Folk art 1st junior group. Project in the junior group on the topic "folk art"

Folklore for children 2-4 years old

The mini project “Folklore for Kids” is designed for children aged 2-4 years, the material will be of interest to educators and parents.

Currently, folk culture and traditions of the Russian people are being erased. Understanding this, one cannot be indifferent to the origins of national culture. Right now, there is a need to introduce children to the best traditions of our people.
The early period of a child’s life largely depends on the adults raising the children. It’s great if parents are able to enrich the environment in which he grows up. And the folk poetic word can precisely enrich this spiritual environment.
Project type: educational, short-term (1 month)
Project goal: Development of the child’s personality, his inner and spiritual world, successful mastery of his native language, through the means of folk art and folk traditions.
Project objectives:
1. Creation of a developmental environment for introducing children to the culture of the Russian people;
2. Formation and enrichment of the dictionary;
3. Development of artistic and creative abilities;
4. Development of moral and emotional feelings such as: empathy, kindness, honesty.
Project participants: children of the first junior group, parents of pupils, teacher.
Project implementation stages:
Stage 1 – preparatory
1. Discuss with parents the choice of project topic and its significance
2. Select the material and design the “Russian” corner folk art
3.Design of the site based on the RNS "Kolobok"
Stage 2 – main
Introduce children to Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, and riddles.
Introduce children to musical instruments
Introduce children to folk games and dances
Stage 3 final

Expected results:
For children: Learn to recognize and tell nursery rhymes.
Play Russian folk games.
Play out nursery rhymes and Russian folk tales. Gain knowledge about musical instruments.
For parents: understand and study the role of folklore in children's development
For the teacher: enriching and expanding knowledge about Russian folk art, creating a memo for parents.

Stage 1 – preparatory
To achieve the goal, I created all the necessary conditions for introducing children to folk art and folk culture. Together with my parents, I created a corner in Russian in the group, folk style. Which is called - "Russian folk art".

In the corner “Russian folk art” I placed objects of Russian everyday life: kitchen utensils (samovar, jugs, wooden spoons, etc.), placed a doll in national costume, a loaf made by parents from salt dough, a samovar. The parents of my students, as well as their grandparents, took part in the search for Russian antiquities. It was interesting for the children to look at a doll in a national costume, a samovar, because it is impossible to tell children of this age about objects of Russian everyday life, the kids need to touch everything themselves and play with them.
Together with my parents, we designed a plot based on the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”

Stage 2 – main
I divided all my work into three stages.
At the first stage, she introduced children to Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, and riddles.

I designed a book corner, where children’s books, theater books, Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, etc. were selected.
I made an album called Russian Folk Art and placed illustrations on this topic there.
Russian folk tales open a new page in the emotional life of a child. The content of the first fairy tales is aimed at awakening the first manifestations of sympathy, empathy, spiritual and physical condition hero or other character. For example, sadness and tears - “grandfather is crying, woman is crying.”
The parents of the students, together with their children, drew and colored pictures for the RNS, which were filed by me in a common folder.

Here are some drawings for the RNS:
Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Fairy tale "Geese-swans"

I selected nursery rhymes on topics such as:
- Domestic and wild animals that imitate human actions: “The dog is baking pies in the kitchen”, “Little kitten is a little mouse”, “Magpie is a white-sided one”,
“A fox walked through the forest”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”, “A teddy bear” and others.
- Personifying nature: “Grass - an ant rose from sleep”, “Sun - a bucket”, “Rainbow - arc” and others.
- Reflecting elements of folk life and introducing human actions: “I’m going - I’m going to see my grandmother, my grandfather,” “Oh doo doo...! The shepherd has lost his pipe!”, “Okay, okay!” and others.
- Personifying maternal love and the interaction of “big” and “little”: “Goat is a hassle”, “Chicken is a tarat”, and others.
– Nursery rhymes: “From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, Grandfather Egor is riding”, “Under the chalk, under the spit” and others.
- Revealing or personifying moral and ethical categories: “Tili - bom! Tili - boom! The cat’s house caught fire!”, “Soroka-magpie”, “Manya went to the market” and others.
- Directly related to a child named: “The cat went into the woods”, “who’s good?” and others.
Together with my parents, I designed a collection: “Matryoshka Nursery Rhymes”, all the nursery rhymes that were collected there were brought by the parents themselves.

