How to find out the approximate weight of a child. Estimated fetal weight based on formulas and ultrasound data

Pregnancy is a joyful and most important event in the lives of many women and girls. Even ancient people worried about diagnosis during pregnancy. For example, in ancient Egypt, the herb bududa-ka was used to diagnose it. Women were given a drink made from herbs and the milk of a girl who had recently given birth. If it caused vomiting, it means there is definitely a pregnancy.

First ultrasound during pregnancy

Every year, diagnostic methods became better and more accurate. Today you can find out exactly whether a girl is pregnant or not based on tests and ultrasound. Medicine has improved so much that it is now possible to calculate the height and weight of a fetus before it is born. The first months of expecting a child are always filled with anxiety for the safety of his life. This is especially true for those who have previously had miscarriages. This leads to constant worries about whether everything is normal. Ultrasound can answer these questions.

At what time is the first ultrasound done?

This is a relative question and largely depends on the patient being examined. If the gynecologist decides what needs to be done early diagnosis, An ultrasound can be done at 6 weeks. But, as a rule, they try to avoid this, because the fetal sac is small and it is impossible to see it on the screen. At this time, you can listen to the fetal heart and make sure that everything is fine with it, and also rule out the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, the first examination is carried out at 11-14 weeks.

When can you calculate a baby's weight and height?

Measurements made using ultrasound make it possible to accurately determine the height and weight of the child, as well as to understand whether they correspond to the parameters. In the early stages of pregnancy, they may not coincide with the norms, as there are errors in determining the gestational age. The baby will then gain weight depending on these factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Condition of the placenta.

Structure of the placenta

Before childbirth, a weight of 2500-4500 grams is considered normal.

What determines the weight and height of the fetus?

Babies in a mother’s tummy always have different parameters. Some people are taller, some are a little shorter. But what does this depend on?

  • Mom's health.
  • Are there any bad habits?
  • Nutrition.
  • Number of fruits.

For example, with twins, babies begin to lose weight from about 20 weeks. At birth, it is also less than that of one born baby.

How to independently determine the weight of the fetus?

  • Lebedev method. To do this, you need to know the parameters of the abdominal girth and the height of the uterine fundus. All these indicators need to be multiplied among themselves, the result will mean approximate weight child.
  • Many mothers believe that the size of their baby depends on the size of their belly. If the woman in labor weighs a lot, then the baby will be born big.
  • If you have reached 38 weeks, you can determine this at home. Take a centimeter and take measurements of your abdomen. And multiply the result by 6.

Often, according to doctors' calculations, the baby should be born large, in which case the issue of caesarean section is decided. If the baby is positioned incorrectly in the stomach, it is impossible to accurately calculate its parameters.

Can ultrasound be wrong?

Errors, of course, can occur, and it is difficult to say how accurately the parameters were determined before the baby is born. They arise due to the inaccuracy of the equipment, or rather its old age. The doctor's experience is of great importance. Experts often interpret the same results in different ways. Therefore, of course, there is no need to talk about 100% accuracy. But basically their calculations are still close to reality. After all, determining the fetal mass (approximate weight of the fetus) is not so easy, even for an experienced specialist.

What you need to know about fetal presentation?

In the last trimester of pregnancy, every mother hears the words “presentation.” It is determined by the part that lies closer to the uterus. This is usually the buttocks or head. It is this that determines exactly how the baby will progress at the time of birth.

Causes of malpresentation

The main reason for the incorrect position of the baby is its excessive activity in late pregnancy.

  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Prematurity.
  • Perhaps this is due to lack of water. Since the baby simply will not be able to turn to its normal position.
  • And finally, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, a narrow pelvis, and hypoxia can be obstacles to the normal position of the fetus.

Childbirth with malpresentation

With a transverse or oblique location, doctors perform a cesarean section. If at 38 weeks he is in a breech presentation, specialists assess the general condition of the baby and mother. Based on their results, the available method of delivery is determined. A decision in favor of independent childbirth will be made if:

  • The mother and baby are completely healthy.
  • It's a girl.
  • Gluteal position.

Types of breech presentation

  • PMP is normal.

It is difficult to judge regarding cephalic presentations. After all, the diagnosis is made during childbirth by examining the vagina. But we must not forget that birth injuries are possible.

Infant hypoxia

Many will probably ask what it is. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen supplied to tissues and organs. The baby in his mother’s belly cannot breathe on his own, so she comes to his aid.

If a woman's body needs elements, the baby also lacks them. After all, how much he gets depends on her. Is under threat nervous system. When born, he will be whiny, muscle tone is increased or, on the contrary, greatly reduced. But there is still no need to despair, because his psyche will not suffer.

Cardiotocography can detect fetal hypoxia

Despite the fact that hypoxia is a serious diagnosis, it can be made only with constant supervision by specialists. Remember that the earlier it is detected, the less consequences there will be in the end.

Mom protects her baby in her stomach for all 9 months. How he develops, what his height and weight are, depends only on her. Therefore, first of all, you need to be attentive to yourself and your body. No matter how many difficulties there are, for such a small baby they can be overcome.

Each future mommy should know the height and weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy, and other sizes of the child in the womb. Doctors determine the standards and inform the pregnant woman about the actual parameters when undergoing screening. In general, generally accepted criteria are more conditional and depend on the individual physical characteristics of the biological parents. Information about what the baby's weight may be by week of pregnancy is very important, so it is necessary to measure the abdominal circumference in a timely manner. However, not all women in an “interesting position” can calculate such parameters.

What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

When a woman does not control the weight gain of her unborn baby, it is possible that oxygen starvation of the fetus may occur, which is fraught with dangerous consequences for health. If the weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy does not correspond to the norms, in case of too much, doctors do not exclude the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, while a shortage is observed when pregnancy fading, reduced immunity.

If we talk about physiology, large parents develop a large fetus and vice versa. However, women who are overweight and have an unhealthy diet should be especially careful, since excess fat disrupts the normal size of the embryo. In the latter case, we are talking about intrauterine diseases that need to be diagnosed in a timely manner using an unscheduled ultrasound. Everything about the embryo depends on other factors, such as:

  • lifestyle and nutrition of the expectant mother;
  • number of fetuses in the womb;
  • maternal illness;
  • genetic features;
  • availability bad habits.

