Myrtle is a plant that will replace many medications for you. How to prepare a medicinal myrtle tincture

This is a plant can replace an entire pharmacy. When rubbed, the leaves emit a very strong odor that resembles the aroma of a coniferous tree. This smells like myrtle essential oil contained in the leaves of the plant. In addition to these oils myrtle contains flavonoids, camphor, polyphenols, saponins and other substances.

This evergreen shrub has been around for a long time. used in folk medicine. Tinctures, lotions, and decoctions are made from it.

Important: It is useful for the prevention and treatment of colds by simply chewing fresh myrtle leaves. Antimicrobial properties will help kill pathogens.

Myrtle in the apartment perfectly heals the air. The leaves secrete phytoncides - substances that have bactericidal properties and destroy pathogenic microbes.

Surprisingly, a small tree can destroy up to 20% of streptococci and 40% of staphylococci.

The chemical composition of this amazing plant includes more than ten useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Medicinal properties or treatment of myrtle

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps in the treatment of colds;
  • used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • successfully fights various tumors;
  • excellent antiallergic agent.

And this is not the entire list of beneficial properties of this plant.

Myrtle oil has also been successful used in cosmetology.

Cosmetics using this oil moisturize and nourish the epidermis, treat problematic skin with acne. This essential oil also strengthens hair and improves hair structure.

  • For skin diseases successfully use lotions from myrtle decoction;
  • For sore throat rinsing with this decoction will bring noticeable relief and a quick positive effect. Such rinses will be especially helpful for children;
  • Myrtle infusion will help in the treatment of herpes. To do this, apply a cotton pad moistened with infusion to the affected area;
  • For eye diseases make lotions from myrtle infusion directly on the eyes, and also use the healing tincture internally;
  • Alcohol tincture with myrtle will help with purulent otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • 5 drops of myrtle oil dissolved in hot water - excellent product for inhalation for colds;
  • Rubbing myrtle oil into the gums will help with periodontal disease;
  • Myrtle oil – good rubbing product for various colds.


Below in the photo you will get acquainted with the appearance of the Myrtle plant:

Harm from the plant

You should not keep this tree in the bedroom - essential oils can cause headaches or insomnia.

Also, you should not use preparations based on this plant in the afternoon - this can lead to sleep disturbances.

Applications of myrtle contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug;
  • elderly people.

Attention: Do not forget that self-medication can be dangerous. Therefore, before starting to take medications containing myrtle, you should consult your doctor.

Natural medicines– this is a real gift given to us by nature. Myrtle is just such a plant that can help cope with a dozen different diseases without the use of pills and antibiotics.

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Myrtle is an evergreen shrub with small leaves and white fragrant flowers. The plant has a rich history; it has been well known since ancient times and served as a symbol of youth and beauty in Ancient Greece and Rome. Caring for it is not so difficult - sunny location, moderate watering in winter and plentiful in summer. It blooms and begins to bear fruit at the age of 6-8 years. Its fruits are blue berries, pleasant to the taste. Myrtle leaves are rich in essential oils. If you look at the leaf in the light, you can see small dots. They contain essential oils that give myrtle a pleasant aroma. Our tree is about four years old. It was grown from a small shoot, which is why it is so well adapted to indoor conditions. The tree has never bloomed yet.

Myrtle has long been valued as a medicinal plant. We trim the plant regularly and use the shoots to make homemade medicines.

Indications. Spectrum of action of drugs from myrtle very wide. They are used against the flu, for its prevention, as well as for the treatment of complications after the flu, as they have a gentle effect on the body. It is especially good to give to children with allergies, when antibiotics are contraindicated. In addition to the treatment of oncological diseases, given its excellent phytoncidal, bactericidal, immunostimulating properties, its infusions, tinctures and dry leaves are successfully used for bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, diphtheria, sinusitis, diseases of the heart, blood, throat, bones, brain, including epilepsy, treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including dysbacteriosis, abdominal organs, especially lower abdominal organs, for example cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, hemorrhoids. Myrtle is most effective in the treatment of sinusitis, allergies, blood diseases, intestines, and diseases of the bronchi and lungs (emphysema, bronchitis, etc.).

