Decorating a corner in the study area. Design of corners and play areas in kindergarten

Physical education zone

Healthy Mind in a healthy body!
They keep telling us this!
We know that sport really is
Very useful for the guys!

We do exercises together,
After all, we understand that this is necessary!
And we have everything for sports:
Jump ropes, skittles and tracks,
And there are a few trainers,
There are balls, dumbbells, rings -
It’s impossible to count everything!

It’s not in vain that we are friends with sports.
And we see our goal clearly:
We want to grow up faster
Bring glory to Russia!
And we strive to become Olympians,
We are not afraid of obstacles to medals!

But why should we rush?
We'll have time to do ours!

Our sports corner contains equipment for individual lessons, corrective gymnastics, and material for outdoor games.
The material is used in classes and in free time.

Active and sedentary games for children middle group
From 4 to 5 years

Outdoor game "Tag with a jump rope"

Two players are selected - this is “tag”. The instructor gives them a jump rope, they take the handles of the jump rope and at the instructor’s command: “One, two, three, tag, catch! “They run after the participants of the game all over the court and try to “tarnish” them. Those who are “tainted” are considered losers and leave the game. To free themselves from the rope, the “tag” drivers must catch one player at a time, then those caught take the rope and continue catching. The winner is the one who has never been caught. The game is repeated 2 times.

Outdoor game "Bird and Cage"

The instructor selects a “bird catcher” and a “sparrow” from the children, the rest of the players are “birds”: pigeons, eagles, tits, bullfinches, swallows, ducks, etc.
The circle is designated as a cage (1-2 m in diameter). A “sparrow” sits in the center. The “bird catcher” walks around her, protecting the captive from other “birds” who try to touch the “sparrow” with their hands in order to free him. Whoever the bird catcher touches with his hand is considered caught and goes into a cage. If the bird catcher fails to catch anyone for a long time, then a new driver is chosen.

Sedentary game "Ears"

The children stand in pairs and, playing pats, say: Mom beat, beat, beat and reported everything to dad. Dad beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the woman.
The woman beat, beat, beat and reported everything to grandfather.
Grandfather beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the sisters.
The sisters beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the brothers.
The brothers beat, beat, beat and rolled me into a tub.
And there are two frogs in the tub - close your ears quickly!
At the last words, the children quickly cover their ears with their palms. Whichever player did it faster wins. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Squirrels, hares, mice”

The instructor appoints one driver, and the rest of the players are divided into 3 teams of 5-6 people, and the instructor gives them names: “squirrels”, “hares”, “mice”. On the court, 3 hoops are placed on the floor at a distance of 5 m from each other - these are animal houses, each team occupies one of them. The instructor commands: “Mice! Hares! "The named groups must swap houses. If during a run the driver catches one of the participants, then the person caught becomes the driver, and the driver joins the players of the team whose member he caught. The instructor can. give a signal to three teams at once: “Squirrels, hares, mice! " Then all groups leave their houses and run to occupy any other one.

Outdoor game "Seine"

With the help of a counting rhyme, two drivers are selected, who hold hands and, at the instructor’s signal: “Let’s start!” » catch the rest of the players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught ends up in a circle. Now the three of them catch the others. Each new player caught becomes part of the net. The game continues until all participants are caught. The game continues 2 times.

Sedentary game “Finish the word”

Children stand in a circle. The instructor stands in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. He throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of a word, for example: “Ma” before this gives the players a hint that it is a name, a pet, a piece of furniture, etc. The player to whom the ball was thrown catches it and names the word in full. If he guessed the word correctly, he throws the ball back to the instructor, and if not, he is eliminated from the game.

Outdoor game "Game with a bear"

The instructor, using a counting rhyme, selects the driver - the “bear”. A 1.5-2 m rope is tied to his belt, which in turn is tied to a bench. A barrel with “honey” written on it is placed nearby. The rest of the game participants try to steal a barrel of “honey” from the “bear,” and the “bear” carefully guards it. Whoever the “bear” even touches with his hand is considered a loser. And accordingly, he becomes a driver, i.e. a “bear”. The game continues 2-3 times with a change of driver.