Children love to spend time in the book corner, look at the illustrations on their own, and recite the nursery rhymes they have learned.
For better memorization these nursery rhymes and jokes, I try to apply them in all routine moments when working with children.
She conveyed to the children the joy and cheerfulness that water gives us, and emotionally played out the simplest, most ordinary situations.

While washing:
"Water, water,
Wash Pasha's (Yuli) face,
To make your cheeks red,
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.”

When combing your hair:
“I scratch, I scratch my hair,
I'm combing my scarf,
Grow your braid to your waist,
Don’t lose a hair..."
It was nice to see how the children used nursery rhymes while playing “mother and daughter,” and how they treated the dolls with care and love.
I paid a lot of attention to lullabies, they form the first vocabulary a child, a figurative picture of the world expressed in words. They contain a wide range of information about the world around us, primarily about those objects that are close to children.
They create images that are familiar to children, for example, the image of a cat. What does it have to do with not just a cat, but a kitten, cat, cat, cat.
Kitty, kitten, cat,
Kitty, little gray tail,
Come, cat, spend the night,
Rock our baby.
I'm like a cat to you
I'll pay for the work -
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.
An image of pigeons is formed, which are affectionately called gulenki
Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki.
The little ones have arrived.
The little ones have arrived,
They sat down near the cradle.
They began to rock the cradle.
They began to put Katya to sleep.
In the group, we began to use a technique such as listening to audio recordings of lullabies during quiet time when preparing children for bed.
The group had a music corner where I placed folk musical instruments. These are: bells, rattles, balalaika, pipe, accordion. The children performed songs and dances to the accompaniment of musical instruments, which contributed to musical development children.
At the third stage, I introduce children to folk games and dances.
Of particular interest to children are the games of the Russian people, such as “Duck”, “Bees and Swallow”, “Cat and Mice”, “The Sun is a Bucket” and others, which develop dexterity, speed of movement, accuracy, teach intelligence and attention. Jokes and nursery rhymes learned with children make the game process more interesting and meaningful.
A special place is occupied folk holidays, in which our kids are happy to participate. Holidays combine almost all elements of education: a song, a game, a fairy tale, a riddle, and artistic activity.
Stage 3 final
Creation of a memo for parents - “The role of parents in the revival of Russian traditions”

Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna
Pedagogical project in the first younger group"Folklore and kids"

Pedagogical project in the first junior group

On the topic: Folklore and kids"

Project plan:

1. Information about the project

2. Project implementation

Stage 1 – preparatory

Stage 2 – practical

Stage 3 – final

3. Conclusions

4. Literature used

1. Kiseleva L. S., Danilina T. D. “Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions.”

2. Gerbova “Classes on speech development.”

3. Komarova “Classes in visual arts.”

4. Bogateeva Z. A. “Wonderful paper crafts.”

5. Nikolaeva S. N. “ Environmental education in the kindergarten."

6. Lebedeva E.X. " Simple crafts made of paper and plasticine."

7. Shebeko V.L., Ermak N.N. “ Physical education holidays in kindergarten."

8. Karpukhina N. A. “Pedagogy of new times.”

9. Collection “First Steps”.

10. Kartushina M. Yu. “Scenarios for recreational activities”, “Fun for kids”, “Summaries of logarithmic activities with children 2-3 years old”.

Relevance of the project:

The foundations of morality should be laid from the very beginning. early age when character is formed, attitude towards the world, towards people around

Under the influence of various genres of oral folk art, the moral development of children occurs, the formation moral quality, concepts of norms of behavior

Children's folklore is necessary in the work of a teacher, as it reflects the life and activities of people of many generations in games, songs, and fairy tales.


Familiarizing young children with the world around them through small forms of folklore (folk nursery rhymes).

Game motivation

Folklore is one of its effective and vibrant means, fraught with enormous didactic opportunities. Getting to know folk works enriches children’s feelings and speech, shapes their attitude towards the world around them, and plays an invaluable role in all-round development.

The purposeful and systematic use of folklore in kindergarten allows us to lay the foundation for the psychophysical well-being of the child, which determines his success. general development in the preschool period of childhood.


Develop visual and effective thinking. Stimulate the search for new ways to solve practical problems using various objects (toys, household items).


1. Develop children’s perception and speech, achieving correct and clear pronunciation of words. Increase interest in nursery rhymes.