How to calculate a child's weight

To correctly calculate weight by week of pregnancy, it is important to know the length of the child’s hip, head circumference, chest diameter, and biparental head size. Using these parameters, doctors can implement a special Hadlock method, appropriate in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. For more later The obstetrician determines the weight gain of the fetus week by week, having only 2 indicators available - abdominal circumference and height to the fundus of the uterus. The expectant mother can track the dynamics of growth at home, using a special calculation form.

Formula for calculating fetal weight

With each obstetric week, the fetus gains grams, and the main task of the expectant mother is to find out the approximate value and respond in a timely manner if pathologies are suspected or present. In the latter case, it is necessary to operate using the ultrasound method, as it is the most informative. The weight of an unborn child is determined using the following formula: (A+B+C)/3. However, such a publicly available calculation does not work with a large baby and in the later stages of pregnancy and is inaccurate. The explanation of the formula is presented below:

  • A – a product in which the first and second factors are the height of the uterine fundus and the abdominal circumference;
  • B – the sum of the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference, divided by 4, and then multiplied by another 100;
  • C – subtract 11 (if the woman has thin bones) or 12 (if the bones are large) from the height of the uterine fundus, multiply the result by 155.

Baby's weight according to ultrasound

A woman will gain kilograms every month, and the weight of the fetus will also increase over the weeks of pregnancy. The exact weight and size of the uterus can be determined during an ultrasound and monitored at the next screening. The parameters of fetal length, approximate weight (calculated in grams), the presence and potential pathologies of intrauterine development are clearly visible on the monitor screen. Women with normal weight gain may panic, but if they are underweight or overweight, the patient comes under strict medical control, and hospitalization cannot be ruled out.

Baby's weight by week of pregnancy

After successful conception, a woman should register her pregnancy as soon as possible. Determination of embryo length by early stages very problematic, and the approximate weight is no more than a couple of grams. If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, the baby’s parameters reach average values, a table of fetal weight by week is available. Here is how the size of the fetus increases by month of pregnancy (with errors) without taking into account the placenta and amniotic fluid:

Obstetric week of pregnancy

Approximate body weight, grams


Serious deviations

Routine ultrasound examinations are carried out to determine the weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy. If the expectant mother does everything correctly, the babies are born strong and healthy. When the weight is insufficient, fetal movements slow down, and abnormal processes in the child’s body progress under the influence of pathogenic factors. Serious deviations are presented below and require timely correction in conditions of mandatory hospitalization:

  1. Fetal swelling associated with increased bilirubin levels. As a result, hemolytic disease newborns. In this case, the fetal parameter being studied reaches maximum sizes.
  2. Improper nutrition of the mother, as a result of which the fetus gains excessive weight, is at risk. The lack of nutrients and the presence of a voluminous fat layer creates favorable conditions for extensive congenital pathologies of the baby.
  3. High rates of growth and weight gain of the embryo at different stages of pregnancy indicate internal diseases, alternatively it could be congenital diabetes mellitus, extensive pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  4. The womb influences the development of the embryo. A low-weight fetus may suffer from progressive hypoxia, which, after the baby is born, leads to increased intracranial pressure and other equally serious diseases.

How to gain weight for the fetus during pregnancy

If the norm of fetal weight by week does not correspond to generally accepted table values, and the characteristic deviation is repeated every month, do not panic unnecessarily. It is possible that the biological parents are large, and the child “has someone to be like.” However once again It wouldn’t hurt to be examined in a hospital setting; let the doctor calculate the indicated parameters using ultrasound, weight gain, and rule out the development of extensive pathologies. To ensure that the embryo gains extra pounds as expected, here are valuable recommendations from a specialist.

There are several methods to approximately determine the baby's weight before birth. Most often it is calculated by the circumference of a woman’s abdomen or by the distance from the pubis to the upper edge of the uterus. Both options are convenient because they can be used at home without seeking help from a specialist.

Please note that fetal weight should be calculated no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy. For example, if you take measurements at 36 weeks, your baby will weigh on average 500–600 g more by the time of delivery

To calculate the approximate weight of the fetus, you need to measure the distance from the upper edge of the pubic bone to the fundus of the uterus. At 38–40 weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is usually located one or two fingers below the costal arch. The resulting distance should be multiplied by 100. The result will be the mass of the fruit in grams.

You can use another popular option. Measure the abdominal circumference and multiply the resulting value by the height of the uterine fundus. As a result, you will know the approximate weight of the baby before birth.

Correct determination of due date based on the first fetal movement

  • More details

Additional methods for calculating fetal weight

One of the most accurate ways to measure a baby's weight before birth is an ultrasound scan. During this procedure, the doctor finds out the baby's head circumference and then calculates his weight. As a rule, this option allows you to find out your weight with an accuracy of 0.5 kg, and you can use it already at the 32nd week of pregnancy.

However, one thing to consider important point: If the fetus is not positioned correctly or is difficult to see, the doctor may make a serious error in the calculations

You can try using another option: measuring the weight of the fetus using the body weight of the expectant mother. We are talking about the widely used Stroikova method. The formula is simple: divide the pregnant woman’s body weight by the number x. If a woman weighs 50 kg, the number x will be equal to 15. Every 2 additional kilos adds one to this number. For example, if a pregnant woman weighs 56 kg, the number x will be equal to 18. To clarify the result, you should multiply the height of the uterine fundus by the circumference of the abdomen, add to the resulting number the result of dividing body weight by x and divide the sum by 2. As a rule, this is possible measure the weight of the fetus with an accuracy of 200 g.

Expectant mothers are always very interested in what weight their baby will be born with. Therefore, they are keenly interested in how much the baby weighs while still in the womb. This question is also important for doctors. Although the weight of the fetus is called estimated, even it allows you to learn a lot about the development of the baby. What is the usual weight of a baby? mother's womb V different periods pregnancy and what it depends on, we will tell you in this material.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

How is the baby growing?

At the very beginning of pregnancy, all babies, regardless of gender, race, heredity, grow exactly the same, adding millimeters and grams to their tiny weight weekly. All embryos grow at approximately the same speed, and only then, when individual characteristics begin to appear little man, differences begin to appear.

It is possible to measure fetal growth even with the most modern ultrasound machine. only in the second half of the first trimester. Up to 8 weeks, only the diameter of the fetal egg is measured, and this criterion is considered the main one, indicating the growth of the embryo.

The dimensions of the baby itself are not yet available for measurements, the only exception being the coccygeal-parietal size, but it does not provide grounds for calculating the weight of the embryo.

