How to make all sorts of chemical things. DIY eco-cosmetics and household chemicals

Just a few drops of essential oil can replace almost all household chemicals. In addition, anyone can prepare these products if they wish.

You just need to know some points and cooking tricks.

Essential oils are not at all expensive, but their wonderful properties are very much appreciated, but before using them, you need to make sure that you do not have allergies, otherwise the essential oil will only cause harm, not benefit.

Let's try to prepare home remedies that will definitely come in handy around the house and will have a magical aroma. So, essential and aromatic oils for all occasions.

How to use essential oils to prepare essential household products?

Home air freshener.

To prepare a natural air freshener, without chemicals, you need to take a bottle with a spray.

We will need:

  • 50 ml vodka;
  • 1/4 teaspoon bergamot oil;
  • five drops of clove oil;
  • five drops of lemon oil.

Shake everything and add one glass of distilled water and mix again. Let our home air freshener sit for three to four days, and then spray it around the apartment and enjoy the aroma!

Chemical-free moth repellent:

Let's prepare a moth repellent that will not only cope with annoying insects, but also give your things an extraordinary aroma.

Again, take a spray bottle or an old perfume bottle, pour 8 drops of lavender, lemon, rosemary, and clove oils into it.

We remove all the things in the closet and wipe all the walls inside with a cloth soaked in the resulting mixture. Then we put the things back, take cotton balls soaked in this fragrant composition and put them in the closet.

Fabric softener:

Everyone knows that store-bought synthetic fabric softeners can cause allergies.

What to do? I really want things to be soft and smell great, then we’ll try to prepare conditioner at home, immediately before washing and even with a reserve.

How to make fabric softener?


  • half a liter of water;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • half a pack of baking soda.

The mixture should be effervescent.

Add five drops of geranium oil and five drops of lavender oil to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and the conditioner with a wonderful aroma is ready.

The conditioner is poured into a plastic container and closed tightly. As usual, before washing, add 60 ml of the prepared conditioner to the special conditioner compartment.

The laundry will be fresh, pleasant and most importantly with a wonderful aroma.

Shoe freshener:

The most effective shoe freshener is one made from baking soda and essential oil. Let's try to prepare it: take two or three tablespoons of baking soda and drop mint, tea tree, lavender, and rosemary oil into it.

We put a sock with this mixture in our shoes overnight. The wonderful and delicate smell will last all day, this procedure can be done at least every day.

Wonderful hair rinse:

How to make hair rinse?

You need to take:

  • two glasses of boiling water;
  • half a glass of a mixture of dry herbs: burdock, nettle, horsetail mixed in equal quantities;
  • ten drops of sandalwood oil;
  • five drops of sage oil.

Cover the resulting broth with a lid and let it sit for 40 minutes. Then strain and pour in 3/4 cup of apple cider vinegar - the miracle rinse is ready! Your hair will become strong, shiny and grow quickly.

Stain remover:

Eucalyptus essential oil - perfectly removes stains from grease and sweat. It’s very simple: a cotton pad or rag is soaked in essential oil and applied to the stain. The result is that the stain disappears and you can wash the oil from your clothes.

Harmless dishwashing liquid.

All dishwashing detergents are very harmful; in order to completely wash them off, you need to rinse the dishes in ten waters. Of course, hardly anyone succeeds. Let's prepare a homemade liquid that is completely safe and will protect the skin of your hands.


  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • glycerin - 2 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon and grapefruit oil - 10 drops each.

All components are mixed well and poured into a plastic container. After using such a wonderful liquid, the dishes will be clean, there will be no chemicals left on them, and the skin of your hands will be safe.


Take 0.5 liters of warm water and add 3-5 drops of essential oils: lavender, bergamot, tea tree, juniper, pine, thyme or eucalyptus.

Then we wipe all surfaces in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom with the resulting solution. This mixture will not only disinfect the room, but also save you from colds and fill your apartment with freshness and pleasant aromas.

Try to prepare safe, natural products for washing dishes, rinsing hair, cleaning rooms and you will protect yourself from harmful chemical fumes.

Today we will conduct a lesson not only in modeling, but also in chemistry, and we will make models of molecules from plasticine. Plasticine balls can be imagined as atoms, and ordinary matches or toothpicks will help to show structural connections. This method can be used by teachers when explaining new material in chemistry, by parents when checking and studying homework, and by children themselves who are interested in the subject. There is probably no easier and more accessible way to create visual material for mental visualization of micro-objects.

Here are representatives from the world of organic and inorganic chemistry as examples. By analogy with them, other structures can be made, the main thing is to understand all this diversity.

Materials for work:

  • plasticine of two or more colors;
  • structural formulas of molecules from the textbook (if necessary);
  • matches or toothpicks.

1. Prepare plasticine for modeling spherical atoms from which molecules will be formed, as well as matches to represent the bonds between them. Naturally, it is better to show atoms of different types in a different color, so that it is clearer to imagine a specific object of the microworld.