The positive effect often appears quite quickly. There is no mention anywhere in reference books and literature about antiallergic drugs. properties of myrtle, but practice confirms this property, which may be due to its good anti-disbacteriosis properties. It is known that allergies can be of different natures, but nevertheless, myrtle often helps with a wide variety of types of allergies, including chronic ones. Tinctures, decoctions, myrtle mixtures combine well with many other medicinal herbs, especially in preparations for the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, etc. For many infectious and inflammatory diseases of internal organs myrtle- one of the best remedies. Fine myrtle It also copes with many external inflammations, including fistulas, purulent wounds, herpes zoster, acne, and osteomyelitis. The literature describes a case when, using myrtle managed to save a patient with renal failure on an “artificial kidney” when the device broke down. The use of decoctions and tinctures helped replace this device for 2 weeks and relieve intoxication in the body. Application of tincture myrtle It has worked well for diseases of the oral cavity and periodontal disease. Rinse your mouth daily with tincture myrtle, especially in combination with black walnut tincture, can reliably stop many putrefactive processes, including dental caries. Daily use of myrtle tincture is an excellent preventative against many diseases. In folk medicine, myrtle is used for bladder diseases, prostatitis, gynecological inflammatory diseases, and numerous intestinal problems.

For inflammatory eye diseases h drop infusion: 5 leaves myrtle rub with your hands, pour a tablespoon of boiling water, cool and drop 2 drops into the eye. At the same time, apply myrtle tincture internally. This helps stop progressive vision loss.

Anti-tuberculosis properties. Particularly effective myrtle in the treatment of tuberculosis. As our practice of treating tuberculosis shows, the effectiveness of such treatment is greatly enhanced when combined with black walnut tincture, which you can order from us. I can say that the effectiveness of treating tuberculosis reaches 60% when using tinctures myrtle and black walnut and the additional use of special fermented milk ferment "Kurunga", which further strengthens the immune system. As you know, tuberculosis is practically not treated with antibiotics, and myrtle will provide the greatest help here. This is due to the content of volatile essential oils in myrtle, including eugenol.

Antiseptic, antimicrobial The properties of eugenol have been used for a long time. Modern research allows us to classify eugenol as a tuberculostatic agent: they stop the growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro at a concentration of 1: 8000.
By the way, an alcohol tincture of clove buds, which is similar in its effect to a tincture of myrtle, has a bacteriostatic effect on diphtheria bacillus, the causative agent of anthrax, cholera bacillus, paratyphoid A and B, plague, and influenza viruses. American H. Clark claims that cloves suppress the cysts of a number of worms. An obvious result can be expected from myrtle.

