A woman makes a man. What should a woman do to inspire a man to succeed? What we think about will happen to us, including what we wish for others.

Ancient traditions say that it is a woman who is the creative energy of the Universe, inspiring and filling a man. And a man, receiving this energy, turns it into abundance. A man is given the ability to structure feminine energy, transforming it into material wealth and financial flows.

A woman contributes to the success of her beloved man. With warmth, care and love, acceptance, sex, a woman fills a man with her energy, sets the vector, and the man turns this energy into the energy of prosperity, success and wealth. A woman is destined by nature to BE, LIVE, JOY, LOVE. For a man - ACT, ACHIEVE, WIN.

What exactly should a woman do to inspire a man to succeed:

✔ 1.Accept him as he is. Don't remake it!

By accepting him, you acknowledge his right to be himself. You need to get rid of the idea that you know something better than a man, that you understand something, that you are smarter than him. Give him the freedom to be himself. Don't try to perfect it. Acceptance means that you recognize him as a man, just like you, with his own strengths and weaknesses. You understand that he has weaknesses, just like any other man. You accept the whole person with all his valuable qualities and with all his human weaknesses.

✔ 2. Appreciate his best sides, what he does for you.

Appreciating a man means respecting his strengths and being grateful to him for what he is and for what he does for you. Think about what you can value in your man? Character traits, qualities, abilities, interests.

If you can't find anything to appreciate about your husband now, look to past experiences. Remember how you met, why you liked him, what first attracted you to him, some events in your life together that aroused your admiration and gratitude, or difficult circumstances that he bravely dealt with.

✔ 3. Admire his masculinity.

Deep in his soul, every man wants to see in a woman admiration for his masculine virtues, namely, the abilities, talents, achievements, ideas, dreams and male body characteristic of men, his masculinity. He needs admiration like he needs bread. Just as a woman needs love, a man needs admiration.

Admiration is very important for men; they have nowhere to get it if those around them do not admire them. Admiration A man is ready to receive it from any source, but admiration from the lips of his beloved woman will be especially valuable.

Trust and confide in him, his leadership. It’s difficult when we, in the position of a mother, know everything better than him and can still tell him what he needs to do. Trust the man that he is able to make the right decision. His decision and vision will probably coincide with yours, but this does not mean that it is not correct.

✔ 5. Allow him to be a leader, provider, protector.

The role of leader, protector and breadwinner is a man's role, it is his right and his advantage. When you have 100% confidence inside that a man should feed the family, he will begin to feed it. You just stop doing it. By taking this position, you will not only give the man his role, but also satisfy his need to be needed.

If you begin to increase a man’s masculinity, he automatically begins to move forward, grow, he begins to succeed in everything, he begins to earn good money, and become successful. In order for you to increase a man’s masculinity, you yourself need to increase your femininity.

✔ 6. Let him manage finances.

The husband is responsible for providing for the family. If a man stops earning money and does not want or cannot find a job for a long time, this is an alarming sign that the woman is responsible for providing for the family and the leading role. We begin to fuss, help our husband look for work, begin to make decisions for him, nag him until we take on this responsibility ourselves and go to “plow.” What should a woman really do? - “she should have the courage to sit next to her husband and not make any further movements” - accept him with love and believe that he can handle it, trust him, and wait for him to take on this responsibility.

✔ 7. Allow yourself to want and have.

If there is a woman next to a man who is not indifferent to him, and she has desires, then he will try to satisfy her desires. Men are designed that way; they like to make a woman happy. But if a woman herself suppresses her desires or does not allow herself to have what she wants, a man cannot do anything about it. He will only mirror our attitude towards himself. And we will be offended that he is such a miser.

There are no greedy men - there are women with very low self-esteem. There are no monster men, there are wives who have forgotten about themselves.