You can talk about the weight of the fetus for the first time when undergoing an ultrasound examination, starting from the 11th week. It is at this time that the first differences between babies begin to appear - some babies are larger, others are smaller. At 7-8 weeks the baby weighs about 3 grams, but this is so small that the weight has no diagnostic value.

After 12 weeks, the baby begins to actively gain weight, sometimes doubling its weight in just one week. At this time, all organs and systems, as a rule, are formed, and a period of intensive growth and improvement begins. Gradually the baby begins to stock up subcutaneous fat, hence the rapid weight gain. The biggest increase awaits the baby in the third trimester.

IN recent months the child is already ready to be born physiologically, all that remains is to “get better” a little, all organs and systems are working. Since a fairly grown baby can no longer actively move in the uterine cavity, his main occupation becomes sleep and occasional gentle movements in the now cramped uterus. Over the past two months, the baby has gained the weight that it will have at birth, and only in last days Before giving birth, weight gain almost stops.

From the end of the second trimester, female fetuses gain slightly less than male children. Therefore, in the third trimester they are almost always distinguished by more miniature forms, although this is not a 100% rule - there are girls who can leave any boy behind in terms of weight.

What affects weight?

The weight of the fetus is primarily influenced by heredity. If mom and dad are big and large, then the probability that they will have the same “hero” is more than 90%. Miniature, short, thin mom and dad usually give birth to a baby with low weight. It is quite difficult for any external factors to influence this pattern.

However, pregnant women should remember that there are factors that cannot but affect the baby’s body weight. First of all, it's nutrition. If a mother eats well and in a balanced manner, then her baby, along with the blood, will receive a balanced diet. useful substances, which will help him develop and grow harmoniously. If the expectant mother overeats, is addicted to carbohydrates, cakes, pastries, and abuses vitamin complexes, even if she does not have a vitamin deficiency, then the child receives all this through the uteroplacental bloodstream. The mother's weight is growing, and the baby's weight is also growing.

If the mother’s nutrition is insufficient, poor in vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, then the child, willy-nilly, experiences a lack of the substances he needs so much, his body weight will be less than it could be, taking into account genetic characteristics.

Smoking during pregnancy can also affect the weight of the fetus. 70% of pregnant women who smoke give birth to underweight children. In the same way, alcohol, drugs, and even conventional medications that the mother took during pregnancy affect the fetus. The mother’s nervous stress and worries, hard physical work, and working conditions in hazardous work have an adverse effect on the baby’s body weight.

Some chronic diseases that the expectant mother has also affect the baby’s weight. For example, with diabetes or gestational diabetes, which first appeared during the period of pregnancy, there is a possibility of giving birth to a large or even gigantic baby, whose weight will exceed 5 kilograms. And insufficient fetal weight can manifest itself in chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart in a woman.

Features of the course of pregnancy cannot but affect the weight of the child. If everything is going smoothly, then there is nothing to worry about. But a baby who develops in conditions close to extreme - against the background of the threat of miscarriage, with other complications of pregnancy - is unlikely to be a hero.

If the pregnancy is multiple, a woman is carrying two or three babies, then the weight of each will be less than normal, and this is quite natural.

How is it determined?

Obstetricians-gynecologists use several formulas to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus. If you want to try to calculate how much the baby weighs, the mother can do it herself.

Lankowitz formula

Experts consider this method of calculation to be the most accurate, although, unfortunately, it cannot be done without errors. To make the calculations, a woman will need to look at her exchange card on the page of her last visit to the doctor. There she will find two important parameters for calculation - her abdominal circumference (AC) and the height of the uterine fundus (VSDM or VDM).

Both of these values ​​are added, after which the mother’s mass in kilograms and her height in centimeters are added to the resulting sum. The resulting number is multiplied by 10. For example: the gestational age is 30 weeks, the abdominal circumference is 110, the height of the uterine fundus is 30. The pregnant woman’s height is 170 cm, weight is 70 kilograms. (30+110+170+70) x10=3800. The error in this calculation can be up to 0.5 kg. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the woman has a large baby - its actual weight at this stage already exceeds 3 kilograms.

Bublichenko formula

To calculate, you only need to know the body weight of the expectant mother at the current moment. Her weight is divided by 200, the resulting number is multiplied by 10. For example, a woman’s weight is 80 kilograms. (80/200) x10= 4. The error in this method is large, it fluctuates within a kilogram, which is why obstetricians have been trying not to use this formula lately

Yakubova's formula

For these calculations, a woman who has decided to practice arithmetic and satisfy her maternal curiosity will need data on the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of her abdomen. You can find them in the exchange card; this data is entered into it at each scheduled appointment. The VMR is added to the abdominal circumference, and the resulting amount is divided by 4 and multiplied by 100. For example, the VMR is 30, the abdominal circumference is 100. (30+100) / 4 = 32.5. When multiplied by 100, the result is 3250 g.

Jordania formula

To calculate, you will again need to know the height of the uterine fundus and the abdominal circumference of the expectant mother. These values ​​are multiplied by each other. For example, GMD -30, circumference - 100, it turns out that the expected weight of the child is 3 kilograms.


The most accurate calculations are those made using the sonographic method, that is, ultrasound. To derive the estimated body weight of a child, special equations are used that are compiled by the software of the scanning machine; the Hadlock method is most often used.

As the necessary mathematical values ​​for the equations, the dimensions that the somnologist determines on ultrasound are used. This biparental size of the baby's head, length of the femur, circumference of the tummy and head.

To make it clearer, we present these equations using the two most popular calculation methods (according to Hadlock and Shepard):

  • Shepard – Log10 BW = -1.7492 + 0.166 (biparental size) + 0.046 (fetal abdominal circumference) – (2.646 [ (abdominal circumference) X (biparental size) ] / 100).
  • According to Hadlock – Log10 BW = 1.3598 + 0.051 (child’s abdominal circumference) + 0.1844 (femur length) – 0.0037 (abdominal circumference X femur length), or Log10 BW = 1.4787 + 0.001837 (biparental size head) 2 + 0.0458 (abdominal circumference) + 0.158 (femur length) – 0.003343 (abdominal circumference times the length of the femur).

Thus, the measured parameters of the baby become components of a mathematical expression, as a result of which the computer produces a result. It is usually indicated in the ultrasound diagnostic protocol in the section “Estimated fetal weight”. The margin of error for singleton pregnancies ranges from 8 to 10%, when carrying twins, the error increases to 15%.

This method cannot be called accurate, like in a pharmacy, but medicine has not yet invented anything more accurate.

