How to wash a crystal chandelier at home. How and with what should I wash a crystal chandelier with pendants (removing and not removing) to make it shine? How to wash a chandelier with pendants without removing it

Washing chandeliers is a necessary, but very inconvenient and time-consuming procedure. Dust accumulating on the surface not only worsens appearance, but also affects the brightness of the lighting. The main difficulties when washing chandeliers arise from their location - right under the ceiling. In addition, many glass and especially crystal lamps are highly fragile. Until recently, washing chandeliers really caused a lot of problems.

But now there is a new Hi-tech product “UNICUM for contactless washing of chandeliers”!
Apply, wait, remove the results of the product on the floor (much easier than under the ceiling, right?). And enjoy the purity and beauty of your chandeliers!
The unique contactless 4D technology and the special “DIAMOND” formula allow you to instantly wash the chandelier... without touching it with your hands! Without touching a single element, not a single detail! Yes, that's right! No contact! And it's not only convenient, but also safe!

Chandelier cleaner “Unicum”
Without any problems, he will wash the chandelier for you in a matter of minutes until it shines and without streaks!

Unicum remedy is high effective remedy for contactless cleaning of glass, plastic and metal parts. It quickly removes dirt and plaque from glass and crystal, leaving an absolutely clean and shiny surface. Regular use of the spray prevents severe contamination of any glass and crystal surfaces, including lamps and chandeliers.
To collect the product on the floor, we recommend using “SUPER-rags “Unicum”.

How to use “Unicum” chandelier cleaner?

  1. Spray the product onto the chandelier evenly from all sides.
  2. Continue until the first drops fall.
  3. Wait 3-5 minutes until the active substance dissolves the dirt.
  4. Repeat spraying on all sides, but more intensely.
  5. Let the product and dirt drain onto the floor onto a SUPERrag. That's it!

For severe contamination, repeat the cycle.
It is recommended to wash chandeliers every two to three months.

With “UNICUM” you get a chandelier as clear as a diamond:

  • No dismantling!
  • Without removing expensive suspensions and their fastenings!
  • No scratches or chips when parts come into contact!
  • Without fear of breaking or losing expensive items!
  • Without the risk of you falling from the stairs or chandeliers from the ceiling!

Wash the chandelier even in evening dress or a business suit - this is reality!

« How to wash crystal chandelier? “- a pressing question for those who have such a piece of furniture. Crystal will never go out of style, so it is very important to know how to care for such a fragile material.

Before you start cleaning, make sure you know what kind of crystal the chandelier is made of. Ordinary artificial crystal is similar in quality to glass, so a chandelier made from this material is the easiest to clean, even if it has pendants and is not removed from the ceiling. To wash the crystal from which sets, flower vases and various glasses are made, you need to use special detergents; you can purchase such products in a specialized store. As for rock crystal, it is incredibly expensive and fragile, so you need to be as careful as possible when cleaning it.

Cleaning the crystal chandelier

It is not difficult to wash a crystal chandelier yourself at home; you just need to follow a simple and understandable sequence of actions.

  1. The first step is to dismantle the chandelier, since it is very difficult to wash such a piece of furniture without removing it from the ceiling. Before starting dismantling, make sure you turn off the electricity.
  2. Cover your work area with heavy-duty plastic to minimize cleanup after cleaning the chandelier. Don't forget to wear rubber or cotton gloves to avoid fingerprints on the crystal. Also, in the process of washing the chandelier, we will use a microfiber cloth for the reason described above.
  3. If possible, disassemble the chandelier into elements, be it pendants or other additional parts.
  4. Determine what additional materials the chandelier is constructed from. This is very important when choosing a product for cleaning a chandelier at home. Very often such a piece of furniture has a metal frame.
  5. Then choose a suitable detergent and wash all the elements of the crystal chandelier. Attention! Under no circumstances should you wash your crystal in hot water; it is best to keep the liquid cold or barely warm.
  6. Do not leave the chandelier elements to drain and dry on their own: this will leave streaks and stains on the glass surface of the parts. Wipe each one dry separate element crystal chandelier.
  7. When the process is completed, hang the chandelier in place, after turning off the electricity.

At home, the chandelier can be washed using a special household chemicals, and also using folk remedies, which we will discuss in more detail below.

