Lesson summary for the junior group “It should be clear to everyone - it’s nice to be clean! Lesson notes for the second junior group. Topic: “It’s good in our kindergarten” Activities child and society second junior group

Natalia Nekrasova

Program tasks: to form ideas about the concept of a city, know the name of the city, streets, significant places, clarify the rules of behavior in the city, develop memory, coherent speech, attention, thinking, cultivate love for your city.

Preliminary work: cardboard houses with everyone's home address baby.

Progress of the lesson.

Show your house. Tell me where do you live? On which street? What is the house number?

Listen, Matvey, Zhenya and Yura live on Khrutsky Street, house 5, and Kira, Polina, Eva and Arina live on Zygina street, and Sophia - on Shenyagina Street, and Slava, Benita and Danik - on Zodchego Street, Alina - on Bogdanovich Street and Sasha - in a house on Masherov Avenue. Different streets and houses. And we have one city. What is the name of our city? (Polotsk)

Danik, tell me I I live in the city of Polotsk. (children’s individual answers)

In People live in Polotsk. They are called Polotsk residents. Sasha - finished, and Benita – Polotsk woman.

Physical education minute "I want to build a house"

I want to build a house

so that there is a window in it.

So that the house has a door,

Nearby for a pine tree to grow.

There was a fence around the house,

The dog guarded the gate.

It was sunny, it was raining,

And the tulip bloomed in the garden.

You and I are in kindergarten on the street Zygina, 53. This is the address of the kindergarten. Your house also has an address. You need to remember your home address.

IN Polotsk has many gardens, schools, streets, houses, shops. Look what else there is in our city? (Looking at illustrations - St. Sophia Cathedral, monuments, train station, clinic, museum, park, hairdresser, pharmacy, bowling alley, restaurant)

Did. exercise “Please tell me where and with whom you went (huh?”

Sofia: - I went with my mother to the St. Sophia Cathedral.

Benita: - I went to the store with my mother.

Yura: - I went bowling with my mother.

Arina: - I went to the show with my mom and dad.

Glory: - I went with Arishka to the circus.

Zhenya: - I went with my dad to the hairdresser.

Kira: - I went to school with Roma.

Danik: - I went with mom and dad to the clinic.

Sasha: - I went bowling with my mom, dad and brother.

Pauline: - I went with mom and dad to St. Sophia Cathedral.

Our city is big, you need to walk around the city with mom and dad. Conversation "How to behave".

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world and art activities “What is a traffic light?” Summary of the integrated lesson child and the world with iso activities. Topic: “What is a traffic light?” Age: Middle group. Target:.

Summary of educational activities for the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the second junior group “The city in which I live” Summary of GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the second younger group. Topic: “The city where I live” Program content: Expand.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group. Hospital theme Summary of the GCD lesson on speech development (theme “Hospital”) Objectives: to consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor; replenish children's vocabulary.

Educational field: “Artistic and aesthetic development” Topic: “Drawing flowers unconventional technology"(imprint with crumpled paper).

Summary of a walk in the second junior group topic: “Spring Awakening” Educator: Novikova T.V., teacher of MKDOU IMRSK Kindergarten No. 26 (Novoizobilny settlement). Purpose of the walk: Improve motor activity.

Lesson summary for the middle group “The firefighter is a hero, he goes into battle with fire” Goal: To form children’s ideas about the profession of firefighter. Help children remember the main group of fire hazardous items they should not use.

Lesson notes

Educational field "Child and Society"

ThemA: “We are all friends”


Early Childhood Education Curriculum

Strengthen children’s ideas about themselves and other people;

Develop skills of adapted behavior and communication;

Cultivate a desire to communicate with peers.

Program for the upbringing and education of children with STD

Strengthen children’s ideas about themselves;

Learn to say your first and last name;

Cultivate a desire to communicate.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizationalth part.

Surprise moment(boy Geo).

Guys, today an unusual guest came to us from the purple forest - the boy Geo. Let's say hello to him. Raven Meter told him about the friendly kids who go to the preschool center. Geo then decided to go and look for these children and came to us.

Conversation with children.

Do you think Geo did the right thing by coming to us? (Yes)

All the guys in our group are friendly.

Only Geo is a little sad, he really wants to make friends with you, but doesn’t know how to do it, because all his friends are in the purple forest fairy-tale heroes, but he doesn’t know how to be friends with real children.

2.Main part.