2. Improve the level of accumulated practical skills: encourage children to use various methods to achieve a goal, stimulate them to further motivating actions and “discoveries.”

3. Support the child’s desire to actively engage in communication and speak out.

4. Develop an emotional response to your favorite literary work through plot-based play; encourage the child to repeat after the teacher words and phrases from familiar fairy tales.

5. Evoke an emotional response to a piece of music in children, encourage them to perform joint movements to the music.

6. Learn to perceive a work of art by hearing, sight, touch; sincerely from the heart to sympathize, to be indignant, to rejoice.

Project participants:

group teachers, preschool specialists, parents and children of the first junior group.

Expected result

1. Development of the child’s spiritually rich personality as an active participant in the project.

2. Creating favorable conditions for the child’s self-development.

3. The child shows interest in playing with rhyme and words.

4. Children's word creation.

my projects will greatly help young professionals in their work

Lesson introduction to folklore works in 1st junior group.
Continue to introduce children to folklore works that tell about the cockerel, hen, and chickens.
Expand your awareness of your surroundings. Form cognitive activity.
Encourage children to perform play actions as shown by the teacher.
Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.
Preliminary work:
1. Learning nursery rhymes.
2. Consideration of illustrations in the books “Rhymes”.
Methodical techniques:
1. Message to the target (riddle about the cat).
2. Reading nursery rhymes about a cat.
3. Fine motor skills(lacing boots).
4. A trip to visit the cockerel by train.
5. Reading nursery rhymes about a cockerel, a hen, and chickens.
6. Game “Hen and Chicks”.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle: “Soft paws, but there are scratches in the paws, he screams “meow.”
Children: Cat.
Educator: Correct. And so he came to visit us. At night the cat catches mice, and during the day it basks in the sun and purrs. How does he purr?
Children: Mur-mur-mur.
Educator: Let's read a nursery rhyme about our cat:
Like our cat
The fur coat is very good
Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty,
Bold eyes, white teeth.
Educator: And now, Lena will read about pussy:
Pussy, pussy, pussy scat.
Don't sit on the path
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.
Educator: Children, the pussy invites us to visit the cockerel, but before we go, let's help him lace the boots that he brought us. (children sit at tables and lace up).
Well done, you completed the task, now you can go visit the cockerel. Let's go by train, I'll be the locomotive, and you'll all be carriages. The wheels started rumbling, “chug-chug-chug, the train is rushing at full speed.” We've arrived. And here the cockerel greets us with a “peek-a-boo.”
Children tell nursery rhymes about a cockerel and a chicken, playing with their fingers.
Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,
Oil head, silk beard,
That you get up early, sing songs loudly,
Don't you let the kids sleep?
My little hen, my clever girl, here’s the millet, some water,
Give me an egg, my good girl.
Educator: What does the hen call her chickens?
Children: Ko-ko-ko.
Educator: What kind of chickens? What kind of chicken?
Children: The chickens are small, but the hen is big. Tell a nursery rhyme about chickens.
Chick-chick-chick, there's some water in the tub.
Those who are afraid of me, I will not give water to them.
Here are the chickens running, not afraid of the tubs,
There is a saucer near the tub, they will all drink.
Children, you all did well, played well, told nursery rhymes. I'm very pleased with you.
Author: Shurygina S.L., teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type" No. 55 "Chudesnitsa" (Komi Republic, Vorkuta).
Program content:
To consolidate children's knowledge of works of small folklore forms (rhymes, pestles, jokes); introduce children to Russian traditional toys; develop children's sympathy for the toy and encourage them to communicate with it; develop love for Russians folk nursery rhymes, pestles. jokes; develop communication skills and a desire for cooperation.
Material: wooden spoons, beautiful handkerchiefs, bowls with small spoons, Russian traditional toys, cockerel toy.
Preliminary work: learning nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes, lullabies, folk games.
