of materials, actions with water and objects).
2. Expansion of vocabulary.
3. Children’s mastery of the mathematical concepts “full - empty”, “many - small”.
4. Physical development of children (hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills develop).
5. Relieving mental stress, states of internal discomfort and aggression.
When installing a bathtub with water, you need to consider:
- free access to the bath, the ability for several children to play at the same time;
- water level for small children 5-7 cm;
- the top edge of the bath should be at the level of the child’s waist.
The following materials are prepared for playing with water: - vessels of different shapes and volumes (cups, spoons, funnels, jars with different hole diameters);
- small toys made of different materials (plastic, rubber, wood);
- natural material (cones, pebbles, shells, sticks);
- waste material (wooden planks, metal blocks, sponges, pieces of fabric, plastic tubes, corks);
- homemade floating toys-boats (a cork with a small toy, a walnut shell with a flag, a foam boat);
- food coloring, shampoo;
- three or four oilcloth aprons.
When organizing games and exercises with water, the role of an adult is great: he selects materials and attributes, organizes games with water together with children, develops in children the ability to act with the proposed material, and gradually introduces new games and exercises. And in order to attract the children’s attention, let Droplet come to them every time and tell them a lot of interesting things about water. (The droplet is sewn from oilcloth and decorated with beads or buttons.)


"Let's get to know the water."
Talk with children about the properties of water.
- Water spills over the surface of the table.
- Water can be collected with a sponge. Practice collecting water with a sponge: put the sponge in a puddle, squeeze the water out of the sponge into the bathtub.
- The water can be warm or cold. Bring cold and hot water (with the children, check the temperature of the hot water through the sides of the bucket, and the temperature of the cold water in the bucket). Mix and make warm water.
- Water is poured into different vessels. With the children, pour water from a large vessel into several small ones. Give children the opportunity to pour their own water.
“Come on, catch it!”
Place a plate or bucket on the table lid (if the game table has two bowls, the lid on a closed bath is used as a table). Small objects and toys float in the water bath. Invite the children to catch them one at a time with a spoon and put them in a bucket. At first, help your child by gently guiding his hand. Make sure your child holds the spoon correctly. It is important to complete the exercise: transfer all items to a plate, and collect spilled water with a sponge. To increase children's interest in the exercise and complicate the action, next time offer him a strainer or net instead of a spoon.
“Who will pour and pour out faster?”
Offer children different shaped vessels (bottles, mugs, jars). Let the children fill them with water by lowering the container into the water. Tell the children that water is poured into different containers. Suggest pouring water through a funnel into containers of different sizes.
“Jur-zhur, drip-drip...”
When pouring water from a bottle, invite children to listen to the water gurgling. Listen with your children to how a drop from a pipette hits the surface of a table or an iron tray.
What different bottles!
Give children bottles with different neck diameters. Let the children fill their bottles at the same time. Also let the children pour out the water at the same time. Encourage children to understand that the speed at which water is filled and drained from a bottle depends on the size of the neck.
"Colorful Water"
In the presence of children, color the bath water with food coloring. Let the children pour the “magic” water into transparent containers, and express admiration for what they see with them. Give children joy by letting them float fish, boats, foam boats and walnut shells in unusual waters. Show how you can use a wand to direct the boat in the right direction.
"Magic Pebble"
Look at dry pebbles with your children. Place them in a bath of water. Talk to the children about how the pebbles are heavy and they fell to the bottom. Take out the stones and compare them with dry ones. Together with the children, conclude that the wet pebbles have changed their color.
“We must, we must help!”
From time to time, give the children instructions: wash the dolls, help wash the doll’s dishes and toys, “wash” the doll’s clothes, help water the flowers.
Children of the fourth year of life can do the simplest experiments with water.
"What is snow?"
Bring snow to the group and put it in the bath. Watch the snow melt with your children. Conclude: snow is frozen water.
“Why can’t you eat snow?”
Consider the water that appears in the bath. Draw children's attention to the dirt at the bottom of the bathtub. Help the children come to a conclusion about why they should not put snow in their mouth.
"What is ice?"
Bring and place ice cubes in the dry bath. Close the bath. After a while, look for ice in the bathtub. Talk to your children about why there is water in the bathtub and why the ice pieces are so small. Conclude: the ice melted and turned into water. Continue the experiment by taking the water in the molds outside in frosty weather. Reinforce with your children the concept that ice is frozen water.
“Why is the icicle crying?”
Attach a strainer over the bathtub and place an icicle in it. Watch with your children how, after a while, water begins to drip from the strainer into the bathtub. Lead the children to the idea that the icicle will melt in the warmth. And on the street the sun will warm the icicle, and it will begin to drip, “cry.”
"Drowning - not drowning"
Give the children different objects (wooden, metal, plastic, rubber, pebbles). Offer to throw them into the bath water. See which ones drowned and which ones floated.
"Fun with water"
It is useful for young children to organize small holidays. Arrange for your kids "
Festival of Soap Bubbles.
Whip up some soap suds in the bath, use a straw to blow bubbles, and admire the iridescent splendor with your children. Let them try to catch a multi-colored soap bubble on their palm. Read the poem “Soap Bubbles” by E. Fargen.
Be careful - bubbles...
- Oh, what!
- Oh, look!
- They're swelling!
- They shine!
- They're having a blast!
- They're flying!
- Mine is made with plum.
- Mine is the size of a nut.
– Mine didn’t burst for the longest time!

"Magic Bottle"
A bottle with a tight-fitting lid can turn into a fun toy. To do this, pour water into a bottle and place buttons, beads, and finely chopped foil. When you turn the bottle over, objects slowly fall down.

Drawing artists

Target: make you want to draw on a wet sheet, find out that the colors are mixed and do not have a clear boundary, new colors are obtained.