Guys, do you think we can help Geo? (Yes)

And how to do it?

Guys, where does friendship begin? (With a smile, acquaintance).

Geo wants to meet you.

A game.

Let's get to know Geo in the game "My Name"

(Stand in a circle, pass the “Familiar” ball to each other with a kind smile and say your names).

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

(Geo remembered us all.)

Now let’s tell Geo about our friends and how we are friends in our group.

Finger gymnastics.

The girls and boys in our group are friends.

You and I will become friends, little fingers

A story based on pictures.

Children talk about their friends using pictures.

Individual questions for children:

Tell me, who is your friend?

Tell me how to play with friends?

How to ask for help correctly?

We are friendly guys together, we play games, draw, dance, have fun, help each other, try not to quarrel, and if we quarrel, we immediately make up, give each other gifts, say polite words.

Geo really wants to know what polite words mean.

Game "Wonderful bag".

Let's, guys, introduce him to these words so that he remembers them, uses them, and then put them in a magic bag.

(One by one, the children approach the bag and say polite words.)

How heavy the bag has become, how many words our friendly guys know. Here, Geo, is our magic bag, learn and remember these words, they will always come in handy.

Guys, would you like to make friends with Geo? (Yes)

I think that Geo will be happy to make friends with us, because the more friends you have, the more interesting and fun life is. And to make our friendship strong, let's read a poem together.

Artistic word.

We are all friendly guys

We are preschool children,

We don't offend anyone

We know how to care.

We won’t leave anyone in trouble,

We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.

May everyone be well

It will be joyful and light!

Guys, today we have a new friend, let's do something nice for him, for example, treat Geo with sweets.

What sweets can you treat Geo to? (candy, ice cream, cookies)

Let's make these sweets from a magic square (magic square).

Children make “treats” and call them (“I’m giving you a treat...”)

Geo really liked your treats, he thanks you, he liked being friends with us, but now Geo needs to return to his purple forest.

Let's say goodbye to him.

3.Final part.

Summary of the lesson.


What was interesting or new?

Used Books:

Voskobovich V.V., Kharkova T.G., Balatskaya T.I. Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of children preschool age 3-7 years old “Fairytale labyrinths of games”, book 2 “Description of games (1991-1999)”. St. Petersburg 2003

Pazukhina I. Let's play! Training development of the world of social relationships of children 3-4 years old. - M.: “Childhood-Press”, 2008

Shipitsina L. The ABCs of Communication: Development of a child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers (3-6 years). - M.: “Childhood-Press”, 2008.


Introduce children to the right to a name. Learn to apply this right in life.

Develop and activate children's speech, enrich lexicon children.

Develop fine motor skills

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? I also love. Would you like me to show you another new fairy tale today?

There lived a boy in the world, but he didn’t know what his name was. He went for a walk in the meadow and saw a bull. “Hello,” said the boy. - Who are you?" - “I’m a bull, and who are you?” - “And I’m a boy.” - "What is your name?" - asked the bull. - “What is this called?” The bull explained: “What does your mother call you when you need to drink milk?” “Son, honey, little bunny, little kitty,” said the boy. - “How many names do you have! And I have one.”

At this time, the bull's mother, a cow, called him to drink milk. “Stepashka,” the mother cow called, “come and drink milk.” The bull galloped off, but the boy remained in the meadow. He walked and walked and suddenly saw a goat. “Hello,” said the boy, “Who are you?” “I am a goat,” said the goat, “and who are you?” "And I'm a boy." - "What is your name?" - asked the goat. - "I don't know". Suddenly a cloud covered the sun and it became dark. “White,” a voice was heard. - Time to go home!" It was the mother goat who called her goat daughter to take shelter in the house from the rain.

The boy was left alone. He felt sad. Suddenly he hears: “Petya, son, my sunshine, it’s time to go home, it’s going to start raining soon.” It was the boy's mother looking for him on the lawn. Then the boy realized his name and ran to his mother.”

What was the boy's name? (Petya), what else did his mother call him (my sunshine, son, bunny, kitty)

Have you forgotten your name?

Let's play the ball game "Say Your Name"

Do you know who called you such beautiful names (mom, dad), Every person has his own name, since every person (child) has the right to a name.

Who do you live with at home? (with mom, dad...) - this is called “family”.

Let's play the game "Family" with our fingers

Someone else came to us (we find a doll), what do you think her name is? (children name suggested names).

And she wants to play the game “Ay” with us.

