How to properly wash your baby. How to properly care for and wash a newborn boy? How to wash your baby under the tap - step by step diagram

When their first son is born, many mothers are faced with a problem: how to properly care for a tiny boyish “tool” so as not to harm their health and at the same time provide the baby with high-quality and regular care for the perineal area? Let's look at how to properly wash a boy, how to care for the genitals of a newborn, and what experts say, for example, Dr. Komarovsky.

Physiological structure of the baby

The genital organ of newborns and infants differs significantly from that of an adult. The foreskin of the penis is connected to the glans and reliably protects the latter from mechanical damage and contamination. This is the so-called physiological phimosis. Smegma, secreted by special glands, has antimicrobial properties, which prevents infection from entering the genitourinary canal.

From birth to 3 years of age, adhesion of the foreskin and glans is usually observed up to the urethral opening. By the age of five, the head is already half exposed. Complete release of the head becomes possible only by the age of 8–10 years.

The principle of non-interference

Nature provides natural protection for the baby’s most delicate places. Therefore, the most correct thing in hygiene of a boy’s intimate places is to adhere to the following principle: don’t touch anything! That is, the less you interfere, the stronger his male health will be.

As the toddler grows, the foreskin gradually separates from the edge of the head and becomes more mobile. Do not be tempted to pull back the skin in order to wash with soap something that is not worth touching at all. Forced retraction of the foreskin at such a tender age is fraught with serious trouble.

Dr. Komarovsky: “In modern medical practice, in all pediatric associations and communities without exception, this manipulation has long been recognized as unnecessary, incorrect and traumatic. But often there are still doctors, probably respected and experienced, but at the same time conservative, who still advise some mothers to mechanically retract and spread the foreskin of their little sons, supposedly “for training purposes.” “Alas, it is precisely such training that sometimes ends in serious injury.”

The most serious complication resulting from incorrect intervention is paraphimosis.. This is a condition in which the foreskin slips off the head of the penis and squeezes it tightly at the base. It is not always possible to return the skin to its place on your own. The head quickly swells and if the child does not receive timely assistance, necrosis of the head of the penis may develop. Unfortunately, necrosis often ends in partial or complete amputation of a vital organ.

Caring for a boy’s genital organs: Dr. Komarovsky

How to properly wash a boy in the first year of life

So, how can you take care of your boy’s hygiene so as not to harm the baby’s health? The main hygiene procedure for infants is washing. Despite the simplicity of the process, many inexperienced parents often do not know how to do it correctly.

What supplies are needed for baby hygiene?

  • baby wipes;
  • paper towels;
  • baby oil (or any vegetable oil);
  • diapers (cloth or disposable);
  • cotton wool or gauze;
  • diapers (disposable or natural cloth)
  • a small container of water at room temperature (cup, bowl)

Babies need to be washed immediately after each bowel movement, since enzymes and bacteria contained in feces can irritate the delicate skin of both the perineum and genitals, and cause inflammation.

How to wash a newborn in the maternity hospital?

In the maternity hospital, the medical staff cleans newborns twice a day. Between these procedures, the mother takes responsibility for the baby’s cleanliness.

You can wash your baby under the tap in the sink, or you can clean the skin of feces right on the changing table. It is, of course, better to wash your butt with running water, but, unfortunately, our maternity hospitals do not always have all the conditions for this. In addition, a young mother may feel insecure and fear of doing something wrong. You can gain experience in the comfort of your home, but for now let’s look at how you can take care of your baby’s cleanliness right in the room.

Follow approximately this sequence of actions:

  1. As soon as you notice that the baby has pooped, place him with his back on the diaper.
  2. Unfasten the diaper and, lifting the baby by the legs with one hand, pull the used diaper out from under the baby's bottom.
  3. Wipe the boy's perineum and genitals from feces in the direction from the pubis to the tailbone with a damp cloth or a piece of gauze moistened with water.
  4. If you washed your baby with water, gently blot off any remaining water with a paper towel. Pay special attention to folds.
  5. If there are particles of dried feces left, wipe the contaminated areas with cotton wool or gauze soaked in baby oil.
  6. If necessary, apply baby cream or powder and put on a diaper.