As for factory products, be sure to purchase products that are made specifically for cleaning and washing crystal. Such household chemicals probably do not contain abrasive particles, acids or alkalis. An exception may also be various gel detergents for washing dishes.

Carry out preventive dry cleaning of your crystal chandelier to remove dust and dirt at least once every few weeks. In this case, it will not become covered with an unpleasant greasy coating, which will be difficult to remove without dismantling the piece of furniture.

Folk remedies for cleaning

Folk remedies for cleaning and washing crystal chandeliers are a simple, affordable and effective alternative to expensive bust chemicals. In the table we have presented the most popular and safe ways Clean your crystal chandelier yourself from any kind of dirt and restore its shine.



Dishwashing liquid

Perhaps the first method cannot be directly classified as folk, if only because we will use a factory-made dishwashing detergent. Most often, popular brands that produce appropriate household chemicals develop very gentle and delicate dishwashing detergents. This is because gels and liquid soap are in constant contact with the skin. A low-quality or abrasive product can cause allergies and other consequences. Using a good detergent from a trusted manufacturer is safe for crystal. To clean a chandelier or its parts, simply dilute the detergent in cold water and then dip the crystal into the prepared solution. After this, the chandelier elements should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water and wiped dry with a flannel cloth.


To wash a crystal chandelier at home, you can use ammonia, but in small quantities. Pour several liters of cold water into a basin, add one tablespoon of ammonia diluted in a glass of warm water. We lower the pendants and other elements of the crystal chandelier into the resulting cleaning solution. Let the crystal sit for 15 minutes and then rinse with your hands. After this, the parts of the chandelier also need to be rinsed and wiped dry. This product not only helps clean plaque from the glass surface, but also restores the shine and shine of the crystal.

Table salt and table vinegar

In a glass of warm water, mix about three tablespoons of vinegar with the same amount of table salt. Pour the resulting solution into a bowl of cool water, and then lower the crystal into the liquid. Carefully and thoroughly wash each part of the chandelier with a cloth, then rinse and wipe the piece of furniture dry with a microfiber cloth. This method is considered the most popular because it is inexpensive, effective and accessible. At home, any housewife can wash a crystal chandelier with this folk remedy.

Baking soda

Another effective means for cleaning crystal is a mixture baking soda and the darkest laundry soap. A piece of soap (about 100 grams) should be grated on the finest grater and then mixed with a couple of teaspoons of baking soda in warm water. The resulting product must be added to a basin of water, where we will subsequently rinse all the elements of the crystal chandelier. Don't forget to rinse and wipe everything dry.

These folk remedies will help to effectively clean crystal from various types of contaminants, and will also restore the material to its former shine. There is no need to resort to buying expensive household chemicals when everything you need to clean a chandelier can be found at home.

How to wash without removing from the ceiling?

Many are also interested in the question of how to wash a crystal chandelier safely and efficiently without removing it from the ceiling. It often happens that bulky chandeliers are difficult to dismantle yourself, but you still need to wash them. To do everything right, follow the following action plan:

  1. The first step is to protect yourself and the electrical appliance. To do this, you need to turn off the power to the apartment and not turn on the electricity until the process of washing the chandelier is completed.
  2. We will also need thick polyethylene, which will need to be placed under the chandelier, so that later we do not have to wash the floors as well. Don't forget to roll up and put away the carpet if you have one.
  3. Once you have prepared your workspace, select suitable remedy for washing crystal: this can be household chemicals or one of the products that we described above.
  4. Stock up on rubber gloves, as well as several lint-free cloths. Thoroughly wash all parts of the pendant chandelier and then rinse them with clean water.
  5. Be sure to remove and wash the chandelier pendants separately.
  6. If you need to restore the chandelier's shine, wipe the crystal with a cotton swab soaked in a solution of vinegar and water.
  7. Wipe the elements of the crystal chandelier with dry, clean cloths. This is a very important point! Never turn on the electricity unless you are sure that all parts of the chandelier, as well as the space around it, are completely dry.

If you do not want to wet clean your crystal pendant chandelier, you can clean the decorative elements using a dry method. To do this, you can use special hand-held vacuum cleaners or compressed air. In this case, you don’t have to turn off the electricity, but you should still be careful not to damage the fragile material.

You will learn how to simply, quickly and correctly clean a crystal chandelier at home yourself from the video below.