Material: a large sheet of paper for watercolors, moistened with water, oilcloth, paints and brushes.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word: The sun is yellow in the sky
Red flowers bloom.
A fish splashes in the blue sea,
Draw it all yourself.

The process of painting with watercolors on a wet sheet can give you an unforgettable experience. To do this, lay an oilcloth on the table and wet a thick sheet of watercolor paper. Dip your brush into one of the paints and gently brush over the paper. Give the opportunity to play with colors. As if by chance, you can brush over the drawing with just water, without paint - the water will create delicate, blurry, light halftones on the sheet.

Who lives in the water

Target: develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Material : blue and cyan pencils or watercolors, landscape sheet

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word : Water men
We spent the whole day splashing in the river.
And then they climbed into the basin
Take another swim.

Sandmen live in the sandbox, and water men live in the water (in the sea, in the lake, in the river, as well as in the bathtub and basin). The water men are also very fun to play with. They may look like the picture. But you can come up with water men yourself and draw them in an album. Give your child blue and cyan crayons or watercolors and ask him to draw his own water people.

Drink delicious juice dolls

Target: identify the properties of water and paints, the ability of paints to dissolve in water and change its color.
Material: watercolor paints, brushes, transparent plastic glasses with water.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

One day the bunny decided to show his mother a trick. He placed transparent glasses on the table. Then he poured water into them. Water flowed gurgle-glug.
- Mom, close your eyes! - said Bunny.
Mom closed her eyes and began to wait for what would happen. (And you close your eyes).
- Open up! - Bunny commanded.
When mom opened her eyes, she saw that the water in the glasses was no longer plain, but multi-colored - yellow, red, blue, green and orange. (And you show with your finger which one is which).
- How beautiful! - Mom was delighted.

Invite the children to prepare multi-colored juice for the dolls, try to attract the child’s attention with an element of magic: “And if we put a brush with yellow paint in a glass of water, I wonder what will happen. What kind of juice is this?”
Set the table, arrange the glasses, seat the dolls, and treat them to drinks. Red water will turn into tomato juice, orange water into orange juice, yellow water into pineapple juice, and blue water into blackberry juice.

A fairy tale about how a rainbow swam in water

Target: introduce the production of intermediate colors by mixing red and yellow, blue and green.

Material: seven transparent glasses with warm water, seven colors of gouache paints.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

In the summer, after rain, a bright rainbow appeared in the sky, she looked down at the ground and saw a large smooth lake there. Rainbow looked into it as if into a mirror and thought: “How beautiful I am!” Then she decided to swim in the warm lake. Like a huge multi-colored ribbon, the rainbow fell into the lake. The water in the lake immediately turned different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The kids came running with brushes and albums, dipped their brushes into the water and painted pictures. The rainbow had plenty of fun and flew away beyond the clouds. The water in the lake became clear, and the kids brought home beautiful and bright drawings.

Rainbows in water don't only happen in fairy tales. For example, you can color the water with paints, invite your child to dip his finger in the red paint, and then lower it into a glass of water. Do the same with the other colors one by one. You will get seven cups corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

A piece of ice is melting

Target: introduce what freezes in the cold and melts in the warmth.

Material: candle, spoon, ice, transparent cups with hot and cold water.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

One winter, a little squirrel brought home a piece of ice, an icicle, he left it in a hollow, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to have dinner and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered about the piece of ice and ran into the hallway. The piece of ice was gone - nowhere to be found, but there was a glistening puddle on the floor.

Put a piece of ice on a spoon and heat it over the candle flame: “Look, here is ice. Let's heat it up on the fire. Where is the ice? Melted! What did the ice turn into? Into some water!”
Pour hot water into a transparent glass mug or glass (it can be tinted), put in a piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how ice melts differently in water of different temperatures.


Target: identify the properties of water: it can heat up, cool down, freeze, melt.

Material: baths, water of different temperatures, pieces of ice.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word :

Winter - Winter has come, and the water in rivers and lakes has frozen. The water turned into ice. Following Winter, the red Spring arrived, melted the ice, warmed the water a little. We can launch boats. The hot summer has arrived, and the water is warm and warm. You can swim and splash. And then cool Autumn came to visit us. And the water in rivers, lakes and puddles became cold. Winter will come again soon. So they come to visit us in turn: after Winter - Spring, after Spring - Summer, after Summer - Autumn, after Autumn - Winter.

Take two wide cups. Pour cold water into one, warm water into the other. Cold water is “winter”, warm water is “summer”. Let the baby touch the water with his hand. “Where is the cold water? Where is our “winter”? Here in this cup. Where's the warm water? Where is our “summer”? Right here." Then take four cups or small basins. Place a small piece of ice in one cup (“winter”), pour lukewarm water into another (“spring”), warm but not hot water into the third (“summer”), and cold water into the fourth (“autumn”). Teach your child to determine what kind of water is in the cups and what time of year it corresponds.

Counting table

Target: introduce the properties of water: it flows, it moves.

Material: bath with water, toys.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word: Cook porridge for babies (twist the handle in the water, as if “stirring the porridge.”)
We make dough for crumpets (knead water like dough.)
We treat you to sweet tea,
(We collect water in our palms and pour it back into the bath.)
Well, after that, let’s relax! In the bath - splash!

Invite the children to play with water, pay attention to the fact that the water moves in the direction of movement of their hand, and it also shimmers and flows.

How the water went for a walk

Target: give an idea that water can be collected with various objects - a sponge, a pipette, a bulb, a napkin.