Guys, who did we watch the fairy tale about today, what was the boy’s name?

Conclusion: Every person has the right to be called by name, to have a mom and dad who love you very much.

List of sources used.

Davydov O.I., Vyalkova S.M. - Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008. The boy’s name has been changed to something easier to pronounce.

Lesson summary on moral and patriotic education

in the second junior group

on the topic: "Kindergarten is our second home"

Target: show that kindergarten is like a family; like in a family, there is

adults, they take care of children.


    generalize children’s knowledge about the professions of kindergarten employees (teachers, nannies, cooks, nurses);

    continue to develop a positive attitude towards kindergarten;

    teach to understand the meaning of a riddle and find a solution;

    distinguish between emotional states (cheerful, angry);

    cultivate love for kindergarten, respect for the work of adults, a kind attitude towards each other (call each other affectionately, tenderly, cheerfully);

    develop positive emotions in children, general and fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:

thematic excursions around the kindergarten (introduction to the work of a nurse, laundress, cook); viewing illustrations; reading fiction: “The hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations”, “Children about professions”; role-playing games: “Cooking a delicious lunch”, “Hospital”, “Family”, “Kindergarten”; didactic game: “Who needs what for work”, cut lotto: “Professions”.

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation; presentation “Our favorite kindergarten”

Progress of the lesson:

(Children stand in a circle on the carpet).


“All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other."

Educator: “Look, guys,

The animals came to visit us!”

Guys, who came to visit us today? (Teddy Bear, Bunny)


Hello guys! There are so many of you in kindergarten! Bunny and I really want to get to know you, so we invite you to play a game with us.

Game: "Let's get to know each other!"

(Children stand in a circle, pass Mishka to the right, and Bunny to the left, taking turns calling their name affectionately “Lerochka”, “Sasha”, etc.).

Educator: Well, we met, but Misha, Bunny, why are you so sad? What are you upset about?


“We just sit on the shelves,

We look at children's games,

We want it to be like the guys,

Kindergarten, for us – animals.”

Educator: It turns out, guys, the animals are sad because they don’t have a kindergarten, but they want to be together so much, just like you. They don't even know what kindergarten is. Mishutka, Bunny, don’t be sad, our guys will now tell you about what kindergarten really is.

Let's invite Bunny and Mishutka to look at the photos with us, but first guess the riddle:

“This house has everything for us -

Fairy tales, song and story,

Noisy dance and quiet time,

This house has everything for us!

What a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

And when we grow up,

Let's all go to school together. (Kindergarten).

Photo of the kindergarten building


Well done, you guessed it. Of course, this is our own kindergarten.

But we will now show you what we do in kindergarten.

Game “How are you living?”

(Children imitate movements): How do you do exercises in the morning? How do you dance? How do you draw? How do you wash your face? How are you looking forward to lunch? How do you wave after?)


These are great guys, you don’t get bored in kindergarten. So what are you doing here? (We play, read books, go for walks, go to music classes, etc.) Do you like going to kindergarten? (Yes). But, after all, a kindergarten is not only a home, but also adults who take care of the kids, of you, so that you feel good and have fun here. Look, here are the helper photos.

Photos of kindergarten staff

I will ask riddles, and you will watch and guess who I will talk about, just listen carefully.

First riddle:

"Who will teach you to draw,

Sculpt, build and play,

Having seated the children in a circle,

Will he read them a poem?

Who will figure it out now?

Why is Maxim fighting?

Loves all the boys very much

Who is this?..." (Educators).

Well done, what are the names of your teachers? (Tatyana Vladimirovna and Svetlana Alexandrovna).

Next riddle:

"Who should we will set the table,

Sweeping, vacuuming?

Will he wash the windows, walls, floors?

Will you wipe the dust off the table?

Will make sure that here and there

Was everything in place?...” (Nanny).

That's right, this is our nanny. What is her name? (Anna Vasilievna).

Educator: You guys are great! Look, the animals brought something with them.


We brought you this envelope from our forest friends. Let's see what's in it.

(Open the envelope and take out two pictures depicting a cook and a doctor). Since we don’t go to kindergarten, we can’t figure out who is drawn in these pictures. Will you guys help us? (Yes).


Guys, look carefully, who is drawn in the picture on the left? (Cook).

How did you guess? (He cooks, cuts vegetables, he has a white cap...)

That's right, well done.

“The cook walks around in a cap

With a ladle in hand.