To the extent that a woman has plans, tasks, intentions and desires that have some kind of potential, they fill a man to the extent that they fill him. This is like the engine of a man's success. When a woman has no desires, she will destroy a man’s success, there is no movement forward. A man needs little; they are ascetic by nature.

✔ 8. Develop feminine qualities in yourself. To be in the female pole.

Condition is important for a woman! this is its value and its strength. When she is in her female state, she is a sorceress. Then, next to her, the man becomes courageous, calm, confident, makes decisions, acts, implements his plans, and takes responsibility.

If there is a woman nearby who always talks about the past, complains all the time, judges someone, is touchy, indecisive, not adapted to anything and does not make herself happy, depressed, then the man next to her becomes irritable, pretentious, aggressive, insecure and unwilling to take responsibility. Therefore, it is important for us:

✔ 9. To be fulfilled, happy - take care of yourself.

When a woman nourishes a man, she gives him energy to realize it in the outside world. A woman is a well from which a man drinks and the quality of this water is very good. important. This is a woman’s work on herself; an unhappy woman who does not love herself cannot make anyone happy, she cannot give what she does not have herself. Women are the foundation of a man's success and family relationships.
The power of a woman is enormous. The problem is that women do not understand their power and the possibilities of their influence on their husbands.

✔ 10. Support his ideas and believe in his capabilities, that he can do it!

If a wife supports her husband’s ideas, even the most “crazy” ones, with trust and faith in him, this is something valuable that a woman can do for a man. The story of Henry Ford, with his idea in the engineering industry, in which few believed. But his wife, believing in her husband, helped him in the garage every evening - she held the lamp when he worked in the garage after a hard day. She supported him and believed in his idea!

Men are not biorobots who should solve all our problems, earn money, buy apartments, give us children and help around the house. Realize our dreams. Men are the same people. And they, just like us, want love. To be loved, not used. To be seen and not sawed. So that his inner world would be interesting and pleasant to someone.

And then the stingy become generous. The glove holders are starting to restore order. Workaholics pay attention to their loved ones. The insensitive ones show love, while the vulnerable and infantile ones grow up. Only love can bring about such transformations. Only love when you see more. Not only qualities and properties, not only the size of housing and cars. When you see his soul, his personality, his strengths, his potential. You see for yourself - and help him see them.

Butsovskaya T. S.

A person who successfully achieves his goals, feels this himself and has the recognition of others for this is called a successful person.

He is distinguished from others by a number of abilities, skills and habits. Among them we can list the following: responsibility, self-discipline, self-control, effective thinking, the ability to learn, the habit of developing.

A successful person always demonstrates confident behavior and the ability to be a leader. Being energetic and leading a healthy lifestyle is not a way of life, it’s habits, just like setting goals for yourself, and many other traits.

When a woman is called a successful person, it’s always cool. And yet, a successful man is many times cooler. True, not every representative of the strong half of humanity knows (or wants to admit) that his success, like, by the way, health, and even the behavior of children, depend solely on the kind of woman who is next to him, on her condition and her sexuality !

And these are not just words, this is the conclusion that psychologist, coach, personal growth trainer Alexander Palienko came to after many years of studying and researching this issue.

“If you're with a woman who has great acceptance, it makes you move forward without stopping,” he says. “And you begin to be a man who is a dream for any woman, but in fact it’s not you - it’s your woman.”

The psychologist explains this phenomenon simply: because we have a man who is courageous, calm, makes decisions, acts, implements his plans, self-confident, respects himself and respects others in abundance, has a sense of humor, and is rich.

That is, when a man is rich, he is calm, when a man is poor, he is irritable. It's the same as a hungry man and a well-fed man - they are different.

As for the woman, Alexander Palienko continues, she is sexy, charming, feminine, accepting, sensual, driven, forgiving, material (very important material, not spiritual) and loving.

And so that the man is courageous, calm, makes decisions, acts, implements his plans, etc. he needs a woman. After all, whatever a woman puts there will be there. “I emphasize this again,” the psychologist emphasized.