Keep your apartment clean, carry out preventative cleaning so that you don’t have to think about how to wash off the unpleasant deposits on the crystal or restore the shine and brightness of the chandelier!

Crystal chandeliers and lamps are a beautiful addition to many interiors. However, they have one small (easily removable) drawback. Pretty soon the sparkling crystal begins to fade. The highlight of the interior turns into a dusty and unkempt element that spoils the appearance of the room.

Since such lamps are used in different rooms (living room, bedroom, bathroom and even kitchen), the main types of pollution that poison the lives of housewives include: dust, soot and greasy deposits, lime from steam, traces of insects.

Before the first general cleaning after purchasing a spectacular lighting fixture, housewives look longingly at the ceiling, wondering how to wash a crystal chandelier with pendants. In this article we will present you with some recommendations that will allow you to cope with this task quite quickly and your chandelier will sparkle with bright colors again.

How to wash a crystal chandelier: basic rules

Crystal is a special material that requires delicate handling and compliance with certain rules when caring for it. Only in this case it will not darken, and there will be no streaks or fingerprints left on the surface. You may be surprised, but the temperature of the detergent composition matters. It shouldn't be too hot or too cold. Otherwise, the sparkling glass will darken. The optimal temperature for it is about +28 °C.

And one more little secret- at the final stage, when you wipe clean parts, you should work with clean fabric gloves so that there are no fingerprints left on the parts.

Preparing the chandelier

Before starting the procedure, the chandelier should be prepared. Unplug it. Remove all removable elements of the device (crystals, pendants, etc.). Now you need to prepare a solution that will help you easily deal with the most difficult stains.

People who know how to properly wash a crystal chandelier are sure that there are no trifles in this matter. It is important to choose the right container in which you will wash the device. It is advisable to give preference not to an iron basin, but to a plastic basin. Cover its bottom and walls with cotton towels so as not to scratch the crystal parts.

Chandelier cleaning products

Below we will present you with several remedies that will help you cope with dirt on the chandelier. Undoubtedly, every housewife has them in her arsenal. Regardless of which one you choose, you should follow simple rules.

The ingredients are dissolved in purified water, the temperature of which should not exceed +28 °C. Many people make one mistake: using hot water for washing, in the hope that it will definitely dissolve all fat deposits. This is a misconception that can cause the crystal to darken.


Dissolve 30 ml of ammonia in 275 ml of purified warm water. It can be replaced with ammonium hydroxide. Pour warm water into the basin so that it completely covers all the pendants. After this, you can pour the ammonia solution into the container.

Wash the crystal elements thoroughly using a cotton cloth. Then spread a soft cloth (lint-free) on the table, lay out all the parts and give them time to dry. After this, they can be rubbed with a microfiber cloth to remove smudges.

Soap and baking soda

How to wash a crystal chandelier using soap that has been faithful assistant our grandmothers, and soda? It’s extremely simple: grate a third of a piece of ordinary 72% laundry soap on a fine grater, mix the resulting shavings with 35 grams of baking soda. Add a quarter liter of warm water and gently foam the mixture with your hands. In this mixture, moisten a soft cloth napkin and process each element with it. Then lay the parts on the table to drain moisture. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Vinegar solution

Due to lack of time, many housewives are interested in how to quickly wash a crystal chandelier. In our opinion, this is one of the fastest ways. True, it has one drawback - the smell, but it disappears very quickly. Pour warm water into a basin and add 45 ml of 9% table vinegar and 35 grams of table salt, but not iodized salt, which darkens the crystal, but stone salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all crystals dissolve. When it becomes completely homogeneous, lower the parts into it. Using a soft cloth, wash them and wipe dry.

Dish detergents

It’s probably not difficult to figure out how to wash a crystal chandelier using dishwashing gel. Meanwhile, this is one of the most effective methods. Dissolve two tablespoons of detergent in a bowl of warm water and lather it with your hands. Dip the pendants or the entire chandelier into the resulting composition. Using gauze or any cloth, you can easily remove grease, lime and soot. After the parts are dry, rub them with dry gauze.

How to wash a crystal chandelier without removing it from the ceiling?

Here, it should probably be clarified that some parts will still have to be removed, but only those that are easy to remove. Disconnect the chandelier from the power supply. Place on a table or any flat surface terry towel, folded in half. Wear gloves and only remove items that can be easily removed. Place them at a distance from each other to avoid scratching.