It is on the basis of ultrasound data that all currently existing norms for fetal weight by week and month of pregnancy have been created.

Norms at different times

It is difficult to say for sure what the body weight of a child who has not yet been born should be, because we are all different - tall, short, thin and plump. Babies in the womb also have individual characteristics. Therefore, there may be a spread, but average values ​​still exist.

Starting from the 11th week of pregnancy, ultrasound machines can already calculate the first weight indicators:

Obstetric period, week

Estimated weight, (grams)

Obstetric period, week

Estimated weight, (grams)

This table is compiled without taking into account the gender of the child. Some specialists who want to achieve the greatest accuracy in situations where the method of delivery and other important issues depend on the expected weight use tables developed by doctors from Germany to measure the weight of children of European appearance in the early 90s of the last century. It is compiled taking into account the gender of the fetus.

Table of normal values ​​for the expected weight of babies of different sexes:

Obstetric period, weeks

Estimated weight of a male fetus, permissible fluctuations (grams)

Estimated weight of a female fetus, permissible fluctuations (grams)

670 (460 – 860)

1080 (690 – 1360)

1000 (650 – 1300)

1220 (750- 1520)

1120 (710 – 1460)

1350 (830 – 1710)

1250 (790 -1650)

1520 (940 – 1910)

1420 (900 – 1850)

1690 (1070 – 2110)

1590 (1010 – 2050)

1890 (1200 – 2360)

1790 (1140 -2280)

2130 (1360 – 2690)

2030 (1300 -2610)

2390 (1600 – 3000)

2270 (1530 -2920)

2640 (1870 – 3320)

2550 (1790 – 3230)

2860 (2140 -3550)

2760 (2060 – 2460)

3090 (2400 – 3770)

2970 (2290 – 3650)

3300 (2620 – 4000)

3160 (2500 – 3850)

3470 (2760 – 4180)

3320 (2670 – 4020)

3600 (2910 -4350)

3450 (2800 – 4180)

It is no coincidence that the German tables, which are used all over the world, begin at 23 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that children of different sexes begin to develop bodies according to gender characteristics, which is why weight gain in boys and girls begins to differ from each other. At earlier stages, this difference between babies of different sexes is not present, or it is not expressed clearly enough and remains unnoticed for diagnosis.

Deviations from normal values

It is considered normal if a child is born at 39-40 weeks with a weight from 3000 to 3800 g. However, those babies who are born weighing up to 3 kilograms, and those who weigh more than 4.5 kg at birth, have neonatologists are not concerned.

Obstetricians urge expectant mothers not to panic about the difference in the numbers presented in the reference tables and their real numbers.

Firstly, you should always make an allowance for error (plus or minus 500 g at a minimum), and secondly, babies grow in leaps and bounds, so at 34 weeks the baby can upset the mother by lagging behind the average statistical norms, and by 36 weeks reach normal average value or even approach the upper limit of normal.

If the baby persistently exceeds the norm throughout all ultrasound examinations during pregnancy, they speak of a large fetus. The trend towards a larger baby can be noticed already in the second trimester. Such a conclusion cannot be made based on ultrasound alone. several studies are required over several weeks.

At the same time, they also pay attention to instrumental measurements - the circumference of the expectant mother’s abdomen and the height of the uterus. With a large fetus, the GMD usually exceeds the norm (at 32 weeks, when the norm is 32 cm, for example, this parameter is increased to 34 cm, and at 36 weeks, instead of the required 36 cm, it is about 39 centimeters).

If the baby in the mother’s womb noticeably lags behind the average values ​​and, over the course of several diagnostic measurements, “passes” only at the lowest limit of the norm (5th percentile), then doctors prescribe an additional examination, the purpose of which is to identify the consistency of the uteroplacental blood flow, possible pathologies fetus, including hereditary and chromosomal, intrauterine growth retardation, the presence or absence of intrauterine infections, Rh conflict.

To do this, they carry out expert-class ultrasound, ultrasonography, do tests for infections, clinical blood and urine tests. If necessary, the woman is sent for a consultation with a geneticist and undergoes invasive diagnostics. A woman with suspected fetal malnutrition is prescribed regular monitoring of the baby’s condition using cardiotography (CTG), and additional treatment is prescribed (sometimes in a hospital), which includes taking vitamins and medications to improve uteroplacental blood flow. The baby's estimated weight is monitored using intermediate ultrasound examinations.

Lagging behind the norms is not considered particularly dangerous if all the baby’s parameters are reduced symmetrically. Then this may be a variant of the norm, an anatomical feature of this child.

Starting from 7 months of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is not only a subject of burning curiosity for expectant mothers, but also important information for obstetricians. Based on general data about pregnancy and the approximate weight of the baby, they draw conclusions about the best way to bring the child into the world.

Reliability of determination and errors

As mentioned above, the most accurate method for determining the expected weight of the baby in the mother’s womb using ultrasound is considered. According to data received by American doctors from Florida, the error in the Hadlock calculation was approximately 14% of the baby’s body weight. In other words, the real mass differed from that predicted by the apparatus by 14% in one direction or another. This is the highest result to date.

The methods that obstetricians used before the widespread use of ultrasound, formulas and measurements are practically not used today, because there is no need for them. To obtain information about the possible body weight of the baby, you do not need to calculate anything. A computer program will help you calculate everything. The accuracy of the formulas (presented above and some others) is estimated at approximately 40-55%. Whereas with ultrasound, the accuracy of assessing a child’s body weight is almost 82%.

The most accurate method, as gynecologists like to say, is weighing. Therefore, those who want to find out how much the child weighs in grams just need to be patient and wait for the birth. They will answer this question with complete accuracy. All other methods resemble fortune telling. The size of the baby’s bones and head, even on an ultrasound, can indicate weight only indirectly, because there are children with long legs (like their mother), but thin or big head(to dad).

Doctors themselves claim that the accuracy of determining fetal weight can be affected by the quality of visualization during ultrasound. If a woman is overweight, has extra pounds, or fat deposits on her stomach, then the error will increase. If a woman's pregnancy occurs against the background of oligohydramnios, the likelihood of a more significant error than 14% of body weight also increases. It is more difficult to calculate the weight of babies during pregnancy with twins, especially over long periods, because the limbs of one baby on an ultrasound can easily be mistaken for the limbs of another, as a result of which a significant error can creep into the predictions of the babies’ body weight.