Let us repeat: under no circumstances should you try to pull back the foreskin and expose the head of the newborn’s penis in order to “put things in order there.”

In the first days, remnants of vernix may be observed in the baby’s folds. You should not scrub it vigorously - it will gradually wash off as a result of daily hygiene procedures. In addition, this lubricant is the best baby cream and protects the sensitive skin of a newborn in a new environment. Don't worry that the grease will become a breeding ground for bacteria. If you regularly keep your sensitive areas clean, you will be fine.

How to wash your baby under the tap - step by step diagram

The most convenient way to wash your baby is using a tap with running water. To do this you need:

  1. Remove the diaper.
  2. Place the child on the forearm of one hand so that the baby lies on it with his chest, and your bent arm covers him under the armpits.
  3. Go with your baby to the sink, open the tap with your free hand and adjust the water temperature: it should be at room temperature or slightly higher.
  4. Place the baby's bottom under running water and use your free hand to wash the boy's perineum and genitals.
  5. Blot water in all folds with a towel.
  6. If there are particles of dried feces left, wipe with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Infants do not need detergents in the first months of life. On the contrary, soaps and gels can cause dry skin, irritation and allergic reactions. It is better to wash the child with plain water, using soap only in case of severe contamination.

Video: how to conveniently wash your baby under the tap


Disposable diapers are a wonderful invention that makes life easier for millions of moms and dads every day. Now it’s even difficult to imagine how you can do without this useful thing. Unfortunately, you often have to pay a high price for convenience.

The reproductive organs of boys are designed in such a way that the gonads are located outside the body to maintain optimal temperature. And if the little boy is in a diaper around the clock, the testicles are constantly overheating, which can negatively affect his reproductive health in the future. In addition, the lack of natural ventilation and high humidity are an ideal environment for pathogenic flora. Boys who wear diapers for a long time without a break are more likely to suffer from diseases such as candidiasis and balanoposthitis.

Therefore, remove the diaper more often, allowing your baby to feel freer and his delicate skin to breathe.

When should you consult a doctor?

Your little one has no problems with urination, no inflammation or redness, nothing hurts or itches - great! In this case, his genital organ does not require any additional care procedures, other than the usual washing with water. In this case, it does not matter whether the head of his penis has opened or not yet.

Unfortunately, sometimes situations arise in which it is impossible to do without the qualified help of a doctor. And the sooner you visit a doctor, the better for your little boy. Such situations include:

  • the baby has difficulty urinating;
  • there is pain when urinating;
  • there are signs of inflammation on the genitals - redness, swelling, pain and itching;
  • paraphimosis.

If paraphimosis occurs, try to correct the situation yourself: apply cold to the penis to reduce swelling of the glans and try to return the foreskin to its place. If this fails, immediately run to a pediatric surgeon. This is a case where every minute of delay can be very costly.

The hygiene of a boy’s genital organs has its own characteristics. But armed with knowledge and experience, you will be able to carry out daily care procedures easily and joyfully, which will bring you and your son even closer together.

The issue of intimate care for boys is very delicate and important, but it causes many difficulties, especially for young parents. Many mothers do not know how to wash their newborn correctly. This process has a number of its own rules and some nuances, and failure to comply with them can lead to various diseases in the baby and even to problems with men’s health in the future.

Modern intimate hygiene is the key to the health of a future man!

Physiological characteristics of boys

The main feature of the structure of the genital organs in newborn boys is that during intrauterine development and after birth, the head of the penis is covered by the foreskin. The baby's genital organ is thus protected from bacteria and pollution - this phenomenon is called congenital phimosis and lasts up to 3-5 years. There is no need to independently retract the foreskin of a newborn under the age of six months, otherwise you can cause microtrauma and harm the health of the baby.

