Design in kindergarten for children of senior preschool age. Forward planning for design and manual labor

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Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova

Classes on designing from building materials in the senior group of kindergarten. Class notes

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten» under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova –highly qualified teacher-methodologist, senior teacher of the institute, excellent student of education, laureate of the international competition "School 2000", author of more than 20 teaching aids devoted to the problems of artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and moral education children.


Designing from building materials and construction sets fully meets the interests of children, their abilities and capabilities, since it is exclusively a children's activity. Consequently, thanks to it, the child improves especially quickly in skills and abilities, in mental and aesthetic development. It is known that fine motor skills of the hands are connected with speech centers, which means that a child who is advanced in construction develops speech faster. Dexterous, precise hand movements enable him to master writing techniques faster and better.

A child is a born designer, inventor and researcher. These inclinations inherent in nature are especially quickly realized and improved in design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent and create his own buildings and designs, while showing curiosity, intelligence, ingenuity and creativity.

The child learns through experience the design properties of parts, the possibilities of their fastening, combining, and design. At the same time, he creates as a designer, learning the laws of harmony and beauty. Children who are interested in design are distinguished by rich fantasy and imagination, an active desire for creative activity, a desire to experiment and invent; they have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, which is the basis intellectual development and an indicator of the child’s readiness for school.

Currently, specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are focusing on Special attention children's design. It is no coincidence that in modern software programs preschool education this activity is considered as one of the leading ones.

Proposed Toolkit will help teachers and parents in organizing work with preschoolers using new technologies. It organically includes a variety of cognitive and developmental material (on the development of spatial orientation, on learning to construct diagrams, plans, drawings; the formation of elementary geographical, astronomical and other ideas, and also includes entertaining games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting children’s skills).

When developing this material, research by N. N. Poddyakov, L. I. Paramonova, A. L. Wenger, A. N. Davidchuk, O. M. Dyachenko, V. V. Kholmovskaya and others was used.

The material has been tested in preschool educational institutions No. 32, 1415, 1039, 1268 and other preschools educational institutions Moscow and is a technology for the “Design and Manual Labor” program recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation (1998)

When organizing work with children, take into account their abilities and capabilities. The proposed system of classes is designed for the academic year. Each topic can be implemented within a month in specially organized classes and in free time. Tasks can be varied and tasks from game tasks can be included in classes; reduce, transferring to free activity; carry out in parts over the course of a day or several days, or use for an activity all the time allocated for all activities on a certain day of the week, transferring, for example, manual labor, drawing, appliqué to another day.

The tasks are structured taking into account the constant change of activity, are full of game techniques and other entertaining moments, and therefore prevent children from overtiring. One lesson per month is conducted frontally. Game tasks usually have a subgroup form of organization.

Class notes

Topic 1. At home

Target. Clarify children’s ideas about construction details and design parts; about connection methods, properties of parts and structures (tall structures must have stable foundations); practice planar modeling and joint design; develop creativity, independence, initiative, design skills; the ability to reason, draw independent conclusions, find your own solutions; introduce the concepts of “balance”, “gravity”, “map”, “plan”, “compass”, and the idea of ​​relativity of spatial directions; develop spatial orientation skills.

Material. Scissors, markers, envelopes, building material, basic set"Lego Dacta" (or any other appropriate for the children's age).


Working with the illustration “Map of Formandia”. Introduce the children into a game situation: “This is a map. We are sailing by ship to the island of Formandor, on which the country of Formandia is located. The capital of the country is the city of Formadonia. Invite the children to tell what is shown on the map (Fig. 1); How many cities, rivers, lakes, railways are there in the country? Let the children come up with names for them. Draw their attention to the compass, explain how it works (how not to turn the compass, the blue arrow always points to the north, and the red arrow to the south).

Invite the children to find the North, South, West and East sides on the island, and then determine the directions between them: South-West, South-East, North-East, North-West. Ask what they see in the North of the island, in the South-West, etc. Offer to choose any of the ways to get to the capital of Formadonia (by river on your ship, by train, along a hiking trail, by plane). Let the children mark their path on the map with a marker.

Rice. 1

Working with the illustration “Inhabitants of Formadonia”. Introduce the children to the residents of the capital - the Formadonians, tell them what they do (Fig. 2, 3, 4).

Teacher. Who and what is carrying in front of them? Who and what is carrying with them? Who is holding the ring with which hand? Who fell and which side did he stain? Which side is it on? Who is calling on the phone and in which hand is he holding the phone? Who descends from where and over whom? How is the Cube depicted in relation to us? Who carries what and how? From whom and where does the stream of water hit? Where is someone sitting? Which hand is the washcloth in? Where does it jump? What are the jumps called? Who sits on the bench and how? What are the jumps called? Which ear hurts? Which side of the Pyramid is the heart on? On which cheek and who did you kiss? Who's across the river? Who's near the river? Who is going which way? What does he see to his right, to his left?

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

Invite the children to help the people of Formadonia design beautiful, comfortable houses and then build them.

Working with illustrations. Choose illustrations that show different houses. Consider them different with children; analyze from what parts the foundation, walls, roofs, superstructures are built; number of storeys, number of windows, porches, design of houses, etc.