As a result, if a woman has small desires, then a man will have small victories. If a woman has great desires, then the man will have great victories. If a woman has global plans and goals, tasks, but she makes herself happy, works on herself and at the same time watches her figure, goes to the gym, eats right, buys good shampoos, communicates with the people she likes, then .e. she takes care of herself, then she can fill a man. If she just lies there, doesn’t go anywhere, and at the same time dreams about everything, there will be no sense in it, because she will give the man a pacifier.

Why, because she herself is not realized, the expert explains.

“Only a Yan woman can make a man. A Yan woman is one who knows what she wants and accepts it all, but at the same time still acts in order to make herself happy,” personal growth coach Alexander Palienko draws the attention of the stronger sex.

Have you ever thought about how a woman influences a man’s success?
You can find everywhere a large list of tips on how to be a successful man.
What a man should be like to be successful - purposeful, courageous, determined, stubborn, persistent... and many other qualities, but nowhere does it include being loved by a Woman.
In success, men greatly underestimate the influence of a Woman and her energy on male success.
But in truth, a man’s success depends on a woman, or rather on those subtle fluids that a woman sends into space.
Only by being next to a happy and loving woman can a man fully realize his masculine potential and achieve great success.
We hear and read a lot about what a woman should be. so that a man would love her, and we talk very little about what a man should be like in order for a woman to love him, except that he should provide for his family.

We all know that feminine energy is responsible for love in relationships, masculine energy is responsible for material well-being.

I think it’s not worth drawing boundaries between male and female roles.
Nowadays, it is not enough for a modern woman to receive from a man only material support for her and her family; a woman wants to feel the spiritual aspect in a relationship, she needs tenderness, care, SHOWS of love...
To say I earn money, what else do you need, is fundamentally not the correct way to pose the question.

It is also not enough for a man now to see a woman nearby who would dissolve in him. He wants to see a loving, smart, well-groomed and attractive woman next to him.

Sometimes a man, in pursuit of material well-being, forgets how space works. forgets that his success and well-being directly depends on the influence of feminine energy.

In addition to his masculine virtues and abilities, an important role is played by how the woman next to him feels and feels.

Only in one case will a man be lucky when a woman next to him is happy and loves and is loved by him.

Positive feminine energy creates a positive space for her husband and his success.

If a woman is offended, upset, does not feel love from her husband, then luck and prosperity will turn away from the man and he will not understand why.

Feminine energy is associated with the energy of space and a woman can influence current events very quickly.

If every man analyzes his life and compares the waves of his success with what was happening in his personal life at that moment. I think he will find a connection between his successes and what happened in his personal relationship with a woman.

A man gets into trouble in business when the woman next to him feels bad, even if she doesn’t tell him about it.

A woman is endowed with great power. Female energy interacts with the energy of space and female thoughts, her mood influence the surrounding energy flows, shaping reality.

For a long time, everyone has known the fact that a woman gives energy to a man and it is on this that a man’s success and the amount of money he earns depends.

I think it would be completely wrong to divide the space and place the care of relationships only on women’s shoulders.
I think relationships are a two-way street and only with reciprocal flows are relationships possible.

You can talk as much as you like about how love works miracles, but no matter how much a woman loves, if a man does not give back the love he receives, then there can be no talk of any exchange of energy.
If a person receives, then this gives rise to a natural need to give.
If a person receives and does not give anything, then he will be destroyed.

If a man receives love from a woman, but does not give her his male energy - in the form of care, love, tenderness, responsibility for her and family, in material support, then female energy in this case will destroy the man.
Therefore, as a woman, giving, but not receiving what her feminine essence needs, will suffer.
It is women's suffering and discontent that will come into contact with the energy of space and will destroy a man.

A man who can awaken a woman’s love for himself will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Loving is the ability of high spirituality.
Not all women and men are spiritually pure and capable of love in principle. Many people's souls are often twisted by deep childhood traumas. Such people need to think about their spirituality and increase its level in themselves, and then think about relationships and love.