Regular hygiene procedures are extremely important for the health of a little man. They help prevent infections from getting inside and inflammation.

How to wash your baby?

When answering the question of how to wash a newborn boy, many young mothers make many mistakes. They believe that it is enough to remove the dirty diaper, wash the child’s private parts under the tap and dry with a towel. This is not entirely true.

Every time after changing a diaper, the baby needs to be washed. Before doing this, you should definitely take care of the hygiene of your own hands - they must be absolutely clean. It is better to wash a newborn baby under running warm water; using boiled water is unnecessary. You should not get carried away with using soaps and foams for the intimate hygiene of newborn boys (especially under the age of 6 months), as these products can lead to redness and irritation on the baby’s delicate skin.

Doctors do not approve of washing the boy away from the anus, since germs can move to the baby’s genitals

How to wash a newborn and hold him correctly while washing (more details in the article:)? There is no consensus among pediatricians on this issue. Some believe that during the procedure a small child should not be placed on a surface or hand with his butt up (as shown in the photo), since harmful bacteria from the anus can get onto the penis, while others note that the direction of the stream does not matter.

After washing, there is no need to diligently dry the newborn’s skin; just blot the intimate areas with a towel (necessarily soft). It is allowed to use anti-diaper rash powder in moderation, as well as baby oils and moisturizing creams.

When the boy grows up, the number of washings can be reduced to once a day (before bed), but in hot weather this will need to be done more often - 3-4 times a day. Upon reaching 3 years of age, a child should be taught to take care of himself independently; he should wash himself regularly without the help of parents.

Foreskin hygiene

Often parents of boys do not know what to do with the foreskin while washing, whether it can be retracted. The famous doctor Komarovsky, in his video lessons, claims that this should never be done; his opinion is shared by many other pediatricians.

In general, young mothers and fathers often commit a number of errors:

  • they try to push back the foreskin on the penis of a newborn child, in fact, the covered head is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and the fold itself will move over time, this happens for everyone at different ages;
  • they try to remove infant smegma under the foreskin using cotton swabs, but this should not be done, since this substance is gradually removed on its own during urination;
  • trying to drip oil under the foreskin for children;
  • wash the foreskin with soap, which often leads to irritation of the delicate skin.

Use of diapers and underwear

The issue of the correct use of diapers has remained controversial for many years. Of course, they make life much easier for young mothers, since women do not have to spend a lot of time washing and ironing piles of diapers and baby clothes. At the same time, overly suspicious and restless parents are afraid to put diapers on their children, as they consider them harmful. They use these means only in extreme cases - for example, during long trips or long walks.

Modern manufacturers produce special hygiene products for boys; in their production, all the features of the anatomical structure of the genital organs of a small man are taken into account. In such diapers, the baby will not feel discomfort, since the special hygroscopic coating perfectly absorbs all moisture. New generation products do not have a negative impact on the sexual health of future men, since the testicles do not overheat in them.

Also, the topic of diaper dermatitis in babies still remains controversial. An excellent prevention of its occurrence is regular changing of diapers and careful intimate hygiene of the baby. To ensure that there is no redness or irritation on the baby’s skin, it is necessary to change his diaper at least once every 3-4 hours.

Children's doctors warn about the possible negative consequences of using diapers with fragrances. The baby's skin is very sensitive and delicate - it is not clear what reaction all kinds of fragrances can cause.

To make the boy comfortable and comfortable, it is recommended to change the diaper at least once every 4 hours

When the child turns one year old, it is advisable to wear panties instead of diapers (see also:). With their help, it will be easier to teach your baby to go potty on his own.

Reasons for concern

All parents need to approach the issue of the sexual health of their little sons with full responsibility.

If you notice redness or rashes in the area of ​​the intimate organs, as well as swelling of the foreskin, you should definitely contact a specialist - a pediatric urologist or andrologist, or, in extreme cases, a pediatrician.