2. To make balls, pinch off the required number of portions of plasticine, knead in your hands and roll into shapes in your palms. To sculpt organic hydrocarbon molecules, you can use larger red balls - this will be carbon, and smaller blue balls - hydrogen.

3. To form a methane molecule, insert four matches into the red ball so that they point towards the vertices of the tetrahedron.

4. Place blue balls on the free ends of the matches. The natural gas molecule is ready.

5. Prepare two identical molecules to explain to your child how you can get the molecule of the next representative of hydrocarbons - ethane.

6. Connect the two models by removing one match and two blue balls. Ethan is ready.

7. Next, continue the exciting activity and explain how a multiple bond is formed. Remove the two blue balls and make the bond between the carbons double. In a similar way, you can mold all the hydrocarbon molecules necessary for the lesson.

8. The same method is suitable for sculpting molecules of the inorganic world. The same plasticine balls will help you realize your plans.

9. Take the central carbon atom - the red ball. Insert two matches into it, defining the linear shape of the molecule; attach two blue balls, which in this case represent oxygen atoms, to the free ends of the matches. Thus, we have a carbon dioxide molecule of linear structure.

10. Water is a polar liquid, and its molecules are angular formations. They consist of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The angular structure is determined by the lone pair of electrons on the central atom. It can also be depicted as two green dots.

These are the kind of exciting creative lessons you should definitely practice with your children. Students of any age will become interested in chemistry and will understand the subject better if, during the learning process, they are provided with a visual aid made by themselves.

Sections: Chemistry

This work is carried out with students who came to receive vocational education. Very often their knowledge of chemistry is weak, so they have no interest in the subject. But every student has a desire to learn. Even a poorly performing student shows interest in a subject when he manages to do something on his own.

The assignments in the work are designed taking into account gaps in knowledge. Strong theoretical material allows you to quickly recall the necessary concepts, which helps students complete the work. Having built models of molecules, it is easier for children to write structural formulas. For stronger students who complete the practical part of the work faster, calculation tasks are given. Each student achieves a result when doing work: some manage to build models of molecules, which they do with pleasure, others complete most of the work, others complete all the tasks, and each student receives a grade.

Lesson objectives:

  • developing independent work skills;
  • generalize and systematize students’ knowledge about the theory of the structure of organic compounds;
  • consolidate the ability to compose structural formulas of hydrocarbons;
  • practice the skills of naming according to international nomenclature;
  • repeat solving problems to determine the mass fraction of an element in a substance;
  • develop attention and creative activity;
  • develop logical thinking;
  • cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Practical work

“Making models of molecules of organic substances.
Drawing up structural formulas of hydrocarbons.”

Purpose of the work:

  1. Learn to make models of molecules of organic substances.
  2. Learn to write down the structural formulas of hydrocarbons and name them according to the international nomenclature.

Theoretical material. Hydrocarbons are organic substances consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The carbon atom in all organic compounds is tetravalent. Carbon atoms can form straight, branched, and closed chains. The properties of substances depend not only on the qualitative and quantitative composition, but also on the order of connection of atoms with each other. Substances that have the same molecular formula but different structures are called isomers. Prefixes indicate quantity di- two, three- three, tetra- four; cyclo- means closed.

Suffixes in the names of hydrocarbons indicate the presence of a multiple bond:

en single bond between carbon atoms (C C);
en double bond between carbon atoms (C = C);
triple bond between carbon atoms (C C);
two double bonds between carbon atoms (C = C C = C);

Radicals: methyl -CH 3 ; ethyl -C 2 H 5 ; chlorine -Cl; bromine -Br.

Example. Make a model of a propane molecule.

Propane molecule C 3 H 8 contains three carbon atoms and eight hydrogen atoms. The carbon atoms are connected to each other. Suffix – en indicates the presence of a single bond between carbon atoms. The carbon atoms are located at an angle of 10928 minutes.

The molecule has the shape of a pyramid. Draw carbon atoms as black circles, hydrogen atoms as white circles, and chlorine atoms as green circles.

When drawing models, observe the ratio of atomic sizes.

Find the molar mass using the periodic table

M (C 3 H 8) = 12 3 + 1 8 = 44 g/mol.

To name a hydrocarbon you need to:

  1. Choose the longest chain.
  2. Number starting from the edge to which the radical or multiple bond is closest.
  3. Indicate the radical if several radicals are indicated each. (Number before the name).
  4. Name the radical, starting with the smallest radical.
  5. Name the longest chain.
  6. Indicate the position of the multiple bond. (Number after name).

When composing formulas by name necessary:

  1. Determine the number of carbon atoms in the chain.
  2. Determine the position of the multiple bond. (Number after name).
  3. Determine the position of radicals. (Number before the name).
  4. Write down the formulas of radicals.
  5. Lastly, determine the number and arrangement of hydrogen atoms.

The mass fraction of an element is determined by the formula:


– mass fraction of a chemical element;

n – number of atoms of a chemical element;

Ar is the relative atomic mass of a chemical element;

Mr – relative molecular weight.