Material: foam sponge, plastic syringe without a needle, rubber bulb, bath of water.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

They poured some water into the basin and forgot about it. After a while, the water girl got bored: “I’m sitting here and I don’t see anything, but there are probably so many interesting things around!” She wanted to get out of the basin, but it didn’t work out - the water has no arms or legs. She wanted to call someone, but the voice of the water in the basin was quiet - no one heard her. And then my mother came and thought: “Why is there water standing here?” took it and poured it into the sink. Water flowed through the pipes and ended up in a large river, in which there was a lot of other water. And our water flowed along with the big river through the city, past beautiful houses and green gardens. “How beautiful, how wonderful! - thought the water girl. “If I were sitting in my basin and wouldn’t see this beauty!”
Take a foam or other absorbent sponge, a rubber bulb and a plastic syringe (without a needle). Pour water into a small basin, prepare several empty containers (cups, bowls, etc.). Ask your child to dip the sponge in water and show how to squeeze it into the cup. Then take the water with a rubber bulb and pour it into another container. Do the same with the syringe.

Foam castle

Target: introduce the fact that when air gets into a drop of soapy water, a bubble forms, then foam.

Material: a small container with soapy water, straws, a rubber toy.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

Foam before our eyes
The castle will grow now,
We will blow the tube with you
The prince will play the pipe.

Pour some dishwashing detergent into a small container, add water and stir. Take a wide cocktail straw, place it in a bowl and start blowing. Simultaneously with the loud gurgling, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow in front of the child’s eyes.
Give your child a straw and ask him to blow first with you, then on his own. Place a plastic or rubber toy inside the foam - this is “the prince who lives in a foam castle.”

Why don't the boats sail?

Target: detect air, create wind.

Material: paper and foam boats, a bath of water.
Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

The boats are standing in the blue sea and just can’t sail. The captains began to ask Sunshine: “Sunshine! Help our ships sail! The sun answers them: “I can heat the water in the sea!” The Sun heated the water, the water became warm, but the boats still did not sail. Night has fallen. Stars appeared in the sky. The captains began to ask them: “Stars! Help our boats sail!” The stars answer them: “We can show you the way where you need to go!” The captains were offended: “We ourselves know where to sail, but we can’t move!” Suddenly the wind blew. The captains began to ask him: “Breeze! Help our ships set off!" “It's very simple!” - said the Wind and began to blow on the boats. And the ships sailed.

Invite the children to put the boats in a bath of water, ask if the boats float, and why? What needs to be done to make the boats sail? Listen to the children’s suggestions and bring them to the conclusion that wind is needed. Where to “get” the wind? Children blow on boats and create wind.


Target: consolidate knowledge about the properties of water - it flows, you can strain it through a net.

Material: a bowl of water, a net, a strainer, a toy colander, small toys.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word : - Fisherman, what kind of fish?
Did you catch us for lunch?
He answers with a smile:
- This is not a secret at all!
I managed to catch it so far
Two shoes with holes!

Pour water into a basin and give your baby a net for catching aquarium fish, a small strainer with a handle, or a toy colander. Throw a few small toys into the water. They can float on the surface or lie on the bottom. Invite your child to catch these toys with a net. You can ask him to catch some specific toys: “Catch a blue ball, catch a red fish,” etc.

Soap bubbles

Target: create a desire to blow soap bubbles, introduce the fact that when air gets into soapy water, a bubble forms.

Material: soapy water, cocktail tubes, bottles with the bottom cut off, gel pen body.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word: Vodichka doesn’t like slobs and dirty people,
Seething and swearing: “Glug-bul-bul-bul!”
But if we wash our hands and faces,
Vodichka is happy and is no longer angry.

Lather your hands until you get a lush, thick foam. Then separate your palms so that a thin transparent soap film forms between them. Blow on it and you will get a soap bubble. Let the child blow on the soap film in your palms, help him make his own soap bubble. To encourage your child to blow soap bubbles on his own, offer him, in addition to a frame from a purchased bubble, a variety of tubes - a cocktail tube, a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off, or roll and glue a thick tube from thick paper. To get a solid tube (kids often bite or bend cocktail tubes), you can disassemble the gel pen and take the body from it - a transparent plastic tube.
You can make your own bubble water using dishwashing liquid.


Target: give an idea that water can change the direction of movement.

Material: an empty basin, a ladle with water, funnels, grooves made from half a plastic bottle, from cardboard bent in the shape of a fishing line.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word : Water is pouring from a great height,
Splashes fly onto the grass and flowers.
The kids around are buzzing animatedly,
The waterfall is louder than the kids.

Encourage the children to play with the funnels and grooves. Let them try pouring water into the basin through funnels, and now through a plastic channel and a cardboard channel curved like a ladder. Combine these items: pour water onto the grooves through funnels. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the water is moving. Ask them what would happen if we held the grooves differently (the direction of water movement would change).

The Tale of the Pebble

Target: use an example to show that objects can be light and heavy.

Material: a bath of water, small heavy and light objects, pebbles.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word :
There was a small pebble lying on the shore of the lake. He looked at the beautiful lilies and water lilies that floated on the water and thought: “How happy they are, floating like little boats. I want to swim too!” a boy came to the shore of the lake, took a pebble and threw it into the water. Pebble was happy: “Finally my dream has come true! I will swim! But it turned out that he could not swim because he was too heavy. And the pebble sank to the bottom of the lake. At first he was very upset. And then I saw how many funny fish, other pebbles and beautiful plants there were around. The pebble stopped being sad and became friends with the fish. What can you do! Heavy pebbles cannot float.
Take several small, light objects that can float (for example, a feather, a ball, a paper boat, a thin sliver) and several heavy objects that will lie on the bottom (for example, a pebble, a key, a coin). Fill the bathtub or basin with water. Give the child one of the objects and ask him to put it in the water. At the same time, tell him: “Look, the boat is floating! And the key sank - it’s heavy! The petal floats - it’s light!”

Who woke up the baby whale

Target: introduce the fact that there is air inside a person and discover it.

Material: a bath of water, straws, soapy water in cups.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word:

The wind blows and blows, “Well, what does it look like!
It raises waves in the sea. My baby whale can't sleep!
The blue sea is seething, the wind is howling very loudly -
The daddy whale is dissatisfied: He doesn’t give us all peace!
Kitikha agrees:
“We need it to be quiet!
Wind, wind, don't blow your whistle,
Don’t wake up our baby!”