Neglecting the rules of intimate hygiene often leads to serious health problems in boys. In this case, the following may occur:

  • fungal infections;
  • allergic irritations;
  • infection;
  • pathological phimosis - it differs from congenital, is usually accompanied by discomfort and pain, and can appear after suffering inflammation, causing the formation of adhesions and scars (we recommend reading:);
  • Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by violation of intimate hygiene rules.

Pain, pain and difficulty urinating, redness or rash in the intimate organs, swelling of the penis are dangerous symptoms indicating a possible disease. In this case, parents must visit a doctor - only a specialist will be able to identify the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

After the birth of a baby, many mothers have a question about how to properly wash their newborn. They master feeding techniques quickly and there are no difficulties with changing diapers. But how to hold a newborn while washing raises many questions among young mothers.

Main rules

The intimate hygiene procedure for a newborn girl is somewhat different from the same procedure for a male baby. And this is obvious. The difference in washing is caused by differences in the structure of the genital organs. However, there are a number of fundamental principles that are completely independent of this.

These include the following tips:

  1. Changing the diaper. Its replacement occurs after each bowel movement of the baby. In time this is no more than 3-4 hours. After bowel movements and before changing the diaper, the baby is washed with tap water, in the first month after birth - only with boiled water.
  2. How to hold a newborn while washing and carry out the procedure during the day? There is no need to wash the baby under running water after each diaper change if the dirt is minor. You can wipe the baby's skin with wet wipes or cotton pads. All movements are carried out from front to back.
  3. Mom or dad should wash their hands well with soap before caring for the genitals of a newborn. This must be done before the process itself.
  4. How to wash a baby? If this is done under a thin stream of warm water, then the baby is placed on the arm with his tummy down so that his head touches the elbow. It is very important that its position is fixed. In this case, the parents hold the child by the hips and, with their free hand, carefully wash his genitals. If the contamination is minor, then to carry out the procedure it is enough to place it on the changing table.
  5. The temperature of the water for washing the child should not be too hot, but not too cold. It can be 36 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then use the old and proven method. The elbow is dipped into the water, if the mother does not experience any negative sensations, then it is ready for use.
  6. It is allowed to use soap to wash the baby if the dirt on his body is significant. If it's just changing a diaper, you can use wet wipes. Use only baby soap. The towel and sponges should be used exclusively for washing the baby.

If soap was used for water procedures, it should be thoroughly washed off the skin. Particular attention is paid to folds. Because residual soap solution can cause allergies or skin irritation.

Constant use of detergents can harm children's delicate skin. Pediatricians recommend using regular running water for the procedure.

How to care for baby's skin

How to hold a newborn when washing? After the procedure, you need to take care to prevent irritation and redness on the baby’s skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to wipe it after washing, but this should be done with blotting movements using a soft terry towel until the moisture completely disappears.

After the procedure, treat the skin with cosmetic oil or powder. Combining these agents is not recommended. After all, they have different effects: oil is moisturizing, and powder is drying. Therefore, they are used in different situations.

For dry skin, use oil, and if you are prone to diaper rash, use powder. If the mother discovers prickly heat or diaper rash in the genital area, then you need to resort to a special product in the form of a diaper cream.

What is needed for washing

How to hold a newborn when washing? A photo of the procedure is presented in the article. Before you start, you need to prepare the following equipment:

  • diaper, swaddle and rompers;
  • wet wipes, cotton pads or paper towels;
  • soft terry towel;
  • oil or powder.

Mom should prepare all the necessary components for the procedure in advance so as not to be distracted while washing.

Selection of hygiene products

Currently, there is a huge selection of cosmetics that are used to care for the genital organs of newborns.

When choosing them, parents should pay attention to their safety when purchasing. As for wet wipes, they should not contain alcohol.

Soap products should not contain parabens or fragrances. They should be purchased with a mark starting from "0".