Methods and techniques: surprise moments; games aimed at organizing children's activities with an imaginary object; use of expressive means of speech; use of musical visuals.
Progress of the lesson:
Children dressed in Russian folk costumes enter the “Russian Izba” and sit on benches around the table. On the table on a tray there are handkerchiefs and spoons, wooden toys.
Educator: Hello, my dears! Hello, my beautiful ones! And our boys are like clear falcons! And the girls are like scarlet flowers! Are you seated comfortably? That's good! Today I want to show you how you can find a toy in the objects that surround us. A long time ago, when there were no shops, and everything was bought at bazaars and fairs. Children had as many toys as you have now. The children came up with their own toys.
The teacher lifts the scarf from the tray on which there are various wooden toys. Children look at them and play with them. The teacher invites them to make themselves a toy.
Educator: Here I have a spoon and a handkerchief, I’ll make a doll now.
The teacher takes a scarf, lays it out on the table and wraps a wooden spoon with eyes in it. He asks the children to also make a doll for themselves.
Educator: So we have a doll. Let's each give our doll a name, cuddle her and play with her.
Children call the names of their dolls and sing a lullaby to them together with the teacher:
Little bunnies,
Katya was rocked.
They sang to Katya:
Bye-bye! Bye-bye!
Sleep little one, sleep!
Educator: Guys, imagine that morning has come, the sun has risen, and we are waking up our doll.
Katya, Katenka, wake up!
Get out of bed!
Do you hear the cockerel crowing?
The children show a cockerel with their fingers, the teacher shows a toy cockerel and sings a nursery rhyme:
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Silk beard!
Why do you get up early?
You sing loudly,
Don't you let Katya sleep?
How does the cockerel crow?
Children: Ku-Ka-Re-Ku!
The cockerel woke up
The chicken stood up.
Rise up, my Katya!
Get up, my little daughter!
Stretch, stretch.
Hurry, wake up quickly!
Come out, water!
We came to wash ourselves
Water, water!
Wash my face!
To make your eyes sparkle!
To make your cheeks blush!
Let your mouth laugh!
So that the tooth bites!
Educator: Our doll woke up, washed her face and it’s time for her to have breakfast. Shall we cook some porridge for her?
Children: Yes!
Children take bowls and spoons.
Boil, boil, porridge,
Cook, cook, little one,
Porridge, porridge,
Porridge is a baby.
We cooked porridge -
Katya was fed.
Children feed the doll.
The teacher reads nursery rhymes with the children:
This spoon is for mommy,
This spoon is for daddy,
This spoon is for grandpa,
This spoon is for grandma,
This spoon is for you!
Grow big, like this!
Katya, Katya is little.
Katya is remote.
Walk along the path
Stomp your foot, Katya.
The teacher invites the children to go for a walk with the doll and play with it.
The game “Puppet and round dance” is played.
Here I sat on the gate
Talking magpie:
It’s time for the little one to sleep!”
Pigeons looked through the windows
“Ghouli - gulli - gulli - gulli,
The little one needs to sleep
So that you don’t oversleep in the morning.”
We need to put our dolls in the cradle and sing a lullaby so that they fall asleep faster.
The teacher and children sing a lullaby.
Don't lie on the edge:
The little gray wolf will come,
They'll grab you by the side
And he will drag you into the woods,
Under a broom bush;
The birds are singing there,
They won't let you sleep.
The little one needs to sleep.
So as not to oversleep in the morning.
Educator: Our dolls fell asleep. Let's move away and don't wake them up. This is the kind of toy you can make from a simple spoon and a handkerchief. As a farewell, I would like to treat you, dear guests, to some sushi. Eat to your health!
The teacher puts dryers on the children’s fingers and says:
This finger is grandpa, (on the thumb)
This finger is grandma, (on the index finger)
This finger is dad (on the middle finger)
This finger is mom (on the ring finger)
This finger is me!
That's my whole family! (Children clench and unclench their fists.)
The children thank the hostess and say goodbye.
Folklore lesson for children of the 1st junior group "Visiting Vanya"
Ivanova Teresa Gundynovna, teacher
Sections: Working with preschoolers
Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge of small folklore forms.
Developmental: Develop a love for Russian folk nursery rhymes and songs.
Educational: Cultivate in children empathy for the toy, encourage them to communicate with it. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.