Outdoor game "Tag"
(with ribbons)

Children stand in a circle, each player has a ribbon attached to the back of their belt. Using a counting rhyme, choose a “tag”. At the instructor’s command: “Run away! “The children scatter all over the hall, and the “tag” runs after them and tries to pull out the ribbon. The one whose ribbon is pulled out is considered a loser and is eliminated from the game. At the instructor’s command: “Get to your places!” "The remaining players return to their places in the circle. From the caught players, a new “tag” is selected with the help of a counter, and the game begins again. The game is played 3-4 times. The “tag” who catches the most players wins.

Outdoor game “Stop!”

The instructor chooses a driver, throws the ball up as high as possible, and the driver must catch it. While he catches the ball, the rest of the players scatter around the court. As soon as the driver catches the ball and says: “Stop!”, the players stop in place. The driver tries to hit the player standing as close as possible with the ball. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and the rest of the players scatter again. different sides. Having caught up with the ball, the driver shouts again: “Stop!” If it hits, the player who was hit becomes the driver, and the game starts again. The game continues up to 3 times.

Sedentary game: “Catch - don’t catch”

Children stand in a large circle, the instructor is in the center with a large ball in his hands. The ball needs to be caught only if something edible is named: carrots, cake, candy, ice cream, pastry, pineapple, orange, etc.
If the instructor says inedible things: car, garage, fence, slippers, etc. and throws the ball to the player, he should not catch it. If a player makes a mistake when catching the ball, he is eliminated from the game.

Art Corner

The corner is decorated with arts and crafts items folk art: Dymkovo toys, trays painted with Khokhloma, all this is located on the shelves.
All the design is bright, beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and attracts the attention of children.
Drawing materials are presented: pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, watercolor paints, thin and thick brushes, coloring books, paper of various formats for drawing, water jars, stencils.

Creative activities bring a lot of joy to young children. The need for self-expression through creativity is inherent in children at the genetic level. Drawing the world around us, children study it. In the drawing, the young artist expresses his feelings and emotions.

When we were younger.
But they knew how to pick up a pencil,
Everyone was watching us very much,
They wanted to direct the talent!

And we are serious and (from the word emphasis)
Wanting to defend Freedom,
They moved very quickly,
They wanted to draw on everything!

For us, the threshold is not an obstacle,
For us, the wall is a huge canvas
Such an area is like a reward!
Where can you find a leaf this big?

Parents are detrimental to talent
They pulled us away from the walls!
And having spanked somewhere a couple of times,
They threatened to take away the pencil!!!

Of course we resisted:
Art must be protected
They screamed, cried, bit!
But where can parents understand!?

We have become a little more mature,
And so we went to kindergarten!
Here the teachers are smarter!
They gave us everything: a notebook,

Album, palettes, paints, brushes,
Gouache, easels, watercolor.
Draw portraits and sketches!
Everything is resolved now!

Well, let Levitanov not come out,
But we will leave a mark in the kindergarten!
We will leave the album as a keepsake for everyone!
And in it is our group portrait!

In classes on visual arts and in our free time we use the following games:

1. Game “Colored baskets”

The first game is used with very young children and is called “Colored Baskets”.
Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at learning colors by children 2.5-3.5 years old, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation and memory.
Progress of the game: children are asked to collect mixed up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he chose.

2. Game "Bottom of the Sea"

Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, speech development, logical thinking, memory.

A very common game that can be used not only in art activities, but also in other educational fields. The children are shown the seabed (empty), and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play “Hide and Seek” with us, and in order to find them we need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed correctly puts the resident in the background. The result is a complete composition. The teacher motivates children to perform visual activities. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, you can study with children other themes of plot compositions: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest Dwellers”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, and compositional vision.

3. Game “Painted Horses”

When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when conducting monitoring in senior and preparatory groups You can use this simple game.
Target: consolidating knowledge of the main motifs of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), strengthening the ability to distinguish them from others, name them correctly, and develop a sense of color.
Progress of the game: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art based on which they are painted.

4. Game “Magic Landscape”

One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones larger. It is also more convenient to use the game for this.
Purpose of the game: teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, develop their eye, memory, and compositional skills.
Progress of the game: The child needs to place trees and houses in pockets according to their size, in accordance with their prospective distance. (preparatory group).

5. Game “Collect a landscape”

Using the example of a landscape, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition and knowledge of natural phenomena. To do this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game: develop compositional thinking skills, consolidate knowledge seasonal changes in nature, consolidate knowledge of the concept of “landscape”, develop observation and memory.
Progress of the game: the child is asked to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures; the child must select objects that correspond to this particular time of year and, using his knowledge, build the correct composition.

6. Game “Matryoshkin’s sundress”

Purpose of the game: develop compositional skills, consolidate children’s knowledge of the main elements of painting a Russian nesting doll, and consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothing.
Progress of the game: Silhouettes of three nesting dolls are drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose to wear their own nesting doll.

Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.

Game corner.

Play is the leading type of activity for children, in which the child’s personality is formed. In games, children strive to embody all the situations that they see in everyday life.
The group has corners on different plot and role-playing topics:
hair salon, hospital, shop, transport, family and others are the basis of the gaming area.
Role-playing games in kindergarten are an opportunity to introduce a child to new situations, try on this or that behavior, and learn to solve important issues.
We use the following games:

"Home, family"

Tasks: Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.
Game actions: Game problem situations: “When mom and dad are not at home” (taking care of the younger ones, doing all possible homework), “We are preparing for the holiday” (joint activities with the family), “Welcoming guests” (rules for receiving guests, behavior at a party), “Our day off”, “Walk in the forest”, “Family lunch”, etc. Introduce elements of labor into the game: washing doll clothes, mending clothes, cleaning the room. As the game progresses, select and change toys and objects, construct a game environment using game modules, use your own homemade products, and use natural materials.
Game material: household items, dolls.

"Mothers and Daughters"

Tasks: see "Home, family"
Game actions: Mom carefully feeds, dresses, undresses, puts her daughter to bed, washes, cleans the room, irons the clothes. Mom goes with her daughter to the hairdresser, combs her hair beautifully, decorates the Christmas tree at home, buys food at the store, and prepares a delicious lunch. Dad comes home from work and they sit down to dinner.
Guests arrive. Celebrating the birthday of a daughter or son.
Dad is a truck (or taxi) driver. Dad is a builder at a construction site.
My daughter caught a cold and got sick. Mom took her to the doctor, put mustard plasters on her at home, and gave her medicine.
Mom took her daughter for a walk. They ride the bus, ride on the swings in the park. Grandma came to visit for her birthday. Celebrate New Year.
Mom takes her daughter to the puppet theater, to the circus, to the cinema, to school.
Game material: household items, dolls


Tasks: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Game actions: The patient goes to the reception desk, takes a coupon to see the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.
Game situations:“At an appointment with an ENT doctor”, “At an appointment with a surgeon”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording. Excursion to the children's clinic. Reading lit. works: Y. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Playing in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who should I be?” Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor and nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Modeling “Gift for sick Yasochka.” Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)
Game material: gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: arouse children's interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Game actions: The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him and takes him to the room. The doctor examines patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse gives medications to patients, takes temperatures, gives injections and dressings in the treatment room, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room and changes the linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.
Preliminary work: see "Polyclinic"
Game material: gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: arouse children's interest in the sales profession, develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, cultivate friendly relationships.
Game actions: The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload them, and the sellers put the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, and orders goods. Buyers arrive. Sellers offer goods, show them, weigh them. The buyer pays for the purchase at the cash register and receives a receipt. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change and a check. The cleaning lady is cleaning the room.
Game situations:“Gegetable shop”, “Clothing”, “Products”, “Fabrics”, “Souvenirs”, “Books”, “Sporting goods”, “Furniture store”, “Toy store”, “Pet store”, “Hats”, “Flower” store, bakery, etc.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the store. Monitoring the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Conversation with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko “The Tale of Unusual Purchases” and others. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.
Children meet with their mother, who works as a salesperson in a store. Children compose stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread in a bakery?”, “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks and pencils?” etc. Making game attributes with children (candy, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).
Game material: scales, cash register, gowns, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, machine for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.

"Beauty salon"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in the “Beauty Salon”, instill a desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.
Game actions: The hairdresser washes hair, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. The manicurist does a manicure, coats the nails with varnish, and gives recommendations on hand care. The master of the beauty salon massages the face, wipes it with lotion, applies cream, paints the eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out receipts. The cleaning lady sweeps, changes used towels and napkins. Visitors politely greet the salon employees, ask for a service, consult with the specialists, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for the services.
Preliminary work: Children visiting a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. A teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with hairstyle samples. Review of booklets with samples cosmetics. Didactic game“Let’s comb the doll’s hair beautifully.” Didactic game “Cinderella is going to the ball.” Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)
Game material: mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, album with hairstyle samples, hair dye, robes, capes, towels, cash register, receipts, money, mop, bucket.

“Dining room” – “Cafe” – “Cook”

Tasks: Expand children’s understanding of the work of canteen and cafe workers. Develop interest and respect for the professions of a cook and waiter. Familiarity with the rules of behavior in public places.
Game actions: The dining room has tables and chairs for visitors. The cooks prepare delicious food in the kitchen, cook dumplings, bake pies, cook borscht, soups, fry cutlets. The canteen feeds drivers, workers, construction workers, sailors, and schoolchildren.
There are napkins and vases of flowers on the tables. Waiters serve food to visitors, talk to them politely, and give them a book with a menu to choose food according to the visitor’s wishes. Visitors pay for lunch at the cash register and are given a receipt. People come to cafes not only to eat, but also to listen to music.
We celebrate a birthday, dance, sing karaoke. The waiters are polite to visitors, bringing food and sweet water. There are beautiful dishes and flowers on the tables. The musicians play and sing beautifully. Visitors, leaving, thank you for the pleasure you have received.
Game material: White cap (2 pcs.), apron (2 pcs.), children's kitchen dishes, children's tableware, children's teaware, stove, models of food, vegetables, fruits, menus, children's trays, cocktail straws, juice boxes , yoghurts.

Artistic word for the corners:

Game corner in a group kindergarten- "Salon"

In a luxurious hair salon
There is everything the right tool,
Mascara, lipstick, and blush,
But there is no Chanel!

Get your hair done here
Shorter, more authentic,
If the doll wants,
Even the dust will be shaken off your ears!

If you try really hard,
We can cut it, curl it,
What about the princess with the mess
The prince won't be able to tell the difference

Corner "Hospital"

Aibolit treated monkeys,
And Pilyulkin is short!
We treat everyone -
Hippos, squirrels,
Crocodiles and wolf cubs,
And foxes and piglets,
Dolls, fish, bunnies,
Girls and boys!
We treat their teeth and eyes,
And we'll put bandages on them!
And we'll give them pills,
And we'll give you some medicine!
We have bandages and iodine.
Come, sick people!
And what’s really nice is -
What we treat is FREE!

Corner "Toy Store"

Not in every store
You will be able to buy
And in a small basket
Successfully placed

Candies and bananas,
Car, nose drops,
Bulldozers and cranes,
Benches and fountains
And even a steam locomotive!

Theater corner in kindergarten

We love theaters very much
We are friends with them all year round:
In our group all the actors
Puppeteers and dancers
Acrobats and jugglers,
Ballerinas, directors!
Every day and every hour
We want to play for you!!
If Stanislavsky had seen -
I would be very happy for us!

A theater area in which children play not only role-playing games, but also director's games and dramatization games.
This area features different types puppet theater (finger, tabletop, etc.), screen for display, masks, clothes for mummers.

Games for the theater area:

"IGR and KO"
"Chicken Ryaba"

The game script is based on the Russian folk tale"Rocktail chicken." Read the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” to the children and repeat its plot by walking across the playing field. Chips move around the field based on the result of a dice roll.
The winner is the one who first follows the path of the main characters.

"Emerald City"

Board game for 2-4 players aged 3 years and up.
The game scenario is based on the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. Together with the girl Ellie and her friends, the children will have unusual adventures in the Magic Land. Chips move around the field based on the result of a dice roll.
The winner will be the one who first follows the path of the fairy tale heroes, overcomes the dangers and achieves the fulfillment of his cherished desires.

Games based on fairy tales
My children and I play very interesting games based on the most famous children's fairy tales.

The games are designed both for the youngest children, to simply introduce them to the most famous fairy tales, and for older children as a way to role playing games, games to train memory, attention to logic, and most importantly, fine motor skills fingers and speech development.

They include such well-known fairy tales and cartoons as: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”.

What are the possible options for playing fairy tales with kids:

1. To begin, print out the cards and the fields for them, laminate or cover with tape, and cut into small cards. And now you can play.
Take a field, for example, with the fairy tale “Kolobok”, tell the fairy tale to your child while laying out cards with characters in the cells of the field. Then tell the story and, in the process, invite the child himself to sort the characters of the story into cells.

2. Another option is to put all the characters into cells, and then ask the child to close his eyes, remove someone, for example, a wolf, and let the child guess who is missing.

3. Arrange the cards with the characters in the order they appear in the fairy tale, and now mix them up and invite the child to establish the correct sequence.

4. When the child knows all the heroes of the fairy tale well, introduce him to the next fairy tale and play similar games. Then you can try to play two games at once, for example, sort the heroes from two fairy tales by their cells. When the baby can do this easily, add more characters and more fields.

"At the command of the pike"

Game for 2 - 4 players aged 4 years and older.
The game is based on the plot of a Russian folk tale.
The pieces move around the field based on the results of the dice roll. Each player can choose his own movement tactics in order to collect the number of cards - points - necessary for victory.
The laziest can collect the required amount by chasing buckets for water, others will take a walk in the forest or to the fair. And still others will immediately go after the Tsar’s daughter.

Galina Fundurak

Registration of a group in kindergarten, as a rule, falls on our shoulders, educators.

In order for children to feel comfortable, it is necessary to ensure that the environment in groups was close to home. Moreover, it is beautiful and tasteful group formed has aesthetic and developmental significance for children. The main thing is to approach the matter creatively. I brought all this to the attention of my parents. Someone draws beautifully, someone sews. And this is what happened.

Our the group is called"Fireflies". Login the group is designed this way. I glued an applique of self-adhesive paper to the ceiling tile door.

And that's how I am issued reception room based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". Working together with parents.

This is our Miracle Tree for children's creative work. My work.

Reception wall issued application of ceiling tiles and self-adhesive paper. Also the work of my hands.

So I decorated a corner"Lost." A basket of flowers, a sewn cover, letters and a crow made of felt. I tried.

stand for crafts made of plasticine. A shoe box covered with self-adhesive paper and decorative felt work. Beauty!

IN group room I decorated the wall with applique, continuation of the fairy tale "Kolobok". The bunny is made of fabric, and everything else is made of self-adhesive paper.

A corner of nature is not only decoration groups, but also a place for self-education. I decided to make flower stands from stumps and decorate with felt work. Fabulous forest inhabitants live in a corner of nature. Fedor and Fenya. They are also made from stumps.

And this is our Masha. Mummers corner. The idea was mine, but my parents brought it to life.

These paintings are made from felt by me hands, they decorate group.

Both me and my kids feel comfortable here group!

Publications on the topic:

Summer decoration of the site with your own hands in kindergarten.

Layout for story game in kindergarten "Farm" with your own hands. Play is the leading activity of a preschooler, which affects all aspects of him.

The middle group of our kindergarten is called "Smeshariki". All information for parents and children is made in the same style, with images of characters.

Hello, dear colleagues and friends! I bring to your attention the design for the corners of art, mathematics, literacy. These are funny.

Each group in our kindergarten has its own name. Our group is called "Little Red Riding Hood." This is how I designed the information stand for.

Preschoolers love to work and help their elders and friends. Their work is filled with rich content and plays a great educational role if organized using an aesthetically designed, taking into account the requirements of the program and age characteristics children's duty corner. The teacher can make and equip the corner with everything necessary with his own hands, relying on the support of the students’ parents, as well as involving the children in this.

Organization of a duty corner in kindergarten

Duty is one of effective forms organization of children's work in a preschool institution. An original and brightly decorated duty officer's corner will help make duty more exciting, as well as streamline its implementation.

Beautiful, comfortable corners for duty officers can now be ordered from various manufacturers both in design agencies and on the Internet. They will select both color and shape to order. But sometimes it is much more interesting for a creative teacher to make a corner with his own hands. After all, in this way he can show his talents and attract children, which will have a positive impact on the development creativity and nurturing hard work in children.

The teacher’s imagination and skill allow him to create interesting compositions from scrap materials, for example, from plastic dishes

Why is a duty corner necessary?

In addition to the aesthetic function of decorating the group room and delighting the students, a corner is necessary for many other reasons. The main tasks it performs:

Dependence of the design of the corner on the age of the children in the group

Duty corners are required in all groups except early age(third year of life). Before you start making a corner, you need to think about what it will be like, take into account all the requirements that apply to it, and also decide where to place it.

One of the main functions of such a corner is to help the teacher organize the sequential participation of all children in the group on duty and report who is on duty today. different areas activities. Since different types of duty become available to children at different ages, the teacher should first of all pay attention to this point.

The first thing children are introduced to is canteen duty. It is introduced in the second junior group, but not at the beginning, but in the middle of the year. During the first half of the year, children master labor skills by completing assignments: arranging napkin holders and plates for bread. Instructions are given to one or two children, the children perform the same actions, guided by the prompts of the teacher or nanny's assistant.

In the younger group there is enough a corner for dining room duty, decorated with the children’s favorite characters and cute pictures

The second type of duty is introduced in the middle of the year in the middle group. This is class duty. Beforehand, children become familiar with the work performed on this duty and also through assignments. They lay out handouts, plates for appliqué, plasticine, etc. on the tables, and after class they collect them and bring them to the designated place. Instructions are given to those who want to help, so not all children in the group are involved in the work. That’s why duty is so useful, as it allows all students to be involved in work.

In the middle group there will be enough corner for two duties: for the dining room and for classes

The last to be introduced is duty in a corner of nature. It starts at senior group from September, since children of this age can quickly navigate, have sufficient skills and abilities, and are able to divide labor operations among themselves, perform them together, and help each other.

Thus, the type of duty corner depends on the age of the children who will be in the group, because pupils are placed not haphazardly, but taking into account the height of the furniture (tables, chairs) that is located in the group room:

  • If the second children live in the room junior group, then a corner of duty in the dining room is enough.
  • In the group where the middle school children will be, a corner is made for canteen duties and classes.
  • If the group room is equipped with sufficiently high furniture or the furniture is adjustable in height, satisfying the sanitary requirements for older preschoolers, then such a group requires a corner for those on duty for all three types.

Requirements for the duty corner in kindergarten

In addition to taking into account the age of children, when making a corner for duty officers, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Durability and reliability. Since the corner is made not for a week or a month, but for a long period, its preservation should be ensured during this time. Therefore, for the base it is worth choosing a durable material, such as plywood or chipboard. Plastic or cassettes for pasting the ceiling can serve as a good replacement for these materials. When purchasing them at a hardware store, you must definitely ask for a certificate stating that this type materials can be used indoors. Paper, even whatman paper, will not last long; the only other option is very thick, high-quality cardboard.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning. All equipment in the group (especially long-life equipment) must be wet cleaned according to the schedule. This does not mean that the corner will be washed with soap, but it is necessary to wipe it from dust with a damp sponge. Therefore, inscriptions and drawings on its surface must be indelible.
  • Correspondence hygienic requirements- one of the most important, because the health of children depends on it.
    • In the duty corner there is not only a stand with individual cards, but also aprons and caps (kerchiefs) for the dining room attendants. Children put them on after washing their hands, before performing work activities. Therefore, care should be taken to place the corner where the clothes of the attendants would be safe: away from the play and art areas. Carried away by the game, the children can drop their aprons on the floor, step on them, and get paint on them while drawing. You cannot require a preschooler to think about the safety of the clothes of those on duty while playing or creating. The teacher should take this nuance into account.
    • When duty is introduced in a corner of nature, it is necessary to provide those on duty with protective clothing while caring for plants. To do this, you need to have sets of oilskin aprons with sleeves. Aprons for dining and caring for plants should not be stored nearby. Clothing that children wear when watering, replanting, or washing plants should be in a corner of nature, next to watering cans, loosening sticks, and flower pots.
  • Accessibility for children. The corner is placed in such a place that preschoolers can freely approach it, look at pictures, and diagrams of operations during duty (if any). The design should be understandable to children, so the inscription “On duty by nature” or “On duty by class” is of no practical use; children are unlikely to read it. It is better to indicate each type of duty with a bright and clear picture: an image of dishes, plants, an album and pencils. As an option: a picture of children at the dining table, watering flowers, busy with modeling or drawing. At the beginning of duty, children are introduced to the corner, explained what the images mean, what duties the duty officers perform in different areas.
  • Aesthetics. Of course, every teacher wants his duty corner, as well as other group decorations, to be the best and most beautiful.
    • Creative teachers turn to parents and craftsman dads for help, who cut out the basis for a corner in the form of a samovar, a cloud, a chamomile, or a train from scrap materials. Such corners always look beautiful and attract children's attention.
    • But even a simple rectangular base can be decorated tastefully and attractively, showing imagination and a sense of proportion. In this case, you need to be guided by the general appearance of the group. Previously, about twenty years ago, furniture in kindergartens was the same type, white or light wood color. Nowadays, colored furniture that combines two or three colors has become fashionable. It would be great if the teacher takes this into account and decorates the corner to match the overall design of the group. For example, the “Cornflower” group with blue, white and green furniture has absolutely no need for a corner of the attendants in red and yellow tones, but blue with blue and white will be out of place. You can teach children how to combine successful colors and instill in them taste in such small things.

The bright painted corner of the attendants looks great against the background of a simple plain wall

Not a requirement, but advice: place the corner where direct sunlight will not fall on it during the day. This will protect the background and cards from fading and keep them looking attractive longer.

The main, most striking and attention-grabbing component of the duty corner is, of course, a stand on which information about the duty officers will be posted. Attached to the stand is a set of pictures or photographs of children, which, for better preservation, it is advisable to laminate with transparent film.

To be on duty in the canteen you must have the following equipment:

  • A brush for sweeping crumbs from the table, about 25–30 cm long together with the handle. The handle should be no more than 3 cm in diameter, comfortable for a child’s hand.
  • A dustpan for crumbs, measuring about 15 by 15 cm, with a handle up to 12 cm long. The dustpan and table brush are stored suspended on hooks and are not placed on the floor under any circumstances.
  • A floor broom for sweeping with a handle length of up to 110 cm and a cross-section of up to 3 cm.
  • Garbage scoop with long or short handle. These tools are stored near the corner, but not in the vicinity of the clothes of the attendants.

Equipment for sweeping crumbs off tables should be stored hanging on hooks

A broom is not used for sweeping in kindergartens, it is difficult to disinfect, and its use does not comply with sanitary standards.

The clothes of the dining room attendants consist of aprons, which can be made from chintz, guipure, satin, preferably in light colors. Headwear for girls: scarves, caps. Boys are offered only caps.

Craftswomen - mothers and grandmothers of pupils - will help make aprons and caps for the attendants

For duty in a corner of nature, purchase waterproof aprons and, if possible, sleeves. To care for plants you need the following equipment:

  • watering cans;
  • basins for washing plants;
  • sticks for loosening the soil;
  • sponges for wiping leaves.

Diagrams and step-by-step images of the actions of duty officers, pictures and photos of correctly set tables can complement the design of the duty corner.

In order for the duty officers to properly understand the duty schedule, an explanation from the teacher is necessary

Class duties do not require special clothing or equipment. The main thing that students should be equipped with is the ability to quickly and organizedly carry out the assigned work. In the senior and preparatory groups, a lot of material is used in classes, so children need to be collected and be able to clearly perform actions (take and place plates, lay out oilcloths, etc.), because from breakfast to organized educational activities Not much time passes, and the teacher sometimes really needs the help of those on duty.

Some interesting ideas for decorating duty corners

As a rule, the stand, that is, the base of the corner, is made in the form of a panel on which the name, pockets for pictures-signs (or photos) and decorative elements are located. Several design ideas will help to diversify and make the corner unusual.

There are usually no difficulties with the name of the duty officers’ corner, since in most groups it is called that way: “Duty duty corner.” There are also options: “We are on duty, they are on duty today.” But how much more interesting and useful in terms of the development and upbringing of children is to name the corner “We love to be on duty”, “Little Helpers”, “Hardworking Suns, Bees, Daisies” (depending on the name of the group).

The kids will definitely want to know what the inscription means, and it will be much more pleasant to hear in response not just a phrase, but praise. This will create a desire to participate in the labor process and may even serve as the topic of a fascinating educational conversation: “Why do you think our corner is called that? Who is called hardworking? How can you help the teacher, the nanny, your group friends?”

There are also several options for individual symbol cards:

  • Figured: in the form of flowers, clouds, mushrooms with an individual picture and the child’s name. In this case, the stand itself should be designed accordingly - like a lawn, a sunny sky, a clearing in the forest.
  • With fastening on stud buttons. In this case, pictures indicating the types of duty are placed on the stand, and under them there are buttons with a protruding plastic part, the so-called studs. In this case, children's cards are made with loops or slits, hanging them on buttons. The buttons must be secured to the stand securely, not just by sticking them in, but additionally secured with superglue so that they do not fall out and cause injury.
  • In the form of flags. Under the pictures of those on duty in the dining room, nature and activities there is a shelf, and on it there are two holders for flags for each type of duty. Individual pictures or photos of children are glued onto the flags and inserted into the holders.

Photo gallery: examples of designing duty corners in kindergarten for different age groups

The teacher can also get an original idea from tea utensils by making a corner in the shape of a teapot and cups. The idea of ​​a corner in the form of a clock, the arrows of which point to those on duty, deserves attention. Cards of duty officers can be hung from stud buttons.

The duty corner helps organize and interest children in regularly performing work duties. A colorful, attractive corner, made by the hands of a teacher from inexpensive improvised materials, will definitely arouse the interest of little fidgets and will help make the work process easy and fun - after all, children or their relatives, handicrafts mothers and skillful fathers will certainly take part in the design of the corner.

Surely every parent paid attention to the entertaining children's corners located in kindergarten groups. At first glance, this is an ordinary play area for girls or boys. But educators know that there are certain requirements for creating a developmental play area. The Federal State Educational Standard or Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) applies in all preschool and educational institutions. It is this document that defines the requirements for children's corners and educational structures.

Parents, educators and leaders preschool institutions should know that the design of corners in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard meets the following requirements:

  • Compliance of equipment with the age and needs of children of this age group.
  • Ability to modify gaming environment depending on changes in the learning situation.
  • Multifunctionality, which consists in the possibility of using different components to simulate the environment for comprehensive development children's activity.
  • Possibility of variability - creating conditions for games, modeling, design, games alone.
  • Safety, reliability and high quality of materials used.

Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents can start decorating corners in kindergarten with their own hands. Of course, in the process of creating a play space, it is important to take into account the age of the children.

It is known that in a preschool institution, groups are divided into:

  • younger,
  • average,
  • preparatory for school.

This means that for younger children it is better to organize a corner for simple games. For example, this could be a corner for girls, where you can play themed games for daughters, mothers, and doctors. And for boys - for playing with construction sets, for learning the profession of a builder and driver.

The preparatory group is designed for preschool children. This means that the gaming corner can be patriotic, telling about the country and customs. Thematic pictures glorifying the nation can be located here. Additionally, there should be a place for educational games. Lotto, mosaics, puzzles on a patriotic or natural theme - all this captivates children of 5-6 years of age.

Decorating a children's creativity corner

The lion's share of the time children are in preschool educational institution engage in useful, developmental activities. One of every child's favorite things to do is create crafts with his own hands.

In order to develop the desire to create in children, children's creativity zones are often set up in kindergarten groups. It’s not enough to just put a table or place a couple of shelves. The children's creativity corner should be attractive and appealing to children.

To set up a creative area, you can use one of the following ideas:

  • Leopold the cat, who holds in his paws a shelf with children's works.
  • Composition of rainbow and sun.
  • Forest clearing with animals.
  • A spreading tree with children's works on its branches.

The design of the corner is quite simple and does not require any special skills or knowledge. For example, to make the decoration with Leopold shown in the photo, you need to draw an image of the hero on plywood, cut it out and paint it. Shelves are installed in the area of ​​​​the palms, on which children's crafts will be placed. The creative zone, decorated with a rainbow and the sun, looks very beautiful. A bright rainbow, cut out of glossy paper in combination with a yellow sun and pasted on the wall, attracts the attention of the inhabitants and guests of the group. IN in this case crafts are placed on shelves that are fixed under the rainbow.

ISO corner

Following the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard for the design of children's themed areas in a preschool educational institution, it is recommended to create an art corner. Considering that children love to draw, such an area will be simply necessary for children of different ages. Here kids should not only be comfortable, but also interested. Be sure to fill the corner with the necessary items for fine arts. materials - paper for drawing, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. We place all this on low shelves so that it is convenient for children of different heights to get the necessary item.