If a child has developmental pathologies (hydrocephalus, microcephaly, gastroschisis), it is difficult to determine his expected weight, because the dimensions important for drawing up mathematical equations will not reflect the child’s real weight.

Initial data:
  • Calculate!
Warning: Division by zero in /home/users/r/russlav/domains/site/test/pmp.php on line 162
  • Fetal weight according to Yakubova: no data
  • Fetal weight according to Jordania: no data
  • Fetal weight according to Bublichenko: no data
  • Fetal weight according to Dobrovolsky: no data
  • Johnson fetal weight: no data
  • Fetal weight according to Lankowitz: no data
  • Fetal weight according to Strikeva: no data
  • Average fetal weight: 0
  • Large fruit- body weight 4001 - 5000 g.
  • giant fruit- more than 5000 gr.
  • Low fetal weight- less than 2500 gr.
  • Very low fetal weight- less than 1500 gr.
  • Extremely low fetal weight- less than 1000 gr.

What should the baby's weight be?

This question worries many expectant mothers. Some simply for the sake of idle curiosity, others for the purpose of determining the tactics of childbirth, etc. Therefore, modern obstetrics necessarily involves determining the weight of the fetus in various ways. Both regular arithmetic calculations and automatic methods for determining your baby’s birth weight come to the rescue.

Basic methods for determining fetal weight

Fetal weight can be determined based on anthropometric indicators of both mother and baby. Therefore, you can use for this purpose the data obtained from measuring a pregnant woman, as well as from measuring the size of the fetus (in the latter case, ultrasound is used).

The main methods that allow you to calculate the weight of the fetus at birth are currently the following:

  • determination of fetal weight using the Lankowitz formula;
  • determination of fetal weight using Bublichenko’s formula;
  • determination of fetal weight using Yakubova’s formula;
  • determination of fetal weight using the Jordania formula;
  • using ultrasound.

It is possible to calculate the weight of the fetus at birth if the following indicators are available (determined by measuring, weighing, etc.):

  • weight of a pregnant woman;
  • growth of a pregnant woman;
  • pregnant woman's abdominal circumference;
  • height of the fundus of the uterus.

In some cases, other data may be required, but this is very rare, especially considering that modern ultrasound machines have a built-in calculation program that takes into account all the details down to the smallest detail.

Let's consider how these formulas work, since with ultrasound examination everything is more or less clear. It involves the determination of linear quantities that correspond to a certain mass of the fetus. The relationship between these parameters was established as a result of statistical and clinical studies.

Formulas for determining the estimated fetal weight were derived in a similar way (as a result of observations and analysis). The result obtained with their help is significantly influenced by a huge number of factors that must be taken into account.

  • The Lankowitz formula involves determining the baby’s weight at birth by summing and multiplying. You need to add up the height of the fundus of the uterus, its circumference, the height and weight of the pregnant woman, and then multiply the resulting amount by 10. This gives the approximate weight of the fetus, and the formula is quite informative.
  • To determine weight using Bublichenko’s formula, you need to know the weight of a pregnant woman. Then it must be divided by 20. This will be the estimated weight of the fetus. By the way, the resulting figure will correspond to the permissible blood loss, which is 0.5% of body weight.
  • You can also calculate the weight of a child at birth using Yakubova’s formula. To do this, it is necessary to add the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen together. The resulting value must be divided by 4. For better perception, it is advisable to multiply the value by 100.
  • The weight of the child according to Zhordania is determined by multiplying the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus.

Considering all of the above, the question becomes quite obvious: how to measure the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference for further calculations. This will be discussed later.

The fetal weight calculator, which is offered online, also assumes knowledge of these parameters. Therefore, a pregnant woman should know how to measure them. Calculating fetal weight online allows you to minimize the time spent on this process.

Rules for measuring abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus

How to measure abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus correctly? Let's try to understand this issue. For this we need a measuring tape.

  1. Abdominal circumference is measured at the level of the navel.
  2. To measure the height of the uterine fundus, you need to place one end of the centimeter tape on the upper edge of the pubic symphysis, and the other on the fundus of the uterus. It should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to guide the edge of the palm along the curve of the uterus in order to minimize measurement errors.

However, it is worth remembering what factors can distort the results obtained, and many of them are not very easy to eliminate. We are talking about the following:

  • the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference may be greater in the presence of twins, polyhydramnios, or excessive deposition of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • a decrease in these indicators occurs with oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation syndrome, female malnutrition, etc.

Thus, formulas for calculating the estimated weight of the fetus largely depend on the correctness of obtaining the basic criteria necessary to solve the problem. Therefore, it is very important to know how to do it correctly.

Normal fetal weight

The normal weight of a newborn child varies within fairly wide limits. The minimum limit of the norm is 2500 g, and the maximum is 4000 g.

If a child is born less than 2500 g, then we are talking about malnutrition, which occurred in utero. In fact, it represents a critical variant of placental insufficiency, that is, a condition when the placenta cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

If the child’s weight exceeds 4000 g, then these are the so-called large children, which after 5000 g become gigantic. Such children are at risk of developing various diseases in the neonatal period (newborn period), as well as in subsequent adult life. It could be obesity, diabetes, etc. therefore, such patients should be closely monitored. In this regard, dynamic monitoring in the postpartum period is necessary. Therefore, a woman should control her weight during pregnancy, and if deviations develop, they must be eliminated in a timely manner.

The importance of estimated fetal weight in the choice of obstetric tactics

The estimated weight of the fetus has been determined, but how to correctly interpret the results obtained, how to most reliably determine the weight of the fetus.
It is quite obvious that if the child’s weight is higher than 5000 g, then. However, there have been cases of such large babies being born with good outcomes. Sometimes, in order to remove the shoulder girdle, the collarbones had to be forcibly broken. This leads to a sharp reduction in the shoulder girdle. If the child’s weight ranges from 4000 g to 5000 g, then it is necessary to approach individually to resolve this issue. It is imperative to take into account the woman’s height, evaluate her pelvis and many other factors.

A fetus measuring less than 2500g should be considered premature, or born prematurely, as a variant of deviation from the normal physiological course of pregnancy.

We have discussed how to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus. Now it is necessary to discuss the main issues that lead to some degree of distortion of reality. This could be obesity, structural features of the fetus, etc. In the case when the fetal weight is less than normal, you should think about delivery by cesarean section. It should be taken into account that the child’s weight can be less than normal. This doesn't mean anything. However, you should be very careful when choosing delivery tactics. Such childbirth can also be carried out through the natural birth canal, but it is necessary to monitor the progress of the fetal head.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the weight of the child plays a large role in determining obstetric tactics for childbirth. You can calculate the approximate weight of the fetus in various ways, however final decision The weight of the fetus is determined based on a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained, since they depend on many factors. The final determination of fetal weight can be determined after birth by weighing the newborn baby. This is how you can evaluate the correctness of your own calculations.