Preliminary work: Reading nursery rhymes, looking at pictures, learning lullabies, jokes.
Demonstration material: Toys: Vanya doll, cat, dog. Wooden spoons, bowls, Russian traditional toys. Interior of a Russian hut, napkins, musical instruments.
Methods and techniques:
Surprise moments.
Games aimed at organizing children's activities with an imaginary object.
Use of musical instruments.
Progress of the lesson
Children enter the “Russian Hut” and look at (the stove, table, bench, there are bowls, toys, wooden spoons on the table). Guests are greeted by a teacher in national dress:
You, dear guests, are welcome,
You are welcome - come in.
How cozy it is in our room
The stove is lit early in the morning
The cat washes itself with its paw
Our fairy tale begins.
There is a cradle. Vanyusha is sleeping in the cradle.
Host: We came to visit Vanechka. Where is Vanechka? (They approach the cradle) He is still sleeping. Morning came, the sun rose. Let's wake up our Vanya too.
Children: Let's wake you up.
Vanya-Vanechka, wake up and get out of bed
Do you hear, the cockerel crowed, wake up my friend. (The cockerel crows.)
How did the cockerel crow?
Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!
The cockerel woke up and the hen stood up.
Wake up my friend, get up my Vanechka.
Stretch, stretch, wake up quickly. (Pour some water into the basin.)
Come out, water! We came to wash ourselves.
(Vanya washes herself, reads a nursery rhyme.)
Water, water! Wash my face!
To make your eyes sparkle, to make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs and your teeth bite.
(Children talk together with the teacher.)
Host: Vanechka has washed his face, let’s play ok with him?
Children: Yes. Let's play.
(They sing in chorus and dramatize the song “Ladushki.”)
Okay, okay.
Where were you? - At my grandmother's. (Clap their hands.)
What did you eat? - Porridge.
They drank yogurt. (Run a finger over your palm.)
We ate porridge.
Shu! - let's fly! (They wave their hands, imitating birds.)
They sat on their heads,
They sat down and sat (Put their palms on their heads.)
They flew away! Yes! (Imagining birds, they scatter around the hall.)
Host: How well you sing and play cheerfully. Tired? We'll rest a little and cook some porridge.
We'll feed our Vanya. Take spoons and bowls.
(Children take spoons and bowls.)
Boil, boil, porridge,
Cook, cook, little one,
Porridge, porridge,
Porridge is a baby
We cooked porridge -
Vanya was fed.
Children: children feed the doll and say:
This spoon is for mommy, this spoon is for daddy,
This is a spoon for grandfather, This is a spoon for grandmother
This is the spoon for you.
Grow big, like this!
(They lift the doll up.)
Presenter: Vanya played with us and ate porridge. He is a little tired, he needs to rest. Let's put Vanya in the cradle and sing him a lullaby.
(Children rock the cradle and sing a lullaby.)
I bless my Vanya
Come, cat, spend the night
To kill our Vanya,
Pump our Vanya,
Rock, lull
Sleep, sleep
Take you away
I bless my Vanya.
Host: Hush, hush, our Vanya has already fallen asleep. Let's move away and don't wake him up. As a farewell, I treat you to some delicious gingerbread. (The teacher gives the children a basket of gingerbread cookies, they go to the group.)
Summary of a lesson on speech development with elements of folklore for children of the first junior group.
Topic: “Excursion to the poultry yard.”
Program objectives: Continue to introduce children to folklore works that talk about poultry. Induce joy in children by repeating the familiar nursery rhyme “Our ducks in the morning.” Exercise children in onomatopoeia. Develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech. Enrich your vocabulary. Cultivate a love for pets.
Materials for the lesson: Bird house, soft toys: hen, chickens, rooster, goose, masks with images of hens, chickens, ducks.
Vocabulary work: Cockerel, hazel hen, chickens, roof, doors, windows.
Preliminary work: Reading nursery rhymes, singing songs, asking riddles.
Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Today we will go on an excursion to the poultry yard. Let's stand next to each other (train) and let's go! (The teacher sings, the children help. Musical accompaniment).
-The locomotive hummed,
And he brought the trailers!
I'll take you far!
Children: - Tu-tu-uu!
Educator: So we arrived at the poultry yard. Let's take a break and say hello.
Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.
Communication game:
- Hello, palms! Clap-clap-clap. (Children clap their hands).
-Hello, legs! Top-top-top. (Children stomp their feet.)