You already know how to wash a crystal chandelier using ammonia. You will need it in this case too. Another common mistake: some housewives add soap to it “to enhance the effect,” but this will only cause the appearance of an unwanted matte film on the crystal and metal parts.

Place the parts that you were able to remove into the prepared solution. Wash them with a soft cloth, place them on a towel and leave to dry. In the meantime, wipe the remaining chandelier on the ceiling with a swab or gauze soaked in the prepared solution. After that, wipe it with a dry, lint-free cloth.

Insect tracks

To get rid of them you will need vodka or ethyl alcohol. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe all parts, including those attached to the ceiling. Old stains may not be removed immediately: in this case, apply a napkin for about a minute, and then remove the residue with gauze.

Bronze details

How to wash a crystal chandelier without removing it, and at the same time tidy up the bronze decorations? To clean them, you will need a special composition: ammonia and tooth powder. Mix them in equal proportions, take a small amount of the product on a cloth and treat the bronze parts. After five minutes, remove excess product with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

How to clean threads, cracks, small parts?

To do this, you will need an old, outdated toothbrush. Soak it in ammonium hydroxide or ammonia and carefully wipe all the patterns and small parts. After this, rub them with a microfiber cloth, moisten it first in table vinegar and wipe dry.

Ready-made formulations

When talking about how to wash a crystal chandelier, we only talked about products that can be prepared at home. Meanwhile, there are ready-made formulations that can be bought in the hardware departments of supermarkets. Many of them are quite effective, although they are not cheap. If this fact does not frighten you, then pay attention to the following means:

  • Product for crystal chandeliers Maytoni Diamant Crystal, 500 ml - average price 1300 rubles.
  • Glutoclean, 500 ml - 930 rubles.
  • HG spray for chandeliers and lamps, 500 ml - 540 rubles.

As you can see, cleaning a chandelier is not that difficult. Try different methods: perhaps one of them suits you better than others.


A tastefully selected crystal chandelier decorates the interior and gives the room an elegant look.

But if we carry out ordinary cleaning regularly, then we rarely get to the beauty hanging on the ceiling. And this is wrong, because crystal elements fade over time and begin to reflect light poorly.

Like any piece of furniture, a chandelier requires constant care. Crystal is an expensive and delicate material. It must be handled with care and caution, taking into account its special properties. The effort spent on cleaning will not be in vain. The dazzling rainbow shine will fill the room with a feeling of joy and celebration.

Before you start cleaning your crystal chandelier, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basic rules. Compliance with them will ensure safety and quality results.

Power outage

Like any device, the chandelier must be disconnected from the electrical network before washing. Doing this with a regular switch is unreliable.

There is a good chance that someone will accidentally turn on the light. Therefore, it is recommended to turn off the power to the entire room using a switch on the electrical panel. Then unscrew all the light bulbs from the chandelier and put them in a safe place.

Fabric gloves

Fingers leave imprints on the smooth glass surface, so all work with crystal is carried out in thin cotton gloves. Removing a fingerprint is not so easy; you can’t brush it off with a dust broom.

To avoid having to wash the chandelier elements a second time, your hands must be protected.

Water temperature

Crystal does not tolerate hot water; it becomes dull and loses its transparency. The solution used should be slightly warm, approximately 27-28 °C. It is better to wash the pendants in a plastic bowl, or you need to lay a towel on the bottom. Otherwise, the parts will be scratched on the hard walls and bottom of the container and may even break.

Floor protection

In case any fragile part falls down, a thick blanket is spread on the floor. It will soften the blow and save both the part itself and the floor from damage. If wet cleaning is carried out without removing the chandelier from the ceiling, then the floor must also be protected from possible splashes of water and detergents.

Basic ways to clean a crystal chandelier at home

With regular maintenance, dry cleaning of a crystal chandelier may be sufficient. Old stains cannot be removed without the help of water and detergents. When choosing a method, manufacturers' recommendations are also taken into account. Expensive brands of crystal, for example, from Svarovski, are cleaned dry. For other varieties, a cleaning solution can be used.


To remove a small layer of dust from a chandelier, you do not have to remove it from the ceiling. You can use any soft cloth. But it’s more convenient to do this with a special “duster” brush. Long soft bristles will reach the furthest pendants.