Take a cocktail straw, place it in the water and ask your child to blow into the straw until the water begins to bubble. And if you prepare a soap solution in a ladle and blow into a tube, foam will begin to form and a lush soap “beard” will grow from the ladle.

Branch in a vase

Target : show the importance of water in plant life.

Material : tree branch, vase with water, “living water” sticker.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word : A powerful truck passed and a branch broke,
A twig fell on the snow and lay there,
But her hand raised her caringly and tenderly
And she took her into the warm water to drink from the snow.
We put a branch in a vase, all the buds will open,
Green leaves will appear from them.

Cut or pick up a broken twig from rapidly budding trees. Take a vase and put a “living water” sticker on it.
Together with your children, look at the twigs and buds on them. Then place the branch in the water and explain to the children that one of the important properties of water is to give life to all living things. Place the branch in a visible place. Ask children what will happen, develop the ability to make guesses. Watch every day, time will pass, the buds will burst and green leaves will appear.

Ice figures

Freeze water not only in special molds, but also in other containers. Use plastic cups, candy molds, etc. to get a variety of ice shapes of different sizes. Use them as a constructor - lay out patterns (preferably on a uniform colored background). Make an ice pyramid or house from pieces of ice.

"Washes the chimney sweep"

Required equipment: a small plastic or rubber doll, a foam sponge.

Ask your child to wash the dirty doll. Name the parts of the body that need to be washed: “Now wash her foot, look how dirty it is ", etc. You can soap the sponge; pay attention to the NATO child how the soaped doll glides in his hands.

The game promotes the development of motor skills and speech.


Required equipment: a container for ice cubes, a chaska with slightly tinted gouache water, a pipette, a sponge or a napkin.

    Using a pipette, the child transfers water from a cup to an ice container.

    When all the cells are full, you can collect the water back into the cup in the same way.

    During the experiment, you can calculate how many drops fit into one cell, two, etc.

"Water the flowers"

Required equipment: baby watering can

Take a watering can with water for a walk. Find a flowerbed and explain to your child that in order for the flowers to grow well, they need to be watered. Let the baby water the flowerbed himself. Pay his attention to how the ground darkens when watering. You can water the grass, trees, and shrubs, while explaining how the plants drink water. Examine the droplets of water remaining on the leaves, notice that the streams of water from the watering can look like rain. Sing a song or read a poem.

Let's take a watering can

and pour water into it.

We will water the flowers with a watering can,

Grow up quickly

The game promotes the development of imagination and motor skills. The child studies the properties and purposes of objects and gets acquainted with the plant world.

"Wring out the washcloth"

Required equipment: two containers, a foam sponge.

Fill one container with water. Show your child how you can use a sponge to transfer water from one dish to another. Offer to try to do the same yourself.

The game develops fine motor skills.

"A teaspoon per hour"

Required equipment: 2 cups, teaspoon, tablespoon.

Pour water into one glass. Show your child how to pour water using spoons into another glass. Let him play on his own.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, helps to master concepts, empty, full.

"Poured - Poured"

Required equipment: container with water, 1 large glass and 1 small glass.

Place a bowl of water in front of the child, show how you can scoop up water with one glass and pour it into another. Give your child freedom of action.

The game promotes the development of coordination of movements and expands ideas about the properties of matter.

"Balls in the Water"

In such an experimental game, fine motor skills are trained.

Required equipment: two deep plates or two small basins, several tennis balls, a strainer with a handle, a napkin or sponge.

Place two deep plates on the table, fill one of them with water and drop the balls into it. The child uses a strainer to remove the balls from a plate of water and place them in an empty plate. During the experiment, he notices that water spills into the holes of the strainer, and that the plastic balls do not sink in the water.


Required equipment: watering can.

Place plastic toys in a basin or bathtub, give the child a watering can and offer to play with doll rain. Water the dolls with a watering can, remembering all the poems you know about rain. After the “rain”, give your baby a dry towel and ask him to dry all the toys.

Rain, rain! Leisure more!

Let it grow . The wheat is thicker!

Leisya, Leisya, Like a river! There will be white flour! G. Lagzdyn

"Drowning - not drowning"

Required material: a bowl of water, several items made of different materials: a feather, a nail, a plastic ball, a clothespin, a bead, a piece of paper, etc.

During the experiment, the child must distribute objects according to the sign “Drowning or not drowning”

    Sinks immediately

    Sinks after getting wet

    Doesn't sink.

"Bouncing Ball"

Required equipment: plastic table tennis ball.

Turn on the water tap and throw the ball into the stream of water. It will be interesting for the child to watch the ball jumping in the stream of water without jumping out of it.

"The magical property of water"

Required equipment: rubber glove, balloon, ball, water jug, bottle, sponge.

    During the experiment, the child gains knowledge that water takes the shape of the object being filled.

"Spill equally"

Required equipment: three transparent glasses, a jug or kettle with water, a napkin.

    The child should pour water from the jug equally into all three glasses. When the cups are filled, you check the result.

    The work can be repeated by pouring the water from the cups back into the jug.

"Whipping foam"

Required equipment: a bowl of water, a whisk, bubble bath or liquid soap, a sponge or napkin.

    The child pours a little soap or foam into the bath and uses a whisk to whip up the foam. Looks, enough soap has been added to the basin. If not, add a little more.

    When the experiment is finished, he pours the water into the bucket. Drops of water on the table and wet basin are wiped with a sponge or napkin.

    This experiment is also useful for developing the muscles of the hand.

"Through the Sieve"

Required equipment: glass, sieve.

Place a bowl of water in front of the child and let the child pour water from the glass into the sieve. Explain to him why the water flows away. In the game, the child learns the purpose of objects and the properties of matter.