-Hello, cheeks! Plop-plop-plop.
-Round cheeks! Plop-plop-plop. (Children touch their cheeks with their index fingers).
-Hello, sponges! Smack-smack-smack. (Children show sponges).
- Hello, teeth! Click-click-click. (Children show teeth).
- Hello, my nose! Beep beep. (Children touch their nose with their index finger.)
-Hello, guests! You are welcome. (Children spread their arms to the sides.)
Educator: Look how beautiful the house is! What does the house have? Children: Roof, door, window.
Educator: I wonder who lives in this house? Let's knock: knock-knock-knock.
Children:: Knock-knock-knock. Who lives in the house?
Educator: Do you hear someone say: co-co-co? Who is this?
Children: - Chicken.
(The teacher takes a chicken out of the house and reads a nursery rhyme).
The chicken is a beauty
She lived with me.
Oh, what a smart girl
There was chicken.
She sewed caftans for me,
I sewed boots
Delicious, rosy
She baked pies for me.
Educator: What is the chicken called?
Children: The pied hen, the chattering hen, the pockmarked hen.
Finger gymnastics: “Chicken”
Mommy chicken has come (we walk with our fingers from the elbow to the hand).
She buried the earth with her paw. (Stroke your palm).
She found a worm (draw a wavy line on her palm - “worm”).
And she gave it to the chickens. (We gather our fingers into a fist).
Educator: Hear someone squeak: pee-pee-pee.
Children: - Chickens!
(The teacher takes two chickens out of the house. They examine them).
Educator: What kind of chickens?
Children: Small, yellow.
Educator: How do they squeak?
Children: - Pee-pee-pee.
Educator: What does the chicken tell them?
Children: Ko-ko-ko. Don't go far.
Educator: The hen and her chicks invite you and me to take a walk around the yard.
Physical education minute.
-The chicken went out for a walk,
Pinch some fresh grass,
And behind her are the boys,
Yellow chickens!
“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Don't go far!
Row with your paws!
Look for the grains! "(Children repeat the movements after the teacher).
Educator: Let's feed the hen and chicks. (Children show how they feed by holding out their palm.)
Educator: Who else lives in the house? Here, here, here. (Children repeat: knock-knock-knock).
(You can hear ku-ka-re-ku).
Educator: Who screams like that?
Children: - Cockerel.
(A cockerel appears.) Children look at the cockerel.
-Our cockerel is loud,
In the morning he shouts: “Hello! »
On his feet are boots,
Earrings hang on the ears,
There is a comb on the head,
That's what he is, a cockerel!
Educator: - What song is he singing?
Children: Ku-ka-re-ku.
Educator: What kind of beak does the cockerel have?
(Then the children show the comb, beard, tail, spurs).
Educator: Let's sprinkle some grains on the cockerel too! Peck, cockerel! (Children repeat: “Peck! Peck!”).
Educator: Who else can you meet in the poultry yard? Here, here, here. Who lives in the house? (Heard: ha-ha-ha).
Educator: Oh, guys, who's there?
Children: - Goose. (A goose appears from the house).
Educator: White geese go to the stream,
White geese lead the goslings,
White geese came out into the meadows,
The geese shouted: “Ha-ha-ha.”
Educator: How does a goose scream?
Children: - Ha-ga-ga.
Educator: What kind of goose?
Children: - White.
Educator: What color is the beak?
Children: - Red.
Educator: How does he open his beak?
Finger gymnastics.
The goose stands and cackles all the time. (Children show with the fingers of both hands how a goose opens its beak.
He probably wants to pinch.
- Ha-ha-ha! Children: - Ha-ha-ha!
Educator: Let's remember and tell a nursery rhyme:
Our ducks in the morning... Children: - Quack-quack-quack.
Our geese by the pond... Children: - Ha-ga-ga.
Our chickens out the window... Children: - Ko-ko-ko.
Our turkey in the middle of the yard... Children: - Ball-ball-ball.
Our little walks are at the top... Children: - Gru-gru-gru.
And our Petya will sing to us in the morning... Children: - Ku-ka-re-ku!
Educator: Which poultry did we see?
Children: Chicken - ko-ko-ko, chickens - pi-pi-pi, goose - ga-ha-ha, cockerel - ku-ka-re-ku.
Educator: We treated the birds with grains, they also prepared us a basket with bagels. (The teacher hands out the bagels, reads a nursery rhyme).
Oh, swing-kachi-kachi,
All the bagels are rolls,
All bagels-rolls
Hot, hot, out of the oven!
Educator: Now it’s time for us to leave, kids! (Children stand one after another, like a train.
The locomotive hummed,
And he brought the trailers!
I'll take you far! Children: - Tu-tu-uuu!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