For infants, they often buy Bepanten as a diaper cream. It can be used daily.

For healthy baby skin, the best option is oils. When diaper rash occurs, powder is needed.

Procedure algorithm

How to hold a newborn when washing under the tap? The procedure should take place at a temperature of 37 °C. The movement when washing is from front to back, regardless of the gender of the child. This procedure prevents infection from entering the genitals. It is necessary to wash the baby under the tap with the tummy facing up. After the procedure, the newborn’s genitals are dried with a diaper or soft towel using blotting movements.

How to properly hold a newborn when washing? It is not recommended to wash your child with soap every time. After all, this can harm the delicate skin of a newborn. A product in the form of a gel or soap is necessary only in case of severe contamination that needs to be removed.

For frequent procedures, it is enough to use running water. Using a warm oil compress, cotton swabs can be used to free feces from the baby's skin.

Principles of proper washing of a boy

Features of caring for a male baby include the need to wash after each diaper change.

How to hold a newborn boy when washing? This must be done carefully so as not to cause any damage to the baby.

Before starting the procedure, parents need to wash their hands. To avoid infection from feces getting onto the genitals, the child does not need to be held with his butt up. When washing the boy, the penis is washed from the outside so as not to touch it with your hands.

Soap should not be used constantly so as not to cause irritation and redness of the baby's skin. Using boiled water when bathing and washing boys is not the main condition. This is done only in the first month after birth. Later, warm tap water is used.

After water procedures, you should not wipe the boy’s genitals too much, but it is best to blot them. After this, air baths are carried out.

To keep your baby's genitals clean, you should use wet wipes that are used specifically for newborns. If the mother follows all the rules of washing, then the boy, having matured, will be able to do it on his own.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn serves as the main guarantee of his health, which subsequently determines his reproductive abilities.

How to properly hold a newborn boy when washing? Most pediatricians believe that personal hygiene consists of daily washing of the external genitalia with baby soap. No special procedures are required.

External treatment of the genital organs does not mean invading the boy’s foreskin. Such an intervention can be traumatic. Besides this, washing there is completely useless. The protective barrier is smegma, which forms under the foreskin. If the mother constantly pulls back the delicate skin on the penis, then over time there will be nothing left of the special protection.

When properly washing the boy, there is no need to do any pulling, turning or bending. It is not recommended to touch a boy's penis with your hands. The less touching, the healthier he will be.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

The washing procedure is an important aspect of baby care. After all, her sexual health largely depends on the correctness of the process.

How to properly hold a newborn girl when washing? The following list of general requirements for child care includes:

  1. Regularity. Due to the anatomical structure, the girl’s reproductive system reacts sharply to external stimuli. She has her own special microflora, which in the future will protect the woman from many bacteria. However, such a function is just being formed, so it is important to prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the girl’s genitals and wash her regularly.
  2. Care. Due to the fact that the protective microflora has not developed sufficiently, it is important to prevent the removal of the correct bacteria from the labia. To do this, use gentle products that can be used no more than 3 times a week. On other days, it is enough to wash the girl with running water.
  3. Accuracy. The mucous membrane of newborn girls is incredibly delicate. If there is a strong mechanical impact on it, this can lead to microtrauma. Subsequently, this leads to the appearance of synechia - fusion of the labia minora.
  4. Reasonableness. In the first days of life, babies may experience clear, or less often, bloody vaginal discharge. Excess natural lubricant should be removed, but without effort. It promotes the formation of the correct microflora of the genital organs, and also prevents the occurrence of synechia.

To carry out the procedure safely, you must take into account all of the above recommendations.

Washing a newborn girl

The procedure must be carried out correctly, as this may lead to the development of various pathologies in the future.

How to hold a newborn girl while washing? It consists of the following steps:

  1. The water jet is directed from front to back. This is done in order to prevent infection from the anus from entering the vagina.
  2. After washing, it is necessary to dry the girl’s intimate areas with a soft towel.
  3. You need to wait a while for the skin to dry completely.
  4. Next, put on a clean diaper.