"Swim or sink"

Place a bowl of water in front of the child, give him buttons, pebbles, scraps of fabric, small toys, a metal or wooden spoon. Let the baby throw all the objects into the water and watch them. Explain why some things sink while others remain on the surface.

In the game, the properties of objects are learned, the foundations of classification are laid, and fine motor skills are developed.


Game “Tramming the paths”


Content: The teacher and the baby walk along the sand, leaving footprints, while you can say: “Big feet walked along the road: To-o-p, to-o-p, to-o-p. Little legs ran along the path: Top-top-top! Top! Top-top-top! Top! "An adult and a child can change this game by pretending to be someone who can leave big and small marks. Large footprints are left by the clubfoot bear. The little squirrel will leave behind small footprints.

Game “I bake, bake, bake”

Target: acquaintance with the properties of sand, development of coordination of movements, hand motor skills.

Content: The child “bakes” buns, pies, and cakes from sand. To do this, the baby can use a variety of molds, pouring sand into them, compacting them with his hand or a scoop. You can also “bake” pies with your hands, transferring wet sand from one palm to another. Then the child “treats” the pies to the dolls.

Game "Magic fingerprints on the sand"

Target: familiarization with the properties of sand, development of coordination of movements

Content: The teacher and the child leave prints of their hands and feet in the wet sand, and then finish drawing them or add pebbles to create funny faces, fish, octopuses, birds, etc.

Game "Guess what's hidden in the sand"

Target: Development of the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description

Content: The child is invited, using miniature figures, to build a sand picture called “What does not happen in the world.” After completing the work, the child is asked to talk about what happened. Try to compose a fairy tale with him.

Game “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

Target: Familiarization with the outside world, development of thinking, speech, motor skills.

Content: With a wave of a magic wand, one sandbox turns into an orchard, the other into a vegetable garden. Children are encouraged to plant a garden and vegetable garden. After completing the task, the children tell what grows where. An adult asks the child to describe vegetables and fruits by shape, color, taste.

Game "Journey to a fairy-tale city"

Target: Development of figurative thinking, imagination, speech.

Content: An adult shows the child a sign with a picture of a cabinet on it and asks what the name of the store that sells this item might be. After all the signs have been examined, the adult tells a story about a fairy-tale city.

Children say the magic words “Crible-crable-boom” and begin to build a fairy-tale city. After completing the work, they talk about what happened and share their impressions.

Game "Builders on a Fairytale Island"

Target: Development of imagination, creative thinking, sensory perception, artistic and design abilities, the ability to build in accordance with the plan.

Content: An adult tells a story about a bottle washed up on the seashore with a letter inside. The child takes the bottle and takes out the following letter.

There was a wonderful island in the ocean,

Hitherto unknown to anyone.

Castles, towers and palaces

Built by creative builders.

But black clouds suddenly came running,

The sun was blocked, the wind was called.

The residents only managed to hide

Fire, hurricane and rain came.

Everything was destroyed: only stones.

This is what is left of this country.

Now there is no such thing as wondrous beauty.

There are only dreams left, that...

At this point the letter is interrupted.

The adult asks the children the following questions for discussion:

1. What do you think the person who wrote this note dreamed of?

2. What kind of person was this?

Adult. Guys, look, on the back of the note there are drawings of structures made from blocks of various shapes and colors. Let's take a magic wand, say "Crible-crable-boom" and move to Fairy Tale Island, where we will try to build wonderful structures according to the drawings. Let's make a person's dream come true. Let's go!


When playing with sand, you can perform the following exercises:

- walk with your palms, leaving traces;

- create various bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand with fingerprints, fists, and edges of the palms, try to find similarities between the patterns and objects in the surrounding world;

- walk along the surface of the sand with each finger with both hands;

- play with your fingers on the surface of the sand, like on a piano keyboard. At the same time, not only the fingers move, but also the hands, making small movements up and down;

- make the cake using a mold and a scoop.

Any time of the year

We play with sand.

We bake pies and cakes,

Then we'll clean everything up ourselves.

"Sand patterns"

Target: Give children an understanding of the properties of sand, develop fine motor skills, imagination, and coordination of movements.

Means: dry sand, a cardboard cone with a small hole in its top and strings tied to its edges, a tray.

Methodical recommendations: The teacher shows the children how to fill a cone with sand by plugging the hole with a finger, and how to make sand patterns by slightly swinging the cone over a tray.

Then the teacher invites the child to try drawing with sand. You can stop the stream of sand at any time by holding a cup prepared in advance to the cone.

The rest of the children can watch how the sand pours in, forming slides, paths and various patterns.

We'll take a cone with a hole,

Let's start pouring sand.

The bag is swinging on strings,

The pattern appears on the tray.


Something in the box

Target: introduce the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle), show that light does not pass through transparent objects.
Material: A box with a lid in which a slot is made; flashlight, lamp.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

Dad gave the bunny a small flashlight, the bunny liked to play with the flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and looked under the sofa, shining it inside the closet and in all corners.
- Bunny, where is your ball? - Mom asked.
- I'll go look! - said Bunny and went into the dark room.
- I'm not afraid! - Bunny said cheerfully and lit a flashlight.
The bunny shined a flashlight and found the ball.

The adult invites the children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to find out what is in it (look through the slot). Children look through the slot and note that it is darker in the box than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done to make the box lighter (open the slot completely or remove the lid so that light enters the box and illuminates the objects inside it). The adult opens the slot, and after the children are convinced that it has become light in the box, he talks about other light sources - a flashlight and a lamp, which he lights in turn and places inside the box so that the children can see the light through the slot. Together with the children, he compares in which case it is better to see and draws a conclusion about the meaning of light.

Sunny bunny

Target: introduce a natural source of light - the sun.