Antiviral properties of myrtle . In recent years, antiviral effectiveness has also been proven, in particular against the herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex types I and II). The drug inhibits the proliferation phase of the virus and prevents the development of new damage that the virus causes during reproduction. The maximum effectiveness of the drug is observed in the first hours after the onset of the disease. This means that if treatment of those infected with the virus is started before cell destruction, a herpetic pustule and scar will not form on the skin. For these purposes, the ointment "Mirtoplex" was developed in the Republic of Iran. This ointment is a 10% myrtle tree essence for topical use. The essence is made from the seeds, leaves and fruits of myrtle. The same ointment is recommended for herpes on various areas of the skin, as well as for herpes in the genital area. The viruses that manifest cutaneous herpes are known to be similar to the cytomegalovirus found in brain cells. Therefore, it is quite possible to assume that taking certain doses of myrtle tincture orally will solve this problem, although full-fledged clinical studies have not yet been conducted. In addition, a number of scientists suggest that some types of cancer are also determined by viruses. It is quite possible that the already known preventive anti-cancer property of myrtle is associated with antiviral activity. Perhaps, in contrast to prophylactic doses, therapeutic anti-oncological doses should be many times (up to 10 times) higher than natural ones, that is, reach up to 25-50 g of tincture at a time. As you know, the American doctor H. Clark proposed using cloves (a seasoning), which in its chemical composition contains many substances like myrtle, for example eugenol (an aromatic essential oil), as one of the components of her anti-cancer triad. By the way, the clove tree also belongs to the myrtle family. Is there an analogy here? Perhaps it would be advisable to purposefully use myrtle in anti-cancer preparations and tinctures? As you know, the X. Clark triad includes black walnut, wormwood and cloves as components. I suggested including myrtle here. In addition, taking into account the antiviral and anti-oncological properties of “Silver Water” discovered in recent years, I proposed to include in this combination the intake of a special highly concentrated “Silver Water”. By the way, in my practice, there are also cases where the simultaneous use of “Silver Water”, “Black Walnut Tincture”, “Myrtle Tincture” also significantly restrained the development of tumors and the appearance of metastases, especially in malignant tumors of the brain, breast, etc.

Anti-cancer properties.

The World Health Organization has found that the peoples of the Mediterranean (Sicily) suffer from certain types of cancer 100 times less often than others. Russian biochemist M. M. Molodezhnikov proved in 1984 that such a high level of immunity is provided by myrtle, used by these peoples as a seasoning for food - 3-4 leaves in powder form (for which grind the dry leaf in a coffee grinder) or together with laurel when boiling, or separately as herbal tea. Constantly consume its leaves or herbal teas, or vodka tincture. Also, some herbalists show the effectiveness of myrtle tincture or dry powder from the leaves in the treatment of leukemia. As you know, cloves and wormwood with black walnut tincture are recommended as an anti-cancer agent. We recommend strengthening this “triad” with the help of myrtle tincture.

Chemical composition. Healing properties of myrtle are caused mainly by the content of essential oils in the leaves, as well as polyphenols, flavonoids and saponins. Myrtle contains eugenol, a substance found in cloves and other members of the eucalyptus family. Eugenol is an essential oil with a very pleasant aroma. Due to the bactericidal properties of this essential oil, myrtle tincture is successfully used for inhalation for the same infectious diseases for which eucalyptus leaves are recommended. In addition, myrtle contains a special polyphenolic substance, mirtilin (perhaps it is an immunomodulatory and anti-oncological agent), as well as B-pinene, limonene, cineol, linalol, terpineol, myrtenol.

Antibacterial properties. It is also used for many persistent diseases in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Myrtle is much more effective than a number of antibiotics, including streptomycin, aeromycin, etc. It suppresses streptococci, staphylococci, etc. much better than them. Myrtle contains substances , which can be diluted 100 thousand times, and they will still be able to kill pathogenic microbes, bacteria, and rods. It has been experimentally proven that extracts from myrtle leaves are active against microbes resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics.
Myrtle it is much better and easier to tolerate by patients compared to many other herbs that have a similar effect. Therefore, it can be successfully offered to children, of course, taking into account children's dosages.
Interaction with other medications. No negative interactions were identified.

Method of application and dose.

For infectious and inflammatory diseases. Tincture: take 25-30 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. If well tolerated, the dose can be increased to 0.5-1.0 tsp. at a time, can be diluted in tea leaves or rosehip decoction.
For oncology. Use leaf powder up to 0.5-1 tsp. as a seasoning for food for 3-15 months; after a 3-month break, repeat the course. Tincture: for oncology and other serious diseases, if possible, increase the dose to 2-4 or more teaspoons at a time, and the number of doses is increased to 5 or more times.