Fetal weight according to ultrasound

Ultrasound examination does not provide accurate information about fetal weight, but it can be approximately calculated by applying some formulas. These formulas were derived by radiologists experimentally, based on a statistical study of thousands of patients. The results you get from different formulas may vary significantly due to individual characteristics your child. So, for example, if he has relatively long legs, then formulas that use the length of the femur as a parameter will give more results than those that do not use this value. Or, if the child has a low cephalic index, that is, the BPR parameter is slightly below the norm with a normal head circumference, then formulas using the BPR will calculate a lower weight. In this regard, it is recommended to average the results obtained by different methods.

Calculation of fetal weight based on abdominal circumference and uterine fundus height

Calculation in this way cannot be considered accurate, since the circumference of a pregnant woman’s abdomen largely depends on her physique, and the height of the uterine fundus is measured approximately and may differ by 1-2 centimeters from different doctors and depending on the position of the child.

Abdominal circumference, cm

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During the second half of pregnancy, the body weight of the expectant mother begins to increase sharply. While waiting for the birth of a child, a woman can add 10 to 20 kg to her usual weight. At the same time, pregnant women are interested in answers to the questions: what is the current weight of the baby, and how to calculate the weight of the child in the mother’s womb? It is quite difficult to answer these questions with high accuracy, although certain formulas exist.

Determination of fetal weight using the Jordania formula

Determination of the approximate weight of the fetus using this formula is carried out after the 35th week of pregnancy. To do this, you need to know only 2 quantities:

  • abdominal circumference in cm (measurements are taken at the level of the navel);
  • VSDM (height of the uterine fundus) in cm, which is measured from the top point of the uterine fundus to the pubic symphysis.

The formula itself looks like this: abdominal circumference (cm) x VSDM (cm) = fetal weight (g) +/- 200 g.

Where +/- 200 g – variations in approximate weight. If you have massive bones, then +200g, if the bone is narrow, then -200g.

Example. The pregnant woman is 37 weeks pregnant. Abdominal circumference – 93 cm, VSD – 34 cm. Estimated weight of the child 93 x 34 = 3162 g +/- 200 g.

Determination of fetal weight using Yakubova’s formula

Exactly the same data is used in this formula, only here they are added first. How to calculate a child’s weight according to Yakubova?

Let's take the data of the same pregnant woman and get the following numbers.

Fetal mass = (abdominal circumference + VSDM) x 100 / 4. Substitute the data and get (93 + 34) x 100 /4 = 3175 g. The difference with the first example was 13 grams.

Other ways

In addition to these methods, there are many others. For example, the “calendar method”, in which the weight of the fetus and the gestational age are determined by the size of the uterus. To calculate using this method, you need to know the following parameters:

  • the width of the anterior semicircle (180*) of the pregnant uterus in its widest part (measurements are taken when the pregnant woman is lying on her back);
  • VSDM in centimeters.

The differences in calculations using different methods are small, you have already seen this in the first two examples.

It should be understood that the data obtained by any of these methods are approximate and there is simply no exact formula with clear rules for calculating the weight of the embryo in the mother’s womb. And knowing how to calculate a child’s weight at the moment is not so important. The dynamics of the baby’s weight growth itself are of greater importance. It is this factor that will most fully characterize the stable and normal development of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to constantly monitor the dynamics of her own weight in order to be sure of a stable increase in the weight of the unborn child.

Pregnancy weight

Pregnancy weight is important indicator. Weight gain is monitored especially carefully by obstetricians and gynecologists in the second half of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that against the background of excess or, conversely, underweight, there is a greater number of complications of the gestational period.

What should be the normal weight gain throughout pregnancy?

Normally, a woman should gain about 10 kilograms throughout her pregnancy, with a maximum of 12 kilograms allowed. However, the more weight before pregnancy, the less a woman is allowed to gain. If you follow the recommended standards, then after childbirth you can easily say goodbye to the extra pounds.

How is the approximate weight associated with pregnancy distributed? It includes the following components towards the end of pregnancy:

- the child’s weight ranges from 3 to 4 kg; — placenta weight from 1 to 2 kg; — amniotic fluid in a volume of 2 liters; - increased blood flow in the fetoplacental system adds about 1.5 kg; - an enlarged uterus adds 1.5 kg.

If you sum up all these indicators, you get 10-12 kg, which you are allowed to add during the entire pregnancy. If the weight gain during pregnancy is greater than these indicators, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer increases with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, an obstetrician-gynecologist monitors weight gain during pregnancy.

Our pregnancy weight calculator will help you calculate your weight during pregnancy quickly and easily. If you enter reliable parameters into the form below, then calculating pregnancy weight online will not be difficult. The curved scale will show you exactly where your weight is during pregnancy - within normal limits or beyond. The service calculates weight gain by week.

How much did you weigh before pregnancy? kg What is your height? cm How far along in your pregnancy are you now? How much do you weigh now? kg

What does the weight dynamics of a pregnant woman look like by trimester?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman usually does not gain much weight. Until 13-14 weeks she can gain 2-3 kilograms. This is due to an increased appetite, and not to an enlarged uterus and a growing fetus.

In the second trimester, weight gain is more significant, especially after 20 weeks. Normally, a woman gains 3-4 kilograms during this period. This is due to the increasing size of the fetus and the growing uterus, as well as increased blood flow.

In the third trimester, weight gain is 5-6 kilograms. This mainly occurs due to fetal growth, since after 30 weeks this process occurs most intensively. The volume of amniotic fluid also increases.

Are pregnant women allowed to diet to lose weight?

During pregnancy, if a woman gains a lot of weight, she is recommended to take fasting days. A pregnant woman is prohibited from going on diets that are intended solely for weight loss, as they can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

- drink about 2 liters of low-fat kefir (kefir day); — baked potatoes with skins (potato day); - low-fat cottage cheese (curd day); - apples 1-2 kilograms (apple day).

Fasting days involve the exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, flour), fatty and fried foods, as well as salty foods (it promotes fluid retention). The water load on such days should be sufficient - about 2 liters per day. It is necessary to drink still mineral or filtered water.