Material: small mirrors, sunlight

Progress of the game - experiment

Having chosen the moment when the sun is peeking through the window, use a mirror to catch a ray of light and try to draw the baby’s attention to how the sun “bunny” jumps along the wall, across the ceiling, from the wall to the sofa, etc. offer to catch the running “bunny”. If the child liked the game, switch roles: give him a mirror, show him how to catch the beam, and then stand against the wall. Try to “catch” a speck of light as emotionally as possible, while not forgetting to comment on your actions: “I’ll catch you, I’ll catch you!” What a nimble bunny - he runs fast! Oh, and now it’s on the ceiling, out of reach... Come on, hare, come down to us!” etc. A child's laughter will be your best reward.

Shadows on the wall

In the evening, when it gets dark, turn on the table lamp and point it at the wall. Using your hands, you will get the shadow of a barking dog, a flying bird, etc. on the wall. You can use various objects and toys.

Who heated the objects?

During a walk, the teacher shows the children a bunny and says: “The bunny jumped onto the bench. Oh, how warm it is! Touch the bench, what is it like: warm or not? Who heated it up? Yes, honey! Spring has come. The sun is very hot and the bench has also warmed up. Now the bunny jumped onto the swing.” The children and the teacher walk around the area and find out that the table, the wall of the building, etc. have become warm. “Who heated all this?” - asks the teacher.

You can sit the bunny on a bench and after a while you will see that the bunny has become warm. “Who warmed him up?”

Who plays with ribbons?

On the veranda, the teacher hands out plums to the children. He invites you to listen: do paper ribbons rustle? Are they moving? Emphasizes: the tapes do not move or rustle.

Suggests: “Let’s play with ribbons” (makes various movements). Emphasizes that we are playing with ribbons. Then he invites you to stand quietly and watch: are the tapes playing now?

After this, he suggests leaving the veranda and standing quietly, drawing attention to the tapes: who is playing with them? Addresses the children: “Anya, who is playing with your ribbons? Seryozha, aren’t you playing with your ribbons? And who plays them? Leads the children to the conclusion: it is the wind playing with ribbons.

We are surprised by everything. How? Why and why?

Preschool children- inquisitive researchers of the surrounding world. They learn it in play, on walks, in classes, and in communication with peers. A child's thinking begins with a question, with surprise or bewilderment, with a contradiction. Therefore, I was faced with the task of creating conditions for independently finding answers to my questions “Why?” and “How?”.
A thoughtful, systematic introduction of the child to the unknown contributed to the development of his most important thinking operations:
analysis (observing objects, children examine and study them),
comparison (children find similarities and differences between objects and materials from which they are made),
the ability to establish relationships (children highlight ways of using objects in various areas),
generalization (children learn to combine objects, classifying them into groups as living or inanimate nature, the man-made world, based on identifying essential features).
Experimentation, as one of the forms of organizing children's activities, encouraged children to be active and independent, to discover new knowledge and ways of knowing. And I tried to help the child realize his curiosity, direct it in the right direction, and become an assistant to the child in understanding the world. I came to the conclusion that the main advantage of using the experimentation method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:
Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied and its relationships with other objects and with the environment.
The child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated.
Speech develops.
There is an accumulation of a fund of mental skills.
Independence, goal-setting, and the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result are formed.
The child’s emotional sphere and creative abilities develop, work skills are formed, and health is improved by increasing the overall level of physical activity.
My work with children was aimed at creating conditions for sensory development while getting to know the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. During which I combined the demonstration with the child’s active action to examine the object (touching, tasting, smelling, etc.).
She taught me to compare objects that are similar in appearance, to compare facts and conclusions from reasoning.
By organizing games with the objects and materials being studied, I not only introduced the children to the properties, but also reinforced basic ideas about the shape, different sizes, and colors of objects, developing the child’s fine motor skills. Kids love these games very much.
Studying the “Water” section. Water can be poured, heated, caught in the water, etc. In practice, children have learned that they can wash themselves with water, dip objects in it, and they will become cleaner if washed with water. During the experiment, children get the idea that water is liquid and therefore can spill out of a vessel; that water has no color, but can be colored; that water can be warm and cold, that water is clear, but it can become cloudy; that some substances dissolve in water, and some can impart their taste to water; that water can turn into ice and ice can turn into water.
"Sand" Sand can be poured from palm to palm, from a scoop into a mold, you can bury various objects in it and dig them out, build slides, paths, and then destroy and build again
Getting acquainted with this topic, I conducted various experiments - playing with sand. During the “Let's Bake a Treat” game, children try to make a “treat” from dry and wet sand with their hands and using molds. In the game "Traces", children are convinced that footprints and prints remain on wet sand. When conducting an experiment with sand, I suggest that children pass wet sand through a strainer, and then dry sand - the kids see that dry sand can crumble, but wet sand cannot.