Children's doses. For children under 14 years of age, myrtle tincture is usually used as follows: the number of drops of tincture at a time should be equal to the number of years of the child. For example, a 10-year-old child means a single dose of 10 drops. Children under 1 year of age with intestinal dysbiosis, disorders, infections, etc. - a single dose of 1 drop with water. No more than 2-3 drops per day.
No contraindications to its use have been identified, that is, it is harmless at the correct doses. Small doses of it soothe and improve sleep, but increasing doses is more
30-50 g can disrupt natural sleep, so it is better not to take it at night.
Methods for preparing tincture. 100 g of crushed leaves are placed tightly in a 0.8-1 liter jar and filled with 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 5-15 days in the dark, shaking frequently.

Drops for runny nose

As soon as one of my family members shows signs of a runny nose, we prepare nasal drops - a water infusion of myrtle leaves. Several leaves need to be ground in a porcelain mortar (or in a small glass cup), pour in a small amount of boiling water, close with a lid and let it brew for several hours. Do not strain. the herbal mass sinks to the bottom, and a water-oil emulsion remains on top, which must be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day. Helps very well.

Wound healing cream.

On the basis of baby cream, you can prepare an ointment from myrtle leaves. It has excellent wound healing and bactericidal properties.

Unusual cough tablet

If a cough appears, then you can resort to the simplest method of emergency self-help - tear off a fresh myrtle leaf and chew it. The leaf has a bitter taste and a characteristic odor, but this green tablet helps to quickly get rid of a cough thanks to the ability of myrtle to kill pathogenic bacteria. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For inflammation and cancer, this is an indispensable remedy that has a good effect on the kidneys, heart, liver, and bladder. Myrtle copes well with fistulas, purulent wounds, osteomyelitis, especially in combination with pink periwinkle. Myrtle is very good for treating children and weakened patients.
. For eye diseases, an infusion of myrtle leaves is instilled. Crush five leaves in a mortar and pour 1 tbsp over them. boiling water Cool and instill two drops into each eye 3-4 times a day. For oral administration, 1 tsp. crushed dry leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 tbsp. three times a day. This treatment helps stop even progressive vision loss.
. For colds, to strengthen the immune system after eating, you need to chew and swallow 3-4 myrtle leaves.
. For fractures 1 tbsp. crushed dry leaves in an enamel bowl, pour 1 tbsp. cold boiled water. Heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, then strain. After soaking a cloth in the broth and squeezing it lightly, apply compresses to the sore spot.
. When treating dandruff, 2-3 tbsp. myrtle berries pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave, wrapped for 5-6 hours, strain. Rinse your hair with infusion after washing.
. For inflammation of the nasopharynx 1 tbsp. crushed dry leaves, washed down in a dark glass jar with 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave for 6-7 days at room temperature in a dark place, squeeze and strain. Gargle 4-5 times a day, diluting five drops of tincture in 1/3 tbsp. warm boiled water.
. For wounds, abrasions, scratches
Lubricate the sore spot with undiluted tincture.


Myrtle tincture. Place 100 g of crushed myrtle leaves tightly in a liter jar, fill to the top with 70% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 10-15 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. If well tolerated, the dose can be increased to 0.5-1 teaspoon per dose, or diluted in tea leaves or rosehip decoction.

For children under 14 years of age, myrtle tincture is usually used as follows: the number of drops at a time should be the same as the age of the child. For example, a 10-year-old child means a single dose of 10 drops. For children under 1 year of age, patients with intestinal dysbiosis, disorders, infections, etc. - a single dose of 1 drop with water. No more than 2-3 drops per day. This tincture is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases.

For inflammatory eye diseases, crush 5 myrtle leaves in a mortar and pour 1 tbsp. l. boiling water, cool, strain and
Instill 2 drops into the eye. At the same time, you need to take an infusion of myrtle orally.

Myrtle wine is the elixir of youth. Pour 50-100 g of black myrtle berries (leaves or flowers) into 0.5-1 liters of red wine and leave for at least 15 days. Drink 30-50 ml.