When solving a problem, use calculation formulas:

Relative gas density Dg shows how many times the density of one gas is greater than the density of another gas. D(H 2) - relative density of hydrogen. D(air) - relative density in air.

Equipment: A set of ball-and-stick models of molecules, plasticine of different colors, matches, table “Saturated hydrocarbons”, periodic table. Individual tasks.

Work progress. Completing tasks according to options.

Option #1.

Task No. 1 . Make models of molecules: a) butane, b) cyclopropane. Draw molecular models in your notebook. Write the structural formulas of these substances. Find their molecular weights.

Task No. 3. Compose structural formulas of substances:

a) butene-2, write its isomer;
b) 3,3 - dimethylpentine-1.

Task No. 4. Solve problems:

Task 1 Determine the mass fraction of carbon and hydrogen in methane.

Task 2. Carbon black is used to produce rubber. Determine how many g of soot (C) can be obtained from the decomposition of 22 g of propane?

Option #2.

Task No. 1 . Make models of molecules: a) 2-methylpropane, b) cyclobutane. Draw molecular models in your notebook. Write the structural formulas of these substances. Find their molecular weights.

Task No. 2. Name the substances:

Task No. 3 Compose structural formulas of substances:

a) 2-methylbutene-1, write its isomer;
b) propin.

Task No. 4. Solve problems:

Task 1. Determine the mass fraction of carbon and hydrogen in ethylene.

Task 2. Carbon black is used to produce rubber. Determine the mass of soot (C) that can be obtained from the decomposition of 36 g of pentane?

Option #3.

Task No. 1 . Make models of molecules: a) 1,2-dichloroethane, b) methylcyclopropane

Draw molecular models in your notebook. Write the structural formulas of these substances. How many times is dichloroethane heavier than air?

Task No. 2. Name the substances:

Task No. 3. Compose structural formulas of substances:

a) 2-methylbutene-2, write its isomer;
b) 3,4-dimethylpentine-1.

Task No. 4. Solve problems:

Task 1. Find the molecular formula of a substance containing 92.3% carbon and 7.7% hydrogen. The relative density for hydrogen is 13.

Problem 2. What volume of hydrogen will be released during the decomposition of 29 g of butane (n.o.)?

Option number 4.

Task No. 1 . Make models of molecules: a) 2,3-dimethylbutane, b) chlorocyclopropane. Draw molecular models in your notebook. Write the structural formulas of these substances. Find their molecular weights.

Task No. 2. Name the substances

Task No. 3. Compose structural formulas of substances:

a) 2-methylbutadientene-1,3; write the isomer.
b) 4-methylpentine-2.

Task No. 4. Solve problems:

Task 1. Find the molecular formula of a substance containing 92.3% carbon and 7.7% hydrogen. The relative density for hydrogen is 39.

Problem 2. What volume of carbon dioxide will be released during the complete combustion of 72 g of automobile fuel consisting of propane?

Choose a type of candy. To make side strands of sugar and phosphate groups, use hollow strips of black and red licorice. For nitrogenous bases, use gummy bears in four different colors.

  • Whatever candy you use, it should be soft enough to be pierced with a toothpick.
  • If you have colored marshmallows on hand, they are a great alternative to gummy bears.

Prepare the remaining materials. Take the string and toothpicks that you use to create the model. The rope will need to be cut into pieces about 30 centimeters long, but you can make them longer or shorter - depending on the length of the DNA model you choose.

  • To create a double helix, use two pieces of rope that are the same length.
  • Make sure you have at least 10-12 toothpicks, although you may need a little more or less - again depending on the size of your model.
  • Chop the licorice. You will hang the licorice, alternating its color, the length of the pieces should be 2.5 centimeters.

  • Sort the gummy bears into pairs. In the DNA strand, cytosine and guanine (C and G), as well as thymine and adenine (T and A), are located in pairs. Choose four different colored gummy bears to represent different nitrogenous bases.

    • It doesn’t matter in what sequence the pair C-G or G-C is located, the main thing is that the pair contains exactly these bases.
    • Don't pair with mismatched colors. For example, you cannot combine T-G or A-C.
    • The choice of colors can be completely arbitrary, it completely depends on personal preferences.
  • Hang the licorice. Take two pieces of string and tie each at the bottom to prevent the licorice from slipping off. Then string pieces of licorice of alternating colors onto the string through the central voids.

    • The two colors of licorice symbolize sugar and phosphate, which form the strands of the double helix.
    • Choose one color to be sugar, your gummy bears will attach to that color of licorice.
    • Make sure the licorice pieces are in the same order on both strands. If you put them side by side, the colors on both threads should match.
    • Tie another knot at both ends of the rope immediately after you finish stringing the licorice.
  • Attach the gummy bears using toothpicks. Once you have paired all the bears, creating groups C-G and T-A, use a toothpick and attach one bear from each group to both ends of the toothpicks.

    • Push the gummy bears onto the toothpick so that at least half an inch of the pointy part of the toothpick sticks out.
    • You may end up with more of some pairs than others. The number of pairs in actual DNA determines the differences and changes in the genes they form.