The most important discovery for the children during the walk was the conclusion that sand is a lot of grains of sand.
Studying "Air" Children, with the help of object-manipulative activities, gain the idea that air is lighter than water. When conducting the didactic game “Let’s Catch the Air,” I suggested “catch” the air in plastic bags and make sure that the air is not visible, but it is there. In the game “Storm in a Glass,” kids blew through a straw into a glass of water and watched as the water expelled air. By playing the game “My Fun Tinkling Ball,” children learn that the ball bounces high because it has a lot of air. The children learned from the “Sail the Boat” experience. that objects can move using air. And while walking, watching the grass and foliage, we watched the wind, which is the movement of air.
Getting to know the "Stones" section
Carrying out manipulations with the stones “Light-heavy” and “What shape is the stone?”, we became convinced that stones are heavy and light, and that stones have different shapes. And when they compared two stones taken from the street and from a battery (in winter), they came to the conclusion that the stones can be cold and warm. And when they squeezed a stone and a wad of cotton wool in their hands, they thought that the stones were hard.
Forming ideas about “Paper”
Through experiments, children determined that the paper is light: it can be blown off the palm of your hand, and it does not sink in water, unlike stones; that paper can be thin or thick and it can tear: a napkin is very easy to crumple and tear, unlike thick cardboard.
I took the content of knowledge about natural objects in the program “Young Ecologist” by S.N. Nikolaeva. (Like the second partial program)
1. Water is a liquid substance, it pours and flows. Water has no color, smell, or taste, so it takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured. Water can be clean or dirty. Water can be of different temperatures: cold, room, hot, boiling water. Water can change its state: when cold it becomes ice, when heated it becomes steam. Ice is hard, brittle, transparent, cold, and melts with heat. Strong steam can be noticed - it happens when the water is boiling (white, in clouds, when the water cools). When cooled, the steam turns into snow and frost. Snow is white, soft, cold, melts from heat. Everyone needs water to live. Cognitive interest develops, children enjoy participating in experiments and games with water, snow, and ice.
2. Air is everywhere. It is transparent, light, invisible, easy to run and walk in, you can feel it (air). Some animals can fly - they are adapted. Man has come up with various devices for flight. Everyone needs air to breathe. A person needs clean, fresh air. It manifests itself in cognitive interest - the desire of children to participate in experiments with air, in various games to discover it.
3. Soil - earth, sand, clay and their properties. The soil is dark (black, gray), crumbly, allows water to pass through and becomes wet and sticky; clay is yellow, does not allow water to pass through well; the sand is yellow, crumbly, and easily allows water to pass through. All plants need soil.
4.Stones – river, sea, pieces of coal, chalk, granite. River and sea - hard, strong, of various shapes, colors and sizes.
Coal is black, hard, but brittle, gets dirty, is used for drawing, burns well and gives a lot of heat. Needed by factories.
Chalk is white, hard, brittle. It is obtained from rock. They can draw.
Granite is hard, variegated, of different colors. It is mined in the mountains, processed, polished - it becomes smooth, shiny, beautiful. It is expressed in children’s cognitive interest in practical experiments with different soils, stones, in voluntary participation in collecting stones, and in drawing on the site.
5. Paper – thin, rough. People make paper from wood in special factories. Paper can be very durable - cardboard. It soaks in water, can be set on fire (it burns), and can be cut. You can make many things from paper (disposable dishes, boats, cardboard boxes, napkins, etc.) It manifests itself in cognitive interest - the desire of children to participate in experiments with paper, in various games to discover its properties and qualities.
6. Fabric - it is soft and rough. People make fabric in factories to make grayer clothes. It comes in different colors and different qualities. Coats are made from one - it is very warm, from the other - light dresses for summer. The fabric can be washed and nothing will happen to it, it can be cut with scissors, or set on fire - it burns. Cognitive interest develops, children enjoy participating in experiments and games with fabric.
7. Glass – transparent, durable, smooth, odorless. Things made of glass are called glass. Glass breaks, and a shard can cut you. It cannot be cut, it does not burn. It is expressed in the cognitive interest of children in practical experiments with glass.
8. Wood – not transparent, durable, can splinter your hand, rough, smells of the forest. It can be sawed and nailed. Many objects for people are made from wood. Wood conducts heat well and burns. Cognitive interest in experiments and games with wood develops.
9. Plastic – smooth, light, you can wash it, swim with it, or crush it into small pieces. Manifests itself in cognitive interest in experiments and games with plastic
10. Salt – white, crystalline, tastes salty, odorless. It dissolves well in water. Used in cooking.
11.Sugar – white, odorless, crystalline, tastes sweet. It dissolves well in water. Used in cooking. You can grind it into powder - you get powdered sugar. Children develop a cognitive interest in these materials: they willingly participate in experiments and observations, and express different opinions.
12. Metal – hard, cold, smooth, heavy, sinks, durable. They make many objects from metal. Manifests themselves in cognitive interest in experiments and games with metal
13. Light – comes from the sun, it is warm and pleasant, needed by all living beings. Sunny spots happen when the sun shines on the glass. If the beam is directed through a magnifying glass, it can burn through the paper. Then people use sunglasses. An understanding is formed that light is very necessary, children show great interest in it.
14. Electric light is a light bulb. Lighting fixtures in small quantities and rationally placed around the room illuminate it as needed at any time. Children explore daylight and electric light and its possibilities with interest.
In the group, the Dunno Experimentation Center was created to develop cognitive activity and support experimental activities. In it, the development of primary natural science concepts, observation, curiosity, activity of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, observation) takes place; formation of skills to comprehensively examine a subject. At the same time, it is the basis for a child’s specific play activities (work in the center involves turning children into “scientists” who conduct experiments, experiments, observations on various topics). There are various materials for research that correspond to the age of the children:
Natural materials: samples of sand, clay, earth, stones, pebbles, shells, chalk, iron, rubber, plastic, wood; flower and vegetable seeds, tree samples (cones, acorns, chestnuts), seeds, nut shells, water and food coloring.
Waste material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur, paper of different textures, wire, corks, beads, ropes, laces, threads, plastic bottles of different sizes, multi-colored clothespins and elastic bands, cogs, nuts, screws, etc.
Bulk products: flour, salt, sugar, various types of cereals.
Special equipment: various tubes, funnels, sieve; cups, plates, spoons; syringes, pipettes; scales, magnifying glasses, magnifying glasses, magnets, measuring instruments.
Collections: stones, shells, feathers, paper, fabric, buttons.
In my practice, I widely used the project method as an in-depth study of objects and phenomena. Since project activities involve the interaction of all participants in the educational process: the child, parents, teachers, and the joint collection of materials on the topic of the research project reveals the creative abilities of children, involves parents in the educational process, which naturally affects the results of the work. Children and parents actively participated in educational and research projects: “Winter Beauty”, “Vegetables and Fruits are Healthy Products”, “Water is a Magician”, “Air is Invisible”, “Birds”, “Spring is Red” and many others.
Using the experimentation method in my work with children, I was convinced that in the process of independent activity the child carries out multi-level experiment:
physical: learns to control your body and individual organs;
natural history: gets acquainted with the real world around us, with the properties of objects and cause-and-effect relationships operating in the world;
social: remembers the individual characteristics of each person (peer and adult), forms of interaction between people;
cognitive: trains thought processes, masters a variety of mental operations;
linguistic: engages in word creation, discusses the results of the experiment, plays word games, i.e. experiments with words;
personal: recognizes one’s personal capabilities;
strong-willed: remembers how he himself can influence other people;
behavioral: models his behavior in various life situations. Since children's experimentation is closely connected with other types of activity - observation, speech development (the ability to clearly express one's thoughts facilitates the experiment, while the addition of knowledge contributes to the development of speech). The connection between children's experimentation and visual activity is also two-way. The more deeply a child studies an object in the process of becoming familiar with nature, the more accurately he will convey its details during visual activity. The connection between experimentation and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts does not require special proof. During the experiment, the need to count, measure, compare, determine shape and size constantly arises. All this gives mathematical concepts real significance and contributes to their understanding. Children's experimentation is a good means of intellectual development of preschool children and has a positive effect on the emotional sphere of the child; to develop creative abilities, to improve health by increasing the overall level of physical activity. In this regard, I will continue to work in this direction. I would like to collect collections: “Iron”, “Wood”, “Plastic”, “Magnets”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and name the qualities of objects “hard”, “soft.”