He's cooking us lunch

Porridge, borscht and vinaigrette.”

What are the names of our chefs who here in kindergarten prepare delicious food for us every day? (Elena Viktorovna and Vera Mikhailovna).

Guys, who is drawn in the picture on the right? (Doctor). And in our kindergarten, who helps us so that we don’t get sick and grow up healthy? (Nurse). Well done!

"For the health of children

The nurse is watching.

Treats without pills

Sore throat and bronchitis."

What is her name? (Lyubov Ivanovna). What is Lyubov Ivanovna doing? (Weighs, measures temperature, smears green on wounds.


Well, Bunny and Mishutka, now you understand who is drawn here and what they do in kindergarten? (Yes). (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.)


Oh, guys, look, Bunny and Mishutka also brought this beautiful box. Animals, what is in it?



This box is unusual. It contains items that are so necessary for a cook and a nurse. We took them to your kindergarten to give them to you. But we were in such a hurry to visit you that Mishutka, who was carrying the box, fell, and all the objects fell apart and got mixed up. Now we need your help to figure out who needs what item for work. Will you guys help us? (Yes).


I will put pictures of a cook and a doctor on two tables, and you

You will select the necessary items and place them on the desired picture. Didactic game « Magic box" (Children take objects out of the box, name them, explain their purpose). Each item is put to the person who needs it - the cook: stove, saucepan, frying pan; nurse: syringe, thermometer, vitamins).


Well done! You did everything right, so Bunny and I are giving you these toys.


Thank you, friends, and we also want to tell you that in order for everyone to feel good and have fun, you need to live together. Right guys? Let's show how we play.

Finger game"Friendship".

“The girls and boys in our group are friends -

(fingers of both hands are joined into a lock)

We will make friends with you little fingers -

(rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

One two three four five -

(alternately bending the fingers on the right hand)

One two three four five -

(alternately bending the fingers on the left hand)

That's how friendly we are. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, and smiles in our kindergarten.


It happens that we quarrel, and then the mood deteriorates, it becomes sad, and when we make up, then everyone immediately becomes happy, and we smile. (Pictograms).

What kind of face is this? How did you guess? And what is this? Why did they decide this? Show us what facial expression happens when we are angry? (Children show). Now show a cheerful expression on your face. (Children show

Attention game "Angry, cheerful."

(Children stomp their feet when they see a picture with an angry expression on their face and clap their hands when they see a “cheerful” face). Guys, let's draw cheerful smiles on these faces and place them in kindergarten. Let there always be kindness and cheerful smiles in our common home. (Eyes and nose are drawn in the pictures.) Children add a smile to them cotton swabs. Well done, that’s how friendly our kindergarten and our children are. Love kindergarten - your second home!

Children live in kindergarten

Here they play and sing,

This is where you find friends

They go for walks with them.

They argue and dream together,

They grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,

How warm and cozy it is!

Do you love him, children?

The kindest house in the world!”


Here, Bunny, you see how much we learned from the guys today: what a kindergarten really is, what they do there, how fun and beautiful it is. Let's quickly go back to the forest, to our mothers, and tell them about this. Let them also set up a forest kindergarten for us animals. And then we will invite the guys to visit us. Goodbye guys, thank you for such an interesting story.

(The animals leave).


Guys, do you think Mishutka and Bunny liked our story?

What was most interesting for you to talk about? (Children's answers). Well done, you all tried very hard today, and now let's play with the toys that our friends gave us.

Victoria Tolstyak

Integrated classes on educational field“Child and Society” in the 2nd junior group “Let’s be friends.”

Educator: Tolstyak Victoria Andreevna

State educational institution "Nursery-garden No. 7, Bereza"


To develop in children the ability to establish good friendly relationships and communication skills with each other;

Form ideas about your immediate environment;

Develop feelings of empathy in children;

Develop the ability to correlate speech with movement in finger play;

Strengthen ideas about the good and bad actions of children in relation to each other;

Strengthen the ability to carefully spread glue onto parts and glue them;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, responsiveness;

Equipment: dolls, equipment for obstacles (gymnastic sticks, hoops, a yellow cardboard circle, stencils of children’s palms, glue, brushes, napkins, pictures depicting various situations about friendship and quarrels, balloons.

Progress of the lesson.

(Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, dolls sit on chairs, facing away from each other.)

Morning circle:

Exercise “Call your neighbor affectionately”

Children pass the ball around in a circle and call their neighbor by an affectionate name.

Educator: Guys, look what happened to our dolls?

(Children's answers: they quarreled, turned away, had a fight.)

Educator: I had a fight with my friend, we don’t play with him anymore

And we don’t chat with each other, we’re not alone anymore.

Everyone sits alone all day with their grievances.

Everyone talks about their grievances incessantly.

Educator: Guys, do you want to make friends with our dolls? (Children's answers: yes, we want.) Do you have friends in the group? Tell me who your friend is. What is friendship?

(Children's answers: when they don't quarrel, they play together, hold hands, help each other, share toys, sweets, etc.)

Educator: Now we will play the “Yes-No” game. I will show you pictures, and you will tell me “yes” if the children in the picture are friends and “no” if they are not friends.

Game "Yes-no with pictures."

Educator: Friendship is when people want to be close together, play together, don’t quarrel, and share everything. Friendship is the smiles of friends.

Here we are in kindergarten as one big Friendly family, and teachers are like parents.

The game is an imitation of “Mood”.

Educator: Let's smile with you (children smile).

And now we feel sad, we frown (the children frown).

Guys, when you and I frown, we are sad, but when we smile, we feel so good and happy. Smile at our dolls too. Maybe they will also be happy and want to make peace?

Physical education lesson “Three Bears”.

Three bears walked home Children waddle in place

Dad was big, big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom is shorter with him, hands at chest level.

And my son is just a little baby. Sit down.

He was very small, crouching and swinging like a bear.

He walked around with rattles. Stand up with your hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.

Ding-ding, ding-ding. Children imitate playing with rattles.

And now we will show our guests how friendly we are, and we are not afraid of any obstacles. We have a “friendship path” in our group. It is necessary, holding hands, helping each other, to walk through it in pairs.

Outdoor game “We can’t live without each other.”

(The teacher puts several obstacles in the children’s path and shows how to get through using an example with one child. The children, turning to face each other, hold each other’s hands and overcome obstacles: step over ribbons, hoops.

Educator: So we played with you, our little legs are tired.

We'll go to the chairs and rest a little. (Children sit down.)

Educator: Look, guys, have our dolls made peace? (Children's answers: not yet.) Then we will show them that in our group not only girls and boys are friendly, but our fingers are also friendly.

Finger game "Friendly fingers".

They are friends in our group (fingers locked, bend and

Girls and boys. straighten them)

We will become friends with you, (connect your fingertips

Little fingers. both hands)

One, two, three, four, five (clap each pair

One, two, three, four, five (shake your hands)

Educator: So our hands and fingers warmed up, as if from the sun. Warm, kind, welcoming, like friendship. Look at this sunshine. What is it like? (Children's answers: yellow, round, big) What is the sun missing? (Children's answer: rays) That's right! Where do we get the rays? Maybe these will do? (Shows cut out stencils of children’s palms.) What is this? (Children's answers: our palms.) Do they look like rays of sunshine? (Children's answer: yes) Let's glue our friendly palms to the sun instead of rays.

Application: “Sun of Friendship”.

(Collective work on gluing their palms to the sun. Children do the work, then wipe their hands with napkins.)

(We stand in a semicircle, the teacher pays attention to the dolls).

Educator: Look, guys, our dolls are smiling at each other, they are happy. Our dolls have made peace! Now let's hold hands and do a big friendly round dance, smile at each other and dance.

Game "YES - NO"

Should we value our friendship? (Yes Yes)

Will we learn to play? (Yes Yes)

Shall we help a friend? (Yes Yes)

Need to piss off a friend? (no no)

How about giving a smile? (Yes Yes)

Should you offend a friend? (no no)

Well, how about resolving disputes? (Yes Yes)

Will we be strong friends? (Yes Yes)

Dance "Smile"

Educator: Let's be friendly, kind, and never quarrel!

Look at our dolls, how friendly they are, let’s hug you so they can see again how friendly we are.

And as a goodbye, the dolls have prepared a surprise for you. (there are balls in the box, children put their pens in the box and take out a ball)

Publications on the topic:

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Abstract of educational activities on environmental education in the senior group “Let's be friends with nature!” Abstract of GCD for environmental education V senior group“Let's be friends with nature!” Educator: Razuvaeva E. N. Published: 12/16/2017.

Goal: - to attract children to joint activities with an adult. -to form children’s interest in knowledge about vegetables Tasks: 1. Learn to answer.