What are the dangers of excess weight gain?

Excess weight during pregnancy may predispose you to the following situations:

- obesity, which remains after pregnancy; - a tendency to give birth to a large fetus (the child’s weight in this case is more than 4 kg), which is at risk for the development of diabetes mellitus; - development of gestational diabetes mellitus, that is, diabetes in pregnant women; — gestosis is a specific complication of pregnancy, which is characterized by the appearance of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure and the appearance of edema.

Among women who have pathological weight gain during pregnancy, the frequency of delivery by cesarean section is significantly higher. This is due to certain complications that appear during childbirth. These include:

— anomalies of labor; — intrauterine fetal hypoxia; — placental abruption in the first or second stage of labor.

Also, such women are at risk for the development of bleeding in the placenta and early postpartum periods, and they also have a higher incidence of postpartum inflammatory diseases. Therefore, the fight against excess weight gain during pregnancy should be carried out constantly.

Thus, weight during pregnancy should be closely monitored. Optimal weight gain contributes to a favorable course of pregnancy, preventing the occurrence of a number of serious complications both during this pregnancy and in the woman’s subsequent life (risk arterial hypertension, diabetes and other diseases in obese women are always higher than in others). Obstetrician-gynecologist Marina Slavina

Attention! The Site Administration does not provide any medical services. All materials are for informational purposes only. The same applies to the advisory section. No online consultation will ever replace face-to-face medical care, which is provided only in specialized medical institutions. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm! For any diseases or ailments, please contact your doctor! Reviews

How to calculate fetal weight?

The size of the baby largely determines how the birth will proceed, so calculating the weight of the fetus for many expectant mothers becomes almost a priority task. Obstetricians-gynecologists use several formulas that allow you to calculate the expected weight of the fetus from 32 weeks. It is worth noting that the data from such calculations are relative, since they depend on many features, including the anatomical structure of the mother, the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of the fetus in the uterus, etc.

    In this formula, the main quantities are the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus. So, for example, if at 32 weeks the abdominal circumference is 84 cm, and the second indicator is 32 cm, then the approximate weight of the fetus is 2688 g. It is worth repeating once again that the results of such calculations are relative, and the error can be up to 200-300 g.

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  1. This formula also allows you to calculate the weight of the fetus during pregnancy. To do this, two indicators (abdominal circumference and height of the uterine fundus) must be added, divided by four and multiplied by one hundred. So, with the given parameters, the weight of the fetus will be 2900 g.

    The third formula shows how to calculate the approximate weight of the fetus, taking into account the woman’s physique. According to Solovyov’s formula, a certain index is subtracted from the height of the uterine fundus (12 if the woman’s wrist circumference is more than 12 cm, 11 if less), and then the resulting number is multiplied by 155. As a result, for this example, the weight of the fetus will be 3100 or 3255 gram depending on the body structure of the expectant mother.

Determination of fetal weight by ultrasound

The most accurate data can be obtained by calculating the weight of the fetus using ultrasound. An ultrasound examination allows you to determine not only the weight of the baby, but the correspondence of its individual sizes to the gestational age. In order to calculate the weight of the fetus by week, there is a special calculator. If you enter all the ultrasound examination data, you can get a result that is closest to reality.

By making calculations using different formulas and taking into account the results of ultrasound, you can calculate the most exact weight fetus at birth. It is worth remembering that each organism is individual, so if the results obtained are higher or lower than normal, it is too early to panic. As a rule, the norms can be strictly applied only to the first half of pregnancy, when the fetus is still very small, while in the third trimester the error can reach 500 g.

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Don't know what to wear? Become fashionable immediately! Your name *Email address *Other articles: Breech presentation Breech presentation of the fetus almost always guarantees a problematic birth. If you are unable to correct the situation with the help of special exercises, it is possible that your baby will be a “cesarean.” How to determine the date of birth? There are many methods for determining the date of birth, from “folk” to scientifically based. But none of them gives one hundred percent accuracy - they can only indicate the estimated date with a large error in both directions. Braxton Hicks contractions Braxton Hicks contractions are not yet childbirth. Although now, most likely, there is not much time left until labor begins. Why did nature come up with these premonitory attempts, what to expect during and after them, how to behave to the expectant mother at such moments - all the most important things about Hicks contractions on the pages of our website. How far along in your pregnancy are you now? How much do you weigh now? kg

One of the main evidence of the correct course of pregnancy is weight gain according to accepted standards. The optimal weight gain during pregnancy is 10-14 kg. The weight gained during pregnancy consists of several indicators: the weight of the child, the uterus, amniotic fluid, the placenta, as well as the enlargement of the mammary glands, the volume of circulating blood, and, of course, a supply of adipose tissue appears. It is desirable that weight gain during pregnancy occurs gradually, without jerks.

But, despite the accepted norms, each body is individual, and weight gain during pregnancy depends on many factors and, above all, on the woman’s weight before pregnancy. So overweight ladies can not only not gain weight, but even lose several kilograms. On the contrary, in fragile women, weight during pregnancy sometimes increases more than is normal.

In such cases an indispensable assistant will become a pregnancy weight calculator. Based on your height and weight before pregnancy, as well as the duration of your pregnancy, normal weight gain is calculated for each week of pregnancy. A weight calculator during pregnancy will help you timely notice pathological weight gain or loss, which may indicate some kind of malfunction in the body.

Remember that there are a number of things that need to be prepared when planning a pregnancy. Libra is one such item: You will find it interesting and useful to watch new life grow in your body.

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Fetal weight

You can calculate the weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy yourself, but the calculation is much more accurate when using ultrasound results. You can find out the weight and height of the fetus from the table; approximate figures are indicated in accordance with the stage of pregnancy.

Fetal weight table:

These figures cannot be accurate; everyone knows that children can be born weighing 2500 or 4500, and are only indicative. The normal weight of the fetus is almost the same for all women in the early stages, but as the duration of pregnancy increases, the individual difference becomes greater. However, before giving birth, everyone really wants to know for sure whether the baby is large; how the birth will proceed depends on this.