Tasks: - to activate the words “hard”, “strong”, “small”, “white”, “light” in speech;

Give children initial experimentation skills;

Learn to find soft and hard objects by touch;

Induce a friendly attitude towards forest dwellers.

Equipment and materials: fairy-tale toy character Smurf, letter, forest clearing, long and short path, basket with pebbles and cotton wool. A wonderful bag with soft and hard objects. For the experiment, the teacher has: a tray with pebbles and cotton wool, a jar of water, a spoon. Each child has on the table: a plate with a pebble and cotton wool, a jar of water, a spoon.

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, today we received a letter from one very amazing place. Let's read it:

“Once upon a time there lived an old Smurf in the forest. While walking through the forest, he found an old hat and made a house out of it. The gnome felt warm and cozy in this house. But one day a strong wind blew and carried away the hat. He was left again without a house. He sits in the forest on a stump near the fir trees, sad, cold, and doesn’t even want to talk to anyone. A fox ran past him and advised him to build a new house from cotton wool and brought it to him. And the bunny also took pity on Smurf and advised him to build a new house out of pebbles. We ask you to examine the stones and cotton wool and tell us what is best to build a new house from. Forest dwellers."

Guys, do you want to help understand this not simple, but very important matter?

Then Smurf calls us to his forest laboratory. Ready to hit the road? And there are 2 roads leading into the forest. One road, which one? (long) and the other, which one? (short). What road do you think we should take to get to the forest faster? (short version). We take the short road.

Good forest, old forest

Full of fabulous wonders!

We're going for a walk now

And we invite you with us!

They are waiting for us at the edge of the forest

Birds, butterflies, animals,

Spider on a web

And a grasshopper on a blade of grass!

So we came to the forest.

Playback - Here they come. (they come to a place with tables and stand in a circle).

Playback - We walked for a long time, we were tired. Let's take a rest?

Physical exercise.

Let's show how we can play.

The gnomes got up early in the morning, (stretched)

And they began to do the cleaning.

Clean the windows (stand straight and imitate movements)

Mopping the floor (bent over, imitating movement)

Clean the rug (imitate movement - sweep the floor)

And then… .

Invite friends to their house

To make it more fun. (jumping on two legs).

Playback – Now you and I will turn into scientists. Well, now take your seats, let’s begin our experiment in order to understand what building material to build your house from. And you, Smurf, watch carefully and remember.

Playback - Let's start the study with pebbles. Consider them. Take them, touch them, squeeze them in your palm, does it wrinkle? No. Try to break it. Does it break? No. What is he like? It is very hard and strong. Try blowing on it.

I breathe through my nose,

I breathe freely

Deep and quiet -


I will complete the task

I'll hold my breath.

One, two, three, four -

Breathe again:

Deeper, wider.

Flew away? No. It's heavy and doesn't fly. So tell me, what is he like? (hard, heavy, strong).

Now take some cotton wool. Consider it. Touch it, squeeze it, what is it like? (soft, white). Try tearing off a piece and blowing on it.

Does it fly? Flew. This means it is soft, light, airy. What kind of cotton wool?

Now we will conduct an experiment with a pebble and cotton wool. Place the pebble on a saucer, fill a spoon with water and pour it over. What happened to him? All the water from the pebble drained onto the saucer. Now put the cotton wool on a saucer and pour water over it as well. What happened to the cotton wool? She was all wet and wet. Let's conclude: what kind of pebble? – hard, strong, heavy, not afraid of water. And cotton wool is soft, white, light, airy and absorbs water.

Well, we have conducted the experiment, all that remains is to draw a conclusion. Leave the tables and come to me.

Guys, we have looked at the properties of pebbles and cotton wool. And now let's tell Smurf again what he needs to build a strong new house from: pebbles or cotton wool? (pebbles)

Why? (because they are hard, strong)

Maybe from cotton wool? (no, if it rains, the house will get wet, because cotton wool absorbs water, it is afraid of water, if a strong wind blows, it will fly away, because cotton wool is light)

The Smurf thanks you for your help, now he knows what he will build his house from, of course, from stones! He has prepared a surprise for you. Smurf brought a wonderful bag with him and wants to play an interesting game with you. The bag contains hard and soft objects, you must identify them by touch. Well done, everyone completed the task!

Let's kids say goodbye to Smurf and go back along the path to our kindergarten!