When two spiritually poor people meet and the other is needed only to RECEIVE - love, attention, care, then such a relationship is doomed.
In this case, the determining factor in choosing a partner becomes the following criterion:
- How does he (she) treat me?
Not a criterion:
- What kind of person is next to me?
- What are its advantages and disadvantages?
- What can I give him?
When meeting a person, first of all you need to understand what you can give him (her).

Much depends on the wife in the husband’s life, because a woman is closely connected with the power of subtle matter.
It is very important that a woman truly appreciates a man's intelligence and logic.
Mind and logic are masculine strength and masculine nature.
But a woman cannot appreciate if these qualities and virtues are not there.

A man must take care of his masculine qualities.
A woman should see and feel a MAN.
It is to the mind and reason that respect arises.
By respecting a man, a woman thereby gives her husband a high position in the family and her soul.

What kind of man should a woman respect, love and recognize in him as masculine strength and masculine power?

1. A man must provide a woman with the safety of her space - physical and economic. A woman should feel protected.
2. A man must earn money not only for the necessities of life, but also for clothes and jewelry.
3. Don't upset the Woman.
4. Don't make her cry.
5. Don't offend.
6. Treat her tenderly and caringly.
A man must understand that he must give a woman the care of a father, the friendship of a brother, the passion of a lover, and at the same time respect her freedom.

Having given all this to a woman, men can be sure that the woman will respect and love you, she will feel like a WOMAN, and when a Woman comes into contact with her feminine nature, then next to such a Woman the Man will have no other choice but to be Successful, Lucky and Strong! !!

They say “Look for the Woman”... and it's true. Look for a woman whom you will love, who will respect and love you.

Laws of life from the legendary coach and political strategist Alexey Sitnikov
Alexey Sitnikov, a legend of global consulting and coaching, Doctor of Psychological and Economic Sciences, professor, Master of Business Administration (MBA), psychotherapist, NLP trainer with experience in teaching and consulting in more than 50 countries, initiator of the international crowdsourcing project KARMALOGIC - about some of the laws of management your life and destiny. The laws were collected in the process of working with experts and extensive international crowdsourcing, and were analyzed by a team of specialists from the KARMALOGIC project based on psychotherapeutic and coaching practice.

Fate favors those who speak positively about others - or say nothing

What I say about other people forms a certain attitude towards me on the part of those around me, associated, among other things, with the images of what I said - even if I spoke about others. For example, if we say kind things, we are perceived as positive, benevolent and open people, free from complexes, who do not need to hide our shortcomings by pointing out the same ones in others. It becomes more pleasant and safer to communicate with us, and wariness is naturally relieved. Over time, a kind of positive background is formed around us, which attracts the same favorable-minded people to us. Thus, what we say actually shapes our environment.

Every day could be your last. Those who consult with their death, planning their every day, and live “here and now” get the most out of life.

Life is what is happening to us now. This means that every day is the most important thing in life. Therefore, if we have any desires, dreams and “importances”, we must try to realize them right now and enjoy it. And right now we need to communicate with those people with whom we want it. Otherwise, often “our most beloved people get the least love” (A. Dolsky). Take care of loved ones. Travel. Enjoy life. In the world, many people buy fresh bread every day, but at the same time eat up the old one. And during this time, fresh bread also becomes stale. And, as a result, such people constantly, throughout their lives, eat only stale bread. You should be attentive to your life and appreciate every moment, every impression and experience.

Happy people in life are those who try to think positively, easily letting go of negativity and not allowing it to influence life.

If there are any negative emotions, grievances, problems, it is very useful to let them go, giving up the desire for harm to other people and focusing on the good that we want in the future.