If necessary, you can apply powder or oil. To prevent irritation and redness, use a special diaper cream.


Due to the fact that washing a newborn is a necessary procedure that is associated with the health of the genital organs, it must be carried out correctly. Due to the difference in their structure in boys and girls, the process has some peculiarities.

After the birth of a child, parents have to master many things, how to feed the child properly, how to wash diapers. When all this becomes clear, another question arises - how to properly wash a newborn. It is important to perform proper hygiene procedures from infancy, because reproductive health in the future depends on this. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advice of experts.

What you need to know first

The washing technology will vary depending on the gender of the child. But some procedures must be performed regardless of gender:

  • Diapers should be changed every three to four hours. In addition, a new diaper is put on every time the child does his business; the child should not be left for a long time after this. Before changing a diaper or nappy, wash the perineum with warm, clean water. For a newborn, it is better to use boiled water;
  • When just changing a diaper, water procedures are not necessary, but it is still worth wiping the skin with a damp cloth. For these purposes, you can use a damp piece of cotton wool or gauze. You need to start wiping from the front and only then move back, so as not to stain the genitals of the newborn;
  • You should never perform intimate hygiene on a child with dirty hands. Therefore, hands are always washed before the procedure;
  • When you wash your child, you need to make sure that you are in a safe position. An adult can place the baby on his elbow, with his stomach touching the elbow. Hands hold the child's hips and buttocks to prevent him from falling. Washing occurs with the second hand. When the baby's genitals are just being wiped, you can do this right on the changing table. It is best to carry out this procedure together;
  • Parents should ensure that the water temperature for washing is at a comfortable temperature, as water that is too hot or too cold may cause the baby to cry. The temperature should be no more and no less than 36 degrees. You can check the temperature without a thermometer, using your elbow, lowering it into the baby bath. The sensations will tell you whether this temperature is suitable for the child or not;
  • Leave the child completely naked after washing for 10-15 minutes. This will be extremely beneficial for his skin.

How to wash a boy

The washing process is different for girls and boys. Parents need to know how to wash their newborn baby boy. In infancy, their genital organs have not yet fully formed. And the foreskin reliably covers the head of the penis, so in no case should it be pulled back when washing. If you do this, it may hurt the child. You just need to wash the boy’s genitals with warm water.

If you volunteer to clean, then you better first learn how to wash a newborn baby boy under the tap. To do this, you need to hold it on your elbow and wash it under running water under the tap. The child must be well secured in the arm to prevent him from falling. Don't forget to wash your hands before doing this.

Prepare everything you need after washing - diapers, napkins or towels, baby powder and other cosmetics. When we wash the baby correctly under running water, he does not experience negative sensations, and step-by-step instructions will help the young mother do this.

Washing algorithm:

  1. Remove the diaper on the changing table. Place a napkin there if your baby suddenly wants to pee.
  2. Wipe his butt with a napkin if he has done his business in diapers and his skin is stained with feces. Instead of napkins, you can use a clean piece of cloth or cotton wool soaked in baby oil;
  3. When the baby is naked, wipe the delicate organs with a tissue, front and back. Take him to the bath and wash his butt and genitals under running water.
  4. Place him correctly on the crook of your elbow with his stomach so that his butt hangs over where the end of his arm is. The head is located near the elbow bend. With your other hand, start rinsing from the front, where the perineum is, moving down to the sacrum.
  5. Turn the baby over on his tummy and wash the genitals - from the penis to the testicles.
  6. Sometimes it is impossible to wash a child under running water. In this case, wet wipes will help you. Wipe your butt first, remembering to move from the perineum forward. Then wipe the genitals using a clean napkin. Don't forget to wipe out the folds.
  7. When the baby is washed, dry him gently with a soft towel and leave him without a diaper for a while until he is completely dry.
  8. Use baby cream or powder to prevent the baby's skin from becoming irritated.
  9. Dress your child in a new diaper and clean clothes.