Working with the illustration “Geometric Shapes”. Invite the children to cut out geometric shapes (Fig. 5) and model the facades of houses from them, and then build houses from building material. Draw the children's attention to the fact that houses must be three-dimensional, that three more walls must be added to the facades and roofs must be built.

Upon completion of construction, analyze children's buildings, compare them with planar models; Pay attention to the guys how beautiful the town turned out to be; offer to decorate the buildings with additional materials (trees, flowers, etc.) and play. Don't forget to encourage children to put away geometric shapes in their envelopes for later use.

Organize the construction of various houses from the “L his-D act” constructors. Encourage children to build according to the conditions: “Build a three-story house with an entrance on the right, with balconies, and a turret on the roof.” If necessary, explain, show design methods, and give advice on improving designs. Encourage experimentation.

Rice. 5

Game tasks

Exercise children in construction using building materials and constructors using independently created planar models, using ready-made drawings, diagrams, drawings.

Exercise children in independent analysis of buildings and their images; in establishing the dependence of buildings on their functional purpose, the stability of structures on their shape and the ratio of heavy and light parts. Form the idea that the spatial relationships of the parts of buildings do not depend on their position on the plane, for example: “Build the same house (a drawing is offered), but turn it with its facade towards this fountain.”

Construction of buildings of ancient and modern architecture. Introducing the concept of “plan” (a plan is a view from above). Drawing up plans and constructing buildings based on them (“Kindergarten territory”, “Sports complex”, “Park”, etc.).

Design of interior interiors (“Theater”, “Circus”, “University”, “Apartment”, “Office”, etc.).

Tips for a teacher

Exercise your children in making plans. Give an idea that the plan is an image from above (as if from an airplane); that plans are usually done in line drawings (not coloured), small details are not depicted (pipes on the roofs), but only those parts that the structures occupy on the surface are shown. The easiest way to lead children to making plans is through modeling with geometric shapes (children lay them out, combining them on the surface of a sheet and marking them: this is a pool, this is a flowerbed, etc.; then they outline them with felt-tip pens and put them away). Children will quickly learn to do without figures and draw by eye. Making plans exercises the planning of one's activities and the ability to organize space for it.

Game "Select the parts." Invite the children to look at the illustration (Fig. 6) with diagrams of structures. The upper part of the picture shows the building parts that are used to construct them (each in one copy). Invite the children to select the necessary parts from the drawing (4-5 pieces of each type) and model, laying out images of the parts, starting with the most simple circuits, shown in the first row.

Game "Towers". Construction of high towers from Lego-Dacta construction sets, etc. Ask the children: “Why do towers fall? How can we make them more sustainable?


Superstructure, ceiling, balance, map, plan, diagram, compass, direction.

Rice. 6

Topic 2. Cars

Target. To form children’s ideas about various machines, their functional purpose, structure; practice planar modeling, the ability to independently build elementary diagrams from simple building samples and use them in design; to form an idea about wheels and axles, about methods of their fastening.

Material. Felt pens, scissors, geometric shapes, pencils, erasers, boxes, building material, Lego Duplo Tools set or other construction sets.


Working with illustrations. Choose illustrations that show different cars. Review them with your children, determine their purpose, highlight the dependence of their structure on the method of use.

Invite the children to model and build the various machines they need for the people of Formandia.

Game "Magic Stripes". Invite the children to cut out the proposed strips (Fig. 7), cut them according to the markings and lay out various cars from the resulting figures (first according to the proposed dissected ones, then according to contour diagrams, and then come up with their own models) (Fig. 8, 9, 10). At the end of the game, invite the children to put the figures into boxes.

Rice. 7

Rice. 8

Rice. 9

Rice. 10

Invite the children to create diagrams of cars from sample buildings. Build 3-4 versions of simple machines and invite the children to post their images (side view) from geometric shapes, and then trace the shapes to get an undivided (contour) diagram of the machine.

Invite the children to come up with and draw dissected machine diagrams on the computer screen (Fig. 11), cell by cell, and then construct simulated machines from building material. Analyze the buildings from the point of view of their similarity to the diagrams.

Rice. eleven

Offer children constructors to construct cars and give them the opportunity to apply their existing knowledge and ideas about vehicles in their work. Let the children design their own cars.

Organize construction projects on the topics “Sports cars” and “For playing racing”. Give the children the opportunity to demonstrate their designs in action and talk about them.

Game tasks

Exercise children in building various machines from building materials and construction sets; in the transformation of buildings according to the conditions (“Convert a car into a panel truck (fuel truck, a machine for transporting timber, pipes, etc.)”, “Build a machine for transporting furniture (containers, blocks, etc. cargoes”, “Construct the same car as on this drawing, but so that it goes in the opposite direction (towards the corner of the table, away from you, towards you, etc.)"). Exercise children in preliminary sketching of cars before constructing them.

Game “What has changed?” Invite the children to look carefully at the constructed machine and then close their eyes or turn away. Make a minor transformation in the building and ask the children to guess what has changed in it.

Game “What happened?” Each child builds any model from a construction set. Then all the children guess who got what and where it can be applied.

Game "Complete the structure." One child begins to assemble the model, passes it to another child, who continues assembling, etc. Then the children discuss what happened. Children can play in pairs and groups.


Modeling, contour diagram, exploded diagram.

Topic 3. Airplanes, helicopters, rockets, space stations

Target. Expand children's understanding of various aircraft, their purpose (passenger, military, sports, research, cargo, etc.); form generalized ideas about these types of technology; develop design skills; practice creating plans for future buildings; develop spatial thinking, the ability to make inferences; form critical attitude to their actions, the desire to correct their mistakes.

Material. Geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, pencils, erasers, building materials, Lego Duplo and Lego Dacta constructors.


Working with illustrations. Select illustrations that depict various aircraft. Review and analyze them with your children. Invite them to design different airplanes, helicopters, rockets, and space stations for the Formandians.

Working with the illustration “Aircraft”. Give the children a task on plane modeling using geometric shapes. First, children model aircraft according to the proposed schemes (Fig. 12), then they come up with their own models.

Working with the illustration “Spaceships and stations.” Look at the images of spaceships and stations with your children (Fig. 13), ask: “How many spaceships and stations are shown in the picture? Find the same ones. Show stations that have the same shaped noses.”

Rice. 12

Invite the children to invent and model various spaceships and stations from geometric shapes.

Game "Let's play with the computer." Ask the children to draw diagrams of future aircraft designs (in cells) (Fig. 11). (Training in constructing graphic models can be organized on real computers.) Invite them to select any building materials and construction sets to implement in the construction of their ideas.

Rice. 13

At the end of the work, analyze the buildings from the point of view of similarity with the “design projects”. Let the children show off their buildings and talk about how they built them; make up stories about them.

Game tasks

Develop children's modeling and design abilities; practice making plans, diagrams, drawings for construction;

promote experimentation and invention; train children in building aircraft using drawings, drawings, diagrams, photographs, toys; in joint construction (“Aerodrome”, “Cosmodrome”), in the ability to build according to conditions (“Build a rocket on which you can launch cargo into orbit of a space station, and reload the cargo onto it”).

Game "Let's play with the computer." Invite the children to build, using a “computer” (Fig. 11) (or a real computer), a drawing of a fence for the cosmodrome (children must erase the previous image and divide the screen in half - horizontally - with a line).

Build several fences on the table (Fig. 14). Let the children choose any fence and draw on the computer screen (by cells) the front view of the building (on the lower part) and the top view (on the upper part).

Game "Fold the figure." Invite the children to cut out any geometric shape and cut it into several pieces of different sizes and shapes. Then the children reassemble the original figure from the parts, take it apart again and begin to create various images from the figures. Give children the opportunity to independently establish patterns: the more parts, the more difficult it is to put together the original figure, but you can come up with more images. Make the task more difficult by asking the children to swap figures.

Game “Build the same one”. One child builds a model airplane from a construction set, displays it, and then hides it. The rest of the children reproduce the model.


Drawing, front view, top view.

Rice. 14

Topic 4. Robots

Target. Exercise children in creating diagrams and drawings (in three projections); in modeling and design from building materials and construction parts; develop imagination, attention, ingenuity, desire to experiment, understanding; the ability to draw conclusions based on one’s experience and common sense, attention, concentration; to form ideas about volumetric bodies, their shape, size, quantity.

Material. Geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, pencils, erasers, building materials, construction sets.


Working with illustrations. Select illustrations that depict various robots. Look at them with your children, analyze the structure of the robots. Offer to make robots for the Formandians (to assist them in mental and physical labor).

Working with the illustration “Robots”. Look at the picture with robots (Fig. 15) with your children and analyze it.

Rice. 15

Teacher. What construction parts are robot parts similar to? How many robots are there in the picture? Find robots assembled from the same number of parts. Find two identical robots. Show robots that can (cannot) be built from these parts, and explain why.

Invite children to model different robots from geometric shapes, laying them out on paper; outline the figures with felt-tip pens and get contour diagrams of the robots, then dismember them and make them more specific. For children who find it difficult, ask them to build such a robot from building material and make a drawing from this example of the building.

Tips for a teacher

Collect children's works and prepare them for a manual on plane modeling “Robots”. Offer it to children for play.

Game "Let's play with the computer." Invite the children to make a drawing of a robot from an axonometric drawing (Fig. 16): “Look at the image, analyze it. Draw its front view in the lower left square of the screen, its side view in the upper left, and its top view in the upper right.” Invite them to choose building materials or construction kits and design robots according to their design.

Rice. 16

Rice. 17

When analyzing children's works, pay attention to the originality of the solutions and what functions the depicted robots can perform.

Game tasks

Develop children's design skills and qualities necessary for practical activities, which are the basis of intellectual development (satisfaction from mental activity, desire to complete cognitive tasks, creative activity). Exercise children in construction from building sets, Lego constructors, etc. according to plans, according to conditions, according to topics (“Space Station”, “Planet Venus”), according to ready-made plans, drawings, drawings, diagrams; in independent construction of objects, construction according to conditions (“Build a robot that looks like a person (like a dog, like a spider, like Miracle Yudo, etc.)”), assembling structures based on images of three-dimensional models. Practice analyzing buildings; clarify children’s ideas about geometric shapes and bodies.

Working with illustrations. Look at the models (Fig. 17) with your children, analyze them, offer to build buildings based on them, advise them to start with the most simple models, shown in the first row.

Working with the illustration “Construction details”. Children color the details with pencils different colors(Fig. 18).

Teacher. Look at the building parts shown in the picture, find and name parts that are identical in shape. Find parts that are the same in shape, color, size. Show parts that are the same shape but arranged differently. Find parts that are the same in shape and size. Show parts that are shown in a position where they cannot stand on the table.

Rice. 18

Game "Let's play with the computer." The illustration (Fig. 19) shows different polygons.

Teacher. Look at and count the shapes. Why are these figures called polygons? How many angles does this polygon have? Show a figure that has more angles than other figures. Find a polygon whose angle is directed inward. Draw a shape that has three corners (four corners, no corners).

Draw the children's attention to three figures whose corners are marked with thick lines. Ask: “Are the angles the same or different?” Offer to draw such angles and remember which angle is called right (acute, obtuse). Draw a rhombus. Draw children's attention to the fact that this geometric figure has two obtuse and two acute angles.

Game "Invent a robot". Invite the children to invent and draw robots, using all the geometric shapes they are familiar with.

Game "Construct a robot from memory." One child constructs a robot from a construction set, offers to look at it for 1 minute, then hides it. The rest of the children must assemble the same robot.


Side view, volumetric model, polygon, rhombus; right, acute, obtuse angle.

Yulia Nashchekina

Abstract of GCD for design in the senior group« Builders»

Target: teach children to creatively apply previously acquired constructive skills, strengthen children's skills build different houses, learn design according to drawing.

Educational objectives:

Teach children to plan their activities;

Developmental tasks:

Strengthen children's knowledge of details constructor and their properties.

Continue to improve your skills in working with small designer;

Develop a sense of form and composition;

Educational tasks:

To develop the ability to work without interfering with each other, to be able to negotiate.

Choose the right one yourself construction material;

Foster independence and initiative.

Vocabulary work:

Vocabulary enrichment children: "architect",

Activation (left, right, above, below, next to, near, under, above) .

Materials and equipment:

Demonstration – Illustrations, photographs

Dispensing – constructor

Preliminary work:

While walking, looking at houses in your immediate surroundings;

Teacher's story and looking at photographs in the album "My street"

Reading works of fiction, looking at illustrations;

Children's games with designer(LEGO, small wooden) .

Methods and techniques:

Playful, visual, verbal (questions, conversation) .

Progress of educational activities

1 part. Conversation.

The teacher announces the topic design. They remember what children saw on the streets of the city, what buildings, houses. They remember from what details constructors assembled houses in a group.

Part 2. What beautiful and different houses in our city.

Guys, who do you think creates the house project? That's right - architects.

Let's try to name the details guys designer, which are shown in this figure.

Children examine and name details designer, which are shown in the figure. The teacher asks clarifying questions questions:

The teacher suggests thinking together and deciding what kind of house they will be build. Can construct houses according to any drawing, or according to your own design.

Then several children talk about the future construction.

The teacher suggests going to the tables and starting building a house. Held finger gymnastics « Builders» .

We builders, We we are building, The child knocks his fist on his fist.

We have many houses let's build, Bends the fingers on both hands in turn.

Many roofs and ceilings,

Lots of windows, walls, floors,

Many rooms and doors

Elevators, stairs, floors.

The residents will have fun - Says words in a cheerful voice.

Housewarming in the new house! Says the word loudly "housewarming" raising your hands up.

Having done half the work, I suggest you warm up a little.


It’s not hail, it’s not thunder (Children stand on their toes, raise their hands up,

Roofer on the roof. pretending to knock with a hammer with fists)

He hits loudly with a hammer -

The whole neighborhood hears. (cover ears with palms)

He covers the house with iron,

To keep it dry. (lean down, reaching the floor with your palms)

Part 3. Bottom line

At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to consider each other's buildings. The teacher offers to talk about who, what built.

Guys, let's look at the houses you've got. Did you like it to build houses? (Children's answers) .

Children, your houses turned out to be different, durable and beautiful. You worked together and helped each other. Well done.

Publications on the topic:

Construction in the senior group “Fairytale City” Goal: to teach children to creatively apply previously acquired constructive skills and consolidate.

Program content. Goal: to create conditions for the formation of UUD (cognitive, regulatory, communicative, namely design.

Abstract of GCD for design “We are the builders” in the preparatory group Bogomazova Elena Konstantinovna Educator MBDOU Kindergarten “Zvezdochka” Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region, Novy Urengoy Abstract of GCD for design.

Abstract of GCD for designing “Buildings of our city” in the senior group. Objectives: 1. continue to teach children how to create simple and complex designs.

Summary of a lesson on paper design in the senior group “Dog” Program content: - teach children to make toys based on a cylinder; - practice the ability to connect a sheet of paper into a rectangular one.

Summary of a lesson on paper design in the senior group “Snowdrops” Program content. Teach children to make paper crafts using the origami method, and honestly follow the teacher’s instructions. Develop memory,.

Summary of a design lesson Topic: “The guys rush to the aid of Smeshariki.”

Topic: “The guys rush to help Smeshariki.”

Program content:
1. Learn to sequentially analyze a contour diagram:
1) recognize the depicted object;
2) determine the locations of its main parts;
3) “try on” (i.e. correlate with the space of the diagram and with each other) the building details proposed to reproduce the building;
4) Dissect the contour diagram in accordance with the idea of ​​​​the possible design of the object.
2. Learn how to build using a ready-made graphic model.
3. Continue to teach how to independently complete the object, using familiar construction techniques.
4. Continue to teach children to analyze an object, highlighting the details of the building material and their spatial arrangement.
5. Reinforce the correct use in speech of words such as front, back, front, side, etc.
6. Develop attention, memory, imagination.
7. Cultivate friendly relationships and a desire to help comrades.

Methods and techniques:
Game, examination, questions, comparison, encouragement, musical accompaniment.

Contour diagrams of objects on a larger scale than children’s diagrams, dissected diagrams of the same objects;
Construction kit for each child, contour diagrams, small toys, 2 pencils (simple and colored).

Differentiated approach:
1 subgroup – an undivided diagram of the object is given.
Subgroup 2 - a partially dissected diagram of the object is given.

Individual work:
Help Nikita Sh., Alena S., Tanya P. with the construction of the building; help Ksyusha, Katya, Vadim in analyzing the scheme.

Preliminary work:
Reading “Builders” by S.Ya. Marshak, looking at photographs of various houses, excursions along the streets of the microdistrict to examine buildings, building houses from building materials, getting acquainted with unfinished schemes.

Connection with other activities:
Speech development: introduction to the active dictionary of the names of building parts, play activity: role-playing game"Construction".

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we have a design lesson.
There is a knock on the door.
- Oh, guys, someone is coming towards us. Yes, it was the Postman who brought us a letter. Something must have happened.
I'm reading the letter.
- Guys, this letter came from Smesharikov. Nyusha and Barash write that they wanted to build new houses, but it rained and some lines on the drawings were blurred. Smeshariki really ask you to help them understand the drawings and build new houses. Shall we help you guys?
- Guys, look carefully at the diagrams and think about what it is?
- Which part of the house is shown in the diagram?
I'm inspecting the circuit.
- This is a house (I circle the entire diagram with my hand).
- What parts might the house depicted consist of? (Pointing to the lower part).
- Right. Well done! What goes behind the foundation?
- What is on the walls?
- Fine. What else does the house have?
- Guys, our diagrams, as you already said, show only the facades of houses, i.e. front view, what else does the house have that we don’t see in this diagram?
- Could there be windows on the side walls?
- What could be on the back wall?

That's right, guys.
- Guys, let's remember what parts of the construction set we used to build houses with you in class.
- Think about what parts the house shown in the diagram might consist of:
What parts can be used to build a foundation?
- What parts can you use to build the walls of a house?
- Fine. What can the ceiling be made of?
- Well done! What part is needed to build a roof?
- Guys, now I suggest you complete the drawings on your diagrams with a simple pencil the parts that make up the house.
I check and help children who find it difficult to complete a task. Clarifications are made to the diagram with a colored pencil.
I invite one child to come out and tell what the house shown in the diagram consists of and complete the diagram (child of the 2nd subgroup).

Nikita, tell us what the house shown in your diagram consists of?

Well done, you explained everything in detail, completed the diagram, and all the guys checked whether they completed the task correctly.

Physical education minute.
We planed, we planed
The boards became smooth.
We sawed, we sawed,
So that everyone is equal.
We put them in a row
They nailed it with a hammer,
It turned out to be a new home.
- Well, now we have completed plans and construction can begin. Just don’t forget that our diagrams show only the facades of houses, and we will build entire houses.

Let's start building houses.
- Guys, if all your houses are the same, then Smeshariki will be bored living here. Design decorations for your home.
During construction, I help with questions and advice. I draw attention to the quality of the construction.
- What wonderful houses we have turned out to be. All different.
So we built, we built
Finally, they built it.
Look what a house
Everyone will feel comfortable in it.
Come, come,
Stay in our house.
- Well done, guys, you tried very hard and helped Smeshariki. Look how happy they are (showing toys). Now let’s resettle the city residents into their homes and have a housewarming party. Smeshariki will also give you colorful circles. Whoever succeeded will place a red circle near his house, a yellow circle - the construction was not entirely successful, a blue circle - they did not cope with the task at all.
The teacher picks up Smesharik.
- I’ll go see what kind of house Nikita built. Nikita, how many floors are there in your house? How can you get to the second floor? Who will you place in your home? Why did you put a red circle near your house?
-Which of you guys has the longest house? What parts did you use to build the longhouse? Why did you make such a long house? What kind of circle did you put near your house? Why?
- And I also want to go visit Lera. What do you think is interesting in Lera’s house?
With the help of Smeshariki, the teacher helps the children play with the buildings.
- Yes, we will help. We need to help everyone. Especially those who have had a misfortune.
- These are house plans.
- The diagram shows the facade.
- The lower part of the house is the foundation.
- These are walls.
- There are windows on the walls.
- The house has a roof on top.
- The house still has side walls and a back wall.
- Yes.
- There may be a door on the back wall.
- From cubes, plates, bricks, triangular prisms, bars, half-cubes.
- The foundation can be built from plates.
- The walls of the house can be built from cubes or bricks.
- The ceiling can be made of plates.
- To build a roof you need a triangular prism.
Children complete the details on their diagrams.
- This diagram shows a house. The foundation of this house consists of a plate. The walls stand on the foundation. They are also made from plates. There is a plate ceiling on the walls. A roof is placed on the ceiling - a rectangular prism.
- This diagram shows a house. The foundation of this house consists of bricks. There is a wall on the foundation. The wall is made of two bricks and a cube. There is a brick ceiling on the wall. The roof is a rectangular prism. There is a path leading from the house to the mailbox. It is also made of bricks. There is a mailbox near the house. It is made of bricks and cubes.

Jerks your arms up.
Jerks your arms to the sides.
Bend forward, hands on the belt.
Walking in place.
Walking in place.
Jumping in place.

Children complete the task.

Children sort out the circles of the desired color.
- Two floors. The second floor can be reached by elevator. There is an elevator in my house.
- Because everything worked out for me.
- I extended my house using bricks and cubes. My house can accommodate many guests.
- This house is interestingly decorated.

Let's repeat together where we will start construction.
- Where do we start building ours - Let's start building from the foundation.
- We will build the foundation from a long
- What will we build the foundation from?
- How will we install the plates?
- What will we build next?
- What is located on the ceiling?
- Guys, what can you use to build the side and back walls of a house?
- Okay, now let's rest a little.
plates. I'll put it on the wide, long side. Then we will build walls from plates.
- We will place two plates at the edges on the short narrow sides and we will place one plate in the middle also on the short narrow side.

Next we will build the ceiling from a long plate. Let's put it on the walls - plates with a wide long side.
- We will put a roof on the ceiling. Let's make it from a triangular prism.
- From cubes, from plates.

1 part.
Educator: Guys, a letter has arrived to our kindergarten, from the land of fairy tales. Kolobok writes to us. Do you want to know what's in the letter? The teacher reads the letter:
Trouble happened in a fairy tale!
The animals disappeared and scattered in all directions.
Help! Return the little animals to the fairy tale, I, Kolobok, sent you a hint."
Educator: Do you want to help the animals? Do you know in which fairy tale the disaster happened?
Children: No!
Educator: We have to find out. Today you and I will conduct an investigation like detectives: solve riddles, think, search. Let's remember the Russians folk tales, where the main characters are animals.
Exercise “Name a fairy tale”
Children: “Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.
Educator: You named a lot of fairy tales, but it’s not clear which of them had trouble? We need to get to the land of fairy tales, and a hint, a magic map sent by Kolobok, will help us with this.
We take the card out of the envelope and examine it on the table.
Educator: What do you see on the map? Children: Numbers, pictures, directions. Children name numbers. Educator: What number should we start the search with?
They look around, looking for the first symbol in the group.
“Magic Stone” and the inscription “Land of Fairy Tales”. Nearby there is an inscription and arrows indicating “right” and “left”.
Educator: This is a magic stone that opens the way to the land of fairy tales. If we do right choice- let's find ourselves in the land of fairy tales. Listen carefully to what is written here.
“If you go to the left, you will lose everything and disappear yourself.
If you go to the right, you will find what you are looking for!”
Part 2.
Go right, find the second symbol. A chest with the number 2 on it.
Educator: This is a fabulous chest with riddles. Let's open it. The one who solves the riddle will take a picture of his hero.
1. Small stature
A long tail.
Collects crumbs
Hiding from the cat. (Mouse)
2. White in winter,
Gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he himself is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
3. Prowls through the forest day and night.
Searches for prey day and night.
He walks and wanders silently.
The ears are gray and erect. (Wolf)
4. A cunning cheat,
Red head.
Fluffy tail is beautiful,
Who is this? (Fox)
5. Who lives in the deep forest,
Clumsy, clubfooted.
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)
Educator: Now guys, put the pictures on the table. What fairy tale do you think these animals are from?
The children answer. "Kolobok" "Teremok". (If “Teremok”, why is there no frog)
Educator: It’s not clear, which fairy tale is in trouble? What is the next number on the card? They go further, find the number three and an envelope with an assignment from “Kolobok”.
Game "What's extra"
Four pictures with the plot of the fairy tale “Kolobok” and one “Teremok”.
The teacher lays out the pictures on the table and looks at them with the children.
Educator: Find the extra picture. Why is she redundant? Now, can you tell me, in which fairy tale did the disaster happen? You speak somewhat uncertainly. Listen to the hint:
Once upon a time in a dense forest
A house grew up under a bush.
What kind of miracle house is this?
Animals settled in it.
The mouse and the bunny are happy,
And the fox, the top is happy.
This is a fairy tale (Teremok).
We identified a fairy tale in which trouble happened. There is only one problem left: how to return the animals to the fairy tale? Let's look at the Kolobok map. Number 4 is the hint symbol “Forest Workshop”. The children look around and find the Forest Workshop.
Part 3.
Educator: This is the “Forest Workshop”. But there is no master. Look, there are “animal heads” blanks, but no body. We will make the body. Sit down at the tables. Let's get our fingers ready for work.
Finger game
I have ten fingers (show fingers)
How much can I do!
If you want, I’ll show you (fingers open, turn your hands, towards you, away from you)
And I’ll tell you about it.
I can clench my fists (we clench and unclench our fists)
And then open them,
I can intertwine, (interlace fingers, clasp hands together)
Or I can hide them (put them behind my back)
I can fly (lift up, bend and straighten my hands)
And then fall (down and shake your tassels)
And then I’ll fold it quietly (we fold our hands on our knees in a boat, putting one into the other) On my knees, like a kitten.
Educator: What is on the table? (paper - according to the color of the animals, glue)
We will assemble the figurine of the body according to the master’s model.

The article presents game tasks with a construction set developed by O.A. Skotnikov, Educator of Russia-2013.

The formation of constructive activity is an important stage in mental development child. The level of development of constructive activity determines the level of development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking in a child. As is known, theoretical mental analysis and synthesis are preceded by practical analysis and synthesis of things in action, that is, first formed in practice, analysis and synthesis then become operations of the theoretical thought process. This is why design in kindergarten is so important.

The ability to analyze graphic images - to isolate their constituent elements, relate them to each other, synthesize a graphic image - the famous domestic psychologist A.R. Luria named visual analysis and experimentally proved the importance and necessity of developing this mental quality for a successful start to school.

Violation of the development of optical-spatial gnosis, delay in the formation of spatial representations, immaturity of visual perception, underdevelopment fine motor skills, insufficient development of mental activity is considered characteristic of children with speech pathology. Therefore, construction in kindergarten can be considered a correctional activity for children with general speech underdevelopment, capable of solving many problems, namely: development

  • hand-eye coordination,
  • oculomotor functions,
  • fixation of gaze,
  • verbal orientation,
  • fine motor skills of the fingers,
  • sharing skills complex shape into component parts,
  • relate the sizes of objects,
  • determine their location and mentally change their relative position.

I bring to your attention practical game tasks for children 5-6 years old.

All tasks are arranged in order of increasing difficulty level and are aimed at gradually developing the skills to independently perform design activities.

Construction in kindergarten with children senior group I start with practical tasks with chopsticks. The entire set consists of 20 sticks, with the help of which the child lays out various silhouette figures.

This activity allows you to teach the child to recreate the whole of an object from segments and translate practical, external actions into an internal plan.

After the task is completed, it is necessary to determine together with the child whether the result corresponds to the given standard, whether the methods suggested by adults were used, and to give an overall assessment of the work.

Further work is carried out with a flat triangular constructor, which we called “Fairy Triangles”.
The entire set of the designer consists of 16 isosceles right triangles of different sizes, obtained by cutting three squares with a side of 10 cm, as shown in the figure:

All work with this constructor is divided into 6 stages:

At the first stage the child must learn to conduct a visual analysis of the position of one triangle, focusing on its three sides, one of which is long, and the other two are short and equal in length. Therefore, to begin with, let the child try to place his triangle on the table, in accordance with the sample. Such a triangle can have up to 8 different positions.

At the second stage the child receives another triangle and tries to make new geometric shapes from them, such as a square, a triangle and a quadrilateral. Moreover, children should always be asked how they got this or that figure? Which sides do you need to connect the triangles to make a square, triangle or quadrilateral? That is, verbalization of practical actions is necessary.

At the third stage the child receives two more triangles. In this case, the teacher can give hints, for example: “Build a rectangle from four triangles. But don’t forget that any rectangle can be folded from two squares, and you already know how to make squares from triangles” or “You know that a square can be folded from two triangles, and by building two large triangles from small ones, you can fold them into square".

The same hints can be given by children themselves who have completed the task on their own; in extreme cases, the result can always be shown on a magnetic board using four large triangles.

At the fourth stage 2 large triangles and 4 medium ones are used.

From this set of triangles, children make different geometric shapes using patterns. The children came up with some of the methods themselves.

At the fifth stage You will need 8 small triangles.

The tasks are made more difficult by the fact that the samples gradually become semi-dismembered.

At the sixth stage You will need 2 large triangles, 4 medium ones, 8 small ones (the whole set).

At this stage I tried to make some kind of synthesis of construction and fairy tales. Children, listening to a fairy tale, make up a plot picture based on the model, using the entire set of construction sets.

Fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut."

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come - the fox’s hut has melted, but the hare’s hut remains as before.

The fox asked the bunny to warm up and kicked him out of the hut. A bunny walks and cries, and a dog meets him.
-What are you crying about, bunny?
- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted - she asked me to warm up and kicked me out.
“Don’t cry, bunny,” says the dog, “I’ll kick him out.”

They approached the hut.
- Av-av-av! Get out, fox!
And the fox from the stove:
- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!
The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny sat under a bush and cried. A bear is walking by.
-What are you crying about, bunny?
- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came, her hut melted - she asked me to warm up and kicked me out.
“Don’t cry, bunny,” says the bear, “I’ll kick her out.”
- No, bear, you won’t kick me out. The dog chased him, but he didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out.
- No, I’ll kick you out!

Let's go to the hut. The bear howls:
- Get out, fox!
And she told him from the stove:
- As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!
The bear got scared and left.

A bunny sits under a bush and cries. A cockerel walks past, wearing a golden comb, and carrying a scythe on his shoulder.
He saw a bunny and asked
- Why are you crying, bunny?
The bunny told him about his misfortune.
“Come on, I’ll kick her out,” says the cockerel.
- No, you won’t kick me out. The dog chased but didn’t drive him out, the bear chased him but didn’t drive him out.
- I’ll kick you out, let’s go!

We approached the hut. The rooster crowed:

And the fox got scared and said:
- I’m getting dressed...
- Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox. Get out, fox!
And she says:
- I’m putting on a fur coat...
The rooster crows for the third time:
- Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox. Get out, fox!
She jumped out of the hut and ran into the forest.
And they began to live, to live in a bast hut.

Based on the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”.

Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.
“Daughter,” the mother said, “we’ll go to work, and you take care of your brother.” Don't leave the yard anywhere.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot that she was being punished: she sat her brother down on the grass under the window, ran outside and started playing.
Geese-swans swooped in, picked up the boy and carried him away on their wings. The girl returned, and lo and behold, her brother was gone! She ran out into an open field and only saw how the geese-swans carried away their brother beyond the dark forests.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran and ran and saw that the stove was standing.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?
The stove answered her:
— Fix my pipe, I’ll tell you.
Shall we help the girl fix the pipe?

The stove showed where the swans had flown. The girl ran further. He sees an apple tree standing. The apples on the apple tree are ripe. It’s hard for an apple tree to hold so many apples - the branches are about to break.
- Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?
“Take the apples off me,” I’ll say.
The girls picked all the apples from the apple tree. There is an apple tree without a single apple - he can’t get enough of it. Can you pick an apple tree without apples?

The apple tree showed where the geese and swans had flown. The girl ran further. On the girl’s way there is a deep river with steep banks.
- River, river, where did the swan geese fly?
“I would tell you,” says the river, but what’s the point. The bridge over me has broken. If only you could fix it...
Shall we help the girl fix the bridge?

The girl crossed the river across the bridge and ran on. She ran for a long time through the fields and forests. The day is approaching evening, there is nothing to do - we need to go home. Suddenly he sees a hut standing on chicken legs.

The girl walked around the hut and saw her brother sitting on the porch, playing with silver apples. The girl took her brother and ran. Geese-swans - in pursuit. On the way home, the river hid them under the bridge, the apple tree covered them with branches, and the stove behind the door.
The geese-swans flew and flew, screamed and shouted, and flew back empty-handed. And the girl and her brother ran home, and then the father and mother came.

After training with a triangular construction set, the children are ready to master other flat construction sets that consist not only of triangles, such as Pythagoras and Tangram.

I want to introduce another flat geometric constructor, which can be called "Pythagoras-2".

A square measuring 10x10 cm is cut as shown in the figure, resulting in 9 geometric shapes: 4 large triangles, 2 small ones, one medium one, a square and a rectangle.

Before working with samples, the guys complete several tasks with certain figures.

Exercise 1.
Take 2 large triangles and a square. Make: a rectangle, a triangle and 2 different quadrangles, one of which is a trapezoid.

Task 2.
Take 2 small triangles and a medium one. Make: a square, a triangle, a rectangle and 2 different quadrangles, one of which is a trapezoid.

Task 3.
Take 2 small triangles, a medium and a large triangle. Make: a square, a triangle, a rectangle and 2 different quadrangles, one of which is a trapezoid.

The next designer is also an original design and by analogy with the “Tangram” I called it "Tregram", since it was obtained by cutting an equilateral triangle. Game tasks with such a constructor can be carried out on filling and composing planar images from sets of geometric shapes. An equilateral triangle made of cardboard (side length 20 cm, each of which is divided into 5 equal parts of 4 cm) is cut into 10 shapes, as shown in the figure.

The result is 4 small triangles, 2 rhombuses, a trapezoid, a parallelogram, a large triangle and a hexagon.

All work is also being built in stages.

At the first stage children get acquainted with all the parts of the construction set, making them up from triangles and other small shapes:

1. By connecting two triangles to each other, children get a rhombus.
2. By attaching another triangle to the rhombus, children get a trapezoid, which can also be made using three triangles.
3. By attaching another triangle to the trapezoid, children get a parallelogram. The same figure can be made from other small figures.
4. Next, by superimposing small figures on large ones, children themselves draw conclusions from which figures they can be combined.

At the second stage children fill out inner space silhouette figures on sheets using all parts of the constructor.

At the third stage children make planar images using dissected samples with gradual transition to partially dismembered.

At the fourth stage children model images according to their own ideas.

I made another one similar to the Nikitin cubes flat constructor. This set consists of 15 squares 5x5 cm:

  • 8 squares are filled half diagonally;
  • 3 squares are completely painted;
  • 4 squares are pure white.

At the first stage For game tasks, we use only 4 squares, half-shaded, and according to the sample, we compose all the images only from them.

At the second stage children make images of 9 squares using the entire set.