What we think about will happen to us, including what we wish for others

What we think about happens to us. Whether we think about ourselves or others. It is no coincidence that they say: “Don’t dig a hole for others, you yourself will fall into it.” So, if, because of some negative emotions towards another person, we wish him harm, this is what we are programming our life and future for in the first place. And vice versa. If we wish others goodness and success, then we unconsciously psychologically prepare ourselves for the same pleasant events.

If we do as we always do, we will get what we always got (D. Grinder)

If we have some kind of habitual algorithm of actions, then the result is often simply programmed by the process itself. The world develops through mistakes and random events, and not through the usual. Fate gives us the opportunity to make new choices only through random events. Accordingly, in order to change something in your life, it is often worth giving the so-called “chance” a chance and remaining open to new opportunities. For example, travel at least several times a month to work on a different route, visit places you have never been to, and meet new people from new areas.

The unconscious will keep us from making wrong actions and decisions by any means

Our unconscious somehow knows what we need (S. Jobs). And if we go the wrong way, it gives us signs. You just need to be able to see and understand them. What is a sign? This is an unlikely event that for some reason happened right now when we are making a decision. And the less likely it was for us to occur, the more important this sign is. For example, illnesses and injuries often symbolize that we are moving in the wrong direction. We go towards false goals, follow other people’s guidelines, instead of making efforts for our own happiness. And that's why our unconscious tries to hold us back. And if we don’t listen to it, then the unconscious will eventually try to turn us off completely.

We only own what is actually earned through labor, time, knowledge, and care.

In fact, this is a continuation of the law of conservation of energy. If each of us takes for ourselves only what we have actually earned, then harmony will be maintained. And vice versa, violation of this law will lead to a nonequilibrium state in the system, and this system will come to equilibrium in any complex way, taking from some and adding to others.

And therefore, if we take benefits or a resource that does not belong to us, fate will take them away from us in order to restore the natural balance. Based on this rule, if for some reason we received more than we deserve, it means that for some reason the universe, through us, wants to distribute it to those who, in our opinion, need it. For some reason, our value system or environment was more suitable for redistribution. And fate will then somehow tell you exactly who needs to be helped. In fact, by following this law, we prevent ourselves from negative events. Fate will be more favorable to us.

It is very useful to completely abandon evaluative statements and judgments, and even more so to beware of giving advice to others

When we give advice to another person, they often have the illusion that we know better the correct answer. Although this, of course, cannot be so. The correct answer and decision depends on such a huge number of subjective and unknown factors that we will never be able to correctly assess and understand the situation from the point of view of this particular person. On the other hand, this allows him to shift responsibility for his decisions onto us. If we are asked for advice, our task is simply to expand the list of possible visible options for such a person and help find the pros and cons of each option. And then his life experience, logic and intuition will themselves choose the best option of all possible for him.

The same mistake is made in value judgments. By giving an assessment, we program a person. It is not for nothing that in NLP value judgments are related to hypnosis methods (the so-called Milton model of language). In addition, evaluation can often destroy even good relationships. Therefore, instead of telling someone “you are bad,” it is worth learning to talk about the feelings that we experience as a reaction to the actions of another person.

Try to find the flow and get into it

There are a large number of energy flows in the world. And if you get into them, you can develop and achieve success much faster than others. Basically, such flows are formed around people with good energy, a positive outlook on the world, and satisfied with their lives. Communicating with such people, we begin to imitate them. Once in such a flow, you need to strive for its center. Just as an indicator of the center of a warm current in the ocean is the temperature of the water, an indicator that you are moving in the right direction is the appearance of more and more positive and successful people around you.

Our abilities are revealed when we really need them

This is how the human brain works: only those abilities are revealed that a person needs at a given moment in time to realize his personal goals and survive. Many people spend dozens of hours learning English. But if they don't really need it, it will quickly be forgotten, and time spent studying it will be wasted. But if a language is really needed and in vital demand, it is learned easier and faster.

Our dreams come true no sooner than we are ready for it.