Proper washing will ensure the baby's health and protect him from the penetration of harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammation or infections. A boy's delicate organs need to be taken care of from infancy, so proper hygiene of a newborn boy is of utmost importance.

How to wash a girl

You should know that intimate hygiene for a newborn is no less important. After all, her health and ability to bear a child will depend on this. In infancy, the reproductive system is too delicate and is easily destroyed by external harmful influences. In order not to remove the natural lubricant and not to disturb its alkaline flora, which protects against the penetration of bacteria, you should not wash the labia minora with soap or other liquid cleansers. Let's find out how to wash a newborn girl.

Action algorithm:

  1. The white coating that is found in the genitals serves for protection, so it does not need to be washed off. After a while there will be no trace of him.
  2. Frequent diaper changes are required. Every time you change an old diaper for a new one, you need to wipe the skin with wet wipes.
  3. Remember to wash your hands with soap before touching the girl's groin area. All things necessary for hygiene must be prepared in advance.
  4. Remove old diapers in a clean place. It is better to use a changing table for this, with a clean diaper laid on it.
  5. Use wet wipes to remove any remaining stool. Start wiping from the perineum, moving towards the tailbone. You should never allow feces to get into your genitals. Folds are also wiped with damp wipes.
  6. Wash the girl with clean tap water without any additional cleaning products. If you don’t know about how to wash a newborn girl, Komarovsky talks about it best. All detergents wash away natural secretions and leave the genitals without any protection.
  7. Place the child on his tummy in the crook of his elbow, with his butt in the palm of his hand. This position will allow you to wash all the girl’s delicate places. You need to start washing from the pubic area, then move to the butt, and then wash all the folds of the legs.
  8. Always wash your baby from the bottom to the top, otherwise fecal residue may end up in other parts of the body.
  9. After washing, use a clean towel, but do not wipe your nose with it, just blot it dry. After the eclipse, keep the girl naked and can begin the following hygiene procedures.
  10. Lubricate the baby's delicate skin with baby cream or sprinkle with powder. Make sure there is no redness, and if there is any, change the product. If there is any irritation, consult a doctor.
  11. Take a clean diaper and underwear and dress the girl.

An algorithm of actions in pictures will help you learn how to properly wash a newborn girl under the tap.

Many mothers are interested in the question of how often to wash their baby. Usually this question is left to the discretion of the mother. But immediately after birth, this can be done as many times as the number of times the baby was fed.

To give the mother the opportunity to rest a little, other family members should be involved in washing the child. You must first teach how to do this so as not to harm the newborn.

Apply the powder separately from the oil, otherwise it will stick together and form a lump.

Diapers and clothes for the baby must be of good quality, otherwise they will not sufficiently protect the baby from various types of harmful bacteria.

At night, intimate hygiene should also be observed, but there is no need to wash at this time of day, you can only wipe with wet wipes.

As for cleaning products, it is important to know that it is better to take special products intended for children. They do not contain any fragrances or harmful substances that can harm the baby's delicate skin. You can use such products only once a week, otherwise the child’s skin will be dry. Use a soft sponge, but never a hard sponge.

The child's clean things should be stored in a separate place, away from adults.

Newborn girls may have some red, pink, brown, beige discharge from the genitals. This is due to the work of hormones, so you should not be afraid of them. Children who are less than one month old also have white flakes on their genitals. For a boy, the white coating on the genitals is washed off to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

After birth, babies' genitals may swell slightly, but this goes away after a few days, so there is no need to be afraid. It is better to report all changes to your pediatrician in order to prevent more serious diseases. Purulent discharge that lasts for several days should alert you. Perhaps they indicate some kind of inflammatory processes. You should not use any products to remove them at home. In this case, only a pediatrician will be able to clarify the situation.