Movable folders for decorating the parent's corner. Folder "Easter" consultation (middle group) on the topic Material for parents in the corner about Easter

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for decorating a parent's corner dedicated to the Easter holiday


Bright Sunday of Christ.

The word "Easter" means the transition from death to life, from the Earth

To Heaven. Previously, this was the name of the holiday in memory of the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. In the New Testament Church, this is a sign that the Son of God Himself, through the resurrection from the dead, passed from this world to the Heavenly Father, from Earth to Heaven.

Easter is the main, central of all Christian holidays. It is said about him that he “exceeds all celebrations, even those of Christ and those performed in honor of Christ, as much as the sun surpasses the stars.”

The Savior's resurrection from the dead is a triumph of faith

and virtue, and therefore this holiday for every believer is the brightest, the triumph of triumphs. It is no coincidence that on this day everyone strives to forgive each other. The service on this day is especially solemn, the rituals are especially beautiful, for the Church of Christ rejoices in the Resurrection, in the trampling of death, in eternal life. Every Christian is happy and tender on this day.

At this time, the sequence of services in the church changes, the Gospel and Psalter are not read. Prostrations to the ground are canceled from Easter to Pentecost. They pray standing in memory of the One Risen from the Dead. Throughout Easter week, services take place with the Royal Doors open - as a sign that the doors of heaven are open to us. On Easter Day, all the candles are lit, and the priests dress in the most solemn clothes. During Matins, the celebration of Christ begins - mutual kissing with the words: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly he is risen!” First, the clergy celebrate Christ, then the clergy and the laity, then the laity with each other.

The custom of giving each other red eggs on this day symbolizes the rebirth of life from under a dead shell. The red color reminds of the most pure blood of the Savior. Easter is celebrated throughout the week, which is called bright and is like one holiday day.

On the Great Holiday Sunday

Salvation has truly come,

So that they reign on earth again

Hope, Faith and Love!

Do you know this?

Previously, in the old days, peasants had a belief that on Easter “the sun plays.” And many tried to watch for this moment. Early in the morning, on the first day of Easter, people went out

look at the “play of the sun” in order to base your predictions of the future harvest on this.

On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun is “playing” - for a good harvest

And red summer.

For Holy rain - good rye.

On Holy Thunder - for the harvest.

If the weather is clear on the second day of Easter, the summer will be rainy; if it is cloudy, the summer will be dry.

Children turned to the sun

With a song:

Sunshine, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, go for a ride,

Red, dress up!

Old people at Easter

combed hair,

so that they have so much

grandchildren, how much hair is there


The old women washed themselves

from gold, silver and

red egg in hope

get rich. Young

climbed onto the roofs of houses


Meet the sun.

You roll, egg,

yes to the thought of the Lord!

Bright Sunday of Christ has always been awaited and prepared for.

For the Easter holiday, “artos” is always prepared - a large painted and gilded bread, in the middle of which either a cross or a scene of the resurrection of Christ is depicted.

Especially for the holiday they prepare “Easter” from cottage cheese and Easter cake.

No Easter is complete without colored eggs.

You roll, egg,

Yes to the thought of the Lord!

Give it to people


And good luck for Easter!

The egg symbolizes rebirth, and when painted red, it signifies rebirth through the blood of Jesus Christ.

It was believed that with the help of an Easter egg one could even be cured of illness. The egg must be placed on the grave

During Easter week. They say it brings

Relief for the dead. And if such an egg is placed in grain, then there will be a good harvest. They also say that if an egg is left until next Easter, it can make a wish come true.

You can exchange eggs at Easter.

Why do you need to do this? And then, so that only goodness and light stick to our souls.

So that everything bad matches the shell,

On this day it fell behind, but outside

All the best could hatch,

What is in a person. Exchange

With each other's testicles.

Wish each other good health,

Mental purity.

Red Hill or Joyful Sunday.