If we don’t get what we dream of, it means fate is protecting us from it, because we are not ready for it. For example, about a car that they are not yet ready to maintain and service. The question arises, what to do then? Prepare and do what you can. And gradually achieve a state of affairs in which the outcome we need cannot fail to happen. Essentially, we are talking about managing what we can control: ourselves, our actions, will, and mind. And then we stop blaming the whole world for our failures and understand that all responsibility for the events that happen in our lives lies with us. And those events happen to us that we are ready for and that we deserve.

If we want to become someone, we should start acting as if it has already happened

If we want to become someone, then it is useful to start preparing ourselves and our environment for this. This does not mean that you need, for example, to buy expensive clothes and interior items. This means you need to behave and think nobly and without fuss. They say that money comes when a person has internally come to terms with what he has, when he has already learned to be happy without it.

A woman makes a man

Nature has arranged it in such a way that a woman is both a launching pad for a man and a jumping bar. On the one hand, it gives a man the necessary energy, provides comfort and conditions for recovery. On the other hand, it is the woman who sets the bar for a man’s development. If, for example, a woman's previous man was successful, she will pass on that success to her next partner. And vice versa, having left an alcoholic, she often, through her behavior, creates the conditions for the new spouse to go into alcoholism. A man’s task is to find a woman who will give him a super goal in life. And the woman’s task is to find a man who will jump to the bar.

It's very helpful to think that there are some things you just never need to think about.

There are ideas and events that you simply don't need to think about or know about. For example, about how we die. Or who he/she had before we met. There is no need to know how she cleans herself up in the boudoir or what SMS messages and to whom he/she writes. All this will not bring any benefit, but it can poison our lives and destroy relationships with loved ones.

It is better not to know too much and avoid witnessing the negative actions of other people.

We forgive those who have made mistakes. But we hate those who witnessed our mistakes. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations yourself.

If we don't manage our goals, then someone else will manage them.

Let us note – not no one, but someone else. It’s worth thinking about - often we get money for not going towards our goals, but towards the goals of the one who pays us for abandoning our own goal.

Let's hold on and fight for our freedom

There are three freedoms that should not be allowed to be limited: freedom of movement, freedom of communication and freedom of information. And if we want to take an important step in life, it is important to consider whether it will limit one of these freedoms. And if any of these freedoms are limited, it is worth considering whether the price is too high.

People love those they care about

The more effort, time, feelings we invest in another person, the more we love him. So if you need something, don't be afraid to ask for it. It is useful to give other people the opportunity to take care of us; this will only make them love us more.

It is important to respect personal space – your own and that of another person.

Thanks to personal space - a kind of microclimate for development - we develop faster than others. We better form and preserve our individuality. And it is our uniqueness that is valuable to others. If we don’t have this microcosm, the necessary set of conditions and resources, then we will develop the same way as everyone else. Therefore, it is important to protect your personal space and try not to let anyone in there. People who want to check our phone, read SMS, listen to a telephone conversation, get into a computer or bag - we should simply avoid. Following the same law, we show respect for the personal space of another person, interference in which can destroy the relationship.

Reasonable selfishness is necessary

If we don’t respect ourselves and fight for happiness, then no one will do it. Reasonable egoism is a kind of unique microclimate, without which it is impossible to grow your own

We try to do everything well, then we will start to like it

It's very simple. A business that we like has a chance to become successful for us. And if we want to like something ourselves, we just have to do it well once. If this is not possible, you should do it very quickly. So, for example, it is better to have an unpleasant conversation quickly and forget about it, than to delay it and accumulate negative emotions about it.

Our unconscious will always choose the best option available.

The more options we have for solving a situation, the more correct the unconscious will choose. Therefore, our task is to expand the number of possible options for comparison and selection. At the same time, it should be taken into account that if some option is not artificially available, the brain concentrates on it, presenting it to us as special - and implicitly pushes us towards it. In fact, we often achieve not so much this option as our right to implement it. Therefore, having received what was unavailable before, it is useful to once again completely re-evaluate all available options for solving the problem.