For influenza and its complications, bronchitis, allergies, asthma, tuberculosis, sinusitis, blood and intestinal diseases, chew thoroughly and eat 3-4 fresh myrtle leaves after meals. Or take a tablespoon of infusion, which is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of leaves per glass of boiling water, the infusion is stored in the refrigerator for two days.

For frequent sore throats and tonsillitis, prepare myrtle tincture. To do this, grind a glass of myrtle leaves in a mortar, put it in a 0.5-liter bottle of vodka or alcohol, seal tightly and leave for a week. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. Dilute 5 drops of tincture in 1/4 cup of warm water and gargle.

The tincture can be used to lubricate any abrasions or scratches instead of iodine and brilliant green. It also helps with purulent abscesses, trophic ulcers and phlegmon.

Myrtle oil:
for a cold, pour 5 drops of myrtle oil into hot water and (with your eyes closed!) inhale;

for acne, herpes and insect bites, apply a thin layer of undiluted myrtle oil with a swab toaffected areas and leave it overnight;

for dandruff, mix 10 drops of myrtle oil with 250 ml of mild shampoo;

for brittle nails, pour 5 drops of myrtle oil into 1/2 cup of olive oil, heat and dailyarrange baths for your fingertips;

for foot fungus, lubricate the affected areas morning and evening with myrtle oil for two weeks;

If your gums hurt, you need to massage the sore spots with myrtle oil for a minute. Then rinse your mouth well.

Other uses. In a number of countries it is used regularly as a food seasoning. In Egypt, its crushed leaves are added to wine and taken for fever and infectious diseases. In the south of France, it is customary to drink myrtle infusion to preserve youth. There is a known recipe for making medicinal myrtle wine. To do this, usually 50-100 g of black myrtle berries (leaves or flowers can be used instead) are poured with 0.5-1.0 liters of red wine, left for at least 15 days and drunk 30-50 g each.
I believe that if doctors recommended it to sick children and adults instead of antibiotics and other harmful drugs, they could save many patients from the frequent secondary negative (side) consequences of such treatment. In this case, there would not be such a result when they treat one thing and cripple another. Thousands of children “treated” by methods of official medicine ultimately become ill for the rest of their lives with incurable or difficult-to-treat forms of dysbiosis. This is the first consequence of their “treatment”. And long-term consequences appear over time in the form of asthma, eczema, allergies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, candidiasis and numerous “out of nowhere” consequences. The era of antibiotics and artificial drugs must go. Nature is a storehouse for natural medicines. And don't try to be smarter or outwit nature. All this is manifested by incurable diseases of “civilized society”, diseases that people knew almost nothing about before.

The healing properties of myrtle have a positive effect on cardiovascular and nervous activity. The plant is used to treat arrhythmia, headaches, stomach, gastritis and ulcers. To get rid of inflammation on the skin, burns and calluses, and other dermatological diseases, gauze is moistened in a decoction and applied to painful places on the body.

Useful recipes from myrtle

  • To combat caries

When asked why myrtle is useful, traditional medicine attributes the plant to have healing properties that help fight caries, periodontal disease and other dental diseases. The solution is prepared using a teaspoon of myrtle and the same amount of black walnut, diluted in a glass of boiled water. Rinse your mouth with it more than three times a day for three minutes.

  • Against sore throat

To treat a sore throat, prepare a solution from a tablespoon of plant leaves and 250 ml of hot water. The broth is infused and filtered for at least thirty minutes, and then gargled three times a day.

  • For conjunctivitis

Three times a day, a solution of myrtle is instilled into the eyes for conjunctivitis or inflammation of the mucous membrane. To prepare it, one tablespoon of raw materials (twigs and fruits) is diluted in a glass of hot water and allowed to cool. Strain the solution and drop two or three drops into the eyes.

  • Liver and stomach diseases

Liver and stomach diseases are also things that myrtle helps with. To do this, dried plant inflorescences are added to tea. To increase the tone and defenses of the body, wine is prepared from the fruits of myrtle. One hundred grams of berries are poured with one liter of red wine (any type), and then infused after two weeks. Take fifty grams of the drink per day.