In addition, this brush has an antistatic effect. You need to brush off the dust carefully so that the pendants do not get scratched or bump against each other.


To wash the chandelier, it is best to disconnect the fastenings and lower it down. But if this turns out to be too labor-intensive, then, if possible, remove the pendants, and wipe the remaining parts with a damp cloth directly at the top. A soft fiber cloth works well. It absorbs moisture along with dirt and does not leave streaks behind. Removable small parts are washed in water with detergent and dried. For shine, you can rinse them in a weak vinegar solution.

Types of detergents

You can buy ready-made crystal cleaning products in stores. But if you don’t have them on hand or want to do it cheaper, you can use “homemade” options.


A mixture of water and ammonia will help restore glass elements to their original shine. It is enough to add Art. l. of this product into a bowl of washing solution, and the crystal parts will not just become clean. Once put back in place, they will beautifully reflect the glare of light throughout the room.

Vinegar and salt

Vinegar, which any housewife has in her kitchen, has the same effect. Mixed with an equal amount of salt, it will provide the chandelier with sparkling shine and cleanliness. Vinegar and salt are added directly to the water in which the pendants are washed. When finished, they need to be wiped and dried.

Soap and soda

Laundry soap washes away any dirt well. To make it dissolve better in water, you can grate it on a coarse grater. However, after drying, the soap forms a thin film on the surface of the crystal, which then cracks and spoils the beautiful appearance.

Therefore, it is necessary to add tbsp to the soap solution. l. soda It prevents the formation of a film and will make the pendants transparent and sparkling.

Dishwashing liquid

Sometimes, in addition to dust, soot and greasy fumes settle on chandeliers. This especially applies to those lamps that hang in the kitchen. Dishwashing detergent works great against such stains. You just need to drop a few drops into the washing water, and then wipe the items dry with a soft cloth.

How to wash a crystal chandelier

It is not always enough to know the basic rules for cleaning a chandelier. For example, it may have a non-standard design. Or the housewife wants to achieve a particularly bright shine of the crystals. For such cases there are some little tricks.

Without taking off

The easiest way to wash a chandelier is if it is all taken apart. But sometimes you have to clean it completely or partially right at the attachment point.

In this case, the main rule is to turn off the electricity first! To remove pendants, it is better to wear rubber gloves. Then the small pendants will not slip out of your hands and break. They are carefully placed on a soft base.

The parts to be removed are washed in a previously prepared washing solution, wiped and dried. Those elements that could not be removed are wiped with a damp cloth. Pay attention to the material from which the frame is made.

Different types of metal require different ways cleaning. When finished, all that remains is to wipe the entire structure dry.

The removed pendants are returned to their place and the chandelier is returned to its original condition. You can’t turn on the electricity right away, as there might still be water left somewhere. You should wait a few hours, or better yet until the next morning.

To shine

In principle, cleanly washed and dried crystal elements will definitely sparkle to the delight of everyone. Especially compared to the old, dirty and dusty chandelier. However, there is one way that will add even more shine.

After washing, you need to rinse the crystal in water with the addition of table vinegar, and then wipe with a cloth. But not ordinary, but velvet!

This simple and affordable item will have an amazing effect, making the chandelier shine even brighter than when it was new.

From stains

Small spots left by insects often appear on lamps. They are difficult to clean with soap and water; you have to scrub them thoroughly while standing in an awkward position near the ceiling. Such dark spots can be easily removed with vodka. Just moisten a cotton swab with it and wipe the problem area.

In hard to reach places

Crystal chandeliers are often made in a complex ornate style. Their parts have a relief surface or are even decorated with carvings. It is convenient to clean such places with a soft toothbrush designed for very young children. Depending on the material of the lamp, the brush is dipped in tooth powder or moistened with ammonia. When finished, wipe the parts with a damp cloth and then dry.

The fastest way to wash a chandelier

Sometimes it’s simply scary to take on the task of washing a crystal chandelier at home. I want to do everything simpler and faster, without spending the whole day cleaning. Especially great job will have to be done if the chandelier does not have removable parts, and it will have to be completely washed at the mounting location. In this seemingly hopeless situation, there is one unexpectedly simple solution.

You need to purchase a special spray for cleaning crystal chandeliers at a household chemicals store.

It's not too cheap, but it simplifies the situation so much that it's really worth using.