Larisa Bogdanova is sure that the man
is implemented depending on
what a woman is next to him.

Psychologist and vice-president of the Academy of Private Life company Larisa Bogdanova is sure that a man’s fulfillment depends on the kind of woman next to him. And therefore, in order to transform the world, a woman must learn to distinguish between when to be a wonderful muse and when to be a faithful friend. Bogdanova teaches this wisdom both in her “Academy of Private Life” and in the book “The Circle of Female Power. Elemental energies and the secrets of seduction.” We asked Larisa to tell us more about this.

Tell us about the basis of your theory.

A woman must have four states harmoniously present - girl, queen (bitch), mistress and mistress. Once something is lost or ignored, everything falls apart. After all, these conditions correspond to the needs of a man. We give a man energy, he realizes his potential, achieves success. He seeks this energy and reacts to it. If you have it and you direct it correctly, then you attract everything you want.

How did you come to create such a school?

There was a moment in my life when my husband said: “You are already thirty-four, and I’m still forty-one!” This hurt me; I felt like life was over and there was nothing ahead. I started looking. I went to Moscow to a similar school and began to travel around the world in search of knowledge. Now I have the feeling that everything is just beginning and life is in full swing.

What is most important to you in what you teach?

Understanding that the responsibility for what is around you is in you, and everything was created only by you. The belief that the dominant role belongs to women, no matter how much we want to give up this responsibility and hide. The controversial question is whether every man can be made a leader, or whether he must achieve everything himself. But for now I believe that anyone can be inspired, helped and at the same time remain yourself.

That is, you still have to live for yourself?

Men are just a mirror. With a clear understanding of what you want in life, you create the world you need, and a man acts as an equal partner. You strengthen each other.

Why are men now metrosexuals and women careerists?

If a woman stops tracking her conditions, male energy begins to dominate in her - the energy of success. Since we are primary in a relationship with a man, he begins to change. It turns out that instead of soft feminine energy we give him masculine energy, and a strong man either does not see such a woman or perceives her as a competitor. And if his energy balance is disturbed, then a substitution occurs. The stronger the woman, the weaker the man becomes.

Behind every successful man is a successful woman.

How do you assess the current state of society?

The concept of family has collapsed, everyone has gone into business, and we have what we have. There is Disneyland in America. Why was it built? To strengthen family values. We don't have that. But I think that soon in Russia there will be a return of family values, family is the preservation of the future. In the meantime, this is an attribute, it is not valued at all, people are scattered and rushing about.

What is the most common mistake of modern man?

For both men and women, this is a lack of self-respect. Historically, this is how it happened - we have been killing it for too long.

What can save humanity?

Creative attitude towards the world. The world is so diverse that any situation can be regarded as a problem, or as new opportunities. Without the art of compromise, relationships cannot be built. Nothing will be created by itself; a lot must be invested in relationships, and first of all, the woman, since behind every successful man there is a successful woman. The most important thing is to perceive every day as a reason for joy, creativity and new perspectives. You need to approach life wisely.

1. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: “Everything that happened will be in the past!” – and smile at yourself and the world.

2. Promise yourself that in everything that happens to you from now on, you will see only good signs and new opportunities.

3. Compose an “Ode of Praise” in your honor, including at least ten of your most amazing qualities. Do not spare epithets in your honor. Repeat the ode before going to bed while drinking a glass of water.

4. Write down the most unpleasant events of the last month on a white sheet of paper and solemnly burn them. While the leaf is burning, take five breaths in and out, repeating as you exhale: “Let the bad go away,” while inhaling: “And the good comes.”

5. Surprise yourself with something pleasant every day. Pamper yourself! Follow these tips for twenty-one days and see your life change for the better.

Photo: Liquidlibrary, Jupiter Images/Fotolink