The first Sunday after Easter is called Red Hill. On this day we celebrated spring. They made a straw effigy, strengthened it on a long pole, and placed it on a raised platform. For the celebration, they chose the highest, driest place - Krasnaya Gorka. They danced around the scarecrow, sang songs, and treated themselves to colored eggs and scrambled eggs. In the evening, the effigy was burned with songs and dances.

At the end of Bright Easter Week, on Krasnaya Gorka, the newlyweds were called. This day was considered lucky for those getting married, so matchmaking took place and weddings were held. Not a single Easter would be complete without a swing. People believed: the more and higher you swing on the holiday, the higher the flax and wheat will grow. Fun festivities were held around the swings. Famous Russians began with Easter.

Round dances. They weren't

Simple - magical. When

They were played as if all

They did the work: they sowed,

weeded, cleaned, winnowed,

They soaked and beat out.

People believed: such work

magical powerful force

words will help to grow,

future harvest. What if

choose a good bride

in a round dance - the earth will give birth

good bread.

Red maiden in

Round dance,

Like poppies in the garden.

You are my light in the window,

The month is clear, the sun is red!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Hope, Faith and Love!

Beautiful joyful miracles!

And let it sound warm now:

Truly Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen! Nature again

Meets the new spring. And Orthodox

He will give the people blue skies!

Intertwined into one inseparably

Risen Love, Christ,

Easter Day is just a miracle

He brought joy to life to everyone.

Believe, believe in miracles!

After all, it’s impossible without this,

The world does not stand on whales -

On love and miracles!

Easter is a holiday


Renewal, rebirth,


Love and


Take care of this!

Christ loves everyone


For him there are no most

The main ones

Let him help you in everything

Happy holiday!

Happy bright day!

Christ is Risen!

Truly He is Risen!

In families where it is customary to prepare for Easter and observe its traditions, children together with adults are preparing for this joyful and bright holiday. They are happy to decorate Easter cakes with a “white cap” and sprinkle them with colored sugar, paint eggs in different colors, put ornaments on them or put appropriate stickers on them. Parents and their children can make Easter cards for relatives and decorate their home for the holiday. This can be done, but if you don’t have time, it doesn’t matter, what you definitely need to do is this talk about Easter, its history and traditions, in words understandable to a child.

In the meantime, bye paint eggs or decorate cakes, tell us why this is being done. The meaning of Easter will become clearer to your child if you tell him a little about Jesus Christ, his life and death. Of course, you can read books about Easter with your child or watch cartoons about Jesus, but it is better to take your child to church to have food blessed for the holiday, then the child will understand what kind of day this is in the life of every believer.

Tell your child about Easter To make it clear to him, and at the same time not to overload him with complex information, you can do something like this: “We are preparing for the most important holiday - Easter, which is dedicated to the resurrection of the son of God Jesus Christ.

A long time ago, God sent his son to earth, whose name was Jesus. He grew up among people and died for them to help them get rid of their sins. Jesus was crucified on the cross, he died on Friday, and on Sunday there was an earthquake. Jesus emerged from the burial place, thereby conquering death, and rose from the dead. Many years have passed, but all people remember and love Jesus because he was very good and loved all people. He taught people that in your heart you need to carry love for all living things. Since then, it’s customary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs on Easter; these are symbols of new life.”

The child will be interested to know how this bright and interesting holiday was celebrated in the old days. It was customary to give children small gifts, gingerbread cookies and sweets. All residents of the city (village), young and old, went out to the central square, where fun games were held. A mandatory attribute of Easter was a swing, which was erected in the square for adults and children. Parents tried to install a swing for their children in their yard by this day. In the square, girls danced in circles, women sang, men played the harmonica, and children simply ran and played pranks, bursting into joyful laughter. Cheerful laughter was heard from everywhere, and how could one not rejoice here, after all? Easter is a holiday celebrating life and love.