Before starting work, do not forget to turn off the electricity! To protect against moisture, the floor is covered with old newspapers or film. Some housewives hang an inverted umbrella under the chandelier for the same purpose.

Spray the spray over the chandelier so that not a single corner is left uncovered. In the next 5-10 minutes, the product will dissolve all the dirt and drain along with it onto the floor. For safety reasons, you must wait two to three hours to dry before turning on the electricity - and you can admire the renewed radiance of the light.

Features of washing a crystal chandelier

Crystal chandeliers are often found in apartments and private houses. From time to time, any housewife takes up washing her beauty. Over the years, a lot of advice has accumulated on how to do it right.

With pendants

If the chandelier has many pendants, they are removed from the base, washed and dried separately. As already mentioned, they can only be washed with warm water. Hot water spoils the crystal, making it dull and cloudy. You can wash pendants not only in a basin, but also in other ways:

  • directly in the sink, covering the bottom with a soft towel;
  • in a plastic colander;
  • in the dishwasher.

The latter method saves time well, but has many limitations. Firstly, it is not suitable for fragile parts, because the flow of water in the machine causes the parts to knock against each other. Secondly, the temperature of the water in the unit can change sharply, which leads to cracks. Additionally, dishwasher detergent can also damage your crystal.

But you can use a hairdryer to dry the parts. When processing manually, you need to wipe the parts with cotton gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on the smooth surface.

Large multi-tiered

Before you remove the pendants from an impressive chandelier, it's a good idea to consider how to put it back together after cleaning. To do this you need to take a photo of her different sides. Disconnected parts should not be stored in the same place.

They are removed and laid out according to a certain principle, for example, each tier separately, and washed in the same way. Subsequently, it will be easier to place them again in their original places.

When reassembling, try to put the parts back in the same order in which you removed them.

You should not twist the chandelier too much. Its attachment to the ceiling may become damaged or the wires may become disconnected.

When all the parts are assembled into a single structure, the chandelier can be completely dried - and the electricity can be connected.

With metal elements

In addition to the crystal elements, the frame of the chandelier is cleaned. It can be made of various materials, but most often it is metal. Modern alloys can be wiped with a damp cloth and the same cleaning solution used to wash other parts.

It is better not to use abrasive substances. To prevent rust, metal parts should be wiped off immediately.

Bronze elements are cleaned with tooth powder with the addition of ammonia. Both substances are ground into a thick paste and treated with bronze parts. Then wash the frame, avoiding water getting on the wires, and wipe dry.

Pollution prevention

Washing a crystal chandelier requires a lot of effort and time. Whenever possible, preventive measures should be taken to help keep your crystal clean.

There are special antistatic agents that repel dust and prevent it from actively settling on the surface of the glass. It is recommended to regularly treat the chandelier with this product. Use intervals are indicated in the instructions.

There is no need to wipe the lamp after applying the product. It dries on its own without leaving any residue. This method will extend the life of the chandelier and will not force you to constantly use a rag around it.

Washing a crystal chandelier is a labor-intensive and responsible task. You need to approach it thoughtfully, planning your actions in advance. Care and accuracy are the main motto. But if everything is done correctly, the housewife’s reward for her efforts will be shining crystal droplets that will fill the entire house with rays of light.

An easy-to-use cleaning product for all types of lamps, chandeliers, wall sconces. Quickly removes dust, dirt, plaque, stains, fingerprints, stains from glass and crystal. Dries quickly and adds shine to surfaces.


For all types of chandeliers and lamps.

Before using the product, turn off the electricity. Cover the furnishings and the floor under the chandelier. Spray the product liberally onto the chandelier or light fixture. Allow the product to drain along with the dissolved dirt. Do not spray onto connectors or electrical wires. If the product does get on electrical wires, wipe them off before turning on the electricity.


Chandeliers and lamps quickly become dirty and darken, beginning to lose their original appearance. The reason for this is the settling of dust and grease. A dirty chandelier looks ugly, and most importantly, the illumination of the room decreases, which negatively affects people’s vision.

To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to carry out cleaning at least once every few months. Considering the size of some types of chandeliers, which cannot be removed and washed, maintenance may seem difficult. But not with cleaning spray for lamps and chandeliers. After spraying the product onto a large chandelier, the composition will drain along with the dirt. Cleaning any lamp with many elements is now easy and simple.