Alternative medicine has been using the knowledge of how to use myrtle to treat bronchitis for a long time. A tablespoon of myrtle shoots, a teaspoon of crushed primrose rhizomes and the same amount of lemon balm and eucalyptus are diluted in a full glass of boiled water. Infuse the decoction and then strain it. Take one half glass a day a quarter of an hour before the time of food consumption.

  • Cold remedy

During influenza and other infectious colds, four tablespoons of myrtle leaves are poured into a liter glass jar. The container is half filled with vodka (or alcohol) and closed with a lid. Infuse for about two weeks, shaking the drink periodically. Take three times a day, one teaspoon of infusion diluted in a glass of water or rosehip decoction before meals. It is not recommended to use a decoction of myrtle before bed, as this can lead to insomnia.

Myrtle has always been used not only for growing for decorative purposes. this means having not only a beautiful ornamental plant, but also a folk and effective remedy for many diseases, as well as a cosmetic product. Even in ancient times, women used the leaves of the tree to wash themselves, and noble townspeople also washed themselves with myrtle water.

The myrtle tree is not only an ornamental plant, but also a raw material for the preparation of various medicinal products. Particularly popular is myrtle tincture, which has various medicinal properties. This and many other products based on the myrtle tree have therapeutic effects similar to antibiotic drugs, and some are superior to them.

The effects of this plant began to be studied back in the 20th century; the main center of study was the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Scientists have proven that myrtle tincture has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. In some cases, the therapeutic effects of this remedy had better results than antibiotics.

The plant is very highly valued by women. Many people use myrtle as a cosmetic product that can have a beneficial effect on the skin. In addition, an infusion from it has medicinal properties and is used for a number of health problems. These agents are capable of inhibiting the growth of staphylococci and streptococci, destroying microbes and bacteria, even those that are resistant to the antibiotic penicillin.

Using myrtle tree infusion

An infusion of myrtle leaves is used for many diseases that occur in various human organs and systems. Myrtle has medicinal properties that can cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, eyes and others.

  1. Treatment of eye diseases. Myrtle infusion helps very well with conjunctivitis, it relieves inflammation and helps destroy bacteria. To do this, you need to infuse the grated leaves in water and use them as drops.
  2. Application Myrtle water and essential oil of the myrtle tree are used for the beauty of facial skin and healthy scalp. The secret to attractive facial skin is that you need to wash your face daily with myrtle infused with water. To do this, dry leaves are poured with water and left for 7 days. Myrtle essential oil, which can be added to shampoo, will help against dandruff.
  3. Myrtle will help strengthen your nails and make them beautiful. Essential oils of myrtle tree and olive are mixed and used as baths.
  4. You can strengthen your immune system without resorting to vitamins and immunomodulators, using the beneficial properties of the plant, using myrtle powder.
  5. Red wine tincture has youth-preserving properties. In this product, the berries of the plant are used as a base. They are poured with red wine and left to infuse for two weeks. Then you need to strain the tincture and take 50 ml.
  6. Myrtle infusion helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and the autonomic system.
  7. The tincture can be made not only with water or wine, but also with vodka. This remedy is used internally for various respiratory diseases and respiratory tract diseases. During colds and for pain and inflammation in the throat, a decoction of sage from myrtle tincture is used to gargle.
  8. An infusion of tree leaves has a tonic effect.
  9. For various skin diseases such as lichen, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
  10. Useful properties are used to improve the condition during a hangover. Compresses made from myrtle infusion have an effective effect. They relieve headaches.
  11. Medicinal properties are used for diseases of the stomach and other digestive organs.