After the festivities in the square, the adults went home and continued the celebration there. Easter. On this day, much attention was paid to children. Many games were invented for them, some of them have survived to this day. The traditional Easter game was "Egg Rolling". They played it in this way: gifts and souvenirs were laid out on the floor. Then, from a slight inclined surface, the children took turns launching the eggs. Whichever toy the egg collided with became the child’s prize. On Easter days, you can play the game “Find the Egg” with your children. Hide your children's favorite Kinder surprises throughout the house. Invite the children to find the eggs, and so that someone is not left without a surprise, help him find the egg. For a large number of children, the team game “Who lays the most eggs” is suitable. Divide the children into two teams. Give each participant a tennis ball. Place a basin or basket at a distance of several meters from the teams. Participants in the game must hold the “egg” between their legs, run to the basket and “lay” the egg into it.

In the first week Easter It is customary to go to visit and receive guests at home. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and organize this holiday so that both adults and children rejoice.

Happy Easter!

Feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the largest Orthodox holiday. The word “Easter” came to us from the Greek language and means “passing”, “deliverance”. In families where it is customary to prepare for Easter and observe its traditions, children together with adults are preparing for this joyful and bright holiday. They are happy to decorate Easter cakes with a “white cap” and sprinkle them with colored sugar, paint eggs in different colors, put ornaments on them or put appropriate stickers on them.

Parents and their children can make Easter cards for relatives and decorate their home for the holiday. This can be done, but if you don’t have time, it doesn’t matter, what you definitely need to do is this talk about Easter, its history and traditions, in words understandable to a child.

In the meantime, bye paint eggs or decorate cakes, tell us why this is being done. The meaning of Easter will become clearer to your child if you tell him a little about Jesus Christ, his life and death. Of course, you can read books about Easter with your child or watch cartoons about Jesus, but it is better to take your child to church to have food blessed for the holiday, then the child will understand what kind of day this is in the life of every believer.

Tell your child about Easter To make it clear to him, and at the same time not to overload him with complex information, you can do something like this: “We are preparing for the most important holiday - Easter, which is dedicated to the resurrection of the son of God Jesus Christ.

A long time ago, God sent his son to earth, whose name was Jesus. He grew up among people and died for them to help them get rid of their sins. Jesus was nailed to the cross, died on Friday, and on Sunday there was an earthquake. Jesus emerged from the burial place, thereby conquering death, and rose from the dead. Many years have passed, but all people remember and love Jesus because he was very good and loved all people. He taught people that in your heart you need to carry love for all living things. Since then, it’s customary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs on Easter; these are symbols of new life.”

The child will be interested to know how this bright and interesting holiday was celebrated in the old days. It was customary to give children small gifts, gingerbread cookies and sweets. All residents of the city (village), young and old, went out to the central square, where fun games were held. A mandatory attribute of Easter was a swing, which was erected on the square for adults and

children. Parents tried to install a swing for their children in their yard by this day. In the square, girls danced in circles, women sang, men played the harmonica, and children simply ran and played pranks, bursting into joyful laughter. Cheerful laughter was heard from everywhere, and how could one not rejoice here, after all? Easter is a holiday celebrating life and love!

Home master class

for making Easter eggs

Any mother will paint eggs before Easter, and your child will undoubtedly see this and be interested in what it is and why eggs are painted for Easter. It is better to prepare in advance and find out the answer to this question. And at the same time, come up with an interesting activity for the child, in which he himself will decorate Easter eggs.

General rules for decorating Easter eggs

– take eggs that are smooth, without cracks;

- if the eggs are intended for food, first boil them in highly salted water, and use safe paints for coloring - food coloring, beet juice, a decoction of onion peels, spinach leaves;

– if you want to give eggs as a gift, then it is better to make them empty. To do this, pierce holes on the tops of the egg with a needle or awl and blow out the contents (you can use a syringe). The egg must be well dried so that there is no smell;

– follow the recipe for preparing the dye. Use containers that you don’t mind throwing away, because paint can make them unusable. It happens that when dyeing, the color does not apply evenly. Make a special “holder” from thick wire with a loop at the end. It is convenient for them to submerge the egg and remove it from the solution;

– work with rubber or cellophane gloves, be careful with fire and boiling water;

– before applying the design, carefully wash the egg shell with soap or wipe with a cloth soaked in alcohol;

– the eggs will look shiny and more beautiful if you apply a little vegetable oil to the finished drawing.