  1. Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge of small folklore forms.
  2. Educational:
  3. Develop a love for Russian folk nursery rhymes and songs.
  4. Educational:
  5. Cultivate children's sympathy for the toy and encourage them to communicate with it. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work: Reading nursery rhymes, looking at pictures, learning lullabies, jokes.

Demonstration material: Toys: Vanya doll, cat, dog. Wooden spoons, bowls, Russian traditional toys. Interior of a Russian hut, napkins, musical instruments.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Surprise moments.
  2. Games aimed at organizing children's activities with an imaginary object.
  3. Use of musical instruments.
  4. Onomatopoeia.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the “Russian Hut” and look at (the stove, table, bench, there are bowls, toys, wooden spoons on the table). Guests are greeted by a teacher in national dress:

You, dear guests, are welcome,
You are welcome - come in.
How cozy it is in our room
The stove is lit early in the morning
The cat washes itself with its paw
Our fairy tale begins.

There is a cradle. Vanyusha is sleeping in the cradle.

Leading: We came to visit Vanechka. Where is Vanechka? (They approach the cradle) He is still sleeping. Morning came, the sun rose. Let's wake up our Vanya too.

Children: Let's wake you up.


Vanya-Vanechka, wake up and get out of bed
Do you hear, the cockerel crowed, wake up my friend. (The cockerel crows.)

How did the cockerel crow?

Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!


The cockerel woke up and the hen stood up.
Wake up my friend, get up my Vanechka.
Stretch, stretch, wake up quickly. (Pour some water into the basin.)
Come out, water! We came to wash ourselves.

(Vanya washes herself, reads a nursery rhyme.)

Water, water! Wash my face!
To make your eyes sparkle, to make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs and your teeth bite.

(Children talk together with the teacher.)

Leading: Vanechka has washed his face, let’s play ok with him?

Children: Yes. Let's play.

(They sing in chorus and dramatize the song “Ladushki.”)

Okay, okay.
Where were you? - At my grandmother's. (Clap their hands.)
What did you eat? - Porridge.
They drank yogurt. (Run a finger over your palm.)
We ate porridge.
Shu! - let's fly! (They wave their hands, imitating birds.)
They sat on their heads,
They sat down and sat (Put their palms on their heads.)
They flew away! Yes! (Imagining birds, they scatter around the hall.)

Leading: How well you sing and play cheerfully. Tired? We'll rest a little and cook some porridge.

We'll feed our Vanya. Take spoons and bowls.

(Children take spoons and bowls.)


Boil, boil, porridge,
Cook, cook, little one,
Porridge, porridge,
Porridge is a baby
We cooked porridge -
Vanya was fed.

Children: children feed the doll and say:

This spoon is for mommy, this spoon is for daddy,
This is a spoon for grandfather, This is a spoon for grandmother
This is the spoon for you.
Grow big, like this!

(They lift the doll up.)

Leading: Vanya played with us and ate porridge. He is a little tired, he needs to rest. Let's put Vanya in the cradle and sing him a lullaby.

(Children rock the cradle and sing a lullaby.)

I bless my Vanya
Come, cat, spend the night
To kill our Vanya,
Pump our Vanya,
Rock, lull
Sleep, sleep
Take you away
I bless my Vanya.

Leading: Hush, hush, our Vanya has already fallen asleep. Let's move away and don't wake him up. As a farewell, I treat you to some delicious gingerbread. (The teacher gives the children a basket of gingerbread cookies, they go to the group.)

Pedagogical project in the 1st junior group

"Folklore. The importance of folklore in the education of preschoolers"

Project participants: children of the 1st junior group, teachers, parents.

Project type: cognitive - creative, group, joint.

Relevance: V modern world children have a great interest in folk traditions, holidays, and in general to knowledge of the cultural values ​​of their people. Children's assimilation and acceptance of these values ​​is possible when their integrity and interconnection are preserved. It is difficult to overestimate the role played oral folklore in the process of developing the child’s personality.

Hypothesis: Activities based on the principles of folklore creativity will develop the child’s artistic, imaginative, associative thinking and imagination, which allows him to activate his most diverse creative manifestations. That is, a nursery rhyme is a tool of pedagogical influence on a child.

Subject of research: folklore.

Object of study is a nursery rhyme that is used to familiarize children with oral folk art.

Stage 1. Search.

Target: promoting the development of children’s understanding of the world around them through the use of nursery rhymes in the educational process.

Tasks: 1. give a figurative idea of ​​the origins and meaning of the nursery rhyme.

2. Introduce children to the traditions of folk culture.

3. Teach to see the inner world of man and the beauty of nature.

4. Develop the emotional and moral sphere of the child through folklore.

5. Cultivate a love for people and animals, a desire to take care of them.

Estimated results of the project implementation:

1. Children’s knowledge of information about small forms of folklore: nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, nicknames and others.

2. Understanding the meaning of the word “a little nursery rhyme”.

3. The ability to independently organize plots - role playing games using a pole.

4. Creation of card files of all types of nursery rhymes.

5. Children learning nursery rhymes.

Collection of information

1. Ask questions:

What do you know about nursery rhymes?

What nursery rhymes do you know?

Who else would you like to sing nursery rhymes about?

Development of a project plan

1. Select illustrations for nursery rhymes;

2. Find literature about nursery rhymes;

3. Select the heroes of the nursery rhymes;

4. Ask your parents for help.

Stage 2. Analytical.

Project plan "Poteshka":

1. Selection of topic and project development (October).

2. Study and analysis of literary sources, educational, methodological and gaming materials, modern scientific developments, stories about nursery rhymes (November).

3. Compose a questionnaire and conduct a survey among parents. Analyze their attitude to the issue presented (November).

4. Create an information stand for parents (December).

5. Drawing up a work plan for the project (December).

6. Introducing children to a nursery rhyme (January).

7. Topic: heroes of nursery rhymes ( artistic activity, plot-role-playing games) (February – March).

8. Topic: household items (theatrical performances, didactic games) (March – April).

9. Interaction with parents (constantly).

Project development

1. Create a developmental environment:

Include paintings with illustrations for nursery rhymes into the group.

Fill the corner of the book with collections of nursery rhymes.

Make an album “Rhymes”.

2. Organize direct educational activities.

Speech development. Topic: “Reading the nursery rhyme “Goat - White-legged”.

Fiction. Reading nursery rhymes.

Productive activity (drawing) - “Gift for Cockerel”, “Pancakes, pancakes like grandma’s.”

3. Joint activities teacher with children.

Making cards with illustrations for nursery rhymes with children;

Excursions around the territory of the kindergarten;

Observation while walking;

Reading fiction on the topic of the project;

Conversation with children about the content of nursery rhymes.

4. Independent activity children.

Board and educational games;

Story-based role-playing games.

5. Interaction with family.

Prepare a questionnaire for parents;

Exhibition of drawings by children and their parents with illustrations for nursery rhymes.

Stage 3. Practical.

Forms of work Contents

1. Direct educational activities

Cognitive activity (speech development).

Introducing children to nursery rhymes. Pronouncing individual phrases after the teacher.

Social and personal development.

Topic: “Katya washes herself”, “Masha eats”.


Reading nursery rhymes about animals and people; nursery rhymes used during special moments.

Productive activity (drawing).

Topic: “Gift for Cockerel”, “Pancakes, pancakes just like grandma’s.”

2. Joint activities with children carried out during special moments

Game activity: s/r games: “Katya is washing her face”, “Let’s put the doll Olya to sleep”, “Masha is having lunch” and others.

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten.

Reading nursery rhymes about animals and people.

Acquaintance with other types of folklore.

Conversation with children “What nursery rhymes I know.”

3. Independent activity

Looking at paintings and illustrations for nursery rhymes.

Drawing animals, birds, nursery rhyme heroes.

Coloring coloring pages with animals and birds.

Organization of role-playing games.

Modeling peas and gingerbread for animals.

4. Interaction with family

Preparing a questionnaire for parents.

Information at the stand.

Consultations for parents on the importance of folklore in raising children.

Stage 4. Project presentation.

Target: making mini-books.

1. Children are divided into small subgroups;

2. Each subgroup paints one or another hero of the nursery rhyme;

3. Each subgroup talks about its hero in 2 – 3 sentences;

4. Design of pages together with teachers;

5. Design of a book with nursery rhymes.

Stage 5. Control.

1. Reflective conversation: What other nursery rhymes do you want to know about?

2. Conversation with parents.