Myrtle has the ability to strengthen the immune system and destroy microbes, so all products made from it have an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. In addition to the above, the beneficial properties of the plant are used for rinsing the mouth and for various types of allergies. In folk medicine, this plant combines well with other medicinal herbs, due to which such remedies have a therapeutic and effective effect. Myrtle is also used in the treatment of tuberculosis, improving the condition of the respiratory organs. In addition to infusions and decoctions of leaves and berries, ointments and powders are made from parts of the plant.

Ointments are used to apply to wounds and places of purulent inflammation; they have a healing and antiseptic effect. Myrtle oil is used in the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails and feet. To do this, lubricate the affected parts with oil daily.

Side effects and contraindications

A huge advantage of myrtle tree products is that they have no contraindications. If you follow the dosage and preparation recipe correctly, then no side effects will occur.

However, pregnant and lactating women should not use such products. In addition, some, when using myrtle products, noted the occurrence of headaches as a reaction to the tart smell of myrtle. Some people may have an individual intolerance to remedies from this plant, but this is not common. Therefore, there is no need to openly store tinctures, decoctions, dried leaves and myrtle berries. It is best to place them in airtight glass jars or bottles. Despite its many beneficial and medicinal effects, you should not consume myrtle in any form without consulting your doctor.

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Myrtle is an evergreen plant known to mankind for many millennia. He was given special significance back in ancient times and was considered a companion of the gods. The myrtle tree is a valuable source of essential oil. The name of this plant in other languages ​​is:

  • German– Braut-Myrte, Gemeine Myrte, Korsischer Pfeffer;
  • English– myrtle, Greek myrtle;
  • French– myrte, vrai myrte.


Myrtle is a low shrub (the maximum height of some subspecies is 5 meters). The leaves are dark green, round, pointed at the end. The inflorescences are white, round and fluffy. The fruits are blue-black berries with a diameter of about 1 cm.


There are two types of myrtle tree:

  • ordinary - distinguished by small foliage and beige or slightly reddish inflorescences;
  • Saharan - is an endangered species, grows in the highlands of Southern Algeria and the Republic of Chad.

Where does it grow?

The Mediterranean region is considered to be the homeland of the common myrtle. Today it is especially common in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as in Europe. In Russia, a small number of myrtle trees grow in the Crimea.


The leaves of the myrtle tree at the age of 3 or 4 years are best suited for making spices. The collection takes place from mid to late autumn. The collected leaves are dried in a dry, well-ventilated area. When the leaves are dry, place them in canvas bags and store them in a cool, dark place.


  • dark green color;
  • bitter-spicy taste;
  • rich herbal, slightly bitter aroma.

Chemical composition

  • essential oil
  • camphor
  • aldehydes
  • protein substances
  • tannins
  • resins
  • polyphenols
  • flavonoids
  • saponins
  • myrtiline
  • pinene
  • limonene
  • cineole
  • linalool
  • terpineol
  • myrtenol

Useful properties

  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • tones;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is a good expectorant;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


  • It is believed that if you place a pot of myrtle tree in your bedroom, you will experience a severe headache in the morning.
  • Taking myrtle-based infusions and decoctions before bedtime, especially in large quantities, can lead to sleep disturbances.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance;
  • old age.


Essential oil is obtained from young shoots and foliage of the myrtle tree using steam distillation. Myrtle oil has a pleasant, complex aroma, which is why it is widely used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. It also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. In addition, regular use of myrtle essential oil significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair structure.


In cooking

  • in Italy, a liqueur called “myrto” is made from the fruits of the myrtle tree;
  • in France they make jam from world berries;
  • dried myrtle fruits are used in the production of certain types of sausages;
  • myrtle leaves are added to pickles and marinades;
  • meat and fish cooked on the grill using the bark and branches of the myrtle tree acquire a unique aroma;
  • Myrtle adds bitterness to dishes, so it should be added to food in very small quantities.

Stewed fish

Cut the carcass of any lean fish into pieces of the required size. Cut 2 carrots into slices, 1 onion into large rings. Place the fish and vegetables in a thick-walled pan or cauldron, add a few myrtle leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Pour half a glass of water and simmer until done.

Prepare 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into small cubes. Chop an onion, 2 carrots, a small zucchini, cauliflower, tomato and bell pepper. Take a deep saucepan or roasting pan and lay out the food in layers; onion, poultry, carrot, zucchini, pepper, tomato, cabbage. Place one myrtle leaf on each layer. Add a little water and simmer until done.

In medicine

Medicines prepared from myrtle are used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • herpetic infection;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • falling ill with ENT organs;
  • flu;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis.

Folk recipes

  • For a cold, You can strengthen your immune system and cope with the disease faster if you chew a few leaves of the myrtle tree every time after eating.
  • For purulent inflammation of the skin, Lotions with a decoction of myrtle will help. Pour 10 grams of dried leaves with a liter of cold water and boil for 10 minutes. Soak a piece of sterile bandage in the broth and apply to the affected area for several minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2 or times a day.
  • For bronchitis, prepare a mixture of medicinal herbs: 10 grams of primrose roots, 15 grams of lemon balm, 20 grams of myrtle, 20 grams of eucalyptus. Pour 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take one glass 3 times a day.
  • For kidney infection, An infusion of dried myrtle leaves should be prepared. To do this, pour 10 grams of leaves with a liter of hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink one glass 2 times a day.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, essential oil of the myrtle tree is mainly used. It is characterized by the following beneficial properties:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • evens out skin color and gives it a healthy appearance;
  • restores local skin immunity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • is a good remedy for pimples and acne;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • improves hair structure.


The myrtle tree can also be a houseplant. Keeping it at home is not at all difficult, but you need to consider several important points:

  • Fresh air is very important for the myrtle tree, so the most suitable place for it is on the windowsill (it is best to choose the western or eastern side), and in the summer - on an open balcony or on a personal plot.
  • The plant must be in direct sunlight for several hours a day.
  • Myrtle needs plenty of sunlight during the winter months.
  • You need to move the pot with the myrtle tree to a new place gradually, moving it 10-20 cm every day.
  • The most optimal temperature for myrtle is room temperature. Coolness is preferable to him than heat. In winter, if possible, the plant should be placed in a cold place where the temperature does not exceed +8 degrees. Otherwise, the myrtle may shed its leaves.
  • At any time of the year, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist. Irrigation requires warm, soft water.
  • During the summer months the plant should be misted every day, but in winter no misting is required.
  • In spring, summer and autumn, the myrtle tree needs to be fed weekly with the selected fertilizer.
  • The myrtle tree can be given the desired shape by cutting branches from different sides. If you want your myrtle to grow into a low bush, trim it from the top, and if you prefer a miniature tree, then you need to trim the side branches.


Myrtle can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. Propagation by cuttings is preferable, as in this case the plant will bloom faster. The most favorable time for cuttings is winter and summer (the procedure should not be repeated more than twice a year). Cuttings are taken from below or from the middle of the trunk. The maximum length of the cutting is 8 cm. The leaves are cut or shortened. Then the cuttings are rooted in a shallow container filled with sand and moss and covered with a special cap. Periodically, young plants are watered and ventilated. The temperature in the room is maintained no higher than +20 degrees. After a month, the cuttings are planted in separate small pots.


At home, you can grow several varieties of common myrtle, including:

  • Alhambra
  • Flora Pleno
  • Variegata
  • La Clapé
  • Microphylla
  • Tarentine.
  • In Ancient Greece, myrtle was considered the plant of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite, who sometimes called herself Myrthea.
  • According to ancient Greek myth, the myrtle tree grew from the body of the nymph Myrsina, who was killed by Athena out of envy.
  • The Bible says that the dove sent by Noah during the flood to search for land returned to the ark carrying a sprig of myrtle in its beak.
  • In France, myrtle is a symbol of innocence and a wedding tree. According to tradition, a pot with a myrtle tree should accompany the newlyweds throughout the celebration.