Ways to decorate Easter eggs

Idea 1. Colored spots.

Dye the egg in dye and let it dry. Then, using a burning candle, drip wax onto the shell, either in chaotic droplets or in an intricate pattern. Leave the wax to harden. Place in another dye, dry and repeat the procedure with a candle. Finally, remove the wax from the egg by scraping it with a knife or heating it in a candle flame and wiping it with a napkin.

Idea 2. Specks and stripes.

Roll a wet egg in grains of rice, wrap tightly in a piece of gauze or nylon. Place rubber bands on the egg and intertwine them crosswise. Then cook in dye or dip in it. Peel the colored egg from the rice or remove the rubber band.

Idea 3. Colored stains.

Braid the egg with floss or colored fabric that may fade. Secure the end well. The weave is arbitrary, but quite dense. Dip the egg into the dye. If you add soda to the dye, the molting will be more intense.

Idea 4. Silhouette drawing.

As a stencil for drawing on the shell, use small leaves or flowers, curly in their outlines. Secure the stencil securely with gauze and bandage and paint the egg. When ready, remove the stencil.

This technique is similar to appliqué. The working surface is a shell, to which, using glue or paste, you need to glue drawings cut out of paper napkins - figures, flowers, animals, entire miniature compositions. Also apply 1-2 layers of glue on top.

Idea 6. Lace and ribbons.

Wrap the egg in a piece of lace and secure well with a pin or thread.

Paint and dry. Instead of dyeing, you can use various ribbons and strips of bright fabric, which should be secured with superglue.

Idea 7. Quilling.

Cut colored paper into strips 20 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. Twist the strips like a serpentine - on a match or thin stick, shape them into a petal, leaf, stem, or fancy squiggle. Then glue the twisted strips onto the surface of the egg, forming a pattern. You can simply stick the twisted strips close to each other.

Idea 8. Funny animals and faces.

Using a felt-tip pen or colored glue, paint the shell in the shape of an animal or a person. You can come up with a bunny, a cockerel, a pig, a cat, respectively, cut out ears, paws, antennae, a tail or wings from colored paper of a suitable size and stick the parts onto the egg.

To decorate eggs, you can also use buckwheat, millet, semolina, sequins, beads, and painted pieces of the shell of another egg.

Teacher Pustovalova N.V.


"HAPPY HOLIDAY, EASTER" Easter is a very joyful and bright holiday, glorifying Life and Love. Easter proclaims that there is no death, that it is only a stage on a person’s path, and not at all the end of life.

The Easter holiday was previously called differently: Christ's Resurrection, Bright Day, Great Day, Green Christmastide. It was the most joyful and long-awaited holiday for both adults and children. The children were given gifts and all sorts of sweets, held general games, rode on swings, danced in circles, danced, sang and even caroled. Swings were a mandatory attribute of Easter. They were installed in almost every yard for their children, and on the common village square they erected swings for everyone for Easter. Absolutely everyone was swinging on the swings, bursting into joyful laughter. Smartly dressed villagers crowded around: men played the accordion, children ran around, women sang songs, girls danced in circles.

The main and most important event of the Easter holiday is attending a solemn church night service and consecrating Easter food: Easter eggs, painted eggs, Easter cakes.

How to celebrate Easter with the whole family?

Think in advance whether you will celebrate Easter with the whole family at home or go to visit, invite guests or be left alone. Think over the menu, decorate the house and table for Easter. At the same time, remember that working on Christ’s Sunday is prohibited, as well as on all other Sundays. To work for six days and rest on the seventh is one of God’s ten commandments. On holiday, you can only do what brings you pleasure and, of course, relax. You can stay at home, or you can organize a picnic in nature with kebabs and baked potatoes. You need to celebrate Easter not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Easter is a common family holiday, when many friends and relatives gather around the same table and children run around. At Easter, it is customary to give each other and especially children small gifts: painted boiled or artificial decorative eggs, small, beautifully decorated Easter eggs, Easter cakes, Easter souvenirs - bunnies, birds, candles, wreaths and baskets. Be sure to decorate your house and table for Easter. A beautiful plate with sprouted green grass and colorful eggs laid out on it will certainly be appreciated by your loved ones.