Determining fetal weight using external measurements

Obstetricians and gynecologists have special calculation formulas that allow you to estimate the size, weight and size of the fetus in late pregnancy. You can independently calculate the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks and later using simple calculations. They are very inaccurate, for this reason do not rely too much on the result. The basic formula for fetal weight: Multiply the abdominal circumference by the height of the uterine fundus (in centimeters). For example, the weight of the fetus at 33 weeks in a woman with an abdominal circumference of 86 cm and a fundal height of 33 cm will be, according to this formula, 2838 grams, +/- 200 grams. However, many things can affect these calculations, for example, body type, amount of amniotic fluid, and the position of the baby in the uterus. To clarify the result, the weight of the fetus is calculated using two additional formulas: The sum of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus must be divided by 4 and multiplied by 100, in the previous example it turns out (86+33)/4*100 = 2950 grams. The third formula takes into account the woman’s physique; the so-called Solovyov index, wrist circumference, is used. If it is more than 16 cm, 12 cm is subtracted, if less than 16 cm, 11 cm is subtracted. The height of the uterine fundus, from it you need to subtract the coefficient (11 or 12) and multiply by 155, we get the weight in the previous version of the calculation 3255 or 3410 grams, in depending on the Solovyov index. All results obtained from three formulas must be added and divided by three. It is clear that the accuracy of such calculations leaves much to be desired.

Fetal weight according to ultrasound

You can most accurately calculate the estimated weight of the fetus using ultrasound; measurements taken using ultrasound allow you to calculate the weight with great accuracy, while at the same time you can find out the correspondence of individual parameters to the gestational age. The ultrasound tables, which indicate the normal weight of the fetus by week during ultrasound, are very voluminous; we have compiled them into a service that will allow you to find out the child’s weight and height by simply entering data from the ultrasound examination protocol. In order to get results, you need to at least have this protocol in hand. You will need: - Know your gestational age in weeks BPR, this is the biparietal head size, you can also use LZR, fronto-occipital head size or baby's head circumference (CH). - OB - the circumference of the child’s abdomen - DlB, the length of the child’s thigh - DGrK - the diameter of the child’s chest To calculate, all fields must be filled in, if your protocol does not indicate the abdominal circumference or chest diameter, you can substitute the chest diameter or circumference abdomen accordingly. Determining fetal weight by ultrasound does not depend on the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of the fetus in the uterus, or even the number of fetuses. Calculation of fetal weight by ultrasound is closest to the actual weight of the child at birth. How to interpret the results? So, you calculated the weight of the fetus, or looked at the table, or found out using an ultrasound. And you see that it does not correspond to what was expected. The fetal weight norm by week may not correspond to your calculations, either up or down, and the longer the pregnancy, the greater this difference may be. In the early stages of pregnancy, the approximate weight of the fetus may be less or more than calculated only in cases where you made a mistake with the gestational age. Subsequent fetal weight gain depends on heredity, the condition of the placenta, and other factors. Before birth, normal fetal weight fluctuates widely, and 2500 and 4500 may be normal. What determines the weight of the fetus? - on the nature of nutrition, health status and the presence of bad habits in the mother - on the characteristics of the course of this pregnancy - on the number of fetuses. In case of twins, the lag in fetal weight begins at approximately 20 weeks, and this trend continues until childbirth. The weight of twins at birth is always less than normal by about 1-2 weeks, in relation to the indicators given by the table of fetal weight by week. Now you know how to determine fetal weight during pregnancy, you can always use the fetal weight formula, or you can use our fetal weight calculator using ultrasound.

The normal weight of an unborn child is a problem that interests many expectant mothers. For some, it’s pure curiosity - what weight will my baby be? For others, it is important that everything is normal, that development goes according to plan. In any case, despite the fact that the child is in the womb and cannot simply be placed on a scale, separated from the mother’s body, it is quite possible to find out the approximate weight and this can be done at home.

The most popular ways to predict fetal weight

There are several ways to calculate the weight of the fetus and the weight of the unborn child. They are named after the inventors:

  • Lankowitz;
  • Bublichenko;
  • Yakubova;
  • Jordania;
  • as well as using ultrasound.

In order to use the formulas of these scientists, you need to have some information about your body:

  • own weight;
  • height of the uterine fundus;
  • abdominal circumference;
  • pregnant woman's height.

In the case of determining weight by ultrasound, the doctor makes calculations based on already known data on the relationship between gestational age, linear characteristics of the fetus and weight.

Basic formulas for calculating fetal weight

All formulas by which it is customary to determine the approximate weight of the fetus were derived experimentally and have a high degree of accuracy, but in order for them to be as reliable as possible, many factors should be taken into account.

  • Lankowitz formula: we sum up the circumference of the uterus and the height of its fundus (in cm), as well as the weight (in kg) and height (in cm) of the woman and multiply the result by 10 - the result is quite accurate.
  • Yakubova’s formula: sum the uterine circumference and standing height and multiply the resulting value by 25.
  • According to Jordania, they calculate the product of the circumference of the uterus and its standing height.
  • The simplest formula is Bublichenko: the weight of the expectant mother is divided by 20.

How to correctly measure the main indicators for calculating fetal weight

First of all, you need scales and a measuring tape. The circumference of the abdomen (uterus) is measured at the level of the navel, and the height of the fundus is determined as shown in the figure below. But it must be taken into account that some factors significantly distort the results. They are deftly recognized by an experienced professional, but can be missed by an amateur (a pregnant woman). So, the results will be inaccurate if:

  • twins are pregnant;
  • there is a lot of subcutaneous fat;
  • too much intrauterine fluid (or too little);
  • suspect the presence of fetal growth retardation syndrome, etc.

If there are no problems mentioned above, the woman may well be able to calculate the child’s weight at home, but in other cases it is better to ask the supervising doctor about this.

How to interpret the results

By calculating the expected weight of the child, you can understand how normal the pregnancy is. The normal range is 2500-4000 g. If the weight is below normal, intrauterine malnutrition is suspected when the placenta does not work enough. And if a pregnant woman is overweight, she should urgently adjust her weight and monitor both herself and the child, since giant children have a high risk of various diseases such as diabetes.

The meaning of fetal weight for the obstetrician

The weight of the unborn child is calculated for a reason - this is very important for future obstetric practice. In case of a sharp deviation of the predicted results from the norm, doctors advise planning C-section, and there are several reasons for this:

  • a premature baby may be too weak, so his birth should be made as simple as possible for him;
  • a giant child may suffer from certain metabolic diseases from birth, so a cesarean section is also indicated for him;
  • When large children are born, the likelihood of their congenital injuries is too high, as well as more negative consequences for the mother herself.

So, the child’s weight should be calculated not only out of idle curiosity, but also for diagnosis normal development fetus, as well as birth planning. This can be done at home, which is not difficult for any mother, but will protect you from possible risks.