How to tell your child about Easter?

Easter can be a very bright and interesting holiday for children. After all, children are always happy to help their mother decorate Easter cakes with white icing and colored sugar, paint eggs in different colors or put elegant stickers on them. With your children, you can prepare Easter cards for relatives, hand-paint eggs and decorate your home for the holiday. But the child must be told about Easter, its traditions and history, and Great Lent in words that the child can understand. While you are coloring eggs or coloring a homemade card, tell your child why this is all being done. A short story about the life and death of Jesus Christ will bring meaning and understanding to the Easter holiday.

Materials for a stand in kindergarten on the theme: Easter

Author: Eremina Anastasia Nikolaevna, preschool teacher, teacher at GBDOU kindergarten No. 14, St. Petersburg.
The material is designed for preschool children, teachers and parents.

Our children should know the history of their country, the history and traditions of holidays (state and religious). Children are interested in learning about the holiday through stories and poems.
We bring to your attention poster material for parents and teachers.
To decorate the stand, I used these frames:

Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the King of Days. We prepared for it for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate. Maundy Thursday is a day of spiritual cleansing and receiving the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, a day of sadness. Holy Saturday is a day of waiting; the Gospel of the Resurrection is already being read in church. Easter is the Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior.
As people prepare for Easter, they are filled with joy and faith. Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of our favorite activity - coloring and painting eggs. There is a lot of meaning put into simple patterns. Wavy lines are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashanki and pysanky were placed on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday.

And when mom bakes Easter cakes, the whole house smells of sweet vanilla and raisins - a real holiday!
On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive service takes place (Easter Service of God). Various foods are brought to the church in beautiful baskets - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, pysanky and krashanki. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a singer and a priest blesses the people.
Returning home, people break their fast - eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen!” The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are persons present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the brightness of this day. You should definitely start your Easter breakfast with Easter cake. Even crumbs of this bread that fall on the floor should under no circumstances be thrown away.

Sample stand design:

Additional material for teachers, riddles about Easter:

The news flies everywhere:
The messenger angels are trumpeting,
In the heavens they sing of Christ:
He has risen from corruption!
This is not fiction, not a fairy tale,
The main holiday is ours...!

The best holiday of holidays has come to us,
The most important, beloved, melodious,
Celebrate, people! All together
Take this message:
Today Christ is Risen! This is not a fairy tale!
Here it is, the long-awaited one...!

Why is there joy and joy for all people? –
Because today we celebrate Christ...

The housewives baked it in the oven for the holiday
Lush, ruddy miracle -...

The sun is playing and the birds are chirping,
Table decoration - red...

Additional material for teachers, poems about Easter:

"Easter Good News"
S. Yesenina

The dormant bell woke up the fields,
The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.
The blows flew towards the blue skies,
A voice rings loudly through the forests.
The white moon disappeared behind the river,
A frisky wave ran loudly. T
The quiet valley drives away sleep,
Somewhere along the road the ringing fades away.

"Resurrection of Christ"
Prince N. Gorchakov

I woke up and heard -
Spring is knocking on the window!
Drops are rushing from the roof,
It's light everywhere!
And it seems - not birds,
And the Angels are flying.
That Easter is coming soon,
They tell us.
Tikhonin Sergey
This morning I got up early,
I came to church with my grandmother.
Because the holiday is in the church,
And I feel good too.
The pastor hurries to congratulate everyone,
The brothers want to sing songs.
Everyone rejoices and shines,
And I feel good too.
To make it clear to everyone,
Why did you gather here?
So